Venture Brothers

If the show had continued to a proper ending, do you think Hank and Dean would have become arches?

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  1. 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago


  2. 2 months ago

    Probably. But only in a way where Hank manipulates the system to keep Dean out of actual danger while letting him play around as Batman.

  3. 2 months ago

    I'll post my head canon from the last thread.

    A new villain pops up. A girl, she's pretty around Hank age. She's really enthusiastic but she also suck. She's not rich so the guild doesn't cut her as much slack as St. Cloud. O.S.I keep her as a low threat and don't want to deal with her neither do the other Guild members. She's thinking of quitting after a while of bombing it.

    Hank can't help but feel sad for her. He goes to help her out, she's wary but alternatively was just going to quit herself. Hank help her out they start small. Hank himself isn't trying to be evil, just helping a person out and can't help but enjoy that she's happy at the end of a successful mission.

    They slowly move up based, and even the guild starts to take notice when she's done consecutive missions complete.

    • 2 months ago

      I like that. My choice of ending would be just everybody getting away from this life. Mostly I just want Doc to just have a simple life, own a small bar on spanikos and sell his terrible doctails and enjoying his later years.

    • 2 months ago

      >Hank can't help but feel sad for her. He goes to help her out, she's wary but alternatively was just going to quit herself. Hank help her out they start small. Hank himself isn't trying to be evil, just helping a person out and can't help but enjoy that she's happy at the end of a successful mission.
      So pic related?

      If the show had continued to a proper ending, do you think Hank and Dean would have become arches?

      Probably. But only in a way where Hank manipulates the system to keep Dean out of actual danger while letting him play around as Batman.

      Dean doesn't have what it takes to be a super villain.

      Dean eventually becomes a super scientist but he makes boring but useful inventions.

  4. 2 months ago

    Hank joining the OSI seems like the best path honestly.

    • 2 months ago

      >Hank can't help but feel sad for her. He goes to help her out, she's wary but alternatively was just going to quit herself. Hank help her out they start small. Hank himself isn't trying to be evil, just helping a person out and can't help but enjoy that she's happy at the end of a successful mission.
      So pic related?

      Dean doesn't have what it takes to be a super villain.

      Dean eventually becomes a super scientist but he makes boring but useful inventions.

      >Hank joins OSI and rises through the ranks alongside Dermott
      >Dean becomes a scientist that finds a middle ground between Grandad's Super Science and JJ's Consumer Electronics
      >still gets arches because of his pedigree as a Venture, Sovereign, and the fact that even basic Hemorrhoid Doctors are used as fodder for low-tier villains
      >Hank and Dermott are high enough rank that they can do what they want + keeping them around pisses off Hunter's Brain-in-a-Jar
      >half the time is genuinely spent protecting Dean, as he gets used by his arches after he becomes known as an easy mark that pays off his villains
      >half the time they just keep absolutely fricking with him

      • 2 months ago

        You do realize that whole thing was bullshit that doesn't apply to the Ventures. Lloyd Venture was the Grand Protector of The Orb. The acting head of The Guild. Phantomas established The Guild of Calamitous Intent. The Ventures have no bearing on the leadership structure of the GCI. What's more, the Council of 13 has abolished the Sovereign position. So that just double makes any conceivable, straw grasping tie between the Ventures (specifically Dean) and the GCI's leadership, hold no water.

        • 2 months ago

          Yeah and Jonas Venture Sr. is also dead and dissolved for all intents and purposes, numb nuts. That's the thing about legacy: it follows you not matter how little was there and how long it's been over for.

  5. 2 months ago

    >do you think Hank and Dean would have become arches?
    No, absolutely not. Dean has been, for multiple seasons, been actively trying to get out of the protagonist/antagonist, super-hero/scientist/spy/villain life. He doesn't want any part of it anymore. Hank might go for something, but if the direction they went with him in Radiant still stayed in, he'd probably not either since it seems that both the Venture Bros are, in their own ways, trying to grow out of that lifestyle to become normal, adjusted people. At least, more adjusted and normal compared to their dad.

