
Or /coc/ thread if that's what you look for in the catalog.


Past threads:

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    >How does this work?

    >It works like a community toy chest. In the /coc/ threads you are free to post whatever ideas/settings/characters you want, but you have to be OK with other people playing with them (tweaking them, putting them in stories, using them for things, etc.)
    >There's no guarantee that what you post will catch on either.

    >If the OC you are posting is YOURS for something you are personally doing, then it would go to the "How is your webcomic?" threads.
    >If you just want feedback on an OC of yours, then it would go in the "donut steel" threads or drawthreads.

    If the thread dies suddenly or you still want to discuss something when there's no thread:

    Last time:
    -Trying to get Victoria, the stacey with the Greek curse on her rolling again
    -Catgirl soccer team
    -JackHammer I2Eye script progress
    -More of that sticc blonde prince (Jean) and thicc readhead (Morag) and other associated characters
    -Crackdown discussion
    -Other stuff I didn't mention

  2. 10 months ago

    What genre of comic should explored more?

    • 10 months ago

      Mystery. My impression is there aren't really any actual mystery comics these days.

      • 10 months ago

        It takes a lot to make a good mystery without it feeling like an asspull when it's solved

        • 10 months ago

          If the writer actually knows what the mystery is, and all the secrets before writing the story, then it's easy to hint at the answer throughout.
          The problem is most of the time people go into writing a story with no idea how they'll end it and just bullshit their way through.

          • 10 months ago

            Honestly a big problem in published comics is that you can't guarantee a mystery will get to be answered by you instead of the next guy the execs bring in after meddling with all your clues so that you have to change your original answers to worse ones.

            By comparison, most independent writers are capable of it, but don't always plan out the whole story ahead of time, like you said.

            • 10 months ago

              From personal experience, as long as you know what the ending should be in advance, you have room to change around how you get there.
              Having an ending in mind helps a lot in my own writing process.

          • 10 months ago

            What is the ideal way to write a mystery? Starting from end of story and moving back? I mean yeah have some ideas of the beginning like characters and their motivation, setting, etc. but is it a good idea to work your way back from a conclusion/resolution?

            • 10 months ago

              The ideal way is, unfortunately, different for each person. Situation/presentation also plays a role.
              I like to work backwards when writing a story, I know what all the twists and turns should be before getting started so I can put in all my clues as I'm going. Others find this tedious. You have to enjoy all the little buildups while working backwards for this to work for you, you can't just want to get to the really cool part in a hurry, you have to be invested enough in your own story to build up to those cool parts, to make them actually have that cool-factor.
              This is especially hard to do in these threads where the summary of an idea often comes first and anyone paying attention already knows what the resolution will be. It can be demotivating with any type of story when everyone already knows how it is going to end.

              Others are excellent bullshitters though. They have an idea of how the story should end (or, more often, not at all), but have an audience as they are telling the story, and so they can read the audience and see what clues they are picking up on in real time and either drop more clues or even change the resolution on the fly if they think the audience would like it better than the pre-planed conclusion.
              This is the approach I would take if I were DMing a game. A little bit of that is the approach I need to take while writing stories bit-by-bit in these threads.

  3. 10 months ago


  4. 10 months ago

    Gonna put out the Blueblood "one pager" in a couple hours. Spoilers: it's three pages

    • 10 months ago

      Couldn't help yourselves, huh?

      Looking forward to it.

      • 10 months ago

        Turns out writing a good one-page comic is hard! And I wasn't about to tell Gob "nah that's too many pages." So I guess it's one-shots rather than one-pagers, now.

        • 10 months ago

          Yeah, a lot of anons struggle with that when coming up with GG strips.

          Here we go!

          Very short storytime.

          Thanks to Ehhhhh for the logo design.

          If you like what you read, share it around! We'll do more in the future, maybe take polls on the Paytron, I dunno. I've got a doc with a bunch of them written out already, the Blueblood one just happened to catch Gob's interest

          That's pretty fricking neato.

          No way to tell if this is before or after she started hunting her own family too, adds to the intrigue.

        • 9 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      hype hype HYPE!

  5. 10 months ago

    Here we go!

    • 10 months ago

      Very short storytime.

      Thanks to Ehhhhh for the logo design.

