>We're not gonna kill you because you'll just be reborn...

>We're not gonna kill you because you'll just be reborn... and be a powerless baby during Sozin's Comet

What a moron.

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Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    and when he shows up 30 years later, he wont be focused on preventing the conquest, but avenging the earth nation
    you definitely dont want an edgy 90s anti-hero avatar caused whatever geonocidal plan they enacted in his formative years

    watch any movie, and you know how these hero backstories work out

    • 2 years ago

      But the avatar cycle will always happen. Unless there’s some spirit world ass pull the avatar will always appear again

    • 2 years ago

      But he’s the last airbender, if he showed up again not only would it be post fire nation conquest. He would every be able to master the 4 elements. It’s gives them both a time advantages and caps his successor potential

      • 2 years ago

        Zaheer mastered air bending without a teacher. The harmonic convergence events of Korra would have birthed new airbenders to maintain balance.

        • 2 years ago

          I wouldn't say mastered it. He was good at fighting other people with airbending since almost no opne has experience dealing with it, but the second he went up against another airbender he got his ass handed to him until he friends jumped in.

        • 2 years ago

          Would harmonic convergence even happen in a Fire Nation controlled timeline?

    • 2 years ago

      Ngl now i want to see it.

  2. 2 years ago

    >kill 12 year old who doesn't know how to bend for shit yet
    >have to worry about when the next avatar will show up

    • 2 years ago

      The next Avatar would show up only years later, moron. Babies can't do jackshit.
      Also you could have had wiped out the other nations before that happened, meaning that the Avatar would be reborn again in the Fire Nation and get brainwashed.

      • 2 years ago

        >Babies can't do jackshit.
        I stopped giving a shit about this series when ATLA ended and never watched anything that came next, but Korra mastered 3 elements when she was a toddler.

        • 2 years ago

          People say "mastered", she managed to shoot out some flames. Given she's only just finished mastering Firebending at age 17, she's well behind Aang's bending prowess.

        • 2 years ago

          That's because Bryke wanted Korra to be the "opposite" of Aang which I never really got, Aang is a childish awkwardly social kid whose arc was accepting muh responsability and by far, the least interesting character of the main cast on his own show.

  3. 2 years ago

    Why didnt they cut off his limbs and eyeballs instead while keeping him fed and imprisoned? That way he cant bend and he cant reborn.

    Or maybe make him addicted to wieners by buttfricking him constantly? It keeps tha avatar from getting reborn and it boost the armies morale.

    • 2 years ago

      He’s an air bender you fool. Killing himself if necessary is easy if he just bends air and suffocates himself

      • 2 years ago

        So it seems. I concede that my first plan doesnt work. What about the second option?

        • 2 years ago

          I don't think I have to explain why using butt rape against an airbender is a bad idea.

          • 2 years ago

            I think you should anyway

            • 2 years ago

              Fart bending

              • 2 years ago

                I think you should anyway

                he's got you there m8.

      • 2 years ago

        Honestly would've been interesting if an Avatar killed themselves for the greater good like that.

    • 2 years ago

      >I must BUTTFRICK the avatar to re-establish muh honor!

      • 2 years ago

        >Nephew please this isn't the way to restore honor!

      • 2 years ago

        Admiral Goro Din, please calm down!

      • 2 years ago

        Tbf if it was that ember island actress I wouldnt mind

        >stop attacking
        >there is a message brought by flying fire scout to a man on a dragon who declares to the Avatar, his capture to call off the attack on the Air Temples, and their assumed control for the forseeable future
        >Aang is brought to the Fire Lord's presence, and he interviews the boy, asks what he knows of the political climate (little) what he understands as being the avatar (not much) and if he even wants to be (I guess it's cool to have powers, but I keep getting a descendant telling me not to trust you)
        >Sozin and Aang get along, and he even convinces the boy that the role of the Avatar, the role of the spirits, 'Four' Nations, for Four Elements in a path selected only to carry on the dogma around the structure of his cycle
        >Aang could learn whatever element he needed, take whatever role he wants, he simply keeps the spirit world in balance, and the harmony of four nations is what, governed by some nefarious shadow force that creates Avatars with THEIR framework, with THEIR paradigms
        >Earthbenders, Airbenders, Waterbenders could all be in one nation
        >one nation, that Aang could even be a part of
        And it just works with that. Aang meeting Sozin and influencing the growth of the Imperial Fire Nation and even helping it with its largest successes, fighting off White Lotus mind rays and corn syrup, maybe even taking the throne. The Avatar Who Lived For Himself.

