What did you not like about this show?

What did you not like about this show?

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  1. 5 months ago

    The ending mainly. Anne and Sasha clearly had feelings for each other. When Marcy comes back to visit they should've either A. Been dating or B. Married.

  2. 5 months ago

    The LA arc

    • 5 months ago

      That could have been a cooler arc than just learning about earth stuff maybe the government should have been scheming while the planters ruined their plans

    • 5 months ago

      this tbh. nothing was more anticlimatic than "omg le frogs shenanigans in LA!".

      • 5 months ago

        Well, at least they didn't spend three 45-minute specials tagging along useless side characters that didn't amount to anything in the end, kind of like what happened with the Owl House, where every character that is not named Luz gets sidelined.

        I read a lot of posts here saying how Marcy and Sasha didn't get enough screentime. Well, at least they had their own moments in Amphibia season finale, while Amity, who is supposed to be the lover of Luz, got sidelined and forgotten. She doesn't even have a powerup like Luz. Why is she even there to begin with same with gus, hunter (LOL), Camila (useless), etc

        • 5 months ago

          >Well, at least they didn't spend three 45-minute specials tagging along useless side characters that didn't amount to anything in the end
          They literally did exactly that

          • 5 months ago

            Yes that's what I said about TOH tagging along useless characters in their season finale. The don't even do anything to progress the plot. In the end its Luz Luz Luz and oh yeah the mary sue Luz who is given everything and now she must also beat the main villain with her asspulled undeserving powerup.

        • 5 months ago

          It's very obvious what you're planning to do here. You can only complain and critize Amphibia here using the most disingenuous point to make the show look bad when in reality its not.

          So it is literally okay to talk about one piece or anime here in cartoon/comic board, but not about the owl house? Which is quite funny because there is a post here that didn't mention the owl house and still gets tagged by insecure toh fans because he said "Amphibia is the best disney show" and nothing else. Let's not beat around the bush, we know who you are. You're not exactly welcomed here either.

          My point stands, this guy is actually trying to argue his hate instead of resorting to spamming the same images or saying stuff like owlgay, owlshit, owltroony or putting the word "shit" in the characters names.

          • 5 months ago

            >this guy is actually trying to argue his hate
            This is you right? Of course, you're not gonna admit that. That would be too obvious. You even using the same tactic by using the word "dogshit" "shit" to describe Amphibia.

            The tonal clash between all these goofy, silly character designs and the show trying to be a serious action story with anime fights and power-ups and literal fricking DBZ Auras that expects you to take it seriously after looking and acting so fricking stupid for so long just leaves me confused. Not even entertained or mildly amused, just fricking baffled that they thought they could sneak that shit in while looking like moronic calarts shit.

            Dogshit third season.

            • 5 months ago

              None of those are me bro

              • 5 months ago

                Dang that sucks, unfortunately for you none of the things that you accused me of is done by me too! Looks like we're in a predicament. There must be some sort of evil apparations post mean stuff about our show. This looks like a job for the scooby gang to solve this mystery.

  3. 5 months ago

    It's just not for me.

  4. 5 months ago

    I didn't like how pepe posting homosexuals gravitated towards it. The show was wholesome, unlike their indecent asses. So trying to redeem frogs seemed unearned and disingenuous

  5. 5 months ago

    Stupid Final Fantasy Tactics ripoff

    • 5 months ago

      Hey stupid you’re thinking of Final fantasy Tactics Advanced, Final fantasy Tactics is very different, Someone give this dounut a red card.

  6. 5 months ago

    I found season 3 to be a slog to get through because Amphibia is cast aside in favor of a boring L.A

  7. 5 months ago

    Dogshit third season.

  8. 5 months ago

    Similar complaint to SU.
    Anne starts out as a flawed character who learns to be more self-confident and less selfish, but towards the end she seems too perfect of a character. Also the show culminates with her "dying" for everyone's sins

    • 5 months ago

      Nah, Steven kinda sucks, which makes sense, I wouldn’t want to be him either.

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah one issue I had with the ending is that despite the show being about friendship, forgiveness, how everyone has something to contribute and the story itself spelling out that friendship is the true treasure the climax is about Anne being super special and the only one who can do anything,and everyone else si just there to cheer her on, its ludonarrative, the show is telling me one thing but showing me the contrary, also I might be one of the few people who didn't buy Sprig and Anne friendship as the end all of the series, their friendship never grew much after the first few episodes, I can buy HopPop and Anne friendship better because it actually grows, and changes though the series.

