POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

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POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago


  2. 9 months ago

    Now the Tarly's bend the knee like everyone else. He could have lingered on the edge of the battle with the smart boys, and today his wife would be making him miserable...his sons would be ingrates...and he'd be waking three times in the night to piss into a bowl WINE

    • 9 months ago

      holy kino

  3. 9 months ago

    Why did we get 0 battles before Blackwater?
    First season had a budget of $50-$60 million and second season had $8 million extra invested just for the Blackwater Bay episode

    Where did they spend the rest of the money? Daenerys' rags? Roberts' hunting expedition of 4 guys?

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      they paid for the original sets in season 1 no? Subsequent upkeep between seasons is much cheaper.

    • 9 months ago

      honestly the Battle of Green Fork would have been silly

    • 9 months ago

      The costumes and sets were a lot better in season 1. The armor in particular actually looked like real armor instead of the cheap fantasy armor they had the actors wearing in later seasons.

  4. 9 months ago

    >They never tell you how they all shit up the threads

  5. 9 months ago

    all black like uganda
    hair back like e. honda
    shark bite to a flounder
    bar fight to a bouncer

  6. 9 months ago

    Cersei's children are bastards
    I know it because they are blond, they should have been black haired
    Yes that's my evidence
    Let's start a civil war

    • 9 months ago

      I thought it was stupid at the time, but they didn't explain well in the show that fantasy genetics are at play in the setting, and certain lineages will breed true with their traits/features regardless of how genetics should/would work.

      • 9 months ago

        it was extra moronic because renly actor was brown haired (in the books he was meant to be black haired, just like young robert was)
        was he also a bastard? do the fantasy genetics of westeros allow a black-haired family line give birth to brown-haired children? or was it just a misscast and you're supposed to turn your brain off?

        but ultimately even in the books, ned's claim is very weak and he should have gathered more evidence before going through with it

      • 9 months ago

        >they didn't explain well in the show that fantasy genetics are at play in the setting, and certain lineages will breed true with their traits/features regardless of how genetics should/would work.
        Why is Jon not silver-haired?

        • 9 months ago

          It's been established that Targaryens breeding outside of the family line can result in either extremely targed out offspring or the opposite examples are Baelor Breakspear, Duncan Targaryen, Bitter Steel, and of course, Jon Snow

        • 9 months ago

          Lyanna's seed was too strong. Poor Rhaegar knew that certain death at the Trident was better than an eternity in her rape dungeon of Joy

        • 9 months ago

          There's plenty of Targ kids with mixed ancestry don't look like Targs. Rhaegar's daughter looks like her Dornish mother just like Jon looks like his Stark mother.

    • 9 months ago

      >"I know everything about you and Jaime"
      >refuses to elaborate
      >does absolutely nothing and lets her prepare for the coup

      What did he mean by this?

      he was a fricking moron and he needed to be so that george could advance the story

      Ned did nothing wrong. Like

      I thought it was stupid at the time, but they didn't explain well in the show that fantasy genetics are at play in the setting, and certain lineages will breed true with their traits/features regardless of how genetics should/would work.

      mentions the genetics of the great houses are intertwined with fantasy and magic, not to mention Roberts numerous bastards that are his spitting image. Ned confronted Cersei because he was merciful, you can say he shouldn't have all you like but there is absolutely no world where Ned lets Robert kill the kids even if it's the only winning move, Neds lived his life making personal sacrifices to protect innocent children from Roberts wrath and it's how he died. He wasn't stupid, he was literally just too honorable to survive in Kings Landing long, a lone wolf in a lions den left with the options of
      >turn a blind eye
      >let children be killed and come out on top
      >make an attempt at justice with almost no chance at succeeding
      Ned will always choose the third, even if he was 200IQ, that's just the kind of man he is.

      it was extra moronic because renly actor was brown haired (in the books he was meant to be black haired, just like young robert was)
      was he also a bastard? do the fantasy genetics of westeros allow a black-haired family line give birth to brown-haired children? or was it just a misscast and you're supposed to turn your brain off?

      but ultimately even in the books, ned's claim is very weak and he should have gathered more evidence before going through with it

      Renly is a terrible miscast in the show for many reasons, he's meant to look exactly like a young Robert which actually gives some credence to why so many people support his illegitimate claim, they see him as Robert come again. Making him a gigagay twink was terrible casting

      • 9 months ago

        >3 bastards dying = bad
        >3 bastards dying + a massive civil war that will destroy hundreds of thousands of lives = good

        But I suppose the latter is better because he will have no part in it?

        Ned's morality is garbage, a set of arbitrary rules to self-indulge in his vanity
        As far as Ned is concerned, the Lannisters would be utterly fricked; Robert finds out, he rallies the realm into war, the Lannisters do not have a single external ally to back them but Tywin does not surrender, massive war of attrition because of the mountainous local geography, the population of the Westerlands suffers, Cersei and her children die anyways unless they escape to Essos

        • 9 months ago

          a civil war had already started by that point anyway. Tywin was already razing villages to the ground and Ned was trying to bring the conflict to an end. He didn't realize how a den of vipers like Kings Landing operates or how much of a crazy b***h Cersei was, the biggest thing you can fault Ned for is naivety of the environment he was in, he didn't expect Robert to be immediately killed or the kingsguard to stand by and watch as the kings will was torn to shreds then turn against the man it named ruler of westeros. Thinking he was self indulgent for not pragmatically sacrificing 3 innocents to prevent the Robert joining the war against the Lannisters which would've happened if he'd let Robert kill the bastards anyway is insane
          >Cersei and her children die anyways unless they escape to Essos
          That's exactly what Ned tried giving her the chance to do

    • 9 months ago

      The Sneed is strong.

