What’s are some unpopular opinions you hold that go against the majority of the Cinemaphile hivemind?

>I never found EEnE funny, I don’t hate it, though.
>I don’t care for Adventure Time
>The Loki series wasn’t good, infact, it was shit. Loki isn’t a gigachad, he’s annoying
>I’m tired of the constant Hazbin Hotel threads, the show was ‘meh’ at best. Though the songs are okay.
>Deadpool has never, ever been funny

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  1. 4 months ago

    Stories with nuance are good and people just pretend story depth in comedy is bad because that's what all the new stuff was for a while. No, not every cartoon needs to be a looney tunes short to be good, and I say that as someone who liked adventure time's early seasons. You just hate now pretentious it is because it's written often by people trying to be deeper and wiser than they really are. That's what you ACTUALLY dislike.

    Also the loud house is an okay show and people only hate it because of the incestgays or resentment over their favorite show not lasting as long which isn't the show's fault and isn't a fair basis to judge it on.

    • 4 months ago

      You might be right about Adventure Time, I felt like in the beginning, I was gonna enjoy it, but as it went on it just wasn’t enjoyable.

      • 4 months ago

        My own unpopular Cinemaphile take about AT is that I don't think it was the experimental episodes from season six that sucked, I actually thought stuff like The Mountain made characters like Lemongrab more interesting beyond just being the obligatory obnoxious Justin Roiland character, but rather the fillery eps that focused on z-characters like James 2 or Jake's ass that felt like the show spinning on its wheels.

        AT is a soul test

        the show "Spinning on its wheels" (the phrase is spinning its wheels to indicate no traction) was an intentional part of the writing, and how shows used to be written. you are used to cour-based anime focused type presentation

        I will provide a perspective that you typically probably do not get on this board because I am not from here: You probably *constantly* missed the jokes in adventure time, which were often really subtle. This is like how stupid people watch the movie "The Darjeeling Limited" and don't laugh one time.

    • 4 months ago

      You might be right about Adventure Time, I felt like in the beginning, I was gonna enjoy it, but as it went on it just wasn’t enjoyable.

      My own unpopular Cinemaphile take about AT is that I don't think it was the experimental episodes from season six that sucked, I actually thought stuff like The Mountain made characters like Lemongrab more interesting beyond just being the obligatory obnoxious Justin Roiland character, but rather the fillery eps that focused on z-characters like James 2 or Jake's ass that felt like the show spinning on its wheels.

      • 4 months ago

        AT was actually good until the agenda crowd started shoving their agenda in it, especially the gay shit. They literally ruin everything they touch.

        The outrage about the new X-Men show makes no sense.

        >The outrage about the new X-Men show makes no sense.
        It's literally called "Outrage Marketing", and there are paid shills (marketers) drumming it up just for attention.

        • 4 months ago

          The gay shit didn't appear until the very end of the show (as literally the last ten minutes of the series finale)

          • 4 months ago

            No shit Sherlock. Do you feel fricking special for pointing that out? Fricking Captain Obvious over here. Doesn't change a fricking word of what I said.

            • 4 months ago

              Do you feel special or unique for complaining about gays in a thread about unpopular Cinemaphile opinions?

              • 4 months ago

                Do you think I give a shit what you think?

    • 4 months ago

      I need anyone from reddit and discord to get off of my hell hole site, you fricks made it gayer than it already is
      How the frick have you made discord a social media app?

      That's exactly why 2deep4u cartoons are annoying anon that's not an opinion

      Cinemaphile has no one to blame but itself for why this board got so bad. this entire site is garbage but Cinemaphile takes the cake in low quality content. last bastion of western media discussion and all we do is rage and coombait each other... i might be a tourist but i've been on this site long enough to see what people can do when they work together. what has this board done? create a board-tan? channel-tans? waifu contest? frick does any of that shit account to when Cinemaphile and Cinemaphile constantly make meaningful content...

      We don't need to make content dip shit, we just need to talk about comics and cartoons

      • 4 months ago

        >You're right
        >But also, you're wrong
        Pick one.

