
Or /coc/ thread if that's what you look for in the catalog.


Past threads:

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Thalidomide Vintage Ad Shirt $22.14

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 3 months ago

    >How does this work?

    >It works like a community toy chest. In the /coc/ threads you are free to post whatever ideas/settings/characters you want, but you have to be OK with other people playing with them (tweaking them, putting them in stories, using them for things, etc.)
    >There's no guarantee that what you post will catch on either.

    >If the OC you are posting is YOURS for something you are personally doing, then it would go to the "How is your webcomic?" threads.
    >If you just want feedback on an OC of yours, then it would go in the "donut steel" threads or drawthreads.

    If the thread dies suddenly or you still want to discuss something when there's no thread:

    Last time:
    -New GG pics by HF, Doug Infinite story, other GG discussion
    -IKAG might be back
    -Sticc prince and thicc redhead are still around
    -Other things I didn't mention

    Thread's a little bit early today because I have stuff to do apparently.

    • 3 months ago

      >Thread's a little bit early today
      Regardless, it will thrive.

      • 3 months ago

        Hopefully, I'm still going to be busy for the rest of the day it seem.

    • 3 months ago
      Naga Sake

      >then it would go to the "How is your webcomic?" threads.

      Trust me, you don't want to push anyone in that direction. HYW is a cesspit.

      • 3 months ago

        That post two boiler plate has been the same for a while now. Whenever it got started was back when HYW was more approachable I suppose.
        I don't know how that thread is like these days.

      • 3 months ago

        I was thinking about it.

        That post two boiler plate has been the same for a while now. Whenever it got started was back when HYW was more approachable I suppose.
        I don't know how that thread is like these days.

        Do they help with criticism?

        • 3 months ago

          Couldn't tell you. I've never been a regular in the HYW threads.

    • 3 months ago

      >you have to be OK with other people playing with them
      Who I'm to you? A cuck?

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah, you are.

        • 3 months ago

          Be kind Anon he just got here

    • 3 months ago




      big boobs are ugly when there's nothing else to balance their size

      • 3 months ago

        Golden girl looking awkward because of her big boobs is literally the point

      • 3 months ago

        we don't care

  2. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      Look at her go.

    • 3 months ago

      >I like to sing-a!
      >about the moon-a and the june-a and the spring-a!

    • 3 months ago

      Finally done doing stuff.

      Reminds me of the Pillsbury Dough-boy.

      we are starting this thread strong!

      >Dynamo League: A New Beginning XII

      >The class awaited their next lesson in the history of heroism with Mrs. Mavis, but before she arrived, Ronnie took the opportunity to share his thoughts on The Sisterhood of the Canines.
      >Ronnie (leaning back in his seat): "Alright, listen up, folks. The Sisterhood of the Canines. They are Mysterious, cult-like warriors. They're all about loyalty, honor, and... being a little too horny."
      >Gwendolyn raised an eyebrow, skeptical. "Horny?"
      >Ronnie (nodding confidently): "Oh yeah, they're all about the battle, not the bed. Rumor has it they don't marry, just fight and... other stuff."
      >Willow, who had been rolling her eyes at Ronnie's wild speculation, couldn't resist chiming in. "You're way off, Ronnie. My dad actually knows a Sisterhood member. He's been dating one for a while now."
      >Ronnie(doubting): "Yeah sure.."
      >Willow(a little pissed):"yeah! I will show you"
      >She pulled out her phone and showed a photo of her dad, Joe, with a stunning Sisterhood member Liza.
      >Willow (smirking): "See? They're not all about fighting and being 'horny.' They're just like anyone else, trying to find love and companionship."
      >Ronnie and Gwendolyn exchanged surprised glances. The image of Joe with Liza defied their expectations.
      >Gwendolyn: "WOW! your dad looks cool! and he doesn't look like I imagine haha"
      >Willow couldn't help but smile at this remark
      > Ronnie, in particular, felt a pang of realization. He now understood a bit more about Willow's background and why she was the way she was.
      >Ronnie(thinking to himself): "Holy frick HER DAD IS JACKED! And also dating a Fricking warrior from the Sisterhood of Canine...didn't she say that their team is a small hero team that fights small crimes? why the frick is he that jacked?! Also, i can see why Willow is like this and can explain her athletic physique, I really need to know more about this Dynamo League and more about Willow and her father"

      Oh, he had the "boy rings the doorbell" reaction. Heh.

      >Sailor Norm(Excitedly): I'm all about courage! I'm ready to face any challenge!
      >Mr. Lockhart: That's the spirit, Son. Now, onto respect. Heroes should treat all individuals with respect and dignity, regardless of differences. Diversity should be celebrated, not shunned.
      >Willow(Raises hand): Mr. Lockhart, what about responsibility? How do we handle the consequences of our actions?
      >Mr. Lockhart: Excellent question, Young lady. Responsibility is crucial. Heroes must understand the impact of their choices and take responsibility for their actions. Minimizing harm and doing what's right is key.
      > The lesson is going smoothly and even Ronnie was listening with curious eyes and was all ears, No smirking No embarrassing questions for Mr. Lockhart, the Dalmatian teen was silently listening and taking notes.
      >Willow was surprised and found it a little ironic since this topic of morality is controversial and she thought that Ronnie was going to start a debate and ranting around but he didn't.
      >As the lesson drew to a close, Mr. Lockart left the class with a final piece of advice.
      >Mr. Lockart (solemnly): "Heroes, always remember the words of Captain Radiant: 'Great responsibility accompanies great power.' Use your gifts wisely, and may you always strive to be heroes not just in action, but in character."
      >The class left Mr. Lockart's lesson with a renewed sense of purpose, their minds buzzing with thoughts of hero ethics and the weight of their responsibilities. The young heroes were not just about powers and battles—it was about embodying the true essence of heroism.

      Ronnie probably knows better subconsciously that there's no taking any moral high ground with a real golden age hero.

      Can anyone recommend examples of heroes being taken hostage in their civilian form and having to get out of it without being discovered? Trying to work out an idea I have for a GG script and I'm doing research.

      What's annoying is that I know I've seen this scenario play out a lot, but trying to remember any specific example is like trying to pull a raindrop back out of the bucket.
      The more I think about it, the more vexing it becomes.

      What sort of idea?

      So is the Doug story finished yet or does it need more tinkering?

      Pretty much, I'm going to add in this line

      Holding the camera steady, Golden Girl captures the moment of Doug's victory "Looks like we got the perfect shot after all."


      To before it cuts back to the detective. If someone else has further input then I'm open to making more changes.

      • 3 months ago

        >What sort of idea?
        >Sarah Sterling is at a black tie event with Platinum City's well to do
        >Audrey has to be there as Sarah's ward
        >>"This music is too loud. My feet hurt. This dress itches. I wish I was at home playing video games"
        >Suddenly [Villian TBD] crashes the party with lots of goons
        >Take Sarah Sterling hostage and the rest of the ViPs hostage
        >Sterling can't just disappear because there goes the secret identity.
        >Audrey is less noticeable thanks to Code, has to save the day instead somehow.

        • 3 months ago

          That's kind of similar to an idea I floated a while ago. Not the same, just a similar socialite party event.
          I did it the opposite way with Audrey being the distraction for Sarah to slip away. It's the "Leg Up" script on the wiki.

          It's not exactly what you were talking about before though. Maybe a villain has somehow taken Sara hostage and is demanding Silver Queen relinquish her magic bracers in exchange for Sarah's freedom? Are the bracers public knowledge?

        • 3 months ago

          I like it

    • 3 months ago

      Server owner here, got the go ahead by bug to start up the doodle room.


      Password has hit some budget cuts, so it's just butt, this time.

      Make sure you have drawpile to the current version (2.2.1, I think?) Go to session -> join and place the invite link in the text box.

      Gettin' jiggy with it!

  3. 3 months ago

    Dead thread

    • 3 months ago

      People just need some time to show up, it's always like that for the first few hours.

  4. 3 months ago
    Dynamo Anon

    we are starting this thread strong!

    >Dynamo League: A New Beginning XII

    >The class awaited their next lesson in the history of heroism with Mrs. Mavis, but before she arrived, Ronnie took the opportunity to share his thoughts on The Sisterhood of the Canines.
    >Ronnie (leaning back in his seat): "Alright, listen up, folks. The Sisterhood of the Canines. They are Mysterious, cult-like warriors. They're all about loyalty, honor, and... being a little too horny."
    >Gwendolyn raised an eyebrow, skeptical. "Horny?"
    >Ronnie (nodding confidently): "Oh yeah, they're all about the battle, not the bed. Rumor has it they don't marry, just fight and... other stuff."
    >Willow, who had been rolling her eyes at Ronnie's wild speculation, couldn't resist chiming in. "You're way off, Ronnie. My dad actually knows a Sisterhood member. He's been dating one for a while now."
    >Ronnie(doubting): "Yeah sure.."
    >Willow(a little pissed):"yeah! I will show you"
    >She pulled out her phone and showed a photo of her dad, Joe, with a stunning Sisterhood member Liza.
    >Willow (smirking): "See? They're not all about fighting and being 'horny.' They're just like anyone else, trying to find love and companionship."
    >Ronnie and Gwendolyn exchanged surprised glances. The image of Joe with Liza defied their expectations.
    >Gwendolyn: "WOW! your dad looks cool! and he doesn't look like I imagine haha"
    >Willow couldn't help but smile at this remark
    > Ronnie, in particular, felt a pang of realization. He now understood a bit more about Willow's background and why she was the way she was.
    >Ronnie(thinking to himself): "Holy frick HER DAD IS JACKED! And also dating a Fricking warrior from the Sisterhood of Canine...didn't she say that their team is a small hero team that fights small crimes? why the frick is he that jacked?! Also, i can see why Willow is like this and can explain her athletic physique, I really need to know more about this Dynamo League and more about Willow and her father"

    • 3 months ago
      Dynamo Anon

      >Ronnie raised his hands and shrugged with a smile
      >Ronnie: "I guess that I was wrong haha, I'm sorry for doubting you"
      >Willow: "It's okay"
      >Before the conversation could continue, the classroom door creaked open, revealing a skinny-looking old man with silver hair. His face seemed to hold the wisdom of ages, yet there was a youthful glint in his eyes. He walked with a cane, each step deliberate and purposeful.
      >Mr. Robin Lockhart, formerly known as Captain Radiant entered the room, his presence commanding attention. He introduced himself as their hero ethics & morals teacher, and the class fell silent in anticipation.
      >Mr. Lockart (with a warm smile): "Greetings, young heroes! that was a change in the planning, I am Mr. Robin Lockhart, your guide in the realm of hero ethics and morals. You may know me as Captain Radiant from the golden age of heroism, but now I am here to impart my wisdom upon you."
      >The class listened intently as Mr. Lockhart delved into the importance of ethical conduct for heroes. He spoke of the responsibility that came with their powers, emphasizing the need for compassion, integrity, and justice.

