What ever happened to Alex Hirch?

What ever happened to Alex Hirch? Gravity falls ended 8 years ago and he hasn't done anything besides journal 3 and this bill book coming up

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  1. 3 months ago

    >For older readers
    So what's in this? Porn?

    • 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      in a cosmic sort of way, yes

    • 3 months ago

      reminds me of the first time my mom walked in while I was watching Adult Swim, and saw its name and maybe a bit of the warning
      and she's like "so is this just porn?" and i'm like "sadly, no.. they just get to say 'damn' and 'ass' once in a while"

      • 3 months ago

        It's kind of depressing that 25 years later, we still can't have a single bit of nudity on TV. Even if the people are having sex. Like flesh slapping, hips thrusting, breasts swinging, but those nipples will be carefully covered. Because those are what make it obscene.
        And if it's for kids? Even skirts are banned now.

        Why did Disney only give GF two seasons? Surely the concept allowed for more than that and the show was clearly successful. Hell, every Disney Show ever since has tried to be GF in one way or another.

        they gave him 3, he got tired so he just bundled 3 into 2. after it finished, they couldn't just 'do a 3' because it's over.

        • 3 months ago

          >It's kind of depressing that 25 years later, we still can't have a single bit of nudity on TV.
          Does premium cable count? Unless you mean animation; in which case streaming cracked the nut.

          • 3 months ago

            premium cable doesn't count... but yes, we can have nudity on there. I forgot. thank you for reminding me.
            god damn I just love nudity so fricking much. I thought at least all this new tolerance and shit would mean at LEAST we'd get more nudity, to go with all the degeneracy.. but no, JUST degen. No natural human body. And then they started going further, and making the body even more offensive because it flies in the face of their 'girls can have dicks too' lies.

    • 3 months ago

      naw, it probably just deals with somewhat darker themes than Disney is 100% comfortable with, so they need to make that disclaimer to cover their ass from angry facebook moms. Even so, "darker" probably means something that hints at possession without actually calling it possession etc.

      Also, love how Hirsch hid an inverted cross in Bill's design. I hadn't noticed it until now.

      • 3 months ago

        how are those women still reproducing? they hate men and it's fricking mutual

        • 3 months ago

          Karens start off as hot girls who, although slightly entitled, are hot enough to get away with it and not so bad that it would send you running. It's easy to see how some guys wife them and hump a few kids into them. However, these women get used to everyone treating them better because they're attractive. Once they gain the baby weight and start to age, they start getting treated like everyone else and they interpret that as rudeness (It's not...it's just not the special treatment they used to get).

          That pisses them off so they find reasons to make that everyone else's problem.

          • 3 months ago

            ohhh that makes sense.
            when are we going to cure female aging, i swear this is not how our species was intended to work. this is some hyena tier shit.

            • 3 months ago

              don't chase after impossibly hot women. Find a cute girl next door who exercises regularly. She'll be more down to earth and cooler, and will age better since she'll have been into fitness before her body really needed it. It's easy to be in shape when you're 20, but if you don't establish good health habits before you really need them, your body will go to shit.

              • 3 months ago

                my body went to shit because i took over the counter medication and doctors refuse to believe me or treat it, thank you. In my family nobody ages til they hit 50. And hell that's with smoking and drinking in their past.

              • 3 months ago

                kinda just opened up your purse there, but thanks for sharing. My belief that established exercise habits are important in a partner (and myself) still stand.

        • 3 months ago

          These women have ALWAYS existed. They've never had issues reproducing. They aren't even low value commodities. Whenever you see a man complaining about how unladylike modern women are and how he just wants a nice modest woman he's talking about the sort of woman whose as edgy as a soup ladle, the type that complains about animated characters looking slightly spooky.

          • 3 months ago

            but that implies the existence of extremely boring, braindead men. the kind who would not want kids.

            • 3 months ago

              extremely boring, braindead men are not precluded from having kids these guys often assume the woman will do everything anyway

              • 3 months ago

                oh shit, you're right.
                well we need to do something about that.

            • 3 months ago

              Extremely boring brain dead men are exactly the type who have kids. The world is chock full of dads with boring jobs, boring hobbies (if any), and zero desire to ever reach for more.

              • 3 months ago

                Sorry not everyone wants to join your righteoud crusade against all minorities, anon

              • 3 months ago

                The fact that you think anything I said has anything to do with minorities says more about you than it does me, tbh

              • 3 months ago

                He's probably a dad self inserter, who represent the worst of extremely boring men. Imagine wasting semen to raise a family.

    • 3 months ago

      Porn of mabel? Gee i sure hope so

  2. 3 months ago

    His netflix show got canned

  3. 3 months ago

    Hirsch is a one trick pony and even if his new show didn't get stuck in development hell it would be more or less the same old shit.

    • 3 months ago

      What is this?
      Also is hackposter still around?

    • 3 months ago

      how would the rest of the internet react to this show?

      • 3 months ago

        "Oh wow, it's just Gravity Falls."

        • 3 months ago

          premise KS a bit more unique than that, but its inevitable to be constantly compared to it all the time and awestruckvox comes up with theories that connect it to gravity falls.
          but on second thought, Alex would probably place it in the same universe and add easter eggs

          • 3 months ago

            KS? what is this show.

            • 3 months ago

              it’s a typo
              also the show is just UAHP Untitled Alex Hirsch project

              • 3 months ago

                oh so this is just shit he's been releasing as preview, and we don't yet know what it is

                This! KP was the epitome of teenage sludge and had the characters spouting cringey shit. It has nothing on GF.

                well it was still good, in spite of that
                let's just say we needed phineas and ferb back then, just as sure as we need it now, and we needed it in between (When it came out). Candace is a very important character to make fun of, while still using her as a sort of uncle tom for the part of disney that still thinks it wants that audience.

              • 3 months ago

                >this is just shit he's been releasing as preview
                no, this was leaked. You'll almost never see unfinished art getting released to promote a new show because it's just that...unfinished. People will call it shit before seeing what it's actually going to look like.

              • 3 months ago

                howmst the frick is something like this going to be leaked

              • 3 months ago

                No idea. Rumor has it that the project was shelved so maybe a short-sighted disgruntled artist decided to leak it so they could show people what they were working on.

                It's typically a pretty stupid move to break NDA, but if someone is young, dumb, and on their first gig, they may not realize how big a fricking deal that is.

              • 3 months ago

                it should be less of a big deal, it's mostly one of those things lawyers force on everyone. and the shorter production periods become, the less important it is to avoid the 'espionage' situation where a show leaks and it immediately gets ripped off by some cheapo studio.

              • 3 months ago

                >it's mostly one of those things lawyers force on everyone
                It definitely is not. Lawyers get involved at the behest of the network. Espionage and 'ripoffs' aren't the primary concern. Networks only want to roll out a finished product because unless you're actually involved in production, you have no idea how to interpret unfinished art or animatics. People will unfairly judge something before it's the version that they're actually supposed to see.
                >"The art looks shitty".
                Yeah, no fricking shit, dumbass. They're still working on it.
                >"I saw the leaked animatics, it's kinda boring".
                Yeah, no fricking shit, dumbass. It's almost as if the music, sound effects, backgrounds, finished animation, compositing, etc, actually play a role in making a story work better.

