Was this the most fricked up thing to be produced in Universal Century?

Was this the most fricked up thing to be produced in Universal Century?

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Yakub: World's Greatest Dad Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    That and the virus from crossbone ghost.

    • 2 years ago

      Never read Ghost. Tell us about the virus

      • 2 years ago

        Virus that made people zombies in the same shipment that had the X-0

        • 2 years ago

          So the Blackwing Virus from Death Troopers?

      • 2 years ago

        IIRC it's a deep space bacteria that basically rapidly decomposes humans into a pile of slush. The big, bad final MA uses funnels that injects the stuff into enemy wienerpits.

        • 2 years ago

          Wouldn't the perforation of the wienerpit create a vacuum that would expel the bacteria in space immediately? And a normal suit would protect the pilot anyway (if he wears his helmet).

          • 2 years ago

            Doesn't look like it.

            • 2 years ago

              That seems like a really expensive and complicated way to achieve the same thing as just shooting them with regular fannels.

              • 2 years ago

                you can keep the suits

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah, but then you got the hole and whatever bacteria are left, so probably better just trash it.

              • 2 years ago

                you can keep the suits

                My dumbass thought you meant the normal suits....

              • 2 years ago

                I suppose, but just dial down the beam power until it penetrates the pilot but not much further and you've got the same thing, except all you need is a dimmer switch and not an elaborate bioreactor.

              • 2 years ago

                >That seems like a really expensive and complicated way to achieve the same thing as just shooting them with regular fannels.
                I imagine cruelty is the driving factor more than anything, cause that looks pretty damn painful even taking into account how fast it works

                Why did Zanscare build it anyway? You can't rule a dead earth.

                >Why did Zanscare build it anyway? You can't rule a dead earth.
                apparently they didn't realize exactly what the Angel Halo would actually do when they were building it, they thought it would just brainwash everyone into being obedient slaves, not melt their minds into mush

              • 2 years ago

                Zanscare didn't build it, it was given to them by the Jupiter Empire. Even so, I call bullshit on Zanscare not knowing what they were doing with it since they were literally the ones performing test runs with it. Even the Federation knew what it was capable of when they observed the widespread effects during one of the test runs. Queen Maria and Shakti were definitely unaware and somehow thought it would just bring people inner peace and remove violent thoughts and aggressiveness, but not in the way of literally permanently putting people into a coma-like state.

                Supposedly from the Crossbone Ghost manga, the Angel Halo's origin began as a massive cold-sleep colony ship intended to move Jupiter colonists to the Earthsphere, but Zanscare reworked it into a psycommu weapon. Not really sure if I follow with that since at this point in Hasegawa's own unhinged late-UC writing, the Jupiter Empire has attempted to catastrophically ruin the Earth twice, once by nuclear mobile armors, second by supermassive colony laser.

              • 2 years ago

                >Queen Maria and Shakti were definitely unaware
                I have to wonder just how much were they always left out of the loop for like EVERYTHING

              • 2 years ago

                >Supposedly from the Crossbone-
                stopped reading there

              • 2 years ago

                I think I heard somewhere that Walpurgis revealed Paptimus invented the Angel Halo, but tech wasn't there at the time to actually build it until Victory.

              • 2 years ago

                ...actually, that really does sound *exactly* like something he would do. Neat.

              • 2 years ago

                I don't know that I'd agree. Just before he dies Scircco questions what the Zeta is doing and if there's some weapon he's not aware of in the Zeta, to which Kamille responds that Scirocco could never understand the power moving through him i.e. biosensors being fueled by Newtypes, which are basically psycommus anyway. The Angel Halo is a psycommu fortress fueled by the thoughts/will of Newtypes or psychickers. Scirocco was an arrogant and selfish individual, and while he'd use other Cyber-Newtypes, he showed no real respect for the abilities or strength of any other actual Newtypes. So I don't know that I'd agree he'd design an entire weapon that depends on being the focal point of the strength and power of thousands of other Newtypes.

