Were So Fricking back: Did you catch the new Camp Camp episode?

I'm really happy the series is back. This was one of RT's last good series let's see how they frick it up, boys.

After watching it was fairly good weird how it felt like a typical short ep then went into a whole other plot. Also interesting if they are going to use camp ending as a way to age the characters up or maybe change them a bit. I don't care much for the new va for the black characters but it's RT what should we have expected. But hopefully nerris and max vas get better as the season goes on. If it wasn't for them saying Camp Camp was coming back I'd be worried this was the series finale. Overall a nice return to form still felt wholesome while being a cynical adult animation really hope they can keep this style and flow. Really even a twitter joke was done pretty well and not to bad i was worried at first but pretty funny overall.

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  1. 11 months ago

    pedo show

  2. 11 months ago

    The new VAs suck

    • 11 months ago

      yeah, like nerris who cares but why change Max our literal mc we have to hear that voice in almost every scene and ep.

      • 11 months ago

        Because Max is a POC and Michael Jones is not.
        That's all there is to it.

        • 11 months ago

          Ik but still moronic since he's the main character meaning we have to always hear him. But yeah dumbasses shit, also you'd think RT would have learned from all the constant cancellation that doing something like this doesn't help them out especially with how must bs they have behind the scenes

    • 11 months ago

      Should have at least saved it for next season/summer so they could just say the kids are growing up and changing. Would have been better to let the original VAs have their farewell in this special.

      • 11 months ago

        yeah true, i felt the same also Rt is so funny as they keep getting in trouble for secretly being a dumb asses and being hypercrites. They still try to score woke points by getting rid of white vas or maybe one of them got cancelled i just assume it's the whole only people of the right color can voice certain characters.

        same thing with dolf he should have got to stay the same at least until the next season. Really also why does dolf look like a frick boy now

    • 11 months ago

      >same thing that killed RvB is going to kill Camp Camp

      • 11 months ago

        Where were all the people whining about this when Preston's VA changed?

      • 11 months ago

        did changing the va kill RvB, I thought it was more not letting it end/adding tons of new bland characters.

        Where were all the people whining about this when Preston's VA changed?

        who? But nah eh I was never a preston fan anyway so who cares, but nerris and max are two off the faves one being the best boi/mc and the other being the cute dnd girl and hilarious schizo.

  3. 11 months ago

    Gwen's new VA actually made it easier to deal with the fact that she's leaving the camp lol

    • 11 months ago

      come on anon, she's definitely coming back a recurring theme is that she's a failure. That or she'll learn writers get paid shit unless you're at a super corporate high position. I'm sure she'll be back no reason to change the voice otherwise

      • 11 months ago

        Don't get me wrong, I can totally see Gwen coming back being par for the course for Camp Camp, but it definitely feels a little weird to think about it happening after the sense of "finality" this episode gave in terms of that character arc. I could picture Gwen coming back in a "lmao no one changed over the summer" kind of way just as much as I can imagine David getting a new co-counselor and Gwen popping up here and there outside of the camp's workforce. I just think it'd feel kind of cheap if Gwen were to come back after everything that happened this episode. It's just me, though. I can see where you're coming from!

        • 11 months ago

          to be fair it felt pretty final which is weird because we know we're getting a new season. this feels like it should be the end of the new season not the start but maybe they'll age them up idk. But I def understand your feelings anon, but cheap is Rt's middle name kek

          I kind of do and don't want a new co counselor, but i love gwen so much she such a fun character I'm worried who'd replace her and how. I do have fears because they've already started to change stuff like my boy dolf why he was perfect. But hey as long as we get the main 3 it's fine god i hope they don't pull a new cast or new kids thing that's always how RT ruins their series like RvB. But I have my fingers crossed for makki content

  4. 11 months ago

    what's the opinion on the new dolf design

  5. 11 months ago

    I'm seeing a lot of people pessimistic that they'll replace a good majority of the cast which I just don't see happening. Over the course of the series so far, we've seen a lot of kids come to really enjoy their time at Camp Campbell, as well as each other's company, it's not that much of a stretch to think they'd want to come back the next year.

    • 11 months ago

      yeah, i guess we just know how RT is and how much they can somehow figure out how to ruin a good thing. They are the types to reinvent the wheel then do it again and again until all that's left is a broken and violated pebble of once was a efficient great stone. Either way yeah seems the set up was them all coming back i just don't want them to pull a RVB and bring in new lame and annoying main cast. Just keep it the camp kids and maybe bring in new antagonist or side character but keep the camp the current size.

      but you are right we've got to keep hope, like hoping the new vas get better and aren't so apparent and abrasive to hear.

  6. 11 months ago

    I missed these guys

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