>Villain has the hero's old powers that the hero doesn't have any more.

>Villain has the hero's old powers that the hero doesn't have any more.
>Hero still easily beats the villain because he doesn't need the powers anymore.
Any other examples of this? All I can think of is Adventure Time and Ben 10. Also who did it better? Also any other super rare tropes?

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  1. 6 months ago

    I still don't know why they chose for this to be the final boss of Beast Machines and also the final boss for the original G1 timeline.

    • 6 months ago

      Probably to save money on a new render. But it's also pretty in character for Megatron to spite Primal like that as well imo

    • 6 months ago

      >defeated by falling down a pit
      >when he CAN FLY
      did Megatron lose IQ points or something?

    • 6 months ago

      To be fair that form of Primal was strong as frick, Megatron just opted for the strongest body he could get.

    • 6 months ago

      Robot breasts

      • 6 months ago

        very common

  2. 6 months ago

    That one episode of Billy and Mandy where Billy eats her Mean Nerve thing and when Mandy goes to retrieve it she realizes she doesn't need it to be her stone cold self.

    • 6 months ago

      Sounds kino. Haven't seen that show since I was a kid.

  3. 6 months ago

    wow, you really came up with two examples and didn't think of the black suit/Venom from Spider-Man?

    • 6 months ago

      Doesn't really fit, Peter didn't get new powers to beat the symbiote with.

    • 6 months ago

      I don't like venom so that's probably why I didn't remember him.

      Doesn't really fit, Peter didn't get new powers to beat the symbiote with.

      Nah that's not what I meant. I mean Finn didn't get any new powers unless you count his arm but really that's not much of a power. And Ben 10 technically did have new and better powers, like how he didn't have to wait for the omnitrix to "recharge" anymore but that didn't really matter iirc. He just beat Albedo with one alien the same way he would have done it if he still had the prototype or the ultimatrix.

      • 6 months ago

        So if you just want hero vs villains with the same powers that is a huge list. Hulk has Abomination, Ravage and others I'm sure I can't remember right now

        • 6 months ago

          No I mean heroes fighting villains who have their old powers that they themselves no longer have, but they still win because they got gooder. Finn couldn't do any of that grass shit anymore like Fern still could, and Ben couldn't turn into ultimate aliens anymore but Albedo always can.

  4. 6 months ago

    Post unrelated? Finn didn't even really get to fight Green Knight Fern. They just had some stupid dream sequence and then it was over.

    • 6 months ago

      He did fight Fern to the death bro. Before he was the green knight. But Fern still had all of Finn's old powers and he could control them even when Finn couldn't. Also, he did fight green knight fern briefly in the show and had a full fight in the game, but I guess that's not really what I was talking about. I mean as the green knight Fern had even more powers than before. I just posted it because Fern is Fern.

      • 6 months ago

        >Before he was the green knight
        Barely, they had like a short struggle where Finn caught him by surprise and weedwhacked him.

        • 6 months ago

          No, it was a real fight dude. You need to rewatch it or something. It was even longer than most fights in the series. Which isn't saying much but regardless, it was a real fight. And Finn didn't really do any surprise attacks. Sure Fern was surprised Finn got out but it's not like Finn sneak assassinated him. Finn ran up to him screaming and Fern had time to react, because he did react. He chose to try to run at first oddly enough. After that they dueled legitly.

          • 6 months ago

            Running after someone, tackling them and winning because you accidentally turned your hand into a weedwacker is not a 'fight'

            • 6 months ago

              Like I said rewatch it. Alot more than that happened. Also the way Fern ended up dying may have been an accident but that's just not relevant.

              • 6 months ago

                >Alot more than that happened
                You call that a lot? Remember when Finn was slicing down giant dragons like it was goddamn metal gear rising? This is the kind of thing you have to use as a 'feat' for nu-adventure time finn?

              • 6 months ago

                Ugh, a moron. And yes, pretending to be a moron ironically is still moronic. Who do you think wants to see that?

              • 6 months ago

                Again, some struggle where they just kinda shove each other and slowly clank their arms is pathetic compared to the stuff Finn used to do. He used to be a badass warrior who'd choke an ancient necromancer to death with a sweater.

              • 6 months ago

                This is no different, other than that it's a different enemy. Finn couldn't do that kind of shit in a fight against fern even if he had a sweater or a sword or something. If Finn didn't block those attacks he would have been a thousand pieces faster than he could blink. And Fern doesn't breathe, so there can be no choking.

              • 6 months ago

                >. If Finn didn't block those attacks he would have been a thousand pieces faster than he could blink.
                Did we watch a different fight or something? Fern was literally just stumbling around, Finn was better with his sword even before he got the Grassblade.

              • 6 months ago

                Bullshit watch it again right now you goldfish. In fact watch the whole show to get your facts straight. It's not like at is known for sword duels or anything. As far as sword skills go this is the most skilled Finn has ever been. Almost all other times Finn uses strength over skill. Which is something that he just can't do against Fern. Fern is too fast and deadly. Finn isn't getting past all that shit unscathed without focusing on defense and even if he did, a big punch isn't going to destroy Fern. He's a grass dude.

