What is so controversial about this character?

What is so controversial about this character?

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 months ago

    People who disagree with leftist politics like him so he’s problematic

    • 2 months ago

      'disagree' is a limp dick word.
      the kind of men who would run over someone in their car at a protest rally would put a punisher sticker on that car. this kind of shit is bad publicity.

      • 2 months ago

        >I'm mad at scenarios I made up in my head.

      • 2 months ago

        Limpdick post

      • 2 months ago

        people shouldn't be on roads unless in cars

      • 2 months ago

        And those black BLM protestors who ran over a raccoon on camera during the George Floyd riots probably liked Black Panther. We can go all day with these stupid made up assumptions

        • 2 months ago

          Your analogy is poor, because Black Panther is not known for attacking wildlife. Punisher IS known for killing people he decides are criminals that need to die. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why people would draw quick conclusions looking at violence being meted out by a loon with a Punisher logo on his car (or gun, or phone, or whatever). The owners don't want that kind of PR. They're running around like headless chickens, capable of understanding that Something Has Gone Wrong and that they should be doing some sort of damage control, but of course Disney is a stupid mindless sprawling megacorp so there's no good plan and different parts of the company are working at odds with one another.

      • 2 months ago

        >this kind of shit is bad publicity.
        Nah it's based

      • 2 months ago

        Those same kind of people would also have a pewdiepie sticker on their car. World's sickest strawman

    • 2 months ago

      They often misunderstand the character. The most ironic is the thin blue line punisher skull stickers they love to slap on the rear of their mall crawlers.

  2. 2 months ago

    He kills degenerates that escape justice thanks to corruption, which in the current clown world means he's a bad guy.

    • 2 months ago

      >which in current clown world means he's a bad guy
      I see you never read any Spider-Man or Daredevil comic from the 80s.

      • 2 months ago

        >From the 80s
        What are they doing now?

      • 2 months ago

        Spider-Man celebrates criminals

        • 2 months ago

          >peter A was killed by this guy cold blood
          >a criminal who was more than ready to kill a kid for money
          > get's rewarded with a mural while peter A is quickly forgotten
          the nerve to compare this homosexual with uncle ben jesus christ.

      • 2 months ago

        Spider-man is objectively wrong for letting people like Norman live.

  3. 2 months ago

    Marvel/Disney is mad that the "wrong type" of people like him, and their army of shills spread the word that Frank should be retired.

  4. 2 months ago

    He kills pedos

  5. 2 months ago

    define "controversy"

    • 2 months ago
  6. 2 months ago

    He kills minority gang members as a white chud.

    • 2 months ago

      This happens a lot less than people who don't read Punisher comics think it does, they're angry at the character for doing something that's hardly ever happened. He spends far more time fighting mafia families and other organized crime groups, not street gangs. A Punisher comic from the last 20 years is more likely to have him fighting the kind of costumed supervillains Spider-Man would fight than street gangs.

  7. 2 months ago

    Police that don't get the point of the character slapped his skull on their shit, which above everything makes the character automatically part of the right wing and therefore verboten

    Not even a fan of the character, just that it's the only reason people give so many shits about his existence since otherwise he's just another shithead who guns down nameless thugs and b***hes and moans about Spider-Man and Daredevil not being "manly" enough to butcher people indiscriminately

    • 2 months ago

      >Police that don't get the point of the character slapped his skull on their shit,

      isn't that an actual plot point in one of the punisher comics?

      • 2 months ago

        Yes, it was an actual story. The whole point of said thing was to relay

        my father is a police officer and is a pretty big Punisher fan, but he never actually put the skull on the uniform (just to make it clear we are not american).
        My dad would never be the type to kill indiscriminately (or at all), he just enjoys the Punisher purely as an escape fantasy. Our country's criminals are infamously violent and the system is deeply corrupt, which allows them to continue with their crimes.

        's point, that The Punisher was never some kind of moral guide like typical heroes and his stories shouldn't be taken as such, at best an examination of the mindset for such extreme vigilantism and how much of a toll it takes on the person enacting it endlessly. But there are enough people who try to take him as such and enough people who are pissed about the former that they make it everyone else's problem.

        • 2 months ago

          >It's ok when I do it, chuds
          I think it's for the best that Frank is retired. People can't write him for shit

        • 2 months ago

          You homosexuals keep posting this panel/story made in 2018-2020 in RESPONSE to cops and military using the symbol ignoring the years and years of history befoe were punisher seems to actually suport cops and outright refuses to kill them
          >inb4 someone post that image of punisher about to throw a cop out of a rooftop but not the literal next page aka pic related

      • 2 months ago

        Nobody reads comics anon. I'm not trying to be facetious. The actual content of the comic books is completely irrelevant which explains why Marvel and DC are going down the shitter despite swimming in piles of licensing money

    • 2 months ago

      my father is a police officer and is a pretty big Punisher fan, but he never actually put the skull on the uniform (just to make it clear we are not american).
      My dad would never be the type to kill indiscriminately (or at all), he just enjoys the Punisher purely as an escape fantasy. Our country's criminals are infamously violent and the system is deeply corrupt, which allows them to continue with their crimes.

    • 2 months ago

      The point is kill bad guys? I think it's simple enough

    • 2 months ago

      Don't use words you don't understand, ESL moron.

      • 2 months ago

        Everyone in this website is a shitskin larping as first worlders thoughever. Stop getting mad.

