
Mysteries upon mysteries.

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Unattended Children Pitbull Club Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 1 year ago


  2. 1 year ago

    >Oh crap it’s Aslan, hide the weed.
    >I’m going to be taking a fortnight off from posting for buffer and quality control purposes! I’ll see you back here Monday, April 3rd and we’ll start wrapping up this frightful imbroglio. Stay safe, and see you in chat and Tumblr!
    >Discuss the update on Discord or Reddit


    • 1 year ago

      >fortnight off after this page



      • 1 year ago

        She really needs it, though. More art errors have been popping up than usual and she admitted on her tumblr that she’s a bit under the weather.

        As someone who spent three months coughing like a dying man because I didn’t take a week off my thesis project to properly rest and recover, and eventually had to get a week pack fo steroids to resolve it— I gotta say I’m glad she’s taking the time off and I wish she were taking a full month instead.

        • 1 year ago

          Frickin fortnite.

          For real tho, she could use a break. I'm okay with this.

          We should demand that she take a vacation lest she winds up like Miura. I'm not losing another one godamn it.

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah, check out tittybirds beak rune and toeconfiguration in the last two pages. Varies from panel to panel. Also Murk's disappearing shoes.

          Ashley really needs and deserves a break.

      • 1 year ago

        Frickin fortnite.

        For real tho, she could use a break. I'm okay with this.

      • 1 year ago

        She's old anon, she needs time and her mind is slipping. Still a good ten+ years of comic to writer and that's despite cutting shit out

    • 1 year ago

      OH N-

    • 1 year ago

      >Aslan in Narnia is Jesus

      Hmmmm. Is that an implication I see?

      • 1 year ago

        >Hmmmm. Is that an implication I see?
        Not everyone of ashley's shitposts is ripe with implications, anon.

    • 1 year ago

      >A challenger appears! A bit late in the story for a new character but... maybe we know who this is, actually? Maybe we've even seen him before?

      >I'm going to take a mini break to buff up the buffer and make sure I'm not getting sloppy with this end game stuff, but I'll be hanging out in Discord at the same time if you want to chat. I know Tumblr recently - like TODAY - turned off the ability to ask questions if you don't have an account, so if you find yourself with a burning need, chat me up in real time. We can do a Q&A session maybe!

      And here's the Patreon comment

      • 1 year ago

        Ash is so kawaii. I hope she has a good break.

      • 1 year ago

        >I know Tumblr recently - like TODAY - turned off the ability to ask questions if you don't have an account
        What? Why is Tumblr changing how the website works in 2023? There's even people still running that site?

  3. 1 year ago

    Setter’s daddy or brother?

    • 1 year ago

      iirc Sette's bro doesn't have a tail so maybe daddy

      • 1 year ago

        Setter’s daddy or brother?

        Sette's dad is Ssael though. He isn't a lion, Ssael was eaten by lions.

        • 1 year ago

          Sette's dad is Nary actually.

  4. 1 year ago

    >Where's the vegana?
    >Inside the wing, maybe?

  5. 1 year ago

    So it seems that the "real" murk isn't the psychopath we've seen the entire time? This one seems more pathetic.

    • 1 year ago

      Correct. It’s been heavily implied earlier (in the comic, not tumblrlore) that Murkoph didn’t use to be like this.

      • 1 year ago

        I'm actually starting to feel bad for the cheeky tosser.

    • 1 year ago

      >splinter never killed no one
      Could be interpreted to mean he's still a killer. Just a regretful one(?)

    • 1 year ago

      It looks like she fixed more than his hunger. He didn't remember her before

  6. 1 year ago

    Huh, Lady I slipped a torc on him

    • 1 year ago

      Good catch.

      Sette's brother in the previous appearances didn't have a tail.

      He also wasn't glowing the color of the squishes.

      iirc Sette's bro doesn't have a tail so maybe daddy

      might be on to something, there's also been the implication that Ssael is the twins' father, and he was certainly human. Maybe his soul was transformed into a lion's? Could explain the Inak iconography of Ssael as a lion.

      • 1 year ago

        The lion was also dropped off by a squish that looks like a Vgieling

      • 1 year ago

        >and he was certainly human
        According to who? Ssael been called a paper god so chances are the alds got shit wrong

        • 1 year ago

          There is a lot of historical evidence of Sonum Ssael's existence. He was a documented figure that contributed greatly to pymary. Even Crescian spellwrights reference him, they just don't think he's a god, just a really smart dude. Him turning out to be a lion while he was alive would probably be a bit too far.