              • 3 months ago

                dude you forgot to switch to replying to somebody else halfway through there
                I mean you're still wrong, but

              • 3 months ago

                I was only replying to you, baby

              • 3 months ago

                >well it was still good, in spite of that
                lol no it wasn’t
                >let's just say we needed phineas and ferb back then, just as sure as we need it now, and we needed it in between (When it came out).
                We so did not need PnF. It showed that Disney really wanted the moronic teen girl market.
                >Candace is a very important character to make fun of, while still using her as a sort of uncle tom for the part of disney that still thinks it wants that audience.
                lol a white b***h is an uncle tom :V

      • 3 months ago

        looks cute to me. a wee soos and a wendyesque girl? snarky comments about disney? i'm in.

        • 3 months ago

          This. It's what Kim Possible should have been; I wish it was more snarky about Disney.

    • 3 months ago

      Just for fun, he should make a show with his usual zany beats, and then have a graphic rape scene in it.

  4. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        For someone who claims to hate Disney that much, he seems more than happy to go running back to them when the opportunity presents itself

      • 3 months ago

        For someone who claims to hate Disney that much, he seems more than happy to go running back to them when the opportunity presents itself

        how is that strange at all to you

        Is there a single person with all of these talents that isnt a fricking freak like John K?

        new to art?

        John K only fits the talented criteria. Being an anal retentive perfectionist (to everyone except for the dicky you're grooming and praising her every fart) isn't a sign of good directional skills. Being too depressed to finish a single short you've been pre-paid to finish in seven years isn't being resilient to pressure either.

        wasnt she like 17
        shit if that is 'dicky,' youd better lock up every male in my family but me.

        • 3 months ago

          Didn't he know her since she was 14?

          • 3 months ago

            ohnooooo, he KNEW her!? that's despicable!! you can't meet ANYONE until they're over 18, or 21, ... or 25, when they can legally rent a car.

            my mom and dad were 14 and 18 when they became a couple, anon. so were yours probably.

            • 3 months ago

              I mean I never knew my dad so you probably don't want to use my parents as a metric for good relationships.
              But IIRC it started from her sending John fan letters when she was 14, to which he would respond and then meet up with her, go to her birthdays and generally try to "befriend" a person less than half his age at that point.

              • 3 months ago

                stop watching Lifetime movies, get your head out of the predator zone. this is normal, and always has been.

                So you see nothing wrong with the notion that the foreshadowing of the zodiac as something grand and mysterious in every single intro ended up leading to an underwhelming anticlimatic cop-out?
                Also no, it'd be unironically less boring if it actually worked. Fiction is, in part, meant to amaze you with awesome large-than-life concepts and spectacle. But if such a concept only exists in the story for a subversive joke or to hype up something bigger, it's not awesome, it's lame. I hate stuff like this.

                it's almost unthinkable it could have gone any other way than how it did. I think you're maybe very young, or your sensibilities are.

              • 3 months ago

                It was grand and mysterious, and it all came together. But the bickering ruined it. That's how a plot works. If they all got together, did the zodiac, and defeated Bill, that wouldn't be a show. There would be no conflict resolution, no conclusion, no lesson learned. It would just be "We ended up in the room together and beat him with FRIENDSHIIIP and holding hands!"
                no, what beat him was self-sacrifice and familial love. that's what the show is about.

                You can tell it's the 2000s gays that are getting filtered out because it wasn't le epic finisher like what they grew up with, probably thought Samurai Jack was the greatest thing ever.

              • 3 months ago

                well it was pretty swell at the time. i was excited for each new episode
                but i had a lot of trouble rewatching it. Maybe my attention span has changed, maybe it's because i watched it so many times back in the day, maybe it's because i'm always drawing nowadays, so I don't have the patience to actually WATCH things so much as listen and glance every so often, but... I don't get your comparison, Samurai Jack lacked a big epic finisher. That was a major complaint we had at the time.

              • 3 months ago

                Ah frick. Did I summon a schizoposter by comparing the two of them? I just named the first creator I could think of who had multiple noteworthy cartoons under his belt.

                You're talking to a schizo/troll known as Industrycuck who has a hateboner against Genndy, 2000s cartoons and, for some reason, cartoon dads.

              • 3 months ago

                you were dangerously close to appearing to be samegay.. i'm always amazed at how you guys pay so much attention to this stuff and these people. don't you get sick of it?

              • 3 months ago

                They're legitimately mind broken

              • 3 months ago

                I thought Industrycuck fricked off ages ago. He's still here?

              • 3 months ago

                For nearly five years.
                Five. Fricking. Years.

              • 3 months ago

                kek. I remember when that felt like a long time to have a troll around.

              • 3 months ago

                >Five. Fricking. Years.

              • 3 months ago

                Oh for frick's sake. Sorry for derailing your thread, OP.

              • 3 months ago

                Alright fine, Kim Possible.
                You people wanted Gf to be trite shit like that finale.

              • 3 months ago

                >stop watching Lifetime movies, get your head out of the predator zone. this is normal, and always has been.
                The existence of crime is normal in every society. Does that mean crime should not be fought?
                >it's almost unthinkable it could have gone any other way than how it did. I think you're maybe very young, or your sensibilities are.
                It might be unthinkable to you because that's what you've been conditioned to by Western media like this. But it certainly wasn't unthinkable to all the people speculating on the zodiac's significance.

                It was grand and mysterious, and it all came together. But the bickering ruined it. That's how a plot works. If they all got together, did the zodiac, and defeated Bill, that wouldn't be a show. There would be no conflict resolution, no conclusion, no lesson learned. It would just be "We ended up in the room together and beat him with FRIENDSHIIIP and holding hands!"
                no, what beat him was self-sacrifice and familial love. that's what the show is about.

                One, I don't see how "familial love" is all that different or less cheesy than the "power of friendship". Two, no one forced them to make the zodiac about the cheesy power of friendship. It could've been anything. Three, the problem is that they didn't actually care about making it anything. Alex went on record saying:
                >When that image was first created at the very beginning of the series, it was basically just a, “Here’s a neat symbol that connects our characters.” We knew much about the end of the show from the beginning. We knew Stan’s secret [and] who wrote the journals. We had a hunch about the situations that would play out in the grand finale, but the exact significance of that, and whether it would even appear in the show, is something that was originally not something we had invented yet. When that image was first created at the very beginning of the series, it was basically just a, “Here’s a neat symbol that connects our characters.”
                There you have it. Regardless of how you feel about subversive jokes in general, this particular case shows misleading your audience and creating an illusion of meaning when in reality there was none. The power of friendship and its failure only exists because they didn't care to think of something else for the zodiac, because its main purpose was to be a mystery box for the sake of being a mystery box.

              • 3 months ago

                I swear it's like you're from another planet. there really is no hope of relating to you. This must be how Daryl Davis feels.

              • 3 months ago

                Daryl Davis is an Uncle Tom.
                With that being said, frick anyone who didn't think the zodiac subversion was the tightest shit.

              • 3 months ago

                I'm uncomfortable partially agreeing with someone like you. Please change your opinions until they line up with each other.