              • 2 years ago

                I look at it as 'we can weaponize these weak newtypes into something worthwhile'. Alone they're insignificant, but together under one strong newtype (a position occupied by Shakti) they had strength and purpose.

              • 2 years ago

                Sure, but I don't think that's something Scirocco specifically would weaponize, because I don't think he'd have any faith in or even consider it.

              • 2 years ago

                ...actually, that really does sound *exactly* like something he would do. Neat.

                >weapon of mass human suffering
                >divinely inspired name and image
                >powered by a psychic little girl and human batteries
                Yeah, I would buy it being of Scirocco origin.

              • 2 years ago

                >Not really sure if I follow with that since at this point in Hasegawa's own unhinged late-UC writing, the Jupiter Empire has attempted to catastrophically ruin the Earth twice, once by nuclear mobile armors, second by supermassive colony laser.
                It's best to take CBG with a grain of salt when it comes to UC Gundam.

              • 2 years ago

                He did say it was unhinged, after all.

                >making them fall asleep and have their brains degenerate
                To that of an infant, or cause them to go brain dead completely? Like a complete Mind wipe?

                It would've been a hallucination machine or something; but I guess a Coma Machine delivers the same result in a much cleaner fashion.

                The former. Several times the dialogue mentioned that the Angel Halo would end up mentally regressing people into infants and causing them to fade into sleep and comas. It seemed clear to me that once it causes people to fall into unending sleep and coma, they would be doomed to die from lack of food or water after a while.

                The trial runs with the Angel Halo caused people to hallucinate for sure, I thought when exposed long enough people would go from hallucinations to vivid daydreams to falling asleep and then actual comas and inability to wake up.

            • 2 years ago

              What the frick is the point
              If you went through the trouble of making it pebetrate into the wienerpit, you could just stuff the tip with an anti-personnel explosive instead and achieve the same results but with no super murder virus

              • 2 years ago

                >What the frick is the point
                Crossbone Gundam in a nutshell. It and anything post it is the weirdest era in the UC timeline period.

              • 2 years ago

                I liked the first Crossbone manga series but the second series introduced monkeys piloting mobile suits and I dropped it right there.

              • 2 years ago

                I think everyone likes the original crossbone manga since Tomino actually wrote that one, unlike the others so Hasegawa was contained

              • 2 years ago

                Hasegawa wrote it, not Tomino. If anything, rumors only say that Tomino shared notes and concepts with Hasegawa at best.

              • 2 years ago

                The Tomino draft of Crossbone has so many differences from Hasegawa's final version.

              • 2 years ago

                Hasegawa wrote it, not Tomino. If anything, rumors only say that Tomino shared notes and concepts with Hasegawa at best.

                The draft Tomino provided has the same overall structure but the execution is very different and from what we know Kincaid (Seabook) was the main character and the Jupiter Empire, although it's depicted as backing the Jupiter Energy Fleet (and republic? it's only name dropped I guess), is pretty small and based out of a moon city on one of Jupiter's moons. The final boss is Zabine, and there's no mention of nuclear mass produced MA or Dogatie clones and the entire conflict seems to be pretty small scale. And the Jupiter Empire seems to be destroyed at the end, leaving Seabook and Cecily to return to Earth in peace. Hasegawa made everything much more dramatic, inserted his own character as the new main lead, and set up sequels to keep milking it by having new remnants of the empire continue to pop up.


            • 2 years ago

              what if the pilot shuffled to the side and the funnel tip misses?

            • 2 years ago

              Crossbone just gets more moronic by each iteration. I hope it will never get animated so none of this will ever have a chance to be animated canon

        • 2 years ago

          stupid anti MS idea but useful for clearing colonies

        • 2 years ago

          >The big, bad final MA uses funnels that injects the stuff into enemy wienerpits.
          What the...?!

  2. 2 years ago

    Angel Halo was always fricked up to me.

    Moonlight Butterfly is technically horrible but it just eats technology. So if you were in a skyscraper or colony when it happened you're dead, but it's survivable otherwise. Unless you're a cyborg, then just half of your body is eaten.

