What did Skylar Page actually do that warranted his firing from Clarence?

What did Skylar Page actually do that warranted his firing from Clarence? Was it just the ET Prop Hand near a female employees crotch? Online answers either repeat that there was harassment, or take an indignant and insufferable wiener sucker mentality and act high and mighty. I’d like the actual details, please.

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  1. 4 months ago

    Had a schizo meltdown of some sort, which is always important for context, even though some like to exclude it, and may have grabbed a girl's butt, which isn't that bad for a mental breakdown. Also want to add recently that there's a girl that stabbed her boyfriend a 100 times, used the excuse of psychosis under weed and got off with no jail time.

    • 4 months ago

      Interesting, but the implication that psychosis and mental illness are used as excusing behavior is not my intention. I’m not seeking to wave away his behavior, because I’m not looking to judge him one way or another, and even the accusers and fuelers, I don’t judge as harshly as it seems. I am searching for why he was fired. It seems to be entirely obstructed from privy, because it seems there is actually nothing there.

      The actual implication that matters, here, is that someone got fired for less than genuine reasons, which begs the question, why? What was the point? Seems sadistic.

      • 4 months ago

        >which begs the question, why? What was the point? Seems sadistic.
        He's a man

        • 4 months ago

          Well if there was something substantial there I don’t want to dismiss it. But nobody really will specifically outright say what he did with sexual harassment, except the ET prop thing. It just smells like everything surrounding it was circumstantial to people moving up if he moved down. Typical for californian narcissism but I’m just requesting more details to know.

          Clarence was a good show, Skylar Page had a lot of talent, and the people who worked on it brought the show to life.

          • 4 months ago

            >Clarence was a good show, Skylar Page had a lot of talent, and the people who worked on it brought the show to life.
            All very true. I love Skyler's old student films and there's a reason he was one of the youngest ever showrunners in TV history.

            At the same time, I'm willing to call him out on being a shit showrunner who took credit for things in the final series he had no hand in. Patrick Harpin shed some light on that: https://web.archive.org/web/20180112014557/https://patrickharpin.tumblr.com/post/90666400624/clarence-head-of-story-reaction

            While Skyler was going through a manic episode, I also feel like the power probably went to his head and led to him burning enough bridges that would make it even easier to fire him from the show. Like a less sleazy, more unstable Justin Roiland.

          • 4 months ago

            Skyler only voiced the character hence add a few concepts here and there but for the most part, he had never draw anything beyond the character which he sought, nor did much as the rest did.

            Even if Clarence was cancelled in the end, I'm still happy it got to last as long as it did, especially considering the circumstances. What a delightful show, I should rewatch it one of these days

            It would've lasted a little longer if it hadn't gotten into a hotbed regard to what page did.

      • 4 months ago

        >someone got fired for less than genuine reasons
        Why would you assume that?

    • 4 months ago

      I don't know if you're trying to create a man vs woman dichotomy (implying that women get punished less harshly than men using this as an example), but I'd like to point out that Skylar also did not get any jail time. If the girl had stabbed her coworker 100 times, she, like Skylar, would have lost her job.

      If that's not what you were implying, then carry on. Cinemaphile is filled with anons who try to subtly push a narrative and sometimes it can be hard to read between the lines.

      • 4 months ago

        > implying that women get punished less harshly than men
        They do though

      • 4 months ago

        Fricking twittergay

    • 4 months ago


  2. 4 months ago

    He was a manic moron who couldn't keep his hands off other people. I don't get why autists need the juicy details for this shit when it was already explained 10 years ago.

    • 4 months ago

      If the people involved lie and obfuscate to get ahead of others, or garner sympathy, then promoting, defending, accepting their lies makes you just as bad as them. I’m entirely willing to hold Skylar Page accountable, but I am not willing to wrongfully judge someone by which I am not privy to the details. That’s where you and I differ - you are a normalgay slave animal who doesn’t care about discernment, only obedience to what he’s told to defend and believe, whereas I and autists like me seek what is true.

      If he raped someone, give the details so the truth can be known. If he just acted like an imbecile and pointed a prop at someone’s genitals, I’m not going to follow along with you psychopathic losers. So:

      What did he specifically do? You can’t answer that? Shut the frick up you contemptible and farcical cow.

      • 4 months ago

        The allegations are, aside from the ET hand thing, that he would grope female coworkers when left alone with them.
        The truth is we, as the public, are not privy to the actual details. Contrary to your belief, we are not owed the specifics.

        That said, I even if he "just pointed a prop at someone's genitals", that's incredibly inappropriate workplace behavior. I'm not sure why you're trying to minimize that but talking about sex or motioning towards anyone's privates is not something you should do at work.

        While we don't know the whole story and exactly what Skyler did or did not do, we do know that a big company made a decision that was likely motivated by dollars and cents. Cartoon Network decided that the bad press from firing the creator of their new IP would be less detrimental than the bad press from trying to hide it. If it really was "just" the prop hand thing, they would have dealt with it internally and issued a statement. Social politics and culture war bullshit aside, my bet is that his behavior was bad enough that it went well beyond jokes in bad taste.

        • 4 months ago

          >someone got fired for less than genuine reasons
          Why would you assume that?

          If he groped them then it’s justifiable. If he didn’t then it’s not reasonable to ask the onlookers to defend the decision. Do we know which people got assaulted?

          • 4 months ago

            >If he groped them then it’s justifiable.
            He might have. Whether or not it's justifiable is not your call. Work is work. If pointing a finger (fake or not) towards someone's genitals is inappropriate behavior for a job interview, it would be inappropriate workplace behavior as well.

