What are you watching?

What are you watching, /m/? Anything particularly good or bad? Next season looks like a good time to clear out the backlog.

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  1. 9 months ago

    Dunbine but I'm too busy to finish it.

  2. 9 months ago

    Huh, I was wondering when a thread like this where -certain- anons that Discuss Unexplored Entertainment Lists was gonna pop up. To stay "on-topic":

    -For seasonal it's just Synduality Noir and AI no Idenshi, both slow burners which is nice for now. There is also that Zombie List one but I'm thinking on dropping it, not my thing despite the good start.
    -For backlog it's currently s-CRY-ed, too early to give detailed thoughts but good so far, I did finished Infinite Ryvius before that. Very somber and dramatic (hugely justified in-series, even), the 'action' with the ships and Vital Guarders had an somewhat realistic take and thus slower and analytical, and a large cast of well-explored characters, with some minor exceptions. Even the oddly choice of an hip-hop OST grew on me. A good time indeed, I'd say.

    For non-TV media in spoilers:
    -For gaming I'm thinking of starting an 4X, got a few from past Steam sales, maybe Endless Space, maybe the older Master of Orion. Still playing SRW 30, a HUGE game after another HUGE game that was Persona 5 Royal. A bit of Jurassic World Evolution 2 and HoloCure in-between. My PC might be able to run Armored Core 6, but money is a bit tight now.
    -Not much reading lately, so I read Masters of Doom. Good insight into what led into many, many awesome shooters now.

    Hope you anons are having a good time, and remember to stay civil, since Drama Undermines Engagement Limitations.

    • 9 months ago

      Where is this robot from?

      >where -certain- anons that Discuss Unexplored Entertainment Lists was gonna pop up
      Have you tried not stirring bullshit up?

      • 9 months ago

        Even if certain letters were absent, you know things wouldn't change since someone liked Ryvius and that's apparently a cardinal sin or something for peculiar individuals for bullshit reasons.

        Of which I reckon is laying low since the last raid made mods actually pay attention to things here, at least for now.

        • 9 months ago

          >"I'm just trolling"


          no one likes rayearth

          I loathe Rayearth, but it has fans.

      • 9 months ago

        >Where is this robot from?
        Stratos 4 had a five minute parody short called Dutch Roll. It even had Daitetsujin 17 in a not so subtle cameo. Gotta find it funny that the killer comet looked like a giant sperm cell.

  3. 9 months ago

    Gundam AGE. Honestly it's not bad at all so far, but I'm only halfway through Flit's arc so I fully expect things to go to shit later.

  4. 9 months ago

    I'm mostly a toku guy but I'm watching Ultraman Taro currently. Took a bit for me to really get into it but once I did, I started to love it. Very fun, creative show that further expands on Ultraman's universe and lore with a lot of surprisingly emotional moments.

    As for mecha, I've been slacking but I've been rewatching OG Toei Mazinger. I had to drop it last time because of life circumstances so I'm just watching from the start again to get back to where I was. Comfy show. Mazinger Z is my all time favourite robot design. I think this show looks great too.

    On the gaming side of things I'm playing AC1 right now and it's a lot of fun. I'm dogshit at games but I'm progressing in this better than I thought I would.

    • 9 months ago

      >Mazinger Z is my all time favourite robot design.
      My /m/an

      • 9 months ago

        I wish I had that figure! Here's what I do have instead. The jumbo vinyl or head are my 2 favourite pieces!

        • 9 months ago

          Good collection at the least

        • 9 months ago

          >finished Heroman
          >rewatching Shin Mazinger
          >going through the Gaiking remake
          >supposed to finish Akito
          Watching the first ep of Astro Boy 2003
          Astro is fren

          Neat collection, I hope the SD Mazinger is in stock again soon. Great is pretty fun too, consider picking him up! Z might feel lonely...

          • 9 months ago

            tfw no mention of the Rayearth OVA. The Magic Knights are feeling neglected.

            • 9 months ago

              no one likes rayearth

              • 9 months ago

                Don’t upset hikaru

            • 9 months ago

              I STILL have to watch that, I'm so sorry!! The artstyle is slightly unenthusing... but I hope tomorrow goes well!

              • 9 months ago

                Before tomorrow, just started Daigunder after finishing Casshern Sins. Still watching LOGH too.

              • 9 months ago

                Looks like another friendly baby Brave series, how was Casshern? Forgot to mention that I'm still partway, 7 episodes to go!
                I hope LOGH is a treat so far, it's great, just skip the episode previews or watch them only after you've watched what it was previewing.

              • 9 months ago

                Just made a Daigunder webm as well. Sins was a pretty enjoyable ride for me as far as bleak stories go. I am liking LOGH alot with 32 episodes right now, however I'm missing Kircheis.

              • 9 months ago

                Well, at least Sins will have a happy ending, r-right?
                Looks a bit more kiddy but still pretty fun. The base bot reminds me of Ryujinmaru a bit.
                It's ok, fren. Things will get better. At least there's Oberstein, right?

              • 9 months ago

                All I can say on Sins without spoiling the details is it being bittersweet or embracing the cycle of life and death. Forgot to mention I only have one episode of Kamen Rider Geats left to watch. My feelings on Geats as a series have been soured by its final arc.

              • 9 months ago

                >bittersweet or embracing the cycle of life and death
                I mean, the second ED is already pretty forboding so I'm expecting the worst. It's truly the Dark Souls of ani/m/e.
                >no idea what's going on in this gloomy world
                >cheery and sane frens are rare and precious
                >the divine are probably not even reliable
                >have to embrace or otherwise deal with this perpetual cycle of suffering
                I wish there were more like this, but I wouldn't want to watch these sorts of things constantly.
                >My feelings on Geats as a series have been soured by its final arc.
                >it got worse

              • 9 months ago

                Shitty handling of Keiwa overall aside, my nitpicks on Geats are antagonists that last too long for their own good, not fleshed out enough, have way too many characters to juggle around, or just a flat out non-rootable main cast. I know the theme of Geats is to "fight for your desire" but it just feels like a bad role modeling practice for kids-adults.

              • 9 months ago

                >role modeling
                Is it bad to have an anime role-model as a grown-up, because if it's fine I'll probably go pick one. But wow that sounds unfun overall.

                Yeah, people always tell you that Bandai has the best quality and everyone should start with HGs, but I presume that's just stockholm syndrome. The one HG kit I built (Gosaurer) broke in multiple ways during the building process due to the fragility of the parts (and it wasn't the first I kit I had built either)
                I mostly do Moderoids now and they are way more solid and durable. Built Sol Gravion the other day and despite the complexity of that kit, there's only a single part that worries me that it might break at some point

                >the start-friendly and affordable HG line is fragile
                >you should go with expensive RG/MGs assuming they even have that for the thing you like
                >or just straight up switch and do moderoids or something else, which some people also warn you about
                I should have gotten the new Mazinger, but I didn't know whether it or the series would be good. I sure do love the idea of pre-ordering unreviewed products!

                Haha, I like you too! It's been fun discussing things with you. I can deal with things not having a huge amount of articulation, I'm a tokusatsu fan first and foremost and a lot of older toku toys are basically bricks, as long as they look cool I'm all for em!

                Your Mazingers do look nicer in person for sure, but there is just something about that panel lined to hell look that bothers me. I think Great definitely wears them better since his waist for example doesn't look like it's about to crack open from injury.

                I don't really like Unicorn's aesthetic at all but the Zee Zulu and Zogok are some of the cooler designs from it, so I'll keep your recommendation in mind!

                If you do scanlate 'em, be sure to post em on here somewhere as I'm sure there are others like me who'd love to read em.

