What exactly is the issue with non-Cooridinators not being able to pilot mobile suits without operating systems specifically designed for them in the ...

What exactly is the issue with non-Cooridinators not being able to pilot mobile suits without operating systems specifically designed for them in the SEED universe?

What advantage do Cooridinators have that lets them pilot Mobile suits normally? What do the Natural-use OSes offer that makes up for not being a Cooridinator?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Well you see.... Coordinators are special awesome.

  2. 2 years ago

    Some of the text in the OS startup screen implies there’s some sort of BMI stuff going on.
    But in the actual show all we’re told is some vague stuff about “reflexes” and that the coordinators have better ones for piloting.

    • 2 years ago

      Just looking at an in-universe explanation, I'd say these two are most accurate,

      I think it's more that they rolled mobile suits out before they figured out how to make it user-friendly, but since coordinators are this ultra mega special breed of humans they can take it anyway.

      In addition I'd argue that effectively using Linux for their mobile suits was another way to make it take longer for the EF to get their own comparable weapons. A more user-friendly OS, while it would have helped Coordinators too, would have been so much easier for the Naturals to reverse engineer. So if your super special genetically superior people can pilot well while manually button mashing and DOS scripting then might as well do that so that the stupid normies can only stare in blank incomprehension at the blinking command line asking for what percentage of power you want to lift your GINNs knee.

      • 2 years ago
  3. 2 years ago

    Well you see, Frickawful and his wife are hack frauds who care more about the arbitrary handicap than they do the internal logic of it.

  4. 2 years ago

    I think it's more that they rolled mobile suits out before they figured out how to make it user-friendly, but since coordinators are this ultra mega special breed of humans they can take it anyway.

  5. 2 years ago

    Well, at least if we go by when Sai attempts to pilot the Strike, takes a few steps and fall, it seems like with the coordinator OS you need to move all limbs of the MS individually, rather than just telling it to go forward or aim to shoot.

    Of course, Gundam in general is extremely inconsistent in depicting how MS is controlled and they will have super precise movements when necessary for the plot.

    • 2 years ago

      The issue is that there really doesn't seem to be anything different to an MS in Seed than any other series we've seen. And I don't really know what they want Coordinators to be but OS or not I just don't buy that regular humans wouldn't be able to brute force it, especially ones trained in special vehicles especially compared to a kid who barely looks like he should have a driver's license I don't care how ULTIMATE he is. It's not even that coordinators just pilot betters they want it to be that regulars can't so much pilot at all.

      • 2 years ago

        but he rewrote it

      • 2 years ago

        The thing is, much like Amuro was a mecha nerd who was reading hobby magazines about mobile suits and building his own robot pet before he stumbled into the Gundam, Kira was a programming student who was apparently so good his professor was having him help with software on the side.

        They're given only enough civilian exposition to establish a hook as to why they can do the thing, and then there's an attack and they do the thing. That's about it.

        In Kira's case, he takes one look at the OS (that the Naturals made), calls it terrible and disorganized, spends a minute rapidly optimizing it, and then he can pilot just fine. The Kreuze Team pilots do something similar starting their machines up. That is, the Natural-made OS for naturals was unfinished and so bad Coordinators felt the need to fix it before they could pilot the machine.

        If anything, that speaks to the Naturals not being capable of writing a good enough OS to operate the machine, be it for complexity or efficiency, and whatever they did have was so clunky they could barely move. They also apparently couldn't grasp the complexity of a Coordinator-made OS intended for Coordinators. They needed a friendly Coordinator to write a highly automated OS to dumb it down for them.

        A lot of this just seems inspired by an age-old question - how DO you control a giant robot and all its complexity with two joysticks and some foot pedals? Controlling a backhoe takes dozens of levers, and that's one arm without the range or dexterity of one limb on a mobile suit. Operating a tank takes a crew. The controls would have to be incredibly complex or have a lot of pre-programmed motions and macro commands for people to be firing off moves at the speed we see all the time. Coordinators apparently figured out a way that boggled normal people's minds.

        • 2 years ago

          >What do the Natural-use OSes offer that makes up for not being a Cooridinator?
          I'd presume Natural-use OSes provide a lot more automated support, optimizing movements and whatnot. Where coordinators could do fine control with an OS that is less user-friendly due to their own physical abilities, the Natural-use OS probably is made to provide that fine control automatically.