        How would Gyatso cope assuming he isnt dead?

    • 2 years ago

      Nobody can out-frick the Avatar.

    • 2 years ago

      Just kill him and all the babies from the southern water tribe, then have the Dai Li brainwash the next Avatar, simple as

    • 2 years ago

      Can you bend without using your limbs?

      Like, if you chop off a jedi's limbs they can still murder you with their mind. What about Benders?

      • 2 years ago

        Logic would say no because it's magical kung fu where you have to learn specific moves to do anything, but then there was that lady in Korra with no arms so who the frick knows.

      • 2 years ago

        >Can you bend without using your limbs?
        the conceit of the series is that elemental control is inherently linked to your martial arts
        its only the true masters like iroh, bumi, or ozai who are able to bend using only their facial muscles

        Logic would say no because it's magical kung fu where you have to learn specific moves to do anything, but then there was that lady in Korra with no arms so who the frick knows.

        thats more to do with the villains of book 3 generally being the absolute greatest masters of their craft and granted with abilities that far exceed everyone elses

        with the exception of zaheer, who is better than the untrained airbenders due to his self-study but worse than tenzin, who studied under aang

      • 2 years ago

        >Can you bend without using your limbs?
        Yeah, you see Bumi earthbending no problem when he's locked up in that coffin thing. Also firebenders can breathe fire and air benders can probably do a bunch of shit just with their breath.

      • 2 years ago

        >Can you bend without using your limbs?
        the conceit of the series is that elemental control is inherently linked to your martial arts
        its only the true masters like iroh, bumi, or ozai who are able to bend using only their facial muscles

        thats more to do with the villains of book 3 generally being the absolute greatest masters of their craft and granted with abilities that far exceed everyone elses

        with the exception of zaheer, who is better than the untrained airbenders due to his self-study but worse than tenzin, who studied under aang

        >its only the true masters like iroh, bumi, or ozai who are able to bend using only their facial muscles
        Toph can bend with just her face(we saw her do it in series), and Aang can do airbending with his mouth even if he is otherwise trapped.

        • 2 years ago

          Both are, tbf, absolutely masters of Earth and Air bending respectively. Aang has those tattoos for a reason

    • 2 years ago

      >Why didnt they cut off his limbs and eyeballs instead while keeping him fed and imprisoned? That was likely Zhaos plan. But the fire nation surgeon was away that day on a family emergency.

    • 2 years ago

      That second part but with opium

    • 2 years ago

      >why doesn't the fire lord just rape the avatar?

  4. 2 years ago

    Xiao was a gloryhound and wanted to take him as a trophy to the firelord.

    • 2 years ago

      The true answer

  5. 2 years ago


  6. 2 years ago

    >kill all the airbenders trying to find the avatar because that's what they'd be next
    >find them
    >kill them
    >they get reincarnated and you have to do it all again
    >and again
    >and again

    • 2 years ago

      Imagine if instead of genociding the Airbenders, the Fire Nation used their power to take the lands in and negotiate surrender and assimilation into their colonies.

      We know earth benders were part of the colonies in the comics, it's canon that the Fire Nation wasn't just killing every bender, or even jailing them. Maybe Sozin decides to give Aang the liberation he wanted, free of the Avatar system he wasn't really ready to be a part of at the start. That revelation that leaving his post, even one day, meant missing 100 years of war and your people wiped out, probably was the biggest motivator for Aang to toughen up out of everything. Without THAT though, what IS the Avatar's path to Aang? Being forced into a role he wasn't ready for by councilors fearful of the war to come, into a system he didn't ask for and took him from the only part of family he had. Mastery of Airbending, and an outside world he never got to see because war... what if there was no war?

      >Aang runs away, dodges the wave that nearly drowns him and gets to stable ground for the night
      >then travels to Omashu to talk with Bumi about his new revelation, and how he feels the huge weight of this role upon his shoulders, but Bumi's just all giddy because HOLY SHIT YOU CAN DO EARTHBENDING
      >Aang tries to explain he has to learn Waterbending before Earthbending, so he can't. Bumi asks if he knows that means he couldn't learn Earthbending first, Aang realizes he can't, so he learns so basic Earthbending with Bumi, despite lots of struggle with the technique
      >but after a few weeks slumming it with his friend, he figures it out... just as the comet arrives
      >Aang is awed by the display but is driven to visions of the temples burning by Roku who tells him to stop it
      >Aang rushes home with Earth and Airbending and not much else of a plan, just as the first of the waves arrive at the temple, the firebending troops heading in to attack
      >he lands in the middle of the conflict, and the firebenders...

