What can be done to make Bludhaven interesting?

What can be done to make Bludhaven interesting?

Metropolis and especially Gotham are two outliers in terms of development and lore surrounding DC cities and other cities/planets/dimensions just pale in comparison. They have more character and life in modern times than some of DC's C listers.

I'd say Dixon tried but he really didn't, he just made Bludhaven "Gotham but worse" but not even in a grotesquely funny way that Hub City is written as.

If you don't care about Nightwing/Bludhaven you can make another city/place of your choice interesting like Star City or whatever.

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  1. 10 months ago

    Imo if you can't make a borough of Gotham thats designated as his Nightwing shouldn't have a "city"

    Nightwing should be roaming to different places because of his carny blood

  2. 10 months ago

    Bomb it again

  3. 10 months ago

    1. Should’ve set it in another state, like Philadelphia or Maryland instead of the same as Gotham.
    2. Put more emphasis on the drug trade and political corruption of real life Baltimore/Philadelphia to contrast with Gotham’s focus on capeshit.
    3. Nobody remembers Hub City.

    • 10 months ago

      What state is Gotham even in?

      • 10 months ago

        New jersey.

    • 10 months ago

      >Put more emphasis on the drug trade and political corruption of real life Baltimore/Philadelphia
      insane how you people here on Cinemaphile love American comics yet are so blind to how the editorial runs
      hey lets make the thugs black too like in the real world, and have a white guy beat them with batons

  4. 10 months ago

    There's no way to make Nightwing or Bludhaven work.

  5. 10 months ago

    Bludhaven as a port town is a fine idea, have it be a hot spot for all sorts of illegal imports

  6. 10 months ago

    I liked Newarkhaven better than Atlantic Cityhaven.

    >2. Put more emphasis on the drug trade and political corruption of real life Baltimore/Philadelphia to contrast with Gotham’s focus on capeshit.
    I liked the original runs dynamic with Sykes as kind of an anti-Gordon who Dick has to be careful with and is obviously untrustworthy, it did a good job making things feel different from a Bat-story. If only he stayed that way instead of becoming Torque.

    • 10 months ago

      Soames, not Sykes. I don't know why I mixed that name up.

    • 10 months ago

      >I liked the original runs dynamic with Sykes as kind of an anti-Gordon who Dick has to be careful with and is obviously untrustworthy, it did a good job making things feel different from a Bat-story. If only he stayed that way instead of becoming Torque.
      That issue where Soames gives Nightwing the rundown of what goes in Bludhaven while on the beachfront was a highlight of that run, and than Dixon immediately shat on it by crippling the best antagonist Dick had. He was literally the antiGordon but just as competent which is what made him dangerous.

  7. 10 months ago

    bludhaven was a mistake, he should be in a Miami expy

    • 10 months ago

      Having gay sex?

      New jersey.

      Explains a lot.

  8. 10 months ago

    homie, Opal City mogs Gotham and Metropolis so hard they both seem designed by moronic children.

    • 10 months ago

      How would you describe Opal City?

      • 10 months ago

        Haunted art deco
        >settled by Puritan and (later) Huguenot refugees in the 17th century, the area that would become Opal City was originally known as the Port O'Souls, located inward from the east coast of America. While the modern Opal was founded in the mid-19th century, it had its great expansion in 1909–30. Through the years, Opal's architecture was influenced by French, Chinese and Irish immigrants. Around its Victorian core (called "Oldtown" or "the Alleys") now rise spires and deco-streamlined wonder. An odd fact about the city is that it has no suburbs, but is surrounded by mountains, forests, and plains. Outside Opal lies Turk County, a rural area that was once known as Dead Turk County.

  9. 10 months ago

    I don't know how many times of posted how to fix Nightwing in one these threads within the last 3 years but basically to fix Blüdhaven to need a writer who will actually build upon something someone else wrote while also adding to it. Every writer always resets Dick back to square one when it comes to the city. While I can go into detail all keep it short. To fix Nightwing and Blüdhaven you actually have to be willing to build upon what someone else wrote and not just tear it down.

    • 10 months ago

      The thing about Nightwing is that its not a very good comic. People like Dick Grayson, or rather the idea of him became his material is basic as hell. You read it and realize writers only do the 50/50 bare minimum. In comparison to it are comics that people will fight tooth and nail for, like Hellblazer or Green Lantern where writers really want to leave their mark.

  10. 10 months ago

    Just bring his ass back to Gotham. Get rid off the other guys to keep it down to a TNBA-like lineup.

  11. 10 months ago

    Taylor is already doing it in his Eisner winning Nightwing run.

    • 10 months ago

      I find it hilarious how he got that award, and then not two weeks later he gets savaged in the internet for his Jon Kent comic.

      • 10 months ago

        It’s fine, all the criticism people have about his NW book is drowned out by the batfamilygays and Dickbabsgays who slurp up shitty comics as long as they have a feelgood panel to post on twitter.

        • 10 months ago

          Twittergays were the ones who memed that panel of Jon being a massive b***h tho.

    • 10 months ago

      I’m hoping Taylor will stop with the obvious Eisner bait one-off issues and actually use those pages to progress plot now he has his eisner but I doubt it.

      • 10 months ago

        Taylor doesn't have anything other than bait for clout, anon

        Doesn't matter if it's twitter clout or awards clout plot does not matter, just look at how he wrapped up the jon book with a page he thought would get him twitter likes and backfired spectacularly

  12. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Tim, please.

  13. 10 months ago


  14. 10 months ago

    All it takes to fix Bludhaven is just one good arc.

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