was she really such a bully? was she really such a stalker?

was she really such a bully?

was she really such a stalker?

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Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    It does interest me that while Harriet often intrudes on other peoples' privacy, she herself hates it when people invade her own privacy.

    • 4 months ago

      eh there's a difference between "let me see what you're doing as you go about your day, both in public and around your house, not like i'm sneaking into the bathroom or anything" and "let me read all of your personal off-the-cuff thoughts that you deliberately wrote in a way NOT for people to see, and hid away where no person walking by could see it (as opposed to saying it out loud for any passerby to hear)

      • 4 months ago

        I wanna imagine that when Marion read Harriet's diary cover to cover she got to the page where Harriet was in Marion's closet spying on her when her mission was to steal Marion's coat

        See that is my actual reasoning why Marion did what she did because Harriet is a little weirdo who thinks once she becomes interpol she can abuse her authority

        And while its funny thats what Marion does on the regular she does it in private wheras Harriet does it in public. Its 100% an optic issue

        • 4 months ago

          possible. but i think she would have brought it up, given that all the other accusations they levy on her are extremely minor
          no, I think that notebook was relatively new. It only went back a few months, not all the way back to season 1.
          also you are dead right on how that entire conflict showed how public perception and optics and what have you tend to frick things up. It's too bad they didn't keep the attitude from the book of "learn how to lie" because harriet's act at the end would have been better as deliberate manipulation, instead of wrongly internalizing guilt at something that wasn't wrong to do.

  2. 4 months ago

    >The entire last 2 arcs of the book will never be animated because the Jim Henson company thought it would be a smart idea to put a high budget mostly 2D series on fricking APPLE TV the streaming service NO ONE uses

    What a waste

    It had arguably the best depiction of Marion tho

    • 4 months ago

      I'm still surprised why they chose Apple TV of all services to exclusively stream on. Who the heck uses Apple TV or watches new cartoons on it? Has any other cartoon premiered exclusively on that service before? I don't think I've ever heard of anything premiering on that before Harriet.

      • 4 months ago

        The problem is if they proposed the show to Netflix not only would like half of its budget get slashed they would have to somehow make a modern rendition of the IP set in the current year because Netflix would demand that Marion and Harriet be bitter lesbians who cant get along because Harriet hates coming from status vs Marion who embraces it to the fullest

        So like a reverse Lumity situation

    • 4 months ago

      I imagine Apple being crapple is the reason they paid them so much money, which was the only way a show this good could get made
      same for dreamworks giving cleopatra in space so much money. It's... technically a good business practice, except that the initial plan of forcing 'streaming' to be a thing was failed from the start.

      • 4 months ago

        I also like how despite some arcs never being finished the Henson company was serious about wanting to make that adaptation the most book accurate out of all the other ones which arent nearly as good

        You just know if this show was put on a better streaming service it would have captivated a wider audience but the drawback would be like a Molly McGee situation.

        are they really THAT rich? Maybe he has a rich dad, and getting a dentist job was to impress him. lotta those types are like "sure you'll be on easy street, i'll buy you a huge house, but you'd better make me proud and be a fine upstanding member of the community with a big, impressive job that I can show off to my friends, or the purse strings will be cut"

        I shoot believed at the beginning that Harriet was lower middle class and how Golly only agreed to be Harriet's Nanny not so much for the money but because she likes Harriet and finds her personality amusing. She see's a little of herself in her

        But I think the biggest travesty is we dont see nearly enough of Marion's home life. I know thats not relevant to the books but I could think of all kinds of shit that could have been cut to fit that in.

  3. 4 months ago

    Which episode shows the inside of her mouth again? I need the scene for research.

    • 4 months ago

      Season 2 Ep 1

      Its revealed that Marion's dad is the best dentist in all of NY. Now im not denying that Dentists especially in Pre-Inflation 1960's NY werent making decent money but honestly as someone who has never read the books they could have given Marion's dad a more higher income job

      I shoot thought as someone who has never seen the series before Marion's dad was gonna be like a Wallstreet Tycoon or flat out the Mayor and or Govenor of NY

      • 4 months ago

        First episode of Season 2.