      • 3 months ago
        Dynamo Anon

        >Mr. Lockhart (passionately): "Remember, heroes, it is not just about the battles you win or the villains you defeat. It is about how you use your powers for the betterment of society, how you treat others, and the values you uphold."
        >Throughout the lesson, Mr. Lockhart shared stories of his own heroics, both triumphs and failures, illustrating the complex moral dilemmas heroes often face.
        >Mr. Lockhart: " Let's start with the first principle: integrity. As heroes, it's crucial to uphold honesty and truthfulness in everything we do. This means being transparent with our actions and intentions."
        >Gwendolyn(Nodding): "Integrity makes sense. We want people to trust us."
        >Mr. Lockhart: "Precisely, Trust is earned through integrity. Now, let's move on to compassion. Heroes should always show empathy and kindness towards others, especially those in need."
        >Aya(Thoughtfully): So, we should use our powers to help people who are struggling?
        >Mr. Lockhart: Exactly, young lady. Compassion drives us to use our abilities for the betterment of others. Next, let's discuss courage. Heroes must display bravery and determination in the face of danger.

        • 3 months ago
          Dynamo Anon

          >Sailor Norm(Excitedly): I'm all about courage! I'm ready to face any challenge!
          >Mr. Lockhart: That's the spirit, Son. Now, onto respect. Heroes should treat all individuals with respect and dignity, regardless of differences. Diversity should be celebrated, not shunned.
          >Willow(Raises hand): Mr. Lockhart, what about responsibility? How do we handle the consequences of our actions?
          >Mr. Lockhart: Excellent question, Young lady. Responsibility is crucial. Heroes must understand the impact of their choices and take responsibility for their actions. Minimizing harm and doing what's right is key.
          > The lesson is going smoothly and even Ronnie was listening with curious eyes and was all ears, No smirking No embarrassing questions for Mr. Lockhart, the Dalmatian teen was silently listening and taking notes.
          >Willow was surprised and found it a little ironic since this topic of morality is controversial and she thought that Ronnie was going to start a debate and ranting around but he didn't.
          >As the lesson drew to a close, Mr. Lockart left the class with a final piece of advice.
          >Mr. Lockart (solemnly): "Heroes, always remember the words of Captain Radiant: 'Great responsibility accompanies great power.' Use your gifts wisely, and may you always strive to be heroes not just in action, but in character."
          >The class left Mr. Lockart's lesson with a renewed sense of purpose, their minds buzzing with thoughts of hero ethics and the weight of their responsibilities. The young heroes were not just about powers and battles—it was about embodying the true essence of heroism.

  5. 3 months ago
  6. 3 months ago

    Can anyone recommend examples of heroes being taken hostage in their civilian form and having to get out of it without being discovered? Trying to work out an idea I have for a GG script and I'm doing research.

    • 3 months ago

      In Superman 127 Clark has to help a fake superman pretend to be him when he is captured

    • 3 months ago

      Seems like it happens more often in animation than comics

      Most of what I'm finding is from the tv tropes page that image is from

    • 3 months ago

      There's the holiday episode of TAS where Ivy and Harley kidnap Bruce and brainwash him so they can go on a shopping spree but that wouldn't work in this case.

      • 3 months ago

        One of my personal favorites.

  7. 3 months ago

    Look at IT go!

  8. 3 months ago

    So is the Doug story finished yet or does it need more tinkering?

  9. 3 months ago
    Dynamo Anon

    well, i want to share this low-effort chart of my inspiration for Willow's Classmates:

    >Gwendolyn: Momo from Boku no Hero and Yak from Kemono friends

    >Sailor Norm: adult Koby from One Piece and Fred from Scooby doo

    >Aya: Alita from Alita Battle Angel and Phase 4 Noodles from the band Gorillaz

    >Ronnie: the song Ransom from Lil Tecca

    the inspiration for Ronnie came to me when i was listening to the song Ransom and i imagined an anthro Dalmatian guy singing it and dancing with a golden chain because Ronnie was supposed to be an OP joke character with a running joke where he appears out of nowhere and dancing his way to the top of heroes ratings and lists. then i said frick let's change this a bit and now we have the current version of Ronnie the Dalmatian guy

  10. 3 months ago

    okay so wtf IS this thread.

    • 3 months ago

      Read wiki link in op

    • 3 months ago

      Characters created on Cinemaphile get discussed, iterated, new content gets dropped sometimes. Usually for non-AU content, ie Honeybee threads (fem Miles Morales), general fanfiction are separate.

      • 3 months ago

        Honeybee is fem Peter because the existing fem Peter wasn't good enough and also because of sheer hatred of Spider-Gwen.

        • 3 months ago

          Actually as someone who was in those threads from beginning to end, Honey-Bee was more about exploring a universe that was opposite and having fun with the concept
          Still a bit upset we never did much JJJ stuff
          I also miss the Stella Starlight threads if only because I wish we could’ve expanded more on the Turners and tied it into a government conspiracy to control alien activity on Earth

          • 3 months ago

            >was more about exploring a universe that was opposite
            So it didn't start up after the spider-gwen mini dropped?

            • 3 months ago

              Nope. It started from a what if question in a R63 thread

  11. 3 months ago

    Well, goodnight everyone.

    Let's see if the thread will last any amount of time. I'm curious if my observation of when the thread is active or at least semi-active up to Saturday, then the following thread just dies before Tuesday will have another data point.

    • 3 months ago

      Good night.

  12. 3 months ago

    From the top of the pile

    • 3 months ago

      >this sweater that repeats three times
      is this a new meme or challenge?

    • 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      Thanks for posting, anon! I hope the mods don’t banhammer you for that scandalous Lila porn.

      >this sweater that repeats three times
      is this a new meme or challenge?

      The server host had it in a collection of stuff he wanted to draw so we gave a crack at it too.

      There, now it’s appropriate for a Christian website!

    • 3 months ago

      >Gigawide Batman
      >47k returns from the void
      Well damn these are getting better and better.

    • 3 months ago

      Did someone recommend the mix sweater for GG?

      • 3 months ago

        It was, ye

    • 3 months ago

      For a second I thought it was Hammerbug smashing something on the top left, but I think it’s actually some kind of bee knight

      • 3 months ago

        A rather pitiful attempt at doodling my favorite Warframe. “Bee knight” is a pretty apt description. It would be fun to doodle some of those future babies again sometime.

        • 3 months ago

          They are nice! And I like your doodles, it shows what piqued interest in the threads as well as your patreon (if you’re still doing that)

          Which /coc/ character needs more art?

          I’d say I2Eye. Since he’s the Norman Osborn to Jack’s Peter Parker it would be nice to have art of him. Could even have him with Dr Manticore to show the two partnering up

          • 3 months ago

            There is art of him, just in WIP page form.
            Not sure if I have it saved or not.
            Just saying since you made it sound like there isn't any.

            • 3 months ago

              My mistake

    • 3 months ago

      Proud to do two works on this
      (it's the lila insert and the shadow man pics btw!)

  13. 3 months ago

    Is a coc-themed tarot deck still a thing?

    • 3 months ago

      I don't see why not. The final list was as follows, right?
      >The Fool- Cinemaphilenata
      >The Magician- The Archivist
      >The High Priestess- Moira Grimoire
      >The Empress- The Silver Queen
      >The Emperor- The Clockwork Prophet
      >The Hierophant- Reverend Webb
      >The Lovers- Mighty Mantis & The Recluse
      >The Chariot- Lovely Ladybug
      >Strength- Skathi
      >The Hermit- Percinnius
      >The Wheel of Fortune- Golden Girl
      >Justice- Nicky Two-Knives
      >The Hanged Man- The Recluse
      >Death- Skull King
      >Temperance- General Freedom
      >The Devil- The Internet Hate Machine
      >The Tower- Crackdown
      >The Star- Jackhammer
      >The Moon- Cinemaphilelette & Cinemaphilenrad
      >The Sun- Lila Carver
      >Judgement- Heartbreaker
      >The World- The Demon Kings

      • 3 months ago

        We agreed to use dr Castle for Lovers instead last time we've talked about it.

        • 3 months ago

          Ok, sorry. I was sure I got the most recent list.

          Was there a template for this?

          Like a card template? I remember that Percinnius anon drew one, if I didn't imagine things I'll search for it in the archives.

      • 3 months ago

        Was there a template for this?

        • 3 months ago

          Yes, it's right here

          • 3 months ago

            Huh. It's kinda mid if I'm being honest.
            There's a guy that makes free frames for CSP that are way better:

            • 3 months ago

              That looks sick as Hell. We could totally use those

            • 3 months ago


  14. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Summoned by all the *FLASH*.

  15. 3 months ago

    I remember making Cellular Destroyer, the man who can make cellular towers explode with his mind when he takes a piss and you guys ignored him >:(

    • 3 months ago

      You didn't post him on /coc/, you bozo.