        • 1 year ago

          Ssael is a well-documented historical figure; there's no doubt he was a Tain, a brilliant wright whose books are still used as reference material, and a pivotal figure in Aldish history. The Paper God stuff is about how he has become in the minds of the Ssaelit not just a prophet, but a God in his own right. Their scripture says Ssael does not intervene, yet they still pray he helps them (they just change the phrasing, see Duane's "Ssael help me not disappoint you" prayer. He is no longer a memory of a person, but a shared fictional character, same as how the Gefendur gods as they are imagined bear little resemblance to the Senet Beasts they were/are.

          Notice the framing of the two shots of the lion. It's very deliberate. In the first one he's far back and his head is bigger. In the second, it's cropped. Both are to hide Sette on his back, I guarantee. That's her tail.

          That makes a lot of sense.

      • 1 year ago

        >Maybe his soul was transformed into a lion's?
        Yeah. The story goes that Ssael walked the khert and killed the "gods" there. But the story doesn't say HOW he got there. Dying would seem an obvious method, its the keeping your soul and memories intact part he would have had to figure out.

        Also could be how the story of his death "being killed by lions" was twisted into being.

  7. 1 year ago

    i love this comic

    Pretty sure that's Sette's brother. This chapter's been building up to him, first with learning Sette had a twin, then learning she's a freako inhuman abomination that wasn't Nary's, then seeing her skull with the lion skull, and now we'll meet the kitty himself. I hope he's exactly like Sette. A goofball butthole troll and not some majestic lion god.

    • 1 year ago

      Sette's brother in the previous appearances didn't have a tail.

      • 1 year ago

        Notice the framing of the two shots of the lion. It's very deliberate. In the first one he's far back and his head is bigger. In the second, it's cropped. Both are to hide Sette on his back, I guarantee. That's her tail.

  8. 1 year ago

    coincidental color match?

    • 1 year ago

      OK those are definitely thumbs. That lion is a spiderpaw. So what/whoever it is it was probably human at one point I guess? Or at least formed from human memories?

      • 1 year ago

        Nah that's just how Kasslynian lions looked like.

        • 1 year ago

          Huh well shit, didn't catch that when I read that page.

          That actually brings up a question, if the lions had thumbs, were sentient, and allies with humans like the page seems to imply did 'spiderpaw' always refer to just humans, or was it once a collective term for both races? It seems to be a very old name since we've heard Ruck and the Salt Lizard use it, and they're both clearly old enough to remember that humans were not the only species on Kasslyn to have hands like that. But we've never seen either mention anything about the lions or their absence, which if they were that important does seems a bit odd.

          • 1 year ago

            I don't think that Two toes ever encountered the lions since I think there were all exterminated by the time they had their first encounters with humanity on the surface which led to their own genocide.

          • 1 year ago

            It's not just about the shape of their hands. It's also their greedy nature. How they're never satisfied, are constantly grabbing at things and coveting for more.
            But I suppose it's possible. We don't really know much about lions.

            • 1 year ago

              I don't think spiders are usually associated with greed and covetousness. Scheming and tricks yes, but not greed.

              • 1 year ago

                I think the spider connection is the plucking of the khert since humans can do pymary.

              • 1 year ago

                Tell that to the moon non-humans of Kasslyne. Waterwomen have human hands but nobody calls them spiderpaws.

          • 1 year ago

            I think spiderpaw applies to both lions and humans.

            >never seen either mention anything about the lions or their absence
            I think that fact is a result of successful genocide. I mean we in our society don't think about the concept despite slinging the word around but it's pretty much the default of humans to engage in genocide as the endgame to our competitive natures. It's happening right now sanctioned by numerous states of varying sizes.

            We talk about genocide as its happening and sometimes we do something about it but not always. But one thing I don't think we do until far into the future is acknowledge when it's been successful, like a group has been put on an inevitable path to extinction. Even today in our world the ICC has issued charges of genocide but unfortunately, most (nuclear) superpowers aren't signatories to the ICC. And the non-nuclear armed states who haven't signed onto the ICC are ruled by people who honestly think genocide isn't all that bad. And as has been made very clear, pretty much every nation in Unsounded seems pretty okay with genocide.

          • 1 year ago

            Ruck mentions them (see

            Nah that's just how Kasslynian lions looked like.

            its just that no one knows what he means), the Salt Lizard probably didn't give a shit, and Ilganyag obviously keeps things close to her chest + she doesn't need to give a cliff notes about lions to a member of the Ssaelit clergy.

          • 1 year ago

            I think spiderpaw applies to both lions and humans.