                Alright fine, Kim Possible.
                You people wanted Gf to be trite shit like that finale.

                dude i'm the one on your side haha. I was just saying samurai jack WAS hot shit, at least back then.
                though I did like the Samurai Jack finale okay, just not its pacing. Or the early parts when it was all gloom and no payoff. or the last-minute tragic twist literally lifted from Gurren Lagann.

              • 3 months ago

                >Please change your opinions until they line up with each other.

              • 3 months ago

                Well, I'm not American, so that might be why my sensibilities seem so alien to you. Though ironically, while I think the zodiac subversion is complete bullshit, I don't quite share Cinemaphile's American userbase's massive hateboner for Alex himself.

              • 3 months ago

                I'm sorry America has spread this insanity to your country. Please talk to your grandparents. Or, in their absence, someone else's grandparents (they are lonely and appreciate talking)

            • 3 months ago

              >ohnooooo, he KNEW her!?
              That's part of what grooming is.

              • 3 months ago

                oh my god
                I'm serious anon, please have a talk with someone older than you. Learn some things about life. Watch some old movies. close all of your social media accounts. get your shit in order. Because they're gonna come for you someday no matter what, you might as well enjoy the satisfaction that you got it right.

              • 3 months ago

                I take your ad hominem pivot to mean that you don't actually have any recourse.
                Best of luck!

          • 3 months ago

            12, actually.

      • 3 months ago


        • 3 months ago

          You can hate Disney and Alex's whiny b***h attitude

        • 3 months ago

          This! You homosexuals just want this to be like Kim Possible that picks the boot.

  5. 3 months ago

    I honestly get the impression he blew his entire load on Gravity Falls. Some creators are powerhouses who can pop out multiple successes like Gennady Tartakovsky, but more are one hit wonders like Alex. He's done some voice acting and scriptwriting for LA comedy hacks since, and that's probably more his natural level.

    • 3 months ago

      From what I understand, Alex wasn't prepared for the amount of work that went into running a show and was severely burnt out by the first season's production. I believe he didn't even want to do the second season until someone convinced him to.

      • 3 months ago

        the sad truth is that being talented, being good at directing people to your vision, and not breaking down under the pressure, are all different skillsets. it does not speak badly of alex to say he didn't have all of them

        • 3 months ago

          i'm glad someone understands this
          we were raised with a really, really easy life, full of entertainment, we ended up great artists but lousy workers.
          the people who built that entertainment industry that is currently being dismantled, were working hard because it was that, or working as a typewriter-slave or some other bullshit. and a significant number of them were israeli, so they weren't going to be offered the big jobs in reputable industries. as always, had to make their own. comics and cartoons and what have you. they knew hard work, and they worked hard enough to avoid doing REALLY hard work.

          • 3 months ago

            I'm glad it's being dismantled. Hacks like Genndy and McCracken deserve to fall.

            • 3 months ago

              Nah Alex has way more talent than Genndy ever did. Quality over quantity.

              Industrycuck: resurgence

        • 3 months ago

          Is there a single person with all of these talents that isnt a fricking freak like John K?

          • 3 months ago

            John K only fits the talented criteria. Being an anal retentive perfectionist (to everyone except for the dicky you're grooming and praising her every fart) isn't a sign of good directional skills. Being too depressed to finish a single short you've been pre-paid to finish in seven years isn't being resilient to pressure either.

      • 3 months ago

        That and the constant clashing with disney


        • 3 months ago

          iirc other industry people thought he was being childish and unprofessional with this video lol

          • 3 months ago

            He definitely was, like don’t air your dirty air out in public then come crawling back lmao

        • 3 months ago

          the part i like best is, it shows that all those people who caved in to S+P didn't have to. They could have just taken the time to argue, and they'd win, because they're right. and S+P is just trying to justify their existence by periodically whining. they don't actually hold authority and will give in when challenged. Unlike basically everyone on the internet.

      • 3 months ago

        >Alex wasn't prepared for the amount of work that went into running a show and was severely burnt out by the first season's production
        It's not just Alex...modern production schedules are fricking grueling. You see some of the old gen-x vanguard able to keep up with it because they were eased into the hot water since the 90's. When they started working on shows, things were still hand drawn and cell colored. Because the process was slower, you could actually take a little more time working on stuff while other things were going. They learned the ropes of running a show at a more relaxed pace, and then as technology progressed, it was easier for them to adapt to faster and faster schedules.

        New creators are dropped directly into the hot water so it burns them harder. They're expected to learn the ropes of showrunning at full sprint which tends to burn people out. How many contemporary creators have actually made more than one show? Hirsch, Terrace, Braly, Nefcy, Sugar, Ian JQ...They've all done one. There are a few creators like Penn Ward or J.G. Quintel who have attempted more than one, but it's pretty rare these days.

        People want to blame creators for being lazy, but the blame really belongs to execs who want everything done faster, cheaper, and more profitable.

        • 3 months ago

          >They've all done one.
          Funny that you mentioned this since Braly and Sugar revealed that they're working on a movie together.
          JQ and Nefcy tried pitching cartoons to different studios but they got rejected.

          • 3 months ago

            you know, Braly managed to keep any forced gay out of Amphibia, maybe he'll be a good influence on becky sugs.

            • 3 months ago

              Who gives a shit

            • 3 months ago

              There were those gay newts who took up screentime from the main cast, and the gay mechanics who did nothing even when the plot would make some mechanics useful.

            • 3 months ago

              Braly is supportive of queer folks. If Sugar really wanted to put that in a show, I can't imagine him refusing. I honestly don't care either way as long as the character exists as a real character with actual motivations and personality traits aside from their 'otherness'.

              • 3 months ago

                except they're always treated like it's nothing special. The otherness is the reason for forcing its inclusion in the first place.

                >studios have denied that digital stuff makes it cheaper
                It makes sense that they would say that because they don't want to get their budgets slashed. Unfortunately those budgets DID get slashed on top of being expected to work faster.

                A bonus prize is that with digital workflows, edits can continue to be made until basically air (and that's become the expectation), so now it's FAR more common for last minute shit to pop up and everyone having to scramble to accommodate it at the last second.

                but a lower budget is a GOOD thing. it means the studio should be happier to take more risk. which again, they've done the opposite. they act like this is a huge, expensive thing that they're pouring more money than EVER into.

              • 3 months ago

                >it means the studio should be happier to take more risk.
                What world you live in? The name of the game is endless record breaking profits. Lowering investment in anything doesn't mean lowered expectations of return, nor does it mean the savings get passed on to customers or anything else. Lower investment means more profits for the greedy little piggies who like to see the number get bigger (not that they'll ever be able to spend their wealth in several lifetimes as it is, but bigger number makes their pee pee tingle).

              • 3 months ago

                that's not the game they were playing around the time animation went digital, that's the modern insane game run by chinese puppet masters trying to destroy every company from within.
                the history of successful products has been "this is cheap, so it's allowed to take risks. now it became huge, so it's not allowed to anymore"

              • 3 months ago

                >the history of successful products has been "this is cheap, so it's allowed to take risks. now it became huge, so it's not allowed to anymore"
                You're thinking of companies. When a company is new it can take risks, but once they're established they want to churn out hit after hit. Adult Swim was able to be edgy and risky because they had nothing to lose. Once they actually had some status, they got boring because they wanted to try to keep it.

