Was this good or bad

Was this good or bad

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    I didn’t care for it.

  2. 11 months ago

    This year's pleb filter and so far the best such filter of the 20s and arguably the best filter since Southland Tales

    • 11 months ago

      Word. And I must add Blonde, deeply maligned by the usual suspects for completely bullshit reasons. Dominik was done dirty when he actually made another excellent film.

    • 11 months ago

      >Southland Tales
      The Rock during his 'highest highs' in career was talking with maker of Tales to release a director's cut as mini-series on Netflix or smt like that. But now Rock is nobody, so no Southland tales for us.

      • 11 months ago

        >But now Rock is nobody

        • 11 months ago

          >crossing familia
          >being a somebody

          You can pick as many as you want as long as it's one

    • 11 months ago

      thanks for the reminder to rewatch southland tales

  3. 11 months ago

    good but complex. i saw it with my friend and his gf and even though they don't usually watch movies like this they liked and and were able to have a good talk about it after. definitely not for everyone though.
    i liked how it was like a living nightmare. tonally kinda similar to all my friends hate me.

    • 11 months ago

      >i liked how it was like a living nightmare
      Check out The Trial from Welles and Reflections of Evil from Packard. The latter especially seemed to influence the apartment section heavily

  4. 11 months ago

    I thought good, but I have hige mommy issues and connected with it in a way that I hope nobody else had to.

  5. 11 months ago

    Not to sound like reddit, but every 10 minutes or so is a WTF moment, it kept my attention greatly. Think ill rewatch next week with my fiance, see if it can keep her attention for 3 hours with her dumb woman brain

  6. 11 months ago

    Best comedy in ages.

  7. 11 months ago

    it was mid. Trim a good 30 minute from it and it will probably be good.

  8. 11 months ago

    first hour was a genuinely great nightmare comedy. eventually, the movie started to go off the rails in a way i didn't care for, but i'm willing to believe i was just filtered and need a rewatch.

  9. 11 months ago

    i respect it. my bar is so low by this point a film just has to have some kind of creative vision to get some credit from me

  10. 11 months ago

    What was up with the penis scene?

    • 11 months ago

      shit, its to early for me to try and break this down. but it wasn't literal. it was a visual metaphor of his sexuality in some way.

      • 11 months ago

        No...The penis was his father. Not a representation of him. But of that nameless, masculine essence, which remains a myth, a symbol or a pure idol of ''fertility''.
        He never knew anything about him. Even his mother's version of facts (a history of congenital heart disease killing him in the act of procreation) is discredited when Beau eventually loses his virginity, and survives it.
        So because his father is presumably a man who left, or is unaware of his existence, his father is essentially reduced to being a genitor, a genitalia.

  11. 11 months ago

    israeli moms be like this I can barely function in society

  12. 11 months ago

    The third act was a bit shit, but I liked it overall. Wish Nathan Lane had a bit more screentime.

  13. 11 months ago

    I guess it was a melange of magical realism and surrealism.
    For a good 15-35 minutes at the beginning, my initial inkling may have been that the events were due to Beau experiencing hallucinations after ingesting that psychiatric medicines.
    About 30 mins in, is where it sets in that the character is deeply paranoid schizophrenic.
    Towards the end of the movie, in his mother's house, one sees hints that his mother's business empires was based around the concept of ''security'' and ''sheltering children from harm''. I suppose his mother's over-protectiveness was the explanatory cause for his fears. His lack of decisiveness is mentioned in the movie multiple times, especially when confronting his mother.
    He seems afraid to take control over his life.

    There are some segments which I felt took away from the movie, and could have been trimmed off. The segment wherein he drives with the teenage girl, to get dropped off.
    The entire hyper-real segment of him being filmed on a cell-phone, bullied into taking drugs, seemed a bit dull compared to the other creative choices.

    I suppose Beau is a complicit victim in a sense. At first you feel pity for him, but then you start to have a more nuanced approach about his problems, and how he may be perpetuating his victimhood.

