What African American will represent Primarch Vulkan on the Amazon 40k series?

What African American will represent Primarch Vulkan on the Amazon 40k series?

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 12 months ago

    >WokeHammer 40K
    Frick you Wuzards of the Coast, is there nothing sacred??

    • 12 months ago

      >Frick you Wuzards of the Coast, is there nothing sacred??
      Go read any of the 40k novels of ladt couple of years. They are no joke, literalky filled with Black folk, lesbiass, gays, strongwaman and general wokeness.
      Truly a grimdark future.

      • 12 months ago

        GW isn't very good at hamfisting in woke shit
        They tried to retcon in the emperor having a stonk black wife and mother of primarchs who did everything while big E took the credit, but they dident really think it though and it came off as her having been responsible for more death and destruction then erebus and its her fault for everything. After GW realized this mistake they had implied erebus kill her off screen in the very next book and she was immediately reconned into the dumpster

  2. 12 months ago

    hes not black though

    • 12 months ago

      Doesn't matter and you know it.

    • 12 months ago

      >thinks WHITE man will paint their faces black on an amazon studios show
      anon, I...

      • 12 months ago

        And do what, kill the game that started the company on the road to success? Make them pump out shitty fanfics in limited edition hardbacks with collectible coins and bookmarks buy now buy now buy now? Insist they bring back Primarchs and turn the current main IP into a saturday morning cartoon where their "main characters" fight each other every week and one or the other slinks away shaking their fist and exclaiming "Curses! I'll get you next time, Enemy from Opposing Faction!"? Publish rules that are terrible even by their own shitty standards? Construct their entire marketing apparatus around FOMO? Demand they become butthole-baring cucks for lefty culture warriors?

        There's nothing Amazon can do to GW that they haven't already done to themselves except maybe force them to do transfemme lady marines or whatever and let's be real, it's only a matter of years until anyone with the sack to keep saying No to that demand from the wokoids both outside and inside the company have retired anyway.

        • 12 months ago

          Theres not even a deal yet. It's doubtful there will be one. GW won't relinquish the creative control Amazon wants.

        • 12 months ago

          Didn’t a black guy just paint his army as black dudes in the early days before the lore was solidified and GW went with it? I could’ve sworn I saw someone talk about it on /tg/, and posted the accompanying pictures of the army and the guy from white dwarf. Obviously they take inspiration from the color of fire salamanders as well, but I could’ve sworn I saw the pictures of the black guy and his army.

          • 12 months ago

            In lore something went bunk with the salamanders gene seed sometime around 5th edition that caused their funky pigment gland to be switched on at all times and turn them charcoal black and make their eyes red. Before that they were "normal" meaning their tone could switch depending on radiation levels. Idk about when they made Vulkan black.

            • 12 months ago

              Honestly idc if they have ethnic african space marines, but to make it match lore you’d have to still make them mutants that start to resemble their primarch.
              Say you took a black kid and make him an ultrasmurf, he’d have much lighter skin and hair after the transformation and start to resemble guilliman, just being a mix of RG and his former self.

              • 12 months ago

                Yeah. It would be fricking hilarious if they had ethnic black actors in digital Whiteface while on uktramar, then they go fight on like a desert world and everyine turns nubian in tone. I'm all for it. Embrace the wild SM monster man shit. Have them eat a local human to figure out the lay of the land.

              • 12 months ago

                SM2 has an ultraBlack person and he's just a coal black Black person

              • 12 months ago

                Post the one that says there are no (none) heros in the setting. I'd like to get angry again

          • 12 months ago


            • 12 months ago

              Do you have the story or the white dwarf story saved? I remember their was an article that showed a picture of the guy and his army

        • 12 months ago

          GW have been able to resist the full force of the pozzed police because they are not listed on any U.S. stock exchange (they are listed on some third world U.K. exchange) so they have remained under the radar of ESG and ((them)).

          If they ever give in to a massive payday and somebody like Amazon, or Disney or Netflix buys them it's over. You can could literally stick a fork in the whole thing.

          • 12 months ago

            If amazon wanted them badly enough they could buy GW out for less than the cost of one Lord of the Rings episode.

            • 12 months ago

              Yeah but I think George Lucas was a cautionary tale for them. Like literally seeing your life's work burned to the ground in real time. No amount of money is worth that if you are already rich enough to live comfortably and you are not looking to rule the actual RL universe Bezos style.

          • 12 months ago

            Basically the only people that could actually give GW a proper offer would be a chinese injection molding company since they're the ones that could actually fix GWs production volume issues which are what's actually holding them back as a company right now. People want to buy warhammer stuff, but its too expensive and annoying to get a hold off. If they could increase volume they can cut down price and increase their margins.

            • 12 months ago

              >People want to buy warhammer stuff, but its too expensive and annoying to get a hold off.

              People want things (collectibles, game skins) because of scarcity. That's literally how it works. If you flood the market and anybody can get it, it loses its value.

              They cannot make massive $$$$$$ from massively producing more collectibles. If they want massive dollars it has to be done though other means like games, movies, tv shows, a universal studios ride or something like that.

            • 12 months ago

              They'd paradoxically die as a company because chang plastic companies regularly just sell old or damaged dies to whoever they want and then in a couple years the market is flooded with "official bootlegs". The dishonesty and abject lack of I.P. security in their market his a major liability for smaller companies like GW. Their current business model can't survive $25 dollar 500 point armies.

