What if the Netflix show had adapted the Despara storyline?

What if the Netflix show had adapted the Despara storyline?

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  1. 2 years ago

    The show already excused a bunch of abusers and war criminals to the point it tarnished it's reputation forever, they didn't need to add the main character to that list.

    • 2 years ago

      >a bunch of abusers and war criminals

      Wasn't it mostly Catra? Hordak was essentially rebooted and became semi-amnesiac by the end.

      • 2 years ago

        It's not clearly establish what all certain people did.

        Presumably Hordak ordered genocides. Or you could argue Shadow Weaver did, but Hordak still signed off on it. Even if he didn't, he still ran some kind of moronic techno monarchy where the insecure god king surrounded himself with dipshits that didn't threaten him, excluding Shadow Weaver who he was always this close to executing.

        It's like, yeah, if you defang the average dictator and set him up with an autistic wife who helps keep him on track via constant emotional babysitting, you could argue they'd become better people. But also come the frick on.

        Catra got the worst of it, though, because she had the most screen time to be horrible in, and in the end they forgave her because it turned out the killings were just for attention. Except that's why a lot of dictators do killings when you get down to it.

        On a macro level it's sort of the fault of whatever cause She Ra's world to be like that. Lord knows the "Resistance" was incompetent and self-destructive. But that's part of the issue. The bad guys didn't really get brought to justice so much, and the heroes were weak people waiting for a savior to evolve organically out of nothing.

        • 2 years ago

          In Hordak's case he got his memory wiped and it's implied he's barely starting to remwmber but not fully.

          That's probably the cop-out the writers used. The evil Hordak is "gone" only the part that remembers Entrapta seems to have remained.

          • 2 years ago

            >That's probably the cop-out the writers used. The evil Hordak is "gone" only the part that remembers Entrapta seems to have remained.
            hmm, can we blame someone for their crimes even though they don't remember doing them? Would it be like blaming an innocent person?

            • 2 years ago

              Gaddafi tried to amend and they murdered him. People in power hold the most responsibility, and when they wreck lives and kill your kids, it doesn't matter if you turn over a new leaf. People will not forgive you, and the people who DO like you would still try to copy your behavior when you were on the rise.

              Catra is a rags to riches story that ends in the betrayal of the Horde, frankly, and a lot of idealists would want to do what she did, only more successfully.

              The responsible thing would be a public trial and then an imprisonment. Not even an execution, because the important thing isn't the punishment. It's, "here's what you did wrong, this is why we condemn it, here's the price you pay". Adora not getting laid is just one more sacrifice she has to make. The fact they don't call that shot and let Catra skate is how you know Glimmer would be deposed eventually.

              • 2 years ago

                What are the odds Catra will eventually get JFK'd by some Joe or Jane she ordered their family killed?

              • 2 years ago


                If you look at where the show ended, there's a massive, massive power vacuum. The princesses have lost most of their land and all credibility, but assume they'll take it all back because they're the ordained leaders. But there would be a bunch of people not at all interested in paying taxes to the people who lost the whole planet in the first place.

                Odds are you'd see a "New Horde" rise up, led by someone following in Catra's footsteps, but more charismatic and more stable. It might be a good or bad government. Either way, the princesses would almost definitely try to fight it and get obliterated because they're still incredibly bad at organization and supply, whereas the Horde did at least always maintain their basic armies enough to keep an occupation going.

                If you hated Catra, you'd just join the New Horde. They'll give you a gun and pint you in her direction. Putting here there among Glimmer's government was very, very stupid.

              • 2 years ago

                In fact, a war effort partially bent around prosecuting Catra would be hugely popular. You'd have the Horde citizens wanting to try her for treason, and everyone else wanting her for war crimes. And as soon as Glimmer got up there and stuttered out some weak excuse why Catra must be protected - not just that, you should take up arms and lay down your life to protect Catra - Glimmer's empire would just disintigrate.

              • 2 years ago

                In fact, a war effort partially bent around prosecuting Catra would be hugely popular. You'd have the Horde citizens wanting to try her for treason, and everyone else wanting her for war crimes. And as soon as Glimmer got up there and stuttered out some weak excuse why Catra must be protected - not just that, you should take up arms and lay down your life to protect Catra - Glimmer's empire would just disintigrate.

                I never watched the show but that whole premise sounds more interesting than everything I've heard about it, as a sort of CoffeeAU deconstruction like the Kyle Saga.

              • 2 years ago

                >Odds are you'd see a "New Horde" rise up, led by someone following in Catra's footsteps, but more charismatic and more stable. It might be a good or bad government. Either way, the princesses would almost definitely try to fight it and get obliterated because they're still incredibly bad at organization and supply, whereas the Horde did at least always maintain their basic armies enough to keep an occupation going.
                It would be fantastic to see the New Horde get to Entrapta and say "You and your mate Lord Hordak must come with us. We want your help making our supply chain more technologically advanced."
                (Catra and the new government both exiled her to Beast Island, apparently.)

