>We live in a society where minions now more popular than Pixar. >Top Gun sequel outperform superhero movies

>We live in a society where minions now more popular than Pixar
>Top Gun sequel outperform superhero movies
>Ezra Miller fricked up WB plans so badly they probably going to bring back Christian Bale Batman and Christopher Nolan
How does this make Cinemaphile feel? Superhero films and Pixar burning around you.

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  1. 2 years ago

    I know. It feels great!

  2. 2 years ago

    I don’t remember Harley Quinn ass being this canonically fat until Arkham knight. Did she became fat after Arkham city coping with joker death?

    • 2 years ago

      She was pregnant in AC, so it may be MILF weight

      • 2 years ago

        >She was pregnant in AC, so it may be MILF weight
        Did she miscarriage between games or a Arkham comic tie in?

        • 2 years ago

          Yes. I want to say in a DLC level you come across a room with all negative pregnancy test

          • 2 years ago

            Knowing Joker he probably laced Harley's food with lead to force her into losing it

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      I remembered it being that huge. It's the thing that remembered the most in the whole Arkham franchise

  3. 2 years ago

    Adukts buy tickets for their kids. Family movies will always sell more tickets than adult movies.

    • 2 years ago

      Minions being apolitical and inoffensive as possible also helps. As much as Cinemaphile hates too admit it. Disney Political marketing didn’t help lightyear. It just makes a regular flop looks worse.

      • 2 years ago

        This. People are batshit tired of all the political agenda stuff going on, and money will go towards boomer fantasy material like Top Gun and apolitical silly movies like Minions.
        Lightyear probably would have done really well if it weren't for the [global rule 3] and the stupid fricking cat that ruined the dramatic tension of every scene.

        • 2 years ago

          The thing that saved peacemaker from being cringe is all the political incorrect jokes and show not afraid to have fun. That’s why it watching rather than cringeworthy trash like HBO watchmen despite both having white supremacists villains. Also help the fat lesbian in peacemaker wasn’t a Mary Sue.

          • 2 years ago

            >The thing that saved peacemaker from being cringe is all the political incorrect jokes and show not afraid to have fun
            Did we watched the same show?

            Nothing but woke scoleing and heavy handed messages disguised as a television show

        • 2 years ago

          >people are tired of of all the political agenda stuff going on
          >money will go towards material like Top Gun
          Is this moron serious? Top Gun is apolitical to you?

          • 2 years ago

            It was pure “We have to do a unilateral first strike to prevent them from getting nukes! USA USA USA!” as you can get. And that’s totally “apolitical”.

          • 2 years ago

            For an American audience, yea, kinda.
            It's typical American jingoism, but most Americans would take that over idpol garbage.

          • 2 years ago

            >apolitical silly movies like Minions
            The new minions movie is literally an China pandering circlejerk

            >Lightyear probably would have done really well if it weren't for the [global rule 3]
            It was literally only for 3 seconds, it was dumb ass conservatives on Twitter and made it a big f****** deal

            You guys are gonna look stupid when Thor does business next week

            >Cinemaphileumblr started to cry over minions and top gun again
            Came later than expected.

          • 2 years ago

            Wrong politics, dumbass. People were never tired of "America, frick yeah, bomb those nazi/commie/terrorist/authoritarian bastards" politics, people were tired of social politics that boiled down to "white men bad, women and brown people good".

        • 2 years ago

          >apolitical silly movies like Minions
          The new minions movie is literally an China pandering circlejerk

          >Lightyear probably would have done really well if it weren't for the [global rule 3]
          It was literally only for 3 seconds, it was dumb ass conservatives on Twitter and made it a big f****** deal

          • 2 years ago

            >It was literally only for 3 seconds, it was dumb ass conservatives on Twitter and made it a big f****** d
            Yes. Majority of the world don’t want to see lightyear because if conservatives on Twitter.
            >The new minions movie is literally an China pandering circlejerk
            >Martial arts and Chinese food jokes is. China pandering circle jerk
            Pretty racist of you.

            • 2 years ago

              >Yes. Majority of the world don’t want to see lightyear because if conservatives on Twitter.

              /co/: "wow, why is Disney trying to pander to these small demographic of troons on Twitter lmao"

              Also Cinemaphile: "Why yes, I do believe a movie flopped because another small demographic on Twitter"

              • 2 years ago

                >apolitical silly movies like Minions
                The new minions movie is literally an China pandering circlejerk

                >Lightyear probably would have done really well if it weren't for the [global rule 3]
                It was literally only for 3 seconds, it was dumb ass conservatives on Twitter and made it a big f****** deal

                >Cinemaphile Upset most of the world rejects American woke culture
                >Flopped in america
                >This is American conservatives fault not Disney marketing lightyear with lesbian nonstop
                Touch grass.

