Was this movie flopping proof that Kaijus are a niche genre?

Was this movie flopping proof that Kaijus are a niche genre?

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  1. 8 months ago

    Yes, it also proves most people are plebs, KOTM was kino.

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        Recent polls show that for fans it's the most favorite but also almost the most disliked (GVK takes the crown in that). So it's divisive but also provided us with most people fans loved.

    • 8 months ago

      >KOTM was kino.
      Not with all that mother and daughter drama.

  2. 8 months ago

    It flopped because it is bad, compared to the rest of the Monsterverse, so far.
    Awful human characters/story and a dark murky obscured visual style.
    Kong Skull Island and Godzilla vs Kong performed much better than it, because they are better movies

    • 8 months ago

      KOTM is much better than Kong skull island lol, that movie was awful. Godzilla vs Kong was pretty good. Hopefully the monarch series will be good.

      • 8 months ago

        kong skull island had the helicopter scene and the part where they're blasting machine guns in poison gas. That movie was peak kong kino. KOTM is ugly as piss and the theater it was playing in gave me the flu.

        • 8 months ago

          Peter Jackson's film violently mogs K:SI

    • 8 months ago

      >Awful human characters/story
      Nah, if anything it was memorable and stood out. Mommy doing "billions must day" bit, only to her horror realize within a couple of hours that billions will indeed die is interesting to see unfold. Unlike nothingness in the 2014 and the Scooby-Doo crew in vs Kong.

  3. 8 months ago

    This movie was mid because it was trying hard to set up a cinematic universe. If you care about normal movies the jumped-gun cinematic-universe-ness and the constant mindless monster beat 'em up will wear on you. And if you're a kaiju autist who wants the mindless monster beat 'em up the dumb family drama and eco-terrorist bullshit will wear on you.

    King of the Monsters is decently made, but as a whole it has different aspects which most people will not like at least one of.

  4. 8 months ago

    Its proof that critics don't understand the genre and that audiences still listen to critics too much

  5. 8 months ago

    the fight scenes are kino, and Vera Farmiga and Kyle Chandler are comfy actors and infinitely watchable. the sense of scale and the histrionic reverence is Snyderian. 9/10 stars, -1 star for the shitty bald kid from the tv.

  6. 8 months ago

    Love this movie.

    • 8 months ago

      >was wondering where the giant wooly mammoth was
      >realize Godzilla is holding him

  7. 8 months ago

    is this the one where the military leader is a bald gorilla niggress? the movie was good but still deserved to bomb just because of that shit

  8. 8 months ago

    Was this the one that looked like Frank Frazetta art? Movie was awesome, by far the best of the new Godzillaverse.

    • 8 months ago

      If you're thinking of pic related, this is from Kong: Skull Island

  9. 8 months ago

    It failed because Bimmy didn't have a cameo. "No Bimmy, I refuse"

  10. 8 months ago

    Monster fights made with good CGI aren't entertaining. Monster fights made with middling CGI are at least quaint. Monster fights with guys in suits dodging pyrotechnics and smashing insanely detailed models is peak.

  11. 8 months ago

    I listen to the score regularly

  12. 8 months ago

    >mary sue bobby brown
    >shit fights
    >shit story with monarch bulslhit and MBB's mom
    it proved that until GvK, the west still had no idea how to make a godzilla movie

  13. 8 months ago

    It is unfathomable to me that people like vs Kong more than 2019.

    Yes it fixed the lighting/murkiness but it had vastly worse human villains and is much much dumber.

    • 8 months ago


      > Fights are vastly better lit than 2014 & less muddled than 2019. The lights of Hong Kong are a tiny bit glaring but still a beautiful setting for the 2nd battle.
      > All the fights are good & well choreographed. The angles from the ground & elsewhere of Kong jumping around Hong Kong's rooftops while Godzilla's breath follows across the sky made for some great shots.
      > CGI is mostly great & on par with if not slightly better than Skull Island & fully better than much of 2019.
      > The half of the plot focused on Kong & the discovery of the Hollow Earth is good.
      > Demián Bichir is charismatic & likable in his 1st scene with Skarsgard, he deserved a far better developed villain.
      > Score is very good although I get why some reviewers have felt that it's not as classical or iconic as 2019s. The theme when Kong sits on the throne in the Hollow Earth in particular I liked.
      > The flying snakes of the Hollow Earth are cool.
      > Less jokes & quips than 2019.
      > Also less cutting away from the fights.