      • 5 months ago

        The moment you make a Goku you commit yourself to be DBZ, and DBZ isn't great in the story department it has cool fights and that is about it. But Amphibia strength weren't the fights but the characters and for that I think the show went all in one a bad decision that hurt the overall show even when the execution was pretty good.

        The tonal clash between all these goofy, silly character designs and the show trying to be a serious action story with anime fights and power-ups and literal fricking DBZ Auras that expects you to take it seriously after looking and acting so fricking stupid for so long just leaves me confused. Not even entertained or mildly amused, just fricking baffled that they thought they could sneak that shit in while looking like moronic calarts shit.

        • 5 months ago

          You say that but one of the most popular franchise in the last 30 years is a show that combines super goofy cartoony stuff next to super dramatic stories and DBZ action.

          Now just because Amphibia has the same ingredients doesn't mean it pulls that mix of genres well. I'll give you an example, we see Marcy's sad backstory but we never get a moment where that is solved in a satisfying way, she doesn't do anything in the final battle doesn't use her intelligence or sacrifice anything to help, nor de we see the final goodbye as they drift apart, so is all drama and no payoff. Same with the fights something that makes anime fights good is that is less about the fight and more about having two interesting characters ducking it out, they both have compelling backstories that kind of makes want to see either side win and/or their abilities are interesting and creative so even the fight is interesting on to itself.

          I think that is why the faux DBZ fight doesn't work as well, is more of the same we've seen in other animes, it doesn't matter if its well animated because in the end they are just copping the superficial aspects without understanding how to make the audience care.

          • 5 months ago

            Amphibia wishes it was as good as the worst filler arcs of One Piece.

            • 5 months ago

              It's still better then Wano.

          • 5 months ago

            Good analysis.

  9. 5 months ago

    The first half of season 3, also season 3’s end credits. Season 1 end credits peak comfy season 2 not peak cozy but still very cozy and it fits. Season 3’s credits oh my god it’s so bad, and out of place, so I guess it was perfect for the first half of season 3. Also I wish Marcy and Sasha had more screen time and the core should’ve been a more present threat. All that aside I think there’s more good than bad with this show. Also needed more frogs.

  10. 5 months ago

    >hey look at Anne, she can swordfight!
    >NOPE in the spirit ripping off anime we are giving her super saiyan powers

  11. 5 months ago

    The third season broadly, but more specifically Marcy getting pushed to the side after all the shit that happened in the S2 finale
    Also the super forms, I like the show but I still don't like the fricking DBZ transformations

  12. 5 months ago

    I had no problems with the slow paced slice of life with the promise of lore and action down the line but the lore and action failed to deliver in the end which soured me on the world and demystified it for me

    The show made it look like they had it all figured out and that there was substance out there but they were just winging it the whole time and it was just set dressing they cribbed from other good games/movies/shows

    • 5 months ago

      I think the lore and action were also handcuffed by Executives when it was really coming into play.

  13. 5 months ago


    >Repetitive behaviors are among the first signs of autism to emerge in toddlerhood. They are seen in people across the autism spectrum. They tend to be more pronounced in those with lower cognitive ability, however.
    >Repetitive behaviors have been recognized as part of autism since the condition was first described. Leo Kanner and Hans Asperger noted repetitive movements and insistence on sameness in the first children they described, as did Grunya Sukhareva, an early autism researcher.

  14. 5 months ago

    waking up and seeing pic related when it got released was a bad omen for things to come

    • 5 months ago


  15. 5 months ago

    The ending could have been tightened up; roll the invasion and the moon into one threat. Also the Disney death was unnecessary.

    • 5 months ago

      I actually like the Moon being a separate threat. A screw you by the Core. I agree Anne's Death? was unnecessary.

  16. 5 months ago

    >LA setting and all the new characters from season 3 save for anne's parents weren't endearing
    >anne's mom being voiced by matt's real mom
    >leaving the authenticity of duplicate anne after her death open to interpretation was a mistake
    >the nature of the gems, their purpose and all that cosmic guardian BS seemed too anime for anime
    >surprise last minute newt lesbians
    >not enough felicia lewds

    • 5 months ago

      >leaving the authenticity of duplicate anne after her death open to interpretation was a mistake

      • 5 months ago

        It’s an existential dilemma that muddies the finale for a lame handwave joke.

