What are your thoughts on Alex Hirsch?

What are your thoughts on Alex Hirsch?

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Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    He's not working on anything, so I don't think about him anymore. Just like with Renzetti.

    • 5 months ago

      Doesn't he have that one show coming up?

      • 5 months ago

        Hirsch? the leak turned out out to be fake. sorry, anon.

    • 5 months ago
      • 5 months ago

        >older readers
        Bill says frick once

        • 5 months ago


          There’s worst

          ech yeah that is a bad response. but a common one.


          obvious fake

        • 5 months ago

          I don't need him to say frick more than once.

          • 5 months ago


          • 5 months ago

            the right number of fricks is usually one or two. it depends on the length of the work
            unless you have a jay and silent bob kinda character who needs to fricketyfrick every other word, that's his personality.

        • 5 months ago

          >I AM YOUR b***h

        • 5 months ago

          It doesn't need to be a Vivzipop production

      • 5 months ago

        Can we get a Randy Cunham book instead.

    • 5 months ago

      Renzetti is working on the PPG reboot with Craig

  2. 5 months ago

    >wants to continue gravity falls lore without continuing gravity falls
    hack hack hack hack

    • 5 months ago

      And how is it bad to have more stories without sticking to the same characters? Maybe he wants to grab somebody else and push a story with them?

  3. 5 months ago

    one hit wonder, but mother of sweet fricking Christ what a hit

  4. 5 months ago

    He made the thing. I like the thing.

  5. 5 months ago

    Only that im surprised that Cinemaphile actually succeeded in stopping him in 2016.

  6. 5 months ago

    Gravity Falls was always american faux-comedy shit, propped up by a fandom wide "mystery" plot that immediately after being revealed sank the show into a pit of being absolutely worthless and without appeal because on its own merits the show was shite
    And then they ended on a gay homosexual mecha fight

    • 5 months ago

      Annoying hack. GF was good for the people that worked on it not for him.

      I can’t wait for him to get “canceled” by his woke fanbase for fricking a 19 year old and he’ll be forced to go back to making kino again instead of pandering to homosexuals with aids

      Seems like a creative guy gut I would never want to work with him nor do I was anyone else would have to work with him.

      Go back to x.com, homosexual

    • 5 months ago

      This, I liked the show but never understand why pople acts like this was the holy grail of animation, at the 90's this could be just another show

    • 5 months ago

      That explains Amphibia too.

  7. 5 months ago

    My thoughts are more toward his twin sister Ariel.

    • 5 months ago

      Do they ever switch places of each other one point of their life time She’s the man scenario? They both have the similar features….

      • 5 months ago

        I’m pretty sure her boobs, ass and Hair would have given it away.

  8. 5 months ago

    Annoying hack. GF was good for the people that worked on it not for him.

  9. 5 months ago

    I can’t wait for him to get “canceled” by his woke fanbase for fricking a 19 year old and he’ll be forced to go back to making kino again instead of pandering to homosexuals with aids

  10. 5 months ago

    Seems like a creative guy gut I would never want to work with him nor do I was anyone else would have to work with him.

  11. 5 months ago

    >sour grapes, the thread.
    He accomplished more than any of the haters in this thread ever will.

  12. 5 months ago

    He's probably single-handedly responsible for Roiland, so take that how you want to.

    • 5 months ago

      >He's probably single-handedly responsible for Roiland

      Roiland was first given a chance by Penn Ward.

      • 5 months ago

        Fish Hooks was before that in 2010.

        • 5 months ago

          I just heard him the other day in a pretty old cartoon, I was surprised. Can't remember what it was though.

    • 5 months ago

      Frick are you talking about? That's all on Harmon

  13. 5 months ago

    The John K. of the 2010s just you wait

    • 5 months ago

      Roiland again.

      • 5 months ago

        he has more than one hit

      • 5 months ago

        Now that I think about it Roiland and John K are pretty similar right down to both of them being canceled for being pedos lol

        • 5 months ago

          > Roiland and John K are pretty similar right down to both of them being canceled for being pedos lol
          It's actually more similar than you think. They were both fired for being shitty employees. The pedo shit is just icing on the cake.

          If John K could have stayed on schedule with his episode deliveries, he would have stayed on. If Roiland would have been less toxic in the workplace, Adult Swim would have likely looked the other way or even protected him when allegations began to surface.

          • 5 months ago

            or, consider, maybe all the others were the hostile ones. buncha elitist cliquey shits who ganged up on him

            roiland i mean. i can't see that being the case for john K
            if you've never experienced everyone ganging up on you, then you are either a terrible person or fantastically lucky.

            • 5 months ago

              >or, consider, maybe all the others were the hostile ones. buncha elitist cliquey shits who ganged up on him
              You can create whataboutisms all day. That's not really an effective way to form an argument. The fact is that there were several employees who had mentioned that Roiland completely checked - a fact which is supported by his total lack of involvement in production later on aside from voice acting. Whatever the reasons, he wasn't an important enough asset to protect so he was let go.

              • 5 months ago

                >not an effective way to form an argument
                it is if your argument is "This person could be innocent. and anyone who could be innocent, is"
                people need to stop making decisions with their feelings. this is what happens when you brag about how many women you've hired.

            • 5 months ago

              Yeah Justin it's everyone else's fault you constantly went to fricking Toys R Us instead of the writers' room and couldn't help yourself from drunk DMing a minor to call them "jailbait." That's just the clique's fault, which you as creator of the most popular show on television were simply helpless to overcome.

              • 5 months ago

                they'll come for you too, someday

    • 5 months ago

      Gravity Falls was a good show.

      wienertown or whatever that kickstarter scam was looks like total ass.

      He is probably a sex pest just based on vibes and no actual evidence.

      Roiland again.

      Neither Roiland or Hirsch have had as significant of an impact on animation as John K. I get the comparison is that they are sex pests, but John K was a sex pest who was more important to animation.

      • 5 months ago

        >wienertown or whatever that kickstarter scam was
        wait lol wasn't that that shit that fired Tara Strong because she supports Israel?

  14. 5 months ago

    Cool. I liked Gravity Falls

  15. 5 months ago

    I liked Gravity Falls.
    His sister is cute and he probably banged (or wanted to bang her) when they were young
    He looks so israeli it's even funny.

    • 5 months ago

      I also find it funny and delightful. And I appreciate Grunkle Stan fully leaning into that funnylooking nature.
      I also love highland cattle.
      and yes, Ariel is cute
      let's talk about Gravity Falls a lot, it is great

      • 5 months ago

        i left the fandom and stopped looking at doublepines shit when i rewatched an episode and realised the fandom idea of the characters is nothing like in the actual show
        For example Mabel and Dipper aren't even that close like in doublepines. I wish they were that close, I wish the entire show were written like that show 'The Tooth' and Mabel and Dipper were inseperable partners, but they actually only have occasional moments of being BFFs dispersed between being regular siblings saying quips at eachother and having different friendgroups or not interacting. But people only remember the very occasional moments of them being close

        • 5 months ago

          those occasional moments accomplished a lot
          and remember in 2012 it was still pretty novel to have siblings getting along -at all- in a cartoon

      • 5 months ago

        It is a great show. He knew how to do humour in a clever way without being to cheesy like a lot of cartoons are, but the show's humour is not vulgar pike a lot of adult cartoons are, and this balance worked great for the show. It made the show enjoyable for both children and youngsters. The characters are pretty likable, with the friendship of the twins being ofc the main pillar of the show.

        • 5 months ago

          I hate phoneposting so much. I don't even saw how much I said the world "show" until I posted

          • 5 months ago

            I do that sometimes
            but in your case i'd be more worried about unironically using 'vulgar.'
            nobody with electricity should be able to use that term except in jest, putting on an exaggerated upper-crust debutante accent

            • 5 months ago

              that, and the combined usage of 'youngsters' and 'ofc' which is about as opposite ends of verbal-age as you can get. something very wrong going on here. profound sheltering, I imagine. we're beginning to see, for the first time in ages, a generation of kids that hasn't seen porno

            • 5 months ago

              that, and the combined usage of 'youngsters' and 'ofc' which is about as opposite ends of verbal-age as you can get. something very wrong going on here. profound sheltering, I imagine. we're beginning to see, for the first time in ages, a generation of kids that hasn't seen porno

              Jesus tap dancing Christ kid.

              Have you, even for a second, thought that maybe I'm not a native english speaker so the words that I chose could have been influenced by this?

              Leave this site for a while. This is not normal human behaviour.

              • 5 months ago

                >not a native english speaker
                okay anon here's the thing
                this is the third time this has happened in the last month, and I apologize
                but in my defense, you guys' english has gotten SO MUCH BETTER than it was in my day, chatting with malays on IRC. It's really hard to tell you're ESL, and the mistakes you make just come off like you having bad culture. Shibboleths, rather than Engrish, if you follow me.
                All you need to do is say ESL first time I reply to you and I'll be like "oh okay, right. Well just so you know, when you use oom words you sound like a gay" etc.

              • 5 months ago

                I have no problem in being mocked for misspelling, I do this myself when I'm bored. What I made fun of was your "conclusions" about the use of the "vintage" words in my comment. Stuff like

                >nobody with electricity should be able to use that term except in jest, putting on an exaggerated upper-crust debutante accent
                >something very wrong going on here. profound sheltering, I imagine. we're beginning to see, for the first time in ages, a generation of kids that hasn't seen porno
                Like, what is even wrong with the world vulgar? I hear it everywhere on YouTube videos of english native speakers commenting about shows like Rick and Morty.

              • 5 months ago

                well excuuuuuse me for upholding standards of speech and expressing the natural directions the choices of words lead to. That's how language works. It displays who you are to others, and they can rebuke you in turn.

                What you didn't know, because you've been listening to normies, is that the word 'vulgar' means 'common.' hence all the latin names of animals ending in 'vulgaris.'
                Without sounding like some kind of librul hipster, this is the bad kind of classism. It's been going on for at least 500 years. Latin-based words are considered 'proper' and THE COMMON MAN's speech is mocked. Which, yknow, that has become true over time, but most of the time it's not. And that goes for "vulgar" humor, writing, visuals, whatever. They're attacking it for being popular with the common folk, so really it is its own kind of hipsterism.
                ESPECIALLY when used completely on its own, it's just below the word "inappropriate" for meaningless thought-crushing buzzspeak. and it's getting worse every day among young people, and it cheeses me off.

            • 5 months ago

              >noooooo don't use a word people on my discord server don't use, the english language must be flavorless and easy to digest like baby food

      • 5 months ago

        I think she'd figure out the heels eventually, though I think Mabel wouldn't wear heels for the most part

      • 5 months ago

        Pinecest my beloved

        less whining, more Pining

        I found Doublepine's stuff before I even watched the show or knew what it was fun, it's what convinced me to watch it even. Truly great works (which I hate because incest is a horrible horrible fetish, why couldn't she have drawn Wendipper instead?).

        • 5 months ago

          I am actually really surprised she didn't also draw wendip stuff. and in fact, as far as i can tell, has never drawn wendy at all.
          anyway why is it a horrible fetish? it's cutesweet and it relies on story and strong affection between characters.

          • 5 months ago

            She drew Wendy a few times, at least 3 in the (incomplete) archive I have.

            • 5 months ago

              Shit. I need to look through that mega archive more
              ... i think i actually draw her better. but the turned-up nose is on point.

              • 5 months ago

                Here's another one.

              • 5 months ago

                huh cute, that works pretty well. but I think making wendy's face longer is kinda vital to her look. I'm sure if she practiced more, she would have drawn better wendys. her earlier pines stuff wasn't as good.

  16. 5 months ago

    No one wants to hire him lmaoooo

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        No one wants him as a writer/producer.

      • 5 months ago

        Almost all of these are shows he did voices on because he was friends with someone, fricking someone, a exec producer on the show, or already at the studio and easy to get for a quick cameo. That's not exactly a great reel if this was just an isolated portfolio of an aspiring VA.

  17. 5 months ago

    A goddamn leftard with no connection to the fans of his flash in the pan.

  18. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      I also find it funny and delightful. And I appreciate Grunkle Stan fully leaning into that funnylooking nature.
      I also love highland cattle.
      and yes, Ariel is cute
      let's talk about Gravity Falls a lot, it is great

      Pincest is one of my favorite ships its such a comfy throw back for me. This would be the last problematic ship that had a hudge open fanbase behind it until c138cest.
      Say what you will about the quality of the show itself but the fandom in general was one of the last fun and comfy ones. The fans were so dedicated and passionate pumping endless content with soul. There was hardly any fighting cuz everyone thought the show was in good hands outside Cinemaphile when it was airing. As a teenager myself even the goofy code mysteries felt like a treat. It was the last time me and my own sister bonded over a show before I left for college. The show looking back lacks the punch it had when it was airing but I can't think of any show after that matched uniqe charm the community GF had surrounding it.