            >never seen either mention anything about the lions or their absence
            I think that fact is a result of successful genocide. I mean we in our society don't think about the concept despite slinging the word around but it's pretty much the default of humans to engage in genocide as the endgame to our competitive natures. It's happening right now sanctioned by numerous states of varying sizes.

            We talk about genocide as its happening and sometimes we do something about it but not always. But one thing I don't think we do until far into the future is acknowledge when it's been successful, like a group has been put on an inevitable path to extinction. Even today in our world the ICC has issued charges of genocide but unfortunately, most (nuclear) superpowers aren't signatories to the ICC. And the non-nuclear armed states who haven't signed onto the ICC are ruled by people who honestly think genocide isn't all that bad. And as has been made very clear, pretty much every nation in Unsounded seems pretty okay with genocide.

            Kinda makes me wonder if the Khert differentiates between humans and lions now. Does Setty have a lions tail after all?

            I think Mikaila being alive broke the brains of some anons and now people are just throwing random theories at the wall to see what sticks.


        • 1 year ago

          But why? That's weird.

          • 1 year ago

            It is what it is.

            • 1 year ago

              That's not how it works, though. Someone designed them that way, supposedly. It's actually pretty suspicious now that I think about it, like they got changed somehow.

              • 1 year ago

                These are the same creator gods that designed a giant lizard covered in salt blocks with eyes inside her mouth, water women that have to constantly be careful to keep their organs inside their own bodies, and a giant bird with silver blood, 6 breasts, blades for nipples, and a human torso in her beak, amoung others. Lions with opposable thumbs is honestly not all that strange. If anything it's remarkably restrained compared to their previous work.

          • 1 year ago

            It's the same universe with giant dogs instead of horses, why wouldn't their intelligent lions be a bit fricky lookin?

          • 1 year ago

            This is the same place where no one goes deaf even if you cut their ears off because people hear with their souls and human ears are entirely vestigial. Kasslyn is weird.

            • 1 year ago

              Wait what????
              Does that mean vibration is closer to the khert than light?
              How does this work?

              • 1 year ago

                I can't find any of the tumblr asks explaining it properly because tumblr is a trashfire but essentially the khert has to be able to transmit sound because casting through it requires speaking to it (for most people) and kasslynian souls are inherently linked to the khert so they can tune in to it.

              • 1 year ago

                here are a couple of her posts on it

              • 1 year ago

                I wonder if they can still do binaural location?

              • 1 year ago

                Vibration is kind of a fundamental energy thing so it would make sense if it was regardless... at least from the perspective of our physics, anyway. Supposedly light is important for some other reason, but probably not in a way that anyone theorizing on the khert would know/care about.

  9. 1 year ago

    Lurk mode disabled. Ssael is here, he's Sette's brother, and I think he's going to be pissed..

  10. 1 year ago

    Duane is going to be flat on his back with the raptures for a solid month when he finds out Ssael is Sette's lion-y bro.

    • 1 year ago

      Just noticed that Ssael is only holding three heads there. I'd say that gives credence to the sect of Ssaelit that believe he spared Tirna, but I think the red head is supposed to be her, right?

      • 1 year ago

        >but I think the red head is supposed to be her, right?

      • 1 year ago

        I don't think that picture is meant to be taken literal, that is just Duane's personal interpretation from his mind's eye.

  11. 1 year ago

    I'm glad I caught up just in time to drop it again for another year.

    • 1 year ago

      Honestly it feels like the end of a chapter right here. Cope could have ended it and gone on proper break, come back with the final chapter 18.

      • 1 year ago

        She could, but this is just gonna wind up being a 200-page chapter instead. I think she wants to end it on 17, especially because of the name she chose for this final chapter.

  12. 1 year ago

    Look at them spiderpaws on the lion. I think the lions in Rukhs memory also had them.

    • 1 year ago

      There's something fricky and relevant going on with lions here. We've seen stuff like that, and we've also seen lion's doing twin sacrifices in ancient times alongside humans. They were also said to be very intelligent if not actually self aware and sapient, and then there's all the historical/religious writing about their relation to Gefendurism and then later Ssael. I mean in this case the human hands are probably indication it's Sette's brother but still hmmm

      • 1 year ago

        The lions in the sacrifice flashback also had hands. Kasslynian lions probably just had them.

      • 1 year ago

        >There's something fricky and relevant going on with lions here.
        There's always been something fricky with the lions. Some things in the old stories just don't add up. That is:

        * Ssael is represented by lions in the Ssaelit religion, and its followers like to use lion iconography on everything.
        * Ssael was supposedly killed by lions, hence the "scars" on his face statues etc.
        * The Gefender made the lions of Kasslyn extinct in revenge for... Ssael *not* killing the gods, because the gods are totally not dead.