      If you like what you read, share it around! We'll do more in the future, maybe take polls on the Paytron, I dunno. I've got a doc with a bunch of them written out already, the Blueblood one just happened to catch Gob's interest

      this is SICK!

  6. 10 months ago

    Very short storytime.

  7. 10 months ago

    Thanks to Ehhhhh for the logo design.

    If you like what you read, share it around! We'll do more in the future, maybe take polls on the Paytron, I dunno. I've got a doc with a bunch of them written out already, the Blueblood one just happened to catch Gob's interest

    • 10 months ago

      Dunno much about the character, but I am digging the frick outta this.

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah, a lot of anons struggle with that when coming up with GG strips.

        That's pretty fricking neato.

        No way to tell if this is before or after she started hunting her own family too, adds to the intrigue.

        this is SICK!

        Glad folks are enjoying it! Maybe we should have saved Beebs for Halloween, but spooks are always in season.

  8. 10 months ago
  9. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      I doubt anyone really remembers the idea behind this guy as Blueblood's sidekick.

      • 10 months ago

        Streiter, a not-Belmont from a society of vampire hunters who've been getting bodied by the Bluebloods for generations and teamed up with Ada to hopefully reverse that trend, right?

        • 10 months ago

          Though I can't remember if he's from modern times or if he's from the 1800s and is long gone by present day.
          Or when Ada began her crusade against her own kin for that matter. Just how old is she?

          • 10 months ago

            All we know is she's active during the 80s. The bluebloods have their own little pocket dimensions, though, so Streiter could easily be from one that was stuck at 1800s levels of development.

            • 10 months ago

              That sounds like hell. A pocket dimension set in a vaguely Victorian era ruled over by immortal butthole vampires.

              • 10 months ago

                Considering they're powered by a literal demon who influences their behavior, "sounds like hell" is probably the idea.

    • 10 months ago


  10. 10 months ago
  11. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      Coming to a chaos shop near you!

    • 10 months ago

      I know this is supposed to be Moira getting pulled back into the shop after getting rescued, but I like to think you could play this in reverse: the hands pushing her out to force her to talk to people.

      • 10 months ago

        The hands work in mysterious ways.

        Considering they're powered by a literal demon who influences their behavior, "sounds like hell" is probably the idea.

        Yes. How gothic do you imagine all their architecture is?

        • 10 months ago

          >Yes. How gothic do you imagine all their architecture is?
          In Streiter's particular pocket I'm sure it's full on Hammer horror. Straight up Castlevania shit. I bet each Blueblood has their own preferred flavor, though. I recall the evil mommy one who was brainwashing Tantrum had a zone that was simply structured as a single haunted house of impossible dimensions.

          • 10 months ago

            Well now I had to go back and re-read that.

            Really not a story at all, more like just cliff notes to write the story from, and I was the one who wrote it back in 2017, before I got better at writing fights.
            Anyway, no impossible mansion or twisted dimension noted in it. She could've had one of those before she got chased out of it or was turning the French village into one while conditioning Tantrum.

            • 10 months ago

              >Anyway, no impossible mansion or twisted dimension noted in it.
              Damn, I completely misremembered that I guess.

              • 10 months ago

                If I ever do end up writing that out in full, I'll keep that in mind.

                Are blue blood vampires immune to sunlight?

  12. 10 months ago

    I could do so much better now with that. The logistics of length are already going through my mind.
    The part that really needs the most work is Maitena showing Regis a good time. Making townsfolk bring them pastries, using people as furniture, letting him give them orders like jumping or some other asinine thing. Like something out of the Lion the Witch and Wardrobe. It's been ages since I've seen that play. I hardly remember it, but "Turkish Delight" still stays with me.

    And then there's Adalicia. I can imagine her just strolling into Britainment, pushing the double doors to the building open, coat flowing behind her, marching right up to the front desk that looks like some dingy British storehouse or DMV with the glass barrier and ringing the bell with a resounding "DING".
    Who sits at the front desk? The Lady of the Lake? Has she become jaded by the work becoming a Thrifty or Cinemaphiledie type or is she pants shittingly terrified of a blueblood vampire just strolling in?

    Marian has to appear. Does she do so dramatically materializing out of the darkness or does she just open the office door and yell at Ada to stop scaring her workers?

