Was The Amazing Spider-Man 2 really that bad?

Was The Amazing Spider-Man 2 really that bad?

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 weeks ago

    Is that the one with Jamie foxx?

    • 4 weeks ago

      yeah hes electro

      • 4 weeks ago

        why isn't he hip-hop

  2. 4 weeks ago

    it really makes me shit my pants and fart

  3. 4 weeks ago

    great casting for spiderman and gwen, awful plot and villians, damn shame

    • 4 weeks ago

      >great casting for spiderman
      uhhh no. Spiderman isn't a giraffe or a 35 year old man.

      • 4 weeks ago

        easily the best spiderman we've ever seen on screen, you must think spiderman needs to be a midget and gay, damn shame

        • 4 weeks ago

          spiderman is a NERD

          • 4 weeks ago

            Spider-man is a gigachad. Get your shit right.

            It's not that good but it's not as bad as the iron boy Jr. movies

            You need to actually watch those movies OR don't say shit about them because you are 1000% wrong.

          • 4 weeks ago

            It's gays like you that are the reason why they have to reboot Spider-man every two years so they can keep him in high school.

        • 4 weeks ago

          I think Tom Holland was the best but I can't watch the next one because of some of the shit he has agreed to do in other movies. He is forever ruined.

        • 4 weeks ago

          I think Tom Holland was the best but I can't watch the next one because of some of the shit he has agreed to do in other movies. He is forever ruined.

          Tobey is the best Spider-Man by far. I don't know what some people are smoking. He captured the struggling nerd part who has a hard time coinciding his superhero life to his personal one. Tom Holland is just shit and Garfield was way too wienery and popular to be Peter

          • 4 weeks ago

            Name some things wrong with Tom Holland then.
            >Tobey has trouble living two lives
            Have you not seen no Way Home? That's like the biggest theme in the movie. Though unlike Tobey, Tom actually had to choose one. I'm not saying that's better than Tobey though. It just works different in Tom's movies.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >Name some things wrong with Tom Holland then.
              I've only watched civil war and the first Holland movie (Homecoming I think). He's garbage because:
              1. The Marvelesque shitty slapstick comedy that ruins every moment and stakes in the movie. Obviously not his fault, but those are the types of movies Disney's Marvel does.
              2. The fact that he got bullied by a fat Pajeet even thoug he looks infinitely more handsome and popular than him. Utterly ridiculous and unrealistic.
              3. And probably the most important of all - he doesn't struggle at all. Everything is simply handed to him via Stark tech and whatever the hell not. There's no real use of intelligence or sense of struggle which is the defining trait of Peter. He just gets handed everything, uncle Ben doesn't matter and his aunt is like some hot milf.

              He's nerdy but in the funny slapstick comedy way, like you're supposed to be laughing at him won his predicament, not in "hey, this guy is struggling".

              • 4 weeks ago

                >I only watched the very BEGINING of his character arc
                There's your problem bro.
                >slapstick comedy
                There wasn't that much of that. Only time was when he was fighting Falcon and Bucky. His other fights were fricking brutal. Cap nearly caved his face in with that shield. And Vulture buried him under rubble and Peter legit thought he was going to die and started begging for his life at first.
                >bad because it's unrealistic
                First of all that's bullshit because it's a superhero story. It will never be realistic. Second of all that specific thing isn't unrealistic because 1) Flash isn't that ugly, 2) Peter has a history of being a lame nerd for years before this, 3) Flash was funny (to them). You don't instantly erase years of nerdiness, even if you one day become a chad. Plus I'm sure Peter hides his muscles.
                >he doesn't struggle at all
                okay bullshit so here you go
                >uncle Ben died because of him
                >gets beat up by Cap
                >has to sacrifice his only chance to date his crush and risk his own life and secret identity and the lives of all his friends and family just to do the right thing
                >gets buried and left to die slowly, which he would have if he didn't struggle to lift that ceiling off of him
                >nearly dies again like seven times while fighting vulture, and there are several instances of vulture making him scream in pain
                >fails to save Tony Stark and watches him die
                >doesn't get to propose to Zendaya on the Eiffel Tower like he wanted
                >loses his Stark inheritance and nearly gets his friends killed
                >gets hit by a bullet train and has to struggle to get inside of it while he bleeds all over it
                >Accidentally kills mysterio
                >gets framed for trying to execute everyone, and secret identity revealed
                >Nick Fury bails on him as soon as he gets in legal trouble
                >him and his friends are not allowed to go to college because of controversy that wasn't their fault
                >Gets beat the frick up by Tobey's and Andrew's villains. Also Green Goblin is now a hundred times stronger than before.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >tries to save the villain's lives despite it being the most difficult thing ever and not even wanting to, and having to oppose and even defeat Doctor Strange himself to do it
                >Gets rewarded by getting brutally beaten and then watching Aunt May slowly die
                >Zendaya won't let him send the villains home after this until he cures them
                >Goblin almost destroys the universe
                >because of magic, the only way Peter can save the universe is by making everyone forget who he is. He lost everything. All of his family and friends.