        Basically these three things seem to contradict each other to a degree. Why would the Ssaelit revere the animals that killed their man-god? And no, it's not the same as Christians using the cross in iconography, because Ssael was associated with lions in his lifetime, not just at its ending. Also the geffies must know something is seriously up with their official word on what Ssael did.

        If only someone as clear-eyed as poor Mason was around to write this shit down when it happened.

        • 1 year ago

          according to Cope's tumblr it goes:
          -Lions are buddies with Gefendur paladins, and are used to kill and eat Ssael
          -Lions (or more specifically Ssael's lion scars) basically become a Christian cross thing
          - SCENE MISSING
          -Gefendurs turn against lions for becoming Ssaelit symbols
          -Lions go extinct, Ssaelits totally adopt them as a symbol
          No real mention of an association during Ssael's life

          • 1 year ago

            >No real mention of an association during Ssael's life
            Yeah, but it must be there though. We saw it in Duane's imaginings

            Duane is going to be flat on his back with the raptures for a solid month when he finds out Ssael is Sette's lion-y bro.

            and we saw him walking with a pair of lions while playing Ssael at the Litrya pageant. Duane is much too pie-arse to make that up himself. There has to be an association between lions and Ssael in their religion that predates his dying.

            I miss the dog-butt twins. I would read a story just about their insane shenanigans

            • 1 year ago

              >There has to be an association between lions and Ssael in their religion that predates his dying.
              Why? The Duane imagery you mention is Ssael after his death, having slayed the gods. Lions became associated with him because they were the ones to send Ssael on his journey to conquer the khert and are generally imagined as his loyal beasts in the khert I think.

            • 1 year ago

              The amount of heresy they managed to cram into one scene here is honestly hilarious. Like imagine:

              >Renowned Christmas pageant at the monastery
              >Travelers come from neighboring countries to see it
              >Despite a literal hurricane outside, the show must go on!
              >Drunk tourist pitches a fit because his disabled son isn't in the play
              >Play mostly proceeds as normal, although this year they have some little urchin girl playing baby Jesus instead of one of the sisters
              >Suddenly some guy rides in on a camel
              >The play immediately goes completely off the rails
              >He physically assaults the girl playing the virgin Mary and rambles incoherently at the audience and other players
              >He is attacked by a bird, which he fricking eats, and runs offstage
              >Foreign shock troops burst in through the windows and start killing indiscriminately

              • 1 year ago

                >He physically assaults the girl playing the virgin Mary and rambles incoherently at the audience and other players
                Hey, at least he's in character.

              • 1 year ago
        • 1 year ago

          I think Ssael was a lion. We see in the flashback that the lions were sentient and lived as peers to humans. And when the lions went extinct they had to re-frame Ssael as a man. It's like what happened to the Geffendur gods. They were Senet Beasts, but those beasts went extinct, and so with the passing of time the Geffendur gods became human, taking human roles like "mother" and human physical form. Only the two-toes remember the gods for their true shape, remember Trina as Tittybird, Fat Yerta as Saltlizard, Ruck as one of the other two.

          These are the pragmatic things religion has done over the centuries. Scribes and scholars reframe reality to be easier digested by present-day context. Like how we can look back and frame dietary restrictions of the past as related to modern day understanding. Occasional blooms of Red Tide would make shellfish toxic, no matter how much you cooked it so shellfish had to be banned.

          I can imagine at some point Ssaelit scholars looked at Ssael's factual life as a lion as impractical because guess what, lions don't exist anymore. If Jesus was literally a dinosaur but dinosaurs were hunted to extinction, selling Jesus to a new population is real fricking hard especially if you have to carry a dinosaur skeleton around (and some religions did carry skeletons of their "gods" around everywhere they went). We refuse to believe that God was a horse because reality shows us horses aren't that smart. Lions were able to talk, we could believe they were gods, much in the same way humans could only believe Jesus was human because we're the smartest thing around. Dogs view us as their "god", their pack leader because they know we're smarter than them. Current-day humans don't have a higher being analogous to the relationship dogs have with humans. The humans of Kaselyne did at some point probably were like dogs to the lions and all the other Senet Beasts.

          • 1 year ago

            I very much doubt Ruck is one of the Gefendur gods

          • 1 year ago

            >I think Ssael was a lion.
            I've said this before. There's one anon around here who gets particularly angery at this suggestion. Just mightily malding.

