Were people even that excited about Professor X being in MOM?

Were people even that excited about Professor X being in MOM? There was a lot more fanfare for No Way Home's Spider-Man cameos.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Well, he was just there to die. It's why Multiverse of Madness had a big opening but fell afterwards. The cameos here turned out to be meaningless unlike the No Way Home ones.

    • 2 years ago

      I like Patrick as ProfX but they just kept teasing him as trailer bait so hard that I couldn't care anymore and as said, they only exist to get unceremoniously killed off, so word will spread that the cameos were just cheap bullshit

      • 2 years ago

        >but they just kept teasing him as trailer bait so hard that I couldn't care anymore
        This is a problem with MCU movies and cameos: Just don't fricking show them in the trailers
        Showing Spidey in the civil war trailer was dumb, showing the illuminati in the mom trailer was dumb. At least with NWH they didn't put the other spideys on the trailer

        • 2 years ago

          >At least with NWH they didn't put the other spideys on the trailer
          because Sony put an embargo on the fricking thing and to this day we still haven't seen any NWH merch with Tobey and Garfield.
          and what about the villains? they were in the trailer.

          • 2 years ago

            >and what about the villains? they were in the trailer.
            That was dumb too, it should've been the sinister six with Gargan, and just show Gargan in the trailer
            Trailers really shouldn't show much, leave it up to the imagination, give me some mystery ffs
            >to this day we still haven't seen any NWH merch with Tobey and Garfield.
            Didn't know that, kinda sucks but i'm not really into giving money to the mouse or sony so i'm ok with it

            • 2 years ago

              What's MCU Gargan going to do? Give Spidey sugar pills?

    • 2 years ago

      Stewart Xavier had died twice already by then and he died a third time here. His character has turned into a joke, all he does now is dying. I think even Mc Avoy would have brought more hype.
      The Spider-Men can stand on their own but Xavier really needs the X-Men for people to care about him. Same for Reed with the other FF.

      • 2 years ago

        >Spider-Men can stand on their own but Xavier

        • 2 years ago

          I swear I only realized it after posting.

        • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      For the sake of the inevitable MCU course-correction actually doing anything good, I really really hope the huge drop off after the opening weekend was for better reasons than MUH CAMEOS SUCKED, that's the most NPC-tier reason imaginable for so many people checking out and skipping it.

      • 2 years ago

        It's probably more Wanda being a full on villain and the movie not making any sense if you didn't watch her fricking show.

        • 2 years ago

          So this movie has been made and laser-focused on the people who saw WandaVision but hate Wanda?

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah, but that audience is really narrow. Like... Bendis and the writers at Marvel that still hate Wanda for whatever reason narrow.

            • 2 years ago

              There's a surprising number of them on Cinemaphile, unless it's just a couple of anons samegayging to make it look like there's more of them. Wouldn't surprise me if some of them are Marvel writers or editors.

              • 2 years ago

                Those are generally hyper moron x-men fans and I guess they would fall into the camp of being mad about xavier maybe? but they weren't going to see a movie for Wanda anyway

              • 2 years ago

                >but they weren't going to see a movie for Wanda anyway
                It's always seemed like 99% of the seething hate-filled IT WAS A VILLAIN ORIGIN backlash against WandaVision was coming from X-Men fans who begrudgingly watched a show about a character they hate, expecting it would be introducing mutants and X-Men to the MCU, and have spent over a year screeching about it because it didn't do any of that. And then MoM was moronic enough to 'prove' them right on the villain thing, despite this not appearing to have been a coordinated plan between the makers of the show and the movie.

              • 2 years ago

                I think it was always the plan, or at least, the plan from WandaVision on. Elizabeth Olsen was talking about how she loved the idea of Wanda going evil while the show was running. It is fricking moronic and x-cucks are going to be in for a rude awakening when they realize Feige is going to be drawing from the last 20 years of x-men and not anything past that.

              • 2 years ago

                >Elizabeth Olsen was talking about how she loved the idea of Wanda going evil while the show was running.
                She's also talked about how while making WandaVision, she had no idea that MoM was going to actually turn her into a villain, and didn't seem comfortable or happy with that development, talking about how she had to try and rationalize her character's actions to herself.

                >x-cucks are going to be in for a rude awakening when they realize Feige is going to be drawing from the last 20 years of x-men and not anything past that.
                The last 20 years of X-Men have been such a never-ending dumpster fire that I hope Feige can't possibly be that moronic as to adapt anything at all from it. But a worrying amount of fans really do seem to want this, from the ones who want Cyclops and Emma as the lead characters, to the ones who actually want Krakoa.