  2. 4 months ago

    >The MCU sequel films in the Multiverse Saga are way better than their predecessors (barring Love and Thunder)
    >Scott Pilgrim Takes Off was great
    >TMNT Mutant Mayhem was a fun solid film
    >The Bad Batch is pretty mid
    >Yuri lesbian couples are hot

    • 4 months ago

      >The MCU sequel films in the Multiverse Saga are way better than their predecessors (barring Love and Thunder)
      I don't necessarily agree but I do think that Phase 4 and 5 so far have not been nearly as bad as people say they are and people forget how a lot of Infinity Saga movies were mid as hell.

      Superman Legacy is going to be terrible. There's no reality where it's going to be good. James Gunn's sense of humor and obvious disdain of Clark Kent are going to right at the forefront. Best case scenario, it's another BVS/Age of Ultron situation where it's mediocre at best because it's actually a trailer for 5 different movies pretending to be it's own thing.

      I'm cautiously optimistic but after the initial good will, I keep feeling nervous about it. It really does feel like they're just repeating what did BvS/JL in by putting in way too much into one movie and I don't fully trust James Gunn after he praised the Flash to hell and back. I'm not sure how much of this is Gunn telling his own story and how much is Zaslav and other suits breathing down his neck and trying to speedrun their cinematic universe again.

      That said, Gunn's superhero stuff have all been good even though I'm not sure how he's going to handle a solo movie and the recent rumor about Gunn booting the Flash director off BatB does make me more hopeful. Though I suppose the latter doesn't have much to do with Legacy.

  3. 4 months ago

    Superman Legacy is going to be terrible. There's no reality where it's going to be good. James Gunn's sense of humor and obvious disdain of Clark Kent are going to right at the forefront. Best case scenario, it's another BVS/Age of Ultron situation where it's mediocre at best because it's actually a trailer for 5 different movies pretending to be it's own thing.

  4. 4 months ago

    >I actually like cartoons
    >I actually like comics
    >I think theming is more important than realism
    >Kids do, in fact, deserve good media and "it's for kids" means it doesn't need to be super deep or complex, but it's not an excuse to give em shitty slop
    >I don't care what c**ts on Twitter are doing
    >I think most of Cinemaphile nowadays is 2016-2020 tourists and that's why the place is in such a sorry state now

    • 4 months ago

      you don't know what that means

      • 4 months ago

        I noticed tourists get preeeetty angry when you point out there's tourists on here

  5. 4 months ago

    I hate the threads where you take an obscure waifu and people start fawning over her and make tons of OC about it. It gets obnoxious fast.

    • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        Hang around the Wednesday thread for a while and you'll understand

  6. 4 months ago

    I think the people capable of making great works have been forced out (film, tv, comics, etc)
    I think we will never have new great works, everything is run through a filter for committee approval and just feels "corporate"
    I think too many of you have been raised on a diet of pure garbage and wouldn't know quality if it spat in your face
    I blame most of you for accepting garbage so that's what gets constantly churned out.

  7. 4 months ago

    Cinemaphile has no one to blame but itself for why this board got so bad. this entire site is garbage but Cinemaphile takes the cake in low quality content. last bastion of western media discussion and all we do is rage and coombait each other... i might be a tourist but i've been on this site long enough to see what people can do when they work together. what has this board done? create a board-tan? channel-tans? waifu contest? frick does any of that shit account to when Cinemaphile and Cinemaphile constantly make meaningful content...

    • 4 months ago

      What year are you living in? You say you're a tourist, but Cinemaphile and Cinemaphile haven't made meaningful content in over a decade. Cinemaphile can't even be called a shell of itself; the shell has turned so brittle it's blown away in the dust. Don't even get me started on Cinemaphile. At least Cinemaphile has maintained at least a semblance of its identity instead of becoming homogenized like the rest of Cinemaphile.

      • 4 months ago

        >At least Cinemaphile has maintained at least a semblance of its identity instead of becoming homogenized like the rest of Cinemaphile
        Lmao even

        • 4 months ago

          That isn't a rebuttal. We still have drawthreads; we had a wonderful "comics you'd like based on cartoons" recommendation thread earlier this week.

          Whereas right now on Cinemaphile there's a Chainsaw Man thread where someone is calling Asa a troony character and people who like her are trannies; and on Cinemaphile there's someone worried about what gender Nights is and whether it's a troony; and on Cinemaphile someone just called their casserole a troony.

          • 4 months ago

            It was fricking stupid and highlights just how shallow and dumb the board is now.

