What do you think of the Wendy Williams situation?

What does Cinemaphile think of the Wendy Williams situation?
Have you ever watched a loved one drink themselves into an early grave?

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  1. 3 months ago

    Kinda. Dad was an alcoholic and killed himself

    • 3 months ago

      How'd he do it?

      • 3 months ago

        He kept buying alcoholic beverages and drank them everyday

  2. 3 months ago

    She's hiding from Diddy's gay assassins

  3. 3 months ago

    Is this a demon?

    • 3 months ago

      One of the Lizard People to be more accurate

    • 3 months ago

      Black Hole Sun
      Won't You Come
      And Wash Away the Rain?

    • 3 months ago

      nah thats just a crack burnt busted old prostitute that bogged the frick out of itself

    • 3 months ago

      Yes, a semen demon.

  4. 3 months ago

    My morning radio shock jocks used to make fun of her all the time. That's all I know. Apparently she farted on stage once and looks like a man.

  5. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      >multiple addictions
      >diagnosed dementia
      >some other bullshit
      her brain is rotting away but I think most people knew that if they ever saw a clip of The View

  6. 3 months ago

    My best friend of 20 years is drinking himself to death currently. He can be sober for like 9-10 days at most now, and then it's back on the booze for 2-3 days, then it's back to the hospital. It's the most undignified and awful shit i've ever seen someone go through. It has transformed his personality into one that is nearly unbearable to be around. It's like he's entirely unable to enjoy ANYTHING that wasn't made like 20+ years ago. The other night he wanted to watch Friday the 13th parts 6 and 7 with me, which I had said numerous times I have no interest in, and he politely excused himself from voice chat and then sent me a message on Steam announcing it was his last night online. I was tired after work and just wanted to play some Helldivers 2 instead of falling asleep watching movies I don't care to see. He was online again tonight and we didn't even mention it. I really wish he would quit drinking, it's miserable hearing him talk about how he should have died, how he wants to die, and how he needs to die. Not that long ago he spent more than two hours reading stats taken from a hospital visit and telling me why the vitals were all at dangerous levels and what it all means. He's completely given up the idea that he can quit and talks about how he can't possibly quit, like near constantly. I'm so tired, bros. I just can't abandon my friend.

    • 3 months ago

      Friday parts 6 and 7 are kino and way better than some homosexual sjw video game

      • 3 months ago

        they're gay, just like all horror movies
        and you're gay for enjoying them

    • 3 months ago

      i'm on the same schedule, one week sober and then 2-3 days full drunk, never went to the hospital though

    • 3 months ago

      Stop being a pussy and tell him.
      This is probably all because he’s surrounded by homosexuals like you who won’t actually be his friend, just LARP like they are and then ignore him when he tries to reach out to you. Fricking idiot.
      The only time I’ve ever had an alcohol habit was when I would have to drink when I’d see my friends once a week to make it even slightly interesting. Chances are this guy lives a shit life other than his friends, which isn’t your responsibility because he should have other prospects and make new friends, but don’t play pretend like you’re so torn up and then abandon him to play a video game like a child. Get a grip.

      • 3 months ago

        spoken like you're the guy with the addiction who needs attention
        it's not 1 night of dropping video games to fix the guy and back to normal. dealing with addicts is draining. he's playing video games as his way to cope with the bullshit in his life. but the addict needs everyone to baby them constantly. figure your own shit out. people can't change the addict, they have to want to change themselves.

        • 3 months ago

          >Stop being a pussy and drop everything to coddle this other pussy

          I'll reiterate for you:

          Stop being a pussy and tell him.
          This is probably all because he’s surrounded by homosexuals like you who won’t actually be his friend, just LARP like they are and then ignore him when he tries to reach out to you. Fricking idiot.
          The only time I’ve ever had an alcohol habit was when I would have to drink when I’d see my friends once a week to make it even slightly interesting. Chances are this guy lives a shit life other than his friends, which isn’t your responsibility because he should have other prospects and make new friends, but don’t play pretend like you’re so torn up and then abandon him to play a video game like a child. Get a grip.

          >which isn’t your responsibility because he should have other prospects and make new friends
          Either you're friends with him and you help him or you accept he's a loser and move on. I've done it plenty and he won't learn by wasting more time with you

          • 3 months ago

            and i'll reiterate for you:

            spoken like you're the guy with the addiction who needs attention
            it's not 1 night of dropping video games to fix the guy and back to normal. dealing with addicts is draining. he's playing video games as his way to cope with the bullshit in his life. but the addict needs everyone to baby them constantly. figure your own shit out. people can't change the addict, they have to want to change themselves.