  3. 2 years ago

    Angel Halo is up there

  4. 2 years ago

    It depends on how you think about it, really. It's majorly fricked up because it's industrial slaughter, like the holocaust; it requires someone design and engineer machines specifically made to hunt down humans and kill them individually in huge numbers. It's majorly fricked up because you can see (and hear) them coming, and they're so hard to fight against so most people will have to live for a few seconds as some cold machine kills them, aware of that just long enough to be horrified. Many will even see it kill others before it kills them.

    On the other hand, things like G3 gas or the Angel Halo are horrific in their own way, because they can kill so many all at once and the people it's killing generally won't even know. It's also horrific because it's so impersonal. No-one doing the killing will ever have to confront a victim to kill millions; it's just a thing happening someplace far away. You might see it via video or something, but generally it's just a thing you know is happening, and almost everyone doing it will have otherized the victims anyway.

    Both are fricked up in different ways, and honestly, I'm not sure I could pick a worse one because both are sickening if you think about either for any extended time.

  5. 2 years ago

    Didn't 08th MS have that dedicated anti-personnel weapon that was literally a bomb full of flechettes meant to be thrown into crowds?

    • 2 years ago

      Yes, but that's not meaningfully different from the shrapnel shells we've been using relatively frequently for the past two hundred years.

    • 2 years ago

      It's a just a MS mounted version of an WW2 era fashioned bouncing betty mine.
      It only worked so well due to well tightly packed people charging as a mob optimizing it's lethality...

      Angle Halo is an actual manmade horror beyond comprehension, a newtype-powered Extinction Engine. Complete and utter corruption of everything newtypes were meant to be and the manifestation of all the sins and failures of the Universal Century.

      It's a theme Tomino has used quite a few times with the perversion of the potential of something beautiful into nothing but a weapon.

      >That seems like a really expensive and complicated way to achieve the same thing as just shooting them with regular fannels.
      I imagine cruelty is the driving factor more than anything, cause that looks pretty damn painful even taking into account how fast it works

      >Why did Zanscare build it anyway? You can't rule a dead earth.
      apparently they didn't realize exactly what the Angel Halo would actually do when they were building it, they thought it would just brainwash everyone into being obedient slaves, not melt their minds into mush

      >apparently they didn't realize exactly what the Angel Halo would actually do when they were building it, they thought it would just brainwash everyone into being obedient slaves, not melt their minds into mush
      Or that's what they told the workers and people who were going to activate it when the higher ups fully knew what it was going to do. Wouldn't be the first time the evil side's high command/commanders lied to their subordinates so they'd unknowingly commit an atrocity.
      Cima's CO lying about the contents of the gas missiles her unit were packing comes to mind....

      • 2 years ago

        >Or that's what they told the workers and people who were going to activate it when the higher ups fully knew what it was going to do.
        Particularly likely when Kagatie has been doing the same thing the Queen

  6. 2 years ago

    I know there's worse things out there but I hate the whole Cyber-Newtype process of scarring individuals mentally to bring out their highest potential. On top of that the Psyco Gundams being nothing but moving caskets thrown in densely populated areas as a "Frick you. We can do it and we will do it" solution is wrong.
    That and dropping fully manned colonies. I know it has happened one time or another.

  7. 2 years ago

    I have to agree with everyone ITT saying Angel Halo, with Bugs coming in second place. The Angel Halo tops the list, for me, mainly because not only is it effectively a mass mind-kill tool, but it also requires massive volumes of humans inside of itself in stasis to operate in the first place. They were already dying when fighting was going on inside of it, but I really have to wonder what fricking happened to the lot of them when the Angel Halo was destroyed.

    • 2 years ago

      A lot of blood splattered all over one of the Zanscare ship’s bridges, that’s what happened

  8. 2 years ago

    I don't think anything really tops the Angel Halo, there's a reason everyone keeps mentioning it. It is actualy one of the most horrific devices I can think of in any mecha show ever.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm surprise that it did't go as far as to outright microwave the brains of everyone within a 1000 km radius

      • 2 years ago

        I mean it probably could. They never put a completely hostile newtype lunatic in it.

