Walt Disney World has just announced their response addition to counter the upcoming Epic Universe

Walt Disney World has just announced their response addition to counter the upcoming Epic Universe


It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 1 month ago

    I have never been to Disneyland or Disney World.

    • 1 month ago

      I will never be able to go myself because can't deal with crowds and can't satnd waiting in lines because of it, but i love reading about them and people experiences with them.

      From what i got the American Parks and Euro peaked in the 90ies (IE: VHS Tape ad era.), Japan/Sea is the best Park currently due their Semi-Independent Arrangement, and Disney kinda wants to screw them over by pushing mandates, Hong Kong was good but got screwed HARD when Disney got the shot at a actual Chinese park along with Hong Kong getting screwed in general a while back.

      • 1 month ago

        I have never been to Disneyland or Disney World.

        The trick is going in the off season times. My family only ever went to universal and disney like between the major tourist seasons.

        • 1 month ago

          That's really old advice.
          They're just not good anymore. It's a rip off. Overpriced. And I think flogging loyal employees with THE MESSAGE made the parks lose the incredibly high standards and professionalism those people brought to work.
          I didn't do that by the way. You did that. And you made them sleep in their fricking car.

          • 1 month ago

            >THE MESSAGE

            • 1 month ago

              No more "ladies and gentlemen"
              Now it's "friends and gentlexirs"

              • 1 month ago

                I can get behind friends even if I know you dont call your audience friends till you hooked them in
                gentlexirs is funny to me and I might use it to piss people off

      • 1 month ago

        I went in to world in April a few years ago right after covid ended
        Wouldn't say the park was empty but I was able to ride most things in less than 30 minutes unless it's the bigger stuff like rise of resistance or for some reason the avatar soarin ride
        And honestly they say shit is over priced but I'm already on vacation and it's the one time I'm not a scrooge with money, unless you're one of those gotta buy everything in one go kind of people

        • 1 month ago

          You don't want to get too expensive for the locals who support you in the off season.

          No more "ladies and gentlemen"
          Now it's "friends and gentlexirs"

          Disney was a conservative company for a long time. I actually think Dana throwing a shit fit is what got it to completely flip. Military subsided brats will do that.

          • 1 month ago

            Oh damn I thought it was a one price per year deal I should go during the off seasons more often, I still yet to go during Halloween though to be in costume at a park

          • 1 month ago


            Oh damn I thought it was a one price per year deal I should go during the off seasons more often, I still yet to go during Halloween though to be in costume at a park

            You should go and notice how they don't conceal unsightly things like they used to.

            I can get behind friends even if I know you dont call your audience friends till you hooked them in
            gentlexirs is funny to me and I might use it to piss people off

            I just made that up to make a point. What they actually say is probably more toothless than that.

            Anyway, just want to re-emphasize that Disney was at its best when it had conservative values and conservative people proudly working for it. Conservatives work hard and understand beauty.

      • 1 month ago

        Also surprisingly SEA really only has the journey to the center of the earthride don't really get the hype

    • 1 month ago

      I thought they were the same thing

      • 1 month ago

        Disney Land is in California, Disney World is in Florida. Land came first, and is smaller and more primitive. World is literally the size of a city and has much more advanced rides and attractions. It's the largest and most profitable theme park in the world, and practically is the secondary government of the city of Orlando where it's located. Walt Disney actually intended for it to be its own city with its own housing and industry and economy and everything but he died before they could really get going on the project.

        • 1 month ago

          Disney's ambitions have always gotten the better of them when they've tried to provide anything more substantial than a day of illusions and entertainment. Even when they were at their best, they could not provide the maintenance and upkeep to actually support real people living in real homes. Reality is beyond them.