                And all of this is stuff that's unique to him. All of the struggles that Tobey ever had, Tom also did. The only thing you can name is that Tobey made his own suit, and Tom did that too. Many times in fact. Even without stark oney or technology he has made two homemade suits. And with Stark's shit he still mad ehis own. And doesn't even really use any of the gadget Stark put in the suit outside of the first movie. In fact he beats Doctor Strange with nothing but his powers and his webshooters which Tom did indeed invent.
                Tom has to make MORE sacrifices than Tobey even because Tobey eventually figured out how to balance his two lives by the time of Spider-man 3, and in no way home he says he managed to work things out with MJ as well.

                The entirety of your posts here are MCU apologist bullshit, but I'm just gonna focus in on one specific point:
                >And Vulture buried him under rubble and Peter legit thought he was going to die and started begging for his life at first.
                This scene is a bastardisation of one of the greatest moments in Spider-Man's history, and possibly comics as a whole.
                In the comic (ASM #33, since I'm assume you don't know) Spider-Man is trapped under tons of steel in an underwater base about to flood. If he can't get out, he drowns. He has already beaten Doc Ock – but is trapped directly as a result of his victory. The reason he's in this situation is because he has been desperately searching for a specific cure needed for his Aunt May, who's hanging by a thread in the hospital. Not only is his own life in imminent danger, but so is the life of the woman who raised him. Over 5 pages, he thinks on why he's there, comes to the brink of despair, remembers his aunt and uncle, but pushes through it all and finally lifts the weight off himself in a feat of great physical strength.
                In Homecoming, Spider-Man is stuck under the rubble for about a minute and a half. He's there because he went to confront the Vulture and walked right into a trap. He finds the willpower to lift the rubble because he recalls a line of inspiration from RDJ's Iron Man. His life is not in immediate danger. In fact, nobody's life hangs in the balance. The only danger is Iron Man's property being stolen. It is a cheap imitation.
                The vast emotional/contextual discrepancy here is a microcosm of the fundamental problem with the MCU Spider-Man. They pay lip service to classic visuals they don't understand and rely on guest stars and multiverse cameos, all because they cannot be bothered to do the hard work of actually establishing their "new" version of Spider-Man. They only use what has already worked elsewhere, because they have neither the will or talent to make their film stand on its own.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >this scene is based on a comic
                I thought you were mad about it being too different from classic Peter? also I already knew about this comic. It's not relevant to this discussion though.
                >not only is his own life in danger, but so is aunt may's
                Just like in the movie, wow.
                >takes five pages to explain everything that's going on inside his head
                Yeah it's a book dude. You don't do that in movies. They made it work without explicitly telling you what he's thinking. And also this scene has different emotional significance, because it's a different story. Just because he's trapped under something doesn't mean it's an adaptation of that comic.
                >he can only do it because of something Iron Man siad
                Bullshit! Learn how to fricking read media literacy you moron! They don't have to fricking tell you everything. You will receive no further (you)s. fricking lying trolling piece of shit who pretends to not understand anything.

              • 4 weeks ago

                You're moronic and he honestly blew you the frick out with his understanding of the character. And, he was right, people hated Hollands Spider Man for reasons like that

              • 4 weeks ago

                Thank you for not actually engaging with anything I said, anon.
                I hope you enjoy your MCU slop.