                I'm not sadly, I'm in Ireland which only really got its anime boom in the early 00s, we only had our first anime convention in 2005 and the biggest one in our history only ran from '2005-2016. On the bright side, it's had the effect of animanga becoming more accessible and widespread in rapid time, like 10 years ago Forbidden Planet's animanga selection was dire but nowadays the entire 2nd floor is basically filled with animanga, model kits and figures and I've even been able to find releases for Kamen Rider and Devilman here!

                Interestingly though Astro Boy (03) was pretty big here as was Shinzo/Mushrambo to the point where our national broadcaster is one of the ones primarily listed on Wikipedia. This show is most notable to others I think because of it losing its broadcast spot to HxH and was cancelled.

                I love Nagai's other work, Devilman competes with Kamen Rider for my favourite manga ever, so I'll keep my eyes peeled for those references!

                You really don't realise how fragile model kits are til you build one it seems, my first lad was an SD RX78 and he's so frail. Granted part of that was probably due to making him with no tools but still, it's sad to see.

                Aw, it's been very un, thank you!
                I have to give it more of a chance, the only show I watched a chunk of was Samurai Sentai, which was pretty great.
                >just wants cool bricks representing his faves
                I get that too, albeit with Transformers it's unwise because they'll keep remaking and improving(?) characters, but I get that it might be the end for a Rider if his show is ending.
                I get what you mean about the panels and cracks, which is why I'm hesitant to marker any more panel lines than the vents and belt buckle. There's a detail of a missile punch in Z's cracks though, so that's nice. There's a certain heft/weight to them looking realistic, as if they'll start walking around when I'm not looking.
                Unfamiliar with the Zee, but yeah, I was thinking of the hefty Zogok, and some long-range buddy of his. I really want a new kit...
                And here's my attempt at using google to directly scan and translate the English. It's uh, I gave up on that pretty quickly.
                >Ireland had anime and cons very late
                I'm so sorry.. ;_;
                But I guess that massive boom means you're suddenly spoiled with a plethora of content and choices, and especially old-school stuff is good. A lot of the anime stores here have mostly One Piece and the popular ongoings.. completely unfamiliar with Shinzo, but I'm watching the 03 Astro now!
                >losing to Hiatus x Hiatus

              • 9 months ago

                I think with Bandai kits people are just really attracted to the idea of the inner frame
                Moderoids don't have that, so I guess they compensate by making the whole product more sturdy
                Anyway, they got a cheap Tetsujin kit if you're hesitant.
                I haven't built it, but I have built 8 other Moderoids, all of of which I'm pretty happy with

              • 9 months ago

                >inner frame
                I think the only kit I have with one is SD Great, I know RGs were hyped up because they were introducing frames, but I don't know how that went. I just want something to be posable but also not feel like I'm defusing a bomb every time I interact with it.
                >a mere $32 CAD
                I was considering him, but was uncertain about his waist articulation. I'll definitely look into getting him, Tetsujin is fren.
                >8 other moderoids
                E-eight? Are you getting the new Mazinger, I don't have any moderoids but I was considering him or Tet for a while.

              • 9 months ago

                >inner frame
                I think the only kit I have with one is SD Great, I know RGs were hyped up because they were introducing frames, but I don't know how that went. I just want something to be posable but also not feel like I'm defusing a bomb every time I interact with it.
                >a mere $32 CAD
                I was considering him, but was uncertain about his waist articulation. I'll definitely look into getting him, Tetsujin is fren.
                >8 other moderoids
                E-eight? Are you getting the new Mazinger, I don't have any moderoids but I was considering him or Tet for a while.

                >Tetsujin is in stock at zero local stores
                >RG GaoGaiGar is consistently $100 CAD
                >was considering Zero (100) or Grendizer (70)
                If I think I can live without Goldymarg (70-100 but out of stock) I'll consider 3G. Not the best idea to decide on a model kit from "I'm lonely and want a new robofriend", but I've rewatched Infinitism reviews like 5 times now. I guess GaoGaiGar is next. I JUST want the SDs holy shit.

                As long as it's not Oldringay territory, then It's fine.
                >that sounds unfun overall.
                I know, especially more devastating for any of the Keiwafans

                I hope that crazy person is doing okay.
                >a cruel and hurtful webm but also a qt half-nip looking host
                I'm going to fight Zero in my dreams, but was Keiwa ever treated ok in the end

              • 9 months ago

                Only salvation Keiwa got is trying to become a cop and got his sis back. Overall though, Keiwa got so dirtied to the point of making other /m/ characters like Boss and Sayaka have more dignity than the former.

              • 9 months ago

                I mean, I guess at least he got what he wanted, but not so much his fans. At least his tribulation is over, which is something to be glad for. How's the next show look, is that the ski mask looking one?

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah, Gotchard which is premiering today. Also, it has Konishi (Volfogg) voicing Gotchard's toy and Hiyama (Maito and Guy) as the locomotive train

              • 9 months ago

                >more toys running around, like Kamen Rider Wheel
                I mean, that was a bit endearing, and I do love Volfogg and Hiyama. Maybe I should give the first episode a chance?

              • 9 months ago

                With a grasshopper toy for good measure

              • 9 months ago

                I was going to ask "why a grasshopper" but I guess it's Kamen Rider... I keep saying I should give toku more of a chance. I swear it's the misanthropy and reluctance to try new things.

              • 9 months ago

                A misanthropist would enjoy the suffering and mockery of Sakurai Keiwa

              • 9 months ago

                I may be a misanthrope but I'm not enough of a sadist to derive joy from the suffering of innocents...

              • 9 months ago

                >I'm not enough of a sadist to derive joy from the suffering of innocents...
                That's the spirit

              • 9 months ago

                >gets bullied by an unexpected tornado ability, but otherwise disabled the kikaiju's gimmick glue missiles and fricking bodied it with a judo throw
                You did good, Sayaka!

                Here's hoping that Kamen Rider Ski inherited more of that spirit rather than the spirit of sadism

              • 9 months ago

                Gotchard's opening song is off to a good start of the spirit of non-sadism

              • 9 months ago

                It's alright, pre-lyric bit reminds me of Love Is War and one of the Kill La Kill openings, then the vocals remind me of like, I think they have songs for world cups? I wish the song was "cooler" if that makes sense, but then again my first impressions of the Shin Mazinger openings were somehow "they're not very fitting for Mazinger". My first i/m/pressions are things that should be discarded.

                Damn, you never realize how ridiculous Mazinger fights sound out of context until they're right there in front of you

                >Boss is genuinely miffed by Koji treating Sayaka poorly, irrespective of him liking Sayaka himself
                >Ashura's voices are constantly desynced, unsure whether they're two people in this show or not
                >a pleasantly surprising number of times that they use non-kikaiju schemes, happy for Ashura of using their head(s??), even to the point where Dr Hell objects to Ashura trying to kill Koji outside the Mazinger
                >a kikaiju flees
                >Koji says "get back here"
                >a still frame of where the kikaiju was, to show that the kikaiju did not indeed "get back here"
                >at least two occasions of picrel while the fighting victorious theme is playing
                Many strange or pleasant moments for this granddad show!

              • 9 months ago

                Back-On did openings for Gundam Build Fighters

              • 9 months ago

                Damn, you never realize how ridiculous Mazinger fights sound out of context until they're right there in front of you

              • 9 months ago

                As long as it's not Oldringay territory, then It's fine.
                >that sounds unfun overall.
                I know, especially more devastating for any of the Keiwafans

              • 9 months ago

                Devilman's a fun and cheery work, I think it might have the least amount of references, but it and Zero might be the closest thematically?
                And I got into gunpla with toolless SD Sangoku kits and I've made so many mistakes in so many regards. Not only was I supposed to use nippers, I was supposed to cut parts of the runner and THEN closely cut off the nubs... Great would have come out a lot cleaner had I known to do that. I guess that means its predecessor Z will be much cleaner if/when he ever comes in stock. I swear the old SDCSes got discontinued or something, they're not in stock locally or in Japan.