        • 2 years ago

          That wouldn't work anyway. The entire reason it worked is because those "peaceful" prayers drained people of all impulse, making them fall asleep and have their brains degenerate. IIRC Tassilo suggested those kind of thoughts are antithetical to human nature

          • 2 years ago

            >making them fall asleep and have their brains degenerate
            To that of an infant, or cause them to go brain dead completely? Like a complete Mind wipe?

            It would've been a hallucination machine or something; but I guess a Coma Machine delivers the same result in a much cleaner fashion.

            • 2 years ago

              It's always compared to infancy on screen but it's basically slow brain death. In one of the last episodes we see a city affected by Angel Halo and everyone is asleep and notRevil says if they're not cared for they'll begin to rot.

  9. 2 years ago

    Why did Zanscare build it anyway? You can't rule a dead earth.

    • 2 years ago

      Zanscare is a puppet for Jupiter, who actually wants to murder the Earth.

      • 2 years ago

        Hasegawa somehow manages to make everything total shit

        • 2 years ago

          Idiot, that's from the show itself

          • 2 years ago

            It's not you tard. Kagatie is from Jupiter, that doesn't mean Jupiter is controlling Zanscare. Kagatie himself controls Zanscare.

            • 2 years ago

              You're a fricking idiot. Literally just proving him right.

              • 2 years ago

                Let me guess, you also think Mexico controls American fields because mexicans works them, moron. One person's private affairs aren't representative of an entire nation

              • 2 years ago

                Kagatie is quite literally controlling the Zanscare on behalf of his affiliation back in Jupiter. The entire Zanscare war is just another proxy war between Lunarians and Jovians being fought between the League and the Zanscare Empire. This isn't even inferred, this is pretty blatant in Victory's anime.

              • 2 years ago

                No, he's not you tard. He also controls the Jupiter Republic, he's not doing shit on anyone's behalf. He controls both factions unbeknownst to each other and was fostering Zanscare in secret using his own resources because he's a psychotic spacenoid idealogue.
                >MUH HEADCANON
                >MUH HEADCANON
                >MUH HEADCANON

              • 2 years ago

                >proxy war between Lunarians and Jovians
                The lunar base in Victory literally belongs to the LM. And it's heavily implied that Usso and his parents are spacenoids from the moon, with his mom being a LM MS engineer at the LM moon base in the show and his father allegedly wandering space doing LM things for most of the show. Usso himself is an illegal immigrant on Earth, not a natural born earthnoid.

              • 2 years ago

                No, he's not. He's an illegal resident. He was born on Earth, but without the proper permissions for his parents to be on Earth.

              • 2 years ago

                Correct. The Luna/Jupiter conflict reaches as far back as AEUG/Titans at the very least. Possibly OYW even.

              • 2 years ago

                No, it doesn't. The only involvement Jupiter had in the One Year War was supplying Helium-3; with fleets taking literal years to make the return trip, so the war wasn't even started when any fleets that supplied either side during the conflict set out. Challia Bull is the only person who has anything to do with Jupiter in 0079. and possibly the entire One Year War and all he did was serve on a fleet Zeon sent to get Helium-3.

                The only connection with Jupiter in the Gryps War is Scirocco, who is never implied by anything in the show to have any greater masters or allegiance and probably isn't even from Jupiter anyway, given that while is epithet in English is rendered "The Man from Jupiter"; it's "The Man Who Returns from Jupiter" in Japanese. Which implies he was born in the Earthsphere and just went to Jupiter; probably as part of an energy fleet himself, considering the Jupitris is a helium energy ship.

              • 2 years ago

                Scirocco is a Jovian pulling puppet strings in the Titans over the course of the Gryps conflict, with Anaheim pulling most of the strings in the AEUG. It is still a Jupiter interests vs Lunar interests conflict.