  8. 2 months ago

    Frank is in Weirdworld and some other guy is The Punisher now.

    • 2 months ago

      If Disney was smart, they'd pull another US Agent and make the new guy be exactly what people ASSUME Frank is like: a hair-trigger mass-murderer who stalks ghettoes to kill as many brown people has he can while screaming about muh freedoms and 2nd Amendment.

      Than have Frank come back and blow the guy's brains out, reiterated the ACTUAL premise of his character, and the go about his day.

      • 2 months ago

        Too smart for the house of ideas

  9. 2 months ago

    >What is so controversial about this character?
    "People I don't like like him"
    No fun allowed homosexual

  10. 2 months ago

    Dirty cops wear his symbol, and Marvel is scrambling to distance themselves from that.

    No, that's it. If people gave a frick about him killing people, characters like Black Widow, Deadpool, and Wolverine would have been cancelled long ago.

    • 2 months ago

      Dirty Cops are cops who accept bribes form criminal, cops who kill criminals are called heroes.

      • 2 months ago

        A cop who kills criminals who genuinely deserve it wouldn't need to wear the Punisher's skull, because the law is working the way it's suppose to.
        The ones who wear the skull are the ones who want regular civilians to be scared that they'll kill them at the slightest provocation; aka the ones who give law enforcement such a bad name that "defunding the police" was an actual political talking point for a few years.

        • 2 months ago

          >regular civilians
          Are at no risk of being intentionally shot at. "Regular civilians" don't respond to a police interaction by acting like man-children that were never told "no".

          • 2 months ago

            >Are at no risk of being intentionally shot at.


            • 2 months ago

              I'm not logging into youtube just to see that video. I'm willing to bet that the guy who was shot was going full moron.

              • 2 months ago

                It was a teenage girl who was escaping from a hostage situation, running towards a cop who was telling her to come towards her.
                She was shot by the other cops who saw movement and just indiscriminately opened fire because they're pussies, and continued to shoot her even after the one cop kept yelling at them to stop.

              • 2 months ago

                >running towards literally anyone
                >in a high risk situation
                I will reiterate: full. moron.

              • 2 months ago

                >Follow orders from police
                Yea, sounds about right.

              • 2 months ago

                You're supposed to move slowly in those situations, anon.
                >inb4 what if the bad guys are going to shoot me?
                Then dash for the closest cover instead.

              • 2 months ago

                Considering cops are known to kill in situations where you aren't following their orders quickly enough, you're fricked anyway.

              • 2 months ago

                They should be reclassified as "depopulation agents"

              • 2 months ago

                How’s 8th grade treating you, champ?

              • 2 months ago

                Google Daniel Shaver.

              • 2 months ago

                Is that what they told you in boot licking school? I was told to quickly comply with the orders of an officer or I could be shot. Turns out they maybe want a kind of mediocre non committal shuffle to their orders? One to think on.

              • 2 months ago

                >just do what the cops tell you and you'll be fine :^)
                >shouldn't have done what the cops told you to do if you didn't want to die :^)
                I have reason to believe you don't actually care about this topic and are just farming for (you)s.

              • 2 months ago

                >it’s your fault for trusting the police
                The absolute state of the American police system

            • 2 months ago

              Is that the one were cops take cover behind cars full of people and engage in a shootout?

          • 2 months ago

            Yeah just gotta hope an acorn doesn't fall near them and you'll be okay.

          • 2 months ago

            >implying you're not getting gunned down just chilling in your living room when a paranoid lunatic wander into the wrong apartment

          • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        >cops who kill criminals are called heroes.
        That's how it SHOULD be, but unfortunately that's not the world we live in

        • 2 months ago

          Cops wouldn't be so jumpy if people weren't constantly trying shit like this.

          • 2 months ago


          • 2 months ago

            The roots of all our problems are lack of personal responsibility, the tendancy for rationalisation of ingroup actions paired with the deamonisation of an out group and the desire for utopia through top down control.
            we shouldn't have ever relied on cops to fix problems, they're entirely subservient to the managerial class, who prove increasingly separated from the reality of the situation.

            • 2 months ago

              >we shouldn't have ever relied on cops to fix problems,
              I too endorse lynching.

          • 2 months ago

            Cops shouldn't have enforced the jim crow laws, they didn't have to.

      • 2 months ago

        LOL. This guy has never been in a city.

        Cops are government employees with guns, and union. Their job is to keep plebs like you in line, so you don't bother the patricians.

  11. 2 months ago

    half the audience likes seeing irish people die a lot.
    the other half don't like seeing irish people die a lot.

    biggest controversy since the inception of the punisher, and it will NEVER be settled, because Irish people are simultaneously whites and Black folk.

  12. 2 months ago

    >The Punisher is no more

    but that ain't true, the Punisher is still alive.
    or was this one of those superhero dies in one arc but is resurrected in the next arc schitck?

    • 2 months ago

      They mean someone more socially acceptable replaced Frank Castle
      ...And by that they mean another white male

      • 2 months ago

        and that guy flopped hard, his series only lasted 4 issues.
        Frank will be back sooner than you think, specially now that he will appear in Born Again.

    • 2 months ago

      It's clickbait by comics "press", which are almost but not quite as useless as video game press. They show him poochieing off to another universe in the same comic, a new guy taking his place, who's run promptly cratered in sales over 1 trade paperbacks worth. .

      OP presumably knows this.

      The current marvel writers have a massive hateboner for frank and his fans, but he'll be back.