          • 2 years ago

            >only for 3 seconds
            You clearly do not understand what Global Rule 3 is, tourist. Get off my board.

      • 2 years ago

        Nicely said.
        Lightyear looked bad from its teaser trailer. Watching the movie through pirated means. It was nothing more than a "remember this?" but down in a bad way. Since Fembusters 2016, whenever a movie is getting a lot of criticism you'll see people begin to scream about how woke it is as a defense of poor box office returns or overall audience discussions.

    • 2 years ago

      Is this homie really implying that his PG-13 superhero flicks are "adult movies?"

      • 2 years ago

        No he's stating a fact that modern media appeals more to a manchild or adult-disney-princess-wannabe audience than a family one
        Obi Wan, for example, was made for the purposes of nostalgia more than making something interesting
        This is why Top Gun is doing so well, it captured the nostalgia while also focusing on being a good movie that young kids will undoubtedly be inspired by.

  4. 2 years ago

    >>Ezra Miller fricked up WB plans so badly they probably going to bring back Christian Bale Batman and Christopher Nolan
    As much as it triggers Cinemaphile and Cinemaphile Christian bale Batman still the most popular live action Batman. Bringing back Nolanverse probably the smartest movie WB could make even if it’s out of desperation.

    • 2 years ago

      I like Robert Pattinson's Batman and I hope they don't scrap plans for him. If they are thinking of bringing Bale back, maybe they can do a multiverse event with a bunch of Batmen, and set things up for the dark multiverse with Batmen vs evil Batmen, since Batman is DC's most popular character, might as well try this now that Ezra effectively killed the DCEU for good

      I think people are making a stink out of nothing. Some interviewer asked Bale if he’d ever be willing to play Batman again, he said only if Nolan directed. That doesn’t mean they’re gonna make another Nolan movie

    • 2 years ago

      He’s a probably my favorite. Only complaint is Adam West-tier fight choreography. Affleck was wasted on bad scripts but could have been the best Batman.

      • 2 years ago

        That reminds me, I haven’t even watched Pattinson. Speculation: excellent Bruce and so-so Batman. Possibly homosexual. Must investigate further.

        • 2 years ago

          Funny enough the exact opposite. So-so Bruce, tbh I wasn’t a fan, but a fantastic Batman

      • 2 years ago

        Honestly, rewatching them recently, the only place where the fight choreography was really noticeably bad was Dark Knight Rises.
        The first two had shaky cam and intentionally put the fights in crazy situations where people are scared and confused. It worked.
        It was only after Ruses came out that people thought “wait, there isn’t really a good fight in any of these movies”

  5. 2 years ago
  6. 2 years ago

    the time has come, as much as I love superhero content it was getting a bit stagnant. Not to mention the sheer amount of it is just too much. We need some new genres for a while to give superheros a break.

    • 2 years ago

      What’s going to replace capeshit? From it it looks like it will be 80s action movie throwback without hipster winks and nods. It would be cool if western replaced capeshit but it probably won’t.

      • 2 years ago

        I remember 80's nostalgia being a popular thing a while back. Maybe if Kung Fury 2 turns out to be good people might start doing 80's action stuff again.

    • 2 years ago

      Nothing is going to replace capeshit
      There's no genre of action movies or summer blockbusters that are big enough to sustain the cappening for it to ever go out of style

      Just look at the list of billion dollar movies

      • 2 years ago

        What about shounens?

      • 2 years ago

        Considering how little a dollar is worth these days and how expensive it is for tickets, a billion dollars doesn't impress. Plenty of excellent films took years to be recognized as great. The Empire Strikes Back had mixed critical reception and two years later, The Thing and Blade Runner were flops both critically and commercially. Only the test of time can sort the good from the bad.

        • 2 years ago

          You make good points with The Thing and Blade Runner. Also, Avatar was the bestselling movie of all time but I can't even recall the main characters' names. I doubt any of the MCU/DC movies will be remembered. Maybe as proof that an interconnected movie universe can work well, but I've seen most capeshit movies and they don't impress (they're strictly "okay").

          • 2 years ago

            >Avatar was the bestselling movie of all time
            Still is.

      • 2 years ago

        >Nothing is going to replace westerns
        There's no genre of action movies or summer blockbusters that are big enough to sustain the cowboying for it to ever go out of style
        >Just look at the list of million dollar movies
        See how stupid that sounds?