      Holy frick bros take me back

      • 5 months ago

        that's pretty rad, anon
        I was never all that concerned with the mystery aspect, I just liked the characters. and obviously lots of pinecest. like a big bowl of pinecest.

      • 5 months ago

        I wasn't using Cinemaphile back when this show aired.
        >inb4 zooooom
        I can attest to the sheer amount of content that is now lost for one reason or another, especially on Tumblr. For example while now and days most storyboarding artists would need to promote their own shows through art with the premire listed on it, that wasn't the case with GF. It was well advertised and countless artists would advertise the same premiere thru thier art over and over for literally almost every ep. The AUs produced were also inventive and cool and each had a butt load of content like the monster AU. The sense of community GF had is dead on other shows now and days. Nothing but muh lesbians, muh shitty headcanons, muh essay on why this ep sucked now. Fricks sake.

    • 5 months ago

      Pinecest my beloved

      • 5 months ago

        I wish I could contribute more, faster.

    • 5 months ago
      • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago
          • 5 months ago

            hell yeah

            • 5 months ago
              • 5 months ago

                eh never been into the reverse stuff, but the quality's good!

              • 5 months ago

                Back to our regularly scheduled program then

              • 5 months ago

                Finally, art that actually looks like the characters

              • 5 months ago

                (is he blowing a raspberry on her cheek)
                (did she specifically ask him to do that because that is a very mabel thing, or did he think she'd appreciate it because it's a mabely thing)

                Finally, art that actually looks like the characters

                that exists, there's plenty of it. even DoublePines sometimes draws in the show's style
                it just takes a lotttt of skill to make it look good, generally only asian artists can pull off in-show-style fanart of cheap western cartoons that looks any good.

  19. 5 months ago

    Imagine making a character based on your childhood crush then saying you wanted to make that character a lesbian.

    • 5 months ago

      he's doing his best to navigate the insane waters of today. he used to be normal. he's basically daron nefcy.
      we just need to love and support and reprogram these people. they are very easily swayed.

      • 5 months ago

        This is such a cuck mentality

        • 5 months ago

          >wanting to dominate others to save them from their shitty overlords turning them into wackos
          I suppose you think god is a cuck for sacrificing himself for us.

    • 5 months ago

      They exist, you know.

      • 5 months ago

        Also, Wendy does give off the energy that she's bi and would probably have already dated Tambry twice by the time if this show came out in 2022 instead of 2012.

      • 5 months ago

        lol no they don't

        Also, Wendy does give off the energy that she's bi and would probably have already dated Tambry twice by the time if this show came out in 2022 instead of 2012.

        ugh don't remind me

        I don't really disagree with any of that. Rolland is pretty well burned to the industry.

        it's funny, I didn't care that much for him before, now I want to send him money.

        • 5 months ago

          > now I want to send him money.
          > Sending cash to a guy who is pretty much set for life
          t. paypig

          • 5 months ago

            it's the prinicpal of the thing.
            i wanna hear his voice in a dumb web cartoon again. i wanna fund him making more doc and mhartis

            • 5 months ago

              > i wanna fund him making more doc and mhartis
              You don't need to fund him doing that. He used to do it for free and he has more money now than he ever would have imagined when he was 25.

              Don't send your money to rich people

              • 5 months ago

                >don't buy products and services
                got it, live in a hut and eat rocks.

                that said, yeah, if i were him I'd just go back to doing hobbies for free.

              • 5 months ago

                I could see if he had some sort of crowdfund for a project going, but he doesn't. He's not asking for money. Don't send him money. (he also doesn't need it. He's in the position to self-finance things if he wants. Save the crowdfunds for the poors).

  20. 5 months ago

    He's fine so long as he doesn't talk about politics.

    • 5 months ago

      I think Matt Chapman needs to take him under his wing and teach him a thing or two about how to be funny and reference real life without being a politics man.

    • 5 months ago

      Which is all the time.

    • 5 months ago

      His politics are based though he’s just often cringe with how he expresses them

      • 5 months ago

        Didn't he use the Stan voice to call into some hotline after 2020?

      • 5 months ago

        >someone's grandkid taught him the opposite 20s kid slang on purpose, as a joke
        sad. kids these days.

  21. 5 months ago

    Never liked him from the start, so I only remember about him when one of you homosexuals decide to do a thread about the manlet hack

    • 5 months ago

      just make it a GF thread instead

  22. 5 months ago


    >pisses on trashcans
    He should get himself a pee bottle.

  23. 5 months ago


    right? he's one of us, deep down. He just got in with the wrong crowd.

  24. 5 months ago

    Incredibly obnoxious man who, unlike his contemporaries, doesn't have a right to complain about "mistreatment" from the network since ending things was entirely his decision.

    • 5 months ago

      mistreatment from the network made him too tired to continue. they wanted him to make more, but they wanted to hector him the whole time
      granted that is part of the industry, but i'm not even a little shocked a creative guy my age was not able to sweat the load.

  25. 5 months ago

    my thoughts on him are I hope his foodstamps doesn't get cut off while "working" for Netflix and trying to get his kickstarter show off the ground.

  26. 5 months ago

    Insert anything in the blank here

  27. 5 months ago

    GF hasn’t aged too well, the humor in particular is really bad. It’s just characters doing and saying quirky things, or describing the quirky thing while doing it.

    • 5 months ago

      that's how humor works, anon
      you sound like you think things from the last 5-6 years are funny

    • 5 months ago

      The characters are so unlikable too. Mabel is too self centered, Stan being a conman and old is not that funny, Soos isnt endearing at all, and even Dipper feels a little arrogant from time to time. And some stereotypical teen side characters. And some stupid le quirky hick townies. I don’t like them at all.

      • 5 months ago

        What kind of shows do you like, anon?

        • 5 months ago

          I don’t owe you an opinion that validates yours

          • 5 months ago

            just curious, sonny jim. has someone been mean to you?

      • 5 months ago

        And why try to so hard to make characters learn lessons so many times? They’re all terrible throughout the entire thing. And why the half hour runtime? This show doesn’t do anything to deserve it, it’s filled with filler moments.

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah that "I've been traumatized! :D" style of comedy gets really grating. TOH and Amphibia suffered from it, too

      • 5 months ago

        Actually scratch that, the term I was looking for was reaction gif comedy.

  28. 5 months ago

    Dude has some issues.

    • 5 months ago

      come on, that's not a fair question. cartoon people don't scale properly, their heights are more representative.

      • 5 months ago

        A smarter way of phrasing it is "I didn't really have canon heights in mind". This just feels needlessly snarky.

        • 5 months ago

          Easy for you to say now, anon.. In the heat of the moment, if you've allowed yourself to get into the mindset of responding immediately like you would to your friends who asked you a question..
          I have definitely committed every major sin a cartoon creator has with his fandom, only I'm luckily not a celebrity so I only get minor blowback and a decently-sized but dedicated hatedom. The kind that still talks about me in places years after i've left, that kind of thing. i can't throw any stones. I see myself in all of them, and I've just learned to get better.

    • 5 months ago

      That's such a random thing for him to sperg over. Dude really can't answer a simple question?

      • 5 months ago

        so you don't see the fan as the pest there

        • 5 months ago

          No? Dude was just curious how tall a character is and Alex couldn't just spit out an answer.

          • 5 months ago

            And that is the problem with turbo tards.
            >What is the range of her arm.
            >How does her cooch taste.
            >What is the color of her nips.
            Why do fans bring shit to the creator which does not help the story. Does knowing the hieght of Wendy brings something of importance to the story? No. Its just important that she is tall.
            This is why we can't get good stories. Turbo nerds rushing to measure everything, wanting everything to "Historically accurate" or sperging out of a X-wing is shorter by 5 inches.

            • 5 months ago

              here's the thing
              it was perfectly okay to ask
              it was also perfectly okay to brush off the question and say it's a cartoon, they don't have exact heights. this isn't a mecha anime. If it were, then he should have an answer
              but it was still fine to ASK in case he was gonna say "oh you know, 5'9" one inch too short to be a model."

              • 5 months ago

                If he said anything the turbo nerds will go nuts and start measuring every frame and start screaming about things which don't matter.

              • 5 months ago

                Check this cheif...

                So the reason you're shitting on the fan is over a scenario you're making up in your head.

              • 5 months ago

                jesus, nobody can be this autistic
                do you seriously not understand the concept of comparison. Like you've never heard someone say "X is ridiculous. That's like Y" in your life?

              • 5 months ago

                You're not making a comparison. You're just making up a scenario in your head about what'd happen if Alex dared to tell how tall Wendy is.

              • 5 months ago

                the post in question was

                And that is the problem with turbo tards.
                >What is the range of her arm.
                >How does her cooch taste.
                >What is the color of her nips.
                Why do fans bring shit to the creator which does not help the story. Does knowing the hieght of Wendy brings something of importance to the story? No. Its just important that she is tall.
                This is why we can't get good stories. Turbo nerds rushing to measure everything, wanting everything to "Historically accurate" or sperging out of a X-wing is shorter by 5 inches.

                anon was showing examples of other way-too-nerdy questions that fans ask
                this is a known trope, remember when Simpsons made fun of it several times?

              • 5 months ago

                Something tells me Alex wasn't thinking of this, and just had no idea how tall Wendy is and couldn't be assed to just say it.

              • 5 months ago

                i'm sure alex was not going "Frickin nerd, stop being so obsessive"
                he was just giving his view of it, which is that it doesn't matter and it's not that kind of show.
                and the guy kept asking, actually -demanding- suggesting that anyone who writes mysteries MUST have records of everyone's height.

              • 5 months ago

                No, the reason i am shitting on the fan is that he does not care about the story. You have the author on the spot to ask something about the story and the first thing you ask:
                >How tall is she?
                Does it matter for the cartoon ? Does it matter if the cartoon is of high quality you don't notice any inconsistencies on first glance?
                The only thing which matters for the story that she taller then most characters.

            • 5 months ago

              What are these moronic examples you're bringing up? The guy was just curious how tall Wendy was and Alex was autistically refusing to give even a ballpark answer like a normal person.

              • 5 months ago

                Check this cheif...

                If he said anything the turbo nerds will go nuts and start measuring every frame and start screaming about things which don't matter.

          • 5 months ago

            I read it as the person asking the question being annoying too. The question was a hidden “gotcha” because the heights of the characters are so disparate (as they often are in cartoons). Dipper is either 2 feet tall or Wendy is like 10’ tall. While some creators nail down real life heights, the fact that you can play with extremes in animation is one of the things that makes it awesome. Alex’s response of proportions was probably exactly what they used in the show. It was never canonically decided that Dipper was a specific height, but characters were consistently drawn in proportion to Dipper. In other words, I don’t think Alex was being a jerk…he responded with the actual answer but the turbo-tard was unhappy because he wanted actual numbers (which don’t canonically exist).

      • 5 months ago

        come on, that's not a fair question. cartoon people don't scale properly, their heights are more representative.

        Dude has some issues.

        There’s worst

        • 5 months ago

          I forgot about that one. What a douche he is.

        • 5 months ago

          Is Hirsch the Dallas Cowboys fan version of animators

        • 5 months ago

          This leaves out the context that grubermeister was a shitheel everyone hated.
          And the context of the overall interaction. Grubermeister complained that season 1 had too much of the Robbie/Wendy romance, and Alex agreed, saying there would be less in season 2. Grubermeister didn't let that be the end of it, asking why they fricked up in season 1, and getting an additional "you're right, we'll try to learn from the mistakes and resolve it in season 2." Something like that anyway, a "we'll learn from it" response.
          But GM kept on autistically pressing it until he got the "where's your show?" response.
          Now I don't recommend "let's see you do better" as a response to criticism, but if you keep on pestering and whinging after getting some decent responses it becomes more understandable.
          To use the old "you don't have to be a chef to complain about the cooking" analogy, if you've already gotten an apology out of the chef and heard him say he's changing the recipe, and you still won't let it go, I'm not going to be shocked if the chef eventually loses his patience.

          • 5 months ago

            nobody that lame has the right to use such a wonderful Mission Hill reference.

          • 5 months ago

            All true, but you could always ignore random twitter posts. I mean "you" as in the hypothetical average person, Hirsch can't.

            i'm sure alex was not going "Frickin nerd, stop being so obsessive"
            he was just giving his view of it, which is that it doesn't matter and it's not that kind of show.
            and the guy kept asking, actually -demanding- suggesting that anyone who writes mysteries MUST have records of everyone's height.

            >i'm sure alex was not going "Frickin nerd, stop being so obsessive"
            He does seem to be annoyed that people are engaging with his show the wrong way.
            I don't think he had the exact heights worked out, but "she's a cartoon" is a pretty dismissive answer about your own show that you clearly put a lot thought into.

