Tyler & Co

HEY sorry still new to this site and my thread got locked before i could answer any of the questions. Hope its okay to make a new one? I'll try and use tripcodes this time, dont make fun of me too hard if it doesnt work

I made THIS short: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20f6_qnaLD4
I guess i can tweet about this thread if you guys really want ''proof''

>This is one of my favorite shorts and I wish it was a full cartoon so f you. It’s like chowder + Mission Hill. Also I don’t think you’re this guy.

thanks! I love those shows :v

>I remember you. Weren't you pals with James Harvey?

Still am! although I'm mad at him right now because he's been encouraging this stripper that's been stalking me for like 6 years.

>prove it then

I guess I have some production files on my comp if you're interested

>Anything stopping you from making more Tyler shorts? Like does Frederator own the rights?

Nope I have the rights! they reverted after two years. I was gonna do some shorts with either buzzfeed or A studio digital, but i dont really want to give up the rights (I might just make offcolor ripoffs of my own characters.) I'm working with a new friend who has a lot of industry ties, so i might try pitching it around again?

>That name makes it impossible to search for any fan art or official posts about it

you're tellin me

>Creator of that Pottyhorse short definitely had a shit fetish, right?
Do you have a shit fetish?
Would anyone amongst Tyler and his company have a shit fetish? My guesses are on the grren one.

The only other creators i actually knew were Jonni and Brent(nebulous) but i'd guess they have a shit fetish, I have crohn's disease so i'd say i have like.. the opposite of a shit fetish. i dont even think farts are funny 🙁


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  1. 3 weeks ago

    What a gay

  2. 3 weeks ago

    >if you're not lying from one creator to another is it worth it to work with fred? Fred has a new company now called FredFilms and I've been considering pitching to them and the first thing they sent me was an agreement contract. Do you still own the rights to your cartoon?

    Fred's great to work with but i havent done anything with fredfilms yet. I got a pretty good deal (rights wise, they payed me like nothing) when i made T-co but it they kind of threw me under the bus when fred sold the company. I had tyler and an unrelated feature in development but the new guys werent interested in the old stuff. I'm still friends with all my old bosses though.

    If you wanna pitch ANYWHERE the first thing they'll give you is a contract. They want to be covered if you think they stole your idea or whatever. Also, especially if its your first thing, its very hard to keep the rights. Frederator was actually pretty good about that, got the rights back after two years

    >Your pilot reminded me of Utica Cartoon for some reason

    Im so glad you said that! Utica Cartoon is actually what got me into animation. The creator, Fran Krause, is my mentor and the Utica characters were in the tyler series bible. I love that shit!

  3. 3 weeks ago

    >The only other creators i actually knew were Jonni and Brent(nebulous) but i'd guess they have a shit fetish,

    LMAO I meant the pottyhorse guy had a shit fetish, not jonni and brent

  4. 3 weeks ago

    You do not shill your work here. And if you do, try REALLY hard to hide it.

    • 3 weeks ago

      dude the cartoon came out like 6 years ago there'd be no advantage at this point. there's enough other people shilling it that i figured id poke my head in

    • 3 weeks ago

      people like it and have questions so that's what i'm here for. Not gonna pretend im someone else

  5. 3 weeks ago

    do you post webcomics or little doodles anywhere still? I loved the vibe of your shit, shame it had to run alongside shit like Bottom's Butte and Pottyhorse

    • 3 weeks ago

      yeah! Go to gabe.dog and click on my insta, lots of stuff there. I did a comic for a while about me and jonni in hell (frederator) and one about a drug that turns you into a ghost. Been meaning to upload on tapas/webtoon but my ex gf nuked me off those sites lmao

      The design of the cat dude is really cute. Wonder if there's any fanart of him on FA?
      Also hi Gabe. Any other works or projects you wanna shill before the jannies shit this thread up too?

      There's a drawing of Tyler spreading his butthole but im not sure what happened to it. I should ask the artist

      I had a feature at Frederator called "Atomik Token Town" that i'm still working on (maybe as a comic?), most of my recent uploads are npcs from a game i'm working on called The Dig Down.