              • 3 months ago

                what a pointless distinction to make
                we're talking about TV shows here. the product is the shows, and the network.

                This. It's what Kim Possible should have been; I wish it was more snarky about Disney.

                lol that would have been rich coming from them. Kim Possible was knee-deep in disney teen sludge, to the point of all that goofy cringey shit her brothers were spouting.

              • 3 months ago

                This! KP was the epitome of teenage sludge and had the characters spouting cringey shit. It has nothing on GF.

              • 3 months ago

                >to the point of all that goofy cringey shit her brothers were spouting.

              • 3 months ago

                'hicka bicka boo' / 'boo sha' was the most frequent, but they did a bunch of other shit too.

                In the context of an already established network, when has cheaper ever meant the network was willing to take more risk?

                all of them. Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network spring to mind first.

              • 3 months ago

                >Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network spring to mind first
                go on...

              • 3 months ago

                It was mostly just that and it's not like cartoons weren't always coming up with weird catchphrases. In this case, they actually pointed out how cringe it was.

              • 3 months ago

                when did they point it out? They acted like they were super cool and all the kids should watch
                and she had her own lame slang, though better.

                >well it was still good, in spite of that
                lol no it wasn’t
                >let's just say we needed phineas and ferb back then, just as sure as we need it now, and we needed it in between (When it came out).
                We so did not need PnF. It showed that Disney really wanted the moronic teen girl market.
                >Candace is a very important character to make fun of, while still using her as a sort of uncle tom for the part of disney that still thinks it wants that audience.
                lol a white b***h is an uncle tom :V

                I see we have trouble with the concept of equivalents and comparisons.

              • 3 months ago

                In the context of an already established network, when has cheaper ever meant the network was willing to take more risk?

              • 3 months ago

                wait, you said already established network
                that's not the point, they BECOME established BY taking risks back when they're cheap and stakes are low.

                >Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network spring to mind first
                go on...

                I take it you weren't there for their history? look it up, I can actually find you a great video on Nick's journey.. here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Fra2jN6n14
                tldr they dared to do what nobody else was doing, even as they got laughed at, and because the niche was unfilled, they had massive success. They took risks on new creators who could make interesting new shit. Then, once they became huge, all risk-taking was stopped cold, and with it, all the quality. Risk-takers apparently would rather die by their own hand than to let it happen by chance.
                CN back in the day, same thing, but in particular they were staying economical by reusing a lot of old shit, or licensing cheap shit. but they still created new and innovative shows

              • 3 months ago

                yeah, I had acknowledged that here

                >the history of successful products has been "this is cheap, so it's allowed to take risks. now it became huge, so it's not allowed to anymore"
                You're thinking of companies. When a company is new it can take risks, but once they're established they want to churn out hit after hit. Adult Swim was able to be edgy and risky because they had nothing to lose. Once they actually had some status, they got boring because they wanted to try to keep it.

                >When a company is new it can take risks
                >Once they actually had some status, they got boring because they wanted to try to keep it.

                The original statement I was responding to was
                >lower budget is a GOOD thing. it means the studio should be happier to take more risk
                >that's not the game they were playing around the time animation went digital
                >this is cheap, so it's allowed to take risks

                The point that I originally made here

                >it means the studio should be happier to take more risk.
                What world you live in? The name of the game is endless record breaking profits. Lowering investment in anything doesn't mean lowered expectations of return, nor does it mean the savings get passed on to customers or anything else. Lower investment means more profits for the greedy little piggies who like to see the number get bigger (not that they'll ever be able to spend their wealth in several lifetimes as it is, but bigger number makes their pee pee tingle).

                (but will restate) is
                >Lowering investment in anything doesn't mean lowered expectations of return, nor does it mean the savings get passed on to customers or anything else. Lower investment means more profits for the greedy little piggies who like to see the number get bigger

              • 3 months ago

                This is why Nick and CN were a disaster in the end

              • 3 months ago

                >they took risks on new creators who could make interesting new shit.
                Taking risk to lead to success wasn't the assertion. It was making a product cheaper would mean they'd take more risks which isn't the case. The Nicktoons weren't made because they were cheaper for the network.

              • 3 months ago

                CN's original programming that remixed existing hanna-barbera cels was

              • 3 months ago

                adult swim?

              • 3 months ago

                another good example, actually. most of that shit was cheap as hell.

              • 3 months ago

                adult swim was a new network. Again, new = easier to take risk.

              • 3 months ago

                i guess you could call it a new network

          • 3 months ago

            >Braly and Sugar revealed that they're working on a movie together
            >JQ and Nefcy tried pitching cartoons to different studios but they got rejected.
            and Hirsch was working on a series. Point is, until it's done, they've all just done one.

            • 3 months ago

              Fair point. Still, Hirsch is more of an exception than the rule; everyone else either saw their show through the end or got cancelled due to outside forces.

              • 3 months ago

                counterpoint - Hirsch felt he was burning out and wrapped up his show instead of handing it off to some moron who would ruin it or let it become an overly formulaic joyless cash grab.
                Penn Ward handed AT off to Muto which is where things started to take a turn, Sugar let her storyboarders take too many liberties which caused most of the shit people complain about with SU, Nefcy biffed Season 3 of Star vs...

              • 3 months ago

                Another good point. Exception not the rule isn't a bad thing in this case.

              • 3 months ago

                He was burning out because he didn't function as a manager of the whole production well and tried to do too much himself.

            • 3 months ago

              JQ has done two, just sayin.

              • 3 months ago

                You talking about Bravest Warriors, because I thought that was Penn Ward?

              • 3 months ago

                JQ did Regular Show and Close Enough.

              • 3 months ago

                That's JG as in JG Quintel. JQ would be Ian JQ
                I mentioned both him and penn ward in my post as being the few who did sorta follow up their previous shows, though not nearly as successfully.

              • 3 months ago

                Bravest Warriors started out as Pen's, but he didn't work on it past the pilot (though it did use his friend Polly Lou as a voice)

              • 3 months ago

                You talking about Bravest Warriors, because I thought that was Penn Ward?

                JQ did Regular Show and Close Enough.

                Anon was talking about Ian JQ and then another anon got that mixed up with JG Quintel

              • 3 months ago

                ohhh my bad.
                tbh the abbreviation doesn't work for either

              • 3 months ago

                J.G. Quintel is not the same person as Ian JQ. I can see how you'd confuse a tall skinny white man for a short fat black man, though.

        • 3 months ago

          that's hilarious since studios have denied that digital stuff makes it cheaper (even though common sense says drawing on a tablet takes one-onethousandth the time it takes to prepare a frame on celluloid) and in fact strangled their budgets even HARDER than before, to think they're pushing them to go faster too

          • 3 months ago

            >studios have denied that digital stuff makes it cheaper
            It makes sense that they would say that because they don't want to get their budgets slashed. Unfortunately those budgets DID get slashed on top of being expected to work faster.

            A bonus prize is that with digital workflows, edits can continue to be made until basically air (and that's become the expectation), so now it's FAR more common for last minute shit to pop up and everyone having to scramble to accommodate it at the last second.