  13. 2 months ago

    You know Frank is the only real hero in Marvel.
    Meanwhile Spider-Man delivers pizzas & She-Hulk is doing shots off of underwear models.

    • 2 months ago

      >She-Hulk is doing shots off of underwear models.
      Shes a hero in my book

      • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      >She-hulk is an underwear model
      Only if she's looking like her cousin. Seriously, Marvel ain't letting classic Jen do any fun cheese cake.

      • 2 months ago

        >>She-hulk is an underwear model
        She's doing shots off of underwear models.
        Don't twist my words.
        Plus all she doing now is a boring frick all book with Jack of jobbers.

  14. 2 months ago

    They could fix punisher easily
    >book where punisher hunts down corporate CEOs and the like
    They won’t do it because marvel itself is corporate and only able to sell the aesthetic of progressivism through idpol. So their only option is to be done with the character.

    • 2 months ago

      Fricking this. They'll never write Punisher kill even a Not!Elon Musk because they are not that different from the likes of him.

  15. 2 months ago

    >What is so controversial about this character?

    Nothing. Everyone acting like this character who has been around for decades is somehow breaking Marvel is just displaying what's called "performative outrage". This is a common component of clickbait media. I mean when was the last time Punisher even had a comic break 50 issues? How about a movie or a show? That long? The frick is this article even about? Nothing, that's what.

  16. 2 months ago

    A handful of moron cops have his logo as a car decal so he's instantly promoting le facism.

  17. 2 months ago

    Because apparently criminals are good, and killing criminals is bad.

  18. 2 months ago

    Americans are required by law to simp for blacks

  19. 2 months ago

    its not him, its the idiots that co opted his logo to attack the USA

    • 2 months ago

      You're unhinged.

    • 2 months ago

      >Attacking the USA by wearing a sticker
      In that case better lock up all those black clad goons wearing the hammer and sickle...oh wait.

      • 2 months ago

        he never meant the action of attacking the USA, merely the attack of his groups power base. It's like when you hear people say that the wrong candidate winning is an attack on our democracy, unless the candidate was committing fraud to win he's no danger to the continuation of democratic systems, he's a danger to their power base and control over society. That powerbase is often not democratically elected, but appointed.
        They're like any priestly class, colleges with correct opinions forced on the newcomers and their opponents are labled as heretic by any number of names.

  20. 2 months ago

    Cops and soldiers think the logo looks cool and put it on their shit. Thing is, it does look cool and the Marvel guys should quit being crybaby b***hes about it.

  21. 2 months ago

    People ITT are blaming cops and military vets for using his skull on stickers n shit but the reality is Marvel wanted to do this long beforehand. They want to push the "UHM ACTUALLY PUNISHER IS BAD" narrative but have no idea how to actually do that and all of his bad guys are sadistic mobsters, other Marvel villains, assassins, and even dictators and military Generals gone mad. They can't even properly have other heroes confront or oppose his beliefs without sounding overly preachy. All in all, it was too hard for them to make Punisher complicated so they just pulled a "Oh he was a Damien from Omen kid all along" and wrote him away.

    • 2 months ago

      >but have no idea how to actually do that
      They admited they've been pitched "Punisher finally kills an innocent" several times but never went through with it.

      • 2 months ago

        >They admited they've been pitched "Punisher finally kills an innocent" several times but never went through with it.
        Because there's no scenario where that happens where Frank doesn't have a mental breakdown over it because he's staunchly against having civilians in harm's way. Like I said, no idea how to pull off "PUNISHER IS ACTUALLY BAD"

        • 2 months ago

          i never read it but wouldnt he just commit suicide immediately

          • 2 months ago

            If that What If...? comic where Punisher kills Spider-Man is anything to go by he'd more likely kill anyone and everyone who was even remotely involved with the context of the civilian dying before either offing himself or getting killed doing it.

            • 2 months ago

              I weirdly enjoyed that what if. Especially seeing how many heroes really respected Spider-Man when they tried to kill the punisher over it. Also a moment where the punisher killed a super powered hero without stupid power wank nonsense.

          • 2 months ago

            They actually did this story in the mid 90s where he thought he'd accidentally shot some civilians and it ended with him handing himself over to SHIELD, but it later turned out someone else had framed him for the killings, I think it was Bullseye.

        • 2 months ago

          >Because there's no scenario where that happens where Frank doesn't have a mental breakdown over it because he's staunchly against having civilians in harm's way.
          I guess that's proof that these comics are written by people that have never fired a gun before and don't realize the sheer amount of rounds Frank puts into the air means eventually a stray HAS to go through a window or wall and hit a bystander.
          Statistically speaking it's impossible at least one civilian hasn't been caught in the crossfire unless Frank is literally magic.

          • 2 months ago

            I mean me personally I just chalk it up to a combination of what

            Kinda unironically. Kill Krew is an extreme example but it's useful to boil down Frank to his core essence, a broken wreck of a man who does absurd shit nobody else would do because they would be concerned with shit like "practicality", "Feasibility" and "Sanity".

            Frank is at his core the kind of empty husk who will trawl around for weeks without more than the minimum of sleep following one serial killer or mafia goon and spend the entire time planting landmines he's rigged to only go off when HE steps on them specifically because of some demented idea about covering his escape routes and making sure he can control egress in and out of an area or shit like that. And it works not because Franks just that smart or because he's *that good* but because what you're seeing is the end result of the insane plan of a man who made setting it up his single minded obsession for a month straight just to kill one dude and lure out his bosses and sheer investment of time and energy compensates for the fact that it's fricking insane and down right stupid.