            And that is the problem with turbo tards.
            >What is the range of her arm.
            >How does her cooch taste.
            >What is the color of her nips.
            Why do fans bring shit to the creator which does not help the story. Does knowing the hieght of Wendy brings something of importance to the story? No. Its just important that she is tall.
            This is why we can't get good stories. Turbo nerds rushing to measure everything, wanting everything to "Historically accurate" or sperging out of a X-wing is shorter by 5 inches.

            come on, that's not a fair question. cartoon people don't scale properly, their heights are more representative.

            The heights are the worst part about the art. Dipper and Mabel are supposed to be 12 or 13 but half their height is in their heads. Wendy is supposed to be freakishly tall - but she's the same height as all her male peers.

            • 5 months ago

              > Dipper and Mabel are supposed to be 12 or 13 but half their height is in their heads
              Found the turbo tard. Come of the beautiful things about cartoons is that they don’t have to adhere to the rules of real life. Proportions of characters can (and often should) be greatly exaggerated. Otherwise it might as well just be live action.

              • 5 months ago

                >Found the turbo tard.
                In the bathroom mirror?
                >Come of the beautiful things about cartoons is that they don’t have to adhere to the rules of real life. Proportions of characters can (and often should) be greatly exaggerated.
                Yeah but they're actually supposed look like what they are, you can't draw a baby and then have them worry about retirement or draw a fish and call it a dinosaur. It's fine if it doesn't play into the plot but age plays a critical role in the show between Wendy/Dipper drama and turning 13 at the end, and Dipper/Mabel are so wildly inconsistent, they look like they're 7.

                Alex was very open how much he over worked himself. Him and Rowe would spend nights at their offices just to edit scripts that were due the next day. Compare to an average showrunner, Hirsch got deeply involved in every department at the studio.

                Considering Alex's personality (and personally knowing people like this), I wonder how much of that was goofing off and leaving things to the last minute.

              • 5 months ago

                you actually CAN'T draw things to look like they are, because in real life things look too indistinct.

                i heard he kept porn on his work laptop and literally shat in the trashcan in his office

                funny thing about rumors

              • 5 months ago

                >because in real life things look too indistinct
                What? I can put 3 people side-by-side and immediately tell them apart by age, sex, lifestyle, etc. i'm not saying they have to be identical to reality.
                Character designs in cartoons are supposed to have fewest details while conveying as much relevant information as possible. If they don't convey the correct information, they're bad designs.

                And it was a fun show, I get why people are mad that finn didnt get the girl or didnt turn out to be some huge personality trust me you won't care once you stop the self insert

                >build up to an endgame for years
                >jk different endgame
                It's just that simple.

              • 5 months ago

                well, i think you'll find, unless it is identical to reality, that won't work
                affordable cartoons don't have the myriad subtleties available to give you that information. the tiny imperceptible changes in faces and bodies. they have circles and tubes and that's it, so they have to exaggerate things.

              • 5 months ago

                We're talking about height here. If he's supposed to be post-puberty and he looks like he's in elementary school, the design isn't conveying the right thing. There's already so much height difference between the main two an the next nearest age level, it can't be claimed there's no way they could make the twins taller. The pilot didn't have this problem.

              • 5 months ago

                in real life, people reach their adult height too early to be discernible in a simplified cartoon. this is an unavoidable fact.
                hell, even in live action they do this, they purposely hire extremely short people to play teens because "teens are kids" except they aren't. they're adults. and those actors are done growing, they stay short forever. which helps if the show goes on for a long time

                now that said, do they do it too much? yes
                and does this show screw up by having Wendy the same height as her peers, while Dipper and Mabela re the same size as their peers? yes. but THAT is the error.

              • 5 months ago

                There was never a moment where I was confused about Dipper's age. You accept that Mabel and Dipper are shorter because they're younger and Wendy and her friends are taller because they're older. Yes, the difference is only a few years, but the designs visually communicate that there's a maturity gap. Wendy was never going to be a realistic end-game for Dipper.

                I really don't get why you're so hung up on this, but I guess you're the same type of tard who messaged Hirsch on Twitter to begin with. Have some fricking imagination, dude.

              • 5 months ago

                up to an endgame for years
                >>jk different endgame
                It subverted your expectations :^)

              • 5 months ago

                > Yeah but they're actually supposed look like what they are
                > ...draw a fish and call it a dinosaur
                The kids on Gravity Falls all look like kids. I don't know what your issue is.

                The other anon is right. You are a turbo tard.

              • 5 months ago

                I too think Anon is being a turbo tard. I never had any issues with the Gravity Falls animation. Whatever model sheets they used seemed to have worked, Alex didn't need to rattle off heights to online autists.

              • 5 months ago

                I mean it's fine to object over it, but it's madness to not realize all cartoons do this
                Dipper and Wendy are just warmed-over Bart and Laura. Granted, Bart is 2 years younger than Dipper, but his dad is 6 feet tall and Dipper is a twin on top of presumably coming from short hebrew stock, so the heights kind of line up. Yeah he looks like a 10 year old, Robbie even called him one. twins compete for space and nutrients in the womb, it happens.

            • 5 months ago

              yeah but that's cartoons for you

        • 5 months ago

          This leaves out the context that grubermeister was a shitheel everyone hated.
          And the context of the overall interaction. Grubermeister complained that season 1 had too much of the Robbie/Wendy romance, and Alex agreed, saying there would be less in season 2. Grubermeister didn't let that be the end of it, asking why they fricked up in season 1, and getting an additional "you're right, we'll try to learn from the mistakes and resolve it in season 2." Something like that anyway, a "we'll learn from it" response.
          But GM kept on autistically pressing it until he got the "where's your show?" response.
          Now I don't recommend "let's see you do better" as a response to criticism, but if you keep on pestering and whinging after getting some decent responses it becomes more understandable.
          To use the old "you don't have to be a chef to complain about the cooking" analogy, if you've already gotten an apology out of the chef and heard him say he's changing the recipe, and you still won't let it go, I'm not going to be shocked if the chef eventually loses his patience.

          Tell me Dr. Goobermeister if you can, you have complained so much, what is it exactly you have created? Can you show me even one cartoon? I thought not.

          My memories of /gfg/ have gotten vague at this point but I remember not really minding grubermeister that much, I mean, there were probably way worse tripgays back then. I don't think he deserved to get called out by Alex, especially since the hacklet's followers all harassed goober into closing his account.

          • 5 months ago

            ugh that is such a shitty business. it can go either way, but i'll say this
            if I say some shit that i'm totally within my rights to say, and you're within your rights to ignore
            and then a mob comes out to enforce my will and ruin someone's life, I will turn on that mob HARD. i will chew them out five times as hard as that guy. Because those fricks make it REAL HARD to have and express an opinion. They're tying my hands, forcing me to be extra cautious and worry about the repercussions of what should be a simple off-the-cuff online discourse.

          • 5 months ago

            ugh that is such a shitty business. it can go either way, but i'll say this
            if I say some shit that i'm totally within my rights to say, and you're within your rights to ignore
            and then a mob comes out to enforce my will and ruin someone's life, I will turn on that mob HARD. i will chew them out five times as hard as that guy. Because those fricks make it REAL HARD to have and express an opinion. They're tying my hands, forcing me to be extra cautious and worry about the repercussions of what should be a simple off-the-cuff online discourse.

            Basically Alex "The Manlet" Hirsch got sonned by a tripgay, and used his followers to ruin that person's socials.

            Alex had this weird love-hate relationship with /gfg/ that ultimately ended up with him becoming an unflattering meme and an example of how NOT to cultivate your online fanbase and cult of personality. Partly because, one, the hacklet memes were pretty funny and became eerily prescient as Hirsch self-torp'd his own career, and two, because once his bad attitude and egoism got exposed it created a contingent of people rooting for him to fail (some probably closer to him than he thinks). Alex has always been bitter than us ever since and claimed he fooled Cinemaphile with the McGucket leak... when we dug up the archives of that thread not long ago, it turned out it was mostly skeptics and one person (probably Alex) trying to samegay it into a thing. I think he was just trying to throw people off the trail of the alread solved Stanford mystery and when it didn't work, he tried to play it off as le epic troll.

            • 5 months ago

              I'm totally with him on how frustrating it must have been to have such a good fake leak and for it to not work for even five seconds. People figured out his riddles STUPIDLY quickly, given how opaque they are to me. and i'm smarty mcsmart.
              I'll say this, it's better than what some shows do, where people figure out the twist way too early, so they change it. and you can tell they were obviously going for something else, but wanted it to be a surprise more than they wanted it to make sense.

              • 5 months ago

                It's okay anon, you were fooled by it don't pretend otherwise.

              • 5 months ago

                well i heard about it from Cinemaphile who also said it was fake, so i never had a chance to be fooled
                i never much followed the mystery stuff anyway. i was in it for the jokes and character moments.

            • 5 months ago

              Is there any screencaps from the "leak" thread or a link/thread No. for tbharchive?

          • 5 months ago

            I have no sympathy for a moron that wouldn't stop pestering and heckling a dude that had already said, more than once, "you're right, we screwed up, we're going to try to do better."
            Hirsch didn't ruin Grub's socials, Grub's autistic shitfrickery ruined his socials. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

            • 5 months ago

              I guarantee you it did not happen that way at all though. In particular, Alex admitting he is wrong on twitter should be your first doubt.

              • 5 months ago

                The first season had quite a bit of the Wendy-Robbie stuff, which the second season largely dropped. I can very easily believe there was nothing more to the story than Grub asking about the S1 stuff, Alex saying they shouldn't had so much and were dialing it back, and Grub not being willing to let that be the end of it.

              • 5 months ago

                >Sorry about all the Wendip shit, we'll make up for it :^)
                >continue doing it in season 2 anyways
                What did the manlet mean by this?

              • 5 months ago

                The conversation wasn't about Dipper's crush. It was specifically about the love triangle with Robbie, Wendy, and Dipper. Wendy and Robbie are broken up for all of season 2 and Dipper's crush was dialed back to just being an awkward crush, not part of a love triangle with him and Robbie trying to sabotage one another.

              • 5 months ago

                >moving the goalposts
                Plus Robbie's character basically became pointless after that. Great going, hack!

              • 5 months ago

                >Moving the goalposts
                Anon, that was the conversation Grub had with Alex. It was very specifically Grub complaining about Wendy/Robbie and Alex agreeing with him that they had too much of that in S1. I never made any comments about Wendip, because that wasn't the conversation Grub and Alex had.
                Hell, if I remember right Grub was a shipper, he just wanted DIFFERENT ships.

    • 5 months ago

      That's such a random thing for him to sperg over. Dude really can't answer a simple question?

    • 5 months ago

      There’s worst

      this guy has huge ego thanks to his tards overrating him

    • 5 months ago

      the saddest part are the likes, fricking sheeps. real characters designers should know the heights for their character, precisely to avoid frick up animation like steven universe

    • 5 months ago

      Alex's online personality, especially towards fans, reminds me of Jhonen Vasquez. Except with more snark and an added sexpest angle. His last answer in the thread was actually something an actually funny creator would've said to their fans, it's playful, plays on the fan's knowledge of the show's plots, and even goes into the actual how-to's of animation since characters are indeed often measured in head sizes. Cut away the rest of that thread and Alex doesn't even look at all like an butthole, but it took him so long to get there because he was initially being so incredibly smug and pretentious about the question.

      • 5 months ago

        nobody's perfect. look at bill shatner.

        • 5 months ago

          I mean, it's not like he caught Alex on the street and asked him that question and got an "electrical infetterence" response, it's a written response that Alex sat down, wrote out, looked over, and pressed "send". He could've taken a deep breathe and thought it over, and came out with a funny and less hostile response out the gate. My guess is though in this context Alex was just rapid-fire responding to hundreds of tweets, but he still continued to engage that person so....

          • 5 months ago

            this is the internet though, have you forgotten how flippant and free we used to be before 10 million people were watching us every second?

            given the picture you posted, I think, no, you have not had an even similar life experience to me.

            • 5 months ago

              Well, that's not the issue, the issue is that if you're "flippant and free" toward Alex in return, he'll block you at best, or Dr. Goobermeister you at worst. So really he's someone who can dish it out but not take it.

              • 5 months ago

                so you really think he sic'd those fans on him
                because in my experience, he wouldn't have to. they would dogpile to the max
                being blocked is kinda how that works, yknow. i block and get blocked more than any other interpersonal discourse.

              • 5 months ago

                he's a sensitive man, for sure, but what did that person think was going to be accomplished by telling him to go to sleep?