            • 1 year ago

              Nothing feels better than being right about a theory that someone sperged out about definitely being wrong

            • 1 year ago

              Murkoph is not Ssael, Murkoph is not not!Ssael, Murkoph is not Ssael in any way, contrived or confounded. There is no condition, workaround, exception, or coincidence in which Murkoph is Ssael in any conceivable manner, including but not limited to: the explicit, the implicit, the tacit, the ironic, the technical, the allegorical, the rhetorical, the metephorical, the allegorical, the categorical, or the existential.

              I've also information vegetable, animal, and mineral.

              • 1 year ago

                God dammit, I said allegorical twice.

            • 1 year ago

              But Murkoph is not a Soud

            • 1 year ago


              Please click through for the dancing crabs.

              • 1 year ago

                >not the comic

                >not a news feed

                When's the third blog which is just sette's food blog, called unsoundedAMA?

            • 1 year ago

              Murkoph is a Bronze, he literally cannot exist in anywhere close to the same time-frame as a living Ssael since the Dammakhert was created by him and the fact he's singing a sea shanty for Bronzes probably implies he came from the era the castes were long since established.

          • 1 year ago

            The problem with this is that Ssael wasn't just a religious figure important to the Ssaelit, he was the father of martial pymary and wrote a lot of texts about it, making him a historical figure of some importance to everyone. Would all of Kasslyne just kind of collectively forget the fact of his species?

            I'm not saying he ain't a lion, but if he is, I think only some kind of continent-wide lion memory wipe could explain it.

            • 1 year ago

              Well, consider Ssael lived a thousand years ago.

              Ask yourself if anyone remembers what Confucius looked like. If we know what he looks like, it’s because of art of him that has survived and is labeled or contextually understood to be of Confucius.

              I personally am not on the “Ssael was a lion” train, but I do think there is something wonky going on about how he was remembered/how his legacy is preserved and depicted.

              • 1 year ago

                He's remembered as a tain who betrayed his people and taught the invading Rortidians pymary.
                Are we thinking all of that is bullshit now?

            • 1 year ago

              Well, consider Ssael lived a thousand years ago.

              Ask yourself if anyone remembers what Confucius looked like. If we know what he looks like, it’s because of art of him that has survived and is labeled or contextually understood to be of Confucius.

              I personally am not on the “Ssael was a lion” train, but I do think there is something wonky going on about how he was remembered/how his legacy is preserved and depicted.

              So you're saying Ssael edited the khert to make everyone think he was human?

            • 1 year ago

              I'm just making assumptions here but Ssaelism is so many thousands of years older than our own religions and predates the Dammankhert so there's no living Coppers who had a grandparent who could remember that time. If the Geffendur can change the species of their gods then so can the Ssaelit. In our world Jesus is white when we all know that couldn't have been true; and he is white because someone some time ago made it the rule that his depiction was white.

              The two-toes were only discovered this generation and immediately enslaved. As a species they were a time-capsule to the days when the gods walked among them. The two-toes didn't forget because their history/religion is one of storytelling, not paper; storytelling makes it really hard to drastically shift the narrative because the "canon" is maintained by many members without temptations of power and control. Grandma is a leader because she is wise, she wasn't granted that position by noble birth. Paper religion can be burned and changed in a single publication (hence why the Chinese have so little history of sourced from themselves).

              One thing to note is that the lion's forehands are human hands. They could have wrote books themselves.

              >Would all of Kasslyne just kind of collectively forget the fact of his species?
              I feel like the religions of this world being powers of the state means that there is still strict control over how the literature is distributed. There's no many different translations of the bible it all comes from the same state-controlled publication house. When the story changes the churches change and within 3-5 generations the idea that Ssael was anything but a man is changed. The state providing what would likely be a military-backed inquisition probably helps with enforcement. China is bending Buddhism even gaining widespread support for their state-appointed next leader of the religion, the Panshen Lama, DESPITE the fact the current living leader saying it's a sham.

              • 1 year ago

                Ssaelism is almost exactly one thousand years old, anon. It’s younger than Christianity.

                Gefendurism is what’s thousands of years old.

              • 1 year ago

                >Ssaelism predates the dammakhert
                Ssael himself built the dammakhert, anon.

                >predates the Dammankhert
                How'd they curse Etalarche without the dammakhert?


                I nitpicked about the age of Ssaelism, but I’m with you on all the rest, though— it’s about who controls the narrative (or how it’s controlled). Religions with centralized power (like Ssaelism and gefendurism) are more prone to have a highly curated experience that gradually trims context and inconvenient details away. Oral history tends to be more resilient in that one aspect.

