To me this was the last chance at GI joe grabbing a modern audience and it wasnt even bad

To me this was the last chance at GI joe grabbing a modern audience and it wasnt even bad

>It cut back on the US military propaganda
>Cobra was an evil corporation and had control over the US government

This shit came out in 2011. It is amazing how Transformers and the fricking horse show were able to blow up on the hub but this didnt.

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  1. 8 months ago

    Not with that art style. Yuck.

    G.I.Joe doesn't really work outside the '80s. The more you try to downplay the campiness, the worse and more generic it becomes.

    • 8 months ago

      I mean like I said they tried with this show but you are right it just cant happen anymore.

    • 8 months ago

      I love the artstyle. It looked great in motion and was super distinct. Clément Sauvé was a real talent and taken too soon.

      • 8 months ago

        oh what the frick he died? Damn that sucks

      • 8 months ago

        >t looked great in motion
        the cope for all ugly styles

    • 8 months ago

      >G.I.Joe doesn't really work outside the '80s.
      OK, I easily accept that they voted for Ronald Reagan. But did they all do a lot of coke?

    • 8 months ago

      Should have been episodic. Also running with movie Cobra Commander was a shit idea, as well as taking forever to take Destro and Major Bludd to get where they were supposed to start.
      And how about using Barbecue, but without his b***hin' gear? Like, wtf.
      And one thing this guy got right, that style just doesn't work. I know the character designer already died, I'm sorry, but no.

    • 8 months ago

      Says someone who only watched the cartoon. The comics have always been superior

  2. 8 months ago

    Yeah, it was a shame. The Hub did a good job as pushing the things you'd expect from the Hub, and all of the other quality content that went off-brand... Well, it was allowed to exist, which was nice, but they just didn't know what to do with Dan or the Aquabats or this.

  3. 8 months ago

    I love how Hasbro tried everything they did with Transformers to GI joe

    >We let japan make an anime for Transformers and it was okay
    >Lets do it with GI joe

    • 8 months ago

      God I wish Sigma 6 Jinx had porn

    • 8 months ago

      this looks cool, fun and over the top.

      Renegades was way WAY too subdued to the point it was fricking boring.

    • 8 months ago

      Nice art style but this music is 4kids level shit

    • 8 months ago

      The G1 cartoons of Transformers and GI Joe were already half anime due to Toei animating

  4. 8 months ago

    i agree, it was a good show

  5. 8 months ago

    Classic GI Joe action stunts aren’t really as cool to kids these days, especially in 2011 when Call of Duty owned the brains of 11-18 year old everywhere.
    Their best bet at reviving GI Joe was going the mercenary espionage route, which they never really did.

    Hasbro tried literally everything to make Hun a success, and at this point it just screamed desperation. It was better than their Pound Puppy’s reboot, but it anything worth watching, especially on a channel that was either baby shows like MLP or reruns of ancient sitcoms like Happy Days

  6. 8 months ago

    the only way for G.I. Joe to be relevant in the era. is that they take the isekai route.

    • 8 months ago

      GI Joe and Cobra forces fighting over a macguffin when a freak accident sends them to a strange new world.

      • 8 months ago

        That's happened like 3 times in the old cartoon.

  7. 8 months ago

    Hasbro should've bought High Moon studios in 2011 and had them make games for them. GI Joe could've been relevant as a team based FPS with CoD or MGS aesthetics.

  8. 8 months ago

    Any version of GI Joe where Scarlett doesn't wear the combat leotard is SHIT.

  9. 8 months ago

    >To me this was the last chance at GI joe grabbing a modern audience
    Retaliation happened afterwards, people forget that it made more money than Rise of Cobra, and on a lower budget. Sure, it didn't do Transformers numbers, but it was something strong to build on, and they fumbled it in every way. Most of the first wave of the toys sucked, and the delay in the movie's release meant stores weren't allowed to sell them until the following year, and later waves were under-ordered as a result. There were no new cartoons or games, and even the planned third movie got delayed for years while Hasbro tried to turn it into a launchpad for a cinematic universe of their non-Transformers action figure properties, and ended up eventually just giving up and doing a disastrous reboot that got cast out to die during Covid.

    The new toys are a success, but the people buying them largely seem to be older fans, they need a new cartoon or movie that actually catches on with kids, but can you even make action cartoons like GI Joe for kids anymore?

    • 8 months ago

      GI Joe X call of duty

      • 8 months ago

        I'd lean more towards classic Star Wars Battlefront for a GI Joe game than Call of Duty, but you'd need more than just a game, you need to have a cartoon, and the toys. And they should have just made a sequel to Retaliation while people still remembered it.

      • 8 months ago

        They are getting closer.

        For promotion crossovers HASBRO see,s to be sticking with the concept that the vehicles are the real money makers over the characters.

        • 8 months ago

          >For promotion crossovers HASBRO see,s to be sticking with the concept that the vehicles are the real money makers over the characters.
          Thats always been the case. You sell cheap figures(or used to) to sell the expensive vehicles they ride in.

    • 8 months ago

      I'm dead serious that I think a new cartoon was being made but then COVID fricked shit up
      The original Classified toys had sci-fi guns and leaned more on modernizing the Joes

  10. 8 months ago

    Should have gone with the original art style, not that israeli dreck. Let me guess. Cobra was all white and the Joe's were the super diversity squad.

    • 8 months ago

      >Let me guess. Cobra was all white and the Joe's were the super diversity squad.
      Yes, it was like the original 80's comics.