              • 5 months ago

                to these people, the act of saying a flippant dismissive thing to someone and shutting them down IS the accomplishment. as long as the person 'deserves it' of course.

      • 5 months ago

        >reminds me of Jhonen Vasquez.
        Yeah, I can see this. But the difference is Vasquez isn't afraid to openly say he hates his fans, while Alex pussyfoots around it

        • 5 months ago

          Vasquez has the broody goth kid thing going for him. It allows him to be a bit more prickly because people kind of expect it and are more apt to take it in stride.

    • 5 months ago

      To be fair some people were being really annoying about shit being "problematic" with ages in the show lmao. I think he really didn't give a frick about any of that discourse and had about had it.

    • 5 months ago

      I'm glad the Roiland debacle finally got him to lay low on Twitter since he was going as far as blaming fricking Twitter itself for being an "addicting place".

      • 5 months ago

        i love that he thinks twitter is on the same side as those things
        and what's weirder is he's right, because it's a really obvious false-flag operation that nobody seems to be picking up on, on either side.

      • 5 months ago

        I think I just witnessed a schizophrenic breakdown. What is he going on about?

        • 5 months ago

          orange man bad
          not understanding that orange man actor. doing a 'colbert'

          >taking advantage of an intern
          She wasn't an intern. She didn't work with or for Hirsch. That was never an allegation made by her.

          >did some of his Gravity Falls voices during sex
          Yeah, he's a huge dork. How is that a surprise. Most animators are fricking nerds who do cringey shit. She didn't bring it up like it was a problem. Someone in the chat during her "I fricked a celebrity" tell-all asked her if he did the voice and she laughed and said he did.

          >knowing his connections with Justin Roiland, you'd have to be really naive to think he wasn't some sort of sexpest.
          Roiland was connected to a shitload of people in the animation industry which is how he got to where he was. Not all of them were sexpests. It's not impossible that Hirsch has some skeletons in his closet, but considering that allegations were already made against Roiland and Hirsch just put out a new book, you'd really think at least one person would have come out of the woodwork and said "Hey, Alex Hirsch did that too". So far, nobody has come forward with any actual info. In fact, the only person who made an accusation was fricking Luke Weber who is far from a reliable source.

          Essentially, your source for Hirsch being a sex pest is "Dude, trust me...you can tell".

          I mean anyone who uses the term 'sex pest' unironically seems like a garbage person to me. I understand what you mean, but seriously, that is not okay to throw around.

          • 5 months ago

            >that is not okay to throw around.
            I was using the term that was used in the argument I was refuting. I wasn't using the term "sex pest" earnestly nor did I call anyone a sex pest in my response.

      • 5 months ago

        Trying to blame Twitter for Trump's election is like trying to blame television for JFK beating Nixon.

        • 5 months ago

          isn't that... understood to be what won it for him? he was considered 'handsome' because on tvs back then, the fact that his face looked like a leather catcher's mitt was not as obvious. whereas nixon's receding hairline and jowls were.

          • 5 months ago

            It was one aspect in a large picture. It wasn't the crux of his victory. JFK would've still been handsome without TV just like Trump came along during a time when people were hitting a boiling point with the left. The platforms just allowed them to reach audiences better, not create the audiences.

            • 5 months ago

              i guess. but when every election comes out 51/49, you can blame literally anything that happens.

              >that is not okay to throw around.
              I was using the term that was used in the argument I was refuting. I wasn't using the term "sex pest" earnestly nor did I call anyone a sex pest in my response.

              okay fair, I was hoping you weren't.

      • 5 months ago

        I hate how much these homosexuals insist on Twitter and community but then at the same time b***h about Twitter and community.

        I don't know much about Alex but gf was a decent show inspite of him being a massive twat

      • 5 months ago

        I don’t understand why he hate his own race so hard, never mind I don’t even need to look up his early life to awnser that one.

      • 5 months ago

        >Thinks Trump is part of the KKK.

        It's like talking to Bizarro with these people.

        • 5 months ago

          I'm just surprised he went with the KKK and didn't just call him a Nazi.

      • 5 months ago

        >Uses Twitter obsessively
        >Gets mad when random Twitter intern acknowledges him
        >Blames Twitter for his usage of Twitter

        I don't understand this logic AT ALL.

    • 5 months ago

      What I find annoying are the people liking these posts. None of what he said was funny or insightful but they're pretty much liking it because "Hirsch said thing"

    • 5 months ago

      Alex's online personality, especially towards fans, reminds me of Jhonen Vasquez. Except with more snark and an added sexpest angle. His last answer in the thread was actually something an actually funny creator would've said to their fans, it's playful, plays on the fan's knowledge of the show's plots, and even goes into the actual how-to's of animation since characters are indeed often measured in head sizes. Cut away the rest of that thread and Alex doesn't even look at all like an butthole, but it took him so long to get there because he was initially being so incredibly smug and pretentious about the question.

      If the interaction was: "how tall is Wendy?about 2 Dippers tall" then it wouldn't have been so bad
      An explanation as to why heights in cartoons don't translate to real life may have been good afterwards too

      • 5 months ago

        >Dipper and Tyrone wearing one huge trenchcoat to get to Wendy's height

      • 5 months ago

        > An explanation as to why heights in cartoons don't translate to real life may have been good afterwards too
        The guy was kind of being a little shit.
        >"You can't make an entire elaborate mysterious cartoon and tell me that the characters don't even have heights."
        What a fricking wiener. I think if he would have been a little more respectful, he would have gotten a less snarky answer.

  29. 5 months ago

    If he has to simp for anyone, I understand that it's Lauren Faust.

  30. 5 months ago

    Never got the fuss for a 6/10 show. I think most GF fans water just fans of the fandom. That's why almost no on model art ever gets posted and it's all kawaii anime reinterpretations

    • 5 months ago

      you know it's almost unthinkable for a western animated show to have a good art style, right? those are expensive. Infinity Train and Owl House pushed the limits at least. but back in 2012, this was what got greenlit.

    • 5 months ago

      >That's why almost no on model art ever gets posted and it's all kawaii anime reinterpretations
      This actually bothers me quite a lot too. It's like the whole GF fandom is like the fujos who draw South Park characters as little shotas. Or Paw Patrol puppies. It's totally divorced from what's actually in the show but I feel like it's all I ever see from Gravity Falls as well. Some pretty boy and blushing girl who have next to nothing to do with Dipper and Mabel

      • 5 months ago

        it's sad you can't enjoy redraws of ugly western cartoons

      • 5 months ago

        There's a lot of on model pincest art

  31. 5 months ago

    I'll never forgive this guy for screwing up a sweetheart deal and tanking all his hard work just because he couldn't handle the pressures of being a showrunner and pass the torch to someone more able.

  32. 5 months ago

    Anyone have that video of that girl talking about fricking alex and then him explaining animation to her?

    • 5 months ago

      Yes, but I’m not posting it. The entire video is “girl desperate for attention humble brags about fricking celebrity who is kind of a huge dork”. For some reason anons with a hate boner for Hirsch think this is proof of something

  33. 5 months ago


  34. 5 months ago

    >Gravity Falls (2012)
    >GF was 12 years ago
    >the same amount of time between ocarina of time's release to gravity fall's premiere

    • 5 months ago

      Ocarina came out 14 years before Gravity Falls, but that's still a frickin 'whoa'

      • 5 months ago

        majora's mask's release date then

  35. 5 months ago

    >click thread
    >immediately ctrl+F
    >results found
    every time

    • 5 months ago

      I'm surprised it was only one before your post.

  36. 5 months ago

    Will Manzi ever spill the beans, it seems that she dropped anything GF-related after her breakup (Amphibia, The Owl House, The Mitchells Vs The Machines, Inside Job, TMNT: Mutant Mayhem)?

  37. 5 months ago

    Why didn't he defend his friend?

    • 5 months ago

      I always talk a big game about what i'd do in these situations, but realistically? if I've got an expensive house in california? and I know i'm on the razor's edge of my life being destroyed? Yeah, I would probably be a coward. I'd rationalize in my head how statistically it probably won't happen to me, and maybe what if he actually deserved it despite there being no proof
      but i'll never be in that situation, because i'm always the first one to get canceled. and nobody ever comes to my defense. They claim it would just cause more drama, when in reality, even a few voices would easily drown out the petulant little idiots.

      • 5 months ago

        Nah. Frick that. Had to stand for principals. If i can do it then these homosexuals can as well.

        It's not surprising to watch how much these cliques will back stab each other

        • 5 months ago

          I hope you're right, anon
          I like to tell myself I'd stand up for people, but man it's tough. Mob mentality is rough shit. There's no right way to navigate it, as far as I can tell.
          There was this guy, like a famous low-key mediator, an old blind black dude who sat in and had discussions with everybody from the head of the black panthers to the grand wizard of the KKK, and managed to find peace and understanding with everyone
          Until he tried talking to woke young people. It was a stone fricking wall, he couldn't get any headway, and by the end they had concluded he was racist against his own race. I wish I could remember that dude's name, because I feel like bringing him up often. and he's super dead now.

          • 5 months ago

            I'd like to see that if your find it anon.

            I have given up on leftists. They have no standards or principals which makes them slipper little shits that are impossible to talk too.

          • 5 months ago

            Are you referring to Darryl Davis or am I tripping?

            • 5 months ago

              ohhh he was a musician too. thank you. that makes it a lot easier to look up
              also I was sure he was dead. and blind. maybe there's more than one guy doin this.

            • 5 months ago

              yes yes i have found the article now
              where it talks about how he's met with nazis and KKK guys and found common ground and converted a lot of them, but the young BLM people just screamed and tried to attack him, calling him a race traitor. He couldn't make any headway. I'm glad he's still alive, I must have learned about two people that day and mixed him up with a blind dead guy.
              (and if he's got sight then he can watch gravity falls maybe)

    • 5 months ago

      Liberals don't have actual friends. Not true, real ones. They'll act as friends, but as soon as it becomes inconvenient to be "friends" with someone that's become "problematic" they'll throw each other under the bus and spit on their memory without a second thought.

    • 5 months ago

      He knows that he's next on the list, if shit hit the fan.

      • 5 months ago

        the trick, the only way we're going to do something about this, is convincing these people of the simple fact that.. they're next on the list anyway

  38. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      less whining, more Pining

      Trying to remember that one reverse au pincest artists

  39. 5 months ago

    Alex is a genuinely talented and passionate person who shot himself in the foot by overworking himself to the point it ruined his work ethic, becoming an addict (to alcohol, sex, etc) and allowing that to destroy his relationship with Dana, and making stupid decision after stupid decision in an attempt to preserve creative integrity when all it did was serve to boost his own ego.

    Alex should have never overworked himself in the first place, because that's what ultimately started this whole mess and has led to him being a washup with no girlfriend and no new career. Being a showrunner is incredibly taxing on the mind and body in this day and age (blame the economy), especially if you're the kind of person who can't stand upper management getting their fingers into the pie. You will stretch yourself too thin and you will break, no matter what you tell yourself.

    Had he learned to loosen up his grip on GF, things would have been better for him. He'd probably still be working at Disney with Dana on new shows or committing to side projects, and likely be given a new show by now. Instead he's just waffing about while living off his royalties all alone and growing old, regretting his stupid mistakes.

    • 5 months ago

      This is where your journey ends, Alex. Trapped and freezing in the vault of Disney, with only death to sing the tale of your doom.

    • 5 months ago

      man, good advice. to me it feels like a no-win situation, but maybe you're right.

      • 5 months ago

        It kind of is a no-win situation if you value creative freedom, but creative freedom is overrated. What matters is your personal health and financial security above all else.

        • 5 months ago

          can't I put creative freedom right below that, though?
          and can I put other people's health and security ahead of mine?

    • 5 months ago

      That man needs to check into rehab if he still an addict….

  40. 5 months ago

    Hug your twin tight, Cinemaphile

  41. 5 months ago

    Ten years ago he was on top of the biggest cartoon of the decade and had a full head of hair, flash forward today and he has neither.

    Biggest loser in animation.

    • 5 months ago

      > Biggest loser in animation.
      Dunno tbh, seems like he’s done better than most.

      • 5 months ago

        Who would be a bigger loser?

        • 5 months ago

          Pen Ward

          • 5 months ago

            Why's that?

            • 5 months ago

              He's the only creator I feel sorry for. He got his dream made and it sent him crazy with stress, was wrested away from him and turned into something very very different from his early vision by the end

              • 5 months ago

                Adventure time is still a great toon though.

              • 5 months ago

                I mean, the first few seasons sure

              • 5 months ago

                I liked the whole run, but I think this only worked because I didnt self identify as finn. I just liked the wacky colors and the adventures they went on.

              • 5 months ago

                Do you think Penn Ward liked the whole run?

