
Why did resurrections look so cheap? Can't be because it's shot digitally, there are many movies which were filmed digitally and look kino.

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  1. 8 months ago

    The new simulation looks dull and shit because it mimics the shit state of current corporate media. It's all part of the critique of modernity. If you pay attention, you'll notice the scenes outside The Matrix look considerably more cinematic.

    • 8 months ago

      >It looks like shit on purpose!
      I wish I were moronic enough to actually believe that

      • 8 months ago

        There might be a tiny bit of truth to that.
        Warner told Wachowskis that they will make Matrix with or without them, and the brother tanked it so badly it is now a poisonous franchise.

        • 8 months ago

          >Warner told Wachowskis that they will make Matrix with or without them, and the brother tanked it so badly it is now a poisonous franchise.
          Except it's not, they can just reboot it in like 5 years nobody will even care.
          Look at Batman & Robin, or Superman 4, did those "tank the series"?
          Only a moron would believe that because studios have nothing but time, and can wait out any bad version of their IP and relaunch later. New actors, new directors.
          So really, the answer is that the Wachowskis are completely devoid of talent and are trying to gaslight everyone that they intended it.

          • 8 months ago

            You’re wrong about the wachowskis not being talented though. Their movies and even their troony filled tv show have taken risks and haven’t been terrible other than this one.

          • 8 months ago

            >Look at these established IPs with 7 decades of materials behind them


      • 8 months ago

        Something can actually be on purpose and still be stupid.

    • 8 months ago

      Wow, my expectations were totally subverted!

    • 8 months ago

      >It's all part of the critique of modernity.
      What a bunch of dumbshits

    • 8 months ago

      Lel. This reminds me of the RLM review where they convince themselves the troony directors are actually geniuses despite no evidence to support that.

    • 8 months ago

      It looks dull and shit because it IS the shit state of current corporate media.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah, I think this is probably the best 'shitty forced cgi corpo shit' movie of all time. They were forced to make a fourth film so they shit on films to do it, but they turn the movies as a quadrilogy into something special.

      The first matrix shows baudrillard's sense and simulacra near the beginning and there are tons of youtubes explaining how the movie is like baudrillard's philosophy.

      It's not. At all. Baudrilliard didn't think the matrix reflected his work in the least--B was talking about a very specific process where we collectively view the mass propagation of tv spectacle and make assumptions about reality. It's seeing bodies coming home from vietnam and being so scandalized as a people that you need something approaching that scandal to take the next war seriously.

      This matrix is the closest one that gets to his point because it's a piece of shit that looks like it was rendered very very well in someones home computer on unreal engine 5. It ticks all the boxes. It nods how we are captive to the cinematic industrial complex--how a fourth film was going to get made with the Wachouskis or not--and so it's more real than real, it's more matrix than matrix.

      There is no fanfare, everyone is old. The graphics looks both very good and disposeable, like a videogame. There are references to other sci fi movies that have been integral to the cinemascape--there is a T2 reference, an Abyss references, and a few others. It's almost celebrating the end of a chapter of human history, pre AI.

      The Merovingian is back in this movie, tattered. He is unused IP, which is not allowed in todays economy--use it or lose it. As in have a company take it away from you. The characters cosplay as rebels and look like characters from the matrix online. It's a farewell to superstardom, because we are done with actors and actresses--all we have left is cosplay shot on iphones.

      But that's part of the point.
      It's only simulating cinema.

  2. 8 months ago

    troony kept the crew from Sense8. Also, creatives that go from movies to TV always seem to struggle to return to film. Something about sacrificing precision because of the volume of work.

  3. 8 months ago

    Looks like something made for Netflix and not a real movie

  4. 8 months ago

    it was made intentionally bad.