              • 2 years ago

                Feige turned one of the MCU's most popular characters evil in a TV show so she could be the bad guy in a movie no one was happy seeing or making and had OMD/OMIT on his short list for spider-man adaptations. Yes, he is that moronic.

              • 2 years ago

                Turning her evil was kind of pointless since in the end they brushed it all away by saying she was actually corrupted by the cursed book.

              • 2 years ago

                She gave in to the allure of the Cursed Book, just like most of Raimi's "villains". see also the dark side

              • 2 years ago

                After audiences loved her scene in Endgame, he should have known this was a terrible idea. The question now is whether they'll try to fix this ASAP, or if they'll double down on it.

              • 2 years ago

                >she could be the bad guy in a movie no one was happy seeing
                My dick was happy to see that. Enough crazy to make me going.

              • 2 years ago

                Do you not want Cyclops as a lead? Do you want another 20 years of Wolverine and his X-Bubs?

              • 2 years ago

                >Do you not want Cyclops as a lead?
                Making him the "leader of the mutants" in comics created a generation of absolutely insufferable fans, so I'd honestly prefer them to not use him at all than to adapt those comics. If we're not getting pre-2000s boyscout Cyclops I don't want to see Cyclops.

                >Do you want another 20 years of Wolverine and his X-Bubs?
                Wolverine and Deadpool are the most popular X-Men characters, so you're going to get more of them whether you want it or not. The MCU at least has a much better track record of making team movies where everyone gets to shine, so whoever else is on the team shouldn't get as bad a deal as they got with Fox.

      • 2 years ago

        People are finally getting fed up at the whole "Frick your childhood/nostalgia we're killing them off for our new shit" thing and now it's "Wait why is nobody coming back after we lured them in its almost like we're killing things you like and not replacing them with anything better"

        Here's the thing, the next Spider-Man movie is going to do great even if there's not a single cameo or anything like that, why? Because even though there were cameos, they helped build up Peter's storyline for the better. They didn't need to jerk Tom Holland's off as the "Next big thing", bad stuff happened to him, he got knocked down, he didn't have to prove he was the best spider-man of the bunch and at the end he has a way for his story to go in a world where he can do pretty much anything, a full reboot, a back to basics, a grand adventure, anything. The people who loved Spider-Man in the 00's? They got what they wanted and got to leave the theater happy. The crazy motherfrickers who swore up and down that Garfield's Spider-Man totally could've been great? They got what they wanted and got to leave the theater happy. And, most importantly, people who liked Tom Holland's take? Well there's no denying he absolutely got to shine and look good alongside them even though a whole bunch of bad stuff happened to them.

        It's not that the cameos sucked, its that if you wanted any of that you were just left with a shitty, shitty film that pushed a flat actress at the expense of Strange. Why would you come back for that when you could go see Top Gun?

        • 2 years ago

          >People are finally getting fed up at the whole "Frick your childhood/nostalgia we're killing them off for our new shit" thing and now it's "Wait why is nobody coming back after we lured them in its almost like we're killing things you like and not replacing them with anything better"
          This could only possibly apply to Xavier, none of the other Illuminati characters is a character/actor combination that could be anyone's childhood/nostalgia, and the people who watched those movies have seen him die several times already, while this isn't meant to be the exact same Xavier, it's an AU version. As this whole thread is about nobody really being that hyped for Xavier, his death is hardly likely to be the thing that caused the big drop in ticket sales.

          • 2 years ago

            I mean they also did the big fan casting of Mr Fantastic that even Kevin admitted he only put in because people really wanted it, and then they killed him off too.

            And you're also ignoring the "At the expense of Strange" section of that.

            • 2 years ago

              It's fancasting that comics Twitter and comics Youtubers kept pushing for, but the average normie does not care one bit about Reed Richards or the Fantastic Four in general. Yes, it's needlessly trolling a few thousand hardcore fans, but it's not something most of the audience are going to care that much about, and is unlikely to have hurt business much.

              >And you're also ignoring the "At the expense of Strange" section of that.
              Because I'm not trying to defend the movie, or it's handling of Strange, or of Wanda either. I'm just saying I don't believe that the handling of the Illuminati characters would've been the big deal-breaker that convinced a lot of people to not go and see this movie.

