what do you think of the metaphysical aspect of this movie?

what do you think of the metaphysical aspect of this movie?

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  1. 5 months ago

    What metaphysical aspect? You'll have to elaborate on that.

    • 5 months ago

      the mental time travel in the end

      • 5 months ago

        What did I think about it? I thought it was a neat trick, and I would use it to make myself rich. There are my thoughts on the time travel in this movie.

        • 5 months ago

          and something that just came to mind is that: If the aliens are able to see their entire lives (like the protagonist was able to), that means they knew they were going to die and showed up anyway, because they wanted to save humanity. Interesting, no?

          • 5 months ago

            Uh, you dont need to be able to see the future to know you are going to die and things come to an end.

      • 5 months ago

        that would be a temporal aspect

      • 5 months ago

        >in the end
        Except they made it all so clear like half an hour in. That's the problem with a lot of these kinds of movies, they try to do a big m night shamylamy "reveal" sequence and flashback except they were too obvious so everyone already figured everything out hours ago

    • 5 months ago

      You think the way you speak the way you think.
      Since the protagonist learned the circular way of writing of the aliens, she also started thinking that way.
      That means her way of experience life is no longer linear, but she's aware of things that will happen later because her lifeline is now a lifecircle.

      • 5 months ago

        Oh, that's very interesting. I didn't make the connection of
        >the writing is circular
        >they view life as a circle

        >even worse in the short story because she literally lets the kid board the car that will crash minutes later like a literal NPC
        I can't understand how someone can tell themselves with a smile on their face that bring a kid to die at 10 is good because it made you feel good the first 9 years. At least when you procreate you're hoping your kid has a pretty good chance to have a long and happy life but here it's treated like buying a hamster.

        >I can't understand how someone can tell themselves with a smile on their face that bring a kid to die at 10 is good because it made you feel good the first 9 years
        It's extremely selfish, isn't it. It's worse in the movie because the daughter has cancer. She knows what will happen, and has the daughter anyway.

  2. 5 months ago

    something-something language affects the way you think and when you learn the ayylmao language you can think in higher dimensions of time or someshit idk I am brainlet and fell asleep and only woke up to catch the last 15 minutes.

    • 5 months ago

      >when you learn the ayylmao language you can think in higher dimensions of time

      Yes, that's what happened. The easiest way to explain this movie is that once you learn the alien language, your life is akin to a Youtube video that you can skip to any part (past or future). You can also influence the video. Meaning, you can skip to the start and change something, and then the entire video is different.

      • 5 months ago

        >Yes, that's what happened. The easiest way to explain this movie is that once you learn the alien language, your life is akin to a Youtube video that you can skip to any part (past or future). You can also influence the video. Meaning, you can skip to the start and change something, and then the entire video is different.
        Holy shit brainlet alert. Did you even watch the movie? That is literally the opposite of everything that happens. Events are fixed and you dont time travel, you just experience reality differently. Jesus Christ.

        • 5 months ago

          If events are fixed then why did the aliens travel in the first place to ask humans for future help?

          • 5 months ago

            They were always going to do that

          • 5 months ago

            Because they did.

    • 5 months ago

      >something-something language affects the way you think
      I don't know shit about linguistics, but this is surely true. There's some African languages with no words for things like 'appointment', so for whites trying to explain them the concept that work starts at a fixed time proved impossible etc. Likewise when language is dumbed down we apparently become worse at grasping abstract concepts and similarly can be used for political control when people lack the vocabulary to express the disadvantages of their situation to persuade others in revolting.

      source - I read this shit in an article but I cba looking it up now

      • 5 months ago

        even orwell wrote about this in 1984. the inception of newspeak as a dumbed-down version of english whose purpose was to make the populace progressively more stupid.

  3. 5 months ago

    >minimal cursing
    >no sex scenes
    >female protagonist that is maternal
    >great soundtrack/story
    top 5 kino

  4. 5 months ago

    It was simplified compared to the short story

  5. 5 months ago

    metaphysical status?