                I've not seen Shinkenger but I did watch its Power Rangers equivalent and I did enjoy it as far as modern PR goes, it's basically copy and pasted from Shinkenger too so in a way I have seen it, haha. I've been very into Ultraman recently, I even made a website for it, but if I were to recommend you watch one other toku show ever it'd be Kamen Rider Kuuga, my favourite show of all time. It's fantastic.

                Transformers is such a weird one because it's only in the last few years, since Siege or so, that we even get most of the waves here now but there's still so many US store exclusives that it makes collections hard to complete. I kinda just go with whoever best looks the part and is accessible to me, but I'm thinking of getting rid of some of my TFs so I can both get money for that excellent G1-with-articulation Prime they're making and so I can put my new toku stuff on its shelf.
                Riders continue to get toys after their show ends nowadays but they're usually SH Figuarts or S(H)ODO which I don't really collect, but I really only get toys for Kuuga nowadays. I in fact got some goodies for him from Suruga-ya 3 days ago.

                That aforementioned Suruga-ya do free shipping every so often (it's how I got my haul since shipping to Ireland is most of the expense!) and have a lot of older kits on there that may be to your fancy!

                Nice attempt, I'm sure as long as it's legible and doesn't interfere with the art too much people would use it since it's better than nothing. Nice lettering is a luxury.

                The boom has been nice indeed. I just wish our biggest anime con didn't basically die out entirely in 2016....I want the US/JP con lifestyle I've always heard about but travelling to those places is expensive.... ;_;

                I love Devilman dearly, yet again in my haul you can see I got some figures. I bought an Akira but it happened to be just a card rather than the figure which is unfortunate but these things happen when you order so much.

              • 9 months ago

                Not him, but have you been watching the latest Ultraman series, Blazar, too?

              • 9 months ago

                I have! I've not seen the latest 2 episodes though because my watch group has been busy, but I've been really loving the show. It's such a refresher given my feelings on the 2 current Toei toku shows, having an older protag is such a small but important thing for the feel of the show. I also like how it still retains that fun Showa nature (fitting for Taro's 50th) and isn't uber serious either. I own a lot of the Stones for it as well as this lil guy right here so I'm definitely a fan.

                Have you been enjoying it? Is it your first Ultra? If not, what was?

              • 9 months ago

                I really like Blazar's dry sense of humor with the cast. First Ultra series I had any exposure to was Tiga's dub during my childhood. The first Ultra series I actually finished watching was either Nexus or Mebius.

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah, SKaRD having dry colleague-like humour while Blazar is le funni Showa caveman is a great way to balance out the wildly different tones those 2 forms of humour are.

                I see! My first was '66 and my current is Taro, Blazar is my first proper modern show so to speak. I look forward to getting to Mebius eventually being it's a tribute to what I'm watching currently.

              • 9 months ago

                >Blazar is my first proper modern show so to speak
                Blazar is my third modern Ultra series. The other two modern ones I've watched were Trigger and Decker.

              • 9 months ago

                I don't wanna watch those shows til I've seen the shows they're New Gen versions of, but it'll probably be a good while til I get to em at my pace. I'm certainly interested in seeing what non-Blazar, non-Showa shows are like. I'm excited for the movies in particular and how they compare, if possible, to Shin.

              • 9 months ago

                I wish you a jolly journey on your Ultra viewing experience then. Thumbs up of good fortune from Ultraman Decker himself as a sign of that.

              • 9 months ago

                Thank you anon and Decker!
                I hope Blazar remains good viewing!

              • 9 months ago

                >It's such a refresher given my feelings on the 2 current Toei toku shows
                Going to samegay here by asking the inane question(s): you're referring to Geats? If so, what were your personal complaints on it? I expressed my nitpicks earlier ITT

                Shitty handling of Keiwa overall aside, my nitpicks on Geats are antagonists that last too long for their own good, not fleshed out enough, have way too many characters to juggle around, or just a flat out non-rootable main cast. I know the theme of Geats is to "fight for your desire" but it just feels like a bad role modeling practice for kids-adults.

                . Apologies in advance for these questions and my samegay post.

              • 9 months ago

                For KR, I usually mean the entire last few years, but yes Geats is part of what I mean. I agree with your complaints about it, I am a Keiwa fan also, but mine are also more generally greatly disliking how it drops its actually interesting premise and execution of said premise early on as well as the buckles being an Inoue "anyone can use them" thing to become another lame rider VS rider show. I can't stand shit that gets meta the way Geats does and it really does just feel like Takahashi cope at people having problems with Zero One or Toei/Bandai cope for muddying the Kamen Rider name and turning it exclusively into a merchandising brand with no meaning. Its aesthetic did nothing for me for the whole show's run either. Only real thing it had going was the fights but fights mean little to me if I don't care about the characters or stakes involved.

          • 9 months ago

            Thank you. I should get Great! The one I have for him there is an old model kit from 1998 or so that I had a lot of trouble building since I'm a total noob. His right leg isn't very stable. He has a spring action punch that launches off his arm though which is very cool!

            • 9 months ago

              Z and Great have largely identical bodies, but they are still good frens, they can even handshake when they meet! Would also recommend colouring in the vents if you have a Gundam Marker. I was happy without doing that, but I was given the opportunity and it definitely pops more.
              >old kit, spring-loaded
              The Great holding the sword there? Looks and soudns like Mechanic Collection, I've been eyeing those for a while, sorry it's not so stable! If you really like Mazingers and have a bit of cash, I'd recommend the Infinitism kits. I wasn't a great (haha) fan of the hyperdetailed panel-lined designs either, but having them in-hand, it's definitely great. Just be very very very careful with the transparent pieces, maybe try to have Great hold the boomerang very sparingly and insert it back onto his chest very very gently (I made a holdable boomerang for him out of pipe cleaners...)
              >had a lot of trouble building since I'm a total noob
              I don't know if older kits were more difficult, but I'd strongly recommend asking /m/ or /toy/ for help in the Gunpla threads. I'm very new too, and it's frustrating accidentally hurting a new best friend that you were very excited for. Maybe get a few inexpensive but fun kits to get the hang of building. The HG Revive Gyan is very fun. Maybe get the SDCS Shin Getter and GaoGaiGar as well, Getter's pretty fun and expressive also. Looking forward to seeing your collection grow!

              • 9 months ago

                I have one of those SD/CS frames so if I get Great, I'll probably make him taller when I do get him for that emphasis. I need to get some Gundam Markers, I'm just waiting for the shop I usually buy from to restock since shipping is super cheap from there where I am.

                I misremembered the year but it's this 2001 kit here, it was my first non-SD kit so it was bound to come out kinda weird but I am pretty proud I managed to put it together despite my skimpy tools and inexperience. The site I mentioned before has a few of those Infinitism kits but the only one I can really put up with the aesthetics of is Kotetsu Jeeg who is also the only one on sale.

                I've got a decent backlog currently, Figurise Kuuga, Super Minipla Kakuranger Muteki Shogun, HG Gouf and a RG Force Impulse Gundam so I should be busy, though lately I've been trying to paint Ultraman sofubi to up my painting skills before moving onto doing the same for plamo. Thank you also anon, if you have a collection I'd be happy to see!

