Wait, since when has the Japanese Dr. Light been the ex-wife of Rape Dr. Light? Is this another n52 retcon?

Wait, since when has the Japanese Dr. Light been the ex-wife of Rape Dr. Light? Is this another n52 retcon?

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  1. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      but... why. Has this ever been explained or justified? Is this another botched attempt at streamlining nuDC? I really don't get it.

      • 7 months ago

        I've no idea buddy.

      • 7 months ago

        >Has this ever been explained or justified?
        No, New 52 completely ignored previous canon, and now current DC is ignoring both Dr. Lights.
        There was somewhat of an acknowledgedment when Arthur appeared in Rebirth Deathstroke, when he mentions how being a hero (happened when he was rebooted into a good husband man during the New 52) was a bad thing, but they also seem to imply he has his old pre-Flashpoint evil history, so who knows?
        >Is this another botched attempt at streamlining nuDC
        My best guess is that they wanted to get rid of the rape meme with Dr. Light, so they changed him up for the New 52, nowadays, however, with pre-Flashpoint canon back but chunks of New 52 still existing, who knows how it is, we'll have tl wait until either of the Dr. Lights show up again, if they ever do, writers don't usually want to acknowledge this kind of messy stuff.

  2. 7 months ago

    >That issue of Justice league of America issue 40where a Black Lantern Dr. Light racially insults Kimiyo by saying she acted like a "good little geisha" and telling her "Japanese people are a bunch of drones"
    Dc wanted Kimiyo to be married to THIS GUY

    • 7 months ago



      Wait, since when has the Japanese Dr. Light been the ex-wife of Rape Dr. Light? Is this another n52 retcon?

      Funny because I don't think her original ex has even appeared in panel, he was always a non-entity.

    • 7 months ago

      He also threatened to rape her kids.

    • 7 months ago

      dare I say zased?

  3. 7 months ago

    A pity N52 erased what she was doing at that moment. She was head of one of S.T.A.R. labs divisions and as such was a regular in the Superman titles. She had even begun dating Cadmus' Guardian, who was at the time leading the newly minted Science Police.

    • 7 months ago

      Oh yeah, I remember that.

  4. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      >raceplay fetish
      I don't even want to know.

      • 7 months ago

        It reads like it was written by a horny teenager who'd never said a slur out loud in their life.

  5. 7 months ago

    Yes it was a n52 thing, but Rebirth/Dawn have restored pre-Flashpoint continuity so it's hard to tell what's canon for minor characters right now.
    Were the Doctor Lights still married to each other?
    Are the Dibnys ghost detectives or are they alive? Was Sue still raped after all? Identity Crisis itself is canon since we just saw Jean Loring as an Arkham patient in this month's JSA.
    Which Vibe is currently canon, the rebooted n52 one or the Justice League Detroit one who died?
    Is Maxima a lesbian and alive or straight and dead? If the lesbian version is canon then what about all those times she tried to frick Superman and her time in JLI, is all that canon?
    Does Looker have her Abyssia origin and powers or is she just a vampire like the n52 version?
    There are probably many more ambiguous situations that I can't think of right now.

    • 7 months ago

      >Were the Doctor Lights still married to each other?
      I mean, Light mentioned during Rebirth that he lost his wife and kids

      >Has this ever been explained or justified?
      No, New 52 completely ignored previous canon, and now current DC is ignoring both Dr. Lights.
      There was somewhat of an acknowledgedment when Arthur appeared in Rebirth Deathstroke, when he mentions how being a hero (happened when he was rebooted into a good husband man during the New 52) was a bad thing, but they also seem to imply he has his old pre-Flashpoint evil history, so who knows?
      >Is this another botched attempt at streamlining nuDC
      My best guess is that they wanted to get rid of the rape meme with Dr. Light, so they changed him up for the New 52, nowadays, however, with pre-Flashpoint canon back but chunks of New 52 still existing, who knows how it is, we'll have tl wait until either of the Dr. Lights show up again, if they ever do, writers don't usually want to acknowledge this kind of messy stuff.