      Working on Grandpa 2.0 for my 4th year calarts film (https://youtu.be/5uVUtBxzYMw?si=AKYgvl2AyR5Yahwu) which is a crazy old idea but hopefully it still holds up. Grandpa shows up a couple times in Tyler & Co, it's supposed to be a shitty cartoon they watch

      If it got picked up, was every episode going to center around the Workaholics-tier degradation of the house? It's a fun enough concept that I could see being carried for a season or two.

      I'm not sure if i ever uploaded the series bible? I haven't watched Workaholics but the house was supposed to have a more PeeWee's playhouse type vibe. I really like sesame street so i wanted a similar tone.

      There's like an episode where they go to work at a strip club for ugly people called "ugly's", one where they accidentally kill a pro wrestler and tyler has to wear his costume, one with a polar bear super hero named White Power, one with them in HS where Rex just keeps getting into fights with people and losing. Moe and Rex fight ghosts as their side hustle- Moe grew up with voodoo and i cant legally say rex's family history but he eats ghosts.


      • 3 weeks ago

        The house was inherited from Rex's grandma, so they dont have to pay rent and they don't take great care of it- they had some gorilla contractors try and fix the attic, but they wouldnt leave, so they put some snakes in there to chase the gorillas out- you know the rest. i need to upload the original boards because there was a lot more about snake society, like king snake and snake prohibition era

        The show was gonna start with live action (puppet) segments in the beginning and end (like the mario bros super show), and in the middle was gonna be an episode of a show they watched (grandpa 2.0 or jumbo jaguar man). I was really fighting to use the puppets at frederator but they insisted it would be "unfair" to the other cartoons (even if i did it for free)

        sorry for the longwinded answer! there's a lot about these things that never gets made pulbic

        The cadence of the whole pilot is great, the formula of "We can't do A because of B." "Well we can bypass A with C!" "Whoops, we can't do C because of D" makes for a really good flow, and the character chemistry comes across so well in the first bit. These plots sound like they would've been really fun if the pilot is anything to go off of :3
        Puppets would've been fun, I don't see how it wouldn't have been "fair," but at least you got some use out of them in the title cards. I've been trying to put together some music projects recently and I've thought about using puppets for a music video at some point once I actually record some riffs.
        And don't worry about the long winded answers, I love hearing this kind of personal insight on creative endeavors.

        • 3 weeks ago

          I feel like that flow would get boring if i used it over and over again though.
          the short that initially got greenlit was this: https://youtu.be/bqscb_y_ujE?si=i1TEjnNDoPaocAuA but when Sony released that Seth rogan James franco Korea movie, korea hacked sony and released all these super racist exec emails, so they replaced all the execs and the new ones weren't keen about a show about "kids making bombs." Which, fair enough. I had to make a short in like 2 weeks and so i just recycled some old characters and ideas.

          >Go to gabe.dog and click on my insta
          Is a personal website for webcomics/art just not viable anymore? I was going to try and code a website using python's Django and try uploading it/hosting it through Netlify, but every internet artist I come across mainly just use big social media as the hosting platform.
          I absolutely refuse to use any facebook product (along with adobe), woudl this get in the way of "things" or is just hosting a portfolio anywhere and anyway viable?

          Also have you heard of the Australian band TISM?

          I didn't meet her at the strip club!!! She found me online. James likes her because she's hot

          >Go to gabe.dog and click on my insta
          Is a personal website for webcomics/art just not viable anymore? I was going to try and code a website using python's Django and try uploading it/hosting it through Netlify, but every internet artist I come across mainly just use big social media as the hosting platform.
          I absolutely refuse to use any facebook product (along with adobe), woudl this get in the way of "things" or is just hosting a portfolio anywhere and anyway viable?

          Also have you heard of the Australian band TISM?

          Dunno honestly, but instagram seems to be the place to be in the industry right now. They won't look twice at a pilot if you're not an influencer or dont have a successful 4panel instagram comic. I have a portfolio site linked on gabe.dog that i used to apply for some stuff but it's far from an updated blog.

          My advice is to have both a portfolio site and an instagram. it is unfortunately expected that you have a instagram nowadays. Guess you could use linkedin if you wanted to broadcast to weird unemployed people

          Never heard of TISM! Think they'd be my speed?

          utica cartoon?

          ?si=V3KSydZBlbcH01dl by my mentor fran krause. I have a crate of production art from this lmao

          I thought it was a okay cartoon, not the greatest.