    I'm too tired for this. It's the sort of thing I think I'd have fun writing out in full now that I'm more practiced at it, but at the same time I don't want to end up rewriting things unless there's interest.

    Goodnight everyone.

    • 9 months ago

      >Marian has to appear. Does she do so dramatically materializing out of the darkness or does she just open the office door and yell at Ada to stop scaring her workers?
      I imagine this would be a particularly stressful scenario for her as a vampire.

      If I ever do end up writing that out in full, I'll keep that in mind.

      Are blue blood vampires immune to sunlight?

      >Are blue blood vampires immune to sunlight?
      Not immune as such, but their power will continuously heal them. It's not an enjoyable experience but it's very possible to grit through if necessary.

      • 9 months ago

        Stressful, yes. I imagine she'll bring up the past 150 odd years of them being a constant bother ever since she arrived.

        Them not being immune works with how I imagine Maitena making her escape from her own manor.

    • 9 months ago

      >I could do so much better now with that.

      Manor Maitena had stood tall for the past two-hundred years, the sole structure which towered above the perpetual valley mists and darkened skies. The house itself seemed to radiate a sense of pride in its solitude, as if it were as much a lord of the gloom as its master was with its three dozen windows dimly peering out across the land, surveying the surrounding hovels. The old house felt as if it would stand for the rest of time, which is why, when the fires started and its upper windows burst alight with blazing fireballs shooting out into the mists, its fear was palpable.

      The manor’s heavy front doors burst open as a figure stood silhouetted by the fire raging within, smoke billowing from the open door above her, arms stretched wide from the force needed to swing the entrance open. Servants of all types fled around her, maids in dull brown dresses, butlers in sharp black coats, chefs and servers all gasping for air, all rattling as the sound of chains from their broken manacles dragged behind them.

      Adalicia billowed her command at them, her voice louder than the roar of the fires behind her “Go! Be free! Maitena, the master of this manor will soon perish, I promise you this!”

      From out in the mists in the deep wooded darkness, Maitena lurked, watching her manor burn and her servants scatter, running for the edges of the valley. Clutching left shoulder as blue ichor stained her maroon dress an even deeper hue, teeth gritted and fangs exposed to the open air, she hissed cursing her losses “You think you have already won, dear cousin? You think that the loss of my home and minions is not but a mild inconvenience to me?” She raised her right arm to the darkened sky, grasping the very mists, letting them wrap around her arm and flow into her open wound, mending it as using a spider’s web for a surgeon’s thread.


      • 9 months ago

        That's the opening sequence I'd give it.

        The skies began to open, sunlight pouring through the parting mists and clouds, illuminating the valley for the first time in generations. The servants drop to their knees as if in prayer, eyes watering as they looked up towards the sun, the light they had been denied their entire lives. Adalicia, however, raised her arms to block the light as her skin began to burn, deep blue smoke coming off of her in wisps, trailing up and intermingling with the billowing black smoke still pouring out of the manor. It lasted but a moment before her skin began to heal as she adjusted to the light and began to scan the horizon. “So you do value your life more than your pride, I have misjudged you, cousin. But only slightly.”

        Maitena had pulled the mist close to herself, cocooning her skin from the light of the day, and was already flying away from her former home without even a glance back to it. Her thoughts consumed by plans and plots. “So you have grown strong enough to live in the light, but no matter. The world is teaming with magic once more, I can feel it. I can rebuild anywhere, and with more powerful servants this time.”

      • 9 months ago

        That's the opening sequence I'd give it.

        The skies began to open, sunlight pouring through the parting mists and clouds, illuminating the valley for the first time in generations. The servants drop to their knees as if in prayer, eyes watering as they looked up towards the sun, the light they had been denied their entire lives. Adalicia, however, raised her arms to block the light as her skin began to burn, deep blue smoke coming off of her in wisps, trailing up and intermingling with the billowing black smoke still pouring out of the manor. It lasted but a moment before her skin began to heal as she adjusted to the light and began to scan the horizon. “So you do value your life more than your pride, I have misjudged you, cousin. But only slightly.”