        • 3 months ago

          I mean, Sugar and Penn Ward made shows that lasted pretty long. Sure, Steven Universe is infamous for the amount of hiatus it went on and the declining quality in the later seasons but Sugar stuck to it. Adventure Time had 11 seasons. Even Noelle Stevenson got She Ra to 5 seasons.

          • 3 months ago

            yeah but Pen had to step down as showrunner. he's one of us. too stressful. he went back to writer, where he belongs. Unfortunately his replacement was unsuited for -different- reasons.

            There were those gay newts who took up screentime from the main cast, and the gay mechanics who did nothing even when the plot would make some mechanics useful.

            they were just good friends, anon, don't be crass.

        • 3 months ago

          >Alex...modern production schedules are fricking grueling

          y'all though a career in animation is about art and storytelling when really its business men exploiting artists to make quick fortunes.

          everyone blames the execs but the first to blame is the producers. they are the liaison to the execs. they are the Jr. execs. they want to be the future execs. these people are all douchbags.

          • 3 months ago

            This. This is why I think Genndy and McCracken are hacks.

          • 3 months ago

            hahaha why is Dipper kissing everyone's mom

            the problem is the QUICK fortunes. which doesn't work.
            quality animation was made in days when businessmen exploited artists to make SLOW fortunes. They're still making money on those old franchises, or whoever they sold the rights to is.

            • 3 months ago

              Artists like McCracken and Faust deserve to get exploited.

            • 3 months ago

              It's some flip from Canada who has crippling daddy issues.

    • 3 months ago

      Neither Tartakovsky nor Hirsch can tell a serialized story without shitting themselves somewhere along the way.
      >oh you guys were hyped to see that guardian who beat Jack? I don't remember who the frick that is so Aku killed him off-screen I guess
      >oh you guys were hyped to see what the mysterious zodiac drawing from the intro would lead up to? I didn't actually think of that until the last 5 minutes so it just doesn't work I guess

      • 3 months ago

        Well, yeah. Genndy isn't perfect by any means, but he's made a hell of a lot more even if he also ultimately fricked half of his shows up.
        >oh you guys were hyped to see what the mysterious zodiac drawing from the intro would lead up to? I didn't actually think of that until the last 5 minutes so it just doesn't work
        I was surprised to find out he's publishing a Bill book so long after the finale. Especially since he shit the bed and ruined most of the character's mystique by making him the head of a gang of Ah! Real Monsters expies. Don't know how he expects to salvage that.

      • 3 months ago

        Samurai Jack season 5 really needed to be longer

      • 3 months ago

        did you watch the show? they showed us the zodiac thing, its purpose WAS to be the last-minute world-saver
        then of course, having explained it, it didn't work.. because that's how writing works. it'd be boring to have it explained AND have it function.

        One of my friends was a student at CalArts as well. He claims Alex was infamous on campus for his brazen sexual harassment of male staff, as well as verbal harassment targeted explicitly at the LGBT+ community present on campus. Apparently he had tried to assault several bisexual women on campus, saying something about "stealing our men" and how they were just pretending to be bi for male attention.
        Now, it is worth mentioning at this point that my friend is African-American, and a big buy at 6'3". Apparently Alex had heard a rumor that my friend was HIV positive, and despite his insistence that he wasn't, Alex would often harass him about it, claiming that "there's no way a chocolate stud like you hasn't gotten a bug or two in your life", making him extremely uncomfortable. This was followed by repeated propositions for sex, with Alex asking him to "give my that big black bugsprayer daddy" and "please poz my tight white neghole", and other such vile things, which continued until my friend was forced to drop out. Apparently over a dozen students were harassed in a similar way during his time at Calarts. Just goes to show how our education system continually fails PoC and LGBT people.

        shit, I knew he was one of us. deep down.

        • 3 months ago

          So you see nothing wrong with the notion that the foreshadowing of the zodiac as something grand and mysterious in every single intro ended up leading to an underwhelming anticlimatic cop-out?
          Also no, it'd be unironically less boring if it actually worked. Fiction is, in part, meant to amaze you with awesome large-than-life concepts and spectacle. But if such a concept only exists in the story for a subversive joke or to hype up something bigger, it's not awesome, it's lame. I hate stuff like this.

          • 3 months ago

            It was grand and mysterious, and it all came together. But the bickering ruined it. That's how a plot works. If they all got together, did the zodiac, and defeated Bill, that wouldn't be a show. There would be no conflict resolution, no conclusion, no lesson learned. It would just be "We ended up in the room together and beat him with FRIENDSHIIIP and holding hands!"
            no, what beat him was self-sacrifice and familial love. that's what the show is about.

      • 3 months ago

        Well, yeah. Genndy isn't perfect by any means, but he's made a hell of a lot more even if he also ultimately fricked half of his shows up.
        >oh you guys were hyped to see what the mysterious zodiac drawing from the intro would lead up to? I didn't actually think of that until the last 5 minutes so it just doesn't work
        I was surprised to find out he's publishing a Bill book so long after the finale. Especially since he shit the bed and ruined most of the character's mystique by making him the head of a gang of Ah! Real Monsters expies. Don't know how he expects to salvage that.

        Nah Alex has way more talent than Genndy ever did. Quality over quantity.

        • 3 months ago

          Different strengths. Genndy is an animation genius while Alex has great jokes.

          • 3 months ago

            >Genndy is an animation genius
            lol imagine actually thinking this
            >Alex has great jokes.
            He's overall really ambitious with storytelling, both humorous and dramatic.

            • 3 months ago

              genndy's a choreographic action genius. he can't draw worth shit.
              alex is good at dialogue and little goofs, but it works better with a Matt Chapman type (who is obviously one of his inspirations) to back it up with more solid humor. Alex can be silly, he can't consistently be -funny- on his own.

        • 3 months ago

          >Alex has way more talent than Genndy ever did

          • 3 months ago

            GF is still beloved a decade later that it's getting a novel.
            What has Genndy made of note since Samurai Jack got cancelled?

            • 3 months ago

              hotel transylvania?
              and dexter's lab is still a big deal all these years later, so he's got a legacy.
              and people enjoyed Primal and Unicorn, they just had pacing issues. just like final Samurai Jack season. that seems to be his achilles heel.
              which is funny, because he's a master of timing... for individual scenes and episodes.

  6. 3 months ago

    Alex Hirsch, Michael Pitt, and the remaining GF crew are script doctors now. They punched up both Spiderverse films, Detective Pikachu, and TMNT Mutant Mayhem. On top of that, they made Mitchells vs Machines and Inside Job for Netflix.

    • 3 months ago

      that would explain why all the scripts for those movies suck ass

    • 3 months ago

      what the hell is with everyone using script doctors now, and all of those being the most insane insufferable liberals that even regular libs don't like.
      just don't use the script doctor. it's obviously not working, and you aren't required to.

      that would explain why all the scripts for those movies suck ass

      and then some

      iirc other industry people thought he was being childish and unprofessional with this video lol

      well he was 100% right, and we need this aired out. this shit needs to be stopped. censors like this are what creates and fuels fricking fedoras like alex.

      • 3 months ago

        Plenty of creators before Alex have combatted S&P notes and reached compromises without acting like a child about it.

        • 3 months ago

          You mean they were complete cucks. No wonder this industry is being dismantled; the people in charge were complete betas.