        Thanks Anons

      • 4 months ago

        are they really THAT rich? Maybe he has a rich dad, and getting a dentist job was to impress him. lotta those types are like "sure you'll be on easy street, i'll buy you a huge house, but you'd better make me proud and be a fine upstanding member of the community with a big, impressive job that I can show off to my friends, or the purse strings will be cut"

    • 4 months ago

      First episode of Season 2.

      • 4 months ago

        Right amount of detail even if it still feels fetishy

      • 4 months ago

        anybody else fricking hate when coloring goes outside the lines, even if it is a stylistic choice to look like a kids' book?
        why the frick did Jackie Chan Adventures do it so much for their backgrounds.

  4. 4 months ago

    eyyy Harriet thread! been a lil while. I like Harriet.
    uh no, everyone was bullying -her-
    yes, but stalking is good. what you do once you've stalked, that's what's bad. but we punish stalkers to prevent the bad-stuff from happening. it's a shitty thing to do, but it's probably necessary.

    • 4 months ago

      I watched the show only for Marion and Rachel since I ship them way more then the show wants me to ship Harriet with Marion.

      • 4 months ago

        I like to think that Rachel and Beth Ellen are much closer to each other than are to Marion (only following her since she's their leader). In fact, I made fan episode concept when Beth Ellen accidently finds herself on Rachel's enemies list after a string of misfortunes.

        • 4 months ago

          Nah. Rachel is 100% loyal to Marion and that is even canonical to the books. The arc that was never storyboarded was the one where Beth Ellen puts her foot down and decides she'd rather be friends with Harriet then her and Marion loses her shit over this because she's a raging control freak

          You see this in Ep 9 of S2 where Beth Ellen doesnt wanna answer the question on "how often" Marion picks on her when no one else is around. It shows that if Harriet took Marion up on her original offer this would have been her

  5. 4 months ago

    My cousin worked on this show, but I've never actually watched it

    • 4 months ago

      The weakest part of the show is the later half of Season 1 since that was originally marketed as Season 2 and then the last 10 Ep's dropped was marketed as Season 3

      • 4 months ago

        Speaking of a Season 3, what kind of episodes would it have? Would it follow the plots of the sequel books (the ones focusing on Beth Ellen and Sport)?
        I'd imagine she'd try to get to know her fellow classmates a little better, like (reluctantly) learning "Purple Socks'" real name, or helping Beth Ellen gain confidence.

        eh there's a difference between "let me see what you're doing as you go about your day, both in public and around your house, not like i'm sneaking into the bathroom or anything" and "let me read all of your personal off-the-cuff thoughts that you deliberately wrote in a way NOT for people to see, and hid away where no person walking by could see it (as opposed to saying it out loud for any passerby to hear)

        Even then, in the Chuck episode in Season 2, Harriet got all pissy when Chuck looked like he took her photo without her permission (with Janie sarcastically remarking how dare someone spy on someone else).
        >Harriet: [After getting her picture taken] Hey, did you just take my picture? Hey!
        >Harriet: Did you see that? What a snoop.
        >Janie: Yeah, Harriet. Who would spy on someone without asking?
        >Harriet: Right?

        Nah. Rachel is 100% loyal to Marion and that is even canonical to the books. The arc that was never storyboarded was the one where Beth Ellen puts her foot down and decides she'd rather be friends with Harriet then her and Marion loses her shit over this because she's a raging control freak

        You see this in Ep 9 of S2 where Beth Ellen doesnt wanna answer the question on "how often" Marion picks on her when no one else is around. It shows that if Harriet took Marion up on her original offer this would have been her

        We need more Beth Ellen.
        Also, which offer was that?

        possible. but i think she would have brought it up, given that all the other accusations they levy on her are extremely minor
        no, I think that notebook was relatively new. It only went back a few months, not all the way back to season 1.
        also you are dead right on how that entire conflict showed how public perception and optics and what have you tend to frick things up. It's too bad they didn't keep the attitude from the book of "learn how to lie" because harriet's act at the end would have been better as deliberate manipulation, instead of wrongly internalizing guilt at something that wasn't wrong to do.

