Was it actually great or did it just come out at a time when there was little competition so it seemed better than it was?

Was it actually great or did it just come out at a time when there was little competition so it seemed better than it was? Is it as good now upon rewatches as it was when it was airing?

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  1. 2 months ago

    solid show in a weak era

  2. 2 months ago

    No, it really was that good. It has a lot of flaws (like the Wendy subplot) but it still has a ton of good comedy that I still find funny.

    Contemporary comedy shows like current Rick and Morty, Inside Job, and Lower Decks still don't compare to GF at it's A-game.

    Cinemaphile claims to be able to separate the art of the artist, and yet we feel the need to retroactively tear down GF because Hersch outer himself as an embarrassing manchild.

  3. 2 months ago

    it was pretty shit. everyone got invested because of the mystery aspect but most of the mysteries ended up being nothingburgers so what you're left with is a comedy that is sometimes kinda mildly funny.

    • 2 months ago

      no fun

    • 2 months ago

      You just like puzzles and you are too literal for humor.

      • 2 months ago

        anon, who do you think you're fooling.

  4. 2 months ago

    Pacifica's redemption arc was so worthless it literally became the standard going forward of taking the character that was originally designed to be hated by everyone and then forcing her to act OoC because Gooners demand their fap material sync with their beliefs

    You see this now with characters like Andrea and Azula

  5. 2 months ago

    you could tell it was losing steam in the latter half of season 2. at least it ended when it did

    • 2 months ago

      Some people will say Roadside Attraction was the Ep that lead to the decline of this series but arguably I found it odd how Preston has a literal monument dedicated to Bill in his mansion that were lead to believe he bought just randomly without context

      I understand Alex hated the Northwests but in a narrative sense, Bill's plan failed because he chose Gideon over Pacifica's Dad because if he made this one choice he could have easily broken thru the barrier and began his world destruction tour.

      • 2 months ago
        pacifica northwest

        its a fun coming of age show that i enjoyed more than i thought i would at first as a tween/young teen

        needed like 3x more pacifica tho.

        or northwest relevance in general, yeah. could've made 2b a lot better which i think everyone agrees is the worst part of the show?

  6. 2 months ago

    Yeah, it was pretty good. Stan is easily the most entertaining character with Dipper and Mabel carrying well while he's not around.

    • 2 months ago


  7. 2 months ago

    I'm currently rewatching with some people who are seeing it for the first time. It is still hilarious. It takes Cartoon Network cynicism and gets a coat of Disney paint over it to make a hell of a cartoon. I put the humor on par with the first 3 seasons of Arrested Development which is impressive considering it was written for tweens. There's a reason why every Disney XD show since GF has owed a lot to GF and that was because they changed Disney's game.
    >Still the GOAT kid's cartoon

  8. 2 months ago

    i watched it years after it aired and i still loved it. i dont think it was big in the uk so maybe that factored in. but i liked it enough to buy journal 3

  9. 2 months ago

    I was only 9 when it started airing, but I thought it was a good comedy with a rushed last season.

  10. 2 months ago

    Everyone always says "you have to be there to experience it" which really was just that it was an early show that promoted "mystery" so people autistically got into fan theories online and hence propped it up as this revolutionary god-tier show, then it turns out the mystery was half-assed and poorly written so people cope that it's about "the experience" or how they want to frick the blonde or whatever.
    Second most overrated show (of any kind) of the 21st century behind Adventure Time

    • 2 months ago

      More overrated than the Wire, the Walking Dead, and Sons of Anarchy? The Wire was at least good but it was treated as God breathed when it was just really good.
      While the mysteries were a fun gimmick, the draw of Gravity Falls is in the dialogue.

      • 2 months ago

        Comparing any cartoon to prestige television is a joke. You guys realize that, right?
        (Not that TWD qualifies.)

      • 2 months ago

        The Wire has more detractors in its prestige television show space than Gravity Falls does in animation discussion. People have called it boring for years or said it's slow. Gravity Falls is called 10/10 best cartoon almost everywhere you can discuss animation.

        • 2 months ago

          I remember when the AV Club was reviewing Gravity Falls and they kept giving episodes As until the reviewer was considering retroactively giving previous episodes lower scores over inventing S rank for certain eps. That is an embarrassment of riches. I don't remember other shows, live action or not, having that issue. So maybe due to the overwhelming praise, maybe GF is more overrated.

          • 2 months ago

            >AV Club

    • 2 months ago

      I agree 100% the creator obviously got in at the right time but my god it just didn't deliver

    • 2 months ago

      The true path is to admit that it's bad but that you want to frick the blonde.