      so they're probably divorced.
      >Are the Dibnys ghost detectives or are they alive
      They've appeared multiple times ever since the New 52, Sue has a new design but she's back, I dunno if they ever actually did anything with them as ghost detectives.
      >Was Sue still raped after all? Identity Crisis itself is canon since we just saw Jean Loring as an Arkham patient in this month's JSA.
      You sadly answered your own question.
      >Which Vibe is currently canon, the rebooted n52 one or the Justice League Detroit one who died?
      lmao nobody fricking cares about Vibe, so you'll have to wait until some writer who cares decides to use Vibe, you'll get your answer then.
      >Is Maxima a lesbian and alive or straight and dead? If the lesbian version is canon then what about all those times she tried to frick Superman and her time in JLI, is all that canon?
      There actually is an answer to this, at some point they said the lesbian Maxima was the "true" Maxima, and the other one was an imposter, so the lesbian now rules her world or something as a lesbian while the other one is in jail for her crimes or whatever, it kinda sucks but it happened in Wonder Woman #754 by Orlando.
      >Does Looker have her Abyssia origin and powers or is she just a vampire like the n52 version?
      Same as Vibe, wait until a writer who cares answers that one.

    • 7 months ago

      The answer is yes since all of it is canon no matter how contradictory.

  6. 7 months ago

    DC is moronic. Nothing new.

  7. 7 months ago

    Might as well post what I believe is their kids' only appearance.

    • 7 months ago

      Fun fact, they originally said they had 3 daughters, but it was later changed to 2 daughters and 1 son.

      • 7 months ago

        Also remember that in the New 52, Arthur was a good guy at first, so this was meant to be the start of his descent into villainy.

        • 7 months ago

          Desperately want something to be done with Emma, Tommy, and Sakura now.
          Those are 3 clean slate characters in a wholly unique situation, just waiting for characterizations.

          • 7 months ago

            They had about as much clue about what the character should be like as they had about her anatomy. That picture is an abomination.
            It is almost as if they actively wanted to destroy the possibility of Japanese readers, evem Japanese-American readers.

            >Those are 3 clean slate characters in a wholly unique situation, just waiting for characterizations.
            Considering the writers so far, they are no doubt heading for the fridge.

            • 7 months ago

              Nah, no one even cares or acknowledges the Dr. Lights, so I doubt their kids will get any kind of focus either.
              That said, lately DC has been acknowledging a good chunk of hero relatives, like Luthor's daughter, so maybe there's a chance, who knows?

          • 7 months ago

            Keep Sakura as the sexy oldest teen daughter to milf Kimiyo

            • 7 months ago

              Any good drawings of her?
              And why the non-Japanese names Emma and Tommy, yet the third one is Sakura? Considering Sakura is about the ephemeral nature of life, this cannot end well.

              • 7 months ago

                Sakura is an incredibly common girls name in Japan. Pre-Flashpoint Dr. Light's children were named Yasu and Imako. Since my personal preference is Kimiyo and Arthur being exes, I'd reconcile it by saying that the kids have both Japanese and English names.

              • 7 months ago

                >Sakura is an incredibly common girls name in Japan.
                Sure? I never met one while I worked there, also:
                It does seem to have become more popular in very recent times:

              • 7 months ago

                nta, but it was more popular in the 80s. It's kind of old fashioned nowadays. Still really popular in anime for some reason.

  8. 7 months ago

    Honestly I don't hate the idea of Arthur and Kimiyo having kids but being divorced, I believe that's an interesting dynamic that opens up many opportunities for stories, you don't usually have many hero and villain relationships where they have kids but the villain remains evil.
    I really wish Dr. Light was a viable character to use, there's definitely potential if they don't just make him Dr. Rape again, like he genuinely loves his kids but is never really going to leave the villain life, while Kimiyo rightfully doesn't want them to see him, I definitely think there's potential there.

  9. 7 months ago

    Could this turn into an offshoot of the Katana threads and develop new characters and situations for Kimiyo?

    • 7 months ago

      We already have her characterized as an ultraefficient, haughty superhero who can't handle her booze and is a cool mom.

      • 7 months ago

        Do Katana and Kimiyo have a pajama party but with lingerie and booze instead?

        • 7 months ago

          No. They're coworkers, not friends. Coworker is also a stretch.

          We already have her characterized as an ultraefficient, haughty superhero who can't handle her booze and is a cool mom.

          The recently ended thread also added a terrible taste in men.

          Could this turn into an offshoot of the Katana threads and develop new characters and situations for Kimiyo?

          Sure, there have been enough offhand mentions, and one fic, about Kimiyo's cape career.