      • 3 months ago

        I know....

        And do they unexplode when he takes a shit?

        You can't unexplode something, stupid!

        • 3 months ago

          Sure you can! You've never rewound an explosion?

    • 3 months ago

      And do they unexplode when he takes a shit?

  16. 3 months ago

    Which /coc/ character needs more art?

    • 3 months ago

      More thiccy froggy.

      • 3 months ago

        Why post a thumbnail?

        • 3 months ago

          It was an accident, some how my brain thought it was in the past thread.

    • 3 months ago

      Would like to see more for Stretcherous.

    • 3 months ago

      I miss Dr. Solarge

  17. 3 months ago

    Not to once again turn the thread into a GG one for 400 posts but if anyone has outfit ideas I'm all for it

    • 3 months ago

      You know how jocks would give their sports jackets to cheerleaders way back when? Imagine Audrey trying to wear one of those.

    • 3 months ago

      Don’t worry, I don’t think it ever stopped being a GG thread. It’s the only thing that seems to keep it afloat.

      • 3 months ago

        That or whenever the next load of JackHammer or IKAG discussion happens.

        • 3 months ago

          There are bursts of discussion for other things but there’s only one that gets consistent attention.

        • 3 months ago

          Or create a new boobs character. I bet if GG was a blonde she wouldn't be as popular.

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      In Dorothy's dress In the Wizard Of Oz.

    • 3 months ago

      Undercovered with French maid outfit please.

  18. 3 months ago

    No one ever talks about best character

    • 3 months ago

      That cat has seen some shit.

      • 3 months ago


        I can’t into Windbreaker. It’s too gross.

        Toilet Humor was the lifeblood of 80s and 90s kids. You should have seen some of the cartoons and toys.

        • 3 months ago

          I was there, but all the poop toys they make these days feel a bit more wrong than the green sludge mutants of old.

          • 3 months ago



            • 3 months ago

              Yeah, really. Maybe it's just exposure. I grew up with one so it seems less weird.

    • 3 months ago

      I can’t into Windbreaker. It’s too gross.

  19. 3 months ago
  20. 3 months ago

    I don't know what else to put here

    • 3 months ago

      Pick a character, make a suggestion?

      Like this

      We agreed to use dr Castle for Lovers instead last time we've talked about it.

      Would it be them inside of the human shaped robot they co-pilot, or outside of it?
      Actually, what would any of the characters on the cards be doing?

      Anyway, goodnight everyone.

  21. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      He's all cracked up.

      • 3 months ago

        His crack sense is tingling

        • 3 months ago

          >the Crack Voice is like a reverse Spider-Sense that does nothing when he's in danger but tries to frick him up in social situations

          • 3 months ago

            >tries to frick him up in social situations
            Considering the fact that this voice also represents Arthur's self-loathing to a degree, I'd say that it's a part of him that wants to *stop* constantly fricking up in social situations.

  22. 3 months ago


  23. 3 months ago


  24. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Damn, imagine kicking yourself in the chest. No wonder she's sore all the time.

    • 3 months ago



      Do you guys think GG should have a power and ability status with bars?

      • 3 months ago

        Like this sort of pic?

        • 3 months ago

          Yeah, unless you guys already did this.

          • 3 months ago

            There isn't one for GG as far as I know.

            Where's the template for this anyways? Is there one?

            There might've been, but it would be going on 10 years since it was posted.

            • 3 months ago

              Is the two colors on the graph a stylistic choice or is it supposed to represent something?

              • 3 months ago

                Normal vs max potential I think.

              • 3 months ago

                Secondary colors are for how much the character's power augments the stats.

              • 3 months ago

                >Secondary colors are for how much the character's power augments the stats.
                Huh. Good to know.
                Might have to edit the grid then for the code stuff.

              • 3 months ago

                That's more of a suppressant on the world than an actual boon to the characters I think.

                Anyway, goodnight.

              • 3 months ago

                Surely being able to perceive and bypass the suppressant counts as a boon.

              • 3 months ago

                If I were doing Silver Queen it'd be a suppressant but since Audrey is code immune it's technically a power.
                How would I even illustrate suppressants? Just by making the stat lower, right?

              • 3 months ago

                Probably by making the primary color grayed out or transparent against the backdrop.

              • 3 months ago

                Is there one made for LL?

              • 3 months ago

                I don't think so, sorry.

              • 3 months ago

                Let me check.

                Don't see one. I only have two in the Ladybug folder and neither are of her.

              • 3 months ago

                That's more of a suppressant on the world than an actual boon to the characters I think.

                Anyway, goodnight.

                Goodnight everyone.

                Secondary colors are for how much the character's power augments the stats.

                There isn't one for GG as far as I know.

                There might've been, but it would be going on 10 years since it was posted.

                Like this sort of pic?

                Are there any of these for Batman styled human supes that I can crib the power descriptor and sourcing (the stuff in the top right) for?
                I figure it'd be something like
                >Combat Training
                >Source: Innate - Type: Physical
                but I want to be sure it's consistent.

              • 3 months ago

                Batman types, not sure.

        • 3 months ago

          Where's the template for this anyways? Is there one?

      • 3 months ago

        Ah, not 10 years. That was the older version.
        I was able to reverse search the card in the archives to find when it was first posted to find the template.

        I kinda want to fill one out now but what's the threshold for "gifted human"?

        • 3 months ago

          >"gifted human"?
          If you're talking about Audrey I think intelligence/IQ and perception would be for her.

  25. 3 months ago

    Ah, not 10 years. That was the older version.
    I was able to reverse search the card in the archives to find when it was first posted to find the template.

    • 3 months ago

      Would tripping and knocking someone out with your boobs be considered "Adaptability"?

      • 3 months ago

        Hmm. Using them to redirect momentum, maybe.

      • 3 months ago

        There isn't one for GG as far as I know.

        There might've been, but it would be going on 10 years since it was posted.

        >GG as far as I know
        Hax should play a "huge" key factor which is the aid by the code. It diminishes as she gets older though but strength and speed increases once she's GGu. From a scale to 1-10 what would be her agility, stamina, endurance, IQ and the rest be?

        • 3 months ago

          Also, who is the strongest character in the 50s GG story?

        • 3 months ago

          > Strength
          Human Average, possibly above average if we consider the fact that she's weighted down for her size.
          > Stamina
          Human Average. Would be above or gifted but it hurts to run and flip around for long stretches of time.'
          See above.
          Acrobat training puts it as gifted human but her body betraying her probably knocks this down to above average.
          I'm assuming this is something like aiming abilities? Probably just above average. Precision is more for Girl Glory or the women in the SoS with projectiles.
          This is the big one. The fact that she's resistant to the Code means this is Gifted Human at minimum. She might even be somewhere in the Superhuman ranges, but as and

          >"gifted human"?
          If you're talking about Audrey I think intelligence/IQ and perception would be for her.

          point out this probably gets diminished while every other stat goes up when she's Golden Guardian
          >Intellience - Parts of this seem like they'd go hand in hand with the Code resistance but also she's supposed to be a gearhead so at least Gifted Human, maybe low super if we're being generous?
          Gifted to low Superhuman. The entire premise is that she's able to workaround a major body change and roll with the punches, and again the code gimmick means she can find exploits..
          She's got a solid foundation of training but it's hampered so Above Average
          What's the difference between this and stamina? Human or below average I guess?

          • 3 months ago

            Let's see
            >stamina is a person's ability to do something at maximum effort for as long as they are able. In contrast, endurance is a person's ability to do something not at maximum intensity but still for as long as possible
            So there's the difference.

            • 3 months ago

              Tried starting it.

              Hmm, you think GG's stamina and endurance stats should switch? I believe she could do better as long distance jogger or runner than a short burst sprinter catching criminals.

              • 3 months ago

                Not him, but i disagree

              • 3 months ago

                It honestly doesn't really make a huge difference just a thought that her endurance was a little better than her stamina.

    • 3 months ago

      I kinda want to fill one out now but what's the threshold for "gifted human"?

      I kinda want to fill one out too, but what program should I use to do it? Is there a standard choice?

      • 3 months ago

        Whatever you would use to edit pictures normally. Preferably something with layers

    • 3 months ago

      svg version for anyone who would like to have it. I did this myself, sorry if it sucks somehow.
      I tried to post this before and it didn't work...

      • 3 months ago

        Sweet but can anyone use it outside of the co? I have a friend doing a project and he wants to upgrade his old power grid. I owe him since he gave me a free commission in the past.

        • 3 months ago

          I think everything here is in the public domain, but I'm not a veteran of these threads.
          Who's the original designer of the card? Does anyone here know if he/she would be ok with it being used outside of Cinemaphile?

          • 3 months ago

            >Who's the original designer of the card?
            The answer seems Psudonym during 2009. Anyone can confirm?

            So I'm guessing the "true void" is probably the highest cosmic scale like outerversal to boundless characters if they're able to access it?

            Archivist's realm could technically be considered outerversal, as wiki itself states that her power is beyond other Cinemaphilesmic ones.
            That being said, I like to think that "true void" is more of a "realitiy's baseline" than a higher plane of some kind. If the /coc/ multiverse is a painting, than this void is the proverbial canvas.

            There's always a more primordial void. What about the plane where Hank comes from?

            Also, this is the second time I try to post an my post doesn't appear (

            >Most of Cinemaphile only supports jpeg, png and gif files.
            I mean that I litterally tried to post (not the picture, a normal post with the link) and the post never appeared.
            I hope the image will be useful to someone. I tried to make something and is orders of magnitude easier than working with raster graphic, but I might just have a special flavor of autism.

            ). Does anyone else have this problem?

            • 3 months ago

              >what about the plane where Hank comes from?
              Good point, I kind of bundled everything related to demons under the "magic" umbrella.
              Arthur's "void" is abscent of everything to the point that even most concepts don't apply there and being able to simply comprehend such desolation is a part of his ability.
              I'm not sure how this relates to Courier's Guild "canon", therefore I will refrain from establishing nor denying any potential connections.