      • 8 months ago

        Good summary anon.

    • 8 months ago


      > Fights are vastly better lit than 2014 & less muddled than 2019. The lights of Hong Kong are a tiny bit glaring but still a beautiful setting for the 2nd battle.
      > All the fights are good & well choreographed. The angles from the ground & elsewhere of Kong jumping around Hong Kong's rooftops while Godzilla's breath follows across the sky made for some great shots.
      > CGI is mostly great & on par with if not slightly better than Skull Island & fully better than much of 2019.
      > The half of the plot focused on Kong & the discovery of the Hollow Earth is good.
      > Demián Bichir is charismatic & likable in his 1st scene with Skarsgard, he deserved a far better developed villain.
      > Score is very good although I get why some reviewers have felt that it's not as classical or iconic as 2019s. The theme when Kong sits on the throne in the Hollow Earth in particular I liked.
      > The flying snakes of the Hollow Earth are cool.
      > Less jokes & quips than 2019.
      > Also less cutting away from the fights.


      > As others have said the monsters seem a little too fast & weightless at times, that said I think there is still plenty of impact to them. This is more a problem while Godzilla is being slapped around by MG than it is during the G vs Kong fights.
      > Good overall cast that is mostly underused/underdeveloped.
      > Brian Tyree Henry gives a fun performance but it's inconsistent how much of a Alex Jones crazy guy he is suppose to be. In his scene early on gaining access to a computer inside Apex they present his annoying awkwardness as being a conscious act but then later they reveal he literally bathes in bleach & other loony stuff.
      > Hall & Skarsgard do decent overall jobs. Hall seems to obviously cringe at a few lines.
      > MechaGodzilla's design is mixed but is growing on me. The body shape, spines, tail & shape of head is all solid but the arms are oversized & the mouth looks overly toothless (literally)
      > The film gives Kong the sympathetic tired world weariness that Godzilla had in 2014/2019 & for G replaces it with a kinda sadistic streak I don't know how to feel about. His motive of keeping all Kaiju in line comes off more like bullying here but I suppose that might be kinda the point as Kong is far more intelligent & sympathetic than the other Kaiju from 2019.

    • 8 months ago


      > Fights are vastly better lit than 2014 & less muddled than 2019. The lights of Hong Kong are a tiny bit glaring but still a beautiful setting for the 2nd battle.
      > All the fights are good & well choreographed. The angles from the ground & elsewhere of Kong jumping around Hong Kong's rooftops while Godzilla's breath follows across the sky made for some great shots.
      > CGI is mostly great & on par with if not slightly better than Skull Island & fully better than much of 2019.
      > The half of the plot focused on Kong & the discovery of the Hollow Earth is good.
      > Demián Bichir is charismatic & likable in his 1st scene with Skarsgard, he deserved a far better developed villain.
      > Score is very good although I get why some reviewers have felt that it's not as classical or iconic as 2019s. The theme when Kong sits on the throne in the Hollow Earth in particular I liked.
      > The flying snakes of the Hollow Earth are cool.
      > Less jokes & quips than 2019.
      > Also less cutting away from the fights.



