Was Kamille's fate a tragedy, or a mercy to him considering all the shit he endured?

Was Kamille's fate a tragedy, or a mercy to him considering all the shit he endured?

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 2 years ago


  2. 2 years ago

    His fate? That's a bit of an odd way to refer to ending up with Fa.

    • 2 years ago

      I mean I'd consider being stuck with worst girl a tragedy. He's probably still slightly moronic and that's why she's just taking advantage.

      • 2 years ago

        >worst girl
        She may not be Haman, but come on.

        • 2 years ago

          Kamille got stuck with Reccoa?

          No pussy?

          Hey, Fa is equivalent to a Haro. Now, things might have been better if he ended up with Four, but Fa won because everyone else died.

          >being stuck with worst girl a
          Watch ZZ.

          Fa got Apolly killed. She can burn in hell alongside trash like Quess

          • 2 years ago

            hey now, its not Quess's fault Hathaway decided to have a little sperg out after she died

      • 2 years ago

        Kamille got stuck with Reccoa?


        No pussy?

      • 2 years ago

        Hey, Fa is equivalent to a Haro. Now, things might have been better if he ended up with Four, but Fa won because everyone else died.

      • 2 years ago

        >being stuck with worst girl a
        Watch ZZ.

      • 2 years ago

        Fa is literally one of if not the best girl in all of the Gundam franchise. She became a soldier to help out the guy she liked despite that not being anything close to what she wanted to do with her life and also despite the fact that Kamille is a massive dick to be around for a majority of his life up until he goes into a coma. After he goes into a coma she takes care of him until he recovers and they end up together. I literally cannot think of any women in the series who is half the angel Fa is

      • 2 years ago

        >worst girl
        Hmm, strange I don't remember Fa ever joining the enemies because she got wet over one of their men.

      • 2 years ago

        >Worst girl

        Nah, she's one of the best. She might not be the best looking, but she not only fought alongside her man, but she was willing to wipe his ass while he was a vegetable. Any other woman would have either stayed home and fricked other dudes, or had done that after he became a veggie. She's the loyalest and a keeper.

    • 2 years ago

      Fa is the best girl. Sorry you have bad taste.

    • 2 years ago

      Fa is a sweet girl who never fit the world of men. Having tried and experienced it first hand she'll find intense joy in being bred by Camille, and great satisfaction in motherhood.
      Ironically her fate is far more pleasant than that of all the competent Gundam women whose fate is to either die in their prime or live their miserable lives mentally ill and/or alone. Mirai is a notable difference (but not the only one), however she was always Bright's wife, if not in name, then in practice.

      • 2 years ago

        I wouldn't say Mirai got a happy ending. Between Bright being only her third choice, Bright cheating on her and the shit that goes down in Hathaway's Flash she's not that much happier than say Sayla who *only* had to bury the brother she's given up on years ago and her former flame. Mirai's situation is very much comparable to Fraw Bow's.

        • 2 years ago

          > Bright was only Mirai's third choice

          Wait...who was the other one? Sleggar and...? Cameron was an arranged marriage she never seemed interested in on a personal level.

          • 2 years ago

            Well yeah, but it was Sleggar who pulled her out of it, not Bright.

            • 2 years ago

              Yes, and I included Sleggar. Him pulling Mirai out of it doesn't magically make her have chosen Cameron or something. Bright is still her second choice, not her third.

  3. 2 years ago

    >a mercy
    Given that he makes a full recovery and has his happily ever after with Fa eventually, how was his coma a mercy? I guess it let him jump ship instead of having to deliver on the "I hate you Haman, I hate you so fricking much I don't even care if you're hot and desperate for a strong man in your life" setup.
    It wasn't really that big of a deal even before Gackt forced Tomino to fix his favorite childhood animu at gunpoint, I think people have that perception because the majority of younger (as in, not old enough to have watched Gundam in the 80s) fans, /m/ included, decided to skip ZZ and so are unaware that he wakes up as early as the ending of that.

  4. 2 years ago

    yo why is this weirdo lookin' at me like tha-
    >says nothing
    >clasps hand
    >sees the universe in his eyes
    >judau stares back, looking entranced
    >cuts to him casually chilling eating an apple a minute later

    yeah they totally fricked.

    • 2 years ago

      why are you projecting your gay fantasies on a children's cartoon

      • 2 years ago

        But that's not gay, it's the quarterback getting the girl.

      • 2 years ago

        Kamille is a girl.