          • 7 months ago

            >No. They're coworkers, not friends. Coworker is also a stretch.
            That should be developed. Do they end up becoming a good team that cannot stand each other, or are they absolutely terrible at collaborative heroics but enjoy each other's company?

            • 7 months ago

              The general direction is that they're excellent at team ups but don't really like each other and don't like to team up unless necessary.

      • 7 months ago

        She also wears high end underwear. This is important.

        • 7 months ago

          >high end underwear
          What does this even mean? Latex?

          • 7 months ago


            • 7 months ago

              So? And why is this "important"??

              • 7 months ago

                Consistency when portraying her out of costume.

              • 7 months ago

                Exactly, has to contrast with Katana's Costco undies when they wind up naked during one of their team ups.

              • 7 months ago

                You mean if they wind up naked.

              • 7 months ago

                No, when.

              • 7 months ago

                >Really, Kimiyo, lace under your costume? Maybe what Booster Gold said about you and your villains was true.
                >I'm sorry, I guess some of us put a little more effort into dressing than something bought at the 100 yen store.
                >...I'm on my period.
                >So am I, but I still look fabulous.

              • 7 months ago

                I thought they went commando.

              • 7 months ago

                Canonically untrue, at least in Katana's case.

              • 7 months ago

                In Emp the costumes are so thin underwear cannot be used and shaving is necessary. Nobody likes the steel wool look.

              • 7 months ago

                >Nobody likes the steel wool look.
                They are Japanese.

    • 7 months ago

      God bless a job where no one is checking your productivity.

      >Starbreaker the Cosmic Vampire
      Formerly an ordinary alien astronomer, he was struck by a mysterious bolt of energy from the cosmos that warped and shifted him into an energy being - part of the way. Now a living star trapped in a cracked biological shell, he roams the galaxy consuming raw power believing it the key to completing his transformation. Stands 3 meters tall with deep furrows into his flesh that glow with power.

      >Gradius Starjammer
      Youngest scion of the Starjammer Mercantile Consortium and all-around aristocratic bon vivant. Travels the spaceways with his intrepid crew on the lookout for adventure, violence, and opportunities for economic exploitation. A devilishly handsome, preening dandy, cold and pitiless as the depths of space.

      >Kaso Fumiko
      The only thing more expensive than her personal tastes is her tailor-built body full of high-end cybernetics, custom biomods, and boutique genetic engineering. A celebrity supervillain gold-digging her way through the moneyed and scientific elite, Kimiyo would ignore her if it weren't for her obsessive jealousy, hair trigger temper, histrionic BPD and enough integrated firepower to take out a city block. The platonic ideal of the Plastic Fantastic who wouldn't be caught dead in anything that wasn't sexy and too expensive for you to afford.

      >Arthur Light
      Kimiyo's ex and longstanding JLA/Teen Titans villain. Constantly trying to one-up Kimiyo as the "cool" parent.

      >Flying Fox Brothers
      Team of high-speed superthieves specializing in impossible capers. Not actually related, just thought the name sounded cool. Branding is important after all.

      >The Improvised Men
      Group of cyborgs, each unique in their modifications, whose shabby and crude mechanics belie arcane technology modern science can barely begin to explain. Curiously, they all possess the same human body as a base.

      • 7 months ago

        >Master Shadow
        Possesses the ability to create and control dead zones across the electromagnetic spectrum. Views himself and Kimiyo as fate-interwined, complimenting opposites, the perfect nemeses for each other. Kimiyo views him as a complete twit. Grandiose, melodramatic, and loquacious he is never seen in anything but full white-tie dress and his billowing opera cape.

        >Mr. and Mrs. Nanashi
        A burnt out wetwork agent for the Japanese government who went off the reservation when his impending psychotic breakdown resonated with the psychic control frequency of the alien warbeast he was sent to kill and bootstrapped it into sentience. Now this emotionally broken ex man in black and rapacious living weapon are head over heels in love and using every deep and dirty little government secret, clandestine information, and brute force to stay one violent and bloody step ahead of government killsquads and caped do-gooders while trying to find their place in the world. No, she's not humanoid, not even close.

        • 7 months ago

          Haven't thought of good names for the next few.

          Deranged scientist who steals brains and integrates them into a "bio-computational matrix" in order to exponentially increase his intelligence. Rides around on a massive walking throne/surgical suite/brain-powered supercomputer.