    The entire segment which was animated, about him leading another life in a village, having sons, etc...in conjunction with the ''immaculate conception'' myth of being a fatherless child is mother feeds him.
    There was some spiritual, religious undertones too. The great flood. At some points it reminded me of Job.

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah, had Aster cut about 40 minutes it would make an even stronger film, and probably made it more money too. Three hours of a surrealist black comedy isn't appealing to that many people after all.

      • 11 months ago

        Yes. If you were to ask me personally, I would say that beginning from his stay at the Dr's house, there are some segments which can be taken out.
        I wondered for a while, as it dragged on, what was the purpose of this entire event.
        It becomes very clear quickly that he is enduring some sort of hostage, Munchausen by Proxy situation, and that there is also some interest in developing contrasting ''loving and caring'' family dynamics with how overly caring the Drs seem at the beginning of his stay.
        However I feel like an aware audience gathers the message quite quick, and at some point it devolves into a sort of pity party, wherein one can see the knife twisted in the wound of Beau, with his open wounds unsown, his surgery endlessly post-poned, etc.
        At that point it began to feel quite drawn out.
        I would have rather he'd attempted an escape, or was forced out by the daughter, to run through the wilderness at this point.
        The entire ''drive to Wasserton'' felt quite flat and dry, devoid of any deeper implications to keep the mind thinking or occupied.

        My point of view. The final judgment scene also felt like an uneccessary conclusion. I feel like the theme of judgment was brushed upon before, I believe in the forest of orphans segment.
        I would have rather it ends unfinished, on an unopen, uncertain note. A trial felt quite anti-climactic.

  14. 11 months ago

    My father was watching this with my mom yesterday and he was complaining that this movie was moronic and a huge waste of time

    • 11 months ago

      Don't take it personally, but it's a him problem.

    • 11 months ago

      Your dad got filtered and is a pleb

  15. 11 months ago

    It was pretty good, better than Midsommar by far.

  16. 11 months ago

    >not on netflix
    >not on prime
    How the frick would I know if its good or not??

  17. 11 months ago

    just neurotic israeli horseshit with wiener mutilation, self flagellation and mommy issues galore
    maybe if heebs spent more time in therapy and less time indulging their obsession with childhood humiliation, they wouldn't be so fricked up

    • 11 months ago

      My father was watching this with my mom yesterday and he was complaining that this movie was moronic and a huge waste of time

      Yes. If you were to ask me personally, I would say that beginning from his stay at the Dr's house, there are some segments which can be taken out.
      I wondered for a while, as it dragged on, what was the purpose of this entire event.
      It becomes very clear quickly that he is enduring some sort of hostage, Munchausen by Proxy situation, and that there is also some interest in developing contrasting ''loving and caring'' family dynamics with how overly caring the Drs seem at the beginning of his stay.
      However I feel like an aware audience gathers the message quite quick, and at some point it devolves into a sort of pity party, wherein one can see the knife twisted in the wound of Beau, with his open wounds unsown, his surgery endlessly post-poned, etc.
      At that point it began to feel quite drawn out.
      I would have rather he'd attempted an escape, or was forced out by the daughter, to run through the wilderness at this point.
      The entire ''drive to Wasserton'' felt quite flat and dry, devoid of any deeper implications to keep the mind thinking or occupied.

      My point of view. The final judgment scene also felt like an uneccessary conclusion. I feel like the theme of judgment was brushed upon before, I believe in the forest of orphans segment.
      I would have rather it ends unfinished, on an unopen, uncertain note. A trial felt quite anti-climactic.

      Yeah, had Aster cut about 40 minutes it would make an even stronger film, and probably made it more money too. Three hours of a surrealist black comedy isn't appealing to that many people after all.

      it was mid. Trim a good 30 minute from it and it will probably be good.

      I didn’t care for it.

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