            But Frank does not notice and nor does he care because he's a broken shell of a man who has nothing else to do but endlessly come up with demented "what if" scenarios and then use all his resources and ability to undertake them.

            He spends days luring a pedo over the internet as a demented murderous catfish, he straps claymore mines to his back incase he's ever knocked onto his front and attacked, he gives a guy the run around for an entire night just so he can sneak into the trunk of his car and get driven to his hideout and take him by surprise, and in Kill Krew, he uses some random fricking salvage to hunt down and kill a collection of demons, aliens, and other gribblies who he got from a hitlist given to him in the form of children's crayon drawings and he does this because Frank is bugfrick insane and has nothing else to fill his empty life with anymore other than making sure no innocents suffer ever again.

            said, his autism+just no life-ing that shit before hand, and the same thing where we're expected to believe 90% of "badass normals" are believable or that nobody with Super-Strength ever fricks up and splatters someone unless it's for the sake of arbitrary PLOT reasons.

            It's only slightly less believable than "Spider-Man has somehow never punched any of his rogues into fricking salsa by accident ever." when you really get down to it.

            Frank into the 2000s and beyond has been in a perpetual quagmire. The prima facie of the character is something too alike to a right-wing fantasy for New Yorkian sensibilities, but he's maintained consistent popularity because the conceit of just being able to blow a pedo's head off without due process tickles the brain of even the most tenderhearted liberal.

            The solution up until now was to have more even-handed deliver to him monologues about the dangers of binary thinking and the ultimate nihilism of his one-man war. The extreme of this was having meta-commentary where he gets mad at cops for using his skull or his wife comes back to life to call him an idiot.

            But even straight up booting the guy out of the universe probably won't stick for long. For good or Ill, Frank speaks to some human instinct that continues to drive sales.

            I wouldn't compare the cop thing to the bullshit with his wife. The cop thing is just making explicit the whole thing that nobody who isn't insane could ever be Frank and nobody should ever want to be Frank because Frank himself dearly fricking wishes he wasn't Frank.

  22. 2 months ago

    He kills criminals.

    And in a Leftist “All Crime must be legal” environment, he’s practically Adolf Hitler.

  23. 2 months ago

    Hey, I hate spiderman, you guys think that if I could convince neo-nazis to wear the spiderman logo marvel would cancel spiderman?

  24. 2 months ago

    If it was up to me I would have brought Frankencastle back and done more Silver Age-tier craziness with him.

  25. 2 months ago

    Because he's more cringe than Pregnant Black Spider-Woman in that spider -verse movie

    • 2 months ago

      He had the opposite problem, he didn't want to kill people enough.

    • 2 months ago

      He had the opposite problem, he didn't want to kill people enough.

      Them Nashville boys showed them how you do it.


  26. 2 months ago

    I cannot believe Cinemaphile thinks "the wrong sort of people like him so he needs to go" is a valid reason to destroy a fictional character.

    • 2 months ago

      co was always a normalgay board.

  27. 2 months ago

    He'll be back. Give it time.

  28. 2 months ago

    He has emboldened a lot of police officers to believe their life is Death Wish.

    • 2 months ago

      "punisher is making cops more violent" is the comic book version of "violent video games makes kids do crime".
      Both have the same amount of evidence.

      • 2 months ago

        This. Most of them probably just think it's a cool scary logo to show how "badass" they are. The rest ALREADY think their life is like Deathwish. People who are already violent tend to like violent things.

  29. 2 months ago

    In the first Punisher limited series, Frank is about to plug a mobster when he gets careless, and is caught by beat cops. He surrenders and tells the cops that they're "on the same side.", but the cops balk at the idea.

  30. 2 months ago

    Frank has made himself judge, jury, and executioner, and uses weapons of war against criminals outside of a war environment.
    It's frankly telling that no writer has had the balls to do a story where Frank Fricks Up and accidentally kills bystanders, because the whole thing falls apart as soon as that happens.
    Of course the same can be said of any number of action heroes, but the longer the story goes on with Frank just Always Being Right, the more thorny the wish fulfilment becomes.
    As soon as real life Law Enforcement started wearing the emblem it was pretty obvious that things had taken a wrong turn somewhere. I don't blame the company for wanting to at the very least give Frank a sabbatical while the real world cooled down a little.

  31. 2 months ago

    Marvel has done this shit time and again, killing or getting rid of a character for a while then bringing them back. What makes it doubly pathetic is the attempt to pander to Twitter politics this time.

    • 2 months ago

      at least Danny Rand and Hank Pym are alive ...but they can't return to their old mantles cuz of moronic politics and the just killed off Moon Knight, he was too israeli i guess

  32. 2 months ago

    frick you and your bot threads. have a nice day

  33. 2 months ago

    The fact that there's an infinite supply of mobsters for Frank to kill just goes to show how useless and pointless his crusade actually is.

  34. 2 months ago

    >punisher thread
    >instantly devolves into cop simps vs Black simps
    Why can't they just behave?

    • 2 months ago

      You need an IQ of 90 to have a high trust society.

    • 2 months ago

      I'll take coom threads over moronic political ones any day of the week ngl.

      • 2 months ago

        And yet here you are

        • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      Because James Buchanan Tier middleground subhumans like you allowed shit to get this bad, you fell for semantic wordgames and framing while decrying reformers who could have stopped this a long time ago.