            • 12 months ago

              >they could make cheaper shit and grow but they don’t
              >this is a bad thing
              I’ll gladly pay the extra to have things manufactured in the west. The real thing that’s inflating GWs prices is running all the irl stores. If you can’t afford 100$ for something that’s gonna take 10 hours of painting then maybe the hobby just isn’t for you. Acquiring more minis is not the bottleneck as everyone has a “pile of shame”. It’s a diy hobby, not a “buy and collect all 150 funko pops!” Hobby

            • 12 months ago

              >Games Workshop
              >cut down on price

          • 12 months ago

            Imagine thinking GW isn’t pozzed. You truly live in a fantasy world

            • 12 months ago


              I have read more 40k books than I can possibly count and I cannot recall any of those stories being about gay sex or virtue signal race relations.

              • 12 months ago

                wherever there's room there will be a strong female character or gay couple

              • 12 months ago

                Didn’t they retcon the person who was behind the Primarch project to be a woman? Sounds pretty pozzed bro

              • 12 months ago

                >Like even the word "astartes" turned out to be another example of the ultimate exact opposite of what you wanted irony. The original woman biogeneticist named Astartes tried to blow up and destroy the entire space marine project because she know they were all tainted with chaos because the original Primarch gene seeds were all tainted with chaos. She desperately wanted the whole thing destroyed and burned to the ground and tried her hardest to do it. But of course the Emperor was too smart for that and had triple redundant backups of all the samples and Astartes blowing up the space marine bio-factory did nothing. And as a final FRICK YOU to Astartes the Emperor named the entire program after her for all time.

                what you call "pozzed" I call "based"

        • 12 months ago

          How would making Vulkan black kill the franchise?

          • 12 months ago

            not dark enought

          • 12 months ago

            Vulkan would legitimately have to be onyx black. And have flaming red eyes.

        • 12 months ago

          I can almost smell the cheeto dust emanating from your post

    • 12 months ago

      In the audiobooks he has the deepest darkest most african voice imaginable. He's black.

      • 12 months ago

        >listening to a single Salamanders audiobook

        yikes dude

        • 12 months ago

          Vulkan goes toe to toe more than once with Magnus in the Siege of Terra series. The Fury of Magnus and Echoes of Eternity specifically.

          Both are kino AF.

    • 12 months ago

      >emp created 12 sons and not a single one of them was black
      He even had a token Asian. What did the master of mankind mean by this?

    • 12 months ago

      He's black alright, blacker than the ace of spades as my marine buddy says. Pitch black with glowing red eyes, so Idris Elba

      • 12 months ago

        His eyes are red because of all the pot. It's Snoop Dogg or no-one.

    • 12 months ago

      the will find the most subsaharan subsaharan that ever subsahared

  3. 12 months ago

    Idris Elba

    • 12 months ago

      This but unitonically, all space marines should be british

      • 12 months ago

        no Black person is british

  4. 12 months ago

    could have had a cast 40k thread but you put a polbait thing

    • 12 months ago

      40k is /misc/bait tbh even though the Imperium isnt nearly as xenophobic as secondaries think

      • 12 months ago

        It is 100% xenophobic. Only to species other than humans. They're cool with ethnicities of all kind.

        • 12 months ago

          >It is 100% xenophobic.
          >Supreme Commander of the Imperium has a harem of eldar women
          literally wrong

          • 12 months ago

            Different levels of xenophobia. Try and get a black templar to do it. Either way, their goal is emperium first.

  5. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      The actor will most likely be African American, maybe British.

      • 12 months ago

        i hate black """british""" larpers so much

      • 12 months ago

        I don't want to see Americans in anything 40k-related. They instinctively infest anything they touch with identity politics, bathos and other awful fricking burger shit.

        • 12 months ago

          Most of the culture you consume is American you clown. You’re on Cinemaphile.

        • 12 months ago

          >I don't want to see Americans in anything 40k-related. They instinctively infest anything they touch with identity politics,

          On behalf of all us Americans I offer my deepest and most sincere apologies. It's embarrassing how creatively bankrupt we have become after being the most based in the world for the longest time.

          • 12 months ago

            This is so cringe and Reddit tier it’s embarrassing of yourself ASAP

            • 12 months ago

              It's getting late. Don't you have some grooming to do or some butt lube to buy?

              • 12 months ago

                >gets called out
                >immediately starts thinking about anal sex
                Are you alright anon?

              • 12 months ago

                You think lefties are the only ones on Reddit? They’re the majority that’s true, but there are also plenty of cucked defeatist people who act the opposite. There’s an “anti-X” subreddit for every main one.
                >le society is so ruined from republicans
                >heh, look at these gays, le society is so ruined from wokeism, but I could never say that in the other sub because they’d give me imaginary bad-boy points, so I’m posting here where everyone gives me imaginary good-boy points.

              • 12 months ago

                Have they fixed their board yet? I want them to go back.

              • 12 months ago

                I have no idea, I heard about the “protest” or whatever it’s called from a guy I work with and it was surprising in that I didn’t think my opinion of the place could get any lower, yet it somehow had.