  5. 8 months ago

    It has to be a mix of shit lighting and lenses or something.
    It looks like it's been shot with a phone

  6. 8 months ago

    Who knows, Jupiter ascending was frickin kino

  7. 8 months ago

    if the pic's anything to go by, lighting

  8. 8 months ago

    I have a troony rection right now. An erection from looking at trannies

  9. 8 months ago

    Because it was rushed and they’re ass now

  10. 8 months ago

    same dp who shot the thin red line, it's really baffling to see talent that used to have real standards just let itself go to such an abandon of the craft, it's also obvious they didn't storyboard shit and just improved most of the shoot with one take for every scene and called it a day, it's painfully obvious in every aspect, the lack of effort in fight choreography, shit staging, writing is all over the place with half baked concepts, although to be honest it does have some moments here and there that can still vaguely feel superior to the rest of Hollywood slop but it never comes together and it just feels tv special-tier which is what it literally is considering it's closer to netflix troony8 than the original matrix, what a messy fever dream of a production, it's truly the filmic equivalent of larry the autistic kino wunderkind turning into lana the deluded low effort freak, it's a literal 200 millions dollars shitpost and everyone collectively decided to forget it existed

    • 8 months ago

      Please explain both these shitty scenes . They look like cheap garbage:

      It has to be a mix of shit lighting and lenses or something.
      It looks like it's been shot with a phone

      Why did resurrections look so cheap? Can't be because it's shot digitally, there are many movies which were filmed digitally and look kino.

      • 8 months ago

        I posted about this a lot when it came out so just gonna copy paste

        >Director Lana Wachowski and her crew were 17 days into the shoot on “The Matrix Resurrections” when they had to shut down due to the pandemic; when they resumed production several months later, frequent Wachowski cinematographer John Toll opted not to return due to health issues in his family. Toll’s departure created an opportunity for camera operator Daniele Massaccesi, who stepped into the director of photography role — his first on a big-budget studio production — and helped create a new visual grammar for one of the most famous franchises in film history.
        >Production shit show due to covid, Toll quitting halfway through and not coming back, and being replaced by an assistant with no previous DP pedigree. Well that explains a lot

        >I keep trying to figure this out, my original theory was that Andy might have been the one who cared about directing but looking up rare interviews there's one with Larry obsessing over Gordon Willis lenses autism. It just doesn't make sense to me.
        >John Toll didn't even came back after the covid shutdown. He just had a camera operator fill in as DP. He also refused to do any storyboarding. Bill Pope said the trannies drove him nuts on the sequel because they became obsessed with Kubrick and wanted to do 100 takes of everything and turned shooting into a living hell. Now he's doing poorly planned out single takes or straight up improv.
        >How do you go from being so meticulous and details oriented to whatever this was?
        >When did he become so distasteful?
        >It's not just the framing or lighting. How do you explain those fricking atrocious slow mo effects?
        >But if you look at Cloud Atlas to Sense8, that shit taste was already on display.
        >I'm rewatching Bound right now and even just the title intro is visual kino.

        there's also a toll + larry itw where they basically discuss how trooning out changed his directorial style, embrace improv instead of storyboard

  11. 8 months ago

    >you're breathtaking!

  12. 8 months ago

    one key thing to understand is that the original matrix 1 is one of the most heavily pre produced and storyboarded films in cinema history, it's pure pre-production autism in every aspect of the craft, like how they spent half a year just training the actors to learn fighting, they hired all the top cutting edge talent of their time like the sfx guy who pioneered the bullet time technology, they hired a couple of actual comic book artists to storyboard the whole thing as if it was an adaptation of a comic book that never got published, heavy rewriting obviously, bringing in the top choreographers from hong kong, bill pope at the top of his game, etc. as you can imagine all this shit costs a shitload and was only possible because it was bankrolled by joel silver who was the king producer of action movies in the 90's, even bound only existed because he wanted them to have some directorial experience before doing this themselves, it was his masterpiece as a producer throwing everything he could at it sparing no expenses

    it's why matrix feels like such a multi layered and fully formed masterpiece of writing and filmmaking despite coming from these two inexperienced literally whos

    resurrection is the complete opposite of this entire process with larry-now-lara-the-troon openly talking in itws about how he refuses to storyboard any of it, how now he wants to embrace amateurish improv style with direct lighting, etc the hrt rotted his brain essentially, and what you see there is also the lack of all the real talent that made matrix on the sideline: no yuen woo ping, no sfx pioneer wizards, no joel silver telling the brothers to go rewrite a 50th draft because there's still one detail that could be improved, toll getting replaced halfway through, shift to digital, career devolution following flop of jupiter ascending and doing tv shit instead, other brother jumping ship, etc

    • 8 months ago

      Makes sense. I was always baffled how The Matrix was such lightning in a bottle and everything they made after was completely soulless.

