Was it really that bad?

Was it really that bad?

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    it's worst issue is that it rushes to end to have nothing really happen

    • 5 months ago

      also richter getting his mojo back just because he "had to" was total bullshit

      and the "oh there's a secret back entrance to the bad guy's dungeon we can just use at out leisure" plot contrivance

  2. 5 months ago

    It's good spectacle but the story is very lacking. Like playing Castlevania.
    And also it's only half a story; nothing gets resolved yet.

  3. 5 months ago

    The fights were nice, the small Richter goes super saiyan arc was cool but a bit random
    But since Dracula's death the show has lost a lot of what made it cool
    The story was not really interesting
    The show tries too hard to make the side characters "cool" while I only give a shit about the Belmonts and Dracula

  4. 5 months ago

    >show has hot chocolate goddess

    I'm supposed to be mad about this?

  5. 5 months ago

    I want to see everyone who made these shitty shows in irons. Its a fricking disgrace. They don't understand Castlevania, they don't understand its inspirations. They just want to make some cuckshit blackwashed nonsense. I hate israeliteflix more than anything. Die you piece of shit.

    • 5 months ago

      >I hate israeliteflix more than anything. Die you piece of shit.

      My hatred is reserved for Konami for even selling an IP license to them in the first place. Capcom, Konami and SEGA long since stopped caring about its IPs when they started selling IP licenses to israeliteflix and Koshermount. What came of it is exactly what you could expect

    • 5 months ago

      And this

      >I hate israeliteflix more than anything. Die you piece of shit.

      My hatred is reserved for Konami for even selling an IP license to them in the first place. Capcom, Konami and SEGA long since stopped caring about its IPs when they started selling IP licenses to israeliteflix and Koshermount. What came of it is exactly what you could expect

  6. 5 months ago

    I'm glad Richter is destined for revolutionary Black pussy

    • 5 months ago

      >I'm glad Richter is destined for revolutionary Black pussy

      Richter's mixed race off-spring will send Dracula back to hell, next time he resurrects

      >Deshawn Belmondo: "Ayo! Get yo cracka ass da frick outta dis hood, motha fricka! We don't need ya'll up in dis b***h, whack-ass honkey!"
      Dracula: "The realm of men has fallen far to have allowed animals and beasts of burden to wear the holy cloth... What a shame."
      >Deshawn Belmondo: "What chu say to me, lil' b***h boy? If you don't shut yo pale ass up, you be suckan on ma dick instead of dat glass of wine."
      >Dracula: "Heh, such a vulgar chimp. I see there's no point in continuing attempting to converse with you as I would a human being. I'm surprised you can understand the language of man at all, other than they point and you pick their cotton."
      Deshawn Belmondo: "Oh, we gonna be comin to an understandin, dat's fo sho. My b***h homie Killa whip, wrapped around yo neck."
      >Dracula: "Ha ha ha, that trinket won't help you, fool! Only a human can wield it, not the missing link. The only whip you'll be getting is when your master finds out you escaped his plantation."
      >Deshawn Belmondo: "Aw hell nah, you gettin bent da frick over right now! Die, whitey!"

      • 5 months ago

        >Richter's mixed race off-spring will send Dracula back to hell, next time he resurrects

        >Deshawn Belmondo: "Ayo! Get yo cracka ass da frick outta dis hood, motha fricka! We don't need ya'll up in dis b***h, whack-ass honkey!"
        >Dracula: "The realm of men has fallen far to have allowed animals and beasts of burden to wear the holy cloth... What a shame."
        >Deshawn Belmondo: "What chu say to me, lil' b***h boy? If you don't shut yo pale ass up, you be suckan on ma dick instead of dat glass of wine."
        >Dracula: "Heh, such a vulgar chimp. I see there's no point in continuing attempting to converse with you as I would a human being. I'm surprised you can understand the language of man at all, other than they point and you pick their cotton."
        >Deshawn Belmondo: "Oh, we gonna be comin to an understandin, dat's fo sho. My b***h homie Killa whip, wrapped around yo neck."
        >Dracula: "Ha ha ha, that trinket won't help you, fool! Only a human can wield it, not the missing link. The only whip you'll be getting is when your master finds out you escaped his plantation."
        >Deshawn Belmondo: "Aw hell nah, you gettin bent da frick over right now! Die, whitey!"