        >also you are dead right on how that entire conflict showed how public perception and optics and what have you tend to frick things up. It's too bad they didn't keep the attitude from the book of "learn how to lie" because harriet's act at the end would have been better as deliberate manipulation, instead of wrongly internalizing guilt at something that wasn't wrong to do.
        I think that would fly in the face of what Ole Golly had told her about telling the truth, no matter what.


        Going back to the arc that never got greenlit and how it relates to the last season. When I say Marion loses her shit I mean she ABSOLUTELY LOSES HER SHIT when Beth Ellen screams at her. Like Marion goes full mask off and the entire school see's Marion for what she actually is. A control freak sociopath with an enormous inferiority complex

        In the court scene, Marion admits she's proud of what she is and how people tolerate her because while she's a bully she's never a hinderance towards their lives. If Marion ever grew up she'd likely be a president of an HOA since those people lack anything resembling a human soul which would be the perfect job for Marion

        >In the court scene, Marion admits she's proud of what she is and how people tolerate her because while she's a bully she's never a hinderance towards their lives.
        Where exactly does she say that?

        • 4 months ago

          Okay yeah, THAT one was hypocrisy. and I think they pointed that out and worked through it.
          That said, there is still a difference between 'observing and taking down an opinion and drawing a dumb picture of you' vs taking a photo that you can't take back and it lasts forever and what if it's not your good side
          not MUCH of a difference, but...
          >telling the truth
          yeah but a fake apology aint exactly a lie. i've done it to my mom. I did eventually tell her how easily manipulated she was to fall for that, and that I only did it so she wouldn't kick me out

        • 4 months ago

          When Marion is brought up to testify she explains how Beth Ellen is the weak link of her group but she actively will not let her leave the group for no other reason outside of Marion wanting to know what everyone is doing at every point in time

          There are countless examples of this in the finale season. In the Scavenger Hunt Ep, when Harriet becomes desperate and makes a deal with Marion, they both start reminiscing about how there was a very brief period of time where the two of them could have been friends until Harriet saw what a genuinely awful person Marion was even when she was very young

          The implication being the only reason Beth Ellen is even with Marion's group is she's blonde and rich just like Harriet. Everytime Harriet does something that Marion doesnt improve of she takes it out on Beth Ellen.

          • 4 months ago

            shit, i hadn't thought of that.

          • 4 months ago

            >there was a very brief period of time where the two of them could have been friends until Harriet saw what a genuinely awful person Marion was even when she was very young
            That raises another question: between Harriet and Marion, who was the one responsible for their friendship to end?
            In the Season 2 finale, Harriet had said she was still mad that Marion dumped her as a friend in the 3rd grade. Did Marion blame Harriet for their friendship's end?

            I like to imagine they blame each other for their friendship to end; Marion blames Harriet for never being happy for her whenever she wins at anything, and Harriet blames Marion for her constant gloating whenever she does win (rubbing it in everyone's face, especially Harriet's), as well as being unpleasant.

            • 4 months ago

              The books will likely elaborate this but I actually believe Harriet was 100% correct that it was Marion's personality that drove the two of them away

              Think about it. Harriet wanted to have a fun day at school where everyone got to talk about their emotional stuffed animal and why it had sentimental value and Marion, being the no fun allowed b***h that she is all the time who was also at the time head of the School Newspaper decides to write a horrible opinion piece which NO ONE in school except maybe Rachel agrees with

              When the principal takes her position away instead of admitting fault she stares at Harriet and then stares at Beth Ellen. This is what Sociopaths do

              Like right now Beth Ellen is only being verbally abused but given how Marion hates being ordered around even by higher authority figures which she brown noses to it might one day lead to her getting physical with people

              Theres a reason why in the books Harriet once described Marion as "Female Hitler"

              • 4 months ago
          • 4 months ago

            >they both start reminiscing about how there was a very brief period of time where the two of them could have been friends until Harriet saw what a genuinely awful person Marion was even when she was very young
            There's also the fact that Harriet never won at anything against Marion, and she obsessed over it. Could that have played into their friendship's decline?