              • 9 months ago

                >tfw have to rewatch Infinitism to see if it's more enjoyable with the kits

                >I have one of those SD/CS frames so if I get Great
                Nono anon, just like Mazinger Z, Great, Shin Getter 1, and GaoGaiGar already come with the frames as far as I know. Elbows and knees without extra purchase!
                I like Jeeg too, but he's the only one who doesn't have the "pull leg out for extra movement" joint. It's similar to the SDCS frames actually. The Mazingers, Getter Dragon, Grendizer all have it, but not Jeeg... I was with you in terms of aesthetic, but wanting posable Mazingers won me over and these are still very enjoyable, and the aesthetic of having all those detailed lines allows for some tricks where it allows for more posability, while a clean cartoon-accurate smooth kit would have had out-of-place seams if it wanted the same kind of leg or elbow posability. Watch reviews and think on it some more anon, I'm sure you won't regret it!
                >HG Gouf
                If it's Revive then you're in good company, the Revive kits are pretty good modernizations. I hope the painting goes well. I don't have a big collection but I'll try to see if I can pose everyone together sometime this week!

                Apologies, I didn't see these for a second there, as I said in [...] I got it mixed up and it's the linked kit from 2001 instead. It's hard for me to judge how it is being that it was my first non SD kit but despite there being springs, screws and rubber involved the fact I managed to get it done I feel must mean something. It doesn't have a huge amount of those elements in it IIRC, I built this guy a few years ago so I don't really remember, but it does have a few tiny parts that I nearly lost as well as the arm itself when testing the spring. He comes with plenty of hand options though and he is maybe a lil bottom heavy with the whole blue part of his legs being rubbery.

                Here's a general idea, he can basically do your basic (near) 360 around with his arms (the wings inhibit this a little), he can bend at the elbow G1 Transformers style, he's got a slight ankle tilt and can stretch his legs out a decent amount (though in testing this the right leg of mine did come off), his head is surprisingly very flexible where it can even look down all the way and you can swivel his chest and move it and the crotch (all the black parts are rubbery) forward to make him look like a sulky boi.

                Thank you anon, these photos are very helpful. I want to recommend Pledge Future Acrylic Floor Polish or drying super glue as ways to tighten joints and prevent anything from easily slipping out, but I've never seen or handled Pledge and the latter can understandably be very iffy or irreversibly bad, so I'd recommend asking people in detail rather than immediately jumping to applying chemicals. These look like fun and hopefully cheap additions even with Infinitism already in my collection.
                >tfw still no opinion on blue or black limbs, because I've enjoyed media with both
                My only strong stance is that Mazinkaiser should have black limbs, but then Mazin Emperor G looks good with blue limbs, so idk anymore.
                Also, can he hold his boomerang? That and the Great Booster are my favourite.

              • 9 months ago

                >while a clean cartoon-accurate smooth kit would have had out-of-place seams if it wanted the same kind of leg or elbow posability
                I mean that's something you can fix up yourself, but even if you don't, we are talking about giant robots here. It's easy to think of that as just part of the design, like where an engineer screwed together two different pieces of sheet metal or something. Either way, you'd think they'd be more out of more place with a design that has deliberate paneling and greebles, since seam lines don't typically match the look of those.

              • 9 months ago

                >I mean that's something you can fix up yourself, but even if you don't, we are talking about giant robots here. It's easy to think of that as just part of the design, like where an engineer screwed together two different pieces of sheet metal or something.
                I sorta get it, but the 70s (or older) designs being smooth, it'd still clash with the aesthetic in-hand, even though I IMMENSELY appreciate your explanation, since I need things like that to be reconciled in my head.

                Nice Z elbow bend, shared with Great, Grendizer, Getter Dragon, and something similar for Zero.
                >you'd think they'd be more out of more place with a design that has deliberate paneling and greebles, since seam lines don't typically match the look of those.
                I think they designed the kit well enough for it to blend in nicely. Although I would have appreciated similar consideration to give us better knees, which they only did for the Metal Build.

                There were the other anons who asked about it so I thought I may as well, glad it could be of use to you! I believe I built him in 2020, so not that long ago but he's holding up pretty decently so far.

                Oh, I see! Awesome. I do love the SDs a lot.

                So that's why he's cheaper than the others....I understand. I'll definitely have to consider it with your recommendation though, since I do actually like the movie it's from moreso than the look and at the very least having representation of that would be nice.

                The Gouf is pic related, I'm not sure if that's the Revive or not but I'm excited since I like designs like the Gouf and Zaku more than the Gundams generally.

                I'll have a look into those, I'm sure it's just down to my shoddy construction but tightening it just a bit would be nice.
                I prefer blue limbs generally, with the "black"/darker look being best achieved by a very dark blue. The pure black just makes a Mazinger design look kinda off balance to me. Mazinkaiser of course being the only real exception here but I've always read his limbs as being that very dark blue.

                If you're asking about Great Mazinger, he doesn't come with his boomerang IIRC! He came with 2 swords and a bunch of different hands basically.

                Forgot to mention that Getter Arc (although technically not Infinitism) is sometimes intensely cheap as well, I think it's just because it's new and not high in demand, going to look into it again though.
                >reviewer I like has gotten every Infinitism kit except for Jeeg for some reason
                >got a $250 Getter-1 figure before letting me know how Jeeg is
                Here's a nice and silent review for Jeeg.

                >He came with 2 swords and a bunch of different hands basically.
                >Infinitism and SD gives you the Scramble Dash, Thunder Break hand, sword(s), boomerang (the SD can hold his better than the HG kit can..)
                >does NOT give you rocket punch effects, or the cap for the elbow: those are only with Z
                >even the Z's Scrander is more complicated
                It always feels like they think it's enough to just give Great some swords and a finger, but will pour more love into Z ;_;

              • 9 months ago

                It's not easy being a franchise's number 2

              • 9 months ago

                >poor 2 looks more aged than V3
                What the frick happened
                Everything I've read about Hayato's personality made it seem like he was way more endearing and sympathetic than the albeit-pretty-fricking-cool Takeshi. Think the consensus was "Hayato's a cheery guy doing his best even though he's sometimes very frightened, but sadly he was a good character placed in a lot of shitty episodes". First/Next reinvents his character apparently, here's hoping Anno did him faithfully and respectfully.

              • 9 months ago

                Combination of being a drunkard and suffering literal third degree burns will do that to anyone

              • 9 months ago

                What the frick, that's horrible... ;_;

              • 9 months ago

                Let that be a lesson: don't do what Hayato's actor did and suffer the same fate as him. Another factor of why Fujioka comes back in person for modern stuff besides being the first Kamen Rider

              • 9 months ago

                >don't do what Hayato's actor did and suffer the same fate as him
                Sorry, was the fire related to drinki- ah.
                This is horrible... man, I didn't know things got so rough for him.
                >Another factor of why Fujioka comes back in person for modern stuff besides being the first Kamen Rider
                So that uh, he doesn't drink or suffer burns?

              • 9 months ago

                That and he keeps himself in shape

              • 9 months ago

                Resuming Grampa Mazinger, I suppose it's easier to watch now that it's in BD quality, and in English.

                Well, here's hoping that he (and all the riders) remain in good health...

                Continuing Thunderbirds. Finish "The Mighty Atom". The radioactive cloud sweeping over Australia was horrifying. You can't fight against it, no calling for the heroes to save the day from it. You can only run.


                >You can't fight against it
                >no calling for the heroes to save the day from it.
                >You can only run.
                Th-this DOES sound terrifying.

              • 9 months ago

                The way you talk pisses me off immensely

              • 9 months ago

                No one a gives a rat ass about Grendizer, though.

              • 9 months ago

                >Thank you also anon, if you have a collection I'd be happy to see!
                Here's how Z and Great visited me when I got home.

                Make that 2018. They were actually releasing the figure line during Kamen Rider Zi-O, the Heisei nostalgia series


                I see, happy to know it's the Revive! I look forward to getting around to him. I do love the Gyan so I'll keep an eye out for him also.

                I've read manga Mazinger, I know of Gosaku Ota's Mazinger with this cover being one of my favourite mecha related artworks ever, but I'm in the part of Europe that didn't get any cool anime til honestly pretty recently so we unfortunately have no connection to that cool stuff. Most of my experience with Mazinger lies pretty much with Nagai's manga and the Toei show, with the Devilman movie being my proper animated Mazinger introduction, so I should try out Shin Mazinger Zero!