            • 12 months ago

              Reddit is better than this website by miles.

              The upvote system lets you see the best content first and filters out the rest.

              Plus Reddit lets you sort comments by popularity, that way I'm always guaranteed to see nothing but the best content, as chosen by the community.

              Here's it's just "first come first serve" like some disgusting rural cafeteria. I want my web content catered and curated, thank you very much.

              Cinemaphile is just an endless stream of shit by comparison.

              You probably all come here because you're failed Redditors who couldn't get any upvotes with their r*cist trash content.

              As we speak I have 3 different Reddit threads on the front page of their respective boards, bringing me many thousands of upvotes each hour.

              Feels good to be a successful Redditor and not an outcast like you bunch of chuds.

          • 12 months ago

            >It's embarrassing how creatively bankrupt we have become
            You do realize that 40k aped a shit load of Dune lore, don’t you?

            • 12 months ago

              Well considering Dune just abandoned 99% of their lore for the current movies i guess at least someone is using it.

              • 12 months ago

                What did they abandon?

            • 12 months ago

              40K ripped a lot from a tons of places, it’s genre fiction.

              • 12 months ago

                There’s nothing wrong with ripping stuff, the post seemed to infer that 40k was completely original though

              • 12 months ago

                I'm the one that apologized for American media no longer being based when we used to be the most based on the planet. Star Wars,Star Trek, Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Alien, Predator....all American, all based. Now everything we put out is centered around identity politics. There are no other stories being told and it sucks massive ass.

    • 12 months ago

      there's a person who does fan audio dramas but the cast are americans such a shame

      • 12 months ago

        A lot of content creators and current official 40k youtube videos use the the TURBO CRINGE gravel voice for space marines when they don't talk like that at all. Just use your regular voice when reading dialogue f.f.s.

        Also a lot of current era official 40k cgi sucks ass. It's all shaky cam like it was made by someone with tourettes syndrome holding a camera in a fricking earthquake.

        A lot of their new audiobooks are still kino though so at least theirs that.

        • 12 months ago

          You're thinking parkinsons.

          • 12 months ago

            yeah my bad.

      • 12 months ago

        I don't want to see Americans in anything 40k-related. They instinctively infest anything they touch with identity politics, bathos and other awful fricking burger shit.

        Yeah for space marines but regiments like the Catachan should definitely be American as they’re basically 80’s American action movies in the 40k universe

  6. 12 months ago

    >Astartes Legion's geneseed flaw is....that their skin turns black

    How did GW get away with this?

  7. 12 months ago

    nice try

  8. 12 months ago

    Only guy i can think. But he is kinda old

    • 12 months ago

      I want more African gentlemen with the Nubian phenotype this guy has in Hollywood and less ugly nogs.

    • 12 months ago

      I want more African gentlemen with the Nubian phenotype this guy has in Hollywood and less ugly nogs.

      Lance Reddick would have been a kino Astartes, why'd he have to die man

  9. 12 months ago

    Cast them.

    (Keep in mind, that according to current Hollywood rules, at least 50% must be black, 50% female, 30% homosexual and 20% muslim.)

    • 12 months ago

      >only 50%
      Those are current Hollywood rules, we're looking into the future.

    • 12 months ago

      The Lion, Rogal and Magnus, would be black for starters.

      • 12 months ago

        >black rogal dorn

        • 12 months ago

          Well, he is by far the most moronic primarch.

          • 12 months ago

            Who is more autistic Dorn or Perty?

          • 12 months ago

            >Most moronic Primarch.

            Ferrus Manus. Easily and no contest.

        • 12 months ago

          >Why is half of the primarch turning traitor? We were under expressed orders not to turn traitor.

    • 12 months ago

      >emperor and lion look the most alike

    • 12 months ago

      10-15 years ago, I could have seen Stephen Lang as Dorn, Kevin McKidd as Guilliman and Chris Hemsworth as Lion.

  10. 12 months ago

    Danny Devito

    • 12 months ago

      DeVito is a shoe in for Erebus.

      • 12 months ago

        Makes sense when you think about it. He was already an adult and couldn't have gotten the full space marine treatment and almost by definition has to be a manlet by comparasion to space marines. Same with Luthor.

  11. 12 months ago

    It should have been Lance Reddick. Theres nobody left in the business who can snap between compassionate and thoughtful and vibratig apex rapist anger like he could. Could have been Reddick, Michael Clark Duncan, or Tom Lister Jr. But they're all frickin dead. I'd say Keith David but he'd honestly be better cast as someone like Ferrus or Mortarion.

  12. 12 months ago

    they would definitely hire some awful roid Black person like Yahya Abdul-Mateen

  13. 12 months ago

    We are the Dyke Marines!

  14. 12 months ago

    So people paid for wh+ and then workshop is like new show's on amazon...?

  15. 12 months ago

    Chris tucker

  16. 12 months ago

    Isn't the Emperor from the middle east? If you guys are serious about casting correct races then shouldn't the primarchs be played by middle easterners?

    • 12 months ago

      He’s from Anatolia. He’s not Arab. And besides that there’s tons of differences between the primarchs and space marines aren’t clones. They’re taken as children and then implanted with a gene seed that changes their characteristics to more closely match the primarch. That’s why so many blood angels are blonde, but there are some with darker hair. Say you’re a child with genetics for particularly dark hair, it may not be completely overridden by the gene seed.