              • 2 years ago

                If he's pulling the Titan's puppet string he's pulling them for his own ends and not for the ends of anyone in Jupiter. And again, he's probably not actually from Jupiter given his Japanese title.

              • 2 years ago

                Kagatie has the exact same title
                Man returning from Jupiter.

              • 2 years ago

                Okay. All that means is he probably isn't from Jupiter either, and is instead probably an Earthnoid who went to Jupiter as part of an Energy Fleet like Scirocco. The subtitles in

                Zanscare didn't build it, it was given to them by the Jupiter Empire. Even so, I call bullshit on Zanscare not knowing what they were doing with it since they were literally the ones performing test runs with it. Even the Federation knew what it was capable of when they observed the widespread effects during one of the test runs. Queen Maria and Shakti were definitely unaware and somehow thought it would just bring people inner peace and remove violent thoughts and aggressiveness, but not in the way of literally permanently putting people into a coma-like state.

                Supposedly from the Crossbone Ghost manga, the Angel Halo's origin began as a massive cold-sleep colony ship intended to move Jupiter colonists to the Earthsphere, but Zanscare reworked it into a psycommu weapon. Not really sure if I follow with that since at this point in Hasegawa's own unhinged late-UC writing, the Jupiter Empire has attempted to catastrophically ruin the Earth twice, once by nuclear mobile armors, second by supermassive colony laser.

                say "Fonse Kagatie comes from Jupiter", but it's also rendered as "Fonse Kagatie came here from Jupiter" in other subs; and the two have slightly different connotations. One implies he was born at Jupiter; on just that he was at Jupiter before he came to the Earthsphere most recently. And frankly, I'm not sure which is more correct. The odd thing is, since I have both sub files, I know both are from [EG] and one was a more recent translation than the other, but I've no idea which is which. Nor am I sure how you'd check that really.

              • 2 years ago

                Jupiter funded and supplied Titans due to their common goal of ruining Earth

              • 2 years ago

                Did you even watch Zeta?

    • 2 years ago

      They were planning to repopulate and restock the Earth

    • 2 years ago
      dorkly_chair at instituteforspacepolitics.org

      >You can't rule a dead earth.
      well, you _can_
      I mean, it's not such a big cheevo but it's still possible.

    • 2 years ago

      They were already "pressing out" the Earth when they built their motorbike battleships, and indiscriminately oppressing if not outright massacring people even from the get-go.

    • 2 years ago

      The Bugs were from the Crossbone Vanguard, not Zanscare.

      • 2 years ago

        He's talking about the Angel Halo

        Why did Zanscare build it anyway? You can't rule a dead earth.

        They planned to move in after everyone on earth was dead.

  10. 2 years ago

    Angle Halo is an actual manmade horror beyond comprehension, a newtype-powered Extinction Engine. Complete and utter corruption of everything newtypes were meant to be and the manifestation of all the sins and failures of the Universal Century.

    • 2 years ago

      Also it looks like one of those old sketches of angels with the rings and hundreds of eyes.

      • 2 years ago

        Forgot pic, it's from Ezekiel 1

      • 2 years ago

        Forgot pic, it's from Ezekiel 1

        Tomino shitposting with memes from the future once again

    • 2 years ago

      >That one time the Devil Gundam possessed the halo

      • 2 years ago

        Ah sweet, man made horrors beyond my comprehension ^2

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        How do we make this thing more evil?

        >every psychic is equipped with Alaya-Vijnana, DG cells and ELS
        >devil strike freedom dolls
        >Lacus as the core unit

        • 2 years ago

          > The Strike Freedom is the most powerful unit he can think of to make bits out of

          The Wing Zero would be much more powerful as a bit mobile suit because it's firepower is way, way stronger even if it can't target as many units at once, and a few units, like the Zabanya can target more units if that's really your major concern. Not to mention that even the Wing Zero can just split the rifles and spin to hit more targets than the Strike Freedom probably could. There are probably dozens of units I'd pick over the Strike Freedom for the unit to convert to make for the most evil bit suit.