              • 4 weeks ago

                The other anon raped you. You should have never come here mcu shill.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Well put. To this day I still don't understand how the core of that movie was spider-man being over reliant on an iron man suit, as if he doesn't at least 5 different super powers.
                And people were just eating this shit up calling me a nostalgia gay when I pointed it out

              • 4 weeks ago

                >uncle Ben died because of him
                He doesn't exist in the MCU
                >gets beat up by Cap
                After making captain america lite and dark look like a joke, its hardly a struggle when the fight doesn't actually matter to him at all. There is no personal impact shown from him fighting a national hero
                >has to sacrifice his only chance to date his crush and risk his own life and secret identity and the lives of all his friends and family just to do the right thing
                Again, this means nothing. He was never shown to have any genuine connection with this girl or any real history with her that was at stake. It's not like toby missing Dunst's performance after continually promising he'd be there. He get's no flack for this and by the end of the movie none of the other non-characters care. She is never brought up again
                >gets buried and left to die slowly, which he would have if he didn't struggle to lift that ceiling off of him
                Look, the guy your replying to is clearing refering to personal struggles, the thing that made spider-man as popular as he is. Ofc he'll go through physical struggles as is the case with all action characters, the thing that draws people to spiderman are his grounded personal struggles

              • 4 weeks ago

                Watch the fricking movies.

              • 4 weeks ago

                And come to the same conclusion because I was right the first time?

              • 4 weeks ago


              • 4 weeks ago

                >I only watched the very BEGINING of his character arc
                There's your problem bro.
                >slapstick comedy
                There wasn't that much of that. Only time was when he was fighting Falcon and Bucky. His other fights were fricking brutal. Cap nearly caved his face in with that shield. And Vulture buried him under rubble and Peter legit thought he was going to die and started begging for his life at first.
                >bad because it's unrealistic
                First of all that's bullshit because it's a superhero story. It will never be realistic. Second of all that specific thing isn't unrealistic because 1) Flash isn't that ugly, 2) Peter has a history of being a lame nerd for years before this, 3) Flash was funny (to them). You don't instantly erase years of nerdiness, even if you one day become a chad. Plus I'm sure Peter hides his muscles.
                >he doesn't struggle at all
                okay bullshit so here you go
                >uncle Ben died because of him
                >gets beat up by Cap
                >has to sacrifice his only chance to date his crush and risk his own life and secret identity and the lives of all his friends and family just to do the right thing
                >gets buried and left to die slowly, which he would have if he didn't struggle to lift that ceiling off of him
                >nearly dies again like seven times while fighting vulture, and there are several instances of vulture making him scream in pain
                >fails to save Tony Stark and watches him die
                >doesn't get to propose to Zendaya on the Eiffel Tower like he wanted
                >loses his Stark inheritance and nearly gets his friends killed
                >gets hit by a bullet train and has to struggle to get inside of it while he bleeds all over it
                >Accidentally kills mysterio
                >gets framed for trying to execute everyone, and secret identity revealed
                >Nick Fury bails on him as soon as he gets in legal trouble
                >him and his friends are not allowed to go to college because of controversy that wasn't their fault
                >Gets beat the frick up by Tobey's and Andrew's villains. Also Green Goblin is now a hundred times stronger than before.

                >tries to save the villain's lives despite it being the most difficult thing ever and not even wanting to, and having to oppose and even defeat Doctor Strange himself to do it
                >Gets rewarded by getting brutally beaten and then watching Aunt May slowly die
                >Zendaya won't let him send the villains home after this until he cures them
                >Goblin almost destroys the universe
                >because of magic, the only way Peter can save the universe is by making everyone forget who he is. He lost everything. All of his family and friends.

                And all of this is stuff that's unique to him. All of the struggles that Tobey ever had, Tom also did. The only thing you can name is that Tobey made his own suit, and Tom did that too. Many times in fact. Even without stark oney or technology he has made two homemade suits. And with Stark's shit he still mad ehis own. And doesn't even really use any of the gadget Stark put in the suit outside of the first movie. In fact he beats Doctor Strange with nothing but his powers and his webshooters which Tom did indeed invent.
                Tom has to make MORE sacrifices than Tobey even because Tobey eventually figured out how to balance his two lives by the time of Spider-man 3, and in no way home he says he managed to work things out with MJ as well.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Tom Holland has no agency in his own Spiderman movies, RDJ usually overshadows him, but then the GyllenGOD staged him up in the second and was BTFO by Tobey and Andrew in the third. Now there’s infinitely more buzz surrounding the new non-Holland Spiderman 4 than there is for a MCU Spiderman 4
              I like Tom Holland as an actor and apparently he’s a chill ass dude IRL, but his Spidey movies are ass. Not Disney Star Wars tier bad, just very mediocre