      Really it’s all downhill from the fact it’s easier to make a unit all look the same or similar when you’re sculpting and painting, but that’s besides the point. This is also why female space marines make no sense, a woman given gene seed would just end up being a deformed hermaphrodite.

      • 12 months ago

        Makes sense for the marines, since they could be from any race and then implanted, but I thought primarchs were straight clones.

        • 12 months ago

          no, they're some kind of chaos space demons stuffed into genetically engineered human baby bodies

          • 12 months ago

            Neat, that's actually kind of cool.

          • 12 months ago

            >no, they're some kind of chaos space demons stuffed into genetically engineered human baby bodies

            I don't think he went that far. He just used chaos energy to give them all a stat boost because he couldn't figure out a way to do it any other way.

            • 12 months ago

              He clearly went that far wth Magnus. No way that guy isn't just a daemon the Emperor gaslit into thinking he was a real boy.

              • 12 months ago

                Maybe a couple extra chomosomes of demon juice in the test tube for Magnus.

        • 12 months ago

          The primarchs are clones but the emperor engineered them to have different traits. Then they all got slurped through the warp by the Chaos gods which had further effects on them genetically and mentally. Finally each wound up on a different world which colored their worldview pretty heavily. So they all wound up quite different from one another.

          • 12 months ago

            >the emperor engineered most his primarchs to be morons
            nah, if he actually designed them he'd have made a full set of girlymans

            • 12 months ago

              I think that comes down to their upbringing and eventual first encounter with the emperor. If you swapped Gulliman and Aangrons homeworlds theyd both be totally different characters.

              • 12 months ago

                It’s kind of a nature vs nurture argument. Angron was designed to be the most empathetic and kind primarch but ended up insane being exposed to the worst of mankind from day1 and the eventual implant. He got the worst start according to his gifts. What might have been an advantage for one primarch becomes a detriment for another. It’s possible a different primarch ends up as an evil tyrant if they had grown up Baal, but for sanguinius is worked out

        • 12 months ago

          They’re not just emperor clones. The Emp was their genetic father, but he also fricked with them a bit. Plus they all have a touch of warp frickery from them being sent around the universe as babies, thus sanguinius having wings.

          It’s also implied what makes a primarch special is not just their genetics.. but the emp built or stole the “souls” that went into them. So a primarch is half genetically engineered super soldier and half super powerful warp entity.

        • 12 months ago

          Neat, that's actually kind of cool.

          pretty sure they retconned all of that, Primarchs are just the Emperor + another Perpetual woman. Not even clones anymore, just straight up babies


          • 12 months ago

            FRICK Erda. and not in the good way.

            • 12 months ago

              Erebus did one good thing. Shanking Erda with an anathema blade.

              • 12 months ago

                Getting rid of your one bodyguard was a decision she would probably take back in hindsight.

              • 12 months ago

                Erebus would have crushed LE-2

              • 12 months ago

                sure 1v1. But just his presencne alone would probably have given her enough of an edge to hold her own .

        • 12 months ago

          They have some of the emperors DNA in them but the Emperor really is just a normal man that happens to be an immortal wizard. Everytime someone sees him while he's busy doing something important like fighting daemons using his mind powers and the person is near a null, all they see is an old dude basically just going

          The primarchs meanwhile are straight up +9 foot tall superhuman demigods he crafted with select genetics from various ethnic groups, great men, animals, cool new shit he invented while making the custodes, and some warp sorcery shit he learned by bargaining with the chaos gods. Leman Russ and his space marines having wolf-like traits for example isn't just some odd quirk from their home planet, they all have wolf DNA in them and some of them basically turn into wolfmen when the geneseed implant mutates improperly.

          • 12 months ago

            >Leman Russ and his space marines having wolf-like traits for example

            I find this kind of cringe and why I could never really get into the Space Wolves. It way too on the nose for me.

            • 12 months ago

              nah wolves are super cool and awesome and not overdone at all

          • 12 months ago

            sounds ethically dubious

            • 12 months ago

              Nothing mankind does for the sake of mankind is wrong. The galaxy is ours because we say so.

          • 12 months ago

            Nah, the dude is 45,000 years old. He's probably done some roids and is jacked underneath all his mental illlusions. Even though he has the astral spirit of an old man.

  17. 12 months ago

    And what Asian American will represent Primarch Jaghatai Khan?

    • 12 months ago

      Marc Dacascos.

    • 12 months ago

      Keanu Reeves

    • 12 months ago

      Marc Dacascos.

      Keanu Reeves

      Dean cain

  18. 12 months ago

    >unending arguments about if salamanders are supposed to be african americans or not
    >literally no one cares the White Scars are all chinese
    why though?

    • 12 months ago

      because the salamanders obviously were never "african americans". they were white guys whose skin turned charcoal black because of the geneseed.
      it's not whether or not they're black. it's the really, really obvious lying.

    • 12 months ago

      They're Mongolian

    • 12 months ago

      Black folk are disgusting, Chinese marginally less so

    • 12 months ago

      They're Mongolian

      White Scars all talk like ken Watanebe from Godzilla

  19. 12 months ago

    >African American
    We're going for real Africans, not plastic ones.