      > As others have said the monsters seem a little too fast & weightless at times, that said I think there is still plenty of impact to them. This is more a problem while Godzilla is being slapped around by MG than it is during the G vs Kong fights.
      > Good overall cast that is mostly underused/underdeveloped.
      > Brian Tyree Henry gives a fun performance but it's inconsistent how much of a Alex Jones crazy guy he is suppose to be. In his scene early on gaining access to a computer inside Apex they present his annoying awkwardness as being a conscious act but then later they reveal he literally bathes in bleach & other loony stuff.
      > Hall & Skarsgard do decent overall jobs. Hall seems to obviously cringe at a few lines.
      > MechaGodzilla's design is mixed but is growing on me. The body shape, spines, tail & shape of head is all solid but the arms are oversized & the mouth looks overly toothless (literally)
      > The film gives Kong the sympathetic tired world weariness that Godzilla had in 2014/2019 & for G replaces it with a kinda sadistic streak I don't know how to feel about. His motive of keeping all Kaiju in line comes off more like bullying here but I suppose that might be kinda the point as Kong is far more intelligent & sympathetic than the other Kaiju from 2019.


      > Godzilla's atomic breath blasting through to the Hallow Earth may be the single most preposterous, suspension of disbelief breaking thing in the history of the Godzilla franchise.
      > Godzilla's fight with MechaGodzilla is way too one sided, going into curb stomp territory. Especially considering the director claims MechaG is weaker than Ghidorah.
      > Human villains are straight up poor to bad overall. Both are used notably less than Charles Dance in 2019 (which is saying something as his lack of screen time was a notable problem I had with that film) and lacking in motivation FAR more than the overly criticized Emma Russell (vera farmiga). They pepper in a few tiny tidbits of motive to Demián Bichir but give absolutely ZERO to Shun Oguri who is playing Serizawa's son (apparently the novelization explains his motives & resentment towards his father but it's 100% missing from the film)
      > Killing the Iwi off screen & not explaining what catastrophe has befallen Skull Island.
      > Not explaining where the other Titans are (they said godzilla's attack on apex is the 1st Titan sighting in 3 years) and giving that unexplained "defeated" label about them despite Godzilla being cool with them after they bowed in 2019. The tie in graphic novel apparently fully explains this but it's still a notable inconsistency within the films themselves.
      > Eiza González & Kyle Chandler are given extremely little to do.
      > Lance Reddick (who I am a big fan of) is given a microscopic role with like 2 lines of dialogue, wasted even worse than he was in Angel Has Fallen.
      > The character of Josh is absolutely pointless aside from giving MBB someone to talk to before she meets Bernie.
      > Him partially disabling MG by pouring beer on a random computer was convenient & dumb (such is even acknowledged within the film)
      > Ghidorah's skull is way too small compared to his size in 2019.

    • 8 months ago


      > Fights are vastly better lit than 2014 & less muddled than 2019. The lights of Hong Kong are a tiny bit glaring but still a beautiful setting for the 2nd battle.
      > All the fights are good & well choreographed. The angles from the ground & elsewhere of Kong jumping around Hong Kong's rooftops while Godzilla's breath follows across the sky made for some great shots.
      > CGI is mostly great & on par with if not slightly better than Skull Island & fully better than much of 2019.
      > The half of the plot focused on Kong & the discovery of the Hollow Earth is good.
      > Demián Bichir is charismatic & likable in his 1st scene with Skarsgard, he deserved a far better developed villain.
      > Score is very good although I get why some reviewers have felt that it's not as classical or iconic as 2019s. The theme when Kong sits on the throne in the Hollow Earth in particular I liked.
      > The flying snakes of the Hollow Earth are cool.
      > Less jokes & quips than 2019.
      > Also less cutting away from the fights.



      > As others have said the monsters seem a little too fast & weightless at times, that said I think there is still plenty of impact to them. This is more a problem while Godzilla is being slapped around by MG than it is during the G vs Kong fights.
      > Good overall cast that is mostly underused/underdeveloped.
      > Brian Tyree Henry gives a fun performance but it's inconsistent how much of a Alex Jones crazy guy he is suppose to be. In his scene early on gaining access to a computer inside Apex they present his annoying awkwardness as being a conscious act but then later they reveal he literally bathes in bleach & other loony stuff.
      > Hall & Skarsgard do decent overall jobs. Hall seems to obviously cringe at a few lines.
      > MechaGodzilla's design is mixed but is growing on me. The body shape, spines, tail & shape of head is all solid but the arms are oversized & the mouth looks overly toothless (literally)
      > The film gives Kong the sympathetic tired world weariness that Godzilla had in 2014/2019 & for G replaces it with a kinda sadistic streak I don't know how to feel about. His motive of keeping all Kaiju in line comes off more like bullying here but I suppose that might be kinda the point as Kong is far more intelligent & sympathetic than the other Kaiju from 2019.



