What are your thoughts on Total Drama Action?

What are your thoughts on Total Drama Action?

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  1. 12 months ago

    Awkward middle child between island and world tour, both of which are miles better than it

  2. 12 months ago

    criminally underrated, and i think it's better than world tour. the character development/writing in this season was great, but people were butthurt that gwen and trent were early boots.

    • 12 months ago

      Ok. Down below the reboot, Ridonculous, WT, and Island

      A lot of the writing wasn't nearly as good as you say. The Owen mole plotline was a waste of time, too many characters got brought back for the sake of being brought back, Geoff + Bridgette got derailed hard, Duncan was a massive downgrade, etc.

      Well, you're in luck because the next season is going to have movie challenges if the leak is anything to go by. It's basically gonna be another Action season but it takes place on the island.

      It's confirmed to be on the same island, don't get your hopes up.

      • 12 months ago

        I liked the setting, I liked the idea that each challenge was based on a movie.
        I did not like the execution, it was very bland and had no sense of direction, it's like they decided to make a second season just for the sake of making one without planning what was gonna happen in it.
        Beth is a bland finalist, she's just "perfect" from the start so of course she goes all the way to the finale, but she doesn't have anything interesting going for her. Her whole arc is "I have a boyfriend who might or might not be real" so who gives a shit?
        I'd like the show to revisit the film lot again, maybe this time they won't waste the setting. I'm really sick of the show taking place on an island, I wish they changed the locations like they did with Action and World Tour, they had a good thing going there but then they just stopped for no apparent reason.

        Wasn't "the Island" not even a real island and just walled off the rest of a city?

        • 12 months ago

          No idea, the rules of the island tend to change sporadically.

      • 12 months ago

        >The Owen mole plotline was a waste of time
        It would work if it was done earlier so I sort of agree
        >too many characters got brought back for the sake of being brought back
        If anything it's one of the fewest seasons where everyone actually got a role to play even if it wasn't good. Leshawna, DJ, Trent are underrated here and got actual arcs here instead of just being a plot device and I'm not talking about Harold and Lindsey. (Agreed that Beth sucked though)
        >Geoff + Bridgette got derailed hard
        agreed with bridgette, but tda Geoff >>>> rr Geoff
        >Duncan was a massive downgrade
        He wasn't likable but he had no reason to be nice to anyone here either.

        I think this season was better than Island because it actually knew what to do with characters and Courtney unironically did tdi Heather's role (being the stuck up foul mouthed girl no one likes who somehow doesn't get eliminated) better
        Also, tda trent >>>> tdi trent

        • 12 months ago

          Trent's role was dogshit. DJ's was mediocre and went nowhere, feeling like a waste of time since he didn't develop or develop anyone else. Leshawna's arc would've been fine if it made sense but she got criticized for stuff others would've done and have done.

          TDA Geoff spent far too long sucking face with Bridgette. And his arc of going fame hungry is abrupt since they failed to set this up prior, they wasted screentime on these two kissing.

          Duncan didn't need to be nice, but he didn't even play the game like he did last season. We got our time wasted with the same schtick 24/7 with Harold and sometimes with Courtney once she randomly came back halfway through the season.

          This season could never be better than Island. You say it knew what it wanted to do only to never develop a lot of its cast. Trent got derailed and became an annoying whiny garbage character. Characters who used to be independent or interact with the game in interesting ways got dumbed down. Courtney is not better since she's abrupt and her entire anger towards Duncan was fricking stupid. She could've had potential if she wasn't crammed in halfway through.

  3. 12 months ago

    Cute Lindsay and Beth interactions. And cute Duncan Harold interactions.