  20. 12 months ago

    Do Somali's or Nigerians born in the USA call themselves "African-Americans" or do they call themselves Somali-American and Nigerian-Americans because they actually know where they came from?

  21. 12 months ago


  22. 12 months ago

    I think Tom Cruise would be perfect for it

    • 12 months ago

      I have always pictured Tom Cruise as Eisenhorn and Jared Leto as Revanor. Like Revanor was supposed to be ridiculously good looking before he got turned into an egg sandwich. But his astral projection form still projects his old undamaged self.

  23. 12 months ago

    Salamanders are not africans.
    If you want africans there's the celestial lions.

    • 12 months ago

      >Salamanders are not africans.

      Correct. They're space africans.

  24. 12 months ago

    Samuel L Jackson

  25. 12 months ago

    Racism, sexism, religious/culture wars are all a spook, we need to unify as a civilization and be speciesists. Frick aliens

    • 12 months ago

      cool story agent blue beam

      • 12 months ago

        election tourist

    • 12 months ago

      let's start with dissolving judaism and israel first

      • 12 months ago

        yes then next is wherever youre from

        • 12 months ago

          then stop talking like a israeli communist that "equalizes" your culture but somehow never gets around to "equalizing" his own culture

          • 12 months ago

            No Ill even equalize my own culture first to let you know how serious I am

  26. 12 months ago

    There is only one man.

  27. 12 months ago

    Fathet from Raised By Wolves. Clearly.

  28. 12 months ago

    Robert Downey Jr.

  29. 12 months ago

    I really dont get the seethe, for me it makes perfect sense to have the primarchs be ethnically diverse, since they were supposed to be champions of humanity as a whole. Most of them are white, sure, but losing your shit if they arent all like that is just really silly to me, especially because I always thought the emperor himself looked like a pale native american

    • 12 months ago

      >I really dont get the seethe, for me it makes perfect sense to have the primarchs be ethnically diverse

      This. The xenophobia is against aliens for bullying and fricking humanity in the ass when humanities chips were down. Emp is literally cool and down with all races of humanity. That's kind of the point. Its racism extrapolated to aliens. Not humanity.

      • 12 months ago

        >Emp is literally cool and down with all races of humanity. That's kind of the point. Its racism extrapolated to aliens. Not humanity.
        This is what those who don't know much about 40k don't understand. Precisely one thing mattered to the Emperor - that humanity he found among the stars joined the Imperium of Mankind, willingly or otherwise. It's humanity vs everyone else. Your skin color or slanted eyes really don't factor in.

      • 12 months ago

        >Emp is literally cool and down with all races of humanity
        Except mutants, I guess (and except except Navigators)

        • 12 months ago

          Because mutants represent a deviation from humanity. Votann don’t even see a difference between their flesh dwarves and robot dwarves because both were built by the machine core.
          Are a tricky one because clearly the emperor wanted humans to have their psychic awakening, but my guess is he knew about the collapse of the Eldar and didn’t want it to happen until humans were strong enough to influence the warp themselves instead of the ruinous powers controlling them.

          • 12 months ago

            >psykers are a tricky one because clearly the emperor wanted humans to have their psychic awakening, but my guess is he knew about the collapse of the Eldar and didn’t want it to happen until humans were strong enough to influence the warp themselves instead of the ruinous powers controlling them.

            He didn't want humanity screwing around with psychic energy at all because he saw what happened with all the human psykers during the collapse of humanity just prior to the age of strife. He knew how ridiculously dangerous and dark side seductive it was which is why he forbade warp sorcery in the imperium.

            But then then he straight up did a Wrath of Kahn proto matter and used warp sorcery as a shortcut to give his own sons superpowers.

            So that left him between a rock and a hard place. Like if he told his sons about the warp he would have to explain the insanely evil nature of it and why its so dangerous and not to be fricked with. But then at the same time he might have to explain how they were made from the very same thing.

            So he compromised and lied and told them the warp gods and demons straight up didn't exist. Hoping they would never look into it. But the Word Bearers found out and told Horus and then Horus lost his shit and turned on the Emperor for lying.

            • 12 months ago

              You’re misinterpreting the situation I think.
              >not telling your 5 year old about sex means you think sex is evil and never want them to do it
              The emperor foresaw humanities psychic awakening and eventual collapse like the Eldar. It was bound to happen eventually, he just forbade it for the time being because he didn’t think they were ready.

              • 12 months ago

                Sex isnt evil. The warp is literally where evil lives. Chaos warp energy is like the dark side of the force to where just dabbling in it is enough to send you down the path to ruin. He knew if they found about about chaos and no matter how much he warned them not to frick with it at least some of them would dabble in it out of sheer curiosity. Then for them it would be over.

                Like the Emperor is literally an "the ends justify the means" type of guy. So he created his sons as living weapons because he needed them to conquer the galaxy. But then Horus found out about the Thunder Warriors and figured the Emperor would eventually do the same thing to them all as he did with the Thunder Warriors. Especially since deep down they are all tainted with the warp. Which could very well be true but no one will ever be able to truly know whether the Emperor would have shitcanned them all and had them all hunted down and killed or not. But Horus did have a point in everything which is the irony of the whole H.H.