          • 3 months ago

            >Who's the original designer of the card?
            The answer seems Psudonym during 2009. Anyone can confirm?
            There's always a more primordial void. What about the plane where Hank comes from?

            Also, this is the second time I try to post an my post doesn't appear ([...]). Does anyone else have this problem?

            Morgan made the cards. She was the powerhouse behind a lot of the demon plans and Cinemaphilentainment stuff getting pics. She hasn't been around since like 2017 and posted the card template for anyone to use, so I'd say you're free to use it.

            Psu made a different series of pics a while before that. Morgan was probably inspired by that.

            • 3 months ago

              Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
              Now I feel nostalgic for things I didn't experience...

              • 3 months ago

                I think I went over some of this one this page

                Anyway, I updated the wiki with a couple of info cards that hadn't been added to their character's pages and added in an 'InfoCard" category for all of those pics to make them easier to find.

              • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Kinda wanted to make one of these for Crackdown, but I realised that there is no "destructive potential" stat that isn't tied to physical strength, which might end up a bit misleading considering his powers.
      Also, his Stamina, Durability and Endurance might potentially be immeasurable, so there's that.

      • 3 months ago

        Sucks LL never had one.

        • 3 months ago

          It'll happen though or maybe next thread.

      • 3 months ago

        Immeasurable only because of his powers.

        Who would win in a fight between Crackdown and Collateral Damage Man?

        >On the screen was a link to a seemingly innocuous forum dedicated to selling fish and aquarium supplies. But to Saint Neal's trained eye, it was something more.
        >Saint Neal: "James, do you know what this is?"
        James shook his head, his eyes wide with confusion.
        >James: "N-no, I don't. I've never seen that forum before."
        >Saint Neal's eyes narrowed as he clicked on the link, revealing a hidden section of the forum that required a special code to access. It was clear to Saint Neal now - this wasn't just any forum. It was a secret meeting place for Nexus members.
        >Saint Neal: "This... this is the Nexus forum, we Use this forum to meet and talk with each other.as you can see it's old as shit which makes him the best cover for us"
        >James's eyes widened in shock, realization dawning on him.
        >Saint Neal: "We can't just use direct messages to communicate so we use fish and fish tanks as codes and hidden messages..."
        >James: "Excuse me you Holiness but why fish in particular?"
        >Saint Neal smiled a little and then looked at him dead in the eyes.
        >Saint Neal:"Because James I JUST LIKE FISH"

        Neal and Undersocks probably went on many a fishing trip.

        • 3 months ago
          Dynamo Anon

          >Neal and Undersocks probably went on many a fishing trip.
          funny enough they did and Neal was being a fish nerd the whole trip.
          also since it's the end of the week and i won't be able to add more greentexts this week,
          so as always, i want to ask you:
          any questions?
          any suggestions?or ideas you want to see?
          any complaints?
          any advice?

          • 3 months ago

            Wouldn't Undersocks know about the forum if it's old as shit?

            • 3 months ago
              Dynamo Anon

              >Wouldn't Undersocks know about the forum if it's old as shit?
              holy frick that's a good question kek
              i like it!
              but yes he does know about it because it was a normal Fishing and Fish forum before Neal used it to send hidden messages also because of Neal's love for the hobby it didn't smell fishy (pun intended)
              but ngl you got me this will be an important plot point later Kudos to you anon

              • 3 months ago

                It's more fun when someone is following along, isn't it?

              • 3 months ago
                Dynamo Anon

                >It's more fun when someone is following along, isn't it?
                trust me anon you have no idea

              • 3 months ago

                Oh, I do. Believe me I do.
                You're not the only one who has told long written stories in these threads.

              • 3 months ago

                Nta, can I ask what did you write?

              • 3 months ago

                The Bullion scripts, various GG scripts, Cinemaphilele store, Atomic Esquire, Cinemaphileltte Christmas (Nutcracker), other stuff too.

              • 3 months ago

                >Cinemaphileltte Christmas (Nutcracker)
                I've read that just a couple of hours ago. It was great, the action scenes left me a bit confused, but the overall flow was nice.
                I really liked Samegay, my favorite character together with Conrad.
                I'll read your other works as soon as I have time. Great job, it was a nice episode.

              • 3 months ago

                That was one of my first serious attempts at writing something for /coc/, so yeah, it's probably rough.
                I'm glad you liked it though.

        • 3 months ago

          >who would win in a fight between Crackdown and Collateral Damage Man?
          Crackdown has a considerable edge in mobility, but lacks range to capitalize on it well, as CDM's power would not let him to get close.
          He either squeezes out a win or it's a tie.

          • 3 months ago

            Oh, you don't think CDM could take him?

            • 3 months ago

              I think that ability to simply dip out of reality once CDM activates his powers is pretty significant.
              But yeah, I'm never comfortable with such hypotheticals.

              • 3 months ago

                Imagine even the cracks being effected by the destructive power.
                Like ruination squared.

              • 3 months ago

                >CDM manipulates energy
                >Crackdown manipulates entropy
                I have no idea how this would even work, honestly.

              • 3 months ago

                Statistical thermodynamics might answer this question.

              • 3 months ago

                >statistical thermodynamics
                What do they say?

              • 3 months ago

                I tried to make sense of what I found online. Apparently, and take this with the utmost skepticism, there's a similarity between heat, the electrical flux and the magnetic flux. In an equation of the change of the internal energy of a system, you can consider the contributions of quantities associated with heat and the electromagnetic field. I think this is in no way surprising as it is, because writing an internal energy equation is quite straightforward if you just know the contributions, but the point is that I found an article claiming there's a way to use entropy ad the differential for the variation of the heat tied to the electric and magnetic field.
                I'm lost now, but I think that maybe/possibly Crackdown can negate an electromagnetic field or the flow of electrical current like he was Kamijou Touma against Misaka Mikoto. So Collateral Damage Man might be in trouble.
                But for an in deep answer, ask Cinemaphile.

              • 3 months ago

                I'm no Cinemaphilegay at all, but the amount of possible applications of this powers is pretty huge.
                Imagine if some supervillain built some kind of giga-nuke and Crackdown disarmed it by simply accelerating the rate of its power source's radioactive decay intil it is stable.
                But then again, I'm no Stephen Baxter, so my grasp on this kind of stuff is tenuous at best.

              • 3 months ago

                I think at that point Crackdown's biggest weakness would be a general lack of knowledge about his powers and what he can do with them, paired with a lack of knowledge about theoretical thermodynamics or whatever.
                I think that's a good thing for the most part, because it's super dynamic

              • 3 months ago

                >I think at that point Crackdown's biggest weakness would be a general lack of knowledge about his powers and what he can do with them, paired with a lack of knowledge about theoretical thermodynamics or whatever
                Second (or third) biggest weakness maybe, the first would 100% be the fact that he's a street leveler.
                The biggest irony of his power is that, for all its versatility, it's still a force of pure destruction and it doesn't really help him in his brand of vigilantism as would even the most basic super-strength. Sure, the mobility it provides is nice, but most of the time he fights regular-ass humans. And humans, in the cosmic scale of things, tend to be pretty fragile.
                He has to direct the power over pure destruction into something constructive, much like he has to direct his self-destructive personality towards self-realization in his civilian life.

              • 3 months ago

                Not sure if I did it right but I decided to put one of these together for fun. It took me several days because I've been impressively lazy lately but you know how it goes.

                >I think at that point Crackdown's biggest weakness would be a general lack of knowledge about his powers and what he can do with them, paired with a lack of knowledge about theoretical thermodynamics or whatever
                Second (or third) biggest weakness maybe, the first would 100% be the fact that he's a street leveler.
                The biggest irony of his power is that, for all its versatility, it's still a force of pure destruction and it doesn't really help him in his brand of vigilantism as would even the most basic super-strength. Sure, the mobility it provides is nice, but most of the time he fights regular-ass humans. And humans, in the cosmic scale of things, tend to be pretty fragile.
                He has to direct the power over pure destruction into something constructive, much like he has to direct his self-destructive personality towards self-realization in his civilian life.

                Getting down and dirty with the physics of Crackdown's powers seems like a mistake and a half. Interesting? Absolutely. But it's also a nightmare of figuring out what's what and how things work. It's a good avenue to learn more about the world but I don't think the power itself is ever going to make any sense.
                When it comes to sciencey magic bullshit like that, I try to take a more spiritual, emotional approach, rather than a purely scientific one.

              • 3 months ago

                That's generally the same attitude I have when writing Crackdown.
                In comics, gamma radiation gives you superpowers instead of leukaemia.
                The bar has never been all that high.

              • 3 months ago

                Cool! So depending who fights him has a advantage or disadvantage.

              • 3 months ago

                Is the lantern part of his kit or just a visual flourish?

                Also, this is just occurring to me, how did he come by a text to speech device in the void between worlds? Seems rather distinctly high tech and mundane compared to his surroundings.

              • 3 months ago

                >Is the lantern part of his kit
                Both the lantern and the staff were included for the tarot card. He doesn't really have a "kit"
                >Text to speech device in the void between worlds
                The Tailor made it for him.

                Cool! So depending who fights him has a advantage or disadvantage.

                >So depending on who fights him they have an advantage or a disadvantage
                Yep. I wouldn't really consider him a very powerful character but due to his nature he has certain extremely powerful advantages, though he laments them as part of his curse, rather than something positive.

  26. 3 months ago


    I honestly believe her running speed should be the lowest almost at disadvantage but her reaction speed like dodging agility should be above to gifted despite her chest getting in the way.

    • 3 months ago

      The way I think of it is I think what her base stat would be and then I go one tier down for the boob penalty. As a Robin-type character she was probably above average to gifted human in a lot of er physical stats. Her chest nerfs her to human.