        Maitena had pulled the mist close to herself, cocooning her skin from the light of the day, and was already flying away from her former home without even a glance back to it. Her thoughts consumed by plans and plots. “So you have grown strong enough to live in the light, but no matter. The world is teaming with magic once more, I can feel it. I can rebuild anywhere, and with more powerful servants this time.”

        I like the idea that she's been enforcing a perpetual night, or at least a perpetual overcast, to let her travel openly in her domain without discomfort. It plays to the notion that she actually goes among her subjects, even if the hobnobbing is not actually welcome.

        • 9 months ago

          If you can't lord over someone in their own pathetic little hovel that you let them exist in, then what's the point?

  13. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago



  14. 10 months ago

    Greetings anons
    so this week i will not Pitch any idea and i will just continue the Roaring Strikers (Cat girls soccer team) idea Enjoy

    >Dynamic Duo

    >The day is sunny, and the Roaring Strikers are having a break between training sessions -

    >Eva: (excitedly) Hey, guys, guess what I found yesterday!

    >May: (curious) What is it, Eva?

    >Eva: (grinning) I was doing some research on tactics and strategies, and I stumbled upon old recorded matches. Guess who I found playing?

    >Stella: (raising an eyebrow) Who?

    >Eva: (triumphant) Coach Alan! He used to be a professional player, and I found some of his matches!

    > The girls gather around as Eva starts playing the recorded matches. They watch in awe as a young Alan Clawford expertly controls the ball, dribbles past opponents, and scores impressive goals. -

    >Emma: (impressed) Whoa, he's really good!

    >Daisy: (nodding) Yeah, he's like a soccer wizard!

    >Eva: (smirking) And that's not all. Look at this. There's another player he seems to have a special connection with.

    >The girls watch as Coach Alan and another player named Clyde seamlessly pass the ball between them, as if they're reading each other's minds. -

    >Stella: (whistling) They're like a dynamic duo!

    >May: (grinning) Clyde's lucky to have played with Coach Alan.

    >Just as they're immersed in the matches, they suddenly hear a voice behind them -

    >Coach Alan: (sternly) What's going on here?

    • 10 months ago

      >The girls jump and turn to see Coach Alan, his expression stern -

      >Assistant Coach Diana: (stepping in) Coach Alan, I think it's time for a little break. Why don't you step outside for a moment?

      >Coach Alan: (suspiciously) What are they watching?

      >Assistant Coach Diana: (smiling) Just some old matches. I'll handle this, don't worry.

      >Coach Alan eyes the girls and then sighs, heading outside -

      >Assistant Coach Diana turns to the girls -

      >Assistant Coach Diana: (whispering) Girls, Coach Alan doesn't like anyone talking about his past, especially not about Clyde. Let's keep this between us, okay?

      >The girls nod slowly, their expressions serious -

      >Emma: (whispering) Got it, Coach Diana.

      >Eva: (whispering) Yeah, we won't mention a thing.

      >As Coach Alan re-enters the room, he finds the girls looking innocent and focused on their training discussions -

      >Coach Alan: (raising an eyebrow) Everything okay here?

      >Stella: (smirking) Yep, just talking strategies, Coach.

      >Coach Alan eyes them suspiciously for a moment before nodding -

      >Coach Alan: (firmly) Good. Keep it up, Strikers.

      >As he leaves, the girls exchange knowing glances -

      >Assistant Coach Diana: (whispering) Nice save, girls.

      >May: (grinning) Yeah, we don't want to get on Coach Alan's bad side.

      >They all share a quiet chuckle, thankful for Assistant Coach Diana's quick thinking and the shared secret they now hold.

  15. 10 months ago

    here's another one a christmas special

    >"a striking Christmas"

    >It's Christmas Eve, and Coach Alan is bustling around his house, cleaning and tidying up in anticipation of his teenage daughter's visit. He wants everything to be perfect for her. However, his plans are constantly interrupted by unexpected visitors from the Roaring Strikers. -

    >May: (knocking on the door) Hey, Coach! Merry Christmas!

    >Coach Alan: (opening the door) May, what are you doing here?

    >May: (grinning) Brought you some homemade cookies! My grandma's recipe. Thought you might like them.

    >Coach Alan: (surprised) Well, thank you. That's very thoughtful of you, May.

    >A few hours later, there's another knock on the door -

    >Emma: (holding a bag) Coach Alan, I found some old books and toys that I thought your daughter might like. Merry Christmas!