                But Horus was in his own rock and a hard place. Because objectively he was in the right and the good guy. But he fricked up by using chaos warp powers to boost his abilities and had his soul completely destroyed and corrupted, but without those same stat boosting chaos powers he would have had ZERO chance against the Emperor in the first place.

              • 12 months ago

                The warp is only evil because it’s chaotic power, so it’s ruled by chaotic powers. Presumably a powerful enough person could use the warp for good, as long as they have the will not to fall to temptation and desire.

                There are exact quotes in earlier editions that the emperor “must sit on his throne and hold back chaos until humanity achieves its psychic awakening”.

                In the last edition when the great rift happened every faction got a buff to psychic power, even the good guys. The emperor is most likely trying to model their society closer to the eldar who use the warp to make their own gods that help them instead of just creating another “she who thirsts” by using the power for decadence.

        • 12 months ago

          1. Mutants with minor aberrations are allowed, they're just mostly shunned by the community like a real child born with birth defects
          2. Psykers are all metaphorical, and sometimes literal, walking nuclear bombs. A single psyker who can't comprehend their powers or a daemon/enslaver takes notice of can and will bring a whole world down

          • 12 months ago

            Name one mutant character that is "allowed" by the Imperium. Ratlings, Ogryns and the like don't count, they're in-universe considered humanity offshoots, not mutations.

            I didn't mention psykers at all, and in fact I agree, they're too dangerous to be left unchecked

            • 12 months ago

              >Name one mutant character that is "allowed" by the Imperium
              >except the mutants allowed by the imperium
              Lmao ok

            • 12 months ago

              All known psykers a hunted down an scooped up by the Black Ships. If they are by a one hundred million to one chance lucky they will be recruited into the Inquisition and trained in using their abilities. If they are unlucky they are used as literal wood fuel and fed into the Golden Throne like coal into a furnace at the rate of a thousand psykers a day.

              Sure its SUPER fricked up, but its a necessary evil because the alternative is far worse and basically the end of the universe.

        • 12 months ago

          He only made an exception for navigators out of temporary convenience. He still hates them for being mutants, hence the webway project and the absurd level of secrecy surrounding it. If any word got out of it the navigators would all quit and suddenly most of the imperium is without FTL and he's back to square one.

          • 12 months ago

            >navigators would all quit

            LEL no they wouldn't. It's the Emperors way or the highway to being lobotomized and being turned into a servitor, or a bolter to the head if you are lucky.

            He kept the webway project secret because he would have to explain to his sons why he was bothering to build it in the first place. Questgions like"Hey Dad..what's the big deal? Why not just use the warp for galactic travel?"

            • 12 months ago

              Anon if you're on a ship and the navigator decides to frick off and strand you somewhere, you're not chasing after him. You'll be stuck where ever you are. Its the same shit with the space marines, once they realize that you have no need for them after the great crusade is over they start thinking about treason, and it turns out that a lot of them are fine with just turning traitor rather than just sticking around until they've outlived their usefulness.

              • 12 months ago

                The Emperor literally BTFO's and destroyed entire planets for saying no to imperial compliance. You think he gives more than zero fricks about some navigators? He would have then all strapped down and electroshocked to steer left and right if need be.

                It's not like all the Navigators are there own separate civilization like the Mechanicum. They are all on their own for the most part and no unions allowed in the imperium.

              • 12 months ago

                Anon, the navigators literally are an organized group. They're not just random people who happens like to be born with navigator capabilities like psykers. You clearly haven't though this thing through at all.

              • 12 months ago

                I understand in current 40k they even have their own seat on the High Council. But the High Lords of Terra literally meant JACK SHIT to the emperor. They had zero authority over him when he was around. He created them because he couldn't be bothered with all of the nit picking of day to day human affairs. But they actually tried to exert some authority over him once and it was laughable like literally get laughed out of the room before I stuff you into this trashcan and stop bothering me type of shit.

              • 12 months ago

                They don't just have a high lord position on terra, they largely exist entirely outside of imperial rule because their monopoly on FTL gives absurd amounts of power. They're genuinely on a level where they can do shit like sabotage the dark glass webway device and it doesn't even result in a reaction from the Emperor because the alternative is war with the navigators. Even the mechanicum has less independence than they do. Seriously man, you really do need to read up how they work in the setting because you clearly just think they're some random group of nobies or something.

              • 12 months ago

                The Emperor did not implement the Imperial Truth because navigators. That's patently ridicoulous. If anything the navigators already knew about the chaos gods. Your argument is literally an asspull left field rabbit hole.

                There are several reasons for the Emperor denying the true nature of the warp but fear on navigator revolt was not one of them. Like he personally stated that religious worship in itself fuels chaos warp corruption in the material world. Now that could have been a lie of convienience because the Emperor is a notorious unreliable narrator that will gladly lie to further his goals and get what he wants.

                But it is implied that an entire athiest galaxy was a goal to weaken the chaos gods but nobody knows. But the greater reasons for him implementing the falsehoods of the Imperial Truth are his goal of weakening the chaos gods and him not wanting his Primarch sons to become corrupted through the temptations of the warp. Not some navigator union labor strike.