          • 2 years ago

            It's a meme, you dip

        • 2 years ago

          >Lacus as the core unit
          This means it constantly transmits pop idol songs. Evil ones. On the surface they're all about war, death, and hopelessness, but if you read between the lines there's an undercurrent of "oh god someone help it hurts so much."

          • 2 years ago

            >if you read between the lines there's an undercurrent of "oh god someone help it hurts so much."
            Right, it's a pop song.

            • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            >if you read between the lines there's an undercurrent of "oh god someone help it hurts so much."
            Right, it's a pop song.

            >Lacus singing early 2000s style pop rock
            >suddenly Linkin Park show up in DG cell afflicted GP01s like their one special album that came with a GP01 model

      • 2 years ago

        Devil Gundam is true horror in every universe

        • 2 years ago

          Hard to deny it's one of the greatest genuine villains in Gundam. It's a testament to man's hubris to try to fast track fixes to problems they created.

          >ravage the earth
          >scientist decides he can fix the planet with nanomachines and a pilot
          >machine achieves a level of self-awareness thanks go its level of technology
          >machine is fought over by greedy men, leading to malfunctions and disarray
          >the Ultimate Gundam becomes the Devil Gundam
          >decides to fulfill its original programming and restore the Earth, by eliminating humanity
          >uses human bodies to power Devil Army machines to collect more humans to power more Devil Army machines, killing as many humans along the way who get in their way

          If malicious compliance was a robot it would be the Devil Gundam. I think the only other villain in Gundam who hates humans as much as the DG is Rau.

          • 2 years ago

            every time I hear people say G Gundam is just a fun super robot show that's completely different from the others I seethe

            • 2 years ago

              People can't look past calling out the attacks, the Punchout tier stereotyping and skin tight suits to see what's there.
              Hell G even goes with the strong as frick anti-war message that even with the Gundam Fight being a replacement for War it's ruining not only the cities of Earth and the lives of the people living there but the planet itself.
              But because to the Elites it's an OVER THERE problem which they push to the public and even the Gundam Fighters that the Gundam Fight MUST continue or an actual war will happen!
              Combine that with strong nationalist pushes by each of the countries means that put simply the only winners are the arms makers who produce each nations mobile suits and the power thirsty men who run the countries.
              Hell they bash this point of cooperation being the way forwards over the head of the viewer rather strongly through the show with the entire Shuffle Alliance and how their final fight against the GrandMaster Gundam was.

              • 2 years ago

                So the nationalistic stereotypes was a way to drum up support instead of just cynically being weapons tests for their future MS? Imagine the national MIC influencing the design of their MS, so Maxter instead of being some over the top cowboy surfer is instead practical rocket red glare Gundam that saturates the area with ordinance

              • 2 years ago

                They needed to ensure people bought into the system due to it still having become the "normal" for people. After all there's only really been one generation (Domon's) which sees the Gundam Fight as being utterly needed to avoid a war.
                After all the entire Gundam Fight scheme requires it to last the full duration to the DRAMATIC FINALS and maintain the illusion of the minor powers having a chance to win it all when it's really heavily rigged for the major powers to win it all. We even see a number of countries using the Gundam Fight for pushing illusions of social mobility (Chibodee) and social idealism (George) to push their ideology.
                Neo America and Neo Japan have a lot better chances of winning it all due to their robust MICs and wider areas to recruit people from and to bring into the system. It gives the MIC an eternal war as after all You never know if a country might do the unthinkable BREAK THE GUNDAM FIGHT!! And start an actual war. Thus sufficiently strong conventional forces were needed to ensure that no one would ever break the Gundam Fight Conventions
                Why do you think Neo Japan had all those shelters for the civilian populous to evacuate to or Neo America had Liberty Island Defense Station? It's the Cold War all over again!
                Defense industries are building up stockpiles of regular weapons as a "just in case" scenario hence the MP Nether Gundam and Mermaid Gundams along with all those Neo Japanese MS. A buildup without ever being needed and no worries of pesky military adventures/colonial wars to turn public opinion against the military

            • 2 years ago

              The Devil Gundam is kind of the culmination of a lot of Tomino's favorite narrative themes he used in Gundam too (and he wasn't even involved in G's production). Maternal/female preeminence, ecological conservation and restoration, the folly and self-destructive nature of mankind. I can fully understand why parts of its became incorporated into the background of Turn A (DG cells as a foundation/forerunner of the Moonlight Butterfly), the Devil Gundam as a concept could certainly be weaved into a UC/Tomino Gundam story.