  7. 9 months ago

    >"I know everything about you and Jaime"
    >refuses to elaborate
    >does absolutely nothing and lets her prepare for the coup

    What did he mean by this?

    • 9 months ago

      he was a fricking moron and he needed to be so that george could advance the story

    • 9 months ago

      >Can't figure out a way to tell the king that his dynasty was ruse'd by his wife without sending him into murderous rage that will 100% start a war
      >Use the narrow window you have before he gets back to ask his manipulative wife to conjure some femoid sorcery to try and avoid total blonde genocide
      >Boar gets a lucky crit

      Ned wasn't being nearly as moronic here as people meme he is. He knows what Robert will do, and what Tywin will do in retaliation. He knows he's probably fricked no matter what he does which is why he arranges to get his family/household out of the city in secret, which would've worked if Sansa hadn't ratted him out to Cersei.

  8. 9 months ago

    never watched the show (just saw the clips) but I gotta say I liked the books more since they just made more sense and had better writing

  9. 9 months ago

    did ned frick her?

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago


      Was probably Brandon. Undercuts the whole sacrifice to his image he made claiming Jon as his bastard if he fricked Ashara anyway

      • 9 months ago

        I like the idea that he married Ashara and put Jon inside of her the same day Brandon was killed. Then his dad tried to save the alliance by pretending like Ned didn't marry Ashara in front of a heart tree and that all of Catelyn's kids aren't bastards.

        • 9 months ago

          Considering Ashara is very blatantly and immediately introduced to us as the first possible mother of Jon Snow at the start of book 1 when Cat is seething about it I highly doubt she actually is, very obvious red herring. Unless GRRM is just the most moronic mystery writer of all time

        • 9 months ago

          This was plausible up until the last Jon chapter in ADWD and will be in limbo until we find out if he lives or not (literally never). If he come back, N+A=J is probably out the window.

          Considering Ashara is very blatantly and immediately introduced to us as the first possible mother of Jon Snow at the start of book 1 when Cat is seething about it I highly doubt she actually is, very obvious red herring. Unless GRRM is just the most moronic mystery writer of all time

          The meme that Gurm is some subversive rusemaster is and always has been moronic. Every tweest was either thoroughly built up or foreshadowed
          >Ned finds a dead adult direwolf gored by a stag, along with pups that suspiciously match the number of Stark children
          >King with a stag as his sigil asking Ned for a favor leads to Ned's death


          • 9 months ago

            remind me, what happened in the last Jon chapter that mentions Jon's parentage?

            • 9 months ago

              Nothing. He gets stabbed repeatedly and is last seen bleeding out. There's only three possible outcomes to that.
              >doesn't die
              >dies and stays dead
              >dies and comes back
              1 and 2 would favor N+A=J because no prophecy shit is involved. 3 leans towards R+L=J because the only fate for a corpse at the Wall is being burned, if Jon comes back to life amidst the flames it implies lizard-fricker frickery

              • 9 months ago

                frick, I didn't thought about that
                Even those two imbeciles didn't remember that at this point night watch burns any dead body as soon as possible.

          • 9 months ago

            >The meme that Gurm is some subversive rusemaster is and always has been moronic
            I never said he was. R+L=J is heavily foreshadowed is completely in line with how he writes. The dead direwolf is heavy foreshadowing but only for the stories setup, anyone who's watched/read literally anything before knows this is going to be an introduction to the world through the eyes of the parents only for them to die and the story to really be about the kids. A late game reveal like Jons parentage wouldn't be literally outright told to the reader in the first couple of chapters

            N+A=J schizos are nuts. There is no world where Rhaegar and Lyanna aren't Jons parents and I've been saying this before that was revealed in the show

            • 9 months ago

              >There is no world where Rhaegar and Lyanna aren't Jons parents

              You're forgetting the post-GoT with an ending everyone hated so much that the author will never finish the story world

              • 9 months ago

                Written by George or not there will be some publications titled "The Winds of Winter" and "a Dream of Spring" following whatever outline and notes George leaves behind, which will include R+L=J

              • 9 months ago

                George has left instruction in his estate specifically barring anyone but him finishing the series. Now whether his notes get published like Tolkien is a different matter but as a finished product we have a 10-30% chance of getting TWOW but never ADOS

              • 9 months ago

                If this comes trve I'll owe you a free (You), until then I'll just keep coping by memeing

          • 9 months ago

            That wasn't even strictly for the reader, it's brought up as a bad omen in-story.

      • 9 months ago

        Canonically, it went
        >/u/ with Elia
        >getting DP'd by NedxBrandon at Harrenhal and then keeping Ned's number
        >Ned throughout the war and one last time before faking her death after he returns Dawn
        >Moon Boy for all I know

    • 9 months ago

      No. GRRM NEVER indulges the beta nerd gets the hot girl trope, not even for his self-inserts.

  10. 9 months ago
  11. 9 months ago


  12. 9 months ago

    Lysa Arryn tells her sister and nephew to get fricked because...

  13. 9 months ago

    /got/ was great but all things end

  14. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      >losing your breastplate stretcher is an automatic fail

  15. 9 months ago

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