  5. 2 years ago

    It was textbook tragic because a lot of it was his own fault

  6. 2 years ago

    what tragedy? he's fine by the end of ZZ
    homosexual did you skip ZZ?

    • 2 years ago

      >a mercy
      Given that he makes a full recovery and has his happily ever after with Fa eventually, how was his coma a mercy? I guess it let him jump ship instead of having to deliver on the "I hate you Haman, I hate you so fricking much I don't even care if you're hot and desperate for a strong man in your life" setup.
      It wasn't really that big of a deal even before Gackt forced Tomino to fix his favorite childhood animu at gunpoint, I think people have that perception because the majority of younger (as in, not old enough to have watched Gundam in the 80s) fans, /m/ included, decided to skip ZZ and so are unaware that he wakes up as early as the ending of that.

      >he's fine by the end of ZZ
      did you? There's no definitive proof he's fully recovered sans the manga where he's a doctor

      His fate? That's a bit of an odd way to refer to ending up with Fa.

      there is no mercy in that conclusion

      • 2 years ago

        No, ZZ is pretty definitive that his mind is fine and it's just his body that needs to heal at first, since he's able to have full blown mental conversations with different characters at times, and then his body starts healing around Dublin and it just becomes about waiting for him to finish healing so he can meld the two parts. Which we know is started by the time he leaves the Argama, because he verbally thanks Judau. It's very obvious he's fully healed by the end; people just want to have some dark consequences so they insist he couldn't be healed.

        he has it rough, but he really doesn't have his character shifted by partaking in conflict. He starts the show fighting for what he believes in keeping his friends safe and keeps that up the whole run of the show spear heading against neo zeon when noone else would
        comparatively he also doesn't lose a lot of his innocence and ability to still have fun as a kid

        he is never really hit by a wall that he never struggles to get past of disillusionment and desensitization unlike Amuro, Kamille and Osu

        Judau did get disillusioned, but he only got disillusioned right at the end of the show. It is, in fact, the final character beat he goes through. Judau is someone who never gives up on people. He never gave up the hope that Leina was alive, he never gave up on Puru despite her being part of the enemy and he never gave up on Haman despite her BEING the enemy. He kept trying to sway her until the very end; and Haman killed herself rather than change, though she did admit she was happy to have met someone who had that kind of faith in her before she died. And then after he's lost several friends, after Haman has killed herself rather than accept that she could be a better person, after Neo Zeon has actually been defeated, the Federation roll in to sweep things up.

        He'd put up with AEUG's shit throughout the show even though he didn't want to be a soldier in an adult's war, he'd put up with the Federation's shit at Dublin even though it led to disaster, he'd trusted Bright when he said he'd mobilize the Federation and they still only turned up when the fighting was done. And the boy/man who never lost faith in anything? He lost his faith in the the Federation. He was done. He went to Jupiter rather than put up with their hypocritical shit any longer.

        • 2 years ago

          He's frolicking with Fa on a fricking beach, this is not up to debate. Obviously the event itself will never go away, but he's not a vegetable.

          that's progress, but not a full recovery!
          any old reclusive asspie can prance along the beach like a fruit

          • 2 years ago

            Again, he was holding full blown conversations with people during the show using his mind; conversations where he not only reacted appropriately to context, but was anticipating events before the people he was talking to, and giving advice based on it. He was also running around Dublin when he realized the colony was coming, and starting to talk rationally and normally as well as cogitate before he leaves the Argama. His mind is fine, his body is fine; the only thing that's possibly not fine is the connection between them, and it's shown that's recovering too, since again, he starts talking normally before he leaves. What actual evidence is there that there is any lingering effect beyond you wanting him to still be affected?

          • 2 years ago

            Did you also forget the part where Kamille literally swings her around, lifting her off her feet? The dude is fully healed.

        • 2 years ago

          I don’t even feel bad for Judau
          He chose to go to Jupiter
          That’s hardly a “tragic” end. He just grew up

      • 2 years ago

        He's frolicking with Fa on a fricking beach, this is not up to debate. Obviously the event itself will never go away, but he's not a vegetable.

    • 2 years ago


      Was Kamille's fate a tragedy, or a mercy to him considering all the shit he endured?

      wait does Kamille never make another apperance after the end of ZZ??

      • 2 years ago

        He becomes a doctor in a manga.

        As much as I love super robot wars nonsense where he flies up to the Sazabi to correct his old lieutenant again I'm happy he got out of the meatgrinder.