      > Godzilla's atomic breath blasting through to the Hallow Earth may be the single most preposterous, suspension of disbelief breaking thing in the history of the Godzilla franchise.
      > Godzilla's fight with MechaGodzilla is way too one sided, going into curb stomp territory. Especially considering the director claims MechaG is weaker than Ghidorah.
      > Human villains are straight up poor to bad overall. Both are used notably less than Charles Dance in 2019 (which is saying something as his lack of screen time was a notable problem I had with that film) and lacking in motivation FAR more than the overly criticized Emma Russell (vera farmiga). They pepper in a few tiny tidbits of motive to Demián Bichir but give absolutely ZERO to Shun Oguri who is playing Serizawa's son (apparently the novelization explains his motives & resentment towards his father but it's 100% missing from the film)
      > Killing the Iwi off screen & not explaining what catastrophe has befallen Skull Island.
      > Not explaining where the other Titans are (they said godzilla's attack on apex is the 1st Titan sighting in 3 years) and giving that unexplained "defeated" label about them despite Godzilla being cool with them after they bowed in 2019. The tie in graphic novel apparently fully explains this but it's still a notable inconsistency within the films themselves.
      > Eiza González & Kyle Chandler are given extremely little to do.
      > Lance Reddick (who I am a big fan of) is given a microscopic role with like 2 lines of dialogue, wasted even worse than he was in Angel Has Fallen.
      > The character of Josh is absolutely pointless aside from giving MBB someone to talk to before she meets Bernie.
      > Him partially disabling MG by pouring beer on a random computer was convenient & dumb (such is even acknowledged within the film)
      > Ghidorah's skull is way too small compared to his size in 2019.

      Good summary anon.



      > Up until his fight with Ghidorah this is the most powerful / menacing / badass Rodan has been since 1956 & his design is very good.
      > Godzilla still looks fantastic (2nd best G design ever IMO) as he did in 2014 which is even improved upon here with the more classic spines after his power up.
      > Opening with the Mothra larva is fun.
      > Mothra's adult form is great (but overly small)
      > Ghidorah looks basically perfect.
      > Vastly more monster screen time & fight scenes than 2014.
      > Vastly better lighting than 2014.
      > Some fantastic moments showing off a sense of scale (the moment of Ghidorah rearing back to blast MBB in the stadium a final time was breath taking in theaters)
      > Good overall cast.
      > Good score.

      > Tone is largely about right, more serious than not. A few cringy jokes but not even close to as many as haters claim. The Gonorrhea line is the worst & nothing else comes close.
      > Giving Serizawa the Bryan Cranston treatment, that said his sacrifice is beautifully done.
      > Kyle Chandler is very generic but fine here and is IMO better than Aaron Taylor Johnson in 2014.
      > Charles Dance was a great villain choice but is notably underused (still better used than the villains in GVK)
      > Ken Watanabe, Vera Farmiga & MBB put in good performances but needed to have been given more to do. The focus should have been on them & not Kyle Chandler.

    • 8 months ago


      > Fights are vastly better lit than 2014 & less muddled than 2019. The lights of Hong Kong are a tiny bit glaring but still a beautiful setting for the 2nd battle.
      > All the fights are good & well choreographed. The angles from the ground & elsewhere of Kong jumping around Hong Kong's rooftops while Godzilla's breath follows across the sky made for some great shots.
      > CGI is mostly great & on par with if not slightly better than Skull Island & fully better than much of 2019.
      > The half of the plot focused on Kong & the discovery of the Hollow Earth is good.
      > Demián Bichir is charismatic & likable in his 1st scene with Skarsgard, he deserved a far better developed villain.
      > Score is very good although I get why some reviewers have felt that it's not as classical or iconic as 2019s. The theme when Kong sits on the throne in the Hollow Earth in particular I liked.
      > The flying snakes of the Hollow Earth are cool.
      > Less jokes & quips than 2019.
      > Also less cutting away from the fights.