  17. 5 months ago

    Not enough uncensored sex and gore.

  18. 5 months ago

    3A should have been maybe a 40 minute special at most with a clear focus on Anne getting back to see that the friend she saw getting impaled is not actually dead.

  19. 5 months ago

    Looking back, the art style. It looks too much like the simpsons/gravity falls.

  20. 5 months ago

    Tribegay finally got banned?

  21. 5 months ago

    any sccne/episode without sasha onscreen was horrendously boring and i dont even like sasha that much

  22. 5 months ago

    The nonsense about building an army in the second half of season three. It ended up being the most pointless part of the series with how little it ended up mattering when everyone important just sneaked in anyway. Really, the majority of the segments that took place in Amphibia in the second half of season three ended up mattering very little.

    • 5 months ago

      I wanted it to be similar to JLU's Destroy in the sense of the supporting players fighting off the villains henchman, while Anne, Sasha, Grime, Sprig, Polly and Hop Pop take on Andrias and Darcy.

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah, that could have been interesting but with they way they set things up in the series there really wasn't any henchmen for any supporting cast to take on. Which was an odd choice of theirs. Cloak-Bot was effective and managed to be a ongoing threat for the first half of season three but the moment they get rid of him there's nothing to replace him or keep up that same amount of pressure. Some kind of notable Andrias or Core minion for the cast to deal with would have helped things a bit at the end. That last half of season three felt like they were just spinning their wheels without really doing anything and a real threat to deal with could have helped negate that. Olivian and Yunan barely even count since they're just a waste of time with those mind control spores thing.

        • 5 months ago

          >>Some kind of notable Andrias or Core minion for the cast to deal with would have helped things a bit at the end.

          It really would've, shame they didn't do that.

          >>That last half of season three felt like they were just spinning their wheels without really doing anything and a real threat to deal with could have helped negate that. Olivian and Yunan barely even count since they're just a waste of time with those mind control spores thing.

          Which is quite disappointing and yeah a legitmate threat to deal it would have helped, say what you will the LA Arc but it do something especially once MR X entered the picture. And about Olivia and Yunan yeah that could have been anyone else easily.
          Which threat would you have made out of curiosity?

          • 5 months ago

            >Which threat would you have made out of curiosity?
            Off the top of my head right now? Throw in a toad, frog, bizarre hybrid that is a physical, mental, and unrelenting force against the main crew. Maybe even give it some charisma as well and the ability to slightly change it's body around to look like a weird frog or toad to blend in to places. Have it hunting them at every corner using abilities from every one of the species to constantly keep the pressure on them. Have them face an embodiment of what a union of the three species could be like in one being. The kind of union they were apparently set on building. To prevent it feeling entirely like Cloak-Bot maybe give it some Frobots to boss around. But I'm not too sure about using them since they ended up being useless fodder as well. Only Cloak-Bot really did anything. Instead of just twisting and tearing up random parts of Amphibia no one really cared about to show how little the Core cared about the planet have this new being eventually turn to be a cyborg monstrosity. Possibly from the beginning or have it getting forcibly turned into a cyborg after failing one too many times. Make it some kind of new age of Frobots using the people of Amphibia as lab rats to show just how far the Core will go to twist and use the people of Amphibia for it's goals. Possibly with Andrias clearly uncomfortable with it because he's one too so we get a hint at that later reveal. Or maybe split this being into a trio of characters with the same idea a newt, toad, frog, who Andria's gets to hunt down our leads. Either way, I just wanted some genuine threat for the crew to deal with in the later half of season three. At the least the first half had Cloak-Bot and he was pretty effective. Mr. X came in to take over after Cloak-Bot blew up so throughout the entirety of the first half of season three they had something or someone hunting them and that was sorely missing in the second half of season three.

            • 5 months ago

              Really, it should have been Darcy.

              • 5 months ago

                Or that. Yeah, just that would have been enough. More than enough. Darcy taking a more direct role as antagonist would have been great.

              • 5 months ago

                That it would have. Especially if we saw glimpse of Marcy fighting to regain control of her body.