            • 4 months ago

              Nah, it was nice and reminded me of simpler times on Cinemaphile. And I've been here since Crisis on Infinite Freds, so you can stuff that "now" business.

              >Threads like this suck cause they exist so random anons can jerk themselves off how subversive their opinions are

              I don't think this is an unpopular opinion, anon. I think this is a very popular opinion.

      • 4 months ago

        what is Cinemaphile's identity? being /misc/ lite #45? being horny 24/7? being talentless hacks? Cinemaphile and Cinemaphile may not make content like they used to (and Cinemaphile still has events like Cinemaphile3 where ppl showcase their games) but them at their worst is still better than Cinemaphile at its best. what the FRICK has Cinemaphile done that the people have supported that isn't a stupid waifu popularity contest?

        That isn't a rebuttal. We still have drawthreads; we had a wonderful "comics you'd like based on cartoons" recommendation thread earlier this week.

        Whereas right now on Cinemaphile there's a Chainsaw Man thread where someone is calling Asa a troony character and people who like her are trannies; and on Cinemaphile there's someone worried about what gender Nights is and whether it's a troony; and on Cinemaphile someone just called their casserole a troony.

        you say this like homies here don't call each other troons and coons every second of the hour

        • 4 months ago

          >/misc/ lite
          >horny 24/7
          Oh, I see, you're one of these people I was just talking about in a separate response. If anybody is /misc/ lite, it's Cinemaphile, concerned about identity politics in everything.

          /co/'s identity is being able to at least discuss and recommend things without complete animosity towards their fellow posters and the mediums itself.

          Also, it's baffling to me that you keep harping on about "waifu content," when Cinemaphile has made anthropomorphic sexualized women out of every console that has existed in the past 40 years.

          • 4 months ago

            Those designs are fricking awful. What happened to the people that were making actually appealing girls? Like PSVita or Xbone.

            • 4 months ago

              coomers only care about three things nowadays: thicc, goth, and tomboy

            • 4 months ago

              Every design gets 'voted' on through popularity of being posted, you know that. So those designs were the ones that succeeded against other versions, same like Vita and Xbone. And who knows what happened to any of those people, because when was the last time Cinemaphile had a consoletan Tuesday?

              • 4 months ago

                I can't believe anyone would enjoy those ones. They're fricking hideous. Whoever designed them should kill themselves.

              • 4 months ago

                >when was the last time Cinemaphile had a consoletan Tuesday
                January had one... with 5 replies

                The one in December had a bit more

        • 4 months ago

          Hoes your game coming along is literally how's your webcomic you stupid motherfricker that general has been here since 2015

    • 4 months ago

      >i might be a tourist but i've been on this site long enough to see what people can do when they work together.
      It's literally the zoomer infestation. You see it everywhere, on every board and every form of social media. And Cinemaphile has literal children under 18 posting frequently. I love anonymity but I feel I might want to move to actual age verification to post here. All of Cinemaphile is borderline unusable now.

    • 4 months ago

      We found dexters rude removal

    • 4 months ago

      >and all we do is rage and coombait each other
      >i might be a tourist

      • 4 months ago

        Need it jannieanon in the background

  8. 4 months ago

    I did not care for the godfather

  9. 4 months ago

    The outrage about the new X-Men show makes no sense.

    • 4 months ago

      I have to believe it's some kind of ironic Discord joke op, because people in those threads yesterday were saying that Cinemaphile became horny and "right wing" from /misc/, when Cinemaphile's been horny since 2007. That, or the unironic social media migrants who hate sexuality more than Tumblr circa the 10's were really trying to be revisionist. Or both.

    • 4 months ago

      I can get feeling a bit iffy about the 3d models, to be fair. That and the fact they replaced Jubilee's VA for a reason that I think is fricking horrible, and if the series is still set in the 90s, the Morph non binary talk is kind of fricking moronic since back then you'd just call them flamboyant or maybe metrosexual, though that latter term I don't recall hearing much until like 2003 or so, so I might be a bit off.
      The ass on Rogue might end up being just because the scene they're picking is from a distance so detail is lost or the like. I'll judge properly when it releases

  10. 4 months ago

    Cinemaphile uses the existence of anti woke grifters as an excuse to settle for/defend shitty media and business practices.

  11. 4 months ago

    I thought Legend of Korra was overall a pretty good show.