    • 3 months ago

      He ruined Inside Job by saying the long-form storytelling should be in every episode instead of concentrated in a couple episodes per season which for the story that Inside Job was doing would have been just as effective but without the ancillary disadvantages of serialization.

      • 3 months ago

        >He ruined Inside Job by saying the long-form storytelling should be in every episode instead of concentrated in a couple episodes per season
        so townie filler is... le good now?

        • 3 months ago

          Inside Job and Steven Universe weren't telling similar stories. For Inside Job a couple of "big" episodes per season would be just as good as a drip-feed in every single episode.

  7. 3 months ago

    He tried jumping over to Netflix and bad mounthed Disney and then had to crawl back to them once Netflix killed their animation devision.

    • 3 months ago

      >had to crawl back to them
      That's one way to look at it, but Disney smiled and decided to work with him again after he pissed all over their house. It would be pathetic if Hirsch was begging to do something with them again and they refused, but the fact that they were so willing to do something with him again means Hirsch came out on top. Disney owns GF. If they wanted to put the book out without him, they could have easily done that. They brought him on because despite all the shit he said, they knew they needed him to sell this thing.

      • 3 months ago

        >but the fact that they were so willing to do something with him again means Hirsch came out on top.
        This! This is why Alex is more based than Genndy will ever be; Genndy keeps going back to people who keep screwing him over. Alex made Disney his b***h. Mad respect to him.

      • 3 months ago

        >but the fact that they were so willing to do something with him again means Hirsch came out on top.
        This! This is why Alex is more based than Genndy will ever be; Genndy keeps going back to people who keep screwing him over. Alex made Disney his b***h. Mad respect to him.

        Neither party comes out on top but neither comes out as pathetic either. Both parties realized they need each other for this project to work and it's better to just set aside the bad blood and grit your teeth while getting it done. It's just plain business.

        • 3 months ago

          I can agree with that. My point is that there are multiple ways to look at every situation. Most of the things that people shit on Hirsch for are the same things they'd think another creator was 'based' for doing. I honestly don't give a frick about Hirsch one way or the other, but the hate-boner anons seem to have for him is confusing.

          • 3 months ago

            It's the same for Dana but 10x times worse because her show is le evil gay satanic propaganda

            • 3 months ago

              People just hate women they can't frick

              • 3 months ago

                >Anons just hate women

              • 3 months ago

                No because they worship their waifus like Jenny and Kim because they think they will frick them.

            • 3 months ago

              So are we just going to ignore how Courage the Cowardly Dog and Billy and Mandy did the exact same shit? Just say you hate le satanic gay panic and go.

            • 3 months ago

              So are we just going to ignore how Courage the Cowardly Dog and Billy and Mandy did the exact same shit? Just say you hate le satanic gay panic and go.

              Dana Terrace created Hazbin Hotel?

          • 3 months ago

            It's the same for Dana but 10x times worse because her show is le evil gay satanic propaganda

            And yet it's okay when 2000s shows do the same shit. This board is pathetic.

  8. 3 months ago

    One of my friends was a student at CalArts as well. He claims Alex was infamous on campus for his brazen sexual harassment of male staff, as well as verbal harassment targeted explicitly at the LGBT+ community present on campus. Apparently he had tried to assault several bisexual women on campus, saying something about "stealing our men" and how they were just pretending to be bi for male attention.
    Now, it is worth mentioning at this point that my friend is African-American, and a big buy at 6'3". Apparently Alex had heard a rumor that my friend was HIV positive, and despite his insistence that he wasn't, Alex would often harass him about it, claiming that "there's no way a chocolate stud like you hasn't gotten a bug or two in your life", making him extremely uncomfortable. This was followed by repeated propositions for sex, with Alex asking him to "give my that big black bugsprayer daddy" and "please poz my tight white neghole", and other such vile things, which continued until my friend was forced to drop out. Apparently over a dozen students were harassed in a similar way during his time at Calarts. Just goes to show how our education system continually fails PoC and LGBT people.

    • 3 months ago

      >a big buy
      for you

    • 3 months ago

      >please poz my tight white neghole
      You had me until here. That slang didn't exist in 2005.

  9. 3 months ago

    imagine spending your sunday night writing gay fanfiction about a guy you hate

    • 3 months ago

      Imagine defending a genuine sexual rapist.

  10. 3 months ago

    Watching GF again it's obvious the show goes through a constant identity crisis. The Stan and Soos parts you can tell he wanted to make a more adult dialogue driven show. The twins and co by contrast are mostly standard Disney kids cartoon stuff.

    • 3 months ago

      A lot of the show makes it seem like it was censored with Disney and it only gets more serious when they allow it. That's what I felt like when watching parts of it in the past year

      • 3 months ago

        If you listen to the commentary they're pretty explicit about just how much S&P bears down on you at Disney. I mean it's to be expected. While on the commentary he never says anything negative about S&P (other than that he constantly calls them 'the censors', while the other developers call them S&P), he's made plenty of comments elsewhere about how much he resented the censorship.

      • 3 months ago

        gotta love that pug smuggling gag though

  11. 3 months ago

    playing dodgeball with acussations

  12. 3 months ago

    That boah and girl aint right

  13. 3 months ago

    Has Alex ever publicly addressed the allegations against his old best buddy Justin Roiland?

    • 3 months ago

      ummm uhhh uhhh umm uhhh uhhh uummm uhhhh uhhh buy my book

      • 3 months ago
  14. 3 months ago

    >all this seethe and white knighting Alex the moment Genndy's name was brought up
    HE'S here…

    • 3 months ago

      >all this dunking on Alex and defending shitty writing
      Reminder that the people who shit on Alex self insert as pic related.

      • 3 months ago

        I look like these and say that.

    • 3 months ago

      Ah frick. Did I summon a schizoposter by comparing the two of them? I just named the first creator I could think of who had multiple noteworthy cartoons under his belt.

  15. 3 months ago

    It appears my superiority has upset some people

    • 3 months ago

      These guys better be careful kiddo. Otherwise they might end up like their cartoon daddies over there.

      • 3 months ago

        I LOVE wiener
        I LOVE wiener
        I LOVE wiener
        I LOVE wiener
        I LOVE wiener
        I LOVE wiener
        I LOVE wiener

        • 3 months ago

          Ha, buck breaking! Gets me every time!

        • 3 months ago

          Ha, buck breaking! Gets me every time!

          No wonder the people who were raised on 2000s cartoons grow up to become weak beta males just like the dads they saw as role models.

          • 3 months ago

            Unironically this. Grunkle Stan was a better male role model for me than any dad from the 00s.
            t. born 1997

    • 3 months ago

      Gravity Falls is a slightly above-average comedy and a bad mystery/adventure show.

      • 3 months ago

        The mystery/adventure part of the show varies wildly in quality from episode to episode. The show clearly struggles with wanting to implement darker themes and wanting goofy plots. I think, overall, the first season is better in terms of mystery apart from a few prominent outliers.

        • 3 months ago

          S2 is better on average, the last few episodes nonwithstanding.

          • 3 months ago

            I dont know, the second season feels like it doesnt allow any time to breathe and the plot comes knocking down at every moment. Imo GF was at its strongest with the non plot episodes and the second season has too much of a sense of urgency to be enjoyable. Also, when Ford gets introduced I just lose all interest.