  11. 2 months ago

    I watched it for the first time last year and it absolutely holds up, it's hands down one of the best animated shows of all time. Since it's come out Over the Garden Wall is the only show I'd consider better, and Hilda is the only show that came close, despite many many imatators. Yes it has its weaknesses (season 1 is significantly better than the bulk of season 2, some characters are underused) but it's just a good show all together.

    • 2 months ago

      It was a masterpiece and few cartoons hold up to it in the child/all ages/adult space.

      Sym-Bionic Titan and Avatar come close.

      • 2 months ago

        >Sym-Bionic Titan and Avatar come close.
        Both of those shows pre-date Gravity Falls. I was mostly remarking on how shows since have failed to live up to it. There are several shows from before that definitely measure up.

  12. 2 months ago

    It's a good but not great comedy and bad at everything else it tries to do.

  13. 2 months ago

    It's still really great except for Mabel she sucks

  14. 2 months ago

    >Was it actually great or did it just come out at a time when there was little competition so it seemed better than it was

    >Is it as good now upon rewatches as it was when it was airing?

  15. 2 months ago

    Not really planning on revisiting it anytime soon (though I remember thinking even at the time the unicorn ep sucked), but it's funny how pretty much all the opinions here sum up my views on Scooby Doo Mystery Inc.

    • 2 months ago

      I liked that the moral of the story was "morality is subjective."!

    • 2 months ago

      >even at the time the unicorn ep sucked
      Season 2B was full of stinkers, they blew their load with Not What He Seems too early and there were a lot of episodes that just seemed to be filling time before the finale. The creators have admitted as much, the unicorn episode and the D&D episodes were written essentially at the last minute. There's no real excuse for why the road trip episode is as bad as it is though, they sound on the commentary like they actually planned that one out. It's just bad.
      But its a testament to how good the rest of the show is that I can't think of a single 'bad' episode from before Not What He Seems, even the weak episodes from S1 like Fight Fighters or Boyz Crazy are fun episodes, and S2 had great stuff like Golf War, Sock Opera and Northwest Mansion Mystery.

      • 2 months ago

        Yeah, Gravity Falls was a fun ride. They had a solid main cast to work with and explored each character and their relationship to everyone else swimmingly. Anyone asking for a continuation needs to grow up.

        • 2 months ago

          >Red hat Dipper
          What heresy is this?
          No, growing up sucks I volunteer to live in the mabelsphere, I'm tired of paying taxes

          • 2 months ago

            It took them a while to figure out Dipper's color palette. I'm always fascinated by stuff like this. Obviously they made the right choice in the end, but it makes you wonder what could have been and you can feel the artists inching closer and closer to perfecting a design.

            • 2 months ago

              I gotta admit I kinda like the look of red hat/white shirt/blue vest Dipper. It's completely different from his final design and yet it still feels completely natural.
              Wish the show got an art book.

              • 2 months ago

                An artbook is literally the final thing the fandom still needs. It feels weird that Amphibia got an artbook and Steven Universe got THREE whereas Gravity Falls's still keeps coming to a halt. Hirsch recently talked about it here (question 10): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwmqxAdxUKg&t=3645s

  16. 2 months ago

    >weak episodes from S1

    I actually think the minotaur ep was the weakest of the entire run (Bottomless Pit gets dishonorable mention), but that might be because I generally put nothing-memorable stories below actively incompetent/infurating ones.

    • 2 months ago

      >the minotaur ep
      I actually forgot about that one, yeah that's the only S1 episode I'd be willing to call 'bad', mostly because the moral is kind of incoherent and out of step with Dipper's character development in the rest of the series. But it still has some funny jokes ('no he's just the sacrifice to our leader', everything to do with the multi-bear) at least. I can't remember anything in Roadside Attraction that made me laugh.

  17. 2 months ago

    It was cool when it came out and as it ended it was getting called great

  18. 2 months ago

    Parts of it were great, most was good, a small chunk was awful.

    • 2 months ago

      what small chunk specifically?

  19. 2 months ago

    It was good even though I feel like all the female characters in this show didn't age well at all, including Mabel.

  20. 2 months ago

    It was great, it kept episodic while also keeping the mystery going, there is a drop in quality in season 2, I hate the mind control tie episode because even tho Stanford was established as am inventor and researcher meaning that for some reason he could have made that thing that was never his role in the show so it felt forced, same with the DND episode it felt like they were forcing dipper and Stanford to bond instead of letting it happen naturally.
    The show needed a season three real bad

  21. 2 months ago





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