        • 2 years ago

          >super robot wars nonsense where he flies up to the Sazabi to correct his old lieutenant
          That stuff fascinates me because Kamille has always been more of a Char's protege than he ever was an heir to Amuro, to the point that he absorbs some of his viewpoints. He even has an instant and unusual, almost instinctual dislike of the same people that dislike/are disliked by Char, like Haman and Beltorchka. Plus there's the fact that unlike Amuro, Kamille had no history with and owed no loyalties to the Feds and in fact the first thing he joined had "Anti-Earth" in its name.

          Not saying that if Char gave him a ring he'd go drop asteroids with him, or that he'd join Neo Zeon movement #23 or even something like Mufti, but I can easily imagine him showing up asking what have the Feds ever done for anyone and how we need to bring back AEUG, if only as a purely political movement.

          • 2 years ago

            >instinctual dislike of the same people that dislike/are disliked by Char, like Haman and Beltorchka
            one of the reasons why Kamille will always be a socially stunted gay in my book. Haman and Beltorchika were anything but perfect, but the both of them were spot on about Char

            • 2 years ago

              >but the both of them were spot on about Char
              it's literally Haman's fault Char didn't just settle down and have a peaceful life lmfao

              • 2 years ago

                Char did never give a shit about Haman in the first place. Whatever she might have said or done, wouldn't influenced Char's life in the slightest. In fact, it's quite opposite, it was Char blatantly ignoring her feelings which turned her into an hateful queen b***h with delusions of grandeur. And no, I'm not talking about Kitazume's fan fiction, but just Zeta.

              • 2 years ago

                ever if you ignore Kitazume Char owes Haman jack and shit after protecting her, elevating her into his birthright, following her orders and then having the most basic respect as to just frick off when he doesn't agree with her leadership instead of doing like he does to a Dozle

                Kitazume's story is good here because it follows Haman's track record of being a fricking moron who can't make proper connections with people while obsessively going after a single man

              • 2 years ago

                >a zabi*

              • 2 years ago

                >ever if you ignore Kitazume
                Which you should since he established his own entire alternate continuity which is somehow even worse than CDA.

              • 2 years ago

                It has a couple interesting things like giving Kai more stuff to do and bringing in some other background Whitebase characters like Omur.

                I liked the ZZ stuff, Gotton being the most competent man in the room constrained by a duty to protocol was fun.

              • 2 years ago

                >Char why won't you restore the Zabis with me? I know they killed your mom and dad and you had this whole quest for revenge against them but just get over it, okay? Mineva is practically our daughter, that's why I'm going to treat her like a sockpuppet later on!

            • 2 years ago

              Kamille was also spot on about Char too, difference is he had to deal with him as a superior. He only voiced his displeasure with Char a couple times, but they all are spot on. If anything, that makes Kamille more socially aware than what he was at the beginning of the series, since he learned to shut up when it was necessary.

          • 2 years ago

            > That stuff fascinates me because Kamille has always been more of a Char's protege than he ever was an heir to Amuro, to the point that he absorbs some of his viewpoints.

            I don't know that I agree with this. He certainly spent more time around Char, but he never actually learned much from Char and honestly, he repudiated Char or disagreed with him more often than he actually learned anything from him really. On the other hand, while he wasn't around Amuro nearly as much and was absolutely contentious with him, he still did actually learn a bit from him. Including finding Amuro to be an inspiring pilot who Kamille tried to emulate and learn from, even the first time he saw Amuro piloting in a Rick Dias.

            Sure, he was initially rather fractious with and even dismissive of Amuro; but he was that way with basically everyone (bar Four), and that included Char. Who he was more so with, if anything; if only because he actually spent more time around Char and so had more opportunity to come into conflict with him. By the end of his time on Earth though, he's quite respectful of Amuro and his final conversation with Beltorchika at the end of episode 37 (Day of Dakar) is one of his nicer interactions with anyone in the entire show because they've both changed by that point.

          • 2 years ago

            I don't think Kamille necessarily agreed with Char on everything, he just knew how to deal with it eventually and could sort of see why Char thought the way he did
            But one of the core aspects of their relationship is that Kamille was willing to give Char shit, he didn't just go along with what he wanted, Kamille would fight and call out Char for things that weren't practical to their situation

  7. 2 years ago


    But the Titans are Antifa (or the Stasi) given the whole "We do what we do wholly justified because we're keeping the space nazis from coming back"

  8. 2 years ago

    everyone kid lead in UC is a tragedy besides Judau

    • 2 years ago

      Judau still lost his adoptive sister(s).

      The guy had it rough.

