True Detective S1

Why can't TV shows end satisfyingly?
All that buildup and intrigue just for literally nothing but a silly gunfight against some fat moron who was jerking off to voodoo.
>we have no idea what the cult was actually trying to achieve
>we don't understand what deity they were worshiping or why it mattered
>90% of the characters in the show went nowhere and were useless
>even one the protagonists "hallucinations" were just nothing and meant nothing
>weird "the light is winning" ending that makes no sense in terms of what the characters experienced
>we still have no idea why the first victim was put on display
>the killer was just le insane xD "don't think about it too much"-tier
What the frick happened here? It feels like the first half of the show and the second half were written by people on different planets.

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  1. 11 months ago

    It's more about an experience

  2. 11 months ago

    unironically filtered and I'm not going to bother, go watch an "ending explained" video essay lol

  3. 11 months ago

    Finally someone says it.

    Hate the reveal of the green man. Not a reference to a forest diety for their cult but literally a fat moron who didn't have time to wash paint off his face before pounding dicky

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah what was the point of the scene where Rust tries to interview the grown up victim and the mere mention of the Yellow King's face causes her to wail uncontrollably? He was a normal looking fat dude with barely visible burn marks on his neck.

  4. 11 months ago

    >we have no idea what the cult was actually trying to achieve
    We do, fricking kids and being unaccountable for it.

    >we don't understand what deity they were worshiping or why it mattered
    Indeed, it doesn't matter that we don't. It mattered because it was the common thread between all those pedos.

    >90% of the characters in the show went nowhere and were useless
    And dog bless them, this show had amazing side characters.

    >even one the protagonists "hallucinations" were just nothing and meant nothing
    It's addressed in the series that he has sensory hallucinations as a result of years of drug use. I don't know what more explanation you need.

    >we still have no idea why the first victim was put on display
    Religious ritual

    >the killer was just le insane xD "don't think about it too much"-tier
    He was an inbred, drugged up offshoot bastard of a family that was involved in an old swamp religion, which included all the pedo and child killing shit.

    All of this is spelled out in the show.

    • 11 months ago

      >He was an inbred, drugged up offshoot bastard
      All of this is just more words for "he was insane". His motives were poorly described, why he thought he could take on a detective with a fricking gun is moronic, how he managed to kidnap so many women and children was never touched on, and everyone who could have shed any light on literally anything beyond surface-deep crime conveniently got killed because the writers had no idea what to do with them.

      • 11 months ago

        >All of this is just more words for "he was insane"

        None of those words mean that.

        > why he thought he could take on a detective with a fricking gun is moronic
        He's a religious lunatic, and he ALMOST won, he made a pretty good bet.

        >how he managed to kidnap so many women and children was never touched on

        That's wrong. The show literally mentions cases of the Tuttle institution covering up priest incidents, the show mentions the floods causing great displacement and total chaos and lots of people going missing, there are mentions of a fire burning down records, and police records being "lost". All of this is literally explicitly mentioned in the show, which I know because I rewatched S1-S3 a few weeks ago.

        You picked the wrong hill to die on.

        • 11 months ago

          >He's a religious lunatic
          So he's just insane. Stupid characters don't make for smart shows.

          • 11 months ago

            >Stupid characters don't make for smart shows.

            Yeah let's just say a show about your life wouldn't be The Wire.

            • 11 months ago

              >playground insults
              Nice to see the antagonist rubbed off on you.

              • 11 months ago

                I wrote a pretty lengthy post addressing your points, there's nowhere else to go if you're not going to say "shit you're right".

          • 11 months ago

            We know he was born into this life and abused by the mainline Tuttle cult, so you can put two and two together to realise he's another one of these people who continues the cycle of abuse

          • 11 months ago

            insane != stupid tho

          • 11 months ago

            kek, he wittled away every single one of your arguments. Did you not watch the fricking show?

  5. 11 months ago

    God I loved the threads when this show ended. So many fricking morons like OP who'd clearly never watched any detective shows losing their minds over the ending.

  6. 11 months ago

    I genuinely believe people who think this show is deep are out of their fricking minds.

    It's well written character-wise, and the acting is phenomenal for the main and the sidecast, but beyond that and some hot breasts it is literally crimeslop.