                Ah, you're right! You could probably fit it in one of the alt hands you get but honestly he holds even his sword very loosely so I wouldn't bank on it.
                Them giving Z more love works for a Z lover like me, haha.

                >I do love the Gyan
                I like you a lot, anon. You're in for a treat with the Gyan and probably the Gouf as well, unsure if he has a good waist rotation due to the tubes, but probably better than the nonexistent one in the regular HG.
                >want a big bruiser but the old Gogg and Z'Goks are so old that they have breakage issues
                Was recommended the Unicorn aquatic guys for big hulks, if you liked that sort of thing.
                >Gosaku Ota's Mazinger
                I've only found Italian and French translations, so I'm slowly translating those into English, possibly scantlating them so I can read them like a human being. The cover looks pretty great, pretty intense.
                >not much cool anime until recently
                I take it you're not in one of those countries where they have Grendizer and Fleed canonized as saints. Haven't seen the movie but I'm going through the Toei show finally, under someone's recommendat- wait that's this thread, my bad. Shin Mazinger Zero references a lot from the manga as well as Go Nagai's other works (Cutie Honey, Shameless School, probably VIolence Jack and I don't even recognize the other references), so that's a bonus.
                >even the sword is held loosely, let alone the boomerang
                That's disappointing, it's likewise with Infinitism as well, and it's a very fragile piece and I cannot emphasize that enough. There's cracks from me just fitting it into his chest...
                >Them giving Z more love works for a Z lover like me, haha.
                That's fine and all, but give Great some love too! ;_; He's spent his whole life preparing for a role that people still sideline him on...

              • 9 months ago

                Haha, I like you too! It's been fun discussing things with you. I can deal with things not having a huge amount of articulation, I'm a tokusatsu fan first and foremost and a lot of older toku toys are basically bricks, as long as they look cool I'm all for em!

                Your Mazingers do look nicer in person for sure, but there is just something about that panel lined to hell look that bothers me. I think Great definitely wears them better since his waist for example doesn't look like it's about to crack open from injury.

                I don't really like Unicorn's aesthetic at all but the Zee Zulu and Zogok are some of the cooler designs from it, so I'll keep your recommendation in mind!

                If you do scanlate 'em, be sure to post em on here somewhere as I'm sure there are others like me who'd love to read em.

                I'm not sadly, I'm in Ireland which only really got its anime boom in the early 00s, we only had our first anime convention in 2005 and the biggest one in our history only ran from '2005-2016. On the bright side, it's had the effect of animanga becoming more accessible and widespread in rapid time, like 10 years ago Forbidden Planet's animanga selection was dire but nowadays the entire 2nd floor is basically filled with animanga, model kits and figures and I've even been able to find releases for Kamen Rider and Devilman here!

                Interestingly though Astro Boy (03) was pretty big here as was Shinzo/Mushrambo to the point where our national broadcaster is one of the ones primarily listed on Wikipedia. This show is most notable to others I think because of it losing its broadcast spot to HxH and was cancelled.

                I love Nagai's other work, Devilman competes with Kamen Rider for my favourite manga ever, so I'll keep my eyes peeled for those references!

                You really don't realise how fragile model kits are til you build one it seems, my first lad was an SD RX78 and he's so frail. Granted part of that was probably due to making him with no tools but still, it's sad to see.

              • 9 months ago

                >role modeling
                Is it bad to have an anime role-model as a grown-up, because if it's fine I'll probably go pick one. But wow that sounds unfun overall.

                >the start-friendly and affordable HG line is fragile
                >you should go with expensive RG/MGs assuming they even have that for the thing you like
                >or just straight up switch and do moderoids or something else, which some people also warn you about
                I should have gotten the new Mazinger, but I didn't know whether it or the series would be good. I sure do love the idea of pre-ordering unreviewed products!

                Aw, it's been very un, thank you!
                I have to give it more of a chance, the only show I watched a chunk of was Samurai Sentai, which was pretty great.
                >just wants cool bricks representing his faves
                I get that too, albeit with Transformers it's unwise because they'll keep remaking and improving(?) characters, but I get that it might be the end for a Rider if his show is ending.
                I get what you mean about the panels and cracks, which is why I'm hesitant to marker any more panel lines than the vents and belt buckle. There's a detail of a missile punch in Z's cracks though, so that's nice. There's a certain heft/weight to them looking realistic, as if they'll start walking around when I'm not looking.
                Unfamiliar with the Zee, but yeah, I was thinking of the hefty Zogok, and some long-range buddy of his. I really want a new kit...
                And here's my attempt at using google to directly scan and translate the English. It's uh, I gave up on that pretty quickly.
                >Ireland had anime and cons very late
                I'm so sorry.. ;_;
                But I guess that massive boom means you're suddenly spoiled with a plethora of content and choices, and especially old-school stuff is good. A lot of the anime stores here have mostly One Piece and the popular ongoings.. completely unfamiliar with Shinzo, but I'm watching the 03 Astro now!
                >losing to Hiatus x Hiatus

                Devilman's a fun and cheery work, I think it might have the least amount of references, but it and Zero might be the closest thematically?
                And I got into gunpla with toolless SD Sangoku kits and I've made so many mistakes in so many regards. Not only was I supposed to use nippers, I was supposed to cut parts of the runner and THEN closely cut off the nubs... Great would have come out a lot cleaner had I known to do that. I guess that means its predecessor Z will be much cleaner if/when he ever comes in stock. I swear the old SDCSes got discontinued or something, they're not in stock locally or in Japan.

              • 9 months ago

                >it's frustrating accidentally hurting a new best friend that you were very excited for
                I'm reminded of the time I unintentionally broke the wrist part of my RG GGG kit during the building process

              • 9 months ago

                My dear fren, that's concerning and I hope it worked out for the both of you. Gunpla is too hard...

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah, also remembered the time where I accidently broke my Entry Grade Gundam's leg off

              • 9 months ago

                I absolutely hate the hands on the RG gaogaigar.

              • 9 months ago

                It's a known issue? Idk how to feel about running issues, whether you're blameless for not causing this defect or whether you're blameworthy for not researching beforehand to be extra careful...

                Yeah, also remembered the time where I accidently broke my Entry Grade Gundam's leg off

                Wh-why does this keep happening to your frens, didn't the SMP GaoGaiGar break his thigh or foot too?
                >Infintiism Z and Great, HG Revive Gyan, SDCS Great and Shin Getter, AA Gokin Mazinkaiser, Super Robot Chogokin J-Decker, bootleg-Lego Mazinger and Great, a smol Gold Lightan, and a metric ton of Transformers
                The HG kits are the most fragile and if anything happens to them, I'm going to scream, and I am utterly terrified of moving above HG, or even doing anything above SD...

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah the foot, what's done is done. I only have my own moronation to blame

              • 9 months ago

                Fren it's ok, we all make mistakes, what's important is learning from them and becoming better people.

              • 9 months ago

                Are you for real?

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah, people always tell you that Bandai has the best quality and everyone should start with HGs, but I presume that's just stockholm syndrome. The one HG kit I built (Gosaurer) broke in multiple ways during the building process due to the fragility of the parts (and it wasn't the first I kit I had built either)
                I mostly do Moderoids now and they are way more solid and durable. Built Sol Gravion the other day and despite the complexity of that kit, there's only a single part that worries me that it might break at some point

              • 9 months ago

                >there's only a single part that worries me that it might break at some point
                Different anon here, what's the single part that'll potentially break?