  7. 5 months ago

    yes, its an insult to actual fans of the series

  8. 5 months ago


  9. 5 months ago

    >finally a good locking black woman in animation
    > it's a huge b***h the whole time.
    Every. Fricking. Time.

    How they managed to not screw up with sylpha only to fail spectacularly with Annette!?

  10. 5 months ago

    Pic related’s the better Castlevania “adaptation”.

    • 5 months ago

      Trips for truth and based.
      frick netflix. Castlevania is my favourite game Series and they ruined every single bit of it.
      It doesn't help that they turned my homie Olrox into gay John Redcorn

    • 5 months ago

      Still unmogged.
      Can't believe this is still the best adventure monster movie ever made.
      Every single thing was nailed perfectly.

  11. 5 months ago

    The lack of fan art or even screenshots in any of these threads is more telling than any post.

    • 5 months ago

      Pretty much.
      If the japanese don't even bother to make fanart out of your show, then it's dead in the water.

  12. 5 months ago

    Wasn't it written by some fat shenog
    Someone post the Berserk 2016 tier animation

    • 5 months ago

      kek forgot i had this

      • 5 months ago

        The first two times it was written by some fat fedora. The third time it was written by a limey Trotskyist. Animated by Worst Korea too. It is really no surprise why this adaption is as bad as it is

        top kek now that's quality

      • 5 months ago

        There was a fight in the church that was painful to watch with how choppy and ugly it was.

    • 5 months ago

      The first two times it was written by some fat fedora. The third time it was written by a limey Trotskyist. Animated by Worst Korea too. It is really no surprise why this adaption is as bad as it is

  13. 5 months ago

    Still gonna watch s2 for granpa Juste and Alcucard. They won me over

  14. 5 months ago

    >turning a franchise about an entire lineage of Christian vampire hunters fighting the forces of Dracula and the night into atheist fanfiction full of sodomy and wog grievances
    It absolutely is.

    • 5 months ago

      Where does it say any of them are atheist?

      • 5 months ago

        Multiple characters continuously say that God isn’t real, and the ones that do believe in him are either a.) evil villains or b.) think he’s a malevolent c**t that shouldn’t be worshipped

        • 5 months ago

          >think he’s a malevolent c**t that shouldn’t be worshipped

          The only one who should believe this is Matthias/Dracula because he believes God took his waifu, Elisabetha, away from him and now lives just to spite Him

  15. 5 months ago

    "Bad" is a severe understatement. It was complete and absolute garbage. Death is not enough punishment for the people behind this dumpster fire.

  16. 5 months ago

    t. didn't watch it but I like the games

  17. 5 months ago

    It was about as good as the first one, the dialog is written by morons and the plot is a bit meh but the fights and world building are OK to fun. I don't think this series is fully complete though, I think they've only released half the story.

  18. 5 months ago

    The woke agenda is obvious but it's still doing its job as mindless, trashy entertainment.

  19. 5 months ago

    No idea. Won't watch and never will.

  20. 5 months ago

    aside from the bloody tears sequence at the end of season 1, this whole thing fricking sucks. seriously, nothing memorable at all. that one section is comparatively so good that is makes me wonder if an entirely different team handled that part

  21. 5 months ago

    >adi shankar
    I'm never watching that slop.

  22. 5 months ago

    >something is changing out here in the old world

    I swear, they are making it obvious.You know exactly what that phrase is supposed to mean.

    Also, no. It's Netflix. You knew exactly what they would do to your beloved franchise, and they out did themselves with this one.