          • 2 years ago

            >machine achieves a level of self-awareness thanks go its level of technology
            No it's programming was in error because it crashed-landed to earth poorly.

      • 2 years ago

        Which G Gen game is this from?

        • 2 years ago

          I think it's Overworld

  11. 2 years ago

    G-Reco implied that there were much much worse things that were created in the Universal Century

    • 2 years ago

      I can't see how it matters to OP's point if there's no actual detail and just the vague inference that "there were even worse things". The Yggdrassil and it's tender beam certainly isn't worse than anything mentioned in this thread, and even the one really fricked up thing I can remember G-Reco actually implying is that "people were treated as food"; which isn't a thing people produced, and so has no real bearing on OP's point regardless.

      • 2 years ago

        It's a flying pyramid dude! The most fricked up thing to be produced in the UC ever!

  12. 2 years ago

    is there a Gundam work that showed us what's it like inside Jupter Empire?
    I think we got bad guys from there several times but we don't know anything about their homeland

    • 2 years ago

      First Crossbone Manga has that whole volume where Seabook and Tobia infiltrate a colony, it gives some good insights I think.

  13. 2 years ago

    Cyber newtype clones count as produced right?

  14. 2 years ago


    nobody is going to take you seriously if you write like that, anon.

  15. 2 years ago


    homie are you fricking moronic

    HE LITERALLY POSTED A WEBM FROM THE SHOW POINTING IT OUT, the fricks it got to do with hasegawa?

    • 2 years ago

      No he didn't you tard. The United Jupiter Republic is the name of the UAE-style federation of the Jupiter Energy Fleet. In fact, the webm literally backs up what I SAY because Hangerg literally says the "PEOPLE WHO COLLECT HELIUM formed the something called the United Jupiter Republic". The Jupiter Empire isn't even a thing in Victory and Kagatie is the leader of his own Jupiter government, not some crony of Hasegawa's fanfic character.

  16. 2 years ago

    >everytime someone mentions Crossbone, /m/ goes assmad about it
    what kind of autism is this?

    • 2 years ago

      it's a very profound state of moronation

    • 2 years ago

      crossbone is kinda like unicorn/NT where shit just gets silly

  17. 2 years ago

    No, you're thinking of Nina's pussy. That claimed more Earthnoid lives than anything since Operation British

  18. 2 years ago

    What about that Pyramid thing full of Newtypes?

    • 2 years ago

      The what now? The only thing in the franchise full of Newtypes is Angel Halo so far as I know; which has been brought up repeatedly.

      • 2 years ago

        It was in Evolve, it took Amuro, Shin Matsunaga and another dude all in custom Zeta units to take it down.

        • 2 years ago

          I swear, Evolve feels like a fever dream sometimes

        • 2 years ago

          >a clusterfrick of fan service
          That sounds like Dragonball Heroes but with giant robots.

        • 2 years ago

          That's...not a pyramid for a start. Nor is it full of Newtypes, really. I had to double check it's Wikia entry, but there were only 6 Cyber Newtypes using it. Which is hardly full. I don't recall it being particularly horrific either. A really effective and intimidating weapons platform, sure; but not exactly horrifying regardless.

  19. 2 years ago

    Looks very Covenant.

  20. 2 years ago

    Yazan Gable

    • 2 years ago

      Yazan's just a dude who likes MS battles

  21. 2 years ago

    what constitutes as being “produced?”
    i’d say creating a whole caste of people to be livestock is one of the most fricked up thing in UC

    • 2 years ago

      They didn't create those people; they just designated some people as food, and that was that. Which doesn't count as "produced".