    >Coach Alan: (taking the bag) Emma, you really didn't have to.

    >Emma: (smiling) It's no problem. Have a great holiday, Coach!

    >As the day goes on, Coach Alan's house accumulates more gifts from the girls. A bag of dog treats from Stella, a drawing from Daisy, and even a collection of funny jokes from Evelyn. Despite his initial annoyance at the interruptions, Coach Alan can't help but feel touched by their gestures. -

    >Night falls, and Coach Alan sits alone in his living room. The Christmas tree twinkles with lights, but there's a noticeable absence. His daughter hasn't arrived yet. He checks his phone multiple times, his mood growing more somber with each passing hour. -

    >He picks up one of the gifts from the girls and opens it. It's a collection of cheesy jokes from Evelyn. Despite himself, he chuckles at one of the jokes, feeling a slight uplift in his spirits.

    • 10 months ago

      >Just then, the doorbell rings again. Coach Alan opens it to find Assistant Coach Diana, accompanied by her fiancé, holding a tray of food -

      >Assistant Coach Diana: (smiling) Merry Christmas, Alan!

      >Coach Alan: (surprised) Diana, what are you doing here?

      >Assistant Coach Diana: (stepping inside) Well, I thought you might be feeling a bit lonely tonight, so we brought some dinner for you.

      >Assistant Coach Diana's fiancé sets the tray of food on the table -

      >Assistant Coach Diana's Fiancé: (grinning) Can't have a coach going hungry on Christmas Eve!

      >Coach Alan: (grateful) Thank you, both of you. I appreciate it.

      >Assistant Coach Diana: (looking around) Looks like the girls have been spreading the Christmas spirit here.

      >Coach Alan: (smirking) Yeah, they've been quite persistent.

      >Assistant Coach Diana: (sitting down) You know, Alan, sometimes we all need a little company during the holidays.

      >Coach Alan looks around at the various gifts from the girls and the warm smile on Assistant Coach Diana's face. Despite the absence of his daughter, he realizes that he's not alone. -

      >Coach Alan: (softly) You're right, Diana. And I'm grateful for that.

      >The group settles down to enjoy the meal together, sharing stories and laughter, turning what could have been a lonely Christmas Eve into a heartwarming and unexpected gathering of friends.

  16. 10 months ago

    Hey guys, just finally coming in after s some difficulty. Just wanting to start off that I have no clue how to write right now with my story work, and it’s been bothering me ever since. Don’t know how to deal with it yet I’m just thinking on other stuff for now.

    Seen the blue blood story oneshot, and while it’s got some little bits of issues, It’s pretty cool for a story work. And steel made this right?

    Also to ask: whose thunderstruck?

    • 10 months ago


      Thunderstruck was Six Feet Thunder's daughter who was killed.

      • 9 months ago

        Ladybug’s artist?

        • 9 months ago

          Gob drew the Bluebood three pager.

          • 9 months ago

            Gob as in steel? My ass is stupid so I might be wrong

            • 9 months ago

              They've gone by Gob the Gnome King and Shortsteel.

              • 9 months ago

                Latter is what I’m talking about, and isn’t that their current name now?

              • 9 months ago


            • 9 months ago

              They've gone by Gob the Gnome King and Shortsteel.

              Latter is what I’m talking about, and isn’t that their current name now?


              I've only ever known him as Gob, so that only contributed to the overall confusion of the conversation.

              Didn't know a name change happened.

              • 9 months ago

                Taste in one’s own name does change, lmao.

                Anyway I’m going to be throwing this in: is it weird to think one isn’t progressive in their own work?

              • 9 months ago

                In what way?

              • 9 months ago

                Like, not improving?

  17. 9 months ago
  18. 9 months ago

    >another power outage
    Guess I'm just not writing today after all haha

    • 9 months ago

      There's always analog!

      • 9 months ago

        I don't really like using my phone for any serious writehomosexualry.

        • 9 months ago

          ...no, I mean, analog analog. Pen and paper. The methods of the anchuents.

          • 9 months ago

            That's no good either since it's actually pretty late at my place right now and the only source of light at my disposal is, once again, my phone.

            • 9 months ago


            • 9 months ago

              West coast?

