What is this disappointing trend in modern series?

The recipe looks like this: In the first episode something inexplicable or supernatural of scifi stuff is happening. Everything is super tense and interesting and you are full of questions. Then you watch 20 episodes of family drama and the story just never goes anywhere and you don't get any answers to anything. Sometimes they hire really good actors and even the scenes are detailed and authentic. But it doesn't change the fact that there is no real story behind it. It always feel like a scam at the end.
It's like the Outer Range, Night Sky, The Consultant and a shitton of other modern series.
Why are they doing this?

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  1. 8 months ago

    Outer Range was fantastic, the family drama was all kino and the entire point is that the family drama is the reason the crazy shit happens in the future and the crazy shit that happens is the reason for the family drama.

    You have a very low IQ and this board would be better if you refrained from posting

    • 8 months ago

      A huge snore.

    • 8 months ago

      You don't like ass rape because you have low IQ.

    • 8 months ago

      outer range is a fricking incredible show
      easy 9/10
      op is a fricking moron
      >muh family drama

      • 8 months ago

        >outer range is a fricking incredible show
        It's easy to impress shallow people.

        • 8 months ago

          i bet you think andor sucks too

          • 8 months ago

            why would you assume someone watched that?

            • 8 months ago

              looks like i was right

          • 8 months ago

            not the anon you are responding to, but Andor was fantastic, the only good piece of Star Wars media since the original series

          • 8 months ago

            >i bet you think andor sucks too
            Why would I watch that?

            • 8 months ago

              why would you assume someone watched that?

              morons think alike

        • 8 months ago

          i watched your new favorite show and it wasn't that good. sorry, bro.

          you'll just have to like the next thing you watch. then the next thing. and the next one...

          season was a 5 or 6 out of 10 for me. started losing steam as it revealed itself. somehow prehistoric animals started coming through the portals and no one seemed to care or notice for episodes after...

          always telling when people try to say a show is bad "because I say so!" and aren't able to come up with any points to why its actually bad. Gutter level IQs on display.

          It's a pretty great re-telling of various myths of Chronos set in the mid-west, but I'm sure most of that went over your head. Inb4 the cope of "n-no I knew it was, it was just shallow and bad!!" lol

          • 8 months ago

            get friends

            • 8 months ago

              Yeah, you’re autistic.

              You’re one of the tiny minority of people who mindbroke themselves to convince themselves their time wasn’t wasted by a mediocre primetime soap opera.

              the ad-hominem shrieks of the low IQ moron, the last resort of an idiot with no actual counter argument

              I accept your concession :^)

              • 8 months ago

                yo, bro. i just farted.

              • 8 months ago

                >get proven wrong
                >well you're autistic!
                >get proven wrong again
                >well you're autistic!

                what a homosexual

                Autism isn’t an insult, it’s a disease which makes it impossible for you to comprehend anything other than your own opinions or the idea your opinions aren’t common.

              • 8 months ago

                >You are a poopoo head if you dont like my show
                >the ad-hominem shrieks of the low IQ moron

              • 8 months ago

                >modern retelling of Cinemaphile insults past

          • 8 months ago

            >introduce time travel
            >introduce new “mysterious” character that’s oddly familiar with everything and doesn’t have a car or address
            >it’s obviously the daughter
            >six episodes later: I’M UR DAUGHTER ARENT YOU SURPRISED?!?!

            this sums up outer range for me. Slow, obvious, and way too convinced each reveal is totally mind blowing despite being telegraphed hard. The worst part is none of it was really interesting. Like it was trying to be a sci-fi version of Yellowstone except without any actual stakes.

          • 8 months ago

            I literally told you that. It's not a story when something strange is happening and there is no logic or explanation behind it. The family drama part is boring and time wasting. I already watched 200 family drama series with the same scenes and fights and whining and remembering. It's cheap and banal and dumb.

            • 8 months ago

              but you don't understand it's a modern retelling of family drama from centuries ago

              • 8 months ago

                Still boring and cheap as frick and already seen 1000 times.

              • 8 months ago

                but you don't understand that post was a modern retelling of sarcasm

    • 8 months ago

      outer range is a fricking incredible show
      easy 9/10
      op is a fricking moron
      >muh family drama

      >family drama is le good
      If i want family drama, i can just left the toilet sit up and have a kino family drama.

      • 8 months ago

        frick off esl

      • 8 months ago

        >i can just left the toilet sit up and have a kino family drama.
        They don't respect you if they call you out on your toilet habits.
        You shouldn't even flush your shit from this moment.