  6. 2 months ago

    No, but I always wanted to see Hank try out arching as a hench for The Monarch. Mostly because I love his dynamic with 24, and I've always wanted to see the boys getting to know their uncle more.

  7. 2 months ago

    Dean becomes a journalist

  8. 2 months ago

    They would have been phased out in favor of getting more podcast guests for their pathetic attempt at making another The Tick. This show was over after season 6.

    • 2 months ago

      After they move to New York, it may as well take place in the Tick universe.

  9. 2 months ago

    That actually would've been a really beautiful ending, they'd both be great at it, and they'd still love one another, and they'd make a big show out of it to enhance each other's brands

  10. 2 months ago

    What boards does Dermott browse?

    • 2 months ago

      /gif/ and /vmg/

      • 2 months ago

        What gacha do you think he paypigs for?
        Anyway, the movie was incredibly bittersweet for me. Its the closest we'll get to a real ending and even then the ending isn't really an ending. Their world goes on, and there's no real conclusion to anything. In a way I am glad that they didn't cram every answer to every question in the movie, but I feel like I just wanted five more minutes.

  11. 2 months ago

    No, Hank sacked off all his crazy alt-Hank personas in limbo. They even got to beat up Dean - the real Dean, thanks to Orpheus - so it's not like Hank's secret resentment can't claim to have got revenge for the Sirena thing

    Dean isn't interested in arching. The closest he got was writing the Monarch a check for one million dollarydoos. He was broken up about what happened with Hank/Sirena too, and after all it's just young people screwing around. It happens sometimes. As the Monarch once said "We're supervillains. We swing!" - but neither Hank nor Dean are down for that, so stuff like we saw with Don Hell's and the villains living in Malice, or heard about from Jonas etc, doesn't really work for them.

    Could they be a new kind of protag/antag? Sure. But not under the existing models, where there's certain expectations.

    Honestly, Brock is more likely to snap and go villain, after finding out he had his brain wiped to hide the fact he did Movie Night. And that's not very likely.

    • 2 months ago

      >Brock is more likely to snap and go villain, after finding out he had his brain wiped to hide the fact he did Movie Night. And that's not very likely.
      You are aware that Brock was too busy beating up Doc, White, Underbheit and Sorayama in a drunk fueled rage, from his guilt for accidentally killing Tommy the Quarterback at football practice that day, in their dorm room when Movie Night happened, right?

      • 2 months ago

        that's not what Jonas Sr thought

        and every O.S.I. grunt knows it was SPHINX killed Jonas Venture too

  12. 2 months ago

    The show can never progress. Every time they answered a question or closed a mystery, they would just totally retcon it completely in the next season. It was never going to get a proper ending because the writers cannot settle on anything and always go back to some old plot point and bring it back up or retcon it right back into being a mystery again.

    Being cut off from the network was all it was ever going to have.

  13. 2 months ago

    I feel like the series would have moved in the direction of having a girl that the boys are both horny for, but she also juuuust might be some illegitimate kid of Rusty's so they are somewhat creeped out at the possibility of her being their sister. But she is also evil and constantly antagonizing them as a villain, but she is really bad at being a villain. Which also makes Dean thing she is related to Rusty.

  14. 2 months ago

    early hank and dean, yes. End-of-show hank and dean, absolutely not. When rusty had been being feaux-formed by killinger into almost becoming a villain, that's about when the timeline could have drifted and I could see that happening twenty years down the line, but not the hank and dean who went through everything they went through in the show. It would be a cool what-if alternate timeline bit, but not the hank and dean we know.

  15. 2 months ago

    I hate how quickly I binged all of Venture Bros at the height of the pandemic. Now every time there's a thread and you all start bringing up specific plot threads in the series timeline, I draw a blank and feel left out of the conversation more often than not. This was definitely meant to be more of a slow burn.

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