          I also enjoyed this one. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fTGqab8HIGU

          Now of days, Cartoon Hangover isn't doing good.

          Tyler is far from my favorite work (i called it a pos last night) but i know where it stands- its a lotta people's fav go cartoon (when they're not jacking off) (unless they're jacking off to tyler)

          "Best Go Cartoon" is kind of like saying "tastiest diarrhea" though

          Cartoon Hangover is run by a completely different company now, since fred sold it. new guys dont really 'get it'

          • 3 weeks ago

            > Cartoon Hangover is run by a completely different company now, since fred sold it. new guys dont really 'get it'
            Well that explains it. I thought there was just a lack of money.

            • 3 weeks ago

              Sorry, accidentally deleted my post, guess i gotta retype

              I think Fred got adventure time in the split. Kevin still owns Castlevania, and i thiiink he's at Frederator still. Frederator kept the shitty 107 facts branch (i offered to help them out with puppets but my bosses were basically like "these are subhumans dont interract with them") you didn't hear this from me but they're trying to "reboot" Bee and Puppycat with Daron Nefcy at the helm because Natasha wanted a raise for her and her crew (who they were barely paying). seems like an odd fit

              Its not a question of money, the new guys just don't really know/care about the company they bought the name of. I met with one of their heads and he had never heard of go cartoons lol

          • 3 weeks ago

            >They won't look twice at a pilot if you're not an influencer or dont have a successful 4panel instagram comic.
            Well hot dang, that sucks on ice. Guess in the end it will be more for myself and a technical job. But thank you for the knowledge.
            > Never heard of TISM! Think they'd be my speed?
            Honestly I rewatched the pilot and they might not be, though they are varied with rock (Hot Dogma) to a more EDM approach (De Riguermortis). Really I asked that because that have a lone comic that I'm planning to story time sooner or later when summer errands slow down. You might already know them as "the band with the music video about rabbits not having sex" though that's not really their best one imo.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >Go to gabe.dog and click on my insta
        Is a personal website for webcomics/art just not viable anymore? I was going to try and code a website using python's Django and try uploading it/hosting it through Netlify, but every internet artist I come across mainly just use big social media as the hosting platform.
        I absolutely refuse to use any facebook product (along with adobe), woudl this get in the way of "things" or is just hosting a portfolio anywhere and anyway viable?

        Also have you heard of the Australian band TISM?

  6. 3 weeks ago

    The design of the cat dude is really cute. Wonder if there's any fanart of him on FA?
    Also hi Gabe. Any other works or projects you wanna shill before the jannies shit this thread up too?

  7. 3 weeks ago

    If it got picked up, was every episode going to center around the Workaholics-tier degradation of the house? It's a fun enough concept that I could see being carried for a season or two.

    • 3 weeks ago

      The house was inherited from Rex's grandma, so they dont have to pay rent and they don't take great care of it- they had some gorilla contractors try and fix the attic, but they wouldnt leave, so they put some snakes in there to chase the gorillas out- you know the rest. i need to upload the original boards because there was a lot more about snake society, like king snake and snake prohibition era

      The show was gonna start with live action (puppet) segments in the beginning and end (like the mario bros super show), and in the middle was gonna be an episode of a show they watched (grandpa 2.0 or jumbo jaguar man). I was really fighting to use the puppets at frederator but they insisted it would be "unfair" to the other cartoons (even if i did it for free)

      sorry for the longwinded answer! there's a lot about these things that never gets made pulbic

      • 3 weeks ago

        utica cartoon?

  8. 3 weeks ago

    >I'm mad at him right now because he's been encouraging this stripper that's been stalking me for like 6 years.

  9. 3 weeks ago

    I thought it was a okay cartoon, not the greatest.

    I also enjoyed this one. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fTGqab8HIGU

    Now of days, Cartoon Hangover isn't doing good.

  10. 3 weeks ago

    Thought the short was pretty neat. It's nice to see creators on Cinemaphile every once in a while.
    Here's some quick fanart. Good luck on your future projects.

  11. 3 weeks ago

    I wish cartoon creators would stop shilling their shows here.

    • 3 weeks ago
  12. 3 weeks ago

    I don’t know if you’re willing to answer this, but are there any animation people who are an absolute nightmare to work with? You don’t have to name names.

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