                So I do think it boils down to the White Jesus Phenomenon.

                That being said, it’s hard for me to believe Ssael is a lion for a number of reasons.

                Well, it’s certainly convenient for certain people to cast him as a traitor, isn’t it.

                >That being said, it’s hard for me to believe Ssael is a lion for a number of reasons.
                Sure, I'm good either way. I just made some connection that Tittybird pining for Ssael earlier and reaching this long-awaited return of a figure with a lion showing up might be the same being. We'll know soon enough in a month what that lion is or isn't.

              • 1 year ago

                It hadn't dawned on me to connect the concepts of the cliffhanger page and the two-week break, to the conclusion that we don't know who this is for two weeks. Oops.
                I feel like Ilganyag would be more dramatic if this were Ssael, but I dunno.

              • 1 year ago

                Also "agreed at last" implies he has been refusing, while Ssael has been radio silent for a long time.

              • 1 year ago

                >I feel like Ilganyag would be more dramatic if this were Ssael
                For sure. I recall there being a page of her crying and wondering where Ssael had gone and unless she was breaking the 4th wall I don't think she was putting on an act.

              • 1 year ago

                I don't think Ashley does asspulls and wouldn't at this late stage in the game. That lion is certainly at least someone that has already been mentioned.

                I honestly am not paying attention to all the details presented to us in the story. I think with some amount of effort it would be possible to figure out without a doubt who this lion is before it even says a word much like we could figure out Mikaila was alive. Whatever happens, whoever this lion is, it will be fine. Even if the lion only shows up to say, "You've finally trashed this house enough for me to pay attention, good job." Personally, I've enjoyed stories where God (or Satan) shows up in person only to acknowledge (but not necessarily approve of) the amount of imagination and effort it took to reach this point.

              • 1 year ago

                I'm not saying you're wrong I just want to know how they did it. Not like that would be the only oddity with the curse. It somehow worked on Etalarche after all even though he would have been Soud.

              • 1 year ago

                >even though he would have been a Soud
                Etalarche could’ve been a different caste depending on who Ssael wed. Could even be a Bronze!

              • 1 year ago

                You know I never considered that. I just assumed he was Soud because why wouldn't he be?

              • 1 year ago

                The big thing that makes me think he could be a different caste is that he’s specifically Ssael’s grandson. He could’ve had all Soud children himself and still had a Bronze pop up further down the line.

              • 1 year ago

                >It somehow worked on Etalarche after all even though he would have been Soud.
                Hmm that's actually an interesting question. The curse doesn't actually seem to affect the target directly, rather it appears to affect every Ald EXCEPT the target. But Roger had to be inside the Dammakhert in order to be cursed, and it did alter his soul somehow so the Dammakhert must be able to identify the target somehow.

              • 1 year ago

                Souds are a tag in the Dammakhert, just a weak one.

              • 1 year ago

                Soud cannot be targeted with the Etalarche Curse, it puts a flag on your soul that every other soul that has been affected by the Dammakhert reacts to. Soud are outside the Dammakhert and are therefore untargetable by the curse and unaffected by it when it's around. Same reason why they can't Etalarche someone outside the Dammakhert, the structure to hang it on just isn't there.

              • 1 year ago

                >even though he would have been a Soud
                Etalarche could’ve been a different caste depending on who Ssael wed. Could even be a Bronze!

                I think Ashley said that was a huge debate among Aldish doctrine on whether Etalarche was actually a subject of the curse he's named after or not but he's still generally regarded as being Soud with implications around him being the one exception.

              • 1 year ago

                I think this being could be Ssael and in a lion form now, but not a lion prior to dying.

              • 1 year ago

                >Ssaelism predates the dammakhert
                Ssael himself built the dammakhert, anon.

              • 1 year ago

                I nitpicked about the age of Ssaelism, but I’m with you on all the rest, though— it’s about who controls the narrative (or how it’s controlled). Religions with centralized power (like Ssaelism and gefendurism) are more prone to have a highly curated experience that gradually trims context and inconvenient details away. Oral history tends to be more resilient in that one aspect.

                So I do think it boils down to the White Jesus Phenomenon.

                That being said, it’s hard for me to believe Ssael is a lion for a number of reasons.

                He's remembered as a tain who betrayed his people and taught the invading Rortidians pymary.
                Are we thinking all of that is bullshit now?

                Well, it’s certainly convenient for certain people to cast him as a traitor, isn’t it.