      • 2 years ago

        he has it rough, but he really doesn't have his character shifted by partaking in conflict. He starts the show fighting for what he believes in keeping his friends safe and keeps that up the whole run of the show spear heading against neo zeon when noone else would
        comparatively he also doesn't lose a lot of his innocence and ability to still have fun as a kid

        he is never really hit by a wall that he never struggles to get past of disillusionment and desensitization unlike Amuro, Kamille and Osu

      • 2 years ago

        Kamille lost his entire crew except for Fa (hell, he probably thinks Char is dead until CCA), lost his mom, lost his girlfriend, lost his fake sister and had to kill his dad. Judau didn't even lose Leina, this isn't really compable.

        • 2 years ago

          I said adoptive meaning the two Purus he knew.

    • 2 years ago

      On that note have we ever found out what happened to Banana and Mineva after Unicorn? Given the way the timeline goes it feels like they ultimately accomplished nothing but likely ending up on every possible government shitlist.

      • 2 years ago

        In Narrative, Banagher is part of some secret faction led by Minerva, doing secret mission stuff for her. Although that's not long after Unicorn. So, that status quo could change. Especially since their main goal is controlling/reigning in the actions of the new Zeon foreign minister who secretly backs up radical Neo-Zeon movements.

        Still, they also could just keep that going for years if they just make them change targets eventually.

      • 2 years ago

        >Should still be alive in 0153
        >Civilization somehow managed to regress and nearly collapse
        >An empty, genocided colony developed a unique culture of its own, declared itself an empire, and attempted to conquer humanity
        >Mineva, Banagher, and every other character from that time period are nowhere to be seen 50 years after Unicorn, Narrative, Hathaway, etc
        >Zeon is nonexistent
        Someone explain, Victory should have been 0253 or 0353 to avoid this specific issue.

        • 2 years ago

          Zeon was gone by Hathaway's flash too IIRC.

          Certainly gone in Hathaway's Film.

  9. 2 years ago

    At the end of Zeta, yeah. But thankfully ZZ gave him a happy ending.

  10. 2 years ago

    >gays hate Fa so much they'd rather pretend Kamille is still a vegetable
    Why?? Because she's not the best pilot? Her track record is better than Newtype Sayla, and it's not like she was wasting good suits like a certain someone (*cough* Roux *cough*). Wow, I can't believe an Oldtype with no combat experience didn't do super amazing in such powerhouses as Nemo and Methuss.

    If you just want a psychotic Cyber-Newtype to save or for Haman to step on you, then yeah, Fa isn't gonna do much for you. But in a show with Reccoa complaining about a character who's biggest flaws are that she loved Kamille (???) and she was willing to rush into action despite not being very well suited for it to help him and her allies is ridiculous. And hell, she's no Fraw Bow in the looks department: her, Sayla, Emma and Haman are the only ones who pull off those 80s haircuts.

    • 2 years ago

      I challenge the idea that Fa has a better track record than Sayla. Sayla got the RX-78-2 damaged without doing anything of note the one time she took it out, but she was also the White Base's second best pilot in it's outright worst unit, the Core Fighter/Booster and/or G-Fighter; that after starting to pilot it half a show after Kai or Hayato. She has more kills in a lesser unit than either of them despite that gap in actual experience or time.

      • 2 years ago

        Piloting a fighter is not the same as piloting an MS.

        Because she's fricking annoying and has no character outside of wanting Kamille and being a babysitter. When the show is full of women like Emma, Rosamia, Mouar,Four, Haman and even fricking Sarah, Fa just doesn't stand out. Hell, Emma, Four, Sarah, Reccoa and Rosamia all have better character interactions with Kamille than Fa. Fa is boring. How the frick did Fa do better than Roux? Roux took down more enemies in one sequence than Fa did all series. Even Elle was better than Fa.

        Roux's performance is subpar given that it's Zeta that she's piloting.

        • 2 years ago

          Piloting a fighter is still piloting regardless, and is more impressive if anything, because mobile suits are supposed to be the platform that made fighters obsolete in the first place. Yet Sayla not only succeeded in one, she out did other pilots on her own ship using one, despite starting piloting much later than them.