      > As others have said the monsters seem a little too fast & weightless at times, that said I think there is still plenty of impact to them. This is more a problem while Godzilla is being slapped around by MG than it is during the G vs Kong fights.
      > Good overall cast that is mostly underused/underdeveloped.
      > Brian Tyree Henry gives a fun performance but it's inconsistent how much of a Alex Jones crazy guy he is suppose to be. In his scene early on gaining access to a computer inside Apex they present his annoying awkwardness as being a conscious act but then later they reveal he literally bathes in bleach & other loony stuff.
      > Hall & Skarsgard do decent overall jobs. Hall seems to obviously cringe at a few lines.
      > MechaGodzilla's design is mixed but is growing on me. The body shape, spines, tail & shape of head is all solid but the arms are oversized & the mouth looks overly toothless (literally)
      > The film gives Kong the sympathetic tired world weariness that Godzilla had in 2014/2019 & for G replaces it with a kinda sadistic streak I don't know how to feel about. His motive of keeping all Kaiju in line comes off more like bullying here but I suppose that might be kinda the point as Kong is far more intelligent & sympathetic than the other Kaiju from 2019.



      > Godzilla's atomic breath blasting through to the Hallow Earth may be the single most preposterous, suspension of disbelief breaking thing in the history of the Godzilla franchise.
      > Godzilla's fight with MechaGodzilla is way too one sided, going into curb stomp territory. Especially considering the director claims MechaG is weaker than Ghidorah.
      > Human villains are straight up poor to bad overall. Both are used notably less than Charles Dance in 2019 (which is saying something as his lack of screen time was a notable problem I had with that film) and lacking in motivation FAR more than the overly criticized Emma Russell (vera farmiga). They pepper in a few tiny tidbits of motive to Demián Bichir but give absolutely ZERO to Shun Oguri who is playing Serizawa's son (apparently the novelization explains his motives & resentment towards his father but it's 100% missing from the film)
      > Killing the Iwi off screen & not explaining what catastrophe has befallen Skull Island.
      > Not explaining where the other Titans are (they said godzilla's attack on apex is the 1st Titan sighting in 3 years) and giving that unexplained "defeated" label about them despite Godzilla being cool with them after they bowed in 2019. The tie in graphic novel apparently fully explains this but it's still a notable inconsistency within the films themselves.
      > Eiza González & Kyle Chandler are given extremely little to do.
      > Lance Reddick (who I am a big fan of) is given a microscopic role with like 2 lines of dialogue, wasted even worse than he was in Angel Has Fallen.
      > The character of Josh is absolutely pointless aside from giving MBB someone to talk to before she meets Bernie.
      > Him partially disabling MG by pouring beer on a random computer was convenient & dumb (such is even acknowledged within the film)
      > Ghidorah's skull is way too small compared to his size in 2019.

      Good summary anon.



      > Up until his fight with Ghidorah this is the most powerful / menacing / badass Rodan has been since 1956 & his design is very good.
      > Godzilla still looks fantastic (2nd best G design ever IMO) as he did in 2014 which is even improved upon here with the more classic spines after his power up.
      > Opening with the Mothra larva is fun.
      > Mothra's adult form is great (but overly small)
      > Ghidorah looks basically perfect.
      > Vastly more monster screen time & fight scenes than 2014.
      > Vastly better lighting than 2014.
      > Some fantastic moments showing off a sense of scale (the moment of Ghidorah rearing back to blast MBB in the stadium a final time was breath taking in theaters)
      > Good overall cast.
      > Good score.