  23. 5 months ago

    If Anne is gonna die then stay dead, that whole shit at the end was fake and soulless.......just like Anne.

  24. 5 months ago

    >two amphibia threads
    Amphibia won so hard. Amphibia remains the best disney show in the last 5 years of dtva

    • 5 months ago

      Owl House was better.

      • 5 months ago

        Owl house is better at being canceled and a terrible show, yes

        • 5 months ago

          Amphibia did something that no other post 2019 dtva have done, having a good finale and good villains. One thing Amphibia did right is they didn't get blasted by a popular film critic for having terrible villain like The Owl House and a terrible finale. Even Molly McGee s2 terrible writing completely killed any hype left for their show's finale.

          This again?

          • 5 months ago

            Why can't we have one thread without this homosexual trying to derail shit with this irrelevant crap? The majority of owl house fans are on /trash/ because he's made the threads unusable.

            I suspect this is a copycat trying to take over. The real tribegay would've been more deliriously rabid than this.

        • 5 months ago

          Amphibia did something that no other post 2019 dtva have done, having a good finale and good villains. One thing Amphibia did right is they didn't get blasted by a popular film critic for having terrible villain like The Owl House and a terrible finale. Even Molly McGee s2 terrible writing completely killed any hype left for their show's finale.

          Why can't we have one thread without this homosexual trying to derail shit with this irrelevant crap? The majority of owl house fans are on /trash/ because he's made the threads unusable.

          • 5 months ago

            It's very obvious what you're planning to do here. You can only complain and critize Amphibia here using the most disingenuous point to make the show look bad when in reality its not.

            So it is literally okay to talk about one piece or anime here in cartoon/comic board, but not about the owl house? Which is quite funny because there is a post here that didn't mention the owl house and still gets tagged by insecure toh fans because he said "Amphibia is the best disney show" and nothing else. Let's not beat around the bush, we know who you are. You're not exactly welcomed here either.

  25. 5 months ago

    Not enough fantasy elements. It teased magic, but the podunk medieval setting it stuck with was kind of limiting

  26. 5 months ago

    The moment you make a Goku you commit yourself to be DBZ, and DBZ isn't great in the story department it has cool fights and that is about it. But Amphibia strength weren't the fights but the characters and for that I think the show went all in one a bad decision that hurt the overall show even when the execution was pretty good.

  27. 5 months ago

    S3 felt like it was trying to stall or trying to be anime with no in between

  28. 5 months ago

    the frogs. the human characters have pleasing designs and even hints of depth but as the show went on the story and characterization started getting lazy and inconsistent and it's all because of Marcy and that box.
    but it's the fricking frogs that kill the show. you can't make me care about those annoying homosexuals.

  29. 5 months ago

    I wanted an S4 with a dystopian Amphibia where things we're just fricked from the robo colonization and they liberate and head to newtopia for the final battle but instead they hamfisted char's counterattack.

  30. 5 months ago

    Season 3A downplaying the events of True Colors. Although I'd mostly chalk this one up to Disney Executives massively overreacting and sticking there noses where they didn't belong.
    The LA Arc going on longer than it needed to.
    Marcy getting mostly pushed to the side.
    The Core/Darcy not being as present as they should have.
    Sasha and Marcy not getting enough screentime.
    The Amibiguty of Anne's fate.

  31. 5 months ago

    Everyone is fricking stupid for the sake of the plot

  32. 5 months ago

    Not enough toad content. S3 had a fricking offscreen toad rebellion while we were stuck in shitty ass LA. I wanted to see that!

    • 5 months ago

      Amphibia should get Disney Plus spin offs that fill in the missing gaps tbh.

  33. 5 months ago

    Amphibia did something that no other post 2019 dtva have done, having a good finale and good villains. One thing Amphibia did right is they didn't get blasted by a popular film critic for having terrible villain like The Owl House and a terrible finale. Even Molly McGee s2 terrible writing completely killed any hype left for their show's finale.

    • 5 months ago

      Who the frick's talking about Molly McGee?

  34. 5 months ago

    The first half of the third season felt like filler.
    Humans in frogland is better than frogs on Earth.

  35. 5 months ago

    That it attracts the most mentally ill morons of any modern cartoon, period. AmphibiBlack folk rival weebs in how fricking idiotic they can be.

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