  23. 5 months ago

    >turn Annette, a normal girl kidnapped by Dracula into Wakanda Forever: the vampire slayer descended from an African god
    >despite the African magical girl lineage still needs to use a cross to fight s vampire, but don't get any ideas because vampires now fear straight angles. I wish I were kidding here.
    >Anyway, turn Richter into a total wuss regardless of the newfound powers
    >turn Olrox the vampire into a literal Aztec fricking Sun God. also he's gay now.
    >no fricking Dracula.
    >turn Bartley into a furry
    >turn pure, young Maria Renard into a revolutionary Bri'ish bar wench.
    >JUSTe Belmont. All of it
    >Christianity is le bad. That wouldn't even be that much of a problem if they didn't try to wash the face of fricking Voodoo of all religions.
    >Haiti revolution. French revolution but black slaves did it first. This is in fact false and the whole thing ended in several genocides and a huge debacle from which they literally never recovered.
    >also according to Haitian legends Haiti literally belongs to the devil after a deal with him.
    >turn Lafayette, one of the few influential French guys who was vocal against slavery into an evil vampire slaver.
    >Castlevania. No Dracula. No legendary vampire killer, no Belmont lineage opposing Dracula because of an ancient oath, no tragedy causing Dracula to turn away from God, no crimson stone or cycle of resurrection, no breaking the cycle of grief, no nothing.
    I wish these people's careers would end in flames and they had to wageslave away their entire lives, never raising their head from the mud, their screams unheard.

    • 5 months ago

      revolution. French revolution but black slaves did it first. This is in fact false and the whole thing ended in several genocides and a huge debacle from which they literally never recovered.


      They deserved it.

      • 5 months ago

        Not that anon, but say that again, but after you have actually visited Haiti. Even before the earthquake it was a complete and utter shithole. What's the point of romanticizing revolution if the results are dozens of orders of magnitude worse than bondage?

      • 5 months ago

        Haiti was not just dem black people getting reparashuns. That's an American thing. It was infinitely more complex than that and it had people who were free, black and part of the upper classes to the point where they even owned slaves and some DIDN'T want things to change. Hell even L'Ouverture, a revolutionary leader who was a pretty based guy who BTFO three world powers and didnt afraid of anything owned slaves at some point.

        I'm not saying you cannot put that into Castlevania, but try at least to make it cool and fit the setting of classic-gothic horror+anime with some ancient curse from a time before time taking over Haiti. Grab something from Curse of Strahd if you must but holy shit. The writing is so horrible people should be hanged.

      • 5 months ago

        Haiti was not just dem black people getting reparashuns. That's an American thing. It was infinitely more complex than that and it had people who were free, black and part of the upper classes to the point where they even owned slaves and some DIDN'T want things to change. Hell even L'Ouverture, a revolutionary leader who was a pretty based guy who BTFO three world powers and didnt afraid of anything owned slaves at some point.

        I'm not saying you cannot put that into Castlevania, but try at least to make it cool and fit the setting of classic-gothic horror+anime with some ancient curse from a time before time taking over Haiti. Grab something from Curse of Strahd if you must but holy shit. The writing is so horrible people should be hanged.

        This. Want your Haiti revolution fantasy, make it so Dracula's castle appears there and shit gets fricked. The slaves rise up and kick the vampires out but not before the castle teleports away cackling maniacally with whatever artifact they came for and fricks over the Haitians with a curse of some sort, which sets them up for that Annette being sent by the Haitians to kill the new Lord on Dracula's Castle. There, it's a cliche but at least it fricking works.

        wtf does Haiti have to do with Castlevania?
        The only other country I remember even being mentioned was the US (bloodlines and PoR)

        • 5 months ago

          I think dracula's castle can appear anywhere in the games
          didnt he teleport it to japan at one point in time?

          but yeah no actual connection beyond the writers just happened to want the belmonts to be living there and fighting an egyptian vampire turned cat goddess for some reason

          • 5 months ago

            >didnt he teleport it to japan at one point in time?
            That as due to it being sealed in a solar eclipse.

        • 5 months ago

          Nothing. They turned Annette into their Donut steel and made her more important than the fricking Belmonts. It's Rey Skinwalker all over again. It's like that one Simpson's episode with Poochie. It's undefendable trash.

    • 5 months ago

      I never saw this show, but how can Christianity be bad (during this time) if nearly all the relics to kill Dracula and his monsters are all christian themed items: Holy whip blessed by priest, cross, holy water, sacred ash, bible, etc

      Is this show just made by the pronoun, atheist gays who said "frick source material"?

      • 5 months ago

        >Is this show just made by the pronoun, atheist gays who said "frick source material"?

    • 5 months ago

      Nocturne is a perfect example of the current mentality of these hacks

      >"My awful israeli propaganda is unmarketable on its own. Let's just take an already successful IP and inject it with this pozzed kosher syringe, to use as the vector to distribute to the goyim."