              • 1 year ago

                >Well, it’s certainly convenient for certain people to cast him as a traitor, isn’t it.
                No one in the Aldish state cares about the Tains he betrayed though, most would agree that it was super cool of him to frick over those hippies.

              • 1 year ago

                >So I do think it boils down to the White Jesus Phenomenon.
                The problem with this is while there are definitely large swathes of Christians who think Jesus was white, the historical evidence is still there and anyone with a smidgen of research can discover that. The lay people, especially in more ignorant sects, may believe Jesus was white but go up to a cardinal or something (which Duane was equivalent to) and ask them if Jesus was white and they'd certainly know otherwise. This isn't a cultural misunderstanding, this is complete historical absence.

              • 1 year ago

                That’s true, but did people know that… I dunno, back in 1100 CE? Would the pope of 1100 CE know that Jesus from a thousand years ago was not a white man?

                I say that acknowledging that concepts of race were different in that period so “white man” was probably not in the lexicon yet, but point is, would they have visualized him as looking foreign… or more like themselves?

                Modern archaeology is honestly an underrated privilege we have, that it lets us understand the past from 2,000 years ago in ways that people 1,000 years ago wouldn’t have known.

              • 1 year ago

                Probably? The Pope at that time would know what region Jesus came from and knows about the people that populate that region, especially so considering the various crusades at the time, and would likely understand that Jesus was not actually white with blonde hair and blue eyes. The only reason Jesus was depicted like that in classical depictions such as during the renaissance is because most artists would use a life model as a reference.

              • 1 year ago

                Learned theological scholars have been around for a while, so yes I imagine the higher ups in the church would have had a decent idea if they thought things through. They might quibble over what shade his hair was but he was born a human to people in a specific location of the world.

              • 1 year ago

                >predates the Dammankhert
                How'd they curse Etalarche without the dammakhert?

          • 1 year ago

            Ssael was a real person that existed, kind of like Jesus of Nazareth was almost certainly a real historical figure even if people argue whether he was actually divine or not.

  13. 1 year ago

    I can't get over how FRICKING COOL that shot of Ilganyag with her human/anthro mouth peeking out between her crow's beak is.

  14. 1 year ago

    She just casually slipped a torc on him.
    Are his balls okay?

    • 1 year ago

      Anon that shit is IN him

      • 1 year ago

        Are his balls in him?

        • 1 year ago

          Depends on if his scrotum is stapled on or not

        • 1 year ago

          they might have retracted from fear

    • 1 year ago

      I dunno why but I got the impression the torc requires consent. If she can just force it on you, why didn't she just do that to Duane?

      • 1 year ago

        Because murkoph’s physical body is in the khert and only Duane’s soul has ever been there.

        • 1 year ago

          Theoretically speaking could the black tongues forcibly conscript important people into their order, then?

          • 1 year ago

            Theoretically speaking, yes.

            The issue is that Lady I’s ability to control through the torc is finite. She can cause pain and pleasure and speak to you, but not literally force your actions. She’d likely have to break someone’s will with pain and pleasure to make them compliant, which might not work with someone very strong-willed and ideologically resistant to her. And there’s always the possibility that person might just kill themselves to escape her.

            So as a general rule, Lady I seems to focus on seducing people to the order. People who are vulnerable enough to fall to a cult, smart enough to be useful, and committed enough to cut off their balls (thereby forcing them to rely on Lady I for sexual gratification).

            The torc doesn’t have to be consensual, but Lady I has clearly been trying to curate a specific image among her order, and forcing people to join or forcibly implanting them would be— shall we say— rather sloppy and overly-revealing for someone who has demonstrated themselves to be a very careful and patient manipulator.

  15. 1 year ago

    I think this makes it clear First Silver is sourced from Tittybird's species. The torc here is fashioned from her silver blood or marrow or something. Hence its rarity and its cost because her species like the Effehby were hunted to extinction.

    This is why the silver monster is necessary. She might be missing most of her "blood" and without it the Khert in the outside will void the rest of her body. The slaves weren't many, the silver couldn't have been a lot, the monster is mostly flesh, the mini-monsters are a mesh of silver, small snakes of silver. It's enough silver to fill the bloodstream of a big giant bird monster.

    Duane is the door, Sette is the hand that opens the door, and the silver is the wheelchair Tittybird needs to roll through the door.

    Additionally, I think the fetus forest Tittybird wove around the nest creates some kind of barrier that this Lion cannot move through. Maybe this forest is how Tittybird keeps the Sette of the Khert imprisoned, perhaps why she doesn't age in the real world. Fetuses have no memories, hence there's nothing for the Khert to break apart; but nevertheless they would have souls. Maybe fetuses having so few "memories" means their souls are not prioritized for recycling by the Khert and Tittybird gathers them as something that resists Khert influence. Perhaps similar to how souls were used to hold Murkoph in place.