        • 2 years ago

          westerns were never considered blockbusters grandpa boomer they were a flash in the pan genre fare horror and sci fi would also fit into its heyday

          I think what you want to say is that capeshit will wane from people's tastes like westerns did but ultimately unless there's something else to fill the void I don't see that happening
          In the last 20 years there really hasn't been anything close to the box office of superhero movies besides avatar

          • 2 years ago

            >westerns were never considered blockbusters grandpa boomer they were a flash in the pan genre fare horror and sci fi would also fit into its heyday
            Yes. The largest genre in radio, books, movies and television isn’t capeshit and dominated pop culture even outside United state totally isn’t the capeshit of the day.
            >In the last 20 years there really hasn't been anything close to the box office of superhero movies besides avatar
            Lord of the rings trilogy, Harry Potter, pirates of the Caribbean and top gun maverick didn’t exist in the last 20 years.

    • 2 years ago

      Yes I am glad Top Gun worked

  7. 2 years ago

    >Ezra Miller fricked up WB plans so badly
    Reminder that WB fricked up Ezra and could had forced him to go to rehab but they didn't because they needed reshots and to not affect the harrypotter and flash series. They wanted a homosexual to be face of the company and allowed a mentally ill drugaddict to frick up and frick up, the flash movie should had been out years ago but WB pushed for Flashpoint garbage.

    • 2 years ago

      it is really funny how they went out of their way to be progressive and it completely exploded in their face

  8. 2 years ago

    I like Robert Pattinson's Batman and I hope they don't scrap plans for him. If they are thinking of bringing Bale back, maybe they can do a multiverse event with a bunch of Batmen, and set things up for the dark multiverse with Batmen vs evil Batmen, since Batman is DC's most popular character, might as well try this now that Ezra effectively killed the DCEU for good

  9. 2 years ago

    >going to bring back Christian Bale Batman and Christopher Nolan
    God please, let it happen

  10. 2 years ago

    >We live in a society where minions now more popular than Pixar
    Good. Minions is stupid fun, with silly jokes. the first Angry Birds movie had a 5 minute long piss joke in a kids movie. Its funny.
    Pixar bought into the hype of the art gays who buy nothing on twitter telling them how breath taking and how diverse their movies are, and its a fricking farce.

    >Top Gun sequel outperform superhero movies
    Superhero drain is real. I havent been to a theater to see a super hero movie since the first part of infinity war. A lot of my spite comes from how shit th comic side is run though.

    >Ezra Miller fricked up WB plans so badly they probably going to bring back Christian Bale Batman and Christopher Nolan
    Good, they made them money, not front page moron news.
    Ezra is a horrible person who thought they could still do all that terrible shit he does, as long as he hid behind a shield of "non-binary". Fun fact, shit heads are shit heads, doesnt matter what dick they suck, or what dick they cut off, and its about time we start calling out these terrible people.

    >How does this make Cinemaphile feel? Superhero films and Pixar burning around you.

    Nothing last forever, but this trend of super hero movies and "lets animate fat ugly characters
    for diversity", outlived its usfullness 13 years ago, and you'd think this rich frickface companies would have analysts that tell them this stuff, but apparently you have to be moronic to run big companies.

  11. 2 years ago

    >they probably going to bring back Christian Bale Batman and Christopher Nolan
    Nolan is preoccupied with Oppenheimer and finding a location that will allow him to detonate a thermobaric explosive since he can't get a nuke permit and sanctions fricked up plans of filming in Russia

    • 2 years ago

      However Bale has stated he'd be willing to come back, so even without Nolan it's possible to do a TDKR that's set in Rome instead of Gotham

      • 2 years ago

        Bale said he refuses to come back unless Nolan does. They "have an agreement".

        • 2 years ago

          Here was his exact quote, the question he was asked was if Warner Bros had approached him with any talks of bringing him back
          >No. No one's ever mentioned it to me. No one's brought it up. [...] Occasionally people say to me, "Oh, I hear you were approached and offered all this." And I'm like, "That's news to me. No one's ever said that."
          >I had a pact with Chris Nolan. We said, "Hey, look. Let's make three films, if we're lucky enough to get to do that. And then let's walk away. Let's not linger too long." In my mind, it would be something if Chris Nolan ever said to himself, "You know what, I've got another story to tell." And if he wished to tell that story with me, I'd be in.

          If it happens it won't be until 2025 at the earliest. Oppenheimer has to come first.
          2025 will be the 20th anniversary of Batman Begins

      • 2 years ago

        Here was his exact quote, the question he was asked was if Warner Bros had approached him with any talks of bringing him back
        >No. No one's ever mentioned it to me. No one's brought it up. [...] Occasionally people say to me, "Oh, I hear you were approached and offered all this." And I'm like, "That's news to me. No one's ever said that."
        >I had a pact with Chris Nolan. We said, "Hey, look. Let's make three films, if we're lucky enough to get to do that. And then let's walk away. Let's not linger too long." In my mind, it would be something if Chris Nolan ever said to himself, "You know what, I've got another story to tell." And if he wished to tell that story with me, I'd be in.

    • 2 years ago

      finding a location that will allow him to detonate a thermobaric explosive
      just do it in the desert miles from anywhere like the Manhattan Project did irl.