      >we shouldn't have ever relied on cops to fix problems,
      I too endorse lynching.

      no, just the dominant morality emotions applied where it's needed. criminals do act in predictable ways, just a different risk tolerance. 1/5th of any given group of people will do what they think they can get away with, if the normal people see them get away with it often enough, they'll stop playing by any rules. more likely someones likely armed they're less likely to try shit. Shame could work, banishment from community, often causes the worst society wide issues you find in history, like muslims killing sisters of theirs who where raped. higher power induced guilt's out of the question, criminals are usually able to rationalise anything, it can be added after a generation of low crime.

      • 2 months ago

        There is no possible way to have a peaceful society except through force. Some percentage of population will ALWAYS be psychos who do not listen to any rational argument and cannot be negotiated with. Usually the force is applied by the state, and if that doesn't happen the only other options are vigilantism and chaos.

        • 2 months ago

          >Some percentage of population will ALWAYS be psychos who do not listen to any rational argument
          yes, about 20% if game theory researchers are right. most dont need actual force, just the fear of it. It's why areas with the highest level of gun control are higher crime than areas without.

    • 2 months ago

      Even black gangsters love him Punisher is that powerful

    • 2 months ago

      Perhaps we should start derailing punisher threads into coomer threads.

  35. 2 months ago

    >one of marvel's most popular characters
    >in the 616 verse he is confined to wacky pg13 adventures because no writer or editor wants to write him as he is
    The most annoying thing is that they can't kill him off. Punisher stands for the silent majority of Marvel fans and killing him off could have a negative effect on sales. So it's a lose-lose situation

    • 2 months ago

      >>one of marvel's most popular characters
      Frank has only ever been C list at best.

      • 2 months ago

        >Has had several movies & games based off him.
        C list.
        Yeah okay Mr. Walkable Cities.

        • 2 months ago

          Okay but you realize by your logic Miles Morales is just as popular, if not more so?

          • 2 months ago

            But people actually like Frank.
            People pretend to like Miles for brownie points.

            • 2 months ago

              Miles outsells Frank.

              • 2 months ago

                Yeah I've seen the footage of looters & gang members wearing Miles merch.

          • 2 months ago

            Miles is getting a strong push, but he's not even Black Panther level.

            is max punisher more popular than 616 punisher?

            Normies can't tell the difference. I'm not sure about comic fans.

            Hypothetical scenario.
            Marvel decides to embrace Frank and push him and make him an A list character.
            BUT he's never allowed to kill a black person ever again, no matter what.
            Would you take that deal?

            No deal. Punisher won't bow to that kind of racisim . He should shoot scumbag criminals regardless of race, creed color, religion, sexual orientation.

        • 2 months ago

          >Mr. Walkable Cities

          you expecting the Punisher to be fighting rural crime against rednecks or something?

      • 2 months ago

        The Punisher is the kind of character that normies love even though they know nothing about him. He's become so iconic that all over the world you'll find his logo, and no, the logo isn't a regular pattern found all over the world. It's actually derived from the Punisher. If Marvel knew how to capitalize on this they'd have their third biggest franchise. I'd say he's almost as popular as Wolverine and Spiderman

  36. 2 months ago

    is max punisher more popular than 616 punisher?

    • 2 months ago

      Normies think 616 Frank is a silly jobbing homosexual due to stories like Frankencastle or that time Molly Hayes crushed his nuts, and normies shape the perception of these characters. Most of the material that gets posted without any context on social media is strictly outside 616, like the page that's just Frank grimacing in barely restrained rage from Punisher #19.

  37. 2 months ago

    Hypothetical scenario.
    Marvel decides to embrace Frank and push him and make him an A list character.
    BUT he's never allowed to kill a black person ever again, no matter what.
    Would you take that deal?

  38. 2 months ago

    That's interesting, you'd think Marvel Comics would start producing more Punisher content to synergize with his return in Daredevil Born Again

    • 2 months ago

      The Punisher show sucked.
      They made Mirco a twink pussy & Frank had to share the spotlight with some random hole.

    • 2 months ago

      The Punisher show sucked.
      They made Mirco a twink pussy & Frank had to share the spotlight with some random hole.

      it pisses me off at how simple the punisher formula is and how badly they frick it up. You have REALLY fricking shitty criminals. SImply use existing crimes by frickers out there like the Taliban or Cartelss. You have Frank find them, come up with a plan and frank the FRICK out of them.

      I gotta be honest, I stand up for Frank because there are so few Italian American Superheroes.
      It's basically Frank, Zatanna, and her dad.

      Add Huntress. The retconed her.

    • 2 months ago

      The Punisher show sucked.
      They made Mirco a twink pussy & Frank had to share the spotlight with some random hole.

      While I don't necessarily mind Jon's performance as the Punisher, the show writers clearly want to emulate Ennis-era Punisher but are shackled by the "vibe" Daredevil established.

      • 2 months ago

        Jon was great, It's just everything else was just meh.

        • 2 months ago

          They just need to emulate a Punisher that isn't Ennis.
          Personally I think Jon could pull off a decent Rucka-era Punisher.

  39. 2 months ago

    I gotta be honest, I stand up for Frank because there are so few Italian American Superheroes.
    It's basically Frank, Zatanna, and her dad.