      • 3 months ago

        >As a Robin-type character she was probably above average to gifted human in a lot of er physical stats.
        Probably not as near as any of the Robins in terms of speed but at least low above average speed ant that's without the chest but she'd probably had great jumping distance even with the boob weight. So yeah the rest sounds fair.

        • 3 months ago

          The way I think of it is I think what her base stat would be and then I go one tier down for the boob penalty. As a Robin-type character she was probably above average to gifted human in a lot of er physical stats. Her chest nerfs her to human.

          Eh, I still think her speed should at least be below average maybe almost disadvantage only because of her chest weight.

          • 3 months ago

            >her speed should at least be below average maybe almost disadvantage
            That's believable at the start of her puberty but over time she'll adjust to human at best though she would have to put up with soreness afterwards.

            It really depends on what we consider "gifted human" because that kind of sets the baseline for everything else.
            To me, "below Average" in the contest of the G universe would mean "Even Iris is better than her in this" and that just doesn't mesh with the fact that weight issues aside Audrey has a higher base level of fitness and training.

            If it wasn't for her boobs and was completely flat I see most her stats above to gifted because of her training and circus experience though I dod know how long she's been a circus preformer.

            • 3 months ago


            • 3 months ago

              Use the body-fat swap ray with her and Marley to unlock GG’s full power.

              • 3 months ago

                One of the ideas I want to write out eventually is a body-swap script between GGu and BB where GGu in BB's body is able to excel, noting that it's been a long time since she's felt so light.
                But I guess that's far away from the current point.

        • 3 months ago

          Eh, I still think her speed should at least be below average maybe almost disadvantage only because of her chest weight.

          It really depends on what we consider "gifted human" because that kind of sets the baseline for everything else.
          To me, "below Average" in the contest of the G universe would mean "Even Iris is better than her in this" and that just doesn't mesh with the fact that weight issues aside Audrey has a higher base level of fitness and training.

          • 3 months ago

            Yeah, an average baseline really needs to be set just to have a benchmark by which to judge from.

            • 3 months ago

              The more I think about it we need only look at a character like Iris since she's just a civilian. She has a perception spike, but all her other stats would be "Human Average".

              • 3 months ago

                She's a "nerd" girl which below average possibly but you think she be a little smarter than Audrey when it comes to academics?

              • 3 months ago

                I've always seen her as the top student in the school.

  27. 3 months ago
    Dynamo Anon

    >Dynamo League: A New Beginning XIIV

    >After a long day of classes and hero ethics with Mr. Lockhart, Willow headed back to Mrs. Mavis's house. She settled into her room, feeling a mix of excitement and exhaustion from the day's events. With some free time on her hands, she decided to give her dad, Joe, a call. She dialed his number and waited anxiously for him to pick up.
    >Joe(Answering the phone):" Hello?"
    >Willow(Excitedly): "Hi, Dad! It's me, Willow."
    >Joe(Warmly):"Willow! How was your day at school, kiddo?"
    >Willow(Eagerly): It was great, Dad! I made some new friends and learned a lot in class.we studied with GameForger and Mrs. Kaija and Mr. Lockhart talked to us about hero ethics, and it was really interesting."
    >Willow stayed silent for a while thinking that her dad would recognize those heroes but he didn't know and he realized that
    >Joe:"Willow, Honey I can't possibly know every hero in existence haha but i do know Captain Radiant, he's an icon!"
    >Willow:"HAHA i just thought that you would know all of them, Dad"
    >Joe(proudly): also that's my girl! Making friends and learning new things. I'm glad to hear it."
    >Willow(Excitedly): "Yeah, Dad! I met this girl named Gwendolyn, and she's really cool. And there's Ronnie, who's... well, he's different, but he's got some interesting ideas."
    >Joe(Wisely):" Remember, Willow, everyone has their own story and perspective. It's important to listen and try to understand where they're coming from."
    >Willow(Nodding):"I'll keep that in mind, Dad. Oh, and my friends back in Trunktown asked about me. It made me feel really special."
    >Joe(Smiling):"You are special, Willow. And remember, it's not about showing off your powers or trying to impress anyone. Be yourself, and people will see how amazing you are."
    >Willow(Emotionally):" Thanks, Dad. That means a lot to me."
    >Joe:"And hey, remember to avoid strawberries. You're allergic, kiddo."
    >Willow(Laughing):" I know, I know. I'm not a kid anymore, Dad."

    • 3 months ago
      Dynamo Anon

      >Joe:" I know, Willow. But no matter how old you get, you'll always be my little hero. I love you, kiddo. I'm proud of you."
      >Willow's eyes welled up with tears, feeling the warmth and love in her father's words. After a heartfelt conversation, they said their goodbyes, and Willow wiped away her tears. She joined Mrs. Mavis for dinner, sharing stories from her day at school.
      >Willow(Excitedly):" Mrs. Mavis, I met some amazing people today. Gwendolyn, Aya, Sailor Norm, and Ronnie... they're all so different, but I think we'll make a great team."
      >Mrs. Mavis(Nodding):"That's wonderful, dear. Making friends is an important part of growing up."
      >As they finished their meal, Mrs. Mavis's phone rang. It was an emergency call, and she was told to turn on the news. Curious and slightly worried, Willow followed Mrs. Mavis to the living room, where they turned on the TV.
      >News Anchor On TV:" Breaking news! Nexus Leader Saint Neal has escaped from prison! Authorities are urging citizens to stay indoors and report any sightings of the notorious villain."
      >Mrs. Mavis(Gravely):"Oh no... this is bad news, Willow. Saint Neal is a dangerous individual with even more dangerous ideas and ideology."

      • 3 months ago
        Dynamo Anon

        >Willow(Wide-eyed):"What does this mean for us, Mrs. Mavis?"
        >Mrs. Mavis(Serious):"It means we need to be extra vigilant, Willow. Saint Neal and the Nexus pose a threat to everyone, especially heroes like us. We'll need to stay on our toes and be prepared for anything."
        >As they watched the news coverage, Willow couldn't shake the feeling of unease. fearing what would happen next
        > Meanwhile, a young man was having the time of his life creating threads in his small niche forum praising Nexus and their leader Saint Neal and congratulating his fellow Nexus brothers and sisters for this win.
        > Using his spring legs and arms to get food and snacks, the unemployed internet addict used all of his time and energy posting on his Forum and trying to impress Nexus members who always try to ignore him.
        >He heard some noise in the kitchen and decided to ignore it but the noise didn't stop so he forced himself to go and check the source of that Noise.
        >"I hope this is just a stupid Rat or a Raccoon because i don't want to lay my Nexus bros down!" he said while dragging his body and whining through the whole ten-second walk.
        >"I swear to god, I will call the exterminator.......HOLY FRICKING SHIT!!!" he said and froze in his place
        >He couldn't believe his eyes; the noise source wasn't a rat or a raccoon. It was a guy in his late twenties with a long beard and an even longer beard wearing a prison outfit and was drinking his fourth glass of water
        >it was Indeed the Leader of Nexus and the spiritual leader of the Pegasus Militia. This guy called for the bombing of many Superhero headquarters and wished upon anyone who opposed him. he was indeed Neal Calvin Borden also Known As Saint Neal.

        • 3 months ago

          So he's got the full terrorist look going.

          • 3 months ago
            Dynamo Anon

            kek oh my god i didn't mean to do that
            i based his look on Rob Zombie

            • 3 months ago

              Now I see him as the fake Mandarin from the Marvel movies.

              • 3 months ago
                Dynamo Anon

                kek sure whatever suits you
                but i chose this pic in particular to capture the mental image of a guy who was in prison for over a decade and just got out
                but once he trims his beard and hair, I like to think that he will look younger
                something like this
                also, fun fact i was gonna base his look on Charles Manson but i thought that i needed something more iconic

            • 3 months ago

              He'd make a cool Lobo.

              • 3 months ago

                Think we're about 20 years too late for that casting

  28. 3 months ago

    Large Breasts should be a bonus to top speed but a penalty to braking and cornering.

  29. 3 months ago

    Tried starting it.

    • 3 months ago

      >GG card thingy.
      Lol, you mean power grid. Good job though.

    • 3 months ago

      >/coc/ trading cards
      I can dig it

    • 3 months ago

      Would IG's be the same except for perception and adaptability?

      • 3 months ago

        She'd lack Audrey's penalties so slightly higher?

  30. 3 months ago

    Would a teleportation-like abilitiy (or any other abilities that allow a character to traverse large distances without actually moving fast) constitute under the "Speed" category?

    • 3 months ago

      No, that's spacial displacement.
      If you're not moving in "real space" then it's not speed.

  31. 3 months ago

    Nights, hope we make it to morning.

  32. 3 months ago
    Dynamo Anon

    >Dynamo League: A Renaissance I

    >The young spring man, stood frozen in shock as he stared at the unexpected guest in his apartment. Saint Neal sat at his kitchen table, calmly sipping from a glass of water, seemingly unfazed by the situation.
    >Saint Neal( furious yet keeping his calm attitude):" What the hell is this place?
    >James(Nervously):" Uh, hi there your...Holiness. I'm James. You're in my apartment. How did you get here?"
    >Saint Neal Took another sip and looked around him
    >Saint Neal:"So, James... care to explain why I woke up in your humble abode?"
    >James was sweating heavily and started shaking from both fear and excitement
    >James(Stammering):" I... I don't know! I mean, I was just minding my own business, and suddenly you're here! I swear, I didn't do anything!"
    >Saint Neal raised an eyebrow and stayed silent for a while
    >Saint Neal:" "Minding your own business," huh? Interesting choice of words for someone with spring arms and legs."
    >James(Nervously):" I... I can explain! I'm just a nobody, I swear! I have no idea how you ended up here!"
    >Saint Neal's eyes narrowed as he studied James, who was now sweating profusely under his gaze.