              • 9 months ago


  19. 9 months ago
  20. 9 months ago

    Weekend bugdoodles

    • 9 months ago

      Slick's dad is Inland Empire?

      • 9 months ago

        Not familiar with that reference I'm afraid. The goop creature is meant to be the entity that corrupted the Evilverse timeline. Was revisiting his design in case we did a Skathi one-shot next [she defeated him in the "main" universe]

        Imagine being lectured about tea by a demon with a book for a head.

        One of those people who tells you all about how things work without ever having experienced them personally. Like the average /tg/ poster HIYO

        If you can't lord over someone in their own pathetic little hovel that you let them exist in, then what's the point?

        Even among bloodsuckers there are social butterflies. Or social moths, I guess.

        All this Blueblood talk kinda makes me want to utilize Ai'den more in the future, demons are cool.
        Speaking of: do you think that Arthur should have some amount of magic resistance or not?
        I'm already feeling like his kit is a bit overloaded for a street-leveler, but I also need a justification why he isn't just instagibbed by powerful demon magic.

        Well, the nice thing is as a street leveller he probably doesn't encounter much magic, so it wouldn't be an "overpowered" trait to have. At the same time, Aiden probably wouldn't be aiming to instagib him in the first place, so it may not be necessary.

        Make it a clever application of his power to move cracks. Magic tries to get into him, he moves the opening in his magic aura (which all humans innately possess) to something else so it fails to take hold fully.

        Or magic tends to shunt away through him, as if through an unseen "crack," for reasons not yet explored.

        • 9 months ago
          • 9 months ago

            TYPO REEEEE
            That's the depressed detective game again, right?

    • 9 months ago

      Imagine being lectured about tea by a demon with a book for a head.

    • 9 months ago


  21. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      Good night sleeping pages.

  22. 9 months ago

    Hmm. I should've given a description of Ada. Just because we here have all the reference pics and know what she looks like is no excuse to skimp on the details in a text-based medium.

  23. 9 months ago

    All this Blueblood talk kinda makes me want to utilize Ai'den more in the future, demons are cool.
    Speaking of: do you think that Arthur should have some amount of magic resistance or not?
    I'm already feeling like his kit is a bit overloaded for a street-leveler, but I also need a justification why he isn't just instagibbed by powerful demon magic.

    • 9 months ago

      Make it a clever application of his power to move cracks. Magic tries to get into him, he moves the opening in his magic aura (which all humans innately possess) to something else so it fails to take hold fully.

      • 9 months ago

        Not familiar with that reference I'm afraid. The goop creature is meant to be the entity that corrupted the Evilverse timeline. Was revisiting his design in case we did a Skathi one-shot next [she defeated him in the "main" universe]

        One of those people who tells you all about how things work without ever having experienced them personally. Like the average /tg/ poster HIYO

        Even among bloodsuckers there are social butterflies. Or social moths, I guess.

        Well, the nice thing is as a street leveller he probably doesn't encounter much magic, so it wouldn't be an "overpowered" trait to have. At the same time, Aiden probably wouldn't be aiming to instagib him in the first place, so it may not be necessary.

        Or magic tends to shunt away through him, as if through an unseen "crack," for reasons not yet explored.

        I was actually hoping to explore a less evident side of his powers through this since, as I've previously said, manipulating cracks is simply the most evident application of them:
        >Crackdown's power is based on manipulating entropy, the natural state of dissaray in all things, and has been known to manifest itself subconsciously
        >most powerful magic requires some sort of structure via a sigil, incantation or whatnot
        >as such, making powerful witchcraft can be pretty challenging with him around, since his mere presence can throw the entire thing off
        I feel like this should protect him from things like hexes or curses, but he'd still need to actually dodge stuff like fireballs.

        That's the depressed detective game again, right?


  24. 9 months ago

    What was Tantrum's real name?
    Regis, yes? But what was his last name? Should I just make one up?

    • 9 months ago


      I was actually hoping to explore a less evident side of his powers through this since, as I've previously said, manipulating cracks is simply the most evident application of them:
      >Crackdown's power is based on manipulating entropy, the natural state of dissaray in all things, and has been known to manifest itself subconsciously
      >most powerful magic requires some sort of structure via a sigil, incantation or whatnot
      >as such, making powerful witchcraft can be pretty challenging with him around, since his mere presence can throw the entire thing off
      I feel like this should protect him from things like hexes or curses, but he'd still need to actually dodge stuff like fireballs.