              • 5 months ago

                Probably not, he probably didnt even watch. Its all a guess.

              • 5 months ago

                >he probably didnt even watch
                Penn Ward continued working on AT after he stepped down as showrunner. He's probably at least seen all of the main series.

              • 5 months ago

                And it was a fun show, I get why people are mad that finn didnt get the girl or didnt turn out to be some huge personality trust me you won't care once you stop the self insert

              • 5 months ago

                I didn't self insert as Finn, I wanted to have sex with him. But I also wanted him to be happy and fulfilled instead of an unwanted inconvenience in his own show

        • 5 months ago

          >Who would be a bigger loser?
          This is a terrible argumentative tactic because of the subjective nature of the assessment. Learn better rhetoric.
          But if we're playing this game:

          John K - Claim to fame is one show he got fired from 30 years ago because he couldn't fulfill the most basic of duties - turning shit in on time

          Parker Simmons - Show got cancelled after 1 season and memory holed. Never made much of a splash. He also became massively obese.

          Kyle Carozza - I've got nothing against the guy, but you can't think that mighty magiswords comes anywhere close to the success of Gravity Falls.

          Nico Colaleo - Hanger-on who self-funds his show because nobody wants to actually pick it up. Star fricks everyone because he desperately wants a seat at the "cool kids" table

          Skylar Page - Donkey-brained psycho who got fired from his own show barely into season 1 for being a donkey-brained psycho. Zero future prospects

          Julia Vickerman - Fired from her own show for being an alcoholic and sex pest to coworkers. Show was cancelled after 1 season. Has done jack-shit since other than volunteer at a dog shelter and produce 1 music video.

          Justin Roiland - This one is going to poke the wasp nest, but he's arguably a bigger loser right now. His name is poison. Whereas bringing Alex Hirsch onto a project would result in good press, Justin Roiland's attachment would single-handedly generate horrible press. Currently, Roiland is a much bigger loser in animation than Hirsch.

          The list goes on, tbh. Meanwhile Gravity Falls continues to be profitable for Disney and they just put out the Book of Bill. I know you hate him but that doesn't change the fact that even if he never does another show again, he's already far more successful than most people in the game. GF has had the sort of success most creators dream of.

          • 5 months ago

            uh persimmons is not fat, he's still active on youtube posting and animating stuff and sometimes shows his face

          • 5 months ago

            >Kyle Carozza
            He did let a beef with some storyboarder he used to work with basically poison any presence he has on social media, which is important for promoting future work.

            • 5 months ago

              >promoting future work
              to the kind of people who use social media. you do not want them as an audience.
              the silver lining of modern incredibly low TV ratings is you can actually be #1 by appealing to a smaller niche.

              ah don't blame yourself, the folders can be a bit confusing. took me a while to stop finding new art in folders within folders too

              god that is a good kiss. look at that head tilt.

              • 5 months ago

                >look at that head tilt
                the subtle parts are the best

            • 5 months ago

              >He did let a beef with some storyboarder he used to work with basically poison any presence he has on social media, which is important for promoting future work.
              How does that fact relate to my post?

              • 5 months ago

                read your post again

          • 5 months ago

            I don't really disagree with any of that. Rolland is pretty well burned to the industry.

  42. 5 months ago

    I liked Gravity falls, doubly so for the porn. That global treasure hunt was pretty cool too.
    I know nothing of him or his work outside of that.

    • 5 months ago

      is that an incest animu

      He's the only creator I feel sorry for. He got his dream made and it sent him crazy with stress, was wrested away from him and turned into something very very different from his early vision by the end

      plus he had all these lofty plans for adventure time games, and the games we got were quite lackluster

  43. 5 months ago

    My kid loves gravity falls and so did I up until the ending. I kept my opinions to myself and let my kid enjoy the cartoon. I dont know what happened he just kinda schizoid out in that last part of the show.

  44. 5 months ago

    He looks like he has an external hard drive full of illegal content.

  45. 5 months ago

    I get being an animator is stressful, but what happened with him and disney? Was disney that terrible to work for?

    • 5 months ago

      Alex overworked himself during GF season 1 and almost dropped the show, then wrapped up the series on season 2. There is some bs about him badmouthing Disney and going to Neftlix and Fox only for those projects to not take off. Also he became one of the more annoying liberal antiTrumpers out there after 2016

      • 5 months ago

        Republicans will win in November so it all balances out

      • 5 months ago

        How do you overwork yourself making 10 episodes a year? Most shows do twice that.

        • 5 months ago

          Does he even do any of the animating?

        • 5 months ago

          Alex was very open how much he over worked himself. Him and Rowe would spend nights at their offices just to edit scripts that were due the next day. Compare to an average showrunner, Hirsch got deeply involved in every department at the studio.

        • 5 months ago

          > How do you overwork yourself making 10 episodes a year?
          The amount of work that goes into running a show is unreal and those schedules are brutal. The shows that do more episodes tend to break the work up between people more so you have a handful of people directing, a team of writers, storyboarders, etc. Alex was much more involved in each step of the process so it took more of a toll.

  46. 5 months ago

    i heard he kept porn on his work laptop and literally shat in the trashcan in his office

    • 5 months ago

      > literally shat in the trashcan in his office
      nope, but thanks for playing your part in the intensification of the rumor. Pretty soon anons are going to be claiming that he spooged in a trash can and then it will be that he bled into a trashcan.

      • 5 months ago

        so they'll keep making it less and less offensive?

  47. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      he definitely needs the moustache. the beard is not enough.

  48. 5 months ago

    The amount of seethe he generates coupled with the fact that he made Gravity Falls and discovered Dana Terrace with his dick, I can only conclude that his existence is worth more to me than any of yours.
    That being said, I don't really follow this stuff.

  49. 5 months ago

    boy if I had a nickel for every time a relatively minor Gravity Falls character was voiced by an actor who went on to become canceled under bullshit circumstances that basically boil down to "being disliked", i'd have two nickels. which isn't a lot, but it's still weird it happened twice.

    • 5 months ago

      >They just disliked me, that's all it is!
      Go to bed Mr. Roiland

      • 5 months ago

        lol he's the one you're less sympathetic for?
        personally i find it decently likely that Miller's guilty, i just resent any punishment without guilt (or punishment being meted out by your job instead of the state)
        I find it extremely hard to believe a stick-armed wimp like Roiland beat his wife.
        and jeffrey tambor -definitely- didn't do shit. but this isn't a Star Vs thread.

        • 5 months ago

          er, without conviction*

  50. 5 months ago

    Dude shits in office trash cans. Why would you ever want him anywhere near your business?

    • 5 months ago

      i'd hire him so he'd learn who his real friends are
      the only way the problems in hollyweird are going to be fixed is if they stop getting support exclusively from kooks with agendas. kindness is our job, dammit. and it's unconditional.

    • 5 months ago

      >Dude shits in office trash cans
      The allegation was never that he shit in them.

      • 5 months ago

        the question is: dumb kid repeating shit? or trolls trying to spread shit for dumb kids to repeat?
        either way, this is why all gossip and most journalism is wrong, even if it's 100% factual. nobody needs to be talking about what other people did.

        • 5 months ago

          apparently pissing in trash cans isn't extreme enough. Better start saying it was shit.

        • 5 months ago

          This is kind of like tards trying to say that Hirsch is a pedo because he fricked a girl who was 19. Funny because most of the time anons bend over backwards to point out in a lot of states the AOC is not actually 18. Which is totally not creepy or weird

          • 5 months ago

            i'd reply to this but i don't wanna get banned.
            just return everything to its prior form when everything was fine. start recognizing that all of these changes are the cause of all the new problems.

          • 5 months ago

            I remember that girl and I remember it was not necessarily so much that she was 19 (though obviously, taking advantage of an intern that young when Hirsch was like 30 then isn't a good look either) but that she said Hirsch was something of a creep who did some of his Gravity Falls voices during sex. I thought the whole thing was funny, but again, knowing his connections with Justin Roiland, you'd have to be really naive to think he wasn't some sort of sexpest.

            • 5 months ago

              >taking advantage of an intern
              She wasn't an intern. She didn't work with or for Hirsch. That was never an allegation made by her.

              >did some of his Gravity Falls voices during sex
              Yeah, he's a huge dork. How is that a surprise. Most animators are fricking nerds who do cringey shit. She didn't bring it up like it was a problem. Someone in the chat during her "I fricked a celebrity" tell-all asked her if he did the voice and she laughed and said he did.

              >knowing his connections with Justin Roiland, you'd have to be really naive to think he wasn't some sort of sexpest.
              Roiland was connected to a shitload of people in the animation industry which is how he got to where he was. Not all of them were sexpests. It's not impossible that Hirsch has some skeletons in his closet, but considering that allegations were already made against Roiland and Hirsch just put out a new book, you'd really think at least one person would have come out of the woodwork and said "Hey, Alex Hirsch did that too". So far, nobody has come forward with any actual info. In fact, the only person who made an accusation was fricking Luke Weber who is far from a reliable source.

              Essentially, your source for Hirsch being a sex pest is "Dude, trust me...you can tell".

              • 5 months ago

                Hello, Alexander.

              • 5 months ago

                not him, and I honestly don't give a frick whether he sinks or swims, but I am pedantic and think the "humble brag" video that influencer-wannabe made was absolutely moronic (yet not nearly as moronic as thinking it's some sort of smoking gun). All I got from the video is some chick fricked a celebrity and wanted people to know about it.

  51. 5 months ago

    Why did his Netflix deal fall through the cracks? Literally nothing came out of it other than him being an executive producer (i.e. glorified figurehead) on Inside Job.

  52. 5 months ago

    less whining, more Pining

  53. 5 months ago

    why did Dana break up with Alex?? well other than he was cheating on her with 19 year olds

    • 5 months ago

      They had an open relationship. Allegedly, they were both fricking other people.

      • 5 months ago

        >Allegedly, they were both fricking other people.
        I mean, it's been at least confirmed by that one chick. I don't know if we ever got any confirmation from Dana's side, though I can't imagine who she was getting with.

  54. 5 months ago

    Based beyond belief, he's so damn funny that he must be horribly traumatized. You can tell when he has punched up a script because A) he and Renzetti take small voice roles and B) the jokes are funny. The Spider-Verse movies and the new TMNT carry that Gravity Falls humor for a reason. Mitchells vs Machines was funny too even with the gay daughter seeking to be abused by a black lesbian and Inside Job was too good to be a one season wonder (although where else do you go?)

    I look forward to the Book of Bill this year.

    • 5 months ago

      >Michells vs Machines
      another top quality source of wincest. Hope Vee gets his or her marbles together soon and makes us some more.
      that said, I've watched his student films and I'm inclined to believe Matt Chapman did the heavy lifting on making GF funny. It felt more like his humor. and Hirsch is an oldschool Homestar fan, so he SHOULD have internalized that same humor, but it kinda feels like on his own, he doesn't have it.

      • 5 months ago

        >Hope Vee gets his or her marbles together soon and makes us some more.
        Is she still alive? Please tell me she is, everyone one else keeps saying shes dead, frick

        • 5 months ago

          oh yeah. came back and everything, posted a few (troubling) things, but ... yknow, it's a start.
          GIven all the insanity these days, i feel like the delusion of having multiple personality disorder (something largely made up for tv and film) is better than most. I'll take it. Shit i'd take Otherkin back at this point.

          • 5 months ago

            I just saw someone on Twitter claim she died, I know Twitter is full of bullshit, but still it worries me

            • 5 months ago

              the social media mob attacked her, she went into hiding, then she came back. she has since posted like 3 things.

  55. 5 months ago

    Thought he was cool when I was a kid and then I grew up and realized he was a bit of a pussy.

  56. 5 months ago

    made an alright show, doubt he'll do another but hey.

    • 5 months ago

      >doubt he'll do another
      Most people don't. It's rare that people make more than one show these days. Matt Braly actually posted about that recently saying that doing a show was a great experience and also gives you a huge boost in your career, but dealing with networks is such a hassle and it's such an intense amount of work that he implied doing a second show might not be as worth it (especially considering the plug could get pulled at any time, and all of your work zaslaved).

      • 5 months ago

        we're definitely going to see something new soon. I'm not sure what, but it's going to be run independently. I'd like to see a resurgence of web animation. hopefully AI will make it more economical, so you don't need roomfuls of koreans to do your inbetweening, you can just do the keyframes and let it do the monkeywork.
        Or just, animation-that-is-only-keyframes. I would be okay with that, if it meant the art was good and the writing was good.
        and if you can cast outside of hollywood, you can get real good voice talent without all the hassle. these days people can just record remotely.

  57. 5 months ago

    i am i late to the party

    • 5 months ago
      • 5 months ago
  58. 5 months ago

    Imagine 99% of your legacy being pictures of a brother and sister being horny for each other

    • 5 months ago

      anon I'm literally trying to make that my legacy right now. because it makes people happy.