      • 4 weeks ago

        Yes the frick he is! A 35 year old man, not a giraffe. Get off of Cinemaphile Andrew. I respect your decision to pursue other roles but you don't need to make up bullshit reasons to do so. We get it, you don't want your entire career to be spider-man.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    Jamie Foxx REALLY sucked

  5. 4 weeks ago

    The biggest mistake these movie made was thinking anyone gave a shit about Peter's parents.

  6. 4 weeks ago


  7. 4 weeks ago

    Yes. Stop being 12 when it came out.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    The ending left me feeling depressed. That scene where he catches her just a fraction of a moment too late and her body makes contact with the floor from the inertia was genuinely painful and heartbreaking. And then the scene where you see him standing by the grave with the seasons changing.

    • 4 weeks ago


      • 4 weeks ago

        Shut up.

  9. 4 weeks ago

    It's not that good but it's not as bad as the iron boy Jr. movies

  10. 4 weeks ago

    It wasn't that good

  11. 4 weeks ago

    Emma stone in a mini skirt and thigh highs means it should be in the American Film institute.

    • 4 weeks ago

      arthoes can't dance for shit

  12. 4 weeks ago

    Andrew Garfield is the best Peter Parker / Spiderman, in the worst Spiderman movies, and if you disagree then you're gay and moronic

  13. 4 weeks ago

    It was, but they should have made a third anyway instead of giving up and bending the knee to Disney.

  14. 4 weeks ago

    I don't think anyone's ever said it was bad. I used to hate his costume in this but I think it's alright now.

  15. 4 weeks ago

    it wasn't as bad as YMS made it seem, but yeah, it was pretty awful.
    >opening scene with Peter's dad crashing this plane with no survivors, awful JJ Abrams mystery box bullshit
    >Gwen's graduation speech about death is the most painful foreshadowing I've ever seen in a movie. And it contains such idiotic statements as "hope is luck."
    >Peter and Gwen break up for no reason other than forced relationship drama
    >Electro's awful design, and he turns evil because... Spider-Man is more popular than him?
    >Harry Osborne's disease that gets worse whenever the plot needs to progress
    >he thinks Spider-Man's spider blood has healing properties, which it doesn't
    >rather than say "hey, my blood doesn't have magic healing properties" Spider-Man openly antagonizes Harry for no reason

    >ridiculous mad scientist character that just enjoys torturing Electro... with electricity?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Nta but electro turns evil because it turns out that all elctric eels are evil schizs who have evil voices in their heads rapping along to the sound of the buzzing of their bio-electricity. And then Electro becomes part electric eel when he gets bit by them because that's how genetic engineering works in these movies.

      Also, everything else you said was wrong.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >everything else you said was wrong
        So Peter's dad didn't crash the plane and he's alive?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Nta but electro turns evil because it turns out that all elctric eels are evil schizs who have evil voices in their heads rapping along to the sound of the buzzing of their bio-electricity. And then Electro becomes part electric eel when he gets bit by them because that's how genetic engineering works in these movies.

      Also, everything else you said was wrong.

      Electro goes crazy because Spider-Man forgot his name. Not even a meme, he met him once before the freak accident

    • 4 weeks ago

      >he thinks Spider-Man's spider blood has healing properties, which it doesn't
      It does, but only for the Parker family.

  16. 4 weeks ago

    Garfield stole the show in NWH. Its a damn shame he got handed such soulless and shitty Sony productions

  17. 4 weeks ago

    No, but the villains were. And you need a good villain for your superhero movie or it will rarely be good. They get props for not cucking out on the Gwen death.

  18. 4 weeks ago

    It was pretty fricking awful. The first one was OKAY

  19. 4 weeks ago

    I liked it

  20. 4 weeks ago

    garfield was good as peter
    gwen was good
    some of the swinging stuff/fight scenes are cool
    gwens death is good

    everything else is shit

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