              • 2 years ago

                The fact Hrodak is still alive would also be a major issue, but more because he represents a return to an old standard when the Horde was "strong". Him being around could cause a schism that could jeopardize the New Horde, because there'd be fundamentalists who'd want to place him back on the throne. All this with Hordak having not been a good leader in the first place, and now with his memory wiped.

                I can imagine him believing his own propaganda, because even if he doesn't remember it, he likely wrote it, or at least signed off on it. It would resonate with him, and he'd want to be the leader they say he is.

                The big conflict wouldn't be Glimmer versus the New Horde, but Hordak versus the New Horde. Glimmer herself would become an irrelevant, moralizing nobody in the grand scheme.

                That's one thing the show doesn't get. You can't really declare yourself a good leader just by moralizing. A nation is about its people, so if you think you can rule it just because you paid your dues and earned it, you don't deserve to rule. If Glimmer can't motivate the people, get food in their bellies, chop off Catra's head to avert a war that'll spill her people's blood, then she'll lose the whole thing in a time of volatility. Probably frustrating for her, even if she tried to sacrifice Catra, Adora would intervene and make it impossible, and that's a trap elite-minded leaders get into. Even when they know they have to serve the people, they structure themselves into a bind by ignoring the people and relying too much on other elites and money.

              • 2 years ago

                > That's one thing the show doesn't get. You can't really declare yourself a good leader just by moralizing. A nation is about its people, so if you think you can rule it just because you paid your dues and earned it, you don't deserve to rule. If Glimmer can't motivate the people, get food in their bellies, chop off Catra's head to avert a war that'll spill her people's blood, then she'll lose the whole thing in a time of volatility. Probably frustrating for her, even if she tried to sacrifice Catra, Adora would intervene and make it impossible, and that's a trap elite-minded leaders get into. Even when they know they have to serve the people, they structure themselves into a bind by ignoring the people and relying too much on other elites and money.
                If she couldn't buy their loyalty either, I could see members of the guard starting to grumble about her ineffectiveness behind her back, to the point some would be seduced by the idea of a coup. If a general had the wit and resources to get past She-Ra and all her magical friends, the people would most likely welcome anyone with actual leadership experience.

              • 2 years ago

                Wtf I love this thread.

                >Odds are you'd see a "New Horde" rise up, led by someone following in Catra's footsteps, but more charismatic and more stable. It might be a good or bad government.

                I tried to turn Lonnie into this in Kyle Saga. I always figured she was tough and charismatic enough that other kid soldiers would jump Catra to defend her. She fits the profile, but my take is more tragic.

                Someone who worked hard her whole life to be recognized and instead is overlooked and treated as an expendable grunt. Holding on her frustrations even when commanding opportunities were given to less deserving people like Catra. So she still can't let go and wishes to show the world how much she is worth it.

                Maybe she could have risen to become an actual threat to the Princesses over time, but Kyle (who is also seeking out his worth in a different way) got in the way and it's becoming her downfall.

              • 2 years ago

                >Maybe she could have risen to become an actual threat to the Princesses over time, but Kyle (who is also seeking out his worth in a different way) got in the way and it's becoming her downfall.
                Now I got to see what you have in store for her and the Horde in that climax.

              • 2 years ago

                By now I've established that things aren't looking bright for her.

                Rogelio is injured and out of comission, she's chased away a lot of her closer associates from the horde, and is surrounding herself with yes-men who will not question her judgement, and honorless rogues from the Crimson Waste who will backstab her the moment she starts to show vulnerabilities.

                She's put herself in this awful situation heading towards tragedy. And now Kyle got a power-up and a couple of biomechanical monsters at his command. It's not a spoiler at this point to say she's gonna crash.

              • 2 years ago

                Next storytime when?

              • 2 years ago

                Next weekend. I'm gonna have a lot of free time.

                Just dropped in cause this thread is interesting. There's a lot I haven't thought about like the whole thing like Glimmer's tax policy, but the whole idea of how much of a shitshow sparing Catra would lead to. Dang. Never thought that much of it. Cool ideas. I just figured Catra would need a ton of protection. Her and Adora having a very private life. It wouldn't be sunshine and rainbows. They need to go on a long vacation to the Spirit World- I mean, space to get away from it all.

              • 2 years ago

                Can't wait!

                >They need to go on a long vacation to the Spirit World- I mean, space to get away from it all.

                What do you mean?

              • 2 years ago

                It was a Legend of Korra joke. The two lesbians defeat the villain and frick off to the spirit world to go on vacation.

                Adora and Catra would just go to space instead.

              • 2 years ago

                >Glimmer's tax policy
                Obligatory post: https://youtu.be/XR4Gb3jSkqU

              • 2 years ago

                Oh man, the nostalgia. Fun to see waxonator's videos are still up.

            • 2 years ago

              >can we blame someone for their crimes even though they don't remember doing them?