            >Do we know which people got assaulted?
            There are whispers, but there's no way to know for certain. Victims do not need to publicly step forward (nor is it typically in their best interest to do so) and the public does not have a right to know every lurid detail of an assault.

            The point is the people saying it was "just [the] ET prop hand" incident are as reliable as the people who say the only thing he did was grope someone while he was having a mental break and the person didn't even care which is as reliable as the people saying he had an ongoing history of targeting and groping women. Cherry picking which stories "seem" to be real accomplishes nothing but exposing your own bias.

            • 4 months ago

              All your post does is cover for liars who abuse the goodwill and trust of regular society. It is my call because I decide whether I choose to believe anyone who calls themselves a victim, just like I get to choose who is a perpetrator. You seem to have difficulty understanding this.

              However, since you’ve provided absolutely nothing except hearsay, I’m choosing not to trust in anyone who isn’t willing to provide accountability to their claims. That means stepping up and saying they were assaulted. I believe one lady has, so she has some affordance and good will here, nobody else does did so they don’t get to play public victim. We have enough false claims of sexual assault or rape that it’s become an epidemic. If we lived in a high trust, idealized moral society we could believe them at face value, but since we do not, because we live in a degenerated, amoral and immoral society that has noticed victims receive exponential compound regardless if the claim has veracity, we must instead opt for sound judgement of each event in full context and intent. The fact that you dismiss this just means you’re an extremely untrustworthy individual.l who likely just follows what people tell him too. In other words, you have nothing in your head.

              • 4 months ago

                >since you’ve provided absolutely nothing except hearsay, I’m choosing not to trust in anyone who isn’t willing to provide accountability to their claims

                You're like the flat earthers who choose to believe that the world is flat because they, themselves, cannot perceive it's roundness. good luck with that.

              • 4 months ago

                And yet you choose to fully embrace liars who lie to you and smile at you accepting their lies. I guess we are on two opposite ends, one who is foolish slave and another who is a “flat earther”. Good night.

    • 4 months ago

      >10 years ago
      R-really… ?

      • 4 months ago

        NTA but yeah, it'll have been ten years ago about this July.

  3. 4 months ago

    Why can't we just have a Clarence thread instead?

    • 4 months ago

      You can have that. You just need to make the thread. But I’d like to know if he’s really culpable or if it was untrue.

    • 4 months ago

      I don’t want to derail this thread, but who’s the artist behind this pic?

  4. 4 months ago

    From what I remember, he had a mental breakdown due the stress of showrunning and had to be hospitalized. During the breakdown he apparently groped a woman and when the vultures at Cartoon Brew found out, they published an article only talking about that part, painting him as a Harvey Weinstein esc rapist and ensuring he’ll never work in the industry again. It’s honestly pretty sad, he seemed like a nice guy but he had some very serious mental issues that were seemingly left untreated.

    • 4 months ago

      That’s as probably close to the truth that there will be. Is the groping the ET prop hand incident or a separate one?

    • 4 months ago

      >It’s honestly pretty sad, he seemed like a nice guy
      Or as the racists like to say, he dindu nuffin.

      • 4 months ago

        Thank you, racist anon.

  5. 4 months ago

    He got too silly 🙁

  6. 4 months ago

    Yoooooo it was my friends cousins gfs ass he grabbed, she straight up didn't care but everyone around them at the time pretty much forced them into taking action even threatening her bf with his job if they didn't comply

    • 4 months ago

      then everyone clapped

  7. 4 months ago

    Even if Clarence was cancelled in the end, I'm still happy it got to last as long as it did, especially considering the circumstances. What a delightful show, I should rewatch it one of these days

  8. 4 months ago


  9. 4 months ago

    He did nothing wrong

  10. 4 months ago

    What a misbegotten ugly thing. Frick all of you enabling cartoonists and networks to vomit this shit into our eyes. Sheesh.

    • 4 months ago

      No one show this guy The Fungies.

      • 4 months ago

        I keep seeing ads for this on Australian CN, and it never seems to actually start, they had ads for it months ago and it disappeared and they just recently started back up, is it a real show or what?

  11. 4 months ago

    He spells it out in the opening lyrics

  12. 4 months ago

    Why is OP expecting Cinemaphile users to know exact details about an industry incident that happened 10 years ago, and why is he so willing to say the accusers lied?

    • 4 months ago

      Correction. Op is not willing to give liars what they want. But op is also not entitled to know what happened unless that information has been provided. So it’s like a catch 22 so actual victims get ignored. At least. I think that’s what the thread is about.

    • 4 months ago

      i bet OP is still mad as hell that his favorite show is tainted by this bullshit. I know i am

      • 4 months ago

        Not enough people cared about Clarence for its behind-the-scenes drama to ever "taint" the series. I've always gotten the impression its small but dedicated fan base still had fun and got a solid cartoon in the end.

        • 4 months ago

          Good episode, but it’s no Tuckered Boys

        • 4 months ago

          i will never know what the show would've been with it's original creator still around. That's enough taint i'll get for the rest of my life, that fact alone that i'll never know.

          • 4 months ago

            skylar left so early on that the Clarence that ran for 3 seasons and we're all in the thread for might as well have never been his. Not like his episodes were that much different but to me thinking about what the show would be like if he wasn't handsy is at the same level as theorizing if a pilot got picked up

            • 4 months ago

              >credited as writter/story boarder for nearly 40 episodes
              sure ok

  13. 4 months ago

    Post Ms Baker pls

    • 4 months ago

      I'll do you one better

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