    • 4 months ago

      This is the only contrarian opinion in thread that makes me a little annoyed tbh. What makes you say that, genuine curiosity? Because to be at best it was wasted potential and sloppy because of the writing and the executives meddling with the writing due to them thinking their show was basically canceled at the end of every book, at worse it was a childish attempt to capture the fire in the bottle that was Last Airbender, and fricked itself by chasing trends

      • 4 months ago

        The fact that you feel like you deserve an explanation as to why someone likes LOK makes you sound like a lunatic.

        • 4 months ago

          Eh I dunno. Korra is PRETTY AWFUL

    • 4 months ago

      I thought it was decent overall, outside of Season 2 which is a legit 3/10.

    • 4 months ago

      I thought it was decent overall, outside of Season 2 which is a legit 3/10.

      Legend of Korra was good, but the relationship drama and awful second season keep it from being great.

      • 4 months ago

        This but also the lack of an episode fleshing out the red lotus as individual characters in season 3.

  12. 4 months ago

    >Tumblr lite b***hing about Cinemaphile

    • 4 months ago

      You have a twitter screencap thread to get back to.

  13. 4 months ago

    >Deadpool has never, ever been funny
    i liked cable and deadpool but i don't know why his character got so popular

    • 4 months ago

      At least Harley used to be cute in original series untill they tried turning her into FemPool but yeah, Deadpool is just obnoxious. If I want brutal and funny merc I have Lobo.

  14. 4 months ago

    MCU was always crap
    Super Sons were lame and most of the fans are pedophiles (the latter is actually fact)
    DC and Marvel should reboot every 20-25 years
    Fantastic Four is a terrible franchise
    Although there are some exceptions from past decades, comics only became great in the 80s.
    IP farming at Image or wherever is just as lame as regurgitating slop at the big 2
    Hickman is a bad writer and he always shits the ending and the battered housewives that always give him another try because "this time it will be different" get what they deserve
    Spideygays are THE consumerist capeshit fans, they'll always put their buck on the worst garbage ever and even the best spidey stuff is still at best mediocre.

  15. 4 months ago

    >Popular thing bad
    >No unpopular thing good
    Sorry but are you sure you didn't mean contrarian thread

    • 4 months ago

      You're such a b***h.

      • 4 months ago

        >You're such a b***h.
        Then don't try to make being "unique" a lifestyle choice. Actually have reason to back up your dislike of things instead of being even more worthless than someone who enjoys what's popular, by being against the popular because it is you are validating it's popularity.

        • 4 months ago

          You're blowing a gasket because someone doesn't like popular slop. You're a b***h.

          • 4 months ago

            >You're blowing a gasket because someone doesn't like popular slop. You're a b***h.
            So you have nothing, no point, no way to express your feelings beyond this. Pathetic.

            • 4 months ago

              Cry more, loser.

    • 4 months ago

      Best post ITT

  16. 4 months ago

    >Threads like this suck cause they exist so random anons can jerk themselves off how subversive their opinions are

  17. 4 months ago

    Any run of Daredevil that is not by Frank Miller is either painfully mediocre or just utter crap.
    Bendis was literally never ever good. This is not an exaggeration, just actual truth.
    Marvel Netflix shows are boring capeslop, but it has le darker tone and the most bottom of the barrel "mature" themes so idiots think it's some kind of prestige television.

    • 4 months ago

      Frank Miller is s bad writer, if his shit were coming out today his narrations would be laughed at.

      • 4 months ago

        And it's one of the best capeshit has. Wonder what that has to say about capeshit.

  18. 4 months ago

    >Batman alone is better than anything ever from both Marvel or DC

    >Wally West is a better Flash than Barry Allen

    >Most of the DC films are better than the Marvel films especially Snyder's stuff

    >New Mutants are more entertaining than the original X-Men

    >Rob Liefeld is a good artist

    >Avatar was boring, yes I'm talking about the original Nickelodeon toon

    >2 Stupid Dogs is the best cartoon

    >Alan Moore is the god of comic book writing

    >City of Bane is better than Court of Owls

    >Bane is a better for for Batman than the Joker and the comics should lean more into Bane than Joker

    >John DiMaggio does Joker better than Mark Hamill

    >There have been no good cartoons since Shrek 3 (except for Rick & Morty)