          • 4 months ago

            The books will likely elaborate this but I actually believe Harriet was 100% correct that it was Marion's personality that drove the two of them away

            Think about it. Harriet wanted to have a fun day at school where everyone got to talk about their emotional stuffed animal and why it had sentimental value and Marion, being the no fun allowed b***h that she is all the time who was also at the time head of the School Newspaper decides to write a horrible opinion piece which NO ONE in school except maybe Rachel agrees with

            When the principal takes her position away instead of admitting fault she stares at Harriet and then stares at Beth Ellen. This is what Sociopaths do

            Like right now Beth Ellen is only being verbally abused but given how Marion hates being ordered around even by higher authority figures which she brown noses to it might one day lead to her getting physical with people

            Theres a reason why in the books Harriet once described Marion as "Female Hitler"

            Of course, there were times when Marion was being nice to Harriet, like in the 2nd episode after the coat vote is cast, where she agreed both girls could wear the same coat at the same time (though this came after Harriet decided not to reveal Marion's love confession to Phil to not stoop to her level).

    • 4 months ago

      dude, watch it. it's a damn fine program, ESPECIALLY by todaytimes standards.

      Nah. Rachel is 100% loyal to Marion and that is even canonical to the books. The arc that was never storyboarded was the one where Beth Ellen puts her foot down and decides she'd rather be friends with Harriet then her and Marion loses her shit over this because she's a raging control freak

      You see this in Ep 9 of S2 where Beth Ellen doesnt wanna answer the question on "how often" Marion picks on her when no one else is around. It shows that if Harriet took Marion up on her original offer this would have been her

      damn, that sounds like it would have been pretty rad
      and if they tried adapting the second book, since it was very beth ellen focused, they could work that in there. kinda make her the main character and give her an arc.. they could even modify the motivation behind her plan (which was what again?) so that it was also trying to be like Harriet and do secret stuff, because she wants to be friends

      • 4 months ago

        possible. but i think she would have brought it up, given that all the other accusations they levy on her are extremely minor
        no, I think that notebook was relatively new. It only went back a few months, not all the way back to season 1.
        also you are dead right on how that entire conflict showed how public perception and optics and what have you tend to frick things up. It's too bad they didn't keep the attitude from the book of "learn how to lie" because harriet's act at the end would have been better as deliberate manipulation, instead of wrongly internalizing guilt at something that wasn't wrong to do.

        Going back to the arc that never got greenlit and how it relates to the last season. When I say Marion loses her shit I mean she ABSOLUTELY LOSES HER SHIT when Beth Ellen screams at her. Like Marion goes full mask off and the entire school see's Marion for what she actually is. A control freak sociopath with an enormous inferiority complex

        In the court scene, Marion admits she's proud of what she is and how people tolerate her because while she's a bully she's never a hinderance towards their lives. If Marion ever grew up she'd likely be a president of an HOA since those people lack anything resembling a human soul which would be the perfect job for Marion

        • 4 months ago

          daaamn.. you can't come back from that.

        • 4 months ago

          When Marion is brought up to testify she explains how Beth Ellen is the weak link of her group but she actively will not let her leave the group for no other reason outside of Marion wanting to know what everyone is doing at every point in time

          There are countless examples of this in the finale season. In the Scavenger Hunt Ep, when Harriet becomes desperate and makes a deal with Marion, they both start reminiscing about how there was a very brief period of time where the two of them could have been friends until Harriet saw what a genuinely awful person Marion was even when she was very young

          The implication being the only reason Beth Ellen is even with Marion's group is she's blonde and rich just like Harriet. Everytime Harriet does something that Marion doesnt improve of she takes it out on Beth Ellen.

          The books will likely elaborate this but I actually believe Harriet was 100% correct that it was Marion's personality that drove the two of them away

          Think about it. Harriet wanted to have a fun day at school where everyone got to talk about their emotional stuffed animal and why it had sentimental value and Marion, being the no fun allowed b***h that she is all the time who was also at the time head of the School Newspaper decides to write a horrible opinion piece which NO ONE in school except maybe Rachel agrees with

          When the principal takes her position away instead of admitting fault she stares at Harriet and then stares at Beth Ellen. This is what Sociopaths do

          Like right now Beth Ellen is only being verbally abused but given how Marion hates being ordered around even by higher authority figures which she brown noses to it might one day lead to her getting physical with people

          Theres a reason why in the books Harriet once described Marion as "Female Hitler"

          You know, with all this talk about Marion's psychology, I'm wondering if the fan episode concept I came up with in a previous thread would actually work or if it'll need to be changed or scrapped.