          Ancap transhumanist offering genetic engineering to anyone who can meet his fee, no questions asked. Is his own best client, having heavily spliced himself with sealife DNA and grown a powerful biomecha for when things get dicey. Gets really upset when people think he's the fish guy instead of the genetic engineering guy and absolutely hates it when people think he's the environmentalist guy.

          Scientist whose failed attempt at dimensional travel left her trapped in the space between dimensions for subjective centuries. Thought hopelessly insane from her experience, she was placed in a mental institution where she promptly escaped a few days later after using her bedsheet, two sheets of paper, and part of an orderly to teleport herself away. Her experience allowing her to observe how every object and action resonates and travels across higher and lower dimensions, she now sees the connections between all things in all places and uses that knowledge to unleash impossible science on the world. The raygun-gothic future by way of a schizo homeless woman rummaging through a junkyard.

          Overweight, unhygienic NEET with an intuitive grasp of chaos theory and savant at determining probability. Easily slighted with low empathy and a casual disregard for collateral damage or proportionality, she uses her abilities to set up a complex series of interactions that get her what she wants with a minimum of direct action on her part. Frequently hires out her skills to other criminals for money, which she spends on frivolities while aimlessly drifting through cheap, rundown apartments, capsule hotels, and internet cafes.

      • 7 months ago

        >Master Shadow
        Possesses the ability to create and control dead zones across the electromagnetic spectrum. Views himself and Kimiyo as fate-interwined, complimenting opposites, the perfect nemeses for each other. Kimiyo views him as a complete twit. Grandiose, melodramatic, and loquacious he is never seen in anything but full white-tie dress and his billowing opera cape.

        >Mr. and Mrs. Nanashi
        A burnt out wetwork agent for the Japanese government who went off the reservation when his impending psychotic breakdown resonated with the psychic control frequency of the alien warbeast he was sent to kill and bootstrapped it into sentience. Now this emotionally broken ex man in black and rapacious living weapon are head over heels in love and using every deep and dirty little government secret, clandestine information, and brute force to stay one violent and bloody step ahead of government killsquads and caped do-gooders while trying to find their place in the world. No, she's not humanoid, not even close.

        Haven't thought of good names for the next few.

        Deranged scientist who steals brains and integrates them into a "bio-computational matrix" in order to exponentially increase his intelligence. Rides around on a massive walking throne/surgical suite/brain-powered supercomputer.

        Ancap transhumanist offering genetic engineering to anyone who can meet his fee, no questions asked. Is his own best client, having heavily spliced himself with sealife DNA and grown a powerful biomecha for when things get dicey. Gets really upset when people think he's the fish guy instead of the genetic engineering guy and absolutely hates it when people think he's the environmentalist guy.

        Scientist whose failed attempt at dimensional travel left her trapped in the space between dimensions for subjective centuries. Thought hopelessly insane from her experience, she was placed in a mental institution where she promptly escaped a few days later after using her bedsheet, two sheets of paper, and part of an orderly to teleport herself away. Her experience allowing her to observe how every object and action resonates and travels across higher and lower dimensions, she now sees the connections between all things in all places and uses that knowledge to unleash impossible science on the world. The raygun-gothic future by way of a schizo homeless woman rummaging through a junkyard.

        Overweight, unhygienic NEET with an intuitive grasp of chaos theory and savant at determining probability. Easily slighted with low empathy and a casual disregard for collateral damage or proportionality, she uses her abilities to set up a complex series of interactions that get her what she wants with a minimum of direct action on her part. Frequently hires out her skills to other criminals for money, which she spends on frivolities while aimlessly drifting through cheap, rundown apartments, capsule hotels, and internet cafes.

        These all yours? Because they are great, congratulations.

        • 7 months ago

          A couple of them come from Katana threads.

      • 7 months ago

        Starbreaker extra dead per Morrison's GL, although he does have a hot evil daughter named Belzebeth who is currently trapped on Earth 15.

        • 7 months ago

          Different Starbreaker.

  10. 7 months ago

    You now remember she went super saiyan in Dark Crisis.

    • 7 months ago

      Those are some juicy thighs there. I like.

  11. 7 months ago

    Having her being the ex of a notorious villain automatically puts her in secondary character status, and no matter how many stories she's in, it's always going to come back to that aspect. The fact that she hasn't been in almost no story since n52 should make that clear.

    • 7 months ago

      It's not exactly like she was in an abundance of stories to begin with. Having her ex-husband be a supervillain is a unique trait and hardly makes her a secondary character.