    >Rick and Morty is good and has remained good since the beginning

    >DC shits on Marvel

    >Dr. Manhattan would rape Superman

    >The Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League is good. Not only is it good. It's the best looter shooter since the original Borderlands

    • 4 months ago

      >>Bane is a better for for Batman than the Joker and the comics should lean more into Bane than Joker

      • 4 months ago

        >The Masketta Man
        >The Big Guy
        >The Hothead
        Although ideally we would need to have a fourth Bane 4U. I nominte:
        >The Master Planner
        Take it DC, you can have the idea for free

    • 4 months ago

      >avatar is boring
      yeah, the first season is pretty meh
      >bane is a better villain
      i dont give a shit about bane, but i am completely tired of the joker and actually preferred that arkham knight's main villain was scarecrow.
      >Dimaggio does a better joker
      this, though in general i never cared for hamill's joker, he grated my ears.
      >RnM has remained good
      first season was okay, after that roiland let harmon's homosexual reddit ideas leak in, turning rick into deadpool.

  19. 4 months ago

    Scrappy Doo, Mabel and Spike from X Men Evolution get too much hate.

    DC 'redeems' the wrong characters and refuses to redeem the ones who would work better as antiheroes.

    Owl House and Amphibia were good cartoons of equal quality.

  20. 4 months ago

    We really need separate boards for comics and cartoons. Live-action adaptations need to be banned from here and forced to Cinemaphile. Alternatively, they could open /cape/ for all superhero stuff. I don't see much crossover between regular comic readers, the average modern cartoon fan, and fans of live-action comic adaptations. These groups shouldn't be forced together.

  21. 4 months ago

    I think batman ruined DC

  22. 4 months ago

    I actually watch cartoons and enjoy comics, this boards acts the same Cinemaphile does with videogames

  23. 4 months ago

    I love gore, I think gore is great.
    However 99% of the time it is absolute shit. I'm not gonna feel anything looking at "le funny" gore in some "adult" cartoon or absolutely cartoonish shit like some superhero ripping someone's head off with a punch (aka why I think Invincible and The Boys is hollow shock value).
    The gore is great when it's raw and grounded in reality to the uncomfortable degree. I think I may somewhat make an exception for body horror but even that is rarely done well.

  24. 4 months ago

    Ai is not going to take over. People have microwaves and aren't chefs.

  25. 4 months ago

    Drawhomosexualry should be excised from Cinemaphile. Requesting fanart should be a bannable offense.

    • 4 months ago

      For what purpose?

      • 4 months ago

        To make the board a little less shitty.

        • 4 months ago

          I fail to see how that acheives the desired effect and doesn't actively make the board even less enjoyable to use.

          • 4 months ago

            Because you're part of the problem.

            • 4 months ago

              Explain how maybe?

  26. 4 months ago


  27. 4 months ago

    Just because a show doesn’t have much discussion months after it ended doesn’t mean that it was bad. Just because a show still has discussion years after it ended doesn’t mean it was good.

  28. 4 months ago

    Steven universe sux

  29. 4 months ago

    the comic discussions on Cinemaphile are a million times better than most cartoon threads. Yeah, the woke vs anti-woke arguing is tiring, even when I agree with certain things, but there's a much better understanding of the history and background of comics, both storylines and BTS stuff, that it's embarrassing to see cartoon threads just be these unholy amalgamations that have as much substance to them as pornbot spams.
    >but what about Spider-Man threads?
    I post there and they ARE pretty bad, but we are also plagued by a schizo spammer, so you'll have to forgive us for being moronic.

    • 4 months ago

      As a cartoongay, I agree. It's depressing how things have degraded so badly that basically the only criteria for Cinemaphile to praise a cartoon is if there's a waifu. She doesn't even have to be good looking. I knew it was over when I saw anons defending Velma as a good show simply because there was a scene of the Pajeeta lifting her shirt, revealing her disgusting overweight body.

  30. 4 months ago

    That was very unpopular of you.

  31. 4 months ago

    All indie comics are inherently shit because they are invariably butthurt incel manifestos made by sad basement dwelling losers who hate the world because Stacy had a five second interaction with them, prompting her to make the wise decision to never speak to this wretched creature ever again. All indie freaks are future mass shooters, and their comics suck because they have no editor to tell them to stop spewing psychotic nonsense.