  40. 2 months ago

    Seeing how the criminal population is 100 times bigger in the Marvel Universe than it is in real life, and many of those criminals have superpowers or supertech, having Punisher be a vigilante killing these criminals is actually a good thing.
    If the real world had as much crime in the Marvel Universe, EVERYONE would be crying out for a Punisher to punish the frick out of criminals.

    That's why all this talk about Punisher's actions somehow having real-life reflections on society is just stupid.
    NOBODY should be taking the Punisher seriously in the real world, especially cops.

  41. 2 months ago

    >What is so controversial about this character?
    He kills people and doesn't get arrested for it? Kinda basic I guess. But in a world where there are supercops and everyone is a vigilante they should all be getting arrested really. But people tend to look the other way when you fight another wacko in tights. But pulling out a pair of machine guns and gunning down a whole mob family usually gets you arrested.

    • 2 months ago

      That's not the source of the controversy and you know it. The controversy is 100% political. The industry has shifted overwhelmingly to the left in the past decades and the current guard doesn't want their enemies to have anything.

      • 2 months ago

        NTA but what is it exactly that you think you had?

        • 2 months ago

          There used to be characters, stories and entire magazines that were manifestly right-wing, at Marvel, DC and any number of smaller companies. Punisher is one of them. That is what's "wrong" with him, the character is inherently right-wing and people currently working at Marvel are all left-wing.

          • 2 months ago

            What makes Punisher inherently right wing? The extrajudicial murder?

            • 2 months ago

              the black and white morality, unchanging boundaries and self discipline.

              • 2 months ago

                Simple! Efficient! Glorious!

              • 2 months ago

                >the black and white morality, unchanging boundaries
                >this is right wing

                i can't tell if this is self-deprecation or not

              • 2 months ago

                Then what is Left-Wing?
                Hedonists pretending to be good people?

          • 2 months ago

            dont view things as right or left, view them as bureaucratic managerial vs multiple traditionalist groups. The managerial types do have control over both parties, and they are the same sort of people despite pretending not to be when convenient, they're united against genuine threats to their power that's still been growing for a while.

      • 2 months ago

        >The controversy is 100% political.
        Is murdering people not political?

        • 2 months ago

          Don't be obtuse. No one has a problem with Frank because Frank kills people. Thousands of action heroes do that on TV every week and no one gives a shit. People have a "problem" with Frankly PURELY because they hate the idea that their political opponents could be good and moral people while having a radically different worldview.

          • 2 months ago

            No its because of shit like this.

            • 2 months ago

              To be fair it's not like Frank saves people. He's in it for punishing the wicked, not protecting the innocent. He'd probably let a school shooting happen just so he has someone to go after.

              • 2 months ago

                I dont think Frank would hide in the hallway for over an hour because the guy he was after also had a gun.

              • 2 months ago

                Like two posts above mine is people jerking off to the fact that Frank is super slow to act because of autism or some shit and actually that's super cool because it means he always gets his target.

              • 2 months ago

                Learn to read homosexual. The entire thing is that Frank's pretty fricked up and it's fricked up that he's like that.

                The main issue is that he also has to be entertaining and either drive or interact with an entertaining plot, so instead of pages and pages of Frank just sitting in one place doing something tedious and insane, we only ever see the dumb demented bullshit of the end result and nobody bothers to talk about how fricking absurd and fundamentally fricked in the head it is that Frank set up a bomb or something three years in advance on the off chance he'd need it.

              • 2 months ago

                His target in this case was the guy in the room killing kids. Frank would have done some goofy shit, not hide in the hallway for over an hour while browsing his phone.

              • 2 months ago

                Learn to read homosexual. The entire thing is that Frank's pretty fricked up and it's fricked up that he's like that.

                The main issue is that he also has to be entertaining and either drive or interact with an entertaining plot, so instead of pages and pages of Frank just sitting in one place doing something tedious and insane, we only ever see the dumb demented bullshit of the end result and nobody bothers to talk about how fricking absurd and fundamentally fricked in the head it is that Frank set up a bomb or something three years in advance on the off chance he'd need it.

                If you unironically think that then you've failed to understand Frank.

                Frank wants to protect the innocent, but the only way he knows how to with his skill set is through performative murder and violence more or less.

                Okay fine. Frank would spend the day planting land mines around the school so that the shooter can't escape.

              • 2 months ago

                You know, killing yourself is a valid cure for being a c**t

              • 2 months ago

                I thought that was Frank's job.

              • 2 months ago

                Its just weird that you think Frank would be so passive about a guy actively killing little kids. He's not some edgelord and there was no bigger fish or grander plan, its a gunman in a school.

                The irony is thats the ultimate fantasy scenario for dudes like this:

                No its because of shit like this.

                They jack off to the idea of them being badass spec ops toughguys who bust in like heroes to save the day, and then when it happens they cower.

              • 2 months ago

                No Frank would find where the gun fire is and shoot the killer if he could. He’d also tell anyone he saw that’s not holding a hun to get out of here pointing to behind him. He’d say something like run that way nobody alive behind me. Do you know how often Frank got into firefights? You’re proposing this weird Batman preptime nonsense with the punisher. Yes Frank can do Preptime as well but franks comics usually go like this. Plan an attack strike, plan success group of buttholes huddled together talking about punisher. They attack Frank, Frank barley makes it out alive now he ether attacks full rage before they can regroup if he plans, and attacks plan falls through a bit Frank nearly dies killing the target. Some person important to the comic sees Frank they talk we feel sad for Frank the end.