              • 9 months ago

                You can't really see it in any of the promo images but the plane chestpiece is attached to the main body using a harness, and that harness clips into the top of the chest using some tabs that take a worrying amount of force to get into position. Not a huge deal since it doesn't need the tabs, they're just for stability.
                Now I actually did break a part of the harness itself while building God Gravion, but that was just me being a moron and not realizing something had to be oriented a certain way. It took quite a bit of me trying to force it for that part to break too.

            • 9 months ago

              Wait, how's Great otherwise? Hoping to find him eventually...

              • 9 months ago

                I too wish to know a little more about that kit
                Since there does not appear to be a single black limbed Great Mazinger to have ever been sold as a toy, buying that kit and painting it myself appears to be my only hope of having something to go with my SRC Shin Mazinger

                Apologies, I didn't see these for a second there, as I said in

                I have one of those SD/CS frames so if I get Great, I'll probably make him taller when I do get him for that emphasis. I need to get some Gundam Markers, I'm just waiting for the shop I usually buy from to restock since shipping is super cheap from there where I am.

                I misremembered the year but it's this 2001 kit here, it was my first non-SD kit so it was bound to come out kinda weird but I am pretty proud I managed to put it together despite my skimpy tools and inexperience. The site I mentioned before has a few of those Infinitism kits but the only one I can really put up with the aesthetics of is Kotetsu Jeeg who is also the only one on sale.

                I've got a decent backlog currently, Figurise Kuuga, Super Minipla Kakuranger Muteki Shogun, HG Gouf and a RG Force Impulse Gundam so I should be busy, though lately I've been trying to paint Ultraman sofubi to up my painting skills before moving onto doing the same for plamo. Thank you also anon, if you have a collection I'd be happy to see!

                I got it mixed up and it's the linked kit from 2001 instead. It's hard for me to judge how it is being that it was my first non SD kit but despite there being springs, screws and rubber involved the fact I managed to get it done I feel must mean something. It doesn't have a huge amount of those elements in it IIRC, I built this guy a few years ago so I don't really remember, but it does have a few tiny parts that I nearly lost as well as the arm itself when testing the spring. He comes with plenty of hand options though and he is maybe a lil bottom heavy with the whole blue part of his legs being rubbery.

              • 9 months ago

                Interesting, I've never heard of a kit with screws. I guess they wanted to make it feel more like a toy since Mazinger fans are probably more used to diecast stuff. Still, is it even able to pose well? Stuff that old usually can't

              • 9 months ago

                Here's a general idea, he can basically do your basic (near) 360 around with his arms (the wings inhibit this a little), he can bend at the elbow G1 Transformers style, he's got a slight ankle tilt and can stretch his legs out a decent amount (though in testing this the right leg of mine did come off), his head is surprisingly very flexible where it can even look down all the way and you can swivel his chest and move it and the crotch (all the black parts are rubbery) forward to make him look like a sulky boi.

              • 9 months ago

                Damn, you took all those photos just for me? Thanks so much! I'm surprised that it's not just a brick. but seeing the material it's made out of, it certainly doesn't look very durable. Even being supported by screws, I don't know that I could trust it to survive over time. How long ago did you build it?

              • 9 months ago

                There were the other anons who asked about it so I thought I may as well, glad it could be of use to you! I believe I built him in 2020, so not that long ago but he's holding up pretty decently so far.

                >tfw have to rewatch Infinitism to see if it's more enjoyable with the kits

                >I have one of those SD/CS frames so if I get Great
                Nono anon, just like Mazinger Z, Great, Shin Getter 1, and GaoGaiGar already come with the frames as far as I know. Elbows and knees without extra purchase!
                I like Jeeg too, but he's the only one who doesn't have the "pull leg out for extra movement" joint. It's similar to the SDCS frames actually. The Mazingers, Getter Dragon, Grendizer all have it, but not Jeeg... I was with you in terms of aesthetic, but wanting posable Mazingers won me over and these are still very enjoyable, and the aesthetic of having all those detailed lines allows for some tricks where it allows for more posability, while a clean cartoon-accurate smooth kit would have had out-of-place seams if it wanted the same kind of leg or elbow posability. Watch reviews and think on it some more anon, I'm sure you won't regret it!
                >HG Gouf
                If it's Revive then you're in good company, the Revive kits are pretty good modernizations. I hope the painting goes well. I don't have a big collection but I'll try to see if I can pose everyone together sometime this week!
                Thank you anon, these photos are very helpful. I want to recommend Pledge Future Acrylic Floor Polish or drying super glue as ways to tighten joints and prevent anything from easily slipping out, but I've never seen or handled Pledge and the latter can understandably be very iffy or irreversibly bad, so I'd recommend asking people in detail rather than immediately jumping to applying chemicals. These look like fun and hopefully cheap additions even with Infinitism already in my collection.
                >tfw still no opinion on blue or black limbs, because I've enjoyed media with both
                My only strong stance is that Mazinkaiser should have black limbs, but then Mazin Emperor G looks good with blue limbs, so idk anymore.
                Also, can he hold his boomerang? That and the Great Booster are my favourite.

                Oh, I see! Awesome. I do love the SDs a lot.

                So that's why he's cheaper than the others....I understand. I'll definitely have to consider it with your recommendation though, since I do actually like the movie it's from moreso than the look and at the very least having representation of that would be nice.

                The Gouf is pic related, I'm not sure if that's the Revive or not but I'm excited since I like designs like the Gouf and Zaku more than the Gundams generally.

                I'll have a look into those, I'm sure it's just down to my shoddy construction but tightening it just a bit would be nice.
                I prefer blue limbs generally, with the "black"/darker look being best achieved by a very dark blue. The pure black just makes a Mazinger design look kinda off balance to me. Mazinkaiser of course being the only real exception here but I've always read his limbs as being that very dark blue.

                If you're asking about Great Mazinger, he doesn't come with his boomerang IIRC! He came with 2 swords and a bunch of different hands basically.

              • 9 months ago

                SDs are great, I really want the other SDCSes to be in stock again... it's been almost a year!
                I don't think Jeeg is going to be horrible, he'll just have that limited bit of leg movement, he looks great otherwise, and I think he can move his arms up better than the other Infinitism kits can (they can't T-pose, as the kids say). The movie was innocuous, I just went in with the expectation that it would be longer, since SRW30 dragged it out over like, twenty stages.
                That is most certainly the Revive version, friend. I like the Gouf a lot too, it's probably going to be the next kit I'd get for Gundam. I'd strongly recommend the Gyan too if you like its design, has a special extra-joint hand so it can tilt its sword even more like a fencer. The Revive kits generally seem to be good updates, I've heard nothing but praise for the Guncannon as well.
                >tightening it just a bit would be nice.
                Whatever you apply, add just a lil bit and wait for it to dry, not sure whether you have to dilute it with water or not (ask people who know better!!), just remember that, sort of like seasoning food, it's easier to add more later than it is to remove stuff like this.
                >I prefer blue limbs generally, with the "black"/darker look being best achieved by a very dark blue.
                Yeah, agreed. A light blue makes it seem like it's from a bright and happy children's show, while darker limbs add a bit of gravity. Although the dark blue on SD Great looks pretty bright... The pretty serious Mazinger mangas (Go Nagai, Gosaku Ota if you speak European) and Shin Mazinger Zero have black limbs and are pretty serious, worth a read if you're interested. Read Shin Mazinger Zero too! I'm rereading it now. The first volume might make it seem like it's edgy shock-value but it's ultimately a positive and hopeful story.
                >he doesn't come with his boomerang IIRC!
                The boomerang is the V on his chest you goober! Some kits let you (gently!) remove it and have him hold, but Infinitism's is fragile..

              • 9 months ago

                >Infinitism's is fragile..
                But is it more fragile than gold plastic syndrome?

              • 9 months ago

                Ok well it doesn't EXPLODE when you look at it, no.