          It'd have Beth Ellen accidently finding her name on Rachel's enemies list (after getting on her bad side during a particular foul mood of hers), and she's forced to ask Harriet and her friends for help to get it removed since Marion won't lift a finger to help.

        • 4 months ago

          What would be the thing that would make Beth Ellen scream and stand up to Marion?

          • 4 months ago

            Have you seen the way she treats her in the show? Its clear Beth exists entirely to just be a stand in for Harriet because theyre both rich and blonde

            Marion doesnt value Beth Ellen as a person she see's her as an accessory

            • 4 months ago

              What I mean is what'd be the one thing that would finally make Beth Ellen finally flip out and cuss Marion out? Like would Marion slap her, accidently call her Harriet?

              • 4 months ago

                and also would they be real cusses or southern yosemite sam shit

              • 4 months ago

                Since Beth Ellen's usually pretty gentle and meek, I'm thinking it'll start off with Yosemite Sam cussing in trying to find her voice, but when she finally finds her voice and courage, she'll say in a quiet but firm way, "You know what, Marion Hawthorne? Frick you." Or maybe have you say she hates Marion in a quiet voice, then repeats herself louder and louder, until she's screaming her hatred for Marion.

              • 4 months ago

                I'm reminded of Beth Ellen's tantrum neat the end of "The Long Secret", after her grandmother told her that her mother wanted to take her away to Europe. The poor girl goes around slamming doors, trashing the bathroom, all while screaming that it isn't fair.

  6. 4 months ago

    will they have to pad out season 3 by sending harriet and janie to dance school?

    • 4 months ago

      Who drew that?
      I wonder if CF is lurking.

      • 4 months ago

        CF usually turns up to Harriet threads. Though he also usually seems pretty busy.

  7. 4 months ago

    The first episode literally has her breaking into some poor woman's house to spy on her in her bedroom

    • 4 months ago

      that wasn't her initial intent though!! things just.. got out of hand. and she got chased.
      she just wanted to see whether she finally got out of the house, yknow

  8. 4 months ago

    I'm so glad we still get Harriet threads.. it makes me feel good that even if I get into a new show kinda late, I can enjoy it with people later.

    • 4 months ago

      The shows alright.

      I watched the show entirely for Marion and Rachel. There isnt nearly enough art of Harriet wearing her bright Pink Dress

      • 4 months ago

        she was cute as hell in that. she's all 'ooh this is an embarrassing dress but at least I can infiltrate this party' and here i am goin 'cute bow, cute bare legs, cute socks'
        like damn girl maybe try all of those with some jeans shorts and maybe a t-shirt and suspenders while you're still flat enough to wear suspenders comfortably.

        • 4 months ago

          She tomboy maxxed

          The biggest missed opportunity is that everyone in the whole fricking city was at that party but strangely Marion's parents were unavailable

          Marion would have killed to see Harriet in that dress, She would have malded herself to sleep over Harriet being pretty for once and not someone who smells like Mud.

          • 4 months ago

            >let's see, malded. malded. it doesn't mean jilled, right? uh.. oh, angry.
            possible ,yes. or would she make fun of her?

            • 4 months ago

              No. Knowing Marion's obsession with control she likely would have demanded Harriet wear the dress and probably encourage her mother to pick her wardrobe out for her more often

    • 4 months ago

      S1 threads were better imo

  9. 4 months ago

    keep the thread alive.. let's see some cute fanart happen

  10. 4 months ago

    Those of you who like Harriet, are the same kind of homosexual .... who enjoy Ramona Quimby

    • 4 months ago

      that name rings one-third of a bell, help me out

  11. 4 months ago

    If any artists are lurking, may I request Beth Ellen looking in the mirror and being tormented by Rebllen?


    • 4 months ago

      looks like coldfusion is sitting this one out

      • 4 months ago

        don't be so sure
        though I am busy with work today. but who knows?

  12. 4 months ago
  13. 4 months ago
  14. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      >a professional in a banana costume is still a professional, Harriet

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