    • 8 months ago

      shut up

  11. 8 months ago

    I remember having such a huge crush on snake eyes. I was so disappointed when he saved Scarlet, I wanted her gone

    • 8 months ago

      I never knew about Snake Eyes and Scarlett. I was too young to really think about it. After seeing it in Renegades suddenly I see it in all the series and comics.

  12. 8 months ago

    This was the last chance at GI joe grabbing a modern audience and it wasn't even bad.

  13. 8 months ago

    GI Joe could only exist in a brief timeframe of peak Reaganite brain-poisoning, when adults were 100% okay having what was basically a brightly colored half-hour-long recruitment advertisement slash toy advertisement.

    • 8 months ago

      The endless desert wars really did a number on the public perception of the military. Even after withdrawing from Afghanistan, you can see its lasting effects on the American psyche by how divided the country is over Ukrainian intervention. I don't know how you can ever come back from that kind of scrutiny when trust in corporate media—the government's propaganda arm—is at an all time low and shows no signs of ever recovering the people's good will.

      • 8 months ago

        No this is entirely Bush's fault for actually fricking declaring war on a terrorist cell. Suddenly GI Joe's premise isn't some fictional contrivance that sounds like it might be real. It's the actual military operations that are being carried out and reported on for a daily basis for like 11 years until the media got sick of it.

        • 8 months ago

          You say "no" but then go on to agree with everything I just said. You're an odd fella, anon. Unless you think the blame solely resides with Bush and not the military industrial complex as a whole. In that case, that's kid logic.

          • 8 months ago

            I'm not arguing that anything you're saying is wrong in an appraisal of societal changes. What I'm saying is that isn't appropriate to attribute that change to the marketability of GI Joe. Adults who can be drafted, and vote, and watch the news, and worry about that guy they know that shipped out have very different frame of reference from schoolkids watching cartoons, who aren't interested in global politics, nor understanding them. That shift, in the vast majority of cases, has to do with the whole branding of the war, which admittedly probably wasn't Bush's idea personally, but it came from him and by his executive staff.

            It wasn't the fact that "Terrorist" was used to obfuscate launching an attack on an unrelated country, or a mask to cover government overreach. It's that "Terrorist" was a scare-word drilled into every American child growing up in the new millennium. It wasn't that 13 soldiers were killed in Afghanistan in July of 2013: it was the fact that Spider-Man lost to them. That's why there's only been 2 GI Joe cartoons since 2001, and in this more recent one Cobra wasn't a terrorist organization.

  14. 8 months ago

    >Let's reveal Walmart but call it cobra!

    The HUB getting cancelled was a conspiracy!

  15. 8 months ago

    I’d like to see a Joe reboot where Cobra Comander is revealed to be a Snakeperson at the end of S1, then at the end of S2, they find the rubber snake mask after he escapes in the sewers and the last shot is him getting on a regular plane from the neck down.
    The last season can be realising that CC is running for President only to discover the rich businessman is Fred II and CC was the Vice-Presidential candidate directing him behind the scenes. picked supposedly to get the clean Middle America vote a veteran turned sleazy businessman lacks.

  16. 8 months ago

    The thing about GI Joe is that it's basically Transformers, but with human soldiers instead of giant shapeshifting alien robots. You have two factions, a good faction and an evil faction, and among those factions everybody has a ridiculous code name and some special superpower. The evil faction is led by somebody with a comically evil name, the good faction is led by a goody two-shoes who can literally do no wrong.

    But the fact that it's humans is exactly why it doesn't work outside the absurdly campy context of the 1980s, and why it was not able to transfer itself into a new generation like Transformers was. The entire reason Transformers can do what it does is precisely because its main characters aren't human. Like, you can accept that an alien robot would have a name as ridiculous as "Bumblebee" or "Skywarp" and they'd have special superpowers. Because they're not human, they're robots from another planet, they're not bound but what we think is sane and rational for human beings.

    But human beings ourselves ARE bound by those parameters, and as a result, when taken out of the campy context of the 1980s, all of GI Joe's characters just turn ridiculous. Gung Ho? Roadblock? Airwave? Lady Jaye? Baroness? These aren't names we call actual humans. These are like the names you'd give superheroes and supervillains, but the GI Joe characters aren't those, either.

    There's a fundamental ridiculousness to both GI Joe and Transformers but you can pull it off with Transformers because the Autobots and the Decepticons aren't human and so aren't bound by human parameters of absurdity. You can't do it with the Joes and the Cobras.

    • 8 months ago

      Have you ever played metal gear, anon? Military codenames are a thing?

    • 8 months ago

      I don't know what vector you're traveling on anon. But no one thinks the GI Joes actually have superpowers. Lady Jaye isn't blessed by the greek gods after being lost at sea, and surviving by landing on the scrotum of Kronos which imbued her with the prowess of the hundreds of thousands of athletes who've ever compete in the Olympiad. She just trained to specialize fighting with a javelin.

      • 8 months ago

        he seems to think that codenames are only for superheroes or robots.

  17. 8 months ago

    The artist literally died

  18. 8 months ago

    >A cartoon about the military unit will sway general audiences after a decade of war on terror garbage

    Lmao even

  19. 8 months ago

    Aren't they going to be in a crossover with the Transformers in an upcoming movie, or did the last TF movie not do well enough to warrant a follow-up to that tease they did at the end?

  20. 8 months ago


  21. 8 months ago

    Why do their faces all look the same?

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