      > Tone is largely about right, more serious than not. A few cringy jokes but not even close to as many as haters claim. The Gonorrhea line is the worst & nothing else comes close.
      > Giving Serizawa the Bryan Cranston treatment, that said his sacrifice is beautifully done.
      > Kyle Chandler is very generic but fine here and is IMO better than Aaron Taylor Johnson in 2014.
      > Charles Dance was a great villain choice but is notably underused (still better used than the villains in GVK)
      > Ken Watanabe, Vera Farmiga & MBB put in good performances but needed to have been given more to do. The focus should have been on them & not Kyle Chandler.


      > Did not like Sally Hawkins being abruptly killed off & especially not in this manner where we could not even see who had been killed until we saw Serizawa mourning in the next scene.
      > Too much rain, haze & murkiness (not nearly as bad as haters claim)
      > The Ghidorah vs Rodan fight was too one sided & was barely shown and what we did get was the worst victim of the murky rain in the film. Should have had Rodan using his superior maneuverability / speed to hold Ghidorah off for a bit.
      > They seemed to have shortened Godzilla's tail from 2014.
      > Emma's motives / goals are moderately under explained.
      > Sam Coleman is a completely pointless awkward character.

  14. 8 months ago

    This movie was so close to being perfect. Just reduce the screen time of the moron gang in the helicarrier by 70% and you have a fricking masterpiece

  15. 8 months ago


  16. 8 months ago

    It didn't flop but after it there were fears that kaiju renaissance was a mirage. Im 2023 it's obvious the genre is the strongest it's ever been. We won

    • 8 months ago

      >Im 2023 it's obvious the genre is the strongest it's ever been. We won
      I am not happy about GxK & the giant waste of fricking time that the Red monkey will be but Minus1 & LOM look to be far more than enough to make up for it.

      • 8 months ago

        GxK may redeem GVK for me. It will provide more context for the war and Godzilla won't be antagonistic but his heroic self from his solo films and even Kong has a chance of being a stronger, more pro-active character but we could do without him.

  17. 8 months ago

    No it was just a dogshit movie that was falsely shilled on Cinemaphile before it hit theaters

  18. 8 months ago

    The movie flopped because it was going up against Avengers Endgame and many other mid range Japanese originating movies (Battle Angel, Detective Pikachu). The timing was awful and they should've delayed it to Summer. That Godzilla VS Kong did so well despite poor theater conditions proves this.

  19. 8 months ago



    Can we agree these are the absolute best showa films aside from Gojira?

  20. 8 months ago



    For me...
    > GvBarugon > Gorgo >>> GvGyaos >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Invincible

  21. 8 months ago

    It was kino.

  22. 8 months ago

    the only real problem with this particular Godzilla is they are never consistent with his height, or size. sometimes he’s bigger, sometimes he’s smaller. in the 2014 film, he’s supposed to be 355 feet tall, yet the tallest point of the Golden Gate Bridge is 746 feet from the surface of the water. the depth of the water underneath the Golden Gate alone is 377 feet. in the scene, Big G’s knee area seems to be even with the bridge itself. then there’s the scene in KOTM where he’s rejuvenated, swims to the surface of the ocean to greet the submarine, and just stands there?! don’t get me started at how he can climb on top of a aircraft carrier, BAKA.

    • 8 months ago

      >the depth of the water underneath the Golden Gate alone is 377 feet

  23. 8 months ago


    > Score is good.
    > Opening credits are cool & well done (score for it isn't quite as epic as the similar 98 credits)
    > CGI is all largely very good.
    > Godzilla's design is among the best ever & his mannerisms/expressions give the impression of grizzled, tired world weariness.
    > Godzilla's 2 atomic breath moments are great & the 1st shot of his tail lighting up is majestic.
    > The Muto designs are in the same vein of that from Cloverfield but are very much their own unique creature.
    > The Mutos's interaction is very natural & animal like contrasting their very unnatural appearance. Similar in many ways to the 1998 version of Godzilla.
    > Really like the mystery/build up to the Muto reveal + airport scene.
    > Scene of the 1st Muto hatching is suspenseful and very well done.
    > Bryan Cranston gives a solid emotional performance.
    > Some of ATJ's interaction with Cranston is decent.
    > Casting of the film is solid all around.
    > Opening with the nuclear disaster is overly quick but well done and emotionally effective.
    > The halo jump sequence is very well done.
    > The film & handling of the monsters feels grounded/quasi-realistic but at the same time the scale/cinematography is epic.