      • 5 months ago

        is it sweet and wholesome

        • 5 months ago

          Like I was sayin before, it's a top tier fetish because it's impossible to have incest without things like story, emotion, and character identification. If your fetish is a body part or two different colors of people or sticking something in a particular hole, all you have to do is draw it. For incest you've gotta put in the work.

      • 5 months ago

        which ships? I can recommend some good ones if you want some inspo

    • 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      Imagine having a legacy, of which I don't, so I'm jealous anyways

    • 5 months ago

      Fricking awesome I'd say

    • 5 months ago

      Hey now, that's "extremely high quality pictures of a brother and sister being horny for each other".

      • 5 months ago

        Not rly lol

        • 5 months ago

          Show me your pinecest Anon

  59. 5 months ago


    as usual, anatomy assistance would be appreciated

    • 5 months ago

      I always liked how the Doublepines stuff was mostly "softcore", you never actually saw any naughty bits, it's kinda weird seeing Dipper's penis...

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah I'm aping about as hard as I can ape, but there are distinct differences. I'm focusing more on exposure-play and junk, involving Wendy more, and not having them still struggling with catching each other changing or jerking off well into high school
        (And because i'm not a girl, I'm not shying away from drawing the bits.)
        But I also realize I've drawn Dipper's doodle about six times as often as Mabel's minge, so that will be rectified soon. In case people thought I was a fanny bandit or something.

      • 5 months ago

        >I always liked how the Doublepines stuff was mostly "softcore"
        I agree but only sometimes. Sometimes it's tasteful, other times it's annoying how far out of its way it went to not show anything.

        • 5 months ago

          What I always appreciated is that it got.... the good kind of filthy. It felt sweaty, personal, real. They were gettin' DOWN the few times they got down. And it's tough to pull that off while still feeling gushy and wholesome like DP always did without fail.
          That one where Mabel was feeling super awkward about getting eaten out and Dipper had to talk her into it, I will never surpass that greatness.

          • 5 months ago

            >It felt sweaty, personal, real.
            I can almost guarantee DP thought about this pairing more than we'll ever know.
            Re: the comic, Is the first panel the current day, or the flashback? If it's a continuation of the last comics, the bubble should be face the other way.

            This thread sure could have been interesting to read if porn sick coomers didn't keep spamming their stupid shipping and incest shit they use as a proxy for the lack of relationships they have in their life

            >This thread sure could have been interesting to read
            It's a Hirsch thread, Don't kid yourself

            • 5 months ago

              >bubble should face the other way
              shit, you're right. I did that backwards. Thank you!
              Yeah first panel is scruff-chin dipper in 2014, the rest is summer 2012. do you think I should put a lil text box saying that, or will it be obvious by them being in their show-accurate sleepwear?

              • 5 months ago

                It should be apparent if the bubble is facing the other way. and Dipper's clean-shaven. I can't remember how you drew pubes but if the younger Pines are both clean-shaven it'll be obvious it's a while ago. That + the setting will probably make the reader assume it's during the show's run. If the exact years are important to you you'll probably need a little [2012] or [2 years ago] box.

              • 5 months ago

                > I can't remember how you drew pubes but if the younger Pines are both clean-shaven it'll be obvious it's a while ago

                Holy shit. This is a life well wasted.

              • 5 months ago

                >Holy shit. This is a life well wasted.
                It's ok, there's still time for you to leave.

              • 5 months ago

                >I cant believe he interrupted my detailed discussion of drawing forensics based on children's pubic hair!

              • 5 months ago

                I was thinking I'd just color code it. I used light blue for the last summer 2012 flashback, so dark blue for this night scene?
                >clean shaven
                or rather doesn't have any yet, hee. I did make sure to draw his single chest hair though, last time. continuity is very important.

            • 5 months ago

              I'm just hate these shipping homosexuals. They will ruin every thread.

    • 5 months ago

      Mabel's foot looks like Bugs Bunny's

      • 5 months ago

        Good eye. That panel is an extremely loose gesture sketch that I didn't bother finishing up yet. I promise I'll pay attention to her feet, and if you know my work you know that's a guarantee you can set your watch to.

        • 5 months ago

          Please pay more attention to a noose you fricking loser. Please make that a gau

  60. 5 months ago

    This thread sure could have been interesting to read if porn sick coomers didn't keep spamming their stupid shipping and incest shit they use as a proxy for the lack of relationships they have in their life

    • 5 months ago

      I hope you're grateful that you don't need to use something to make up for the lack of relationships in your life, anon. Maybe try a little empathy.

      • 5 months ago

        >Please please think of the saddos?who ship preteens into incestuous relstionships!

        What makes a person like this? Porn sick? To much internet?

        • 5 months ago

          I'm just hate these shipping homosexuals. They will ruin every thread.

          Friend, I think you would be more comfortable on social media with the rest of your kind. This is not the place for you.

          • 5 months ago


            I think you need to sign off for a while and maybe make real relationships rather then a bunch of losers gooning to preteen incest porn of a children's show in a discord chat room.

            • 5 months ago

              you think we didn't try that?
              you wouldn't be friends with us. So now we're friends with each other. And yet you keep encroaching on everyplace we try to stay. You shut down our websites, our hosts, you increasingly change ToSs so we're not allowed, and you wonder why maybe a few people might be getting a little sick in the head from being shoved into a dark corner somewhere.
              This isn't going to turn out well for either of us.

              • 5 months ago

                >You shut down our websites, our hosts,
                Don't forget the mob harassment driving pinecest artists to suicide. But no, we're the weirdos. We don't do normal things, like doxx people and get them fired for doing drawings.

              • 5 months ago

                >Why can't I just goon to my children's cartoon in peace!

              • 5 months ago

                the frick is this shit thread

                you sound like a troony and a newBlack person, if you're that bothered by the coomers of this board filter their shit, it's that easy to avoid these autists

              • 5 months ago

                >trying to act tough on a Chinese moving picture forum
                >after taking a moment to goon to preteen characters of a children's cartoon

                Why don't you just have a nice day?

              • 5 months ago

                I'm not that anon you moron

              • 5 months ago

                anon what did you hope to accomplish by replying to someone like that? We are past the phase now where we just start hiding the posts.

              • 5 months ago

                I enjoy Gravity falls. Have commissioned literally thousands of dollars worth of porn of it and am glad I did so.


              • 5 months ago

                Well, yeah. It doesn't affect you or anyone else. I'm not claiming that it's healthy or productive in any capacity, but it's their private choice.
                You're barging into a chain-smoker's cabin in the woods and chastising him for secondhand smoke. That doesn't make any sense.

              • 5 months ago

                >is not my fault that I goon it to pictures of preteen siblings!
                >its your fault!

                Perhaps suicide might help you?

    • 5 months ago

      Boy it's sure a shame this blatant rage bait thread instead turned into a stealth Gravity Falls thread, and all that entails in this day and age.

      • 5 months ago

        well, regular GF threads get deleted these days

        • 5 months ago

          Which is damn shame since we have at least one resident draw friend who blesses us with high quality smut every time we get one.
          Somehow there's a perpetual Amphibia thread but GF is off limits.

          • 5 months ago

            these things come and go. We must just do what we can and pray for a better tomorrow.

        • 5 months ago

          >read the last dozen replies

          Can't imagine why. A bunch of sad fricks forming parasocial relationships with preteen cartoon characters through porn

  61. 5 months ago

    now i REALLY wish I could remember that old blind black guy's name

  62. 5 months ago

    I enjoy Gravity falls. Have commissioned literally thousands of dollars worth of porn of it and am glad I did so.

    • 5 months ago

      >Have commissioned literally thousands of dollars worth of porn
      kek, what the frick

      • 5 months ago

        What do you spend your money on anon?

        • 5 months ago

          Not on porn of preteens from a children's cartoon, you fricking loser

          • 5 months ago

            So nothing even worth mentioning? Gotcha.

            • 5 months ago

              dude the kid went to bed an hour ago, don't wake him up. gotta ignore these types.
              God, what happened to these people...

              • 5 months ago

                see what happened is, a generation of kids was put on medication for imagined problems (ADD etc, basically just the result of not being disciplined) enough to teach them being constantly medicated is the norm.
                and then that generation put the next generation of kids on puberty-blockers and libido-destroying antidepressants, until the very idea of sex is unpalatable to them, simply reprehensible.
                I've heard reports from sex ed teachers on how they can't get through to these students anymore, they just stonewall them saying "why are you talking about this stuff? It's inappropriate."
                But what's worse, social media turned them into the most narc-ish generation on record. Their only interest is in hunting down and harassing wrongthinkers. And appropriately enough, among the arsenal of buzzwords they sprew at any adult is "take your meds."

                Anyway yes, ignore them. Talk about Gravity Falls. How big is Waddles going to get?

        • 5 months ago

          this is not me

          Not on porn of preteens from a children's cartoon, you fricking loser

          I spend my money on boring shit like old guitars or intruments

          • 5 months ago

            That's actually pretty cool.
            Musical equipment is turbo expensive, from what I understand.
            I think with porn commissioning (something I am on the other end of) it's more about supporting artists you like, and being a 'director' of sorts. Yeah there's millions of porn, but the one where you decided what would happen is your unique baby.

            • 5 months ago

              >porn addiction in a nutshell

    • 5 months ago

      You are a damn saint. We who live off the sweat of our tablets salute you.

  63. 5 months ago

    I think Candlejack got him
    Like he didn't say Candlejack, but the ol' boy decided to just do us a sol

  64. 5 months ago

    Alex is Netflix Animation's equivalent to Phoebe Waller Bridge and Amazon. Not only did he never got his long-awaited new show off the ground, he got kicked off Inside Job due to his piss-poor job as showrunner

  65. 5 months ago

    A cute Mabel for the people who want a break from the other stuff

    • 5 months ago

      >That filename
      Also I found what may be the only piece of DP Wendipper art

      • 5 months ago

        I think DP's tendency to draw nostril corners (something I generally despise, but which works okay on her dips and mabes) is hurting her Wendy.

        What I find annoying are the people liking these posts. None of what he said was funny or insightful but they're pretty much liking it because "Hirsch said thing"

        of all the dumb modern nu-internet habits, mindless liking is one I can't be too mad at. I do it often, it's generally a quick like "well, this person would benefit from this, it'd help them in the insipid system with its algorithms, so whatever"

      • 5 months ago

        There's this one too, but it's more like embarrassment over an old crush than actually still having one

        • 5 months ago

          aaand that's another drawing idea I (thought I) had, that I must have gotten from half-remembering this, so that's out.
          I am so worried i'll accidentally redundle it up, and rightfully get laughed at for being a ripoffsman. That is not the right way to honor a legacy.

  66. 5 months ago

    Does anyone have a truly complete DoublePines archive? Virtually every link on tbh is dead and the only one that isn't is woefully incomplete since there's stuff on the booru that's not in there.

    • 5 months ago

      so the one we got in the last thread was incomplete? it looked REALLY complete.

      • 5 months ago

        The 'mabeliscute' one? That one is incomplete there's a couple comics that are on the booru that aren't in there (none of which are safe to post here as examples)

        • 5 months ago

          Which ones?

          • 5 months ago

            I don't wanna get vacationed, but id=34465 on the booru which is one of the most commonly reposted comics of hers isn't in the archive

            • 5 months ago

              check Art > Doublepines > Gravity Falls > Dreamboy AU > S'Gonna be a Long Night > Carried Away

              • 5 months ago

                Huh well I'll be darned. Guess that's what I get for trying to browse the archive on mobile.

              • 5 months ago

                ah don't blame yourself, the folders can be a bit confusing. took me a while to stop finding new art in folders within folders too

              • 5 months ago

                This was actually one of my favorite pictures in a series of good and intimate pictures.

              • 5 months ago

                This was actually one of my favorite pictures in a series of good and intimate pictures.

                This comic is probably the GOAT of Pinecest.

              • 5 months ago

                Too bad the art is so ugly.

              • 5 months ago

                >Here's your (you)

        • 5 months ago

          well that's unfortunate. But I think the important thing is having a complete archive of what's not on the booru. if it's that, at least, then we're in good shape.

  67. 5 months ago
    Puerto Rican

    I am LITERALLY Dipper Pines.

    • 5 months ago

      Post face.

    • 5 months ago

      Cazo Pinos?

  68. 5 months ago

    obnoxious twitteroid, who otherwise made a neat show

  69. 5 months ago

    Hackjob who probably visited Epstein's private island and molested children

  70. 5 months ago

    I think he can make a good product, shame that he's too far up his own ass that even most companies don't want to deal with his diva behavior.

