Was El4n a decent Four clone?

>No dramatic death scene
>MC seems to have forgotten about him after EP.7

I really dig the design of Pharact, it's a shame that him and Pharact weren't explored more.

Though, turning the tragic cyber newtype trope into an innocent high school first crush instead of an unhinged killing machine is kind of refreshing ngl.

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  1. 9 months ago

    Elan in Zeta btw.

  2. 9 months ago

    Frick off, stop trying to force this tripe onto the catalog.

  3. 9 months ago

    You can't really write a good tragic Newtype/Cyber Newtype romance when there's no war. I do agree that Pharact was underexplored.

  4. 9 months ago

    nothing in gwitch was a decent anything. except the production values. great animation and music. just a shame that a purely 2D mecha anime had really mediocre writing.

  5. 9 months ago

    I know he's el4n because of four but isn't he conceptually closer to puru? Either way I think he's alright until they drag him back as a permet ghost because something something the tempest something something gundam. Can I coin the term Forced Redemption?

    • 9 months ago

      I think the reason why his death was less impactful is because Suletta didn’t know he’s dead until the very end, she just thought he stood her up and wasn’t serious about their date.

      I don’t think he’s cloned, he got his memory wiped out and was enhanced to be resilient to Permet. His and No.5’s face were altered to look like the real Elan.

      • 9 months ago

        its not cloning but the result is the same.

    • 9 months ago

      The Elans aren't clones. They are random dudes who went under the knife to become body doubles and get cybernetic enhancements to help survive permet cancer. Which only sorta worked.

  6. 9 months ago

    There wasn't much to explore with the Pharact, it was a failed copy of the Vanadis gundams and that's it.

  7. 9 months ago

    >No dramatic death scene

  8. 9 months ago

    I think El4n was alright, but he died ftoo early. El5n was infinetely better though

  9. 9 months ago

    It's pretty much worse on every front
    >Fewer scenes with just him and the protagonist to actually form something of a bond
    >the white haired b***h constantly butting in for some romance drama, it's like if Fa was hovering over Kamille's shoulder while he was hanging out with Four
    >They couldn't go all the way with the romance aspect because of what I assume is some strange mandate about gwitch characters needing their relations to be open ended, so they couldn't even hold hands
    >For some ungodly reason they decided the El4n arc to take place in the first 1/4 of the show
    >The otherworldly mysticism of Four's voice appearing to Kamille, her empowering the Zeta and even her ghostly appearance in the opening is replaced with El4n being a glorified chatbot created from a brain scan during Gwitch's final episode
    >We're actually given a face and name to the people that turned El4n into a test subject unlike Four, but nothing is really done with it. Belmeria just sort of look sad and the peril leaders never really do anything important again.
    >Compared to Kamille carrying Four's body Suletta isn't even aware of what happened to El4n for most of the show and by the time she learns the show is already so stuffed with other revelations for her that her reaction to El4n's fate has to be extremely brief and muted. It's also to do with Suletta's weakness as a character that she doesn't really think about all the ideas being presented to her most of the time
    >Pharact only gets two fights and a handful of brief scenes that lack the presence the Psycho Gundams had

    • 9 months ago

      Pharact got 2 fights and a brief skirmish

      Which is actually the max number for the rival MS that aren't the Aerial sadly. Darilbalde got 3 fights, while Michaelis only had two. Both of which are it being defeated

    • 9 months ago

      Oh and to add, part of the reason Four worked was that in universe she was an extension of Lalah's character, as Char and Amuro watch her death they are reminded that the same tragedies of the one year war are repeating which plays pretty nicely into how afterwards Kamille affirms that Quatro Bajeena is a Char and can't hide from his own past (even though he still keeps calling him Quattro, whatevs)
      El4n being inserted into WfM doesn't really have any of that, it's really just a prolonged callback to Four with the genders reversed so you can point at the screen and say "woah it's Four!"

    • 9 months ago

      Right, the romantic aspect between 4 and Suletta was relatively downplayed, leaning more towards a platonic relationship. However, yurigays still hate him for getting in the way of their precious ship.

      But comparing to other dying first crushes written by Okouchi(Euphemia, Shirley), El4n is lucky to have a chance to make an appearance in the finale

      • 9 months ago

        They basically didn't have a relationship at all, they just talked for a bit and then El4n tried to manipulate Suletta. There's no connection anywhere in the show whatsoever, which made it all the more confusing when he randomly comes back at the end as the main "spirit" that comes to help her.

        • 9 months ago

          Pretty she cared about him to the point she asked Miorine to take her to the incubation party. And not to mention she shed tears for him.

          • 9 months ago

            If El4n was alive Suletta would still be loyal to Miorine and just be friends with him, after all Miorine saved her from the incubation party.