    • 4 months ago

      >t. Anon too cowardly to shitpost in /hyw/ himself

  32. 4 months ago

    I found Bone pretty mediocre overall and the fantasy elements get worse the longer it goes on.

    • 4 months ago

      Well what fantasy comics/cartoons only you actually like?

  33. 4 months ago

    Gwen and Raven have never been hot.

    • 4 months ago

      I always found Gwen annoying, never got the hubbub around Goth.

  34. 4 months ago

    I actually don't think digital art inherently requires less effort or talent than traditional art.

    Most of you gays either ignore or are just unaware that a large amount, if not nearly all, good digital art still starts with a traditional sketch.

  35. 4 months ago

    I actually liked the first season of Adventure Time and I don't really see why the switch from black comedy to drama was seen as an upgrade by every youtuber and homosexual.

    Rick and Morty as characters both equally sucked after season 1, neither is better or worse than the other, and both suffered because of Dan Harmon's drama fetish.

    Female characters need more than their looks to be interesting to me. I'm tired of people here simping for anything with breasts that moves and deciding that alone makes them good characters.

    LGBT themes aren't as pervasive as everyone here thinks, the only ones that really get any spotlight are lesbos, I don't know why people here complain, I thought straight men found lesbians hot?

  36. 4 months ago

    >Eric Stephenson was completely right about licensed comics and the people who exclusively read them
    >Action cartoons weren't in a better position a decade ago, they were still cancelled prematurely, got sent to death slots, or got iTunes'd
    >Adult fanbases are meaningless for the longevity of cartoons aimed/marketed for children as the target audience
    >When recommending comics, its more important to prioritize getting someone into comics as a medium rather than furthering someone's interest in IPs they already are familiar with
    >Loregays are to animation what YAgays are to literature

  37. 4 months ago

    I think pedophilia is bad

    • 4 months ago

      thats a popular opinion in the transgender community

  38. 4 months ago

    Speaking of whats bad, incest is disgusting and wrong.

  39. 4 months ago

    superhero comics are a waste of time
    the stories are an incomprehensible mess
    and the dumb movies about them ended up the same way
    after the origin story is done they self destruct

  40. 4 months ago

    i wasn't aware Cinemaphile even like tumblr hotel.
    the art style of that show gives me an aneurism, i legit cannot discern the characters from the background.

  41. 4 months ago

    Kung Fu Panda 2 is an awful movie

  42. 4 months ago

    >I find Robin Williams extremely mild and all his impressions just aren't funny in the slightest. Because of him Alladin will remain extremely dated and Americentric
    >I hated Unicorn Warriors Eternal and especially the hideous artsyle. Didn't helped how disjointed chaotic and pointless the plot was.
    >didn't liked EEnE either, it was just too gross with weird squigly linework
    >Courage is just weird and ugly. Him having holed teeth disgusted me.
    >Witch show looks like dollar store knockoff of the real deal, and I'm never gonna bother with it especially since it's a bit too loose towards the original. Never liked Irma, she always felt dumb instead of funny to me. No idea why they decided to make Taranee's hair look like she has a spider controlling her head in the comics.
    >I hate Venom from Spectacular show, he looks and sounds goofy as hell. Entire show has really ugly artsyle making me think of happy meal toys and Peter is simply a selfish butthole that deserves shit from people he calls his friends. Still, pretty good show despite these huge flaws.
    >Spiderverse 2 is pretty meh and nobody makes sense in there, especially all the spidermen. Miles completely ruins the scene on the rocket with that godawful "nah, Imma do my own thang". All seriousness throwed out of the window, suddenly Miles is just some random dumb Black because he can't talk normal is such important moment.
    > Lauren Faust got credited in s2 of Kid Cosmic and suddenly show abandons protagonist im favor of a girl, and goes full moron mode to the poi t where s3 has to basically fix it. I'm convinced Faust has pushed some feminist agenda and fricked up this otherwise charming show