          • 2 years ago

            >Piloting a fighter is still piloting regardless
            The controls are nothing alike, this is like comparing piloting to driving. And if Sayla doing well in a Core Fighter is impressive because it's bad (it isn't though, it's a better fighter than anything the zeeks got and is basically unrivalled as an aircraft) then so is Fa getting the series only Nemo kill

            • 2 years ago

              > The controls are nothing alike

              Irrelevant; she's still piloting regardless. And while the Core Fighter/Booster or G-Fighter might be better than any fighters Zeon have, it is definitely less agile/maneuverable than any Zeon mobile suit. The entire point of mobile suits is their mobility, and again, it's what made fighters obsolete in general. Yet Sayla succeeded in one. I'm quite happy to recognize Fa getting a Nemo kill, but at the same time, I don't see how it makes her a better pilot than Sayla who succeeded against worse odds.

              • 2 years ago

                I only implied she's a better Mobile Suit pilot, which she is, definitively. You're also forgetting people other than Sayla performed amazing feats in a Core Fighter, so the odds are nowhere near as bad as you're trying to portray. And she's a Newtype.

              • 2 years ago

                Given that the Core Fighter uses the same controls as the RX-78-2, I don't think she is a better mobile suit pilot. I think Sayla just needed more time practicing to get good. A newtype is not automatically a great pilot either, by the way, and there are plenty of counter examples for that across Zeta and Char's Counterattack. That aside, I'd be interested in who else performed amazing feats in a Core Fighter? I assume it has to be in supplementary material, since I can't think of anyone else in the original show or movies who uses one to effect. I don't even think Amuro ever gets all that much use out of a Core Fighter or derivative.

            • 2 years ago

              > The controls are nothing alike

              Irrelevant; she's still piloting regardless. And while the Core Fighter/Booster or G-Fighter might be better than any fighters Zeon have, it is definitely less agile/maneuverable than any Zeon mobile suit. The entire point of mobile suits is their mobility, and again, it's what made fighters obsolete in general. Yet Sayla succeeded in one. I'm quite happy to recognize Fa getting a Nemo kill, but at the same time, I don't see how it makes her a better pilot than Sayla who succeeded against worse odds.

              Also, the controls for the Core Fighter (and by extension, the Core Booster and G-Fighter based on it) are definitely like those of a mobile suit; the RX-78-2 Gundam specifically. They kind of have to be, given the Core Fighter is the core of the unit.

        • 2 years ago

          The Zeta wasn't even that strong in Zeta. It got damaged many times and Kamille was nearly killed by many people.

          • 2 years ago

            And RX-78-2 was almost defeated by zeeks on hoverbikes, what fricking point are you making? Yeah it wasn't one of those magic bullshit suits like Unicorn but shit like Psyco Gundam aside nobody had those between 0079 and CCA. Even the O's main strength was its pilot.

            • 2 years ago

              >And RX-78-2 was almost defeated by zeeks on hoverbikes
              How the frick is that even a comparable situation?
              > what fricking point are you making?
              That Roux didn't do any worse than Kamille. Kamille wasn't a God in the Zeta. How the frick do you get Roux having a subpar performance in the Zeta based on what she did?

              • 2 years ago

                >How the frick is that even a comparable situation?
                I'm mocking you, dummy. Hurr durr it got damaged Kamille almost died - guess what, the same goes for most protagonists. Hell, they now retconned Amuro into losing to Cucuruz in a RX-78-2 instead of a Core Fighter, are you gonna say Amuro wasn't a God next?
                >Roux didn't do any worse than Kamille. Kamille wasn't a God in the Zet
                Kamille has more kills than Judau

              • 2 years ago

                The Cucuroz Doan's Island movie doesn't retcon the episode anon; it's just it's own thing. Like the Zeta movies compared to the show.

              • 2 years ago

                >I'm mocking you, dummy.
                You're not doing a very good job.
                >Kamille has more kills than Judau
                So? What the frick does Judau have to do with anything? All protags have high kill counts unless they specifically don't like killing. Roux is shown being able to take down enemies as well as anybody. And no, I'm not saying she's as good as Kamille. I'm saying she can use the unit well and you going "hurr hurr she's subpar" with no actual evidence is bullshit..

              • 2 years ago

                >Kamille wasn't a God in the Zeta
                He wasn't, but he was the only one who is able to pull off the Waverider Crash finisher.

              • 2 years ago

                I can't upload files, since it's blocked on my phone's IP range, but Judau was able to do a Waverider Crash too in ZZ. He uses it against Yazan when he's piloting a Geze at one point.

                I don’t even feel bad for Judau
                He chose to go to Jupiter
                That’s hardly a “tragic” end. He just grew up

                Where was "tragic" specified in my post or the one I replied to? All I was saying was that Judau did face disillusionment. Which the previous post in the chain said he hadn't. Nothing about tragedy. Which I would define as Amuro's fate either, honestly. Or Kamille's, since he recovered.