              • 12 months ago

                >The Emperor did not implement the Imperial Truth because navigators. That's patently ridicoulous. If anything the navigators already knew about the chaos gods. Your argument is literally an asspull left field rabbit hole.
                Literally never even brought up the Imperial Truth until now so literally what the frick are YOU on about?

              • 12 months ago

                The imperial truth was the denial that any intelligence outside of the material plane exists. No god and certainly no chaos gods exist. There is only the manifest destiny of mankind and the absolute authority of the Emperor of Mankind that will save humanity. There are no gods that can help us let alone save us. That is the Imperial Truth.

              • 12 months ago

                Yeah I know what the imperial truth is, the issue is that you said I bought it up. Do you understand that you can't just randomly invent claims and attribute them to others in the discussion?

              • 12 months ago

                Stop being a sperg. We have been talking about the imperial truth the whole time.

              • 12 months ago

                Except we haven't. The discussion was on the Emperor's opinion of navigators and the secrecy of the webway project. After a few replies you decided to bring up the imperial truth and said that I claimed it existed because of the navigators, seemingly completely at random. Seriously man, try go back and read the replies and just see for yourself.

              • 12 months ago

                Nta and youre right, the other guy is wrong, but the imperial truth said any magic or sorcery was just unexplained science. It didnt deny xenos, or that psykers existed, just that they were the result of any God.
                And it does seem to be pretty much true, the warp is just the emotions of beings with psychic potential (like old ones, eldar, humans). The interesting question is whether the Emperor wanted to be a God himself, or at least achieve the level of Nurgle, Khorne, etc.... Or if he wanted humans to achieve a level of psychic ability and knowledge where they could experiment and control the warp. To basically be the new Old Ones.

              • 12 months ago

                >The interesting question is whether the Emperor wanted to be a God himself

                I do not believe this for a minute. That was just the whispering of the chaos gods putting shit into Horus's ear for motivation. I don't think the true noble goal of the Emperor could be disputed. Its just the murderous ways and endless lies of him getting to his end goal that can be disputed.

              • 12 months ago

                yea i agree, he seems to pretty much be helping Robot G and wants to get the imperium back on track to being able to ascend their society.. not just himself, I see why people think it tho since he kind of is becoming a god at this point, esp with the living saints and all that. Whether it was a master plan or not, its whats happening in a way
                I heard a compelling argument one time that the shit about all the shamans committing suicide was bullshit, either misinformation from legend or a lie. That the Emperor being born was a result of the one Old One who survived the war. The Old Ones were an ascended society, and they seemed to be life creators who wanted to create new civilizations and help them along. So basically the Old One found the emperor and was like "this is how you unlock max psychic power and you should use it to guide mankind" I would say the theory is pretty sparse but interesting none the less.

              • 12 months ago

                Nah. The Emperor was just some random kid in a pre-civilization era mud hut society that manifested mutant psychic power just before puberty.

                Him being worshiped as a god is just 40k being 40k and the overall theme dark irony and NOBODY truly getting what they want in the end. There's always a catch even when the "good guys" win. The Emperor being worshiped as a god is the ultimate kek irony of the entire 40k universe.

                Like even the word "astartes" turned out to be another example of the ultimate exact opposite of what you wanted irony. The original woman biogeneticist named Astartes tried to blow up and destroy the entire space marine project because she know they were all tainted with chaos because the original Primarch gene seeds were all tainted with chaos. She desperately wanted the whole thing destroyed and burned to the ground and tried her hardest to do it. But of course the Emperor was too smart for that and had triple redundant backups of all the samples and Astartes blowing up the space marine bio-factory did nothing. And as a final FRICK YOU to Astartes the Emperor named the entire program after her for all time.

                There are many such cases in 40k and the Emperor being worshipped as a galactic state mandated god is the biggest irony of them all.

              • 12 months ago

                >The interesting question is whether the Emperor wanted to be a God himself

                I do not believe this for a minute. That was just the whispering of the chaos gods putting shit into Horus's ear for motivation. I don't think the true noble goal of the Emperor could be disputed. Its just the murderous ways and endless lies of him getting to his end goal that can be disputed.


                Its best always mix the truth with lies for true seduction. Like did the Emperor plan to become a god? No. Would he have hunted down and killed all of the Primarchs once his conquest of the galaxy was complete? Probably.

              • 12 months ago

                Space Marines cant reproduce, they were always designed to be a means to an end. And those ends werent even just war, Angron for instance was designed to be empathetic and understanding, Lorgar was designed to carry the Imperial Truth to new places. Their job wouldnt have been over after the war, so why would the Emperor hunt them down and kill them? His purpose for them wasnt even started yet, esp for ones like Magnus

      • 12 months ago

        >Emp is literally cool and down with all races of humanity. That's kind of the point. Its racism extrapolated to aliens. Not humanity.
        This is what those who don't know much about 40k don't understand. Precisely one thing mattered to the Emperor - that humanity he found among the stars joined the Imperium of Mankind, willingly or otherwise. It's humanity vs everyone else. Your skin color or slanted eyes really don't factor in.

        proving not even the emperor is perfect

    • 12 months ago

      >but losing your shit if they arent all like that is just really silly to me
      caucasian primarchs look cooler

      • 12 months ago

        The coolest looking primarch to me is Magnus and he is red monstrosity

        • 12 months ago

          Nah his nipples look gay

  30. 12 months ago

    I would have liked that giga homie from the green mile but he is dead. Imo all primarchs should be gigantic bodybuilders.