  43. 4 months ago

    I feel like a Tai Lung redemption arc in KFP4 is more likely than people think.
    >he's in both posters, has that heroic gold glow in the US one
    >trailer obviously shows that he has every reason to oppose Chameleon
    >Chameleon has those cages, so she'll probably put him in one rather than boot him back to the Spirit Realm
    >got Ian McShane back, which they'd only do if they had to. Otherwise they'd have Chameleon keep her voice while transformed to save money on VAs
    >whole point of the movie is Po recruiting an army of crooks and villains to battle Chameleon
    >getting his own toy (https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/9605347a-7580-4fb7-a3ac-745673afc903/)
    >that one interview where the director says his relationships with Po, Shifu, and Oogway are important (https://www.animationscoop.com/interview-kung-fu-panda-4-preview-with-the-directors-and-producer/)
    >this production document confirms he has a big role (https://dam.gettyimages.com/viewer/universal/whqvmhffw66wpnj9wnhcg8qz)

  44. 4 months ago

    Loki's entire character ended at "Puny god".

  45. 4 months ago

    I don't think animation is nearly as important as character design, backgrounds, music, sound efffects, voices, story, etc. In fact animation quality is so low on my priority for a cartoon that I wouldn't mind semi-power points or animated comics if the rest of the cartoon was good enough. Hanna-Barbera cost cutting was actually really iconic and fun and anyone complaining about it should shut the frick up because they're probably not old enough to post. 2-10 FPS would be fine, and reusing stock assets too, as long as they look good.

    • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        on what?

  46. 4 months ago

    Samurai Jack Season 5 isn't shitty. It's ending is rushed for sure but I'm sick of people acting like none of the episodes after the first 3 have any merit. The show is still fun to rewatch and still recaptures a lot of what I loved about Samurai Jack. I just wish they'd had a proper 13 episode season instead of just 10.

    • 4 months ago

      I loved season 5, I'm annoyed at the history revision on Cinemaphile where people will insist it's trash

  47. 4 months ago

    Half of this board are ironic pedos and the other half are unironic pedos:
    They should both kill themselves either way for being fricking disgusting freaks of society!

    • 4 months ago

      There wouldn't be a board left

  48. 4 months ago

    Visuals are the most important part of animation. A good story is appreciated for sure, but this whole "good story can save bad animation and vice versa" thing is just blatantly wrong. If something is visually unappealing to look at, you are not going to get attached to the characters or get invested in the story. On the other hand, a lot of early animated shorts have absolutely nothing going on in terms of story other than "animals dance around to classical music" yet they still hold up today. Animation is a visual medium and if you consider it that, rather than a genre, you can't consider it secondary to a good story.

    • 4 months ago

      >yet they still hold up today

      no they don't. nobody consumes that as entertainment

      you mean "look good" not "hold up" not the same concept

      • 4 months ago

        Argument invalidated. Go "consume" your capeshit slop

        • 4 months ago

          we weren't in an argument, you said something wrong and i corrected you. nobody loads up fricking 20s cartoons to watch. get fricked.

          • 4 months ago

            Oh I see, you just have shit opinions then. False alarm.

            • 4 months ago


              this is the like the third time i've come to Cinemaphile in 17 years so it's really funny to run into some incel loser who is like the exact definition of the "slop" tier poster of the board.

              its so funny like, you posting at me and trying to say something at all. I just fricked my wife. have you ever fricked? lol, no you haven't

              you're a launch failure, know your place, stop talking when people tell you the stupid shit you say is wrong. maybe you'd learn something

  49. 4 months ago

    While I love that Geoff Johns and DC editorial brought Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps back in 2004, as well as giving Guy Gardner the Green Lantern mantle back, I think his run is extremely overrated, and while I enjoyed Sinestro Corps War and some of Blackest Night, I didn't particularly enjoy the rest of the run. I did not like the emotional spectrum, the entities, the fact that Johns brought the lost lanterns back just to kill most of them off, or the fact that the corps acted more like an army instead of local law-enforcement that barely interacted, and I hated the fact that Green Lanterns jobbed WAY more frequently than ever (Hal can kill a guardian, but lanterns who wield the most powerful weapon in the universe, limited by only imagination and willpower, die en masse).
    My favourites were the Hal solo books in space (around issue 150 in Volume 2) and aspects of the paedo's run (despite the writing being a bit up its own arse), as well as tales of the green lantern corps

  50. 4 months ago

    I like Garry Chalk more than Peter Cullen when it comes to voicing Optimus. its mostly my childhood nostalgia talking.

  51. 4 months ago

    A lot of jokes in the Simpsons aren't funny.

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