    • 5 months ago

      Diva behavior or not, most creators who actually have the opportunity to make a show only make one. It's unlikely he'll actually follow GF up, but it's still impressive that it was such a huge hit.

      I'm a bleeding heart liberal and even I found his antics online pretty annoying. It sucks that he essentially lived out his quarter life crises on Twitter while the spotlight was on him, but he seems to have matured and heavily curtailed his social media habits in the last few years.

  71. 5 months ago

    More like Alex Cringe.

  72. 5 months ago

    He made Gravity Falls which was one of if not the best animated shows of the 2010s. He can have a little bit of auteur egomania, as a treat.

    • 5 months ago

      Hi, Alex.

    • 5 months ago

      gotta kinda frick with a guy to essentially get your own show right out of school and become a major figure of your industry and household name. I think establishing any semblance of real-life perspective after that would be nearly impossible.

      • 5 months ago

        he also seems to draw friends like flies. i mean even his student films had big name voice actors and frickin weird al in them

        • 5 months ago

          I know it's popular to hate on the dude here and I'm going to get shit on for saying this, but he actually has skill.

          I'm surprised he isn't more widely blacklisted given how he's fricked up everything outside of Gravity Falls and his unlikable behavior.

          Blacklisting is extreme. People seem to think that you get 'blaclisted' for the most minor infractions, but it's really reserved for people who are deemed so problematic that they're either impossible to work with or would be a PR nightmare if hired. Hirsch has said some things that might piss a few people off, but nothing that would deem him unemployable. In fact, his name still carries a lot of weight as the creator of GF, so bringing him on board gives the project a bit of a press bump.

          • 5 months ago

            >People seem to think that you get 'blaclisted' for the most minor infractions
            There have been many stories of someone mildly pissing off the wrong people, like Grey DeLisle, and being barred from the industry.

            • 5 months ago

              Grey DeLisle isn't barred from the industry.
              If you're talking about the AI guy, he wasn't either.
              They had a little b***h fight which was later resolved. Nobody was blacklisted. Again, it's a pretty extreme measure.

              • 5 months ago

                I was talking about someone, not the AI guy, who annoyed DeLisle in the past and got barred.

              • 5 months ago

                Who? Again, having one celebrity being pissed at you is not the same as being blacklisted. Also, in order to be 'blacklisted' you typically have to have already been getting work in the industry.

              • 5 months ago

                That's why I said barred. As in there's no chance of getting into the industry at all.

              • 5 months ago

                >As in there's no chance of getting into the industry at all.
                But there's no way to tell if that has anything to do with people refusing to hire them or if they just didn't make it. Tons of people don't get work in the industry and it has nothing to do with barring or blacklisting.

                If someone was actually good enough to get work, one actor having beef with that person wouldn't be enough to kill those opportunities although having that as an excuse is probably a convenient way to cope with failure.

              • 5 months ago

                You really have no idea how clique-y the English VA scene is, do you?

              • 5 months ago

                Let’s just say I’m pretty fricking acquainted with the scene.
                Anon has not given any details aside from “someone” was “barred” from the industry because of Grey. At this pont, it’s impossible to continue arguing about it since it might as well be a hypothetical situation.

          • 5 months ago

            of course he has skill

            >People seem to think that you get 'blaclisted' for the most minor infractions
            There have been many stories of someone mildly pissing off the wrong people, like Grey DeLisle, and being barred from the industry.

            there's a difference between 'slip up once and you're fricked' and 'all of us are living on a razor's edge where we could be destroyed at any time because the system is that fricked'
            it's a subtle difference, but it's there. the powers that be have to do that, to keep people from rising up against it. As long as they feel they have good odds of avoiding it, they will do as they're told.

            • 5 months ago

              > the powers that be have to do that
              I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be rude but I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

              • 5 months ago

                it's okay anon, it's not important right now
                let's just discuss grambity fowls.

              • 5 months ago

                whoa, Ariel was chonky.

              • 5 months ago

                she is lightly soft
                which is the best way to draw Mabel

              • 5 months ago

                Was that them in high school?

              • 5 months ago

                I think so?

                There were a lot of AUs and fanfiction-based stories DoublePines did or borrowed from friends and made art for. This one was for a story where they go to the club and take molly and frick. I can't post the best art from the story, but there's a comic where Dipper and Mabel come together and had enough fun they decide to have another round at it. There's a corresponding picture from that story too where Dipper is thrusting into Mabel in her dance outfit while Mabel is on her back, breasts out, smiling while it happens. The safest one I can probably post from that one is this picture of the morning after they went to the rave.

                so it's not so much an AU as "this doesn't need to have actually happened"
                because that's what I assumed with all of these. they're just hey what if the twins did this or went there. the true AUs to me are things like 'what if dipper was a true twin and therefore a girl' or 'what if they were triplets and/or Tyrone stuck around in some capacity'

              • 5 months ago

                I probably used the wrong term, but I do remember AUs like the ones you mentioned and also the one where they did one about the Road to El Dorado.

              • 5 months ago

                honestly it's weird finding out how many continuous stories there are in DP's stuff, to me it all seemed random, but once strung together you're like, oh yeah, that is a story. about a brother and sister trying to have other relationships but realizing they're in love with each other instead.

              • 5 months ago

                It’s very strange to have a big name fan associated with such a controversial ship make such otherwise vanilla content. It’s all so… comfy.
                It was also kinda strange to have been exposed to their work before watching the show, it was a rough revelation when all the comfy vanilla porn I like turned out to be incest... I blame the show so aggressively shitting on Wendipper for making pinecest still so appealing to me after having watched it.

              • 5 months ago

                Porn has gotten a really weird name in recent years, people are always shocked to see it sweet and innocent
                that was the status quo for most of the internet's history. yeah people did weird shit, often for shock value, but it was not seen as the default
                but ever since every web host cracked down on anything remotely nsfw, all the casual cozy stuff had no place, because you could only do nsfw if you were monetizing it, and that apparently requires full hardcore status and at least three of the alphabet people letters.

                I could see if he had some sort of crowdfund for a project going, but he doesn't. He's not asking for money. Don't send him money. (he also doesn't need it. He's in the position to self-finance things if he wants. Save the crowdfunds for the poors).

                anon I was not literally going to mail justin roiland a check, with the memo field saying "For probably being innocent"
                if i was going to do that, i'd send one to Cosby.
                I'm saying, put out a product of some kind, i will support.

              • 5 months ago

                >You could only do nsfw if you were monetizing it, and that apparently requires full hardcore status and at least three of the alphabet people letters.
                Sad but true, I know folks who have spent a dozen paycheques on the most degen shit imaginable. The comfy stuff tends to come from the rare ultra hardcore shipgays with actual art skills

              • 5 months ago

                i think we're pretty common, it's just yeah most of us aren't doing it anymore. because we're busy with work..
                and it's clearly not enough for the audience to exist because majority rule has been tossed out the window, so i'm not sure what we'd have to do to fix things.

              • 5 months ago

                I think people who don’t need heinous shit to get off are less likely to pay for dirty content because it’s still somewhat of a taboo thing to pay for, plus we can always find something that already exists since our tastes aren’t narrow. Plus some artists I know will only draw smut that’s paid for because they can’t get off to their own work, or so they tell me.

              • 5 months ago

                all the more reason we are motivated to do sweet stuff
                because yeah you can't get off to your own art, but you can express yourself and give yourself heartboners. and inspire others to the happiness that other art has brought you.

              • 5 months ago

                I miss internet porn in the mid-late 90's and the early 00's. You could still find people who just made it because they got a thrill from the exhibitionism. It was kind of fun stumbling onto some random DIY site for some swinger couple. These days everyone tries to be "pro" and everything is overacted and fake.

              • 5 months ago

                Well there was another resurgence of indie stuff when people finally got sick of mainstream porn, the kind where the people doing it are obviously actual couples, making porn under different scenarios for fun, or in some cases just solo chicks doing POV stuff with a dildo to stand in for 'you.' and it was pretty popular
                so naturally the big porn companies forced all the big porn websites to eliminate anyone who wasn't officially registered. Ostensibly to protect all those poor 17 year olds who need to wait a few more minutes before they can sit on the black leather couch.

              • 5 months ago

                >the kind where the people doing it are obviously actual couples, making porn under different scenarios for fun, or in some cases just solo chicks doing POV stuff with a dildo to stand in for 'you.' and it was pretty popular
                yeah, but those scenes are still very obviously acted for the camera. It's pretty rare to find a video where it's just a couple fricking like they normally would without overacting or doing positions that expose the most for the viewer. As was discussed with the DoublePines stuff, the thing that's missing in most of the amateur "indie" porn is that sense of actual real connection and passion.

                Maybe I'm way off but I feel like there was some of that on 2011-2015 Tumblr, where you could just have people with small accounts who liked sharing semi-anonymous nudes and videos of themselves because they found it exciting or fun, and some people would do anonymous submissions to sex advice blogs to post horny stories of themselves. Few of those people actually were doing it for money, just for the love of the game, before the Purge caused everyone to either delete their account or have it get flagged and deleted for them.

                Yeah, tumblr had some good stuff. Flickr too. Now everyone tries to act like the pros and steer you towards their onlyfans.

              • 5 months ago

                Well there was another resurgence of indie stuff when people finally got sick of mainstream porn, the kind where the people doing it are obviously actual couples, making porn under different scenarios for fun, or in some cases just solo chicks doing POV stuff with a dildo to stand in for 'you.' and it was pretty popular
                so naturally the big porn companies forced all the big porn websites to eliminate anyone who wasn't officially registered. Ostensibly to protect all those poor 17 year olds who need to wait a few more minutes before they can sit on the black leather couch.

                Maybe I'm way off but I feel like there was some of that on 2011-2015 Tumblr, where you could just have people with small accounts who liked sharing semi-anonymous nudes and videos of themselves because they found it exciting or fun, and some people would do anonymous submissions to sex advice blogs to post horny stories of themselves. Few of those people actually were doing it for money, just for the love of the game, before the Purge caused everyone to either delete their account or have it get flagged and deleted for them.

              • 5 months ago

                i wouldn't know what tumblr was up to, but the old internet sure had a lot of that. hell plenty of high profile cartoon people regularly handed out nudes like hey it's skin who gives a shit.
                I wonder how much of the internet has to be taken away before someone does something, because there really isn't much left at this point.

                >the kind where the people doing it are obviously actual couples, making porn under different scenarios for fun, or in some cases just solo chicks doing POV stuff with a dildo to stand in for 'you.' and it was pretty popular
                yeah, but those scenes are still very obviously acted for the camera. It's pretty rare to find a video where it's just a couple fricking like they normally would without overacting or doing positions that expose the most for the viewer. As was discussed with the DoublePines stuff, the thing that's missing in most of the amateur "indie" porn is that sense of actual real connection and passion.

                Yeah, tumblr had some good stuff. Flickr too. Now everyone tries to act like the pros and steer you towards their onlyfans.

                True, that's not so much 'pornography' as in 'i've made a piece of media here' as it is... a sex tape. home movies. Without SOME kind of pageantry to it, it's hard to think of it as performance art.

              • 5 months ago

                > it's hard to think of it as performance art.
                who said anything about performance art? I just want to see couples fricking like couples really frick.

                > that's not so much 'pornography'
                Kind of an arbitrary line to draw. Pornography was never defined by its acting, editing, or pageantry. A sex tape or sufficiently titillating home movie would fit the definition.

              • 5 months ago

                i'm just giving you the reason that people don't typically make things like that, and if they do, why they don't typically release it. Closest you can get is showoff sandies at places like i canh az tchat (which apparently flags you for spam if you type it properly). which i have no idea if that's even up anymore. probably not given the modern landscape.
                well let's get pedantic then. technically, it's only pornography if it's advertisement for prostitution. that is the literal definition. So we've obviously become pretty loose with it, but I think for most of it it is not "anything that turns me on" but "anything created explicitly for the purpose of turning me on, which otherwise the people in it would not be doing what they're doing (or they'd do something else)"

              • 5 months ago

                >well let's get pedantic then. technically, it's only pornography if it's advertisement for prostitution
                Wut? Do you mean solicitation? Pornography is literally Greek for “I display fornication”

              • 5 months ago

                nnno, pornos means prostitution. the term was used to describe the big frescoes that advertised nearby brothels. "go this way to frick someone who looks like this" etc
                it's even referenced in the bible, with the metaphor being "You saw shitty fake gods and it was like you saw a prostitution ad and you immediately went "oh that one's hunky, screw my commitments" etc"

              • 5 months ago

                >i'm just giving you the reason that people don't typically make things like that
                gotcha, but the point was that it used to be made and released on the ye olde internet of the 90's and 00's before everything needed to be a monetized 'side hustle'.

              • 5 months ago

                too right. it was around! and I miss it too.