      I've thought of the creation of spells in terms of being like molecular structures composed of specific dreamstuff formations, so in that sense a little entropy could easily throw things off.

      • 9 months ago

        That works as well.
        Maybe magic is more susceptible to being untangled by Arthur than physical phenomena because it's put in place by will of the spellcaster rather than universal laws that are set in stone?
        Anyway, I am also pretty excited to explore that side of his abilities in the future.
        Since entropy also means "energy that's unavailable within the system", the control over it can potentially grant him some Omega-level mutant-tier abilities, so him outgrowing streets seems like a matter of time.

  25. 9 months ago

    Goodnight everyone.

    • 9 months ago

      Good night.

      • 9 months ago

        Good night.

  26. 9 months ago
  27. 9 months ago

    another Roaring Strikers greentext :

    >The Roaring Strikers are back on the field, and the match is in full swing. However, things are not going well for the team. May Pawsley, the goalkeeper, lets another goal slip past her. Coach Alan watches from the sideline, frustration evident in his expression. After the match, he calls May aside for a serious talk. -
    >Coach Alan: (firmly) May, we need to talk about your performance today.
    >May: (looking down) I know, Coach. I messed up again.
    >Coach Alan: (sighing) It's not just about messing up, May. Our team relies on you to defend that goal, and we can't afford to keep losing matches because of goalkeeper errors.
    >May: (frustrated) I'm trying my best, Coach!
    >Coach Alan: (softening his tone) I know you are, May. But we need to figure out a way for you to improve. I'm here to help you become a better goalkeeper.
    >Coach Alan spends the next few days working closely with May, trying various training methods to help her become a more effective goalkeeper. However, no matter what they try, May's performance remains inconsistent. -
    >Coach Alan: (frustrated) May, you have to focus on the ball! You can't let it slip past you like that!
    >May: (close to tears) I'm sorry, Coach. I don't know what's wrong with me.
    >Coach Alan watches as May kicks the ball away in frustration. He realizes that the usual training methods are not getting through to her. He steps closer to her and puts a hand on her shoulder. -
    >Coach Alan: (thoughtful) May, do you have a phone?
    >May: (confused) Yeah, of course I do.
    >Coach Alan: (smirking) Good. I want you to imagine that the ball is your precious phone. You know, the one you always take care of and never let fall to the ground.
    >May: (raising an eyebrow) Coach, what are you talking about?
    >Coach Alan: (explaining) Just trust me on this. Pretend the ball is your phone, and you need to catch it before it hits the ground. Treat it like it's something you can't afford to let go of.
    (Part 1)

    • 9 months ago

      (part 2)

      >May: (doubtful) This sounds crazy, Coach.
      >Coach Alan: (grinning) Humor me, May. Imagine that ball is your most prized possession. You'll be surprised at how much more focused you become.
      >May gives Coach Alan a skeptical look but decides to give it a try. In the next practice session, she imagines the soccer ball as her phone. She leaps into action, diving to save the ball from hitting the ground. To everyone's surprise, her performance improves significantly. -
      >Sally: (whispering to Emma) Is May imagining the ball as her phone?
      >Emma: (smirking) Looks like it. And it's working!
      >May's enthusiasm and determination to protect her "phone" makes her a much more effective goalkeeper. She becomes more focused and agile, and her saves start earning cheers from her teammates.
      >After practice, May approaches Coach Alan, a triumphant smile on her face.
      >May: (excited) Coach! Did you see that? I caught the ball every time!
      Coach Alan: (nodding) I saw, May. You did great.
      >May: (grinning) Imagining the ball as my phone really helped. It's like I couldn't bear to let it fall.
      >Coach Alan: (smiling) Sometimes, all it takes is a different perspective to make things click. Keep up the good work, May.
      >As May walks away, her cat Excitement (who had been observing from the sidelines) comes over and nudges her affectionately. Coach Alan watches them, satisfied that his unorthodox method has not only improved May's performance but also strengthened her bond with her furry friend.

  28. 9 months ago

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