    • 3 months ago
      Dynamo Anon

      >Saint Neal: " A nobody, you say? With spring arms and legs? You expect me to believe that?"
      >James(Panicking):" It's true! I... I don't know anything about what's going on! I just... I just post on forums and... and..."
      >Before James could finish his sentence, Saint Neal's hand shot out, grabbing James by the neck and lifting him off the ground.
      >Saint Neal:"Thirty seconds. That's all you have to explain who you are and why I'm in your apartment before I start heating my arms and make you regret ever lying to me."
      >James gasped for air, his eyes wide with fear. He knew he was in serious trouble.
      >James(Panicking):" I swear, I don't know anything about this! I was just minding my own business, and suddenly, you appeared in my kitchen! I don't have anything to do with this!"
      >Saint Neal's grip loosened slightly as he processed James's words. He slowly lowered him back to the ground, but kept a wary eye on him.
      >Saint Neal:" Spring arms and legs, huh? That's quite the unique condition."
      >James:" Yeah, it's... it's not as exciting as it sounds, I promise."

      • 3 months ago
        Dynamo Anon

        >Saint Neal released James, who stumbled backward, rubbing his neck and trying to catch his breath.
        >James: "We're in the city of Duckworth. I live in a small apartment on the outskirts."
        >Saint Neal frowned, deep in thought. He knew he needed to figure out how he ended up in this unfamiliar place, and James seemed to be telling the truth.
        >Saint Neal:"Duckworth... Interesting. Well, I suppose I'll have to figure out what's going on. But first, I need to find out who's responsible for this."
        >James:"Responsible? What do you mean?"
        >Saint Neal:"Someone orchestrated my escape from prison. They sent me a message, something about the phoenix undergoing flames to rise anew. I need to find out who's behind this and why."
        >James got on his knees and started begging Saint Neal to let him help him
        >Saint Neal" Fine. For now, we'll have to work together to unravel this mystery. But don't think for a second that I trust you completely. One wrong move, and I'll make sure those spring arms and legs of yours won't be much use anymore."
        >James nodded fervently, understanding the gravity of the situation. Saint Neal stood up from the table, his gaze intense and determined.
        >Saint Neal(Resolutely):" Let's get to the bottom of this. But first, I need another glass of water."
        >As Saint Neal poured himself another glass of water, James couldn't help but feel a mix of fear and excitement. Little did he know, his life was about to take a drastic turn as he embarked on a journey with the infamous Saint Neal to uncover the truth behind his mysterious appearance in James's apartment.

        • 3 months ago

          So he can detach and super heat his limbs, but that might also dehydrate him?
          He must've freaked out big time when he was teleported.

          • 3 months ago
            Dynamo Anon

            >So he can detach and super heat his limbs,
            nah he can only superheat his body i just didn't fricked up in the greentext and I apologize
            >but that might also dehydrate him?
            yeah, he needs at least one gallon of water to be able to superheat his body and in prison, they gave him roughly half a gallon which is the minimum amount of water per day to survive.
            >He must've freaked out big time when he was teleported.
            yeah whoever helped him escape ruined his plans and now he's just disorientated

            Fanatics have a way of shaping the idea into what suits their own needs rather than what it was meant to represent.
            Ideas lose meaning quickly this way.

            Most of Cinemaphile only supports jpeg, png and gif files.
            Some other boards have a broader range of uploadable file types though.

            >Fanatics have a way of shaping the idea into what suits their own needs rather than what it was meant to represent.
            >Ideas lose meaning quickly this way.
            True but in Neal's defense would you rather sacrifice the leader of the whole movement or a random unknown believer of the ideology
            in Neal's POV, the end justifies the means even if that meant the life of an irregular and James is

  33. 3 months ago

    Part of me wonders if it might be interesting to give Moira an aspiring human mage as an assistant in the pre-Vellum period - or a completely ordinary human who accidentally stumbled into working at the show. Might be an interesting way to add dynamics to her stories even after the link gets repaired.

    Also, new drawing.

    • 3 months ago

      >the show
      The shop, I mean. Damn fingers.

    • 3 months ago

      Have it be the Halloween boy.

    • 3 months ago

      My wife

  34. 3 months ago

    Took a break from getting pages this month and decided to just get a simple sketch. It was bugging me that I didn't have a simple image of Rebound in her prime, so here it is.

    • 3 months ago

      Letting herself go was a huge crime, too bad she never got a Mr. Incredible and had kids of her own.

      • 3 months ago

        Well you're not alone in that regard, her new sidekick Impact is there to help keep her on top of losing the weight. That's why Rebound got back into the hero business.

  35. 3 months ago
    Dynamo Anon
  36. 3 months ago
    Dynamo Anon

    >Dynamo League: A Renaissance II

    >The atmosphere in James's apartment was tense as Saint Neal continued to try and make sense of his unexpected presence there. He poured himself another glass of water and took a moment to groom his overgrown hair and beard, trimming them with precision.
    >Saint Neal:"James, my friend... I trust you won't mind if I tidy up a bit. Can't have any loose ends, you know?"
    >James(Nervously):" Oh, uh, of course, your... Holiness. Do what you need to do."
    >As Saint Neal meticulously trimmed his hair and beard, James couldn't help but feel a mix of fear and fascination. Here he was, face to face with the notorious Nexus Leader, and he was asking for his help in unraveling a mysterious escape.
    >Saint Neal collected every strand of hair that he cut and asked James to burn it
    >Saint Neal:"Burn this immediately"
    >James obeyed him without a question or a second thought.
    >Saint Neal(Finishing up):" Ah, much better. Now, James, let's have a little chat. I want to know your thoughts on Nexus and our mission to rid the world of these so-called heroes."
    >James(Eagerly):" Oh, Saint Neal, I'm a firm believer in the cause! Those heroes think they're above the law, but they're just a bunch of arrogant do-gooders. Nexus is the true force of justice!"
    >Saint Neal nodded, seeming pleased with James's response. However, as the conversation continued, Saint Neal started to notice something unsettling about James's demeanor.
    >Saint Neal:"And what about your forum, James? I understand you're quite active in spreading our message there."
    >James(Excitedly):"Oh, yes! I post all the time, rallying our Nexus brothers and sisters to our cause. We're going to show those heroes that we mean business!"
    >Saint Neal's eyebrows furrowed slightly as he listened to James's enthusiastic ramblings. There was something... off about his devotion to Nexus. It was almost as if James was too fixated, too obsessed.

    • 3 months ago
      Dynamo Anon

      >Saint Neal: "James, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but remember, we must proceed with caution. Our enemies are everywhere, and one misstep could lead to our downfall."
      >James(Eagerly): "Oh, I understand completely, Saint Neal! I'll do whatever it takes to help Nexus triumph over the heroes and those nasty regulars!"
      >Saint Neal couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of his stomach. James's fervor for the cause was commendable, but it bordered on fanaticism. He knew he needed to tread carefully with this one.
      >Saint Neal: " Very well, James. For now, we'll work together to uncover the truth behind my escape. But remember, loyalty should always be tempered with reason and caution."
      >James nodded eagerly, seemingly oblivious to Saint Neal's underlying warning.
      >Saint Neal: "James, tell me... how popular are you on this forum of yours? Do you have many followers?"
      >James(Sheepishly):" Well, uh, not as many as I'd like. I mean, I try my best to spread the word, but... I guess I'm just not that popular."
      >Saint Neal's eyes narrowed slightly. James's lack of popularity could work in their favor, but it also made him vulnerable. If things went south, James would be an easy scapegoat.
      >as he glanced around James's modest apartment, Saint Neal realized that James was just a small fish in a much larger pond. His obsession with Nexus might make him a nuisance, but in the grand scheme of things, he was insignificant.
      >For now, Saint Neal would use James's unwavering loyalty to his advantage, but he would keep a close watch on him. After all, in a world where loyalties could shift in an instant, trust was a luxury he couldn't afford.

      • 3 months ago

        Fanatics have a way of shaping the idea into what suits their own needs rather than what it was meant to represent.
        Ideas lose meaning quickly this way.

        svg version for anyone who would like to have it. I did this myself, sorry if it sucks somehow.
        I tried to post this before and it didn't work...

        Most of Cinemaphile only supports jpeg, png and gif files.
        Some other boards have a broader range of uploadable file types though.

        • 3 months ago

          Webms are also universal now I think.

          • 3 months ago

            Right, those too.

            >So he can detach and super heat his limbs,
            nah he can only superheat his body i just didn't fricked up in the greentext and I apologize
            >but that might also dehydrate him?
            yeah, he needs at least one gallon of water to be able to superheat his body and in prison, they gave him roughly half a gallon which is the minimum amount of water per day to survive.
            >He must've freaked out big time when he was teleported.
            yeah whoever helped him escape ruined his plans and now he's just disorientated
            >Fanatics have a way of shaping the idea into what suits their own needs rather than what it was meant to represent.
            >Ideas lose meaning quickly this way.
            True but in Neal's defense would you rather sacrifice the leader of the whole movement or a random unknown believer of the ideology
            in Neal's POV, the end justifies the means even if that meant the life of an irregular and James is

            How do two brothers end up with such vastly different powers?

            • 3 months ago
              Dynamo Anon

              >How do two brothers end up with such vastly different powers?
              Good question and the answer is that both Oliver (Captain Under-socks) and Neal aren't related and they are Blood Brothers ( sworn to treat each other as brothers) same thing with Emily
              also I'm surprised that you still remember this detail kek thanks

        • 3 months ago

          >Most of Cinemaphile only supports jpeg, png and gif files.
          I mean that I litterally tried to post (not the picture, a normal post with the link) and the post never appeared.
          I hope the image will be useful to someone. I tried to make something and is orders of magnitude easier than working with raster graphic, but I might just have a special flavor of autism.

  37. 3 months ago
  38. 3 months ago

    Fast drop.

  39. 3 months ago


  40. 3 months ago

    version two and I realized I don't have the proper nomenclature to explain her powerset as it were.
    Someone else come up with the copy and I'll put it in.