              • 2 months ago

                If you unironically think that then you've failed to understand Frank.

                Frank wants to protect the innocent, but the only way he knows how to with his skill set is through performative murder and violence more or less.

            • 2 months ago

              >Guys look a cop has a picture of a superhero on his phone!

              moronic mutt

              • 2 months ago

                The USA will collapse within 50 years.

                Thirdworlders are just constantly seething about us huh

  42. 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago
      • 2 months ago
        • 2 months ago

          You think Black Widow should have been a playable character?

          • 2 months ago

            Maybe as a screen clearing pick-up.

            • 2 months ago

              Goddamn comies literally busting our balls. Natasha's a oldgay that over 80 right, so she's a gilf in this pic

          • 2 months ago

            I was thinking Deadpool, but black widow absolutely fits.

            • 2 months ago

              Game came out in 93, so they started developing it in 91, would the Japanese programmers at Capcom know know who he was?

  43. 2 months ago

    >marvel comics remove him from the comics
    >disney plans to use him
    >game devs want to use him
    >its just the morons at marvel comics who won't use him anymore
    did they like not think this through at all?

    • 2 months ago

      Just as likely it's marketing for those exact products.

      • 2 months ago

        your a moron, you kill the character off months before the products are coming out so you can announce their return in time with the new project. they have no plans to bring him back at the moment.

        For example wolverine and deadpool ww3 is coming out around the time of deadpool and wolverine thats synergy, what they are doing with frank is just being moronic

    • 2 months ago

      >>its just the morons at marvel comics who won't use him anymore
      They're not even doing that anymore. They crawled back to Garth Ennis like a worm and are having him write a MAX book with both Punisher and Fury.

    • 2 months ago

      >did they like not think this through at all?
      Do you remember the height of the MCU, when the comics had aaron's whor, miles, riri, captain falcon, cho hulk?

      I think it's less than not thinking it through.

  44. 2 months ago

    He inspires people to kill

    • 2 months ago

      Funny, I’ e been reading the books since I was 17. I never killed anyone.

  45. 2 months ago

    The Punisher only "WORKS" because he lives in the Marvel universe where everything a billion times worse in real life.
    So therefore we root for him.
    Trying to "apply" the Punisher to real life in any way would be very dumb.

  46. 2 months ago
  47. 2 months ago


    So, give Anakry a solo. Frank's specialty is street crime. He can take a vaction to shoot some other frickers, but that's where he belongs.

  48. 2 months ago

    Isn't Frank Castle in another dimension thing right now? Didn't his replacement flop hard? Are they just going to forget the Punisher exists and hope other people forget and then maybe bring him back in such a toned down form that people who like Punisher just accept it because it has been so long since he did anything?

    • 2 months ago

      Because the reboot ate shit they're 100% gonna backtrack on their attempt to write Frank out. The fact that he's showing up in DD: Born Again with the skull and everything speaks volumes.

  49. 2 months ago

    It had le hecking racist white supremacist!!!!

  50. 2 months ago

    I don't know. I find everything about the Punisher funny. Can't even call him based now. Dude only shtick was killing bad guys, and he never killed a major villain. And if he did, it didn't matter. Seriously, hoped this character got to limbo forever.

    • 2 months ago

      >Dude only shtick was killing bad guys, and he never killed a major villain. And if he did, it didn't matter.
      Without the killing bit that's essentially every superhero. At least Frank got Kingpin one time.

      • 2 months ago

        The problem is that Punisher (and his fans) are holier than thou types that keep talking about how when they kill the bad guys it's a permanent fix. Except Frank exists in a universe where permanent fixes are literally impossible.
        Even putting aside the fact that Frank is contractually obligated to never go after supervillains with much bigger bodycounts than your average mobster, even putting aside the fact that there is an infinite fountain of mobster and gangsters for him to kill indefinitely without ever making any real change or progress in his crusade (and in fact might even make it worse because power vacuums), tomorrow a writer could decide that due to the Phoenix Force showing up every person Frank ever killed has resurrected from the dead. That's the setting Frank "I actually solved crime via murder" Castle exists in.

        • 2 months ago

          How very media literate of you.

          • 2 months ago

            I honestly don't understand how you think that's an insult. Am I supposed to just not think about it and go "lol shoot that nig"?

        • 2 months ago

          I get what you're saying but I honestly find all that to be the most endearing aspect of Punisher. He's the most normal hero/anti-hero in a world of insanity and he's just trying his best.

          • 2 months ago

            Trying his best except never just finding where the Bar with No Name is and burning it to the ground because that'd mean he might accidentally injure someone way way more important to Marvel, like Shocker. Or Beetle.

            • 2 months ago

              >except never just finding where the Bar with No Name is and burning it to the ground
              He did exactly this in War Journal. Unfortunately there were too many recurring characters like Chameleon and Shocker in that comic so a lot of them just ended up being retconned to survive. Took a bunch of C-listers, though.

          • 2 months ago

            The only way the Punisher is an effective comicbook character is when he has an entire universe to himself. Punisher MAX is a great example. 616 Punisher? Ehhh.

  51. 2 months ago

    He kills criminals, the left worships criminals. If Punisher was a woman, the left would love her. The same way they love Pearl from the X movies.