                We could've seen him get better but sadly Tomino only cares about Amuro and Char.

                We did see him get better.

                >I challenge the idea that Fa has a better track record than Sayla
                she was the deciding factor in the Char/Scirocco/Haman standoff. How good of a pilot she is ranges wildly depending on the writer. Sometimes she's holding her own against Titans aces and other times she's barely able to pilot a MS without crashing into something

                You appear to be omitting Kamille as a factor in that standoff; which is a bit weird. Fa being the factor that allowed Kamille and Char a clean break by appearing behind Scirocco and Haman doesn't have anything to do with piloting skill though, so honestly, I'm not sure why you brought it up at all, unless you're taking "track record" to refer to "general usefulness" despite only applying to piloting skill throughout the reply chain. Which I'm pretty sure you knew it was meant to refer solely to anyway, given the rest of your reply.

              • 2 years ago

                >I can't upload files, since it's blocked on my phone's IP range, but Judau was able to do a Waverider Crash too in ZZ. He uses it against Yazan when he's piloting a Geze at one point.
                Here you go, fellow Judaubro

              • 2 years ago

                The animation hole during the sequence always makes me smile.

              • 2 years ago

                Nice to know that Judau was able to do the non-Newtype-powered version of the Crash despite his struggles with the Zeta at the start of the series

          • 2 years ago

            The Zeta is still incredibly powerful towards the end of the Gryps war, only The O and Qubeley were on the same level. Even in the first Neo Zeon war it's still very good with only some of the higher end MS like the Doven Wolf or Zaku III being comparable.

            • 2 years ago

              >only The O and Qubeley were on the same level
              Only with newtype magic, which automatically breaks tech levels. The Unicorns are the most powerful thing in UC despite technically being lower tech than anything in late UC. In terms of specs the Gaplant and Hambrabi are pretty much a match for it and Yazan almost destroys the Zeta with each. What's more amazing is the Gaplant is one of the first transformable MA made

          • 2 years ago

            In terms of damage, I never remember seeing Zeta losing a head, a limb or two in its eponymous show. Perhaps the most critical damage it got is when Yazan attacks it from behind with the Hambrabi's claws, damaging the wings and apparently, making the Waverider Mode unavailable for use until the suit's repaired.

      • 2 years ago

        >I challenge the idea that Fa has a better track record than Sayla
        she was the deciding factor in the Char/Scirocco/Haman standoff. How good of a pilot she is ranges wildly depending on the writer. Sometimes she's holding her own against Titans aces and other times she's barely able to pilot a MS without crashing into something

        • 2 years ago

          why was scirocco going to shoot up a movie theater?

          • 2 years ago

            He wanted to be the Joker.

            Anime streaming services all suck and don't deserve your money. Watch it online.
            Nevermind. You deserve to be wrung.

            To be fair the dub has some pretty funny lines.

          • 2 years ago

            sick bastard was reenacting lincoln assassination

    • 2 years ago

      Because she's fricking annoying and has no character outside of wanting Kamille and being a babysitter. When the show is full of women like Emma, Rosamia, Mouar,Four, Haman and even fricking Sarah, Fa just doesn't stand out. Hell, Emma, Four, Sarah, Reccoa and Rosamia all have better character interactions with Kamille than Fa. Fa is boring. How the frick did Fa do better than Roux? Roux took down more enemies in one sequence than Fa did all series. Even Elle was better than Fa.

    • 2 years ago

      >nd hell, she's no Fraw Bow in the looks department
      Wait, are there legitimately people who think Fa is unattractive? She's all fricking legs.

      • 2 years ago

        I'm more surprised there's someone who thinks Fraw Bo is a looker; she's one of the most plain jane characters in the franchise. By design even, since she's literally supposed to be the girl next door compared to the mysterious Sayla or otherworldly Lalah.

        • 2 years ago

          When I say she's no Fraw Bow I mean that she's hot, because Fraw Bow obviously isn't. I think listing Fa together with Haman, Sayla and Emma should've given that away.

          Given the subject is up - Mirai? Busted or not? How much does the Slegger crush matter?

          • 2 years ago

            Zeta proved that Mirai is the ultimate trad wife and Bright was the real winner of the OYW.

            • 2 years ago

              Well... For a while.

              Man never signed his name again.

            • 2 years ago

              Counterpoint: Mirai gave birth to Hathaway. If she was truly the ultimate trad wife she would have given Bright a son who didn't suck.