    • 3 months ago

      This without the code right?

      • 3 months ago

        It's with, which is why her perception is high by "powers" whereas in her setting it'd be disadvantaged.
        I may not be doing this properly, sorry.

    • 3 months ago

      OK... how's this?

      >Audrey is physically an ordinary girl who is tasked with preforming an extraordinary job as the sidekick to Silver Queen. While she possesses no superhuman abilities, a quirk of fate allows her to glimpse the true nature of her world and recognize the patterns of it. This unhampered perception coupled with her childhood circus training in gymnastics and acrobatics gives her the vital edge she needs to succeed where all odds should be against her.

  41. 3 months ago

    Goodnight everyone.

    • 3 months ago

      Theses vampires are so op. Goodnight.

      OK... how's this?

      >Audrey is physically an ordinary girl who is tasked with preforming an extraordinary job as the sidekick to Silver Queen. While she possesses no superhuman abilities, a quirk of fate allows her to glimpse the true nature of her world and recognize the patterns of it. This unhampered perception coupled with her childhood circus training in gymnastics and acrobatics gives her the vital edge she needs to succeed where all odds should be against her.

      Cool. It's for the label next to her profile pic right?

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah, you wanted a power set description, not a history rundown.

        >How do two brothers end up with such vastly different powers?
        Good question and the answer is that both Oliver (Captain Under-socks) and Neal aren't related and they are Blood Brothers ( sworn to treat each other as brothers) same thing with Emily
        also I'm surprised that you still remember this detail kek thanks

        You did make a big deal of it.

        • 3 months ago
          Dynamo Anon

          >You did make a big deal of it.
          true but i didn't know that someone would follow my story in my greentexts enough to remember those details
          so i thank you for that

          • 3 months ago

            The only parts of your Dynamo League stories that are fuzzy to me are the very early ones.
            Everything from the moon trip on is more or less in my /coc/ memory. I should probably go back and look at the earlier ones again.

            • 3 months ago
              Dynamo Anon

              >The only parts of your Dynamo League stories that are fuzzy to me are the very early ones.
              yeah the first few ones were me using the ol method of "throw everything against the wall and see what sticks" before i tried to make it serial
              >I should probably go back and look at the earlier ones again.
              no need to
              here is this Pastebin that contains all the old greentexts:

  42. 3 months ago

    Forgot to talk here too, but is there a multiverse map made of the co universe? Cause if not I’m gonna do something about it and see what Incould do under the Quin-C(oncept) which I will give it a new, should it be Everiful Life?

    • 3 months ago

      >multiverse map
      From my understanding, there was never an attempt to really tie it all together like with Multiversity, but the way I personally see it:

      >main Earth/physical realm
      >alternative realities (Evilverse)
      >non-AU alternative continuities (GGverse, BQ)
      >magical extraversal realms (Demon Realms, Outerworld, The Wandering Country)
      >the meta-space where the Archivist and maybe other Cinemaphilesmic ones reside in
      >the true void/absence (the "pocket dimension" Crackdown can access)

      But then again, I may be completely off-mark here and someone really did put it all together like a decade ago. I'm sorry if that's the case.

      • 3 months ago

        So I'm guessing the "true void" is probably the highest cosmic scale like outerversal to boundless characters if they're able to access it?

        • 3 months ago

          Archivist's realm could technically be considered outerversal, as wiki itself states that her power is beyond other Cinemaphilesmic ones.
          That being said, I like to think that "true void" is more of a "realitiy's baseline" than a higher plane of some kind. If the /coc/ multiverse is a painting, than this void is the proverbial canvas.

      • 3 months ago

        It’s alright i just need coverses stuff that isn’t a full multiverse just a few things then.

        • 3 months ago

          The other anon didn't mention outer-space. There's space stuff in the Cinemaphileverse.

          But the Cinemaphileverse is pretty much the catch-all for anything sharing the setting. I would consider anyone independently doing their own thing to have their own take on it since full collaboration is just not feasible.
          Like team Ladybug isn't going to know what Percinnius anon is doing or planning or visa versa. Or Rebound anon isn't going to know what Magi is doing in the Evilverse or something.

          But for settings distinctly isolated from the greater Cinemaphileverse, then yeah things like GG, BQ, Supermoms, Project Vanguard, Mainport City, Supocalypse and the like are all their own bubbles.

          • 3 months ago

            >The other anon didn't mention outer-space. There's space stuff in the Cinemaphileverse.
            That's because I was only referring to what might be considered different planes of existence since anon asked for the *multiverse* map specifically.
            Earth and all the different shit out there in space is separated solely by… well, space.

          • 3 months ago

            Enter the /coc/verse

            • 3 months ago

              But thought you guys hated crossovers.

              • 3 months ago

                >you guys
                As in "this thread" or "Cinemaphile at large"?

              • 3 months ago

                Both actually I guess some people hate it and some people don't here. It also just depends if someone has a good idea to come up with a merge story and how good the writing is. But I wouldn't mind seeing some gags for the fun of it. Doesn't have to be a serious story.

              • 3 months ago

                I remember seeing a thread like year and a half ago where OP was decrying the very concept of a crossover as an affront to creativity.
                I can't recall anons around these parts ever being as averse to it.

  43. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      This cuteness is starting to dent the impenetrable walls enclosing my heart.

    • 3 months ago

      Flowing water with rocks.

      • 3 months ago

        >Flowing water with rocks.
        More like balloons, water balloons.


        Stronger this time.

        • 3 months ago

          >water balloons
          I was referring to the rocks.

        • 3 months ago

          The name of the fighting technique.

          • 3 months ago

            Same Goodnight.

  44. 3 months ago

    >a /coc/ hero temporarily fills in for a different one and takes on their rogue gallery (assuming they have one)
    Which ones?
    I'd go for something that either necessitates a drastic location change (a land-based hero replacing someone from like aqua coalition) or causes a major tonal whiplash for the hero (a more light-hearted hero like LL trying to continue the work of someone like Crackdown or vice versa)

    • 3 months ago

      >Which ones?
      Ladybug against the blue blood clan? Too strange?

      • 3 months ago

        Boy that’d be a tough situation! Like Robin fighting Goku.

  45. 3 months ago

    I came back with Newman but unlike my other Newmans, I might have been a bit horny drawing this ngl

    • 3 months ago

      > unlike my other Newmans
      Who you think you’re foolin, anon?
      Cute catboy though. He’s got bigger breasts than some heroines around here

      • 3 months ago

        Heh, you caught me, anon.

        Ive been delirious on pain and oxycodone, and the first thing I was thinking of was catboys. I might draw a doujin in the future just to get the horny out of the way.

        Lul i dunno how to draw porn

        • 3 months ago

          > Lul i dunno how to draw porn
          Put ponos to vagoo and… J-J-JAM IT IN!
          Or, in absence of vagoo, any sufficiently sized orifice will do.

          Careful with that oxy though. That stuff is super addictive. I was on it for like a week and I still had killer comedown shakes.

  46. 3 months ago
  47. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      >you died

      • 3 months ago

        Did I?

        • 3 months ago

          If you hadn’t bumped just then, yeah.

          • 3 months ago

            But it's still kicking.

            • 3 months ago


  48. 3 months ago
  49. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      Who are they again?

      • 3 months ago

        Baby Diving Belle with her parents.

    • 3 months ago

      Baby Diving Belle with her parents.

      Makes me wanna draw a child version of my own character.

  50. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      Made a character out of it or it's always been one?

      • 3 months ago

        I made up something on the spot, feel free to turn a blind eye to its existence. The most original concept for a bump-character would probably be Bump-tan. She also had lore in the form of a comic.

        as much as i don't want Le Bump to be personalized i still find this little sketch cute

        Le bumo Without a Cause!

        Thank you. I can't draw, so I can't do much damage. Don't worry.

        • 3 months ago

          There was a character on stupid superheroes named Bumpman.

    • 3 months ago

      as much as i don't want Le Bump to be personalized i still find this little sketch cute

      Le bumo Without a Cause!

    • 3 months ago


  51. 3 months ago

    if one had an idea for their own lovely ladybug comic, would it be best to do it first and ask for forgiveness later, or get an ok from the team first?

    • 3 months ago

      >ask for forgiveness
      It's not that serious, dude.

    • 3 months ago

      Make your dreams a reality.

  52. 3 months ago
    Dynamo Anon

    >Dynamo League: A Renaissance III

    > The night came along, and the city of Duckworth was quiet.
    >Saint Neal furrowed his brow in frustration, his mind racing as he tried to piece together the events that led to his mysterious escape. He racked his brain, searching for any clue that could lead them to the perpetrator, but to no avail.
    >Saint Neal: "This is madness! How could someone orchestrate my escape without leaving a trace?"
    >James watched Saint Neal's agitation with a mixture of concern and apprehension. He knew that they were facing a formidable adversary, one who was cunning and elusive.
    >As Saint Neal contemplated his next move, a sudden knocking on the door broke the tense silence in the room. Both Saint Neal and James froze in their places, their eyes widening with apprehension.
    >Saint Neal(Urgently, in a low voice): "James, go check the door. And remember, don't do anything stupid."
    >James nodded nervously, his heart pounding in his chest as he made his way to the door. He took a deep breath before opening it, revealing two figures standing on the other side.
    >One was wearing a golden Pharaoh mask that covered half of his face, while the other was dressed in a sleek gray tactical suit, with two handguns holstered at his sides. They were none other than Pharaoh and Bloodhound, two vigilantes known for their expertise in tracking down criminals.
    >James(Nervously):" "Uhh, h-hi... Can I help you?"
    >Pharaoh(In a deep, mysterious voice):"Greetings, citizen. We've come to... arrest you."