              • 9 months ago
              • 9 months ago

                Every time I see Sayaka get hurt, I get a bit hurt inside

                That looks like the $5 Kamen Rider toys you or someone mentioned, don't tell me they STILL used gold plastic

              • 9 months ago

                Bingo, it's the RKF (Rider Kicks Figure) of Kamen Rider Grease from Kamen Rider Build

              • 9 months ago

                >it's a combination of Aphrodite A's distracting breast missile assist, with Mazinger's sure-fire kill finger missiles that brought down the kikaiju
                Idk how to feel but I guess I got what I wanted, with helpful support and spotlight of different attacks.

                >Kamen Rider Build
                It's inane that they haven't fixed this issue.

              • 9 months ago

                Make that 2018. They were actually releasing the figure line during Kamen Rider Zi-O, the Heisei nostalgia series

              • 9 months ago

                I see, happy to know it's the Revive! I look forward to getting around to him. I do love the Gyan so I'll keep an eye out for him also.

                I've read manga Mazinger, I know of Gosaku Ota's Mazinger with this cover being one of my favourite mecha related artworks ever, but I'm in the part of Europe that didn't get any cool anime til honestly pretty recently so we unfortunately have no connection to that cool stuff. Most of my experience with Mazinger lies pretty much with Nagai's manga and the Toei show, with the Devilman movie being my proper animated Mazinger introduction, so I should try out Shin Mazinger Zero!

                Ah, you're right! You could probably fit it in one of the alt hands you get but honestly he holds even his sword very loosely so I wouldn't bank on it.

                >I mean that's something you can fix up yourself, but even if you don't, we are talking about giant robots here. It's easy to think of that as just part of the design, like where an engineer screwed together two different pieces of sheet metal or something.
                I sorta get it, but the 70s (or older) designs being smooth, it'd still clash with the aesthetic in-hand, even though I IMMENSELY appreciate your explanation, since I need things like that to be reconciled in my head.

                Nice Z elbow bend, shared with Great, Grendizer, Getter Dragon, and something similar for Zero.
                >you'd think they'd be more out of more place with a design that has deliberate paneling and greebles, since seam lines don't typically match the look of those.
                I think they designed the kit well enough for it to blend in nicely. Although I would have appreciated similar consideration to give us better knees, which they only did for the Metal Build.

                Forgot to mention that Getter Arc (although technically not Infinitism) is sometimes intensely cheap as well, I think it's just because it's new and not high in demand, going to look into it again though.
                >reviewer I like has gotten every Infinitism kit except for Jeeg for some reason
                >got a $250 Getter-1 figure before letting me know how Jeeg is
                Here's a nice and silent review for Jeeg.

                >He came with 2 swords and a bunch of different hands basically.
                >Infinitism and SD gives you the Scramble Dash, Thunder Break hand, sword(s), boomerang (the SD can hold his better than the HG kit can..)
                >does NOT give you rocket punch effects, or the cap for the elbow: those are only with Z
                >even the Z's Scrander is more complicated
                It always feels like they think it's enough to just give Great some swords and a finger, but will pour more love into Z ;_;

                Them giving Z more love works for a Z lover like me, haha.

              • 9 months ago

                >tfw have to rewatch Infinitism to see if it's more enjoyable with the kits

                >I have one of those SD/CS frames so if I get Great
                Nono anon, just like Mazinger Z, Great, Shin Getter 1, and GaoGaiGar already come with the frames as far as I know. Elbows and knees without extra purchase!
                I like Jeeg too, but he's the only one who doesn't have the "pull leg out for extra movement" joint. It's similar to the SDCS frames actually. The Mazingers, Getter Dragon, Grendizer all have it, but not Jeeg... I was with you in terms of aesthetic, but wanting posable Mazingers won me over and these are still very enjoyable, and the aesthetic of having all those detailed lines allows for some tricks where it allows for more posability, while a clean cartoon-accurate smooth kit would have had out-of-place seams if it wanted the same kind of leg or elbow posability. Watch reviews and think on it some more anon, I'm sure you won't regret it!
                >HG Gouf
                If it's Revive then you're in good company, the Revive kits are pretty good modernizations. I hope the painting goes well. I don't have a big collection but I'll try to see if I can pose everyone together sometime this week!
                Thank you anon, these photos are very helpful. I want to recommend Pledge Future Acrylic Floor Polish or drying super glue as ways to tighten joints and prevent anything from easily slipping out, but I've never seen or handled Pledge and the latter can understandably be very iffy or irreversibly bad, so I'd recommend asking people in detail rather than immediately jumping to applying chemicals. These look like fun and hopefully cheap additions even with Infinitism already in my collection.
                >tfw still no opinion on blue or black limbs, because I've enjoyed media with both
                My only strong stance is that Mazinkaiser should have black limbs, but then Mazin Emperor G looks good with blue limbs, so idk anymore.
                Also, can he hold his boomerang? That and the Great Booster are my favourite.

                Mazingers with blue limbs sort of give off a blue and red dynamic with Getter whenever they team up together.

              • 9 months ago

                I love your webms and your artsheets, as well as everything kind and helpful that you say or do.
                I want to be yours.

              • 9 months ago

                Thanks, just made this webm too. Currently 14 episodes into Daigunder and 38 episodes into LOGH.

              • 9 months ago

                Ok no more drinking!!!
                I thought you finished this, was that someone else, I'm so confused...
                I think I dreamed about rewatching it. No watching ep previews, seriously!

                The way you talk pisses me off immensely

                That's fair enough

                Are you for real?

                I like my anons

              • 9 months ago

                What an ugly piece of shit.

              • 9 months ago

                Damn, you took all those photos just for me? Thanks so much! I'm surprised that it's not just a brick. but seeing the material it's made out of, it certainly doesn't look very durable. Even being supported by screws, I don't know that I could trust it to survive over time. How long ago did you build it?

                Get a room

            • 9 months ago

              Wait, how's Great otherwise? Hoping to find him eventually...

              I too wish to know a little more about that kit
              Since there does not appear to be a single black limbed Great Mazinger to have ever been sold as a toy, buying that kit and painting it myself appears to be my only hope of having something to go with my SRC Shin Mazinger

        • 9 months ago

          Look at all that useless crap!

    • 9 months ago

      >I think this show looks great too.
      No Toei show from this era looks great. Maybe Tiger Mask since it was kinda stylish but definitely not Mazinger. The colors were ugly as sin.

      • 9 months ago

        You think so? I like how it looks a lot. I think the colouring is pretty. I love the skies especially. I also like Toei Devilman looks good though so I might just like that era's general look.

        What an ugly piece of shit.

        I think he looks cool, but I admit I could've probably painted or panel lined him or something to make him stand out more. His poses here are also just to show off his articulation so he doesn't look as cool as he could.

  5. 9 months ago

    Thunderbirds. It's easy to watch on my TV since it's on the Tubi app. Cool aesthetic. Likeable characters. Men who act like real men. No music playing all of the time, knows when silence is enough.

    I was half way through Cybuster but stalled out a couple months back. I am also half way through Dragonar when I stalled out during the biker gang arc. Also, Dragonar isn't on any streaming service, and I get choppy frames casting from my computer to the TV, so if I want to watch Dragonar then I have to watch it at my computer desk, so I am not as motivated to watch it.

    • 9 months ago

      Thunderbirds is great, you can see its influence in Ultraseven's vehicle sequences which is pretty cool to my tokusatsu loving self. I had a toy of Thunderbird 4 from the 00s movie that I loved, used to play with it alongside my Power Rangers.

  6. 9 months ago

    Watching Mobile Suit Gundam at the moment. It's pretty good, as you might imagine.

  7. 9 months ago

    Webdiver. It's the ultimate style over substance anime. It has rough early digital 2D animation (there are some good moments though) and PS1-era CGI but quite a bit of good character interactions, lots of variation on the monster-of-the-week formula, and some genuinely interesting plots that involve real philosophical and scientific concepts. Plus the mechs are super cool -- there's a mech that turns into a train and a mech that turns into a pirate ship.