            • 9 months ago

              the incubation party probably would have gone differently if El4n was alive. Not only this, but he and Suletta would have gone closer as they would have gone to a proper date.

              • 9 months ago

                Except Suletta literally didn't want to kiss El4n/El5n... she's that loyal to Miorine.

          • 9 months ago

            Suletta had no reason to do that though, other than the fact that she's seriously emotionally disturbed and gets attached to people instantly. The entire way her "relationship" with Miorine develops is really toxic too

            • 9 months ago

              He didn’t show up to their date and she was concerned because he hadn’t been at school either. Seems pretty normal to want to check up on him.

              >other than the fact that she's seriously emotionally disturbed and gets attached to people instantly. The entire way her "relationship" with Miorine develops is really toxic too
              At first yeah but it’s not really Miorine’s fault. She’s a b***h but she’s always looking out for Suletta and gives her outs when she can. Even in episode 10, when she’s oblivious to Suletta’s feelings, she’s still just trying to give Suletta more freedom to do what she wants. And It’s because she likes Miorine that she feels like she needs to be relied on, not the other way around.

              When Miorine talks with Prospera and realizes this she over corrects like a moron and then episode 17 happens. Even if the inciting incidents are stupid, episodes 17-21 are important for Suletta’s development because, as much as she needs to stay away from her manipulative mother, she also needs to learn to stop seeking love and affection through being useful. The first real introspective moment she has post-breakup reveals that her attempts to use the school as a means to fill her heart (something her mom told her to do) aren’t working because Miorine isn’t there with her. She eventually realizes the things she wants and needs to do and pursues them of her own volition.

              One of the only things I like about this shitty rushed mess is that, at the end, they show Suletta as a cripple who can no longer make use of her best skill (piloting) but she’s okay with it because she still has friends and family around who love and care about her regardless. It’s stupid but it’s sweet.

  10. 9 months ago

    >muh first love
    >muh four
    Suletta after ep.7: El4n who?

    • 9 months ago

      I think Bandia, ironically, cut the "romance" short since they didn't want to make their MC a prostitute (notable since she is a female). But in doing so they helped the interpretation they didn't want to be created.

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah, basically the whole El4n and Suletta relationship is the most up to interpretation ship in the show.

        I don't think the 4Sule ship would be that popular if El4n was written as some typical otome game love interests, the shippers really like the bittersweet or star-crossed vibe from my observation.

  11. 9 months ago

    I find it funny that Suletta literally just ignored Guel's feelings and she only cared to talk with are Miorine and El4n.

    • 9 months ago

      Guel said he hated her to her face.

      • 9 months ago

        And Suletta literally said "NO WAAAYYYY" when he first proposed to her.

        • 9 months ago

          And after that Guel she he could never like her.
          And he wonders how she didn't figure out he liked her.

          • 9 months ago

            Suletta doesn't really care about him whether he likes her or not, she already have someone that she likes.

        • 9 months ago

          I liked how she just ran off like that like she wished Guel's proposal never happened.

  12. 9 months ago



  13. 9 months ago

    Did people hate Four back then?

    • 9 months ago

      I'm pretty sure there weren't hordes of Fa-gays cheering for her death the same way El4n's death was celebrated by yurigays

      • 9 months ago

        Hmm... I wonder if their hatred towards him is due to them thinking his character was poorly written or something else. Sometimes it seems like they are taking it too personally.

  14. 9 months ago

    >Kamille is hung up on Four for almost all of Zeta and even gets the run back at Kilimanjaro
    >she shows up as a ghost in the end
    >Suletta is hung up on Elan for an end title card
    >never gets a run back
    >still shows up as a ghost in the end
    G-Witch really was just them ticking off the check boxes while yurigays carried their lazy asses on social media. I'm honestly shocked Eri's dad didn't show up as a ghost to take Prospera and Eri away like Char and Lalah took Full Frontal away in Unicorn given how much of the finale was just Unicorn + Gundam NT rainbow psycoframe transmission.

    • 9 months ago

      Unironically Narratives' ending of Phoenix flying faster than anyone can catch it is better than Gwitch's ending. If NT was written like Gwitch then Rita's soul would have ended up trapped in a robotic bird

      • 9 months ago

        narrative is the worst gundam property ever and you will not shitpost it into relevance

        • 9 months ago

          Everything I said is true and sincere. Narrative better coherently delivers its themes on transhumanism than Gwitch does. Imagine being outdone by NT, Gwitch can't even clear that low bar

          • 9 months ago

            narrative is a massive pile of shit and nobody but (You) will agree with you

            • 9 months ago

              >Gwitch can't even achieve what a massive pile of shit did

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