      • 2 years ago

        If it's not thermobaric there's lots of rumors that he's trying to find and use a real nuke

        • 2 years ago

          OMG this madlad gonna start WW3 by mistake

          • 2 years ago

            >The War in Ukraine was all a sham to get in Nolan's way
            >The AN-225 was going to be used for transporting the nukes to the original intended filming location in Siberia
            >Zelensky may have ratted Nolan out, Putin started invading as revenge for preventing the movie that could make Russia a popular tourist destination again

            • 2 years ago

              Everyone get's on Michael Bays case for his obsession with explosions. But Chris Nolan gets a pass even though he actually wanted to detonate a real nuclear weapon for his movie!?

              >But Chris Nolan gets a pass even though he actually wanted to detonate a real nuclear weapon for his movie!?
              What if Micheal bay feels jealous enough by Christopher Nolan gets to play with real nukes to try to top him by blowing something bigger up?

    • 2 years ago

      Everyone get's on Michael Bays case for his obsession with explosions. But Chris Nolan gets a pass even though he actually wanted to detonate a real nuclear weapon for his movie!?

      • 2 years ago

        People don’t like excessive cgi explosions, people love real explosions

        • 2 years ago

          >michael bay
          >excessive cgi explosions
          here's your obligatory (you), moron.

          • 2 years ago
            • 2 years ago

              Have you even watched the behind the scenes for Transformers? All the explosions are practical pyrotechnics, even if the robots aren't real.

              • 2 years ago

                This is practical?

              • 2 years ago

                ok maybe the cybertronian flashbacks, point taken, but Bay makes a point of using mostly practical ka-booms, ok? Compare this to your average capeshit, which almost never does anything practically.

              • 2 years ago

                Bay sucks at explosions. They might as well be multi-colored for how fireworkish they look. That's one of the reasons why only kids and people with room temperature IQ like his movies. Good explosions should look authentic and dangerous.

          • 2 years ago

            >taking a perfectly fine image and slapping a frog over it
            I think you're the moron and none of your opinions will ever be valid.

        • 2 years ago

          Watching behind the scenes videos taught me that in any given scene, the buildings, walls, and backgrounds are more likely to be CGI compared to the pyrotechnics and flipping cars. Even in non-action movies there's a high likelihood that the buildings are mostly CGI while in reality they're filming in much smaller sets.

      • 2 years ago

        Before Michael Bay did big booms it was Renny Harlin who loved using them

  12. 2 years ago

    Pixar went down the shitter after toy story 3 so frick them, based minions deserve to be more popular

  13. 2 years ago

    >How does this make Cinemaphile feel? Superhero films and Pixar burning around you.
    It sucks that this entire moment in cinema. Superhero movie genre has gone through it's preamble, it's golden age, it's peak, and it's fall without a single fricking good Superman movie to show for it. It's depressing. And it should be considered a moral indictment of Hollywood in general and WB in specifics.

  14. 2 years ago

    I welcome anything that hurts Disney and haven't seen a superhero movie in decades.

    So whatever.

  15. 2 years ago

    Good, the capeshit bubble finally burst, now we can finally find something new for studious to milk dry.

  16. 2 years ago

    I'm curious how well the Super Mario movie will do

  17. 2 years ago

    I love it, frick capeshit and frick modern Pixar.

  18. 2 years ago

    this is a bait question, you know the contrarians here are getting ahrd at those news right now lol, thats all that can give their life meaning

  19. 2 years ago

    I don't in any shape or form tie my sense of identity products, especially franchises. If a product is quality, I don't particularly care what the source is.

  20. 2 years ago

    You guys are gonna look stupid when Thor does business next week

  21. 2 years ago

    Pixer died a long time ago for me.
    Top Gun 2 was fine and I welcome real movies hopefully returning. I'm tired of propaganda pieces featuring gays, trans, blacks, and anyone white are villains.
    Ezra is and will always be a mentally ill homosexual. DC should have never hired him to play Barry Flash.

    • 2 years ago

      >and anyone white are villains
      >bad guys in Top Gun are literally russian

  22. 2 years ago

    I feel fantastic. The quarterly movie releases were bound to wear people out at some point, Marvel was stupid to not see it coming

  23. 2 years ago

    lol are you really going all "sky is falling" over Ezra fricking Miller? frick that guy, he wasn't even that good a Flash in the first place and he was only in one movie he's replaceable as hell

  24. 2 years ago

    oh nooo one animation studio that's been making shitty movies recently hasn't been wildly successful whatever shall we doooooo

  25. 2 years ago

    >Ezra Miller fricked up WB plans so badly they probably going to bring back Christian Bale Batman and Christopher Nolan
    Nolan is not stepping foot on the WB lot anytime soon lmao. he's cozied up at Universal now

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