              • 5 months ago

                You broke softcore nsfw down so well man. I really do miss it.

              • 5 months ago

                i'm okay with us missing it together, change is a thing we have to deal with.
                what i hate is the retconning of the past that we're so mired in. we're not even allowed to live in the past because they deny it so hard.

              • 5 months ago

                It makes sense when you consider most of this was based from a fan Tumblr account at the website's peak. Someone could throw an ask in her box and it could spark like three new stories or a one-off drawing, not to mention the already numerous stories and ideas she was coming up with (horny and wholesome). I unironically found out what a transman was because of DoublePines like three years before I actually met one

              • 5 months ago

                I thought you said 'trashman' and now I really, really wish you did.

              • 5 months ago

                Dipper can still be a trashman, he just has to never grow emotionally from age 13 and make sure he finds small but impactful ways to hurt the people around him

              • 5 months ago

                well considering the only Trashman I know, he would also have to stop growing physically. and go bald.

              • 5 months ago

                >he would also have to stop growing physically. and go bald.
                I'm sure something in the Mystery Shack is toxic enough to make that a reality.

              • 5 months ago

                I liked this AU and it got about as horny as any of DP's art got, outside maybe the Eat My Heart Out comic.

                >tfw no radicool sister to go around in crazy outfits with

                It makes sense when you consider most of this was based from a fan Tumblr account at the website's peak. Someone could throw an ask in her box and it could spark like three new stories or a one-off drawing, not to mention the already numerous stories and ideas she was coming up with (horny and wholesome). I unironically found out what a transman was because of DoublePines like three years before I actually met one

                Lmao you guys had to be there man. This art is sadly like fossils to people coming in late, good pieces recalling a bigger picture lost to the past. Alot of people forget this was on if you kept up with the blog back in 2014 you knew ideas were shot out before hand and the art came after the discussion of the sfw or nsfw topic in tumblr groups. Some are also based on fanfics wich are still around so I highly recommend you read em if you guys like the art so much.

        • 5 months ago

          I have no idea how, dude seems entirely insufferable.

          • 5 months ago

            to normal people like us. but i think by hollywood standards he's refreshingly regular. he's a homestar fan, i can't fault the guy

            • 5 months ago

              I guess that makes sense.

          • 5 months ago

            to normal people like us. but i think by hollywood standards he's refreshingly regular. he's a homestar fan, i can't fault the guy

            I guess that makes sense.

            He's outspoken on Twitter (or at least used to be) which was kind of annoying, but I think plenty of people saw his star rising and didn't mind hitching along for the ride. You don't have to be best friends with someone in order to play nice with them. The Twitter stuff happened later anyway. While he was in school, I'd imagine he was just super pumped about animation and people gravitated towards that energy.

    • 5 months ago

      >He can have a little bit of auteur egomania, as a treat.
      you I like
      i wish people had a better mindset about artists. we're an eccentric bunch.
      the charismatic types, well, a lot of what they say is going to be hype and puffery.
      But the two of us need each other. the jack kirbys and steve ditkos need the stan lees. just.. when it comes to election time, elect the ditko. live with him saying some harsh shit. better than slick lies.

      • 5 months ago

        Hi, Alex.

        • 5 months ago

          Alex votes for the slick guys who lie.

    • 5 months ago

      It wasn't really that good, carried hard by the art and the VAs. The jokes are all cynical millennial shit and the mystery is laughable, the premise is okay but stolen from Eerie, Indiana

  73. 5 months ago

    I'm surprised he isn't more widely blacklisted given how he's fricked up everything outside of Gravity Falls and his unlikable behavior.

  74. 5 months ago

    Kinda overrated

  75. 5 months ago

    He needs to get a real job

  76. 5 months ago

    >tfw no radicool sister to go around in crazy outfits with

    • 5 months ago

      I liked this AU and it got about as horny as any of DP's art got, outside maybe the Eat My Heart Out comic.

      • 5 months ago

        oh? what's this AU, i just assumed they went to a fun dance club together

        • 5 months ago

          There were a lot of AUs and fanfiction-based stories DoublePines did or borrowed from friends and made art for. This one was for a story where they go to the club and take molly and frick. I can't post the best art from the story, but there's a comic where Dipper and Mabel come together and had enough fun they decide to have another round at it. There's a corresponding picture from that story too where Dipper is thrusting into Mabel in her dance outfit while Mabel is on her back, breasts out, smiling while it happens. The safest one I can probably post from that one is this picture of the morning after they went to the rave.

          • 5 months ago

            I've never dove into the doublepines stuff. Is there a mega?

  77. 5 months ago
  78. 5 months ago

    He used to be a lot more active. Other than briefly shilling the new Bill book and that horrid Carol cartoon, he's been radio silent. Probably he saw what happened to Roiland and realized he's not as untouchable as he thought.

    • 5 months ago

      Naw, it has nothing to do with Roiland. He had already heavily curtailed his Twitter habits long ago. Either someone gave him PR advice, or he grew out of it.

  79. 5 months ago

    I liked Gravity Falls even if season 2 felt rushed and Mystery Inc. was the overall better show.
    But he really hasn't done anything since for me to gauge if he's a talented guy, a hack or somewhere inbetween.

    • 5 months ago

      Most creators only do one show. That goes especially for these days. The GenX creators (McCracken, Tartakovsky, Hartman, etc) all came up when frames were hand drawn on paper and cells were hand painted. The process took a lot longer so production schedules were much more reasonable. They were able to cut their teeth at this slower pace and then grow with the technology. These days work goes at a blistering pace and it's pretty common for people to drop into the industry and burn out pretty quickly. Aside from that, shows are getting cancelled left and right (or even worse, zaslaved off the face of the planet). Matt Braly had posted recently about how making a show is still a good career move because it boosts your status in the industry, but the benefits of making a second show are little to none.

      • 5 months ago

        >people only make shows because it's a "good career move"
        absolutely soulless

        • 5 months ago

          That's not the only reason to do it, but the point is that running a show these days is stressful enough to fricking kill you if you keep it up for long.

      • 5 months ago

        is that the reason? I would have thought it's just that newer younger people have less patience. god knows I could never do it.

        I've never dove into the doublepines stuff. Is there a mega?

        yes there is! check the archive, you'll find it. mabeliscute, search that

  80. 5 months ago

    He shit talked Disney, then went to Fox and Netflix and they didn't work out.

    Now he's making Book of Bill.

    • 5 months ago

      Sounds like he took a piss on the mouse, then decided to take more of their money which they gladly did with a piss-soaked smile on their face. Sounds pretty fricking based to me.

  81. 5 months ago

    I didnt think much of him besides him doing an okay job with GF but then I heard about the time he got all pissy because he found out that Disney made some kind of GF lore coloring book merch or some shit behind his back and he cried that it was a betrayal, not canon, and told his fans not to buy it, which kinda burned some bridges with disney for no reason.

    I get it but how naive can you be if you work in the industry? Disney is infamously shitty and evil. he shouldve understood that they own the property and making some sticker book without his permission that only some 6yr old wouldbe played with is one of the lesser offenses that disney couldve done.

  82. 5 months ago

    Why does drawing have to take so long

    • 5 months ago

      Quality takes time

      • 5 months ago

        i dunno my bad drawings take just as long. sometimes longer.

  83. 5 months ago
  84. 5 months ago

    He should stay away from Matt Chapman

  85. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      the best the best

      If the interaction was: "how tall is Wendy?about 2 Dippers tall" then it wouldn't have been so bad
      An explanation as to why heights in cartoons don't translate to real life may have been good afterwards too

      an explanation would be good, but one can't demand it
      when greg berger was a lad, he did some sleuthing and found Mel Blanc's home phone. he called him and asked how to do voiceover. and while he was briefly miffed this kid had bugged him at home, he went ahead and gave him honest answers, told him the ins and outs of it, and that kid went on to voice porky pig long after mel died. that was swell as shit of him, but he would have been 100% okay to just say no way kid, i'm busy, stop calling me.

  86. 5 months ago

    I liked gf but the idol worship fans had for him was odd

    • 5 months ago

      I think it's fricking weird too, but I understand the people who worship a cartoon creator way more than I do the people who worship politicians. Vote for who you want to vote for, but wearing hats and shirts and flags and making the person the theme of your wedding dress and christmas tree is just fricking unhinged.

      • 5 months ago

        or the schools instructing the kids to sing his praises, that one was pretty surreal back in '08.

  87. 5 months ago

    I wonder if he was aware that Dana was only sleeping with him to get her show greenlit by Disney.

    • 5 months ago

      she called him her favorite guy though, which only Luz ever got that treatment

      • 5 months ago

        In my experience that's usually a patronizing compliment by women to men they're not interested in

    • 5 months ago

      If that was the case, you'd think they would have broke up as soon as Owl House was greenlit. They continued dating for quite awhile after that.
      It's not outrageous to think that two people around the same age with similar interests would actually be interested in dating each other for reasons other than professional gain.

      • 5 months ago

        >If that was the case, you'd think they would have broke up as soon as Owl House was greenlit.
        That would have been suspicious and awkward considering he voiced and help write on the show.
        >people around the same age with similar interests would actually be interested in dating each other for reasons other than professional gain.
        I would agree but that relationship was far too brief. This is the animation industry we're talking about. Women are naturally wired to go for guys that provide for them. They wouldn't have hooked up if he never had gravity falls in his pocket.

        • 5 months ago

          >This is the entertainment industry we're talking about

        • 5 months ago

          > I would agree but that relationship was far too brief.
          There aren't rules for how long a relationship should last.

          > Women are naturally wired to go for guys that provide for them
          I'm broke as shit and have never had issues dating. Been with my current girlfriend for almost 10 years. This isn't Victorian England where women either need to be married or become prostitutes. There are some girls who gravitate towards guys with money but they're usually vapid kardashian wannabes with no skill or professional prospects of their own.

          • 5 months ago

            >There aren't rules for how long a relationship should last.
            No, but with the added context a year and then an open relationship to break up isn't a strong case for a purely circumstantial romance for Dana either.
            >I'm broke as shit and have never had issues dating.
            Never stated what the provisions for "provide" was. And in Dana's case it wasn't money either is was a bump in status wich women still date for.
            >with my current girlfriend for almost 10 years.
            10 years?? Christ man, just marry your tulpa already lmao.
            >they're usually vapid show runner wannabe with no skill or professional prospects of their own outside drawing well.

  88. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      >brobro smell

  89. 5 months ago

    A man named Alex means he's gay

    • 5 months ago

      >t. some guy called alex

  90. 5 months ago

    >Is not a gravity falls thread without pinecest anons
    I'm not complaining
    But i still don't know how the frick you still alive and debating when 8 years passed since the end?

    • 5 months ago

      Who's debating?
      It's not our fault that none of the other ships have art this good.

      • 5 months ago

        I would like to commission but im a poor gay

    • 5 months ago

      who's debating? we just like cute art
      and some of us are making some

      • 5 months ago

        >Accidentally post a minute after the other anon so we look like samegay
        i promise this is just a case of grape minds thinkalike

        I would like to commission but im a poor gay

        Good on you dude, i respect the shit out of everyone who sticks to a budget. If you find the right artist, you can get things at a decent discount, though. especially if you're okay with sketchy, less-polished stuff.

  91. 5 months ago

    >Bump limit reached
    Until next time, it's been fun

    • 5 months ago

      grabnabbit. if the thread had just lasted one more day..
      well, keep watching the skis
      uh, skies.

      • 5 months ago

        Is it the finished version of


        as usual, anatomy assistance would be appreciated

        or somethin' else?

        • 5 months ago

          thas right

          >There aren't rules for how long a relationship should last.
          No, but with the added context a year and then an open relationship to break up isn't a strong case for a purely circumstantial romance for Dana either.
          >I'm broke as shit and have never had issues dating.
          Never stated what the provisions for "provide" was. And in Dana's case it wasn't money either is was a bump in status wich women still date for.
          >with my current girlfriend for almost 10 years.
          10 years?? Christ man, just marry your tulpa already lmao.
          >they're usually vapid show runner wannabe with no skill or professional prospects of their own outside drawing well.

          also this. i don't understand these people who stay in a perpetual devoted relationship but don't marry. even if you "Don't believe in marriage" or whatever, you get huge tax breaks.

          • 5 months ago

            Well I look forward to it... Hopefully it's not another month before the mods let a GF thread stay up

  92. 5 months ago

    now THIS is how you respond to a fan question you don't wanna answer.

  93. 5 months ago

    Last for doublepines

    • 5 months ago

      you are wonderful
      man some of my favorites are that weird "tyrone is also there" shit, this one always reminds me of when they're all three on the couch like the morning after fricks, mabel has a lil leg hair going, it feels so natchy and real.

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