      • 7 months ago

        One thing is being a D-lister. another thing is having your meagre existence conditioned by your relationship to another character

        • 7 months ago

          So exactly like Arthur with Jacob?

          • 7 months ago

            Who is Jacob

            • 7 months ago

              The coworker Arthur murdered and stole the suit from in his pre-Flashpoint origin.

              It's funny that during COIE she was supposed to be real important and I honestly don't remember if anything ever really happened with that. I just remember she got powers, was a b***h, learned a lesson about not being a b***h, and then nothing

              Even weirder, since she was one of maybe five people to remember CoIE she literally could not explain her origin to anyone.

        • 7 months ago

          It's funny that during COIE she was supposed to be real important and I honestly don't remember if anything ever really happened with that. I just remember she got powers, was a b***h, learned a lesson about not being a b***h, and then nothing

  12. 7 months ago

    I've drawn some Dr. Light in the Katana threads, so I'll follow suit here, if you have any ideas for me to draw, go ahead.

    • 7 months ago

      Kimiyo fantasizing about her hot supervillains.

      • 7 months ago

        Which are...

        • 7 months ago

          I don't think any of her OC villains mentioned in the Katana threads have been described except for the horrifying cyborgs, so I guess just default to Arthur Light.

        • 7 months ago

          Starbreaker (but as a hot cosmic vampire)

          • 7 months ago

            The last Katana thread actually described him a bit. He's almost 10ft tall.

          • 7 months ago
            • 7 months ago

              >Oh, such a cursed existence since my dreadful transformation into this being of endless hunger. Thought I might be your death, know that it is with mourning and regret that your lives must end so that I might live.
              >So tragic, so beautiful...
              >What'd you just say?
              >I said we have to stop Starbreaker from breaching the reactor core or this whole space station is going to die.
              >No you didn't.

            • 7 months ago

              Imagine the sex. Good job, anon.

              • 7 months ago

                I don't wanna imagine, I want to see Starbreaker railing Kimiyo.

              • 7 months ago

                It's like that pic of a hamster trying to eat a banana except with JJ Abrams-tier lens flare.

              • 7 months ago

                It's like that pic of a hamster trying to eat a banana except with JJ Abrams-tier lens flare.

                Yeah, requesting this.

    • 7 months ago

      Black Lantern Arthur Light actually going through and raping Kimiyo

  13. 7 months ago

    How many low tier heroes did we lose to the New 52? Do Jade and Obsidian exist yet? How does that work with Alan being a gayolla now?

    • 7 months ago

      >Do Jade and Obsidian exist yet?
      >How does that work with Alan being a gayolla now?

  14. 7 months ago

    Has anyone tried AI art of her?

  15. 7 months ago

    Kimi is into furries.

    • 7 months ago

      Something tells me that's not the real Kimiyo.

      • 7 months ago

        Actually it is. This was during Justice League Europe.

        • 7 months ago


          • 7 months ago

            Is it so hard to believe a Japanese divorcee would throw herself vegana first at a gay Australian furry?

            • 7 months ago

              >yet another possible candidate intimidated by my combination of brains and beauty
              >kimi, he’s gay

              • 7 months ago

                >I’ll take that as a challenge

              • 7 months ago

                >That's what they all say when they can't handle me.
                >Kimi, the last time we invited you out for drinks you got white girl wasted and dragged us to, then immediately got us kicked out of, a club called the Man Hole.

  16. 7 months ago
  17. 7 months ago

    Dr. Rape was also nuked by retcons

    • 7 months ago

      It's so weird that Identity Crisis had such a long lasting impact when within a few years people were openly shitting on it for being a terrible, exploitative story.

      • 7 months ago

        Identity Crisis was hated immediately following its release. The rape, the death of Sue, Jean Loring as the culprit, Batman's (new) stance towards altering minds, killing off Firestorm, etc. It was never not hated and a sign of things to come under Dan Didio.

        • 7 months ago

          Sure, but I'm talking about how long it took for people to actually push back against it.

  18. 7 months ago

    I hope the next one is the Katana / Dr. Light Super Sentai Hero Woman Thread.

  19. 7 months ago

    What are the recommendations for reading Dr. Light? Something similar to pic. related?

    • 7 months ago

      JLI / JLE
      Dwayne McDuffie's JL
      She hasn't been in much.

      • 7 months ago

        Also Robinson's JL.

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