              • 6 months ago

                What the hell are you talking about? Did you *see* the fight? They literally just slowly push each other and then slowly clink their blades. This is not fast, NOR skilled, NOR 'badass'. It's a pathetic showing for someone who used to be as good as Finn was.

                It's not like Fern has a skull so you can't be b***hing about Finn not killing Fern that way. Besides why do you even want Finn to do the same things more than once?

                >Besides why do you even want Finn to do the same things more than once?
                Why couldn't he have actually done something cool? He used to be able to beat people like Fern with ease. Look at how sloppily and slowly he swung that blade.

              • 6 months ago

                You need to rewatch the whole show. You're acting like adventure time used to be a pro martial arts tournament or something. No. As far as skill goes in this show, this is it. And Finn defeating someone who has the grass sword and complete control over all of it's powers is way more impressive than taking down the Bich who dies from a single kick and can't fight for shit.
                >He used to be able to beat people like fern with ease
                No he did not. Name one other character like Fern other than Finn himself when he had the grass sword. There isn't one.
                >look at how sloppily and slowly he swung that blade
                You really, REALLY need to rewatch the show right now! holy shit man you're just so dumb! This is adventure time. That's very fast and very well form for this show. Who are you, that shadiversity guy? Did you only watch this clip I posted and nothing else?

              • 6 months ago

                > No. As far as skill goes in this show, this is it
                Are you stupid? How the hell is this skill? You're conflating the OLD grass word with FERN using the grass sword.
                >And Finn defeating someone who has the grass sword and complete control over all of it's powe
                Complete powers my ass, someone with the grass sword doesn't fricking stumble around like that. When Finn had the grass sword he could effortlessly cut through air like it was nothing, Fern isn't doing even a 1/100th of what he did.

                >That's very fast and very well form for this show.
                Oh, so you just haven't watched any of the early seasons. I see.

              • 6 months ago

                >how is this skill
                It just is bro. This isn't irl. Like I said, watch the show. Compared to everything else this fight makes them look like ninjas. They don't fight with agility or speed.
                >the old grass sword
                Fern still has the grass sword. Doesn't matter if he's not exactly as good at it as Finn was. He's still a beast. You seen the episode where Finn is a doctor and Fern is slaying all those grass monsters? After Fern was done the grass maze looked like it was hit by nlm.
                >someone with the grass sword doesn't stumble like that
                Yes they do. Watch the show right now.
                >Finn could cut things with the sword
                So could Fern. Dude. WATCH THE FRICKING THING!!!!!!
                >oh so I haven't watched the early seasons

              • 6 months ago

                >They don't fight with agility or speed.
                We've had plenty of fights that were far, far faster than this in the earlier seasons.
                >Fern still has the grass sword. Doesn't matter if he's not exactly as good at it as Finn was
                It matters because he isn't doing even half of what finn was doing when he literally just go it. He's barely swinging it around. He does a few slow slashes, and that's it.
                >So could Fern.
                YOU should watch the fricking thing. You should see how slow he is.

                I mean, why are you trying to defend bad writing? Let it go. Late AT sucks.

              • 6 months ago

                >We've had plenty of fights that were far, far faster than this in the earlier seasons.
                Name one.
                >It matters because he isn't doing even half of what finn was doing when he literally just go it. He's barely swinging it around. He does a few slow slashes, and that's it.
                Bullshit stop moroning also watch the thing again.
                >No YOU
                You are a moron. Go away now troll.

              • 6 months ago

                >Name one.
                The Ghost Gladiators, the Dragon, the Train Monsters...
                >Bullshit stop moroning also watch the thing again.
                Repeating the same thing is not an argument.
                >Go away troll
                I accept your concession.

              • 6 months ago

                You need to rewatch those three things you just posted.
                >repeating the same thing isn't an argument
                I'm right bro. Yes it is.
                No stop trolling.

              • 6 months ago

                Is that all you can say? 'Just rewatch!'

              • 6 months ago

                That's all there is to say.

              • 6 months ago

                >We've had plenty of fights that were far, far faster than this in the earlier seasons.
                Name one.
                >It matters because he isn't doing even half of what finn was doing when he literally just go it. He's barely swinging it around. He does a few slow slashes, and that's it.
                Bullshit stop moroning also watch the thing again.
                >No YOU
                You are a moron. Go away now troll.

                Didn't even see
                >bad writing
                If you troll don't be obvious. Honestly what's even the point of trolling?

              • 6 months ago

                This is no different, other than that it's a different enemy. Finn couldn't do that kind of shit in a fight against fern even if he had a sweater or a sword or something. If Finn didn't block those attacks he would have been a thousand pieces faster than he could blink. And Fern doesn't breathe, so there can be no choking.

                Also you're not even remembering the sweater fight right. Finn didn't choke him because he didn't breathe either. Finn just ripped his skull apart.

              • 6 months ago

                >Finn just ripped his skull apart.
                Is this pedantic correction supposed to serve? That's even more badass.

              • 6 months ago

                It's not like Fern has a skull so you can't be b***hing about Finn not killing Fern that way. Besides why do you even want Finn to do the same things more than once?

            • 6 months ago

              >winning because accident
              No Finn won because he's Finn and Fern's not as good as him. Fern was never going to win that fight regardless of what the hand did.

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