            • 2 years ago

              The fan "demand" for jim halpert to play reed richards was so fricking forced and artificial I don't think anyone believed it.

        • 2 years ago

          On that same vein, it seemed from Far From Home that JJJ was going to be a half-assed Alex Jones clone that would be a complete waste of bringing back JK Simmons, but he actually gets one of the best scenes in NWH.

      • 2 years ago

        I don't know how anyone could sit through a movie with America chavez, she has a pedo flag pin on her jacket the entire movie I'm told

    • 2 years ago

      >Well, he was just there to die. It's why Multiverse of Madness had a big opening but fell afterwards. The cameos here turned out to be meaningless
      This. I don't know what the FRICK Feige has been thinking. Same with BONER and Reed. The arrival of the X-Men and FF had to much heat, it was supposed to be incredible. And it's been in this deflating, half-assed way, just draining it of interest.
      Even his showing up was filmed in such an anticlimactic way, it cut away immediately like a teevee show. The MCU is fricked.

      • 2 years ago

        >to much heat
        *so much heat

      • 2 years ago

        >The arrival of the X-Men and FF had to much heat, it was supposed to be incredible.
        It's really just dedicated comics fans who were hyped up about these specific characters. The only one normies were getting excited about seeing in the MCU is Deadpool. These are movie franchises that both ended on massive flops, the hype for another reboot only really exists in online spaces full of comic fans.

    • 2 years ago

      This movie only fell off 1% more than No Way Home though. Doctor Strange is just not an A-List character like Spider-Man so it made less money, stop talking out of your ass

    • 2 years ago

      >fell afterwards
      It made $50 million short of $1 billion

  2. 2 years ago

    That's because the earlier Spider-Man movies, even the Andrew Garfield ones, were vastly more popular with normies than the X-Men were. The only people excited for Xavier were X-Men fandom, and most of them just because they thought it meant other characters would also show up, or they'd get their Chris Chan Dimensional Merge as a way of carrying the Fox X-Men cast over into the MCU.

    • 2 years ago

      >Andrew Garfield movie more popular than Fox-Men
      the other part of your post is correct, No Way Home gave closure to Maguire and Garfield's characters after their last movie was shit, but also opened the door for them to get a continuation after their characters got course corrected
      Patrick Stewart is an 81 year old man and both he and the rest of the Fox-Men people care about said they don't want to do more X-Men movies

      • 2 years ago

        The two Deadpool movies made more money than both of Garfield's Spider-Man movies, but of the 7 X-Men movies and 3 Wolverine movies, DoFP made more than ASM2, but less than ASM1, and none of the others even came close. Normies like Spider-Man more than they like X-Men. A lot more.

        • 2 years ago

          >whoah, spider-man is more popular than x-men?
          no shit sherlock? do you have numerous captain obvious awards or what homosexual?

    • 2 years ago

      >even the Andrew Garfield ones, were vastly more popular with normies than the X-Men were
      This revisionist history is really something else. I know you guys think Spider-Man is invincible but Amazing Spider-Man was tanking the brand hard. ASM2 only 200mil domestically. That's what sent Sony into a panic and had them start working with Marvel

      • 2 years ago

        It underperformed for a Spider-Man movie, yet it still absolutely mogged all but one of the X-Men series. Comics fans tend to vastly overestimate how popular X-Men is with the general public.

  3. 2 years ago

    >excited for MCUshit in 2022
    of course not

  4. 2 years ago

    >There was a lot more fanfare for No Way Home's Spider-Man cameo
    because people are stupid.
    Charles and the illuminati did more in the movie than being part of a cameo parade like in NWH. moronic fanboys just don't know how to appreciate what the characters say and only care how they exit.

  5. 2 years ago

    His chair looks too big.

    • 2 years ago

      AND yellow, I guess this is the end of the controversy

      • 2 years ago

        There never should have been a controversy in the first place.

    • 2 years ago

      For you.

      Yes, they were. Don't be stupid. He's like the most recognizable face of the X-Men outside of Wolverine in those old movies.

      Are we counting Deadpool?

  6. 2 years ago

    Yes, they were. Don't be stupid. He's like the most recognizable face of the X-Men outside of Wolverine in those old movies.

  7. 2 years ago

    my mother was because she has a boner for stewart (she even likes ST Picard only because hes in it). She was mad that he got fricked

  8. 2 years ago

    They gave him some stupid yellow vehicle instead of his wheel chair.