            >spoken like you're the guy with the addiction who needs attention
            there's no reason this guy should feel bad and tell himself that he's abandoning his friend. he's not the one giving up, the addict is. and his "help" would be useless (just enabling) because the addict is the only one who can decide to change anything.

            • 3 months ago

              like you're the guy with the addiction who needs attention
              Shut up Black person, you're samegayging anyway. "he" (you) should kill himself after shooting his homosexual friend in the face for entertaining this crybaby for 20 years

              • 3 months ago

                not a samegay, just a guy with friends/relatives who are dead or homeless because of addiction
                seems like you're deeply unhappy about something - maybe because you tell yourself you're abandoning every friend and family member who chose to frick their own lives up
                the overcompensating tough guy act isn't working

              • 3 months ago

                So edgy

      • 3 months ago

        >Stop being a pussy and drop everything to coddle this other pussy

      • 3 months ago

        lmfao look at this goofball putting on the tough guy act for validation from anonymous people

    • 3 months ago

      I have friend who died like that. We were best friends as kids and he got deep into pills and coke and alcohol. I did all that stuff too but he wanted to take it to the extreme.. 15 years before he died I knew he was doomed because he would get all fricked up and cry in his room and talk about "how cool we used to be". I assured him we were never cool and it wasn't about that. He made a couple of creepy passes at my wife and I cut him out of my life totally. He started Facebook messaging me these delirious ramblings with no grammar or punctuation that were his version of the past and it was clear he had lost it. I got clean, he moved to Houston to go to a methadone clinic and be closer to his drug connections. Got fat. Had a girlfriend who OD'd and her family blamed him. He was dead in a year.

  7. 3 months ago

    Who Wendy Williams?

  8. 3 months ago

    Wasn't she constantly going into rehab for her coke and crack addiction all the time before, I'm sure that didn't help...

  9. 3 months ago

    based 50

    • 3 months ago

      >fofty no, pls

  10. 3 months ago

    >Have you ever watched a loved one drink themselves into an early grave?
    No loved ones, but I literally worked with alcoholics at various stages through their bullshit "disease". Look, it's not new information, we've known for centuries what alcohol does to people, yet they choose to drink. So frick them, frick their bullshit, you damn well knew better and still chose to drink. I wish them all what they deserve.

    • 3 months ago

      Sounds like you’re in the wrong line of work.

  11. 3 months ago

    I pointed out Wendy looks like Black person Carrie and got a 3-day ban for “racism”
    Why are troony jannies such homosexuals?

    • 3 months ago

      Now enjoy 3 more.

      • 3 months ago


  12. 3 months ago

    God forbid she just gets to chill out. This is all slander by THE KILLER to break apart her social support network.

  13. 3 months ago

    >that first week after detox
    fricking hell lads that was like a super power.

  14. 3 months ago

    >5 months sober
    >got a clean bill of health from my doctor for the first time in a decade
    >friends and family finally stopped checking in on me on a daily basis
    >lost 30lbs
    Thank you for reading my blog. Now to spend my day off sitting in a Cafe and reading about British men drinking themselves to death.

    • 3 months ago

      Lol keep it up anon my best friend is an alcoholic and has been sober for over a year now and I haven't seen him this happy and healthy in years.

  15. 3 months ago

    Only when I look in the mirror.

  16. 3 months ago

    Damn you guys are brutal, go easy on this guy. I’m in the same boat with my own friend and it’s tough to stomach sometimes. When it’s bad it’s real bad. Just when you think things couldn’t get worse, somehow it does. Lay off the gas a bit, this guy isn’t the one to aim your own misguided anger at. How dare a guy feel sorry for his friend dying in front of him, right? You all sound like edgy teenagers who never grew out of that phase.

    The sad thing is there is still some truth to what most of them are saying. Your friend won’t change unless he wants to. They WILL drain and exhaust your energy like a fricking vampire, but you’ll recover. They might not. It’s something you do have to remind yourself every now and then. Just remember it’s not your responsibility to keep them afloat—it’s entirely on them. Some help is great, but they shouldn’t come to rely on you. At some point you have to draw a line to protect yourself. Write out your boundaries and enforce them when encroached upon. Speak very bluntly with your friend. They need tough love sometimes, but they need the truth to be spoken to them. Dancing around only delays the problem another day, and every day makes it worse.

    Addicts are addicts every single day of their lives, no matter how long they are sober. When they crash and burn it’s almost always worse than the last time. It’s a war though. They can lose battles here and there, but so long as they don’t give up completely, they’ve got a fighting chance.

    Keep your head up brother, I feel for you.

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