westerns were just capeshit for boomers, but yall aint ready for that conversation

westerns were just capeshit for boomers, but y’all ain’t ready for that conversation

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  1. 7 months ago

    At least i can be a madlad cowboy shooting off everyones balls

  2. 7 months ago

    Westerns are not facist propaganda like capeshit tho.

    • 7 months ago

      how are they not? Westerns have all the same themes, plot points, characters and ideals that superhero movies do

  3. 7 months ago

    except capeshit at least tries to stimulate and excite the viewer rather than just pan across boring deserts

    • 7 months ago

      You were watching Adam Curtis, dumbass.

  4. 7 months ago

    I've been saying that for years

  5. 7 months ago

    >westerns were just capeshit for boomers, but y’all ain’t ready for that conversation
    There is some truth to this, I can only think of ten good westerns the rest are pretty meh.

  6. 7 months ago

    The best westerns were made by actual people with genuine creative ambition and not just corporate puppets. I feel like that’s a pretty substantial difference.

    • 7 months ago

      You can say the same thing about superhero movies

      • 7 months ago

        True but no superhero film is as good as Once Upon a Time in the West or TGTBATU

  7. 7 months ago

    This just "I hate the popular thing" dressed up in redditspeak

  8. 7 months ago

    The problem with capeshit is not that it is cape, it's that it is shit. Most films are shit and always have been. But now there is nothing but shit. So where once you could enjoy a few good films and contrast them with the shit surrounding them, now we are adrift in a sea of shit, overwhelmed by shit waves and drawn ever further from the shores of kino by a relentless tide of shit, and soon all the world of film will be dragged into the charibdishit from which no kino can escape and things once kino and pleasing to the eye will perish from the world and be no more

  9. 7 months ago

    Its a sovl vs no sovl discussion. If you dont get it youre not equipped to feel art anyways. Might as well watch young sheldon and copy numbers into excel all day you goddamn bug

  10. 7 months ago

    Hi! It seems you're trying to bait. Can you try it again without using Black person zoomerspeak?

  11. 7 months ago


  12. 7 months ago

    Not really. Why do people watch a capeshit film?
    >Simple black-and-white morality tales (these are the superheroes, those are the super-villains, they punch each other!)
    >To watch flashy magical special effects and CGI
    >To see familiar characters they've seen before in interesting settings
    >To see intentionally simple "good beats evil" tales where you know they're never gonna kill the lead

    When you say
    >westerns were just capeshit for boomers
    This is at best only partially true, because the analogy only works if you're talking about old 1940s-70s John Wayne old-style western tales, which indeed are max-level boomerslop. Most modern peopletalking about westerns though typically mean the spaghetti westerns, and those are the anti-thesis of most capeshit

    Everything is gray on gray and the protagonists are just the focus, not moral authorities, most effects are practical, most of the practical effects intentionally aren't that flashy, and the high point might be "some barrels roll down and hit someone", or "someone does some fancy shooting" or "a keg of powder explodes". Most of the characters are complete unknowns to the audience, and stories are usually multi-layered and stressful as westerns are strongly ambivalent about their leads making it out alive and relish in the stress this creates. Spaghetti westerns are almost optimally designed to filter cape-tards

    • 7 months ago

      You literally just described westerns, except replace magic powers and shit with guns

      The problem with capeshit is not that it is cape, it's that it is shit. Most films are shit and always have been. But now there is nothing but shit. So where once you could enjoy a few good films and contrast them with the shit surrounding them, now we are adrift in a sea of shit, overwhelmed by shit waves and drawn ever further from the shores of kino by a relentless tide of shit, and soon all the world of film will be dragged into the charibdishit from which no kino can escape and things once kino and pleasing to the eye will perish from the world and be no more

      Hate to break it to you zoomer, but 90% of westerns are also shit.

      • 7 months ago

        I would dare you to respond to

        Not really. Why do people watch a capeshit film?
        >Simple black-and-white morality tales (these are the superheroes, those are the super-villains, they punch each other!)
        >To watch flashy magical special effects and CGI
        >To see familiar characters they've seen before in interesting settings
        >To see intentionally simple "good beats evil" tales where you know they're never gonna kill the lead

        When you say
        >westerns were just capeshit for boomers
        This is at best only partially true, because the analogy only works if you're talking about old 1940s-70s John Wayne old-style western tales, which indeed are max-level boomerslop. Most modern peopletalking about westerns though typically mean the spaghetti westerns, and those are the anti-thesis of most capeshit

        Everything is gray on gray and the protagonists are just the focus, not moral authorities, most effects are practical, most of the practical effects intentionally aren't that flashy, and the high point might be "some barrels roll down and hit someone", or "someone does some fancy shooting" or "a keg of powder explodes". Most of the characters are complete unknowns to the audience, and stories are usually multi-layered and stressful as westerns are strongly ambivalent about their leads making it out alive and relish in the stress this creates. Spaghetti westerns are almost optimally designed to filter cape-tards

        line by line but i know you didn’t because you literally can’t.