        • 3 months ago

          i don't see those as in conflict. but i will say I enjoyed GF for its humor and character moments way more than the mystery.

  16. 3 months ago

    Why did Disney only give GF two seasons? Surely the concept allowed for more than that and the show was clearly successful. Hell, every Disney Show ever since has tried to be GF in one way or another.

    • 3 months ago

      It's not Disney's fault, it's all on Alex

      • 3 months ago

        It's kind of depressing that 25 years later, we still can't have a single bit of nudity on TV. Even if the people are having sex. Like flesh slapping, hips thrusting, breasts swinging, but those nipples will be carefully covered. Because those are what make it obscene.
        And if it's for kids? Even skirts are banned now.
        they gave him 3, he got tired so he just bundled 3 into 2. after it finished, they couldn't just 'do a 3' because it's over.

        >he got tired so he just bundled 3 into 2
        That is so dumb. Season 2 crams so much shit into it that it takes a dip in quality. Was he too schizo to let other people write for his show or something?

        • 3 months ago

          He did, producing a show is more than just writing.

        • 3 months ago

          Too exhausted actually. That may be why he never decided to showrun since then.

          • 3 months ago

            He showran Inside Job but got kicked out because he went millions of dollars over budget

            • 3 months ago

              i respect the shit out of everyone who does that
              the books are all cooked anyway. only fire them if it's overbudget AND bombs. if it's overbudget and works, retroactively raise the budget.

              • 3 months ago

                This! Alex and John K are based for doing this. Frick the studios.

              • 3 months ago

                John K's problem is he couldn't bring shit in on time, for SHIT. now he had a partial excuse, but punctuality is damned important in show biz. the show must go on.

              • 3 months ago

                Nah, he was based as hell for doing that. You let people cook, don't rush them when they're trying to make art.

              • 3 months ago

                in that situation then you should wait to present the show until the episodes are all done
                which is a thing they used to do, for syndication. finish the entire block of episodes THEN start airing them. But Nick wanted this 'Nicktoons' thing to work, and Kricky Krickardo should have tried to meet their deadlines.

              • 3 months ago

                how many years did he need to finish Cans Without Labels then

              • 3 months ago

                You're moronic

          • 3 months ago

            you try making a show, with a 90s kid upbringing where you never had to try hard at anything in your life. WE WERE NOT PREPARED.
            my dad tried to say "Stop trying to avoid painful stuff, deliberately put yourself in the path of it, because hardship will come someday, and you won't be prepared" and i said "if it comes, i'll let THAT be what prepares me. until then i'll avoid stuff" and then he was right, and I couldn't do shit once life got hard, because I never learned how to learn or deal or adapt.
            Then he had a nervous breakdown and died, so... we were both wrong.

            Surely he had people helping him manage and writing the show. Other, arguably better, shows have gone for longer. Getting tired and wanting to call quits after a single season is very much on the lower side of endurance.

        • 3 months ago

          you try making a show, with a 90s kid upbringing where you never had to try hard at anything in your life. WE WERE NOT PREPARED.
          my dad tried to say "Stop trying to avoid painful stuff, deliberately put yourself in the path of it, because hardship will come someday, and you won't be prepared" and i said "if it comes, i'll let THAT be what prepares me. until then i'll avoid stuff" and then he was right, and I couldn't do shit once life got hard, because I never learned how to learn or deal or adapt.
          Then he had a nervous breakdown and died, so... we were both wrong.

    • 3 months ago

      Alex was ready to quit after season 1

  17. 3 months ago

    Its a shame, the show is great but it really needed a third reason. And maybe tone down Mabel by like 50%.

  18. 3 months ago

    Its kinda insane to think that a show with such a great premise and potential lasted as long as the fricking looney tunes show, a show with the most boring premise imaginable.

  19. 3 months ago

    Are we having a problem here? Or are we going to have send some people to the cuck sheds?

    • 3 months ago

      what's with this tumblr anime ripoff style? It's like every adolescent who tries to draw anime can't manage to get the proportions right so it ends up with this very specific kinda but not really anime style. This is also prevalent at nearly every table at an illustrator convention or art fair.

      • 3 months ago

        it beats previous tumblr styles.

        Braly is supportive of queer folks. If Sugar really wanted to put that in a show, I can't imagine him refusing. I honestly don't care either way as long as the character exists as a real character with actual motivations and personality traits aside from their 'otherness'.

        they all pretend to be. they have to.

  20. 3 months ago

    basically his main post-GF gig was serving as an executive producer on Inside Job (which was created/showran by Shion Takeuchi, who was a writer on season 2 of GF). A bulk of his non-VA credits have been creative consultant-type credits (like on Mitchells vs the Machines and The Owl House), but his only notable non-Inside Job credit outside of that was co-writing the story for the last two episodes of Kid Cosmic's first season

    • 3 months ago

      I can't blame him. If I could do one thing and then skate by the rest of my life basically doing celebrity appearances in the credits of other productions, I'd be pretty fricking happy.

  21. 3 months ago

    I'm not seeing nearly enough GF fanart in here

    • 3 months ago

      Okay, this qualifies as a GF thread..
      who's up for a totally SFW WIP PCC?

      The seethe in this thread is too intense I don't think even comfy 'cest can save it.

      • 3 months ago

        is typing incest really more difficult than typing 'cest?

      • 3 months ago

        Seethe can be quelled
        autism, on the other hand...

    • 3 months ago

      Okay, this qualifies as a GF thread..
      who's up for a totally SFW WIP PCC?

      The seethe in this thread is too intense I don't think even comfy 'cest can save it.

      Why have incest when we can have MILF action?

      • 3 months ago
        • 3 months ago
          • 3 months ago
            • 3 months ago

              With Mabel's support.

              • 3 months ago
              • 3 months ago
              • 3 months ago
              • 3 months ago

                better be giving me them full catboxes soon or i am gonna have a tantrum.

              • 3 months ago

                Just look up xxmercurial-darknessxx on paheal.

              • 3 months ago

                With Grunkle Stan's encouragement

              • 3 months ago
              • 3 months ago
              • 3 months ago
  22. 3 months ago

    Isn’t he a bum? I heard he never got his drivers license or at least always needed rides to and from the studio. Pretty childish ngl. Loved the show though when I watched it years ago

    • 3 months ago

      I saw him getting lunch out of the bins

  23. 3 months ago

    He works at Illumination probably gonna work on some adult animated movie through them.

  24. 3 months ago
  25. 3 months ago

    Okay, this qualifies as a GF thread..
    who's up for a totally SFW WIP PCC?

    • 3 months ago

      Frick off pedo and go shill for Disney somewhere else

    • 3 months ago

      my homie really going for that doublepines aesthetic

      • 3 months ago

        I'm trying so hard
        it motivates me to get better at posing and expression so I can do it justice.

  26. 3 months ago

    Alex is talented in some ways, but he was never cut out to be a showrunner or producer and made too many behind the scenes enemies.

    Even here, /gfg/ and the og vectoranon in particular were the first to call Hirsch on his phoney people pleaser bullshit attitude, so what did he do? He tried to brag that he fooled us with a mcgucket fake to his twitter followers. He just has a really fake personality to him and that has resulted in his quiet exile.