  2. 8 months ago

    Blame JJ Abrams. It's literally a con game: come up with an intriguing setting, add hints, red herrings and other things to pique the audience's interest and then just make stuff up and string a diminishing amount of viewers along until cancellation or a subpar ending.
    Narratively, the best type of series are those with a predermined arc and plot. For instance, the guy who wrote Severance said he had 3 seasons in mind. Compare that to shitty "writers room" series that just go on pointlessly

    • 8 months ago

      This post is so indicative of how moronic the average Cinemaphile poster is. Obviously you are referring to LOST, but you don't actually know anything about it. JJ Abrams was almost entirely hands off on the project outside of directing the first couple of episodes, it is well known and has been repeateded in many interviews that it basically all Lindenlof.

      Second, they did have a plan for LOST from the very beginning but they were forced to abandon a lot of by the execs in seasons 2 and 3 because they wanted grounded / sci-fi explanations for everything and no magic. Then they got creative freedom again after the writer's strike and were able to put their magic stuff back into it and go back to the original plan (or as close as they could with all the changes they made).

      Third, LOST was incredibly kino and virtually every mystery was answered in some way, anyone who complains that they didnt is extremely moronic

      • 8 months ago

        You keep trying to defend lost with this nonsense. No one falls for it. No one will ever fall for it. Abrams being “hands off” past the setup and pickup doesn’t change the fact the show was made up as it went and ended up just going nowhere, with abrams and lindelof getting up in front of a packed room at comicon and trying to say it was about the characters all along.

        • 8 months ago

          >No one falls for it. No one will ever fall for it.
          You are so deluded in your echo chamber, the vast majority of the people love LOST, it was one of the most popular shows on tv and continues to have tons of fans.

          >the show was made up as it went

          I mean only so far as all shows are, but they did have a plan for it all that had to get changed. Virtually every writer for the show that was there from the beginning confirms this and multiple outlets have reported on it. Yeah the plan had to be changed, since they originally only though they'd get 3 seasons, but all the stuff they had originally planned for the final seasons still became the final seasons.


          >During its time on screen, Lost was frequently accused of making up storylines as it went along, but plenty of elements were planned out from the very start.

          > the Lost bible...confirms that some original ideas were not only planned from the start, but remained relatively untouched.

          Here's another link: https://comicbook.com/tv-shows/news/lost-ending-original-plans-damon-lindelof-interview/

          They had the last scene in mind, not the ending. All they had was that all the characters meet up again in the afterlife and fly away to heaven.
          Everything between the first episode and that scene was made up along the way and none of it mattered

          That is patently untrue, see everything above. You people are really desperate to push your schizo headcanon on to everyone lol

          • 8 months ago

            >the vast majority of the people love LOST

            Anon it was the first case of a series completely vanishing from public consciousness the instant the last episode aired.

            You sound autistic.

            • 8 months ago

              >Anon it was the first case of a series completely vanishing from public consciousness the instant the last episode aired.

              LMAO, holy shit you must be underage. There are STILL Cinemaphile threads about Lost to this day. Lost's subreddit is incredibly active. People don't stop writing articles about it


              >Eight years after it finished, why is Lost being reappraised?


              >Why ABC Thought Lost Would Fail (Before It Was Huge)


              >How Lost Changed TV Fandom Forever

              Hell, here is an article from THIS YEAR about LOST


              You have to be truly delusional or stuck in your tiny social media bubble to truly believe that anon lmao, also incredibly sad that you felt a desperate need to switch your argument from "t-they didn't plan anything out!" to "w-well everyone forgot about it!"

              next time just take the L and move on, it would be less embarassing for you lmao

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah, you’re autistic.

                You’re one of the tiny minority of people who mindbroke themselves to convince themselves their time wasn’t wasted by a mediocre primetime soap opera.

            • 8 months ago

              >get proven wrong
              >well you're autistic!

              Yeah, you’re autistic.

              You’re one of the tiny minority of people who mindbroke themselves to convince themselves their time wasn’t wasted by a mediocre primetime soap opera.

              >get proven wrong again
              >well you're autistic!

              what a homosexual

      • 8 months ago

        They had the last scene in mind, not the ending. All they had was that all the characters meet up again in the afterlife and fly away to heaven.
        Everything between the first episode and that scene was made up along the way and none of it mattered

      • 8 months ago

        Is the original vision written down anywhere?

      • 8 months ago

        >you don't actually know anything about it
        Your entire rant is nothing but autistic seething.

    • 8 months ago

      because women like that stuff

      A huge snore.

      You don't like ass rape because you have low IQ.