    The lion we see here is definitely the thing known as Ssael. Tittybird wonders where Ssael is in the Khert in an earlier page and now she's revelling in the fact something has finally made an appearance, it can't be a coincidence that her longing for Ssael and this long-awaited appearance aren't the same thing.

  16. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      And Jag is Beast!

    • 1 year ago

      Nah, Ashely straight up said "Murkoph is not Ssael". But the anon who gets angry at

      >I think Ssael was a lion.
      I've said this before. There's one anon around here who gets particularly angery at this suggestion. Just mightily malding.

      thinks this meant "she said he is not in any abstract way associated with Ssael" and thinks some human dude being confused with a lion named Ssael would be contrary to this statement and the most worstest writing in the history of the entire universe and also your mother is a prostitute.

      tbh this is how I feel about those speculating it was Murkoph who killed Duane that night. He's been dead and in the khert way longer than 7 years, or I'll eat my own arse.

      • 1 year ago

        "Murkoph is not Ssael"
        "But Murkoph actually IS the personage popularly and historically identified as Ssael, and Ssael actually isn't Ssael"
        You're delusional. I hope to God that this book puts this to rest because I know for a fact that I would not be able to take 10 more years of you posting this.

        • 1 year ago

          Fite me.

          • 1 year ago

            >that woman's face
            >suddenly notice where she's got her hands

        • 1 year ago

          Nah, Ashely straight up said "Murkoph is not Ssael". But the anon who gets angry at [...] thinks this meant "she said he is not in any abstract way associated with Ssael" and thinks some human dude being confused with a lion named Ssael would be contrary to this statement and the most worstest writing in the history of the entire universe and also your mother is a prostitute.

          tbh this is how I feel about those speculating it was Murkoph who killed Duane that night. He's been dead and in the khert way longer than 7 years, or I'll eat my own arse.

          Last page already shut the book on that anyhow, confirming that Murkoph is after Ssael's time.

      • 1 year ago

        >Nah, Ashely straight up said "Murkoph is not Ssael".
        yes anon that is then joke

  17. 1 year ago

    Murkoph is actually Duane from the future.

  18. 1 year ago

    I think Murkoph was simply Tittybird's first attempt at what Duane is (successfully) doing now. Whoever had an interest in keeping Tittybird trapped there foiled the plan, rendered Murkoph insane as a frick you to her attempt (very possible with Aldish hivemind maniulation), and locked him in there with her.

    I can't imagine the three pieces that must be assembled to free Tittybird are easy to get in one place.

    a) Sette, who might be born in a country that is totally hostile to strangers
    b) A fortune in First Silver, like seriously it required the world's Jeff Bezos to get it
    c) A wright who has no national allegiances, talented, willing to be enslaved to you, and willing to commit what is basically crimes against humanity
    d) Another equally deranged wright to move the silver
    e) Maybe a tacit caster

    Like when you think about it, that's a really tall order. The Duane component alone is ridiculous and whoever volunteers for that role is insane. It probably took several attempts to realize that the Duane component of the plan had to befriend the Sette component and that abducting the Sette was really fricking hard.

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah. This is like... one of those plans where all the right pieces only align together once in a blue moon, and repeated failure is expected.

  19. 1 year ago


  20. 1 year ago

    Ssael is a bigger nerd than Duane

  21. 1 year ago

    >lion is sette's brother
    >lion is ssael
    >lion is elatarche
    You fools. It's BETT, THE ALMIGHTY BETT!

  22. 1 year ago

    I come here because of something that happened in a v thread.
    Do you think Ashley cope would enjoy the project moon games? I hear their popular with fujos and might be her style with all the gruesomeness and hot dudes.
    yes I am here for the soul purpose of shilling a video game series on the basis that it vagyely reminds me of unsounded

  23. 1 year ago

    I'm starting to get the feeling that tittybird may not be the most emotionally supportive of wives.

  24. 1 year ago

    I think Mikaila being alive broke the brains of some anons and now people are just throwing random theories at the wall to see what sticks.

    • 1 year ago

      Just like every other Unsounded thread huh?

      (I love the speculation in these threads, its the only thing that keeps me on Cinemaphile)

  25. 1 year ago

    I don't understand the lore or the character histories.
    I just like the pretty pictures.

  26. 1 year ago

    The lion is Murkoph's soul, about to return to his body.

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