    • 11 months ago

      People think it's deep because of the characters. Their dialogue is 10/10 and hits on some deep concepts and ideas. The overall plot is a surface level crime drama, but it's elevated by the characters.

      I think folks also just call good movies/shows "deep" because it's an easy word that implies a lot while requiring no understanding of the film itself

      • 11 months ago

        >overall plot is a surface level crime drama
        >giant systemic child rape cult spanning multiple states and including US senators that worships some demonic entity
        Totally surface level crime drama

    • 11 months ago

      >hot breasts
      That's true. Both of Marty's affairs were hot as shit.

  7. 11 months ago

    >bad ending
    Isn't that the purpose of the show? Most detectives don't get grand endings where everything works out and everyone who's guilty is caught and all motives are 100% understood. Realistically they get what they get and if they're lucky that's something positive, and it was something positive.

  8. 11 months ago

    I never say this but you unironically got filtered, anon.

  9. 11 months ago


  10. 11 months ago

    Le Lawnmower Kang wasn't linked to the cult. His dad was part of it, but green ears was not. Everyone he killed was basically him copying the cult. That's why he existed, as a cover story. The cult leaders probably knew that he was acting on his own, so they just let it happen and made sure the investigation got bogged down with bullshit. Green ears was just a crazy guy that copied things he saw growing up on the edges of the cult, that's all.

  11. 11 months ago

    Sort of agree but also if you want all the questions answered in a mystery series like this you're fricking moronic and don't understand what makes it appealing
    The end was anticlimactic though

  12. 11 months ago

    i just like rust and marty hanging out being kinda bros. the case stuff is nonsense

  13. 11 months ago

    two low level cops would've never win against a cabal of elite pedophiles? is as anticlimatic as eyes wide shut but that how it goes in these type of stories, not some capeshit wishfulfillment where the good guy won against the evil dude by punching him in the face

    • 11 months ago

      >why didn’t two redneck detectives from west bubbafrick Louisiana take down the Illuminati? This show is stupid
      >this is your brain on marvel movies
      OP is a moron. If anything this show is perfectly realistic.

  14. 11 months ago

    The show is called True Detective ffs
    it's about the detective, not the mystery

  15. 11 months ago

    I thought he was running an autonomous pedo cult in the woods that serviced powerful people in the political elite.

  16. 11 months ago

    Filtered like the moron troony you are

    • 11 months ago

      >a namegay

  17. 11 months ago

    A lot of things I was thinking as well OP. I think Pizolatto was just using snippets of things he'd discovered investigating SRA cases and mashed them together. He hints at a lot of things, but really digging deep on the parties responsible and their explicit acts would hit too close to home on what's going on in real life with freemasonry/satanic/illuminati/luciferean child-trafficking and rape/torture/murder/cannibalism in rituals that they do. So a lot of the events are just generic "insane bad guy" stuff, especially at the end.

    • 11 months ago

      that's the point of the show, they know, but they are small time law enforcement and in the end they can't do anything.
      Just like real life.
      How many elected or appointed officials are still in office that should be in jail across "democratic" countries ?
      How many former presidents/prime ministers ?
      Literally every single into one of the biggest pedo network investigation involving politicians, judges, heads of states, wound up dead and the whole thing was buried.
      How many cases of children being taken away from their parents to be given to predators ?
      How many children being smuggled into the collective west and just disappearing ?

  18. 11 months ago

    OP is low IQ normie who needs marvel tier action in everything

    • 11 months ago

      It's accepted that the ending of S1 was pretty abrupt. They basically run in circles when they get the asspull clue of the houses being painted etc.
      The show is still good, but the reception has been the same since the day it released. The main villain being some hillbilly moron was also a little underwhelming.

  19. 11 months ago

    Filtered capeshitter that wanted actual supernatural slop in a grounded show. Read a book homosexual.

  20. 11 months ago

    >Why can't TV shows end satisfyingly?

    If a show is good, you don't want it to end. If a show sucks, you're bored by the end.

  21. 11 months ago

    That is a very common issue with many/most stories.
    Like, for instance, Nolan has mentioned many times he conceptualizes endings before anything, while many other storytellers are more enticed by the mystery/possibilities than its resolution.
    Its kinda obvious that pizzaman past episode 5 had really no idea where to go with the story and the show, while still good, merely ties a bunch of stuff that built up beforehand.

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