  4. 12 months ago

    weak start with odd derailments and too few characters, strong middle when the main characters of the season got to shine, VERY weak ending when they started booting the characters that deserved to win while the floaters or writer's pets got free passes

  5. 12 months ago

    I liked the setting, I liked the idea that each challenge was based on a movie.
    I did not like the execution, it was very bland and had no sense of direction, it's like they decided to make a second season just for the sake of making one without planning what was gonna happen in it.
    Beth is a bland finalist, she's just "perfect" from the start so of course she goes all the way to the finale, but she doesn't have anything interesting going for her. Her whole arc is "I have a boyfriend who might or might not be real" so who gives a shit?
    I'd like the show to revisit the film lot again, maybe this time they won't waste the setting. I'm really sick of the show taking place on an island, I wish they changed the locations like they did with Action and World Tour, they had a good thing going there but then they just stopped for no apparent reason.

    • 12 months ago

      Well, you're in luck because the next season is going to have movie challenges if the leak is anything to go by. It's basically gonna be another Action season but it takes place on the island.

      • 12 months ago

        We already have one of the challenges semi-leaked. Could possibly be a Squid Game "Green/Red light" parody.

  6. 12 months ago

    Harold is mah boy

  7. 12 months ago

    I liked some of the interactions this season especially this trio.

    • 12 months ago

      Owen was eliminated way too early.

  8. 12 months ago

    I fricking hate what they did to Trent's character. He used to be cool.

  9. 12 months ago

    I hated it because Gwen was eliminated early

  10. 12 months ago

    Action is carried by Lindsay, Justin, and the movie challenge concept. Everything else was a downgrade.

    • 12 months ago

      that's a funny way to say Harold

      • 12 months ago

        Harold was decent. He got way too weird and Leshawna focused sometimes.

  11. 12 months ago


  12. 12 months ago

    underrated and with a few very obvious problems.

  13. 12 months ago

    It was okay, but I'm forever butthurt about what they did with Trent.

  14. 12 months ago

    >intro has Gwen and Trent together
    >they get eliminated early
    >that now outdated interaction in the intro remains there for the rest of the season
    Pretty ballsy to trash the arguably main relationship of the previous season like they did, and even more ballsy to do it with such shit writing.
    Too bad Trent never got any kind of redemption after Action tho, while Gwen went on to appear in World Tour and All-Stars.

  15. 12 months ago

    So how about them leaks regarding TDI 2023 rematch?

    • 12 months ago

      There's actually a surprisingly large amount of information you can gleam from just those 10 seconds of info
      >We know the first boot already
      >Caleb not being first means he won't just be a first boot joke and is likely to do well
      >Nichelle winning the first challenge and potential movie themed challenges means she's pretty much guaranteed an endgamer
      >Chase and Emma being on different teams means they won't just be booted off Gidgette style like everyone here was saying
      Also not a part of the leak but Ripper's voice actor confirmed we would be seeing a new side of him and his VA is pretty clearly a jumps the gun excitedly kind of guy given his posts leading up to Season 1, we all knew Ripper would make merge again but that pretty much confirms it

      • 12 months ago

        >Chase and Emma being on different teams means they won't just be booted off Gidgette style like everyone here was saying
        I was not expecting that, maybe they will break up after all.

        • 12 months ago

          Of the upper half of the first season's contestants, Emma's definitely the most likely to make it far again. She has various plotlines with other characters still unresolved, she's a strong competitor, she's not oblivious to strategy and she isn't strictly a good or bad person due to having both friendly/supportive traits and obsessive/spiteful ones. All she needs to do is get over Chase and she's easy finalist potential.
          Or at least all that's what I would have said if she didn't get cut off from all the people she interacted with before - she feels really out of place in her new team. But maybe being cut off is how she starts to redeem herself, who knows.

          • 12 months ago

            I don't see it for Emma. Her being a fish out of water is exactly why they could justify eliminating her. She feels like nothing more than a parody satire and could be booted early for others.

  16. 12 months ago

    Aggressively mediocre overall due to some weird plot decisions, character derailment, and pacing issues. Season is heavily carried by Harold, and a bit by Lindsay, Duncan, and Justin. Definitely the weakest full length season.

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