    • 8 months ago


      Nitpicks, CONS & Missed Opportunities!
      > The score is overbearing during the scene where the Mutos are ganging up on Godzilla and stabbing him.
      > Film is way too darkly lit especially the conclusion of the final battle.
      > Not enough scenes of the military fighting the Mutos.
      > Cutting away from the monster fights got old fast. Doing it after the incredible build up to the airport scene was bad enough but they do it several more times.
      > The final fight gets interrupted too much. I do like them showing the soldiers with the battles raging all around them but after they land from the jump & set out to find the nuke they should have focused on the monsters for a while before coming back to the soldiers.
      > Great cast but almost everyone aside from Cranston is underdeveloped & underused.
      > Ford is the least interesting character in the film, is overly focused on & ATJ gives a weak overly stoic performance.
      > Killing off Bryan Cranston was a mistake. Him living & interacting with Serizawa the rest of the film would have benefited both of their characters & would have allowed for more exploration of Monarch & it's history. It also would have been a good excuse for Ford to stick around rather than the series of conveniences that result in him being directly involved for the rest of the film.

      • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        I would add to the Cons list that Nuclear Godzilla Vs Ghidorah is too much of a landslide, and almost no fighting is done from Godzilla, just the blasts

        • 8 months ago


  24. 8 months ago

    Best movie of the recent Legendary Toho verse whatever the frick you call this.

  25. 8 months ago

    GvK, 2014 and Skull Island were better

  26. 8 months ago

    It was a good movie but it had that insufferable horrible woman stuck at the forefront of most scenes. If it had just been the Monarch crew it would have been fine, but seeing a selfrighteous barren white woman blame all her problems on anyone but herself was grating. She needed to get domed in the ice base base.

  27. 8 months ago

    Flopped because it was the worst of the modern Zillas.

  28. 8 months ago

    the human parts are just so boring i stop caring about seeing the monsters fight. they really need to improve that shit

  29. 8 months ago

    No, this was.

    • 8 months ago

      Armored Core is also niche

  30. 8 months ago

    i realize godzilla films don't tend to feature all that much kaiju action relative to the human plots, but KOTM's human plot had nothing like the fun camp of king kong vs godzilla or a mildly interesting story like monster zero. the human plot sucked if i may be so bold. i'll never forget when godzilla appears to confront ghidorah a third time and their clash sends a city-wide shockwave, then immediately after we go out of focus on that fight and into focus on "Godzilla's been working out huh??" from the mutt crew. everything that wasn't kaijus, worldbuilding, serizawa or charles dance was unfortunately shit and that's more than two thirds of the movie that's shit.

    • 8 months ago

      O'Shea was fine, & the West Wing guy was my favorite human character. I liked the lawyer guy & the dad's distain for him changing to acceptance & any scene with Serizawa was great. I hated the woman, Dance seemed like he was phoning it in & honestly never felt like a threat, i didn't care about Millie Bobby Brown, & hated the nog general

  31. 8 months ago

    >implying this movie was about kaijus
    If they actually made it purely about them, and cut the fricking moronic human world bullshit nobody cares about, it might actually do decent.
    But for whatever fricking reason those morons just won't learn. The keep repeating the same mistake they did on Godzilla, King of Monsters, Godzilla vs. King Kong and now the new Godzilla movie (Monarch something-or-other).

  32. 8 months ago

    >Was this movie flopping proof that Kaijus are a niche genre?
    Pretty sure it got cannibalized by Avengers Endgame. Same with Detective Pikachu. They were both big IPs that unfortunately came out around the same time.

    • 8 months ago

      It did good enough to continue especiall in merch and home media. Also streaming.

  33. 8 months ago

    Extremely rare exception to the rule of newer is better

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