    • 3 months ago

      > He just has a really fake personality to him
      Psssst - that’s everyone in the entertainment industry. And Hirsch isn’t exiled. You confuse opinions on Cinemaphile for commonly held beliefs, but he’s still a big name and still has clout, much to the chagrin of many anons.

      • 3 months ago

        This. He's better off than Genndy.

        • 3 months ago

          Genndy isn’t ‘exiled’ either.
          What’s up with your hate boner?

          • 3 months ago

            >Genndy isn’t ‘exiled’ either.
            He can only get jobs with his friends at Adult Swim now while Alex keeps getting jobs from other studios.
            >What’s up with your hate boner?
            Genndy is the anti Alex Hirsch.

            • 3 months ago

              t. moron

      • 3 months ago

        Yea, as much as some on Cinemaphile hate it Alex can now coast around other peoples shows now for fun and without the headache of having to be it's showrunner
        First time showrunners who either don't fall to the wayside or keep going with more of their own shows usually end up doing this

        • 3 months ago

          This is why Alex is a chad compared to all the other boomer animators.

  27. 3 months ago

    Do we know anything about this book yet or do all we know about its contents just that "bloody carcas" dismemberment visualization.

  28. 3 months ago

    Holy shit, my brother's a chad! Go get em Dipping Sauce!

  29. 3 months ago

    Gravity Falls threads always turn into this huh.

  30. 3 months ago

    Wew, look at Dipper bag all these hot mamas! I always knew the kid had it in him; hey save some for me, will you bucko?

    • 3 months ago

      100% incharacter

  31. 3 months ago

    What the frick happened to this thread?

    • 3 months ago

      a whole lotta mom-kissing

  32. 3 months ago

    gravity falls is good. but i kind of got the feeling that heirsh is a bit too attached to this show of his. he specifically gave a predetermined ending the stories are told & the glory was lived, so theres not really anything left to tell or squeeze out even for him.

    I think he still wants to create something thats just as good or better than. gravity falls but he'd probably struggle to do so & we'd probably be on him already for it.

  33. 3 months ago

    >All these weird dipper x milf images
    Look man, I ship Dipper (as my self insert, I am literally Dipper Pines) with all the hot cartoon babes but this is just weird.

    • 3 months ago

      I am literally dipper too and MILFs aren't the only hot babes I ship Dipper with.

  34. 3 months ago
  35. 3 months ago

    Good to see Dipper using everything I taught him. The Pines Dynasty will live on!

  36. 3 months ago


    or make smaller-time indie stuff.

    • 3 months ago

      Frick that shit

      • 3 months ago

        what don't you like about it?

        • 3 months ago

          Indies are for grifters and industry rejects. People like Braly and Hirsch are too good for that. They should be getting what Genndy is getting while Genndy e-begs on Patreon.

          • 3 months ago

            and streets are for homeless bumsquatters, doesn't mean I still don't wanna walk down the street once in a while

            • 3 months ago

              Don't project your low standards on others

    • 3 months ago

      Frick that shit

      what don't you like about it?

      Indie stuff pays like shit. If you simply want to make something, it does offer a way to bring a project together, but everyone working on those needs to hold down other jobs at the same time because there's not enough cash.

      If you estimate that a (crappy) year salary is ~$50k, then think about all the people that need to be part of a production and how long it tends to take to make these things, then think about how much people actually end up typically raising via crowdfunds, it quickly becomes evident why people would still be interested in making their show through a network.

      Indie animation is having a moment right now and people are willing to work for cheap or free because it's still kind of new and exciting, but that shit is going to burst soon unless better financing can be figured out.

      • 3 months ago

        it pays fantastically when it does well, and you don't have the studio overhead to pay so you get to keep it.
        indie animation is having a second moment (the previous one, youtube killed) because the mainstream industry is bursting.

        • 3 months ago

          Bursting with flavor. Indie ain't shit.

        • 3 months ago

          t. has never worked on an indie or mainstream production

          • 3 months ago

            I have, actually. Not any that paid well, though. Not yet. That's why I said "when it does well." which is rare.

            • 3 months ago

              I’ve worked on a lot. Some very popular which are discussed here. Indie doesn’t pay shit, mate.

      • 3 months ago

        it pays fantastically when it does well, and you don't have the studio overhead to pay so you get to keep it.
        indie animation is having a second moment (the previous one, youtube killed) because the mainstream industry is bursting.

        Both industries are bursting because the west is shit. Can't wait for Genndy and Glitch to eat shit.

  37. 3 months ago

    Industrycuck, was this seriously all because people made fun of Hirsch and brought up Genndy in a positive manner?

  38. 3 months ago

    this new shadowbanning glitch is discouraging me from falling for bait. so maybe it's a good thing.

    • 3 months ago

      Shadowbanning glitch?

      • 3 months ago

        something funky going on with the captchas. on a particular board (Cinemaphile for me), when you click get captcha, it'll say no need, then when you try to send it through, it says captcha has expired
        and it keeps doing this until you solve a proper captcha on another board.

  39. 3 months ago

    Apparently he really struggled with the workload of running Gravity Falls and I understand that because he was trying to make something right, not israelily. Not to mention if he DOES want to put something out again as a showrunner, he's struggling to make something with enough artistic pop that doesn't feel derivative. That last part is my opinion but it seems on the money.

    • 3 months ago

      This. He's not israeli like Genndy.

      • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        mate alex is a literal israelite

        • 3 months ago

          you know, I COULD be wrong here. i MIGHT be.. but i THINK that anon was trolling

  40. 3 months ago

    I mean, it's easy to have some measure of success when you have the Brothers Chaps writing your show, other artists redesigning your horrid pilot designs, a budget way bigger than most new DTVA shows put together that you blow mostly on left-wing celebrities half of which turn out to be pedophiles (and the other half pending) and your best buddy that you gave a significant side-plot to gets sacrificed at the #MeToo Altar you had helped build... but in reality, all Alexander the Manlet did was create two seasons worth of a trend setting cartoon that took almost four years for him to make. Four years of him at the studio water cooler screeching about republicans and shitting in trash cans. It's no wonder Disney hasn't tried to bring him back in any serious capacity and just has him writing tie-in books like a fricking hermit.

    • 3 months ago

      you know those are not on that side, right. they're the ones reeing.

    • 3 months ago

      He pissed in them, not shit in them

  41. 3 months ago

    Why is someone posting their autistic fanfic?

    • 3 months ago

      The demographic of people who still self-insert as Dipper and the demographic that defends the hack overlap enough for shit like this.

      • 3 months ago

        Hey I self insert as Dipper and I'm only about half this autistic, I resent that!

        • 3 months ago

          It's just dad self inserters angry that people self insert as a chad

  42. 3 months ago

    >Pissed off he decided to end GF early
    >Came back to his below franchise to make new content this year
    >Cinemaphile still pissed


    • 3 months ago

      people don;t like him because he is a coastal liberal not like the cool Working Man Union Member archetype but the r/antiwork Dogwalker Moderator type.
      If he was conservative or kept quiet about his politics Cinemaphile would love him.

  43. 3 months ago

    I miss her so much it's unreal.

    • 3 months ago

      Candy is an improved human being

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