              • 2 years ago

                Look, Unicorn is actually a very expensive way to explain why Hathaway sucks.

                The whole "Partial ghost of Char in Full Frontal" bit? Yeah, all there to explain how Hathaway inherited Katz's simp spirit.

              • 2 years ago

                >If she was truly the ultimate trad wife she would have given Bright a son who didn't suck.
                Nah, all great men are required to have at least one extremely shitty son. Mirai's blameless.

          • 2 years ago

            the issue is less that she was crushing Slegger and more the fact that she was really into Cameron before hitting on Slegger, and Bright got the sloppy thirds

            • 2 years ago

              Given the subject is up - Mirai? Busted or not? How much does the Slegger crush matter?

              Bright cheated on her the first chance he got, they deserve each other

              • 2 years ago

                >Bright cheated on her the first chance he got
                There's nothing official about that, but all things considered, he's an utter moron if he didn't rail that Emary hottie at least once.

      • 2 years ago

        I'm more surprised there's someone who thinks Fraw Bo is a looker; she's one of the most plain jane characters in the franchise. By design even, since she's literally supposed to be the girl next door compared to the mysterious Sayla or otherworldly Lalah.

        When I say she's no Fraw Bow I mean that she's hot, because Fraw Bow obviously isn't. I think listing Fa together with Haman, Sayla and Emma should've given that away.

        • 2 years ago

          You didn't list either specific character alongside Emma, Haman and Sayla; you listed an ambiguous "her"; which could apply to either, and seemed to apply to Fraw Bo given your wording.

          • 2 years ago

            >...she's no Fraw Bow: her...
            Also would be pretty weird for me to shit on Fa like that in middle of my apologetics

            • 2 years ago

              There were other words in that sentence, with the paragraph starting off extolling why you think people might prefer others over Fa; so it's not inconceivable it could have been doing that later too.

  11. 2 years ago

    He got a reset on his life and lived out his days in Ireland with Fa during ZZ away from conflict. That is a hell of a mercy ending for a Tomino character considering he adored to murder cast members left and right.

  12. 2 years ago

    >questioning Roux as a pilot
    one of the most hilarious display of contrarianism I ever seen on internet

  13. 2 years ago

    Zeta Zeta Gundam

  14. 2 years ago

    are there any episode of Zeta I can just skip? I'm like half way through and so far almost every episode is two characters bickering for ten minutes, a five minute battle where each suit take turns hitting each other before fricking off, and then more bickering

    • 2 years ago

      First Tomino show?

      • 2 years ago

        Amuro shooting down a couple of Zaku or Dom grunts was more meaningful than the fights in Zeta

    • 2 years ago

      Skip all of it, skip this board and skip breathing.

    • 2 years ago

      just drop it zoomie

  15. 2 years ago

    >Fa is an oldtype
    not a Fagay but this is rude as frick, Fa is a newtype and she's a good pilot, plus she survived, that's all that matters

  16. 2 years ago

    A tragedy. Getting stuck with Fa was truly the worst outcome. Kamille just wanted to die in battle by suiciding himself into Pimptimus, but I'm guessing Tomino's ideals got shot down by executive meddling and he wound up a vegetable instead.

  17. 2 years ago
  18. 2 years ago

    Fa is Fa-king cute

  19. 2 years ago

    Does the Zeta Gundam during ZZ have all the combat data from the Gryps War which supplemented Roux's piloting? Yes, she's a trained MS pilot proper in the AEUG. Personally, she's the female Ryu/Sleggar role that doesn't die in ZZ. Also are the Neo Zeon pilots (named or otherwise) that good? They weren't part of the 1st wave of Axis troops in the Gryps Conflict. Cause it looked like Axis took a lot of ms pilot KIAs during the battle of Gryps 2.

  20. 2 years ago

    idk if i were to do a modern reboot of this id have him so mindbroken that he does a full blown transition into a transgender girl because Kamille is a girl's name then it would be a bad ending

  21. 2 years ago

    How much would the plot have changed if Kamille and Reccoa just vented their sexual frustrations out on each other?

    • 2 years ago

      Don't frick your mother anon.

    • 2 years ago

      >sexual frustration
      are you moronic?

      • 2 years ago

        You now remember the scene of Kamille very blatantly staring at Reccoa's chest and then feeling wienerblocked by Char's mere presence upon his entrance into the same room, and then running off the find Emma instead

        • 2 years ago

          you now remember being a teenager and discovering the opposite sex

          • 2 years ago

            Is a horny teenager not getting what he wants not considered sexual frustration

            • 2 years ago

              well I wouldn't say so, no, but regardless of that Kamille's motivations in the show weren't of sexual nature

    • 2 years ago

      It would be for the worse. Kamille would just become way more codependent and Reccoa doesn't want someone to baby. She wants someone to lead her.