      It affected everything that had enough brainpower to experience sleep/have a continuous sense of self and growth. All mammals and birds would be toast, but I'm betting some reptiles and fish would be immune to it. Insects and other smaller lifeforms would probably be alright

      Reptiles and insects sleep too; even fish sleep, just in a different way to mammals generally, since a lot of fish have evolved so that one half of their brain can sleep while the other half is active and they put each half to sleep independently. It means they move slower while doing either half, and the appropriate eye closes etc, meaning they lose some awareness, but they do sleep. It's not until you get to things like bacterium that you find creatures that don't sleep.

  22. 2 years ago

    Crossbone is the peak UC and best gundam content in general together with Turn A, this board has horrible taste

  23. 2 years ago

    The other fricked up thing about Angel Halo is that it affected animals as well. Good job obliterating the ecosystem, dumbasses!

    • 2 years ago

      I think it was only mammals. Still an ecosystem destroyer though.

      • 2 years ago

        The other fricked up thing about Angel Halo is that it affected animals as well. Good job obliterating the ecosystem, dumbasses!

        It affected everything that had enough brainpower to experience sleep/have a continuous sense of self and growth. All mammals and birds would be toast, but I'm betting some reptiles and fish would be immune to it. Insects and other smaller lifeforms would probably be alright

    • 2 years ago

      I think it was only mammals. Still an ecosystem destroyer though.

      I don't particularly think they gave a shit about the ecosystem.

      • 2 years ago

        Zanscare's whole deal was getting rid of earthnoids so that they could settle on Earth instead. That's why through most of the show they also avoid destroying MS reactors on Earth and why the motorad squadron exists - to destroy the cities and other infrastructure with minimal damage to the environment.
        It's just that, like every other faction in UC, they were massive hypocrites and/or Kagatie being a Jovian didn't care about preserving the Earth. Thus, Angle Halo.

        • 2 years ago

          >Zanscare's whole deal was getting rid of earthnoids so that they could settle on Earth instead
          The colonies have animals and plants they could restock the planet with. The Angel Halo is a quick way of genociding every single earthnoid and even a good deterrent against Jupiter (whom Uso's dad implies are behind everything iirc). The collateral damage might be comparatively huge, but the planet itself will be fine and Zanscare can settle down as soon as the Angel Halo is switched off

          • 2 years ago

            Most of Zanscare didn't really know what the Angel Halo did. It's why there's a faction split between Tassilo and Kagatie. It's implied that Zanscare fleet would also fall victim to it. Technically, Kagatie names governments as his main enemy. He mentions a few times that the governments are full of evil warmongers and he wants peaceful people to inherit the Earth. And he even implies that he himself should fall victim to it. Although Zanscare believes the entire earth will be affected by it I don't think we actually know what Kagatie had planned, because he actually hides its true purpose the entire time. The only way we know what it does is through Tassilo and the one example we see. It's not clear who the peaceful people who should inherit the Earth are, iirc even the psychickers are there to act as power sources or batteries for the angel halo, meaning they're probably not intended to survive

            • 2 years ago

              Well, Kagatie did have ties to Jupiter, so there was that.

  24. 2 years ago

    it looks like something from Grendizer

  25. 2 years ago

    The Moonlight Butterfly duh

    • 2 years ago

      Moonlight Butterfly is the least destructive apocalypse scenario. I mean the fallout and aftermath must be horrendous with the famine and immediately colder winters that followed for decades/centuries, but it's not exactly killing people directly.

  26. 2 years ago

    >Crossbone went post-Victory
    Excuse me what

    • 2 years ago

      Ghost was during Victory, while Dust and beyond went past that mark.

    • 2 years ago

      so did G-Saviour, this is hardly a new concept

      • 2 years ago

        It's just in a time period that hasn't been touched on that surprised me. There's a 70 year gap between Victory and G-Savior, I never expected them to delve into unknown territory like that.

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