    • 1 month ago

      My parents took me once.
      I remember being pissed before even arriving due to the drive taking 5 hours.
      When I got there I almost got lost, it was hot, and all the rides had big frick you frick off lines, and the only "fast" ones were too short.
      You want to know what my favorite ride was?
      The fricking monorail because it had air conditioning and had a nicer view than any other ride could give.
      Though I was also a kid, and the thing is anything you do as a kid, you'll enjoy far less than if you do it as an adult.
      So even though my experience was shit, for all I know you might be able to have the time of your life drunk with friends. Frankly I can't blame childless Disney adults .
      Oh wait tickets are like $500 a day now though, so I mean, only if you can afford it.

      • 1 month ago

        >I remember being pissed before even arriving due to the drive taking 5 hours.
        Europeans are so dumb

  2. 1 month ago

    Disney doesn't realize how embarrassing they have been for the past five years.

  3. 1 month ago

    The parks are getting pretty bad, I hear. They used to be immaculate.

    Bring on the Smelephants.

  4. 1 month ago

    >From what I got America and Europe peaked in the 90s

    • 1 month ago

      I'm glad the company is dying. Kind of tasteless having multiple Disney parks planted throughout the world.

      Urbanite schemes only last 80 years. What is that? 3 generations of work?

  5. 1 month ago

    I've never cared about Disney land and world and honestly will never get why are these big company attraction parks even a thing.
    It is intresting to watch videos about teir history though.

  6. 1 month ago


  7. 1 month ago

    Of course dipshit nepobabies don't understand how values reverberate through a company. Because impacting an employee has nothing to do with inflating their ego.

  8. 1 month ago

    Disney was kind of doing a tightrope walk for a long time, dancing between conservative and liberal values. Bob Eisner was handling that. I was a big lib back then but even I knew not to push Disney too hard. Something would be lost. But then Disney had too many israelites and nepobabies who just have to plant their flag EVERYWHERE and one big spoiled INCREDIBLY FRICKING RICH nepobaby opened her mouth and it began to collapse.

    Iger and other israelites want to plug the fattest nepobabies into the most desired jobs and LOOK WHAT FRICKING HAPPENS. These.... people are just a weight for me to carry. They have been since the day they were born.

    Old animators, as cruel as they were, still had brains. Still had to think without me.

    • 1 month ago

      Michael Eisner not Bob.
      The two Bobs are Iger and Chapek

      • 1 month ago

        You're right. Thanks for the correction

    • 1 month ago

      Actually, from what I can remember, Disney's animators weren't cruel to me as a kid. CN's animators were cruel. I actually enjoyed working with Disney studios until the millennial nepobabies showed up.

      They don't know how to write endings. None of them do. They can't do anything without me. There is a cognitive difference between them and the older generation.
      That's probably the real reason Disney won't seriously return to 2d.

    • 1 month ago

      Actually, from what I can remember, Disney's animators weren't cruel to me as a kid. CN's animators were cruel. I actually enjoyed working with Disney studios until the millennial nepobabies showed up.

      They don't know how to write endings. None of them do. They can't do anything without me. There is a cognitive difference between them and the older generation.
      That's probably the real reason Disney won't seriously return to 2d.

      Wtf are you talking about? Is this guy? You self-aggrandize like guy.

  9. 1 month ago

    Iger's entire talent in life is working from the synagogue wherever he goes.

  10. 1 month ago

    I went to Disney World with my parents and two brothers all the way back to 2003. I was only 10 years old, but I feel like it was the perfect time to have visited. Waiting time for rides wasn’t horrible - granted we had fast passes before those too became useless. The parks’ theming were still well curated and weren’t a horrid hodgepodge of IPs like they are now. And it wasn’t horribly crowded either, least to my knowledge.

    Overall I remember having an amazing time there and the other parks we visited in Orlando (Universal, SeaWorld, Cape Canaberal). But in all honesty I have very little interest in going back after hearing what the absolute mess the Disney parks (not to mention the issus with SeaWorld) have become. Plus, with how expensive it must have been for my parents to fund the two-week trip, I can’t even imagine how much more pricier it must be nowadays, all for a subpar experience that would probably never be anywhere as wonderful as to what I experienced back in ‘03.

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