      • 2 years ago

        >stop attacking
        >there is a message brought by flying fire scout to a man on a dragon who declares to the Avatar, his capture to call off the attack on the Air Temples, and their assumed control for the forseeable future
        >Aang is brought to the Fire Lord's presence, and he interviews the boy, asks what he knows of the political climate (little) what he understands as being the avatar (not much) and if he even wants to be (I guess it's cool to have powers, but I keep getting a descendant telling me not to trust you)
        >Sozin and Aang get along, and he even convinces the boy that the role of the Avatar, the role of the spirits, 'Four' Nations, for Four Elements in a path selected only to carry on the dogma around the structure of his cycle
        >Aang could learn whatever element he needed, take whatever role he wants, he simply keeps the spirit world in balance, and the harmony of four nations is what, governed by some nefarious shadow force that creates Avatars with THEIR framework, with THEIR paradigms
        >Earthbenders, Airbenders, Waterbenders could all be in one nation
        >one nation, that Aang could even be a part of
        And it just works with that. Aang meeting Sozin and influencing the growth of the Imperial Fire Nation and even helping it with its largest successes, fighting off White Lotus mind rays and corn syrup, maybe even taking the throne. The Avatar Who Lived For Himself.

      • 2 years ago

        >stop attacking
        >there is a message brought by flying fire scout to a man on a dragon who declares to the Avatar, his capture to call off the attack on the Air Temples, and their assumed control for the forseeable future
        >Aang is brought to the Fire Lord's presence, and he interviews the boy, asks what he knows of the political climate (little) what he understands as being the avatar (not much) and if he even wants to be (I guess it's cool to have powers, but I keep getting a descendant telling me not to trust you)
        >Sozin and Aang get along, and he even convinces the boy that the role of the Avatar, the role of the spirits, 'Four' Nations, for Four Elements in a path selected only to carry on the dogma around the structure of his cycle
        >Aang could learn whatever element he needed, take whatever role he wants, he simply keeps the spirit world in balance, and the harmony of four nations is what, governed by some nefarious shadow force that creates Avatars with THEIR framework, with THEIR paradigms
        >Earthbenders, Airbenders, Waterbenders could all be in one nation
        >one nation, that Aang could even be a part of
        And it just works with that. Aang meeting Sozin and influencing the growth of the Imperial Fire Nation and even helping it with its largest successes, fighting off White Lotus mind rays and corn syrup, maybe even taking the throne. The Avatar Who Lived For Himself.

        I was expecting edgy cringe, but I found gold

      • 2 years ago

        >stop attacking
        >there is a message brought by flying fire scout to a man on a dragon who declares to the Avatar, his capture to call off the attack on the Air Temples, and their assumed control for the forseeable future
        >Aang is brought to the Fire Lord's presence, and he interviews the boy, asks what he knows of the political climate (little) what he understands as being the avatar (not much) and if he even wants to be (I guess it's cool to have powers, but I keep getting a descendant telling me not to trust you)
        >Sozin and Aang get along, and he even convinces the boy that the role of the Avatar, the role of the spirits, 'Four' Nations, for Four Elements in a path selected only to carry on the dogma around the structure of his cycle
        >Aang could learn whatever element he needed, take whatever role he wants, he simply keeps the spirit world in balance, and the harmony of four nations is what, governed by some nefarious shadow force that creates Avatars with THEIR framework, with THEIR paradigms
        >Earthbenders, Airbenders, Waterbenders could all be in one nation
        >one nation, that Aang could even be a part of
        And it just works with that. Aang meeting Sozin and influencing the growth of the Imperial Fire Nation and even helping it with its largest successes, fighting off White Lotus mind rays and corn syrup, maybe even taking the throne. The Avatar Who Lived For Himself.

        I would read this fanfic.

  7. 2 years ago

    Not only that reborn in the northern water tribe which would easily fall in those 13ish avatar-less years

    • 2 years ago

      I mean, honestly, maybe they would be born in the south, then killed, in order for the Avatar to be born somewhere out of the Fire Nation's hand.

  8. 2 years ago

    If Aang didn't get frozen, his group would probably consist of Bumi, Kuzon, and Gran Gran's mother.

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