    • 3 months ago
      Dynamo Anon

      >James's eyes widened in shock, his heart skipping a beat at the thought of being arrested. But before he could react, Pharaoh's mask shifted slightly, revealing a mischievous grin.
      >Pharaoh(Chuckling): "Just kidding, James! We're here to see how you're holding up. Heard that Nexus Leader escaped so we were in a patrol looking for him and we thought that we should go to our Nexus Expert friend HAHA"
      >Bloodhound(With a friendly smile): "Yeah, we couldn't resist dropping by to check on our favorite spring-armed friend."
      >James blinked in confusion, his mind reeling from the sudden turn of events. He couldn't believe that these two Vigilantes came knocking on his door looking for him especially right now.
      >James(Stammering): "Oh, uh, h-hi, Pharaoh, Bloodhound... I-I'm doing okay, I guess. Just a bit... surprised to see you here."
      >Pharaoh(With a playful smirk): "Surprised? You should be honored, James. Not everyone gets a visit from the likes of us."
      >Bloodhound(Teasingly): "Yeah, we heard you were in some deep trouble with Nexus. Didn't know you were on such friendly terms with the bad guys."
      >James's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, realizing that Pharaoh and Bloodhound were just teasing him. He couldn't help but laugh nervously, trying to play along.
      >James(Sheepishly):"Oh, you know how it is... Just a regular day in the life of a spring-armed guy."
      >Pharaoh(Playfully): "Well, we won't keep you too long. Just wanted to make sure you're doing okay. Anything you need?"
      >James:"Uh, no, I-I'm good, thanks! Just... dealing with the aftermath of Saint Neal's escaping prison and anxious about if the authorities will come to integrate me."
      >James wasn't lying and was actually telling the truth as he was anxious and terrified of the idea of police force storming into his house and arresting him.

      • 3 months ago
        Dynamo Anon

        >Bloodhound: "Alright then. Take care of yourself, James. And remember, if you ever need backup, just give us a call, and also don't worry about the Nexus thing, it's not like you are hiding Saint Neal in your house HAHA"
        >Pharaoh:"Yeah you're good James no one would bother you so don't worry, okay?"
        >James nodded
        >With that, Pharaoh and Bloodhound bid James farewell and made their way out of the apartment, leaving James standing there, still in shock from their unexpected visit.
        >Meanwhile, hidden in the closet, Saint Neal listened to the entire exchange, his mind racing with thoughts. He had expected James to be a lonely, isolated individual, but now he realized that James had friends, allies even.
        >As Saint Neal emerged from the closet, he glanced at James with a newfound respect. Despite his initial suspicions, it seemed that James wasn't as insignificant as he had initially thought. Perhaps having allies like Pharaoh and Bloodhound could prove useful in their mission to uncover the truth behind his mysterious escape.
        >Saint Neal(Quietly, to himself ):"Interesting... James may not be as alone as I thought. We'll need to keep an eye on him, but perhaps he could be a valuable asset."
        >With that, Saint Neal turned to James, his gaze thoughtful yet calculating.
        >Saint Neal: "James, it seems you have more friends than I anticipated. Let's use this to our advantage. We'll need all the help we can get to uncover the truth behind my escape."
        >James nodded eagerly.

        • 3 months ago
          Dynamo Anon

          >James (Nervously): "I-I'm sorry, Saint Neal. I didn't mean to... I didn't know they were coming."
          >Saint Neal (Sighing): "No matter. We must proceed with caution. Our enemies are closing in, and we cannot afford any slip-ups."
          >James nodded, his eyes wide with fear. He realized now more than ever the gravity of the situation they were in.
          >Saint Neal (Resolutely): "We must find out who orchestrated my escape from prison. And we must do so quickly before they have a chance to strike again."
          >James: "I-I don't know, Saint Neal. I can't think of anyone with the power to open portals like that."
          >Saint Neal furrowed his brow, deep in thought. He knew they needed to find a lead, a clue that could point them in the right direction. Suddenly, an idea struck him.
          >Saint Neal: "Wait... the computer. You said you post on forums, right? Maybe there's something there that could help us."
          >Without waiting for a response, Saint Neal made his way to James's computer room. As he entered, he was hit with a wave of disgust. The room was a mess, cluttered with empty soda cans, crumpled papers, and dust-covered surfaces.
          >Saint Neal: "Good Lord, James. Do you live like this?"
          >James flushed with embarrassment, stammering out an apology as he tried to straighten up the room. But Saint Neal paid no mind to the mess, his attention focused on the computer.

          • 3 months ago
            Dynamo Anon

            >On the screen was a link to a seemingly innocuous forum dedicated to selling fish and aquarium supplies. But to Saint Neal's trained eye, it was something more.
            >Saint Neal: "James, do you know what this is?"
            James shook his head, his eyes wide with confusion.
            >James: "N-no, I don't. I've never seen that forum before."
            >Saint Neal's eyes narrowed as he clicked on the link, revealing a hidden section of the forum that required a special code to access. It was clear to Saint Neal now - this wasn't just any forum. It was a secret meeting place for Nexus members.
            >Saint Neal: "This... this is the Nexus forum, we Use this forum to meet and talk with each other.as you can see it's old as shit which makes him the best cover for us"
            >James's eyes widened in shock, realization dawning on him.
            >Saint Neal: "We can't just use direct messages to communicate so we use fish and fish tanks as codes and hidden messages..."
            >James: "Excuse me you Holiness but why fish in particular?"
            >Saint Neal smiled a little and then looked at him dead in the eyes.
            >Saint Neal:"Because James I JUST LIKE FISH"

  53. 3 months ago

    What does the term "meta awareness" mean to you all? Is it full on Deadpool or can it be more subdued?

    • 3 months ago

      Low grade would be something like a general awareness of tropes and their impact on the world
      Mid grade would be something like Deadpool talking to the audience
      High grade would be moving through the bleed, interacting with the artist to change stuff, etc

      • 3 months ago

        Would she hulk stepping from one panel to the next to appear in the next location count as high?

        • 3 months ago

          I’d figure so.

        • 3 months ago

          That's full on 4th wall awareness/breaking. That's definitely too far for our purposes.

    • 3 months ago

      If you are asking this in the case of GG and that stat card, then I would say "meta awareness" is the ability to recognize recurring occurrences. You know how comics tend to reuse plots? Imagine if the characters remembered every plot they were involved in and learned to recognize the solutions, cutting down the time it takes to solve the plot or picking choices that get the job done with less fuss.
      More boring from a reader perspective, but if it were an actual person put into those situations, then you can't fault then for starting to carry around smelling salts to counter act chemicals. The extreme end of this is Batman with his anti-shark spray, but in this situation he'd only have it after having fought sharks at least twice before.

      • 3 months ago

        That is what its for but also I was browsing the superpower wiki for terminology and the way we're using it could also fall under stuff like the more obscure Coincidence Nullification. Or maybe it's more like genre immunity?

        On a related note was anyone else aware of
        https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Censorship_Embodiment because that's just The Code.

        • 3 months ago

          With a smattering of super imposed morals.

          And genre recognition I guess? She isn't self-aware that she's in a comic though, she's just able to see the repeating patterns and have plans for them after experiencing them enough. To her, that's just how the world is.

          Anyway, goodnight.

  54. 3 months ago

    Working on last page

    I think i started on the harder pages because I have the first three pages that haven’t been worked on. But they’re comparably easier than the ones I’ve been doing

    • 3 months ago

      What it's for?

      • 3 months ago

        The one for board tans introducing a kid character.

        Since the kid isn't a board tan I am apparently taking my time lol

        I'll drop the pages when I have 20ish pages, because I think that many pages is at least one chapter. But I need at least 5 chapters to get into the hang of things. And around 20 chapters to say that I'm done.

  55. 3 months ago

    dont know if there is much overlap with /kkg/ here, but i've been working on a little koikatsu model of ladybug and i thought you'd all like to see

    • 3 months ago

      I'm intrigued.
      Any plans to do Lila?

      • 3 months ago

        yea, i'll probably do Diego and Poison too

        here's a screenshot without the helmet too

        • 3 months ago

          How difficult is it to make one?

          • 3 months ago

            it depends. I'm still working on her backpack, shoulder pads, and gloves, which all are custom mods that i model myself. it's faster than modeling her entire body/clothes by scratch, but is difficult if you dont have any experience in the program (or in 3dcg)

            • 3 months ago

              I see.
              I don't suppose you take requests, so I'll maybe try my hand myself in the near future.

    • 3 months ago

      I'm intrigued.
      Any plans to do Lila?

      She looks hot.

      • 3 months ago

        Those hip are marvelous!

        True guys true.

    • 3 months ago

      Those hip are marvelous!

      • 3 months ago

        Lovely ladybuns. That’s an impressive level of detail.

        Thanks! I also plan on making a couple more outfits from the booru, so i'll keep you all posted!

        I see.
        I don't suppose you take requests, so I'll maybe try my hand myself in the near future.

        yea not at the moment sorry, but if you are interested in learning it doesnt hurt to take a look at /kkg/


    • 3 months ago

      yea, i'll probably do Diego and Poison too

      here's a screenshot without the helmet too

      Lovely ladybuns. That’s an impressive level of detail.

  56. 3 months ago


    That's really fricking cool.
    It's neat seeing the old doodles get turned into full on comic pages.

    • 3 months ago

      February minicomic, just a little late! Recluse and Dragonfly tied on the vote, so here's the story of their first team-up as the "Detroit City Sirens" (according to Dragonfly).

      Where'd the comic go?

      Apologies, made a typo and wanted to change it. Funny thing, if just Dragonfly had won we were planning on doing an adaptation of that very doodle.

  57. 3 months ago

    Where'd the comic go?

  58. 3 months ago

    The thread can decide her story.

    • 3 months ago


      Thanks! I also plan on making a couple more outfits from the booru, so i'll keep you all posted!

      yea not at the moment sorry, but if you are interested in learning it doesnt hurt to take a look at /kkg/

      Very Cute!
      Also one more bump or not see y'all tomorrow next thread.

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