  52. 2 months ago

    "the wrong people" were fans of a fictional character "for the wrong reasons" so they had to drag him through the mud and retire him out of spite

  53. 2 months ago
  54. 2 months ago

    I guess Marvel has issues with a man who kills rapists and pedophiles

  55. 2 months ago

    >punisher becomes popular again because of Daredevil reboot
    >disney gives him his own show again
    >disney tells the soys at comics to make his comic again

    • 2 months ago

      Marvel will never admit it these days but both the character and concept of The Punisher is popular as frick and can never be rebooted. They always come crawling back to Frank in the end.

  56. 2 months ago

    You know people talk about how the worst aspects of capeshit are poorly written wish fulfillment but Frank is probably the worst one bcause of his magical ability to always know when someone is absolutely 1000% guilty. He never ever kills the mind controlled, or the blackmailed, or the undercover cop. Everyone that meets their end at Frank's hands is absolutely deserving of brutal murder, no exceptions or extenuating circumstances ever.
    It's like Hulk Math and we're supposed to just swallow it because otherwise the leftists win.

  57. 2 months ago
  58. 2 months ago

    Frank is Saint, Have you met a Marvel Civilian!?!

  59. 2 months ago

    Frank's at his best when he's involved in insane shit and has simple solutions to complex concepts.

    • 2 months ago

      Kinda unironically. Kill Krew is an extreme example but it's useful to boil down Frank to his core essence, a broken wreck of a man who does absurd shit nobody else would do because they would be concerned with shit like "practicality", "Feasibility" and "Sanity".

      Frank is at his core the kind of empty husk who will trawl around for weeks without more than the minimum of sleep following one serial killer or mafia goon and spend the entire time planting landmines he's rigged to only go off when HE steps on them specifically because of some demented idea about covering his escape routes and making sure he can control egress in and out of an area or shit like that. And it works not because Franks just that smart or because he's *that good* but because what you're seeing is the end result of the insane plan of a man who made setting it up his single minded obsession for a month straight just to kill one dude and lure out his bosses and sheer investment of time and energy compensates for the fact that it's fricking insane and down right stupid.

      But Frank does not notice and nor does he care because he's a broken shell of a man who has nothing else to do but endlessly come up with demented "what if" scenarios and then use all his resources and ability to undertake them.

      He spends days luring a pedo over the internet as a demented murderous catfish, he straps claymore mines to his back incase he's ever knocked onto his front and attacked, he gives a guy the run around for an entire night just so he can sneak into the trunk of his car and get driven to his hideout and take him by surprise, and in Kill Krew, he uses some random fricking salvage to hunt down and kill a collection of demons, aliens, and other gribblies who he got from a hitlist given to him in the form of children's crayon drawings and he does this because Frank is bugfrick insane and has nothing else to fill his empty life with anymore other than making sure no innocents suffer ever again.

  60. 2 months ago

    The comics originally presented the idea of what a literal interpretation of the word "social justice" would look like in practice. Both the people who redefined the term to mean whatever they want and need it to mean and the authorities do not like that and would really like everyone to stop thinking about it. That's is all.

  61. 2 months ago

    Wait, so they don't even race/genderswap him?
    Oh well, better stay dead and hope someone makes a successor.

  62. 2 months ago

    Frank into the 2000s and beyond has been in a perpetual quagmire. The prima facie of the character is something too alike to a right-wing fantasy for New Yorkian sensibilities, but he's maintained consistent popularity because the conceit of just being able to blow a pedo's head off without due process tickles the brain of even the most tenderhearted liberal.

    The solution up until now was to have more even-handed deliver to him monologues about the dangers of binary thinking and the ultimate nihilism of his one-man war. The extreme of this was having meta-commentary where he gets mad at cops for using his skull or his wife comes back to life to call him an idiot.

    But even straight up booting the guy out of the universe probably won't stick for long. For good or Ill, Frank speaks to some human instinct that continues to drive sales.

  63. 2 months ago

    The fact that Franken-Castle is so good but everyone forces themselves to hate it

  64. 2 months ago

    People hate cops. Cops like Frank. Thats literally it.

  65. 2 months ago

    The USA will collapse within 50 years.

  66. 2 months ago

    >thinking a stunt to sell comics means the character's gone forever
    First time on this board? leave with you.

  67. 2 months ago

    A lot of his fans suck off cops and are alarmingly obsessed with crime and punishment

  68. 2 months ago

    >Police abusing black people for decades
    >Whites dont care
    >Elections coming up
    >Look at this cop suffocating this poor black man to death! Vote for dementia man to make it stop!
    >Whites suddenly pretend to care
    >Also now all cops and crime fighting is le bad
    >We must get rid of the Punisher because cops like him

    Yes its convoluted but this is literally what happened.

    • 2 months ago

      Meanwhile, none of the police accountability that was originally being protested about got addressed in any sort of practical way.

      >Hey, massive media corporations. You could genuinely shine a light on how bad this shit is. Maybe actually utilize your army of lobbyists to push for police reform and deescalate the militarization of the police?

      >Best we can do is permanently removing episodes of TV shows that made white people feel a little TOO racist to laugh at. Oh, and the Little Mermaid's black now! Ain't that neat?

  69. 2 months ago

    He is a pro-gun anti-crime straight white man, his existence is a hate crime

  70. 2 months ago

    Meanwhile buttholes like Deadpool and Venom are still around wrecking havoc on bad guys and making the company alot of money. Punisher fans need to burn Marvel to the ground for putting up with the shit take hypocrites writers who won't let Frank shine compared to other anti heroes.

  71. 2 months ago

    Punisher MAX can't be topped so they did the right thing and stopped trying.

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