      The recipe looks like this: In the first episode something inexplicable or supernatural of scifi stuff is happening. Everything is super tense and interesting and you are full of questions. Then you watch 20 episodes of family drama and the story just never goes anywhere and you don't get any answers to anything. Sometimes they hire really good actors and even the scenes are detailed and authentic. But it doesn't change the fact that there is no real story behind it. It always feel like a scam at the end.
      It's like the Outer Range, Night Sky, The Consultant and a shitton of other modern series.
      Why are they doing this?


      • 8 months ago

        >Nooooo! You cant shit on my npc snorefest tv show! I will tell you to my mom!

        • 8 months ago

          >outer range
          >an NPC show
          man you are really, really out of touch. try leaving your basement.

  3. 8 months ago

    because women like that stuff

  4. 8 months ago

    because they sell the pilot script to someone and get asked to make a whole series based on it

  5. 8 months ago

    Family drama is easy to write, and most of it are the gay writers venting their own personal issues using the characters as mouthpieces for what they wish they said in their lives.

    • 8 months ago

      you didnt watch the show, stop talking in this thread

  6. 8 months ago

    season was a 5 or 6 out of 10 for me. started losing steam as it revealed itself. somehow prehistoric animals started coming through the portals and no one seemed to care or notice for episodes after...

    • 8 months ago

      >prehistoric animals
      homie it was buffalo.

      • 8 months ago

        neither of us are black

        • 8 months ago

          I’ll have you know i am 1/256th black and even have my Black person card signed by Jessie Jackson and Lois Farrakhan

    • 8 months ago

      you're so fricking stupid, genuinely glad this show has filtered you idiots lol

      • 8 months ago

        i watched your new favorite show and it wasn't that good. sorry, bro.

        you'll just have to like the next thing you watch. then the next thing. and the next one...

  7. 8 months ago

    Wait, isn’t this the show that spawned the
    >women men with a time machine
    >I’m your daughter/granddaughter

  8. 8 months ago

    Bump, felt th4 exact same thing after watching the second episode to this. Will say though that From (the show) uses this recipe as well and kinda succeeds so far in being watchable.

  9. 8 months ago

    It was kinda the same thing with this, even though the plot moved along pretty well compared to alot of other shows. It was just that the reveal was so fricking lazy
    I wanted an actually spooky, paranormal, "we're trapped in the bermuda triangle" shit and instead I get some lame "This is all a dream, it's just a simulation, you're actually in space" bullshit cliffhanger

  10. 8 months ago

    btw archive 81 is also a fantastic show
    dont watch the trailer
    just watch it
    very compelling.
    edge of my seat every episode

  11. 8 months ago

    Its been happening since forever
    Because pnce you have qjat looks like a hit you wanna keep.it going as much as possible. Not many shows are made with the idea of making a coherent storyline.

  12. 8 months ago

    They want to make Lost but they don’t understand why Lost was good or that it only worked as a weekly serial everyone you knew was watching.
    Binge watched alone it’s actually a pretty shit show.

    • 8 months ago


  13. 8 months ago

    Season 2 when?

    • 8 months ago

      never ever

  14. 8 months ago

    My problem with this show specifically, and I guess by extension a lot like it, is that I never feel like they're really building anything. Instead, they just constantly hint at things that are supposed to be high-minded or important, but the actual show never builds TO them. Instead you watch scene after scene of plodding drama about this guy just wanting to keep his land and fighting with his neighbor, or this son having marital troubles, or that son getting into a fight at a bar, etc., expecting one of those things to end up somewhere. And they sort of do, in the sense that eventually it is somehow connected back to the "main plot" (In this show's case, a time-hole in the ground) but only in such a fleeting, tangential way that you need ANOTHER six hours of plodding drama before the repercussions of it even begin to manifest.

    There was this show called The Outsider, I think, which was ostensibly about a monster in the woods that eats kids or some shit. And yet literally the whole miniseries was just these bumbling cops sitting around, slowly talking to one another, slowly creeping along this half-assed investigation that goes nowhere, and then like 8 episodes in they finally start believing there's a monster (which has never appeared on screen yet), and then the series ends with the monster (who you still haven't seen) dying in a cave-in.

    It was so fricking boring and plodding that 99% of it could have been cut down and you'd maybe have an alright hour-long movie. But instead it's 12 hour-long episodes of fricking nothing.

    • 8 months ago

      You don't have enough IQ to understand the geniusness of these banal snorefests.

  15. 8 months ago

    Hiring writers who hate their job and/or hate you.

    I really think that goyslop will get bearable when AI takes over screenwriting

  16. 8 months ago

    It was L O S T.

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