              That's probably what they were going for. "Why punish someone who can't even answer for his crimes, and maybe having him remwmber would be worse(?)" way of thinking. He gets supposedly sent to Beast Island as penace so it's not like he wasn't punished either. He got the Napoleon sentence of exile I suppose.

              >Catra got the worst of it, though, because she had the most screen time to be horrible in, and in the end they forgave her because it turned out the killings were just for attention. Except that's why a lot of dictators do killings when you get down to it.

              Catra is particularly bad because the show makes it all about her traumas but at the same time barely if at all acknowledges the trauma from those she victimised for four seasons. It's mostly other characters acknowledging hers instead.

              >Glimmer: Go help the other princesses finish the fight. I'm going to find Hordak and Catra.

              >Scorpia: [groans] Catra. I know she's done a lot of bad things, but...don't hurt her.

          • 2 years ago

            That is the excuse they went with, but if you ask me, Eternia's problems were only just starting, because the show ended with a sort of technocratic cabal of dipshits in charge of the nations.

            The Resistance was constantly losing because they expected their magical elites to come to their senses at some point, and they didn't. Instead they just got the planet attacked by a bigger ar,y, and then only beat that army thanks to the Chosen One backing the generational government that decided its best defense coalition was to further empower the ruling class with more magic. They kinda go from an oppressive dictatorship to an out of touch gentry and the show doesn't mention that at some point those dork-assed teens will have to help rebuild lives in a real and sustainable way.

            They don't prosecute Hordak or Catra because the technocrats forgive them, one upper class to another. But what message does that send to all the now aimless Horde kids who grew up being taught Hordak was life? They see Catra's fingering the thrones right hand and that's your reward for insurrection. The elites notice you and then maybe you can have sex with one of them. At worst, your mind gets wiped so you only remember the good parts.

            It's dumb.

  2. 2 years ago

    Why does she look like Elric?

  3. 2 years ago

    In order for that to work Adora has to have done horrible shit and she would have to be repentant about it.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, I don't think Adora ever went outside the Fright Zone before episode 1.

  4. 2 years ago

    What the frick is a Despara

    • 2 years ago

      >What the frick is a Despara
      OK, so, the first-ever reboot of She-Ra after the original cartoon and doll line were canceled in 1987 was in a 2010s Masters of the Universe comic when DC Comics held the license. When baby Adora was kidnapped by the Horde, she was raised to be a brutal killer for Hordak, who gave her a Hordak helmet. Shadow Weaver seemed to be raising her, as in the 2018 cartoon, but there was also time travel stuff revealing she had an adoptive father... her uncle Skeletor.

      • 2 years ago

        ... and Skeletor's "sensitive lover" dialogue to Shadow Weaver is fricking hilarious if you read it in his original cartoon voice.

        • 2 years ago

          >What the frick is a Despara
          OK, so, the first-ever reboot of She-Ra after the original cartoon and doll line were canceled in 1987 was in a 2010s Masters of the Universe comic when DC Comics held the license. When baby Adora was kidnapped by the Horde, she was raised to be a brutal killer for Hordak, who gave her a Hordak helmet. Shadow Weaver seemed to be raising her, as in the 2018 cartoon, but there was also time travel stuff revealing she had an adoptive father... her uncle Skeletor.

          That sure is an outfit. Was the Hordak mask really necessary? Also is this a PTSD Adora?

      • 2 years ago

        > When baby Adora was kidnapped by the Horde, she was raised to be a brutal killer for Hordak, who gave her a Hordak helmet.
        That always sounded lousy to me. That's just pushing the Adora serving Hordak premise too far. She can be the Horde Captain or some high-ranked officer, but I find it hard to root for an assassin who murdered innocents when she's supposed to become a symbol of hope and freedom. I guess she's trying to make amends for what she's done as She-Ra, but that sounds too much like edgy capeshit origin. Not the tone I generally associate with MotU.

        • 2 years ago

          >I find it hard to root for an assassin who murdered innocents when she's supposed to become a symbol of hope and freedom. I guess she's trying to make amends for what she's done as She-Ra, but that sounds too much like edgy capeshit origin. Not the tone I generally associate with MotU.
          Yeah, I agree it was a lousy thing to do to her. Redeemed by the Sword of Protection, she becomes a brooding ambiguous character trying to make amends while hanging around her long-long brother Adam and uncle/forgotten daddy Skeletor.
          But as Despara, she killed Flutterina in a bloody impalement scene. So the edgy redemption arc comes across as "you'll forgive her, reader, because girl toys suck."

          • 2 years ago

            Eh, they tried to make a shitty spinoff of Barbies fit into the original sword & sorcery setting. Things had to change.

  5. 2 years ago

    My favorite thing about Despara is that they basically drew her bodysuit as translucent at the start so it looked like she was just wearing a few scraps of armor. Hnnngh

  6. 2 years ago

    Careful, the show may have had a plot

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