  8. 9 months ago

    Currently watching denjin Zaborga(you may recognize the thumbnail on the /otg/ general and then planning on watching the 2011 movie Im watching it until episode 39 and skipping out on the dinosaur army arc because its pretty much a different show at that point and is considered poor in comparison to the rest of the series

    • 9 months ago

      Is that subbed?

  9. 9 months ago

    On episode 32 on Legend of the Galactic Heroes, liking it so far. If only Kirchies was still here.

  10. 9 months ago

    Watched Dead Leaves on Saturday and mostly thought it was excellent but man was the animation choppy. Also finished RideBack on the same day, pretty fantastic stuff, I'm amazed nobody talks about it.

  11. 9 months ago

    Dunbine is beating me. I don’t know, I feel less and less invested in the characters, but want to know how it all ends.

  12. 9 months ago

    >What are you watching
    my brain is full of frick.

    • 9 months ago


  13. 9 months ago

    I've been watching Zambot 3 after finishing Phantom 2040 a couple of weeks ago. I've enjoyed the whole twist on the Super Robot show they were going for by showing the casualties, the damage on cities, how the heroes can't save everyone and so forth. I hate how the comic relief comes from a maniac with the blood of millions of people on his hands, though.

    • 9 months ago

      Finally on ep. 23
      >Even Chiyonishiki dies.
      Goddamn it. What a ride, nevertheless.
      Now, onto CGIs of Rean

  14. 9 months ago

    Reborn as a Vending Machine in Another World is starting to go down hill. Ah well, it was entertaining while it lasted. It could have used an actual plot.

  15. 9 months ago

    >gets to episode 19 of Gigantic Formula
    >Americans think Aphrodite was Zeus's wife

    THAT WAS HERA YOU IDIOTS! For a series that goes well into Greek mythology it sure got a very basic element of it completely wrong. And how the hell did Ishtar lose to Junova? I call utter ass pull on this one, those rings should have been instant KO.

  16. 9 months ago

    I just recently finished King Gainer, which I ended up enjoying a lot more than I expected given the first couple of episodes didn't really grab me and it gets kind of nuts towards the end. I'm torn between Dunbine and Dragonar in terms of what I want to start next.

    • 9 months ago

      I had the exact opposite experience with King Gainer; its opening is crazy and you have no idea what's going on, but by the end I was underwhelmed because it didn't go into any of the backstory stuff that sounded far more interesting than the main plot

    • 9 months ago

      The current rips for Dragonar look like ass, so maybe wait until the Blu-Rays are out before starting that one.

  17. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago


  18. 9 months ago

    Got to Jinki:Extend episode 11... So... More hoping around scenes and the masked guy that was the co-pilot of Aoba's mom apparently raped someone in a flashback. I literally said out loud "what the frick?" This series is so fricking broken. I don't even know what the hell the bad guys want. Chaos? The apocalypse? Mass hatred? I don't get it. I liked this when this started off as the misadventures of a female model builder piloting her own bot, now I'm debating "is this 1/10 territory?". Because seeing something this disjointed is like encountering Bigfoot.

    • 9 months ago

      Forgot to include this. Same episode had the pervy villainness kiss Aoba on the lips. Random yuri fan service for no reason which could have gone to explaining the villains' motives.

    • 9 months ago

      And just finished Jinki:Extend, pretty incoherent and the story never finished. Pretty terrible overall, but since the first third was entertaining I won't give it a 1/10. I am impressed at how all over the place it was. Thankfully I recently started Tetsujin 28 FX and it's pretty cool cheapness aside.

  19. 9 months ago

    Nine episodes into Daigunder and it's already having a recap episode.

    • 9 months ago

      you can't be surprised by that
      I'm certainly not, I watched one episode, and even that first episode was extremely cheap. I saw that and I was like "alright I know what this is gonna be, not interested"

  20. 9 months ago

    Continuing Thunderbirds. Finish "The Mighty Atom". The radioactive cloud sweeping over Australia was horrifying. You can't fight against it, no calling for the heroes to save the day from it. You can only run.


  21. 9 months ago

    Just finished Destiny of The Shrine Maiden. Yup, this was horrible. Lousy animation and characters, bad writing, an overly long final episode, and according to Orochi's nemesis (weird named goddess the main duo awaken) there's no afterlife. Talk about unnecessarily cruel. Not terrible because outside of the final episode the pacing is fast, there is plenty of action, and the villains, while under developed, were amusing. Pretty damn sloppy.

  22. 9 months ago

    Six episodes into B-Fighter Kabuto, it's pretty fricking cool. Don't know if I like the suits in it or the first series more.

  23. 9 months ago

    Ultraman Blazar. The two-parter was pretty good

  24. 9 months ago

    Just solely been watching KR shows after shows. Wizard to Ex-Aid all done so far this year. Drive and somewhat Ex-Aid were my favorite shows of that bunch. Wizard and Ghost are fine - Wizard's fight choreography is a spectacle and I really like Ghost's positivity. In comparison, I hate how every Rider in Gaim not named Kouta, Takatora, or Zack are buttholes. I'm at Build right now and Sento and Banjou are a hoot. Cross Z is really freaking cool.

    Have two more non-Showa shows left and then will see what I pick up after. I'll probably finish Zeta, ZZ, and Digimon Ghost Game after.

  25. 9 months ago

    I'm watching Ideon for the first time, pretty fun so far. Afterwards, I'm planning on watching Dunbine, L-Gaim, Xabungle, Brain Powerd, and Overman King Gainer. I've seen all of Tomino's Gundam stuff but I've neglected his other works. I wanna try watching Raideen, Zambot 3, and Daitarn 3 at some point too but I'm saving those for later.

  26. 9 months ago

    1/3 way to Daigunder and man, Haruka's seiyuu just can't emote well at all regardless of the situation. Otherwise, the series is fine for what it is so far.

  27. 9 months ago

    Watching Zegapain at the moment.
    It's been on my to-watch list for a while, the sequel announcement was pretty much by excuse to bite the bullet and start.

    A few episodes in, it's very fun. I really dig stories that play with reality like this, I feel like it's gonna be something special.

  28. 9 months ago

    Just watched a one off OVA called Mini Yon Soldier Rin! and it was kind of good but not great. It was entertaining and actually somewhat funny, I could see this being a full on series.

  29. 9 months ago

    Holy shit.

    • 9 months ago

      kek I didn't know it was literally Govarian tier

      • 9 months ago

        I actually had to rewind the scene multiple times to see if I wasn't hallucinating.

  30. 9 months ago

    What the hell is this”frens” thing some moronic keep saying? /m/ has lolcows making up words like Chris-chan now? Also, calling toys your friends, we’re reaching bottom-of-the-barrel lately

    • 9 months ago

      Eh, I confess I feel a bit irritated with those new expressions, but I much rather have these 'frens' around that actually talk about enjoying the series that they are watching rather than anons that forced themselves to (speed) watch stuff just to tick off a list.

      • 9 months ago

        You've already complained about this yet this topic is devoid of forcing, check lists, or fictional speedwatching. You have a problem.

        • 9 months ago

          Just finished Gigantic Formula. The pacing was slow and the music was bad, otherwise it was great stuff. Not sure of Onyx's energy whip was one of his powers or something he stole from Ishtar, if it's the latter how did he get it without beating her? I should really make a ranking for the bots at some point. Also watched the Ghost Sweeper Mikami movie earlier, the animation was cool but it still had all the stupid humor and general unlikeability from the TV series. Damn shame because a vampire as Oda Nobunaga was interesting.

          Just ignore him, not like anything short of a mod flex stops his mumbling anyway.

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