Two Jason Todds Theory

Have you guys noticed how it seems like Jason Todd is portrayed wildly inconsistently across titles, even ones written by the same author, ever since Task Force Z? You could just chalk this up to Rosenberg being a shitty writer or editorial not doing their job, but I have a different idea: The “two Jason Todds” theory. That is to say, there are literally two Jasons, and they act like different characters because they are. Why would Batman and all of his sidekicks ruthlessly pursue Jason in Task Force Z, desperately trying to get him to drop the Lazarus Resin investigation? Why would Bruce do that to his own son, and why would Dick, or Tim, or any of them do that after how they’d been working together prior to this (most notably in Robin War and the Nightwing 2021 Annual)? The answer: The Jason Todd we see in Task Force Z isn’t actually Jason. He’s a zombie made up to look like Jason and believe he’s Jason, which we know Powers International/Task Force Z is capable of doing since that was the whole thing with “Bane”/Gotham, and later another fake Red Hood zombie in the same book. Bruce doesn’t want Jason pursuing this case because he doesn’t want him to find out that he isn’t the real Jason, who’s been covertly working with the Batman family this entire time in much the same capacity as he was back in Outlaws (Rebirth). Any time you see Jason acting like a ruthless douchebag killer, that’s zombie Jason. If he isn’t killing and is on speaking terms with the family, that’s the real Jason. Two Jason Todds is the answer to the continuity mess surrounding this character.

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  1. 10 months ago

    It’s just a lack of quality control, dude.

  2. 10 months ago

    No, it's just shitty writing.

  3. 10 months ago

    Rosenberg is both a shitty writer and Abernathy is also a moron in charge of too many titles he can't even pretend to possibly handle

    • 10 months ago

      It's really mind boggling how they gutted the batman editorial department even before covid. Dan truly was a shitty boss killing the golden goose.

  4. 10 months ago

    There's no excuse for Jason Todd to be alive and Barbara Gordon to be walking.

  5. 10 months ago

    Correction to the theory: The Jason we see in Task Force Z is the real Jason and we know this because he is wearing his regular helmet. In Jason’s cameo in Green Arrow #1, he’s wearing his normal helmet, and Roy mentions Jason tipping him off to evidence that Roy can use in the case he is currently pursuing. We never see the “Mortal Kombat” style costume Jason talk to Roy, because zombie Jason doesn’t have Roy’s phone number, and his brain is too rotted for him to focus on much other than revenge on the Joker. The Batfam ruthlessly try to pull the real Jason off this case because they fear how he will react to learning there is a violent zombie imposter of him in the world. Every time we have seen Jason with the Mortal Kombat suit since then, that has been zombie Jason. We don’t know what real Jason is doing currently but we know he is in contact with Roy Harper and is wearing his regular costume/helmet.

  6. 10 months ago

    >You could just chalk this up to shitty writer or editorial not doing their job,
    Because it's the case. Don't give DC any credits or more shitty ideas than they already have. Also Zdarsky did far more damage than his pet, Rosenberg.
    >Why would Batman and all of his sidekicks ruthlessly pursue Jason
    You're new. It's been a consitent things since post-crisis for batfam.
    >Why would Bruce do that to his own son
    Damian wasn't in TFZ though.

  7. 10 months ago

    The real Jason = Winick’s Jason(has a scar on his neck)
    The fake Jason = Tentacle monster(not Winick’s Jason)

    • 10 months ago

      Considers the following: the real Jason got twisted around DitF to get him killed. Winick's Jason is just as much of a different character than every iterations Jason had since.

      • 10 months ago

        I don’t think so. In the first two issues of Lost Days, Winick’s Jason continued to exhibit behaviors reminiscent of Starlin’s Jason from DitF. After that, he started to act like himself from UtRH.

        • 10 months ago

          >In the first two issues of Lost Days
          First issue is Jason being a zombie while the next is him dealing with all the infos Talia casually dumped on him, then being just proto-RH until the end. LD isn't a follow-up to Ditf, but a sequel to utrh, and it follows all the retcon that happened to Jason in the decade he was dead and turned him into the cautionary tale TM.
          >exhibit behaviors reminiscent of Starlin’s Jason from DitF
          Also, you're replying to a post that specifically said Jason got changed in DitF to be killed in DitF...
          The only interesting thing Starlin did with Jason is the issue with Felipe, which he proceded to nuke in the next issues with hamfisted morals and bat-autism.

          • 10 months ago

            Lost Days is a prequel, but that is not the point. My focus is on Jason's personality, not his actions in Lost Days.

  8. 10 months ago

    He's just not an important enough character for DC to care about consistency. He's going to be the shit the writer wants him to be.

  9. 10 months ago

    I think it's more of two main different interpretations

  10. 10 months ago

    There are also two Tims, the original who's straight and the other who's not

    • 10 months ago

      >There are also two Tims
      Nope. There is only one Tim, and he sucks wieners now.

      • 10 months ago


        next thing youre gonna say is that theres three jokers

        A timeless classic, why ambiguosly killing your villain in the first appearance always lead to this

  11. 10 months ago

    next thing youre gonna say is that theres three jokers

  12. 10 months ago

    I don't think you understand how comics work bub.

  13. 10 months ago

    >You could just chalk this up to Rosenberg being a shitty writer or editorial not doing their job
    That's literally it.

  14. 10 months ago

    I like the idea that Jason is just shizco and that why he always inconsistent writing wise, Morrison had the write idea of him being angry filled dude that was also childish and fun like both takes on Jason during his time as Robin.

    • 10 months ago

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