      • 2 years ago

        So basically she needed Judau?

        • 2 years ago

          Judau would also want her to frick off like Char did but just be more direct about it because she'd find her creepy
          if anything she'd join the Titans faster because of him

          • 2 years ago

            Nah, he's a lot more considerate. Would he bang her? Probably not, but oif he could put up with Puru he could put up with a sad older woman. Hell he even offered post-Ireland Haman a chance to repent.

            • 2 years ago

              older women smell different

              • 2 years ago

                Is she that much older than Haman? he liked her smell.

  22. 2 years ago

    We could've seen him get better but sadly Tomino only cares about Amuro and Char.

  23. 2 years ago

    Holy shit. Funimation's streaming service sucks. I was excited to finally watch this dubbed and it buffers every few minutes.

    • 2 years ago

      Anime streaming services all suck and don't deserve your money. Watch it online.
      Nevermind. You deserve to be wrung.

  24. 2 years ago

    Imagine defending this thing

    • 2 years ago

      precious china dumpling, hope she grows up like her mother

    • 2 years ago

      man I love fa's design, something about her sleeveless outfit really does it for me.
      are there any other girls like her in gundam?

      • 2 years ago

        homie, Emma has the same outfit in the same show. Allenby is sleeveless. I'm sure Lacus's ninja outfit is sleeveless but she usually wears a coat with it.

        • 2 years ago

          see, the thing is I dislike her
          I would take fricking chara over emma any day
          she is okay maybe I just have a bias for fa

          • 2 years ago

            >I would take fricking chara over emma any day

  25. 2 years ago

    Ching chong bing bong

  26. 2 years ago

    This ratio is a mercy

    • 2 years ago


  27. 2 years ago

    So was Fa his gf or just his neighbor that had feelings for him? Because at the start it feels like the latter but the show as a whole treats them like they were always an awkward couple.

    • 2 years ago

      Both. She started out like Fraw Bo, the girl next door pining for the main character and expressing that by caring for him in an almost motherly fashion; she ended the show as his girlfriend, with Kamille having clung to her as the one constant in a very hectic time. Someone who was always there, and always looking out for him. Which really starts after he returns from Earth for the first time, following what he thinks was Four's death. When he arrives the first thing he wants to know is about Fa, and they have a few awkward scenes where he tries to be intimate with him by hugging/kissing etc. He's despondent, and knows that she's going to be there for him even if everything else is gone.

  28. 2 years ago

    Why was Haro in a garbage dump?

    • 2 years ago

      It's a toy that was among the scattered colony wreckage on the moon.

      • 2 years ago

        Kamille states the circuitry is over ten years old. So it was built before the One Year War and the White Base being famous.

  29. 2 years ago
  30. 2 years ago

    Why did Tomino say Kamille was the strongest Newtype? Is there anywhere we really see that?

    • 2 years ago

      that's because Tomino doesn't know shit about ZZ's plot, since he just worked at storyboards and wrote the 2nd ED. Otherwise he would have said Judau for sure

    • 2 years ago

      I saw someone summarise it years ago as
      >Kamille: highest sensitivity — can speak with the dead
      >Judau: can exert the most 'pressure'

    • 2 years ago

      Judging on the anime itself, Judau may actually be the strongest Newtype among UC protags, right? He even scared Haman so much with a giant projection of himself when Leina got hurt.

      • 2 years ago

        its judau easily, even haman was intimidated

        Sirocco is far stronger than anyone Judau faced and Kamille bested him.

        • 2 years ago

          Scirocco was at best evenly matched with Haman, and realistically probably weaker considering she was taking on Scirocco, Reccoa and Sarah at once during one episode, and wasn't showing any signs that doing so was pressing her.

    • 2 years ago

      its judau easily, even haman was intimidated

      • 2 years ago

        ZZ treats all the reccuring cast from Z like garbage to make the new kids look even cooler. This infuriates me about ZZ

    • 2 years ago

      In ZZ Kamille telephatically guides Puru and the others while far away from the battlefield.

      • 2 years ago

        Leina did basically the same thing when Judau and Beecha were fighting against the Jamru-Fin squad. And she's a grader.
        Leina Ashta >>>> Kamille Bidan

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