    • 8 months ago

      Do Hollywood people even storyboard stuff anymore?

    • 8 months ago

      I would bet that the Wachowskis used to be really bad perfectionists, and Larry/Lara decided it was taking too much of a toll mentally. Recovering perfectionists usually have a steep quality decline because it's a very binary "on" or "off" thing. Unlike most normal people who can achieve consistently average results at whatever they do, perfectionists either punch way above average under perfectionism, or way below when they let it go. It works the same as an eating disorder where you're either eating a shit load of food or none at all, it's a disorder of regulation.

  13. 8 months ago


  14. 8 months ago

    There is a great paradox here. Larry describes his old filmmaking style as mathematical and his new style as about communicating the feelings from his heart, blah blah blah.

    This is exactly how the Analyst describes the change between The Architect version and his. Logic and number crunching vs feelings. Of all the meta self insert lines of dialogues, I believe this is the most revealing of the movie's failure.

    My observation of the paradox:
    - A meta approach with the creator self inserting in the narrative and directly in dialogue with the audience creates a distance between the movie and the audience. As a viewer, this breaks the sense of immersion, and forces you into a state of conscious analysis. If Larry's goal was to engage with viewers hearts then this a complete failure, as this meta approach only engaged the logical side of my brain but left but emotional side completely unengaged.
    - Meanwhile a well structured, mathematical approach to filmmaking and mastery over techniques is what allows audiences to fully engage with the emotions behind the logic of the narrative, to feel and connect with the story through beautifully crafted images. A filmmaker's heart still has to be processed by his tool, the camera. Like a writer with his words or a musician with his instrument.

    If you don't know how to play piano and start hitting random notes, even with deep emotions in your heart, it's still gonna sound like shit and your emotions will not be conveyed. You need to respect and master the tool, the craft.

    Cinema is a language and Larry forgot how to speak it. For me Matrix Resurrections is the equivalent of a child trying to write a poem, lacking in mastery of syntax and vocabulary, with grammatical errors and unreadable hand writing. It has its own kind of cute embarrassing charm if you are the kid's mother. I'm not Larry's mother so for me this is just embarrassing.

  15. 8 months ago

    It did look ugly but what bothered me more was how cheap and shoddy the action was. Neo completely stops using martial arts and instead just uses that dumb looking force push to block attacks or blast people away. The only stunt that looked decent was the Asian chick falling through the street sign.

  16. 8 months ago

    >there are many movies which were filmed digitally and look kino
    name 10

    • 8 months ago

    • 8 months ago

      Collateral, drive and uh zodiac and.......

      Do Hollywood people even storyboard stuff anymore?

      Certainly yes but with most big blockbusters it's less obvious now because they rely on 3D animated pre viz which is outsourced to a handful of same studios that all output the same standardized crap that made everyone lazy and the director has little to no real creative input anyway, plus all these movies being bloated with last minute improvised rewrites and reshoots anyway because the market study department got scared the test screenings didn't rate well with the 60 IQ black woman demographic, etc it's really insane to me that the bigger the movie budgets get, the more visually inept they become but that's the state of the industry now

    • 8 months ago

  17. 8 months ago

    The people who say it’s shit on purpose may be right but it’s still shit. The purpose doesn’t make it good

    Best things in the movie are Keanu as a schizo game dev and the Merovingian being a whiny boomer.

    What the FRICK was that manta ray robot. Does not fit at all

  18. 8 months ago

    The whole thing is a special effect.

    I think 4 might be the best looking piece of shit film put out.

    Reeves got full body and motion scanned during cyberpunk and the first john wick.

    He's not even in the film, not really. The whole thing is basically Forest Gump.

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