          Worth noting that it wasn't really EA that wrote the OS though, it was Morgenroete, ie: ORB. The entire Natural-use OS plotline involved ORB as well, with Kira later helping ORB to finish their OS for the M1 Astrays.
          I'd imagine EA managed to figure out the OS on their own as well, given that they got the Strike Daggers working. Rather than Naturals being unable to write a functioning OS, I think it was just the OS in question being incomplete and it took a long time to get it to work since they wrote it from scratch.

        • 2 years ago

          >In Kira's case, he takes one look at the OS (that the Naturals made), calls it terrible and disorganized, spends a minute rapidly optimizing it, and then he can pilot just fine. The Kreuze Team pilots do something similar starting their machines up
          I want a SEED abridged series solely to see those scenes made into jokes where the Gundams are initially running on IOS/Windows and the coordinators get mad and switch it over to Linux

          • 2 years ago

            Meanwhile in Unicorn you had people having to install drivers to use guns.

            • 2 years ago

              I mean, that seems pretty reasonable if they're not entirely dumbfire weapons.

            • 2 years ago

              It'd be a decent security countermeasure too. Can't work without the right software. If it's someone authorized, they'd have the right driver.

            • 2 years ago

              I've had to install drivers to use a printer before you don't think they're gonna make you install some files to use heavy ordinance.

          • 2 years ago

            I have to use a windows pc for work. It frustrates me to no end. It's not even that the work can't be done on linux they just don't want people mucking with their property which I mean I get but also frick my life.

        • 2 years ago

          >how DO you control a giant robot and all its complexity with two joysticks and some foot pedals?
          Don't all mobile suits come with their own OS or AI even in universal century? Stuff like grabbing a gun or performing a drop kick or whatever, everything comes built-in for pilots right?

          • 2 years ago

            The Gundam RX-78 was special because it had an AI. The computer could analyze combat data and improve its movements based on that. This was portrayed as something most suits didn't have. Until they rolled out the GMs, anyway, which were based on the RX-78's data.

        • 2 years ago

          >A lot of this just seems inspired by an age-old question - how DO you control a giant robot and all its complexity with two joysticks and some foot pedals? Controlling a backhoe takes dozens of levers, and that's one arm without the range or dexterity of one limb on a mobile suit. Operating a tank takes a crew. The controls would have to be incredibly complex or have a lot of pre-programmed motions and macro commands for people to be firing off moves at the speed we see all the time.
          I remember pic from Heavy Object doesn't actually pilot her mech. An A.I. does it and pic is there for code changes and adjustments in the middle of combat. Basically a tech support making sure everything runs and fixing problems if it doesn't, arguably doing nothing if everything works well. Surprisingly accurate to some IRL A.I. jobs.

  6. 2 years ago

    One thing that always made me laugh about seed was when the Mobile Suits would send text messages. it just sort of feels like they finally discovered some computer terms and tossed it in there in an attempt to send techie.

  7. 2 years ago

    Naturals are like boomers trying to use technology compared to the actually superior gen-z

    • 2 years ago

      Boomers are the ones who invented most of the technology you zoomer homosexuals over rely on.

    • 2 years ago

      gen z doesn't know shit about technology, they don't even understand how files on an os work

      • 2 years ago

        Boomers are the ones who invented most of the technology you zoomer homosexuals over rely on.

        >he took the zoom zoom make a boom boom bait

  8. 2 years ago

    >What do the Natural-use OSes offer that makes up for not being a Cooridinator?
    Basically training wheels and easier handling. Sufficiently capable Naturals like Mu and all of Al Da Flaga's clones can make them work. The average Natural, even a pilot, can't make do with the same OS.

  9. 2 years ago

    This reminded me that Infinite Ryvius had one of the coolest and most realistic methods of mecha piloting and I'm surprised it hasn't been used since.

    There was a team of programmers that would program movements and attacks for the Vital Guarder(Main mecha of the show) and a single "loader" who would que up these programs and execute them.

    The show's combat starts off slow, but as they accumulate a library of programs the mecha begins to move faster. It's such a great concept, it made piloting the mech feel like a NASA Shuttle launch because of how many people were required to keep it going.
    By the end of the show they've advanced its software to the point where a single person can pilot it.

    • 2 years ago

      Also the Game Gunparade March on the PS1 is a mecha strategy game that has a battle system which does something similar.

  10. 2 years ago

    How would Flay Allster handle it?

    • 2 years ago

      As well as Sai, maybe better than that loser but would still suck

      • 2 years ago

        Could she have learned how to handle the Strike Rouge?

        • 2 years ago

          She's a fictional character, she could have learned the time warp if the writer wanted her too.

  11. 2 years ago

    weaponized autism genetics as a superpower has been a gundam trope since forever. it's just rebranded newtype magic.

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