        • 7 months ago

          >You literally just described westerns, except replace magic powers and shit with guns
          "Didn't read the post"-moron alert, because I gave specific examples of key ways in which the way spaghetti westerns violate the typical audience desires of capeshit enjoyers.

          > most films are shit and always have been
          skimming text for keywords instead of actually reading is a telltale sign of zoomerism

          lmao at all these boomers trying to cope with the fact that their precious westerns are the equivalent of modern capeslop

      • 7 months ago

        >You literally just described westerns, except replace magic powers and shit with guns
        "Didn't read the post"-moron alert, because I gave specific examples of key ways in which the way spaghetti westerns violate the typical audience desires of capeshit enjoyers.

      • 7 months ago

        > most films are shit and always have been
        skimming text for keywords instead of actually reading is a telltale sign of zoomerism

    • 7 months ago

      >This is at best only partially true, because the analogy only works if you're talking about old 1940s-70s John Wayne old-style western tales, which indeed are max-level boomerslop. Most modern peopletalking about westerns though typically mean the spaghetti westerns, and those are the anti-thesis of most capeshit
      Horseshit. How are The Man with No Name, Django, Sabata, or Trinity any different than comic book characters?

      • 7 months ago

        Has to be separated out from the others Remember, Django is not a spaghetti western, that's a 2012 neo-Western. Neo-Westerns do sometimes have characters that are presented as essentially or quite literally superheroes, blending western sensibilities with superheroically portrayed characters. Two that immediately come to mind include 2007's No Country for Old Men's Chigurh, 2017's Logan, and 2019's Breaking Bad: El Camino. This is a modern development and mostly is its own developing self-contained genre which Cinemaphile's actually quite fond of, but I don't think it's what most people mean when you talk about a western movie.

        >How are The Man with No Name, Sabata, or Trinity not comic book characters
        Just presenting characters whom are good at something, typically "shooting", do not a superhero or comic book character make, you probably wouldn't call the Dread Pirate Roberts from Princess Bride a "superhero" just because he's a master swordsman in the story he's in. Why? Because none of the other genre trappings of superhero work are present.

        Similarly spaghetti westerns lack those comic trappings. Typical superheroes are enthusiastically good, most of those characters are either sympathetic villains or at best anti-heroes who the story isn't morally endorsing. Non-practical special effects are heavily, HEAVILY downplayed and de-emphasized, even relative to what was capable at the time, whereas in capeshit and comics, you're watching to watch someone with literal magic powers do exciting, impossible things with flashy effects and CGI. SWestern characters are portrayed as unique to the film they're in, even if leads are re-used between films (EG Van Cleef will show up in both Sabata and GoodBadUgly, or Eastwood in Fistful of Dollars vs. GoodBadUgly, but they're not really meant to be assumed to be the literal same character, instead of just that "it's the same guy in two western films"), meaning they can be killed with impunity, and they often are.

        • 7 months ago

          >Remember, Django is not a spaghetti western
          >he doesn't know
          Django used to be played by a white italian dude, Tarantino didn't invent the character

          • 7 months ago

            As in talking hyper-specifically about the film "Django unchained'. I'm aware Django is a multi-film character with a number of spaghetti western entries. That's not the genre of work being done in Tarantino's movie.

  13. 7 months ago

    To make an Atlas shrugged sized story short: Pretty much.

  14. 7 months ago

    y'all.. stopped reading there mate. Have a good one.

  15. 7 months ago

    the whole wild west setting?abit of history with some hollywood adjustments for the movie) actual stories about outlaws/lawmen how lawless it was. civil war tribal affairs... i can think of plenty of reasons to watch a western a green le science project get angry or a hammer thunder god saving the world is just boring and empty unless im bored.. and there are exeptions to that too deadpool aint bad end of the day if its kino to you its kino.

  16. 7 months ago

    Where's the 25 movie planned sequence where they're collecting a McGuffin item for a teased big bad villain that will only appear in full 7 years later and the big battle is a CGI/special effect dominated fest? I haven't seen that many Westerns do that. Even the poverty row studios could churn out westerns, but only the richest studios can turn out capeshit

  17. 7 months ago

    capeshit has lame heroes in stupid outfits with asspull superpowers used to manufacture drama or resolve things via deus ex machina
    westerns have manly frontiersmen based in reality with only their guns and wit to drive the story, even if it's paper thin

  18. 7 months ago


  19. 7 months ago

    Same with story with most godzilla movies.

    Leone/spaghetti westerns are undeniably kino and nothing like capeshit (as evidenced by them being the only westerns people still give a shit about)

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