  9. 2 years ago

    They were excited at the idea like they were excited to see Luke Skywalker back in TLJ, and then when they found out why he was really there the second week dropped like a fricking rock.

    You can fool people to come in the door, but they're not going to keep coming back for more.

  10. 2 years ago

    I think people thought him and the others were going to play a much bigger role instead of a glorified cameo.

  11. 2 years ago

    There would be a lot more fanfare if it was the actual Professor X of the MCU, but it's just an multiverse cameo that meant nothing. It has no point if it's just an alternate universe version that has no impact on the MCU continuity and will never be mentioned again.

    • 2 years ago

      Not really, it was more of a "OH MAN IT HIM I REMEMBER GUY FROM OTHER THING" moment than genuine hype about his appearance meaning something more than what was intended. The YouTube clickbaiters wanted their theories validated, but ironically, it was Mr. Fantastic and Black Bolt that people took the most away from the Illuminati appearance, not Xavier.

      It's weird they made him the cartoon Xavier too.

      • 2 years ago

        They weren't even sure who they were pandering too at that point. FoX-Men Xavier didn't have a yellow floating pod, and people were fine with that.

  12. 2 years ago

    Not really, it was more of a "OH MAN IT HIM I REMEMBER GUY FROM OTHER THING" moment than genuine hype about his appearance meaning something more than what was intended. The YouTube clickbaiters wanted their theories validated, but ironically, it was Mr. Fantastic and Black Bolt that people took the most away from the Illuminati appearance, not Xavier.

  13. 2 years ago

    I'm still absolutely amazed they got away with adapting his death from Ultimatum, except with Wanda instead of Magneto and no one cares enough to call it out.

  14. 2 years ago

    A little bit?

  15. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago


  16. 2 years ago

    Professor X doing something other than sitting in a chair and jobbing to other psychic/powerful beings requires the alignment of the planets. Which is why I still love X-2

  17. 2 years ago

    Multiverse of Madness was put into a shitty position and marketing didn't help that. I think even Feige himself has said that. Putting a multiverse movie as the movie after No Way Home then focusing entirely on the Xavier cameo was stupid because it gave the audience, specifically casual audiences a really unrealistic expectation in terms of cameos. They were expecting Cameos: The Movie 2 thanks to the advertising and being the movie after NWH and what NWH delivered. When in reality, they spoiled their biggest cameo with Xavier in the trailer. He should have been the big secret.

    But then again, that Xavier cameo tease did give them a big boost in the first week, its just word of mouth that its not a cameofest then caused it to drop in other weeks.

  18. 2 years ago

    No what people were excited for was the idea that if they were willing to show Patrick Stewart in the trailer what other characters are they hiding? That's what lead to a lot of the disappointment

  19. 2 years ago

    imagine thinking Doctor Strange 2 is a flop.
    next you're gonna tell me RT scores matter.

    • 2 years ago

      Woke sjws and Disney employess bought this movie

      • 2 years ago

        Homie still on the gamer gate era culture war talking points.

  20. 2 years ago

    It was a mildly interesting novelty at best, mostly exciting for casual audiences who just recognized him from the Fox films and liked the idea of them being “validated” by the MCU. I will say that I do appreciate the MCU’s restraint in not ever trying to make pre MCU stuff like Rami Spidey feel more “complete” by being included. They allow those old continuities to stand on their own and treat them just as fun special guest appearances. That said I will admit to getting my heartstrings pulled on by the DoFP callback line. It was a nice touch that made me feel mildly connected to this Charles “variant” for a moment before surprisingly cruel death.

  21. 2 years ago

    Stewart is a geriatric that's been coasting on fanservice for a while now, the Picard show is absolute tripe.

  22. 2 years ago

    I don't know why they made him the X-Men TAS Xavier when Patrick Stewart didn't voice or play that Xavier. The only explanation is that Xavier was weak as frick and constantly got jobbed, but still, why cast Patrick Stewart and have him be the wrong Xavier? Cast someone else if that's what you want to do.

    • 2 years ago

      It was shitty fanservice that's why.

  23. 2 years ago

    The problem with MoM was that they spoiled the illuminati reveal.
    No way home did the smart thing by completely hiding the other two spider men from the trailers, so people were able to lose their shit when they appeared in the movie.

    Imagine how insane everyone would have acted once they heard Patrick Stewart's voice, not knowing he was going to be in the movie

    • 2 years ago

      Again, this is a massive overestimation of how many people in the audience would care about Professor X compared with how they would react for the previous Spider-Man actors.

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