    • 5 months ago

      >randomly shits on lafayette
      how can one even hate him?

    • 5 months ago

      Adding to this:
      >There's no FRICKING massive castle-dungeon to adventure through - you know, the CASTLE part of CASTLEVANIA.
      >We are literally running around the Haitian countryside doing frick all.

      • 5 months ago

        This. Want your Haiti revolution fantasy, make it so Dracula's castle appears there and shit gets fricked. The slaves rise up and kick the vampires out but not before the castle teleports away cackling maniacally with whatever artifact they came for and fricks over the Haitians with a curse of some sort, which sets them up for that Annette being sent by the Haitians to kill the new Lord on Dracula's Castle. There, it's a cliche but at least it fricking works.

  24. 5 months ago

    its funny how im not qualified in the slightest and i still could have written a better plot

  25. 5 months ago

    you see that logo in the bottom left?
    that means it was bad
    with one exception : The Killer (2023)

  26. 5 months ago

    Of course it's terrible. It's written by that hackwit Ellis.

  27. 5 months ago

    I've actually heard normalgays i'd never expect to get angry over this rant at length about how much they fricking hate this show and how inexcusable it is that they fricked up such a simple idea as Castlevania.
    Kinda gratifying to be honest.

  28. 5 months ago


  29. 5 months ago

    It's filled with Black folk and the writing is tumblr fanfic tier, like seriously the amount of times the characters will just say frick it and do whatever the paper thin plot tells them to is ridiculous.
    The dialogue is hilariously dramatic and tone deaf at times too. Also they love to harp on about le church bad, le slavery bad, le nigs have le soul it's just shit tier.
    The art is nice at least 🙂

    • 5 months ago

      >The art is nice at least 🙂

      The person making the models is probably the only one who was competent on the entire production staff. Possibly the music composer too, but I never cared to listen to the OST because I just assumed the worst

    • 5 months ago

      >The art is nice at least 🙂

      The person making the models is probably the only one who was competent on the entire production staff. Possibly the music composer too, but I never cared to listen to the OST because I just assumed the worst

      The animation designer for this has a good taste in anime and it shows.

  30. 5 months ago

    >They did not feature Grant because he allegedly doesn't fit in with the crew
    > the man is a balkan outlaw
    >Oh two Japanese travellers in a back water dump who also happen to be homosexuals
    >Ah yes this is fitting

    • 5 months ago

      It gets worse.
      >They add Greta Danasty.
      >She's a Carthaginian refugee.
      >A refugee of a nation that hasn't existed for 1000 years before Dracula.
      They're really THAT moronic.

  31. 5 months ago


  32. 5 months ago


  33. 5 months ago

    >Christianity isn't real
    >but African ancestral ooga booga gods are
    Why do liberals always do this?

    • 5 months ago

      African ancestral ooga booga gods' sacred texts haven't officially rejected their moronic and vulgar lifestyles yet.

    • 5 months ago

      Anything the western world has deemed "marginalized" will always be championed as a primary solution or success.
      The moment filthy western hands touched this series, you know it was gong to be woke af.

      • 5 months ago

        >The moment filthy western hands
        Nah, there was hope until it was revealed Adi Shankar (a then suddenly-brianwashed pajeet) was producing, and Warren Ellis was writing and showrunning. It became "It's over"-tier once the latter admitting he was going to just look at the wiki and not play the games.

        Ultimately this was just another classic monkey's paw episode.

  34. 5 months ago

    It's fine but there's more complaining than actual fighting

  35. 5 months ago

    There are several things that bother me about these Castlevania adaptations but if there's one thing that I really hate is the mayor focus on vampires, sure the franchise revolves around Dracula but there are less than 10 prominent vampires some of which only make one appearance ever, and yet they ignore the vast and varied bestiary in favor of vampires and variations of vampires, where are the skeletons, mummies, golems, medusa head, etc?

    • 5 months ago

      the writers never played the games and it shows.

    • 5 months ago

      the writers never played the games and it shows.

      No, no, no... they have literally, publicly, categorically admitted that they never played the games. They've been proud and insolent about it.

  36. 5 months ago


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