    • 12 months ago

      I see we share choices for Dorn and Guilliman. I must say, some of your choices like the Emprah, Khan, Sigismund, Fabius or Horus are really cool.

      • 12 months ago

        I didn't make it it is just a pretty good believable list I found on here.

    • 12 months ago

      That list shows exactly why the heresy is unadaptable
      The vast majority of those characters do nothing at and have no bearing on the plot despite some of them having several books to themselves. Even some primarchs like corax do nothing. It's literally shoenen-tier filer
      Also jonhhy g is a fricking homosexual and GWs weird meta self insert character and should be fricking erased from any attempt at an adaption

      • 12 months ago

        Iv posted this before but I think if you tired to adapt the HH you would have to chop out most of it. What I would actually do is not start at book 1, start before then and begin by telling a horus centeic view of the great crusade , that way you can fit in fulgrim , thousand sons and first heretic PoVs without trying to jam in 4 separate books worth of content into a few episodes.
        Then after istvann, I would chop out everything up to the battle of beta-gamma and titandeath in a time skip but 85% of everything between istvann and titan death is pointless filler and filler characters who do nothing.

        • 12 months ago

          This, but if the IP proves to be effective id say go back and do side stories from the books. 40k fans will pretty much eat anything and if normies like it then great.

        • 12 months ago

          This, but if the IP proves to be effective id say go back and do side stories from the books. 40k fans will pretty much eat anything and if normies like it then great.

          I absolutely 100% do NOT want them to adapt any existing material to live action. That is a no win situation that will only piss people off for removing and or altering established lore for budget or screen adaptation reasons and the even greater risk of pozzed retconning.

          They need to set any new show in 40k not 30k for starters. My own suggestion is a show about and Inquisitor and his motley band of highly skilled expert misfits. Something in the vein of the Eisenhorn or Revanor series but 100% orignal. That way everything in the show can be seen as established actual canon and not some bastardized "adaptation" of a previous work. Plus its always more fun when nobody knows what will happen next. Its a win win for everybody.

      • 12 months ago

        I think you could do the Heresy as an anthology type series. Have several mostly contained stories that center around a different part of the war where each shows a different reason for doing what theyre doing. Not every episode would even need to focus on a primarch, have a story about Istvaan 4 from the perspective of a captain or sergeant for instance where the theme is betrayal and how a person can harden their heart and go to war against someone they used to love.
        Have the first episode or something be about Horus's good intentions and why the Emperor is a tyrant, then have each episode after that ramp up the atrocities until we see him in the final episode where we're shocked by Horus's current state as an insane puppet for chaos, having lost his humanity in the pursuit of vengeance

      • 12 months ago

        You could also adapt it by making rowboat the main character. He is the closest thing to a main character in the setting now and is the most "normal" characters despite being himself and is probably the only character who has had character growth and an arc.
        You could follow him from his times with his adopted dad on ultramar through the heresy, then the political bickering with rogal during the scouring and then time skip him to dark imperiam after his encounter with troony snake fulgrim

  31. 12 months ago

    The heresy is shit with enough filler to shame one piece, and M42 is a shitty marvel knockoff
    Real chads want to see the scouring era adapted
    >characters include mind broken rogal dorn and his political feud with rowboat, the iron cage and his eventually "suicide" by battle
    >subplot about Abby trying to flee and survive with the leftovers of the rebel heretics while becoming the new chosen one of chaos , gaining power and respect by leading them through the scouring and actully developing him as a character
    >the lion vs sevetar and Luther subplot and all that drama

  32. 12 months ago

    He's not actually black, it's a genetic flaw from the planet he grew up on, you could be white as bread get transformed in to a space marine and your skin goes charcoal black, doesn't make you in to a space Black person wanting space fried chicken and space watermelon

  33. 12 months ago

    Yes, and it'll be a good choice but everyone here will treat it like heresy and cry about it for a year.

  34. 12 months ago

    By now you all must realize that Games Workshop hates you. Why do you keep giving them money and supporting the trash they spew out?

    • 12 months ago

      Because the Black Library is still kino. I have literally never played the tabletop but that is only because its not really my thing.

  35. 12 months ago

    Isn't Vulkan supposed to be missing and his legion is trying to find him?

    • 12 months ago

      He died permanently in war of the beast but that story isn't really cannon anymore
      It's more suggested now that after the heresy he fricked off and dident want to deal with this shit anymore and the resurrections were starting to turn him into a schizo , so he is hiding as a hermit on some backwater

  36. 12 months ago

    Give it to Oenomaus

  37. 12 months ago

    There are too many bald primarchs

    • 12 months ago

      Why be so mean?

  38. 12 months ago

    I just thought about this
    if the 2 missing primarchs would be revealed today gw would make them both minorities just for the sake of having more of them

    • 12 months ago

      The 2 missing primarchs are there so people who play the game can make their own story. Similar reason the codex astartes split all the SM into small chapters and they never name them all. The guy who made the “astartes” short just made /his dudes/ the main characters and now they’re canon.
      GW won’t fill in the missing primarchs until secondaries become the main demographic, which thankfully hasn’t happened yet.

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