  6. 5 months ago

    >what do you think of the metaphysical aspect of this movie?
    I thought it was kino, but I'm not your typical Cinemaphile chud

  7. 5 months ago

    It is very thought provoking and as you can see in this thread, not for brianlets.
    morons think causality is time travel because they are moronic, but temporal causality,meaning the reason you are there (here) is the reason you experience this (that) is then locked in an ever binding unbreakable loop, which I suppose is the point of the movie, that neither abbot going to death process, th3e ayys leaving (because they alre4ady know that the humans will help them) and her having the dead daughter are inevitable regardless as they are inevitable causes to the relevant effect that caused the effects they would want to avoid happen ad infinitum...a loop.
    From the metaphysical PoV.

    What I hate about this movie is the entire subplot of the dying daughter interlaced, it ruins the movie.
    Other than that it is proper kino and really gives the sense of what people would do in a situation like this. Linguistic experts would also be at the top of a short list of who to call for first contact.
    With only mathematicians and possibly biologists being of any more use in communication.

    Movies like this is ones I actually want a kind of sequel to to see what help the ayys needed in the future, but I guess the author leaves it to the imagination.
    Similar to district 9 ending.

    • 5 months ago

      >the entire subplot of the dying daughter interlaced, it ruins the movie
      That's the whole point of the movie, it's just an elaborate metaphor for post-partum depression

  8. 5 months ago

    Isayama ripped off the future memory mechanic for the Attack Titan's ability from this movie.

  9. 5 months ago

    The notion that the gift of prescience could be attained by learning an alien language from this squiggly circle alphabet, just doesn't ring true.

  10. 5 months ago

    >even worse in the short story because she literally lets the kid board the car that will crash minutes later like a literal NPC
    I can't understand how someone can tell themselves with a smile on their face that bring a kid to die at 10 is good because it made you feel good the first 9 years. At least when you procreate you're hoping your kid has a pretty good chance to have a long and happy life but here it's treated like buying a hamster.

    • 5 months ago

      The alien that dies also knew that he was going to die, probably way before reaching Earth.
      He must have thought that it was worth it.
      Kids who will die before being 15yo will also wonder if life was worth living.
      Depressed 90 year olds also wonder and they kill themselves.
      Perhaps there's a year in your lives that was great and life was worth just for that year.
      Perhaps the daughter of Arrival's protagonist was also happy at some point, and so was the mother.
      We're all going to die, some of us in a bed in a hospital, wondering if it was worth it. Perhaps we should have spent more time with our friends instead of talking to strangers on the internet.

  11. 5 months ago

    So apparently clairvoyance is available for everyone, you just have to learn the alien language to experience it

  12. 5 months ago

    arrival sucks, garbage movie with stupid cgi mcguffins

  13. 5 months ago

    It’s just pure science fiction. What linguists and neuroscience is showing is that the mind does actually have some structures to it that are immutable or baked in regardless of what language you speak or what words you know to conceive of things. Back in the day some researchers thought that, for example, the order of words in a sentences affected how different language users fundamentally perceived reality, like subject->verb->object speakers thought differently than subject->object->verb or verb->subject->object speakers. This doesn’t appear to be the case. Studying infants and animals showed that things like the persistence of being or temporality remained consistent regardless of language, meaning there are other faculties of the mind that have evolved over millions of years to construct these ideas in rigid ways, regardless of having the “language” to describe it.

    So long story short, no, thinking in circles can’t send your thoughts to the past. If some 5D alien did have something that could do that, it would require going backwards in time i.e Tenet, it’s not something that the mind is capable to intuit (in theory). It’s just crazy fantasy powers. The closest thing we have to that is writing a letter for yourself in the future or putting an extra snack in your backpack so you can find it later. But if you were stuck in a forest and forgot to pack a shovel, there’s no magic language that can send a message to the past to make you remember to bring one.

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