What kind of ending do you prefer for your mecha anime?

What kind of ending do you prefer for your mecha anime? The one where the protagonist gets everything they fought for like G-Witch or ZZ? Or the one where they make do with that they ended up with like Tekkaman Blade or VOTOMS?

Do you prefer one, but think the other lends itself to a more memorable story?

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  1. 11 months ago

    Depends on the setting and cast. If I like the cast I like happier endings that showcase them moving on to better things. It leaves me wanting more and wondering what they will do with their lives.

    • 11 months ago

      Not this, I want everything & everyone to parish including characters I like. Kill'em tomino style is the best kind of ending.

  2. 11 months ago

    causality loop bad ending or bittersweet pyrrhic victory

    • 11 months ago

      Funny how a blurry screenshot manages to invoke such raw pain within me

  3. 11 months ago

    >Zeta Gundam
    The protagonist "wins" but the cost of saving everyone they love is something grave, usually themselves or their ability to stay with them.

    • 11 months ago

      Bittersweet endings
      The MC has to lose a significant amount along the way to make their victory mean something and feel satisfying.
      G-witch didn't have that. Practically everyone aside from the one Elan clone got off with little consequences.
      In terms of happy endings Eureka Seven is a show I think does it well.
      For bittersweet ones Gundam SEED has a good balance of the MC's group making it through while also suffering significant loss.
      Victory Gundam is one I like that falls towards the bitter end of the bittersweet spectrum, but I think Uso being able to retire in Kasarelia with Shakit like he wanted the whole time was an extremely cathartic moment.
      On the completely bitter end there's End of Eva.

      >>Zeta Gundam
      That one is just bitter

      • 11 months ago

        >>Zeta Gundam
        >That one is just bitter
        Not entirely, Kamille survived and (allegedly) recovered later, and 99% of all the bad dudes who were ruining everything died, except Char and Based Yazan.

        • 11 months ago

          >Kamille survived and (allegedly) recovered later,
          yeah, but that's only known if you see material outside of Zeta.
          The work by itself is pretty dark

  4. 11 months ago

    Gwitch's ending sucked. Suletta gets the "heroic sacrifice" of losing control of her body, but is never shown to experience any actual hardship from it and the shownimmedietly timeskips to the moment she miraculously recovers from it. It's like if Zeta ended and immediately cut to Kamille fully recovered on that Irish beach. Eri living after not one but TWO fakeout deaths can frick off and her living as a consciousness in a box is a laughable way to dismiss the halfassed transhumanist themes of the show.
    You lumping it in with ZZ is odd since at the very least that show ended with Judau frustrated at the current state of the earth sphere as a result of his experiences and choosing to leave to Jupiter. It couldn't even commit to going all out with the pandering either. Overall shallow, overly safe and frankly insulting
    Also I hate women

    • 11 months ago

      Hello, based department? You're gonna love this guy

    • 11 months ago

      Are you shitposting? This is my actual gripe
      >Suletta gets the "heroic sacrifice" of losing control of her body, but is never shown to experience any actual hardship from it and the shownimmedietly timeskips to the moment she miraculously recovers from it.
      If I ask this, the only reply I get is a smug "you're suppose to read in between the lines"
      Frick you, it's an anime, show it

      • 11 months ago

        too bad gaylord this is a show of happy thoughts and code geass tier writing.

    • 11 months ago

      Are you shitposting? This is my actual gripe
      >Suletta gets the "heroic sacrifice" of losing control of her body, but is never shown to experience any actual hardship from it and the shownimmedietly timeskips to the moment she miraculously recovers from it.
      If I ask this, the only reply I get is a smug "you're suppose to read in between the lines"
      Frick you, it's an anime, show it

      too bad gaylord this is a show of happy thoughts and code geass tier writing.

      Speedwatchers, you may be interested in knowing that even after 3 years she still uses crutches. Maybe next time actually watch what you intend to criticize? kek

      • 11 months ago

        You're the speedwatcher though? You also lack reading comprehension. What exactly is the point of showing a character getting crippled and then jump cutting to the moment they are fine? Even that Izetta show that Witchgays compare it to knew that having the crippled protagonist go "by the way i'm getting out of this wheelchair in a week LOL" would be flimsy writing

        • 11 months ago

          >You lack reading comprehension!!

          >Doesn't understand what getting better implies
          >Doesn't understand what still using crutches implies
          >Doesn't understand what the scene where the cripple can't catch up to the children that stole her crutches (playing) implies
          Good to know that GWitch critics remain bereft of any legitimate criticism.

          • 11 months ago

            >Getting better
            returning to normal functionality
            >Using crutches
            not yet at normal functionality, but will be (see above)
            >Playing with children
            not seriously trying to catch up with them, but still getting better (see above)
            You're also pulling out your "smug Gwitch folder", not a good look.

            • 11 months ago

              >Getting better
              >returning to normal functionality
              from here you are already moronic, with a lack of understanding of the language. So I will just let you continue being assblasted by the Witch.

          • 11 months ago

            Not him but her ending up in crutches and on her way to recovery is a pathetically low stake considering how much it was hyped by the show that the Calibarn was unfiltered PERMET and how bad PERMET was for the body.

            • 11 months ago

              except that it is never established that she will be normal again? just that she is getting better (after three years). I think that is about right after using the suit just once (or twice if you want to really get pedant on the issue.)

              I mean:
              Crippling inhability
              Scarred Body

              the only thing worse than that would have been death or vegetative state (death by another name).

              • 11 months ago

                >Scarred Body
                Oh please she has like two barely visible orange lines in her face. That's not a ''Scarred body''.

              • 11 months ago
              • 11 months ago

                Nice argument twitter tourist

              • 11 months ago

                no need for arguments when dealing with bait.

              • 11 months ago

                Except it wasn't bait and you just weaseled your way out of arguing, she wasn't ''''''heavily scarred'''''' she can literally move, doesn't even need a wheelchair outside of crutches, there isn't even any evident damage outside the vaguely visible permet scars on her face, there were literally no stakes to anything in the finale, despite the show teasing that there would, multiple times.

              • 11 months ago

                don't be moronic bro, it's an ugly look. Episode 23 puts the lie to you.

              • 11 months ago

                Sorry can’t have the heckin cute anime girl scareed outside of some minor and barely visible marks and we can’t show her in a wheelchair like her mom because then that means she’s actually still suffering consequences of what she did and we can’t have that for out heckin wholesome ending

              • 11 months ago

                good thing you understand anon.

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah he understands how shit the writing of the show was.

              • 11 months ago

                >except that it is never established that she will be normal again
                this is good b8

                >You lack reading comprehension!!

                >Doesn't understand what getting better implies
                >Doesn't understand what still using crutches implies
                >Doesn't understand what the scene where the cripple can't catch up to the children that stole her crutches (playing) implies
                Good to know that GWitch critics remain bereft of any legitimate criticism.

                this is also good b8, but only separately. Together, they form bad b8. Sorry anon, you lost.

        • 11 months ago

          >I've gradually regained control of my body
          >To the point where I only need a pair of crutches to get around
          And you say anybody else lacks reading comprehension

        • 11 months ago

          We don't see the character getting crippled at all, this argument is farcical, the consequences of her final fight are only revealed in the epilogue.

    • 11 months ago

      They probably realize if the ending going in the same way as what you said.
      They basically just copying Izzeta. Another Yuri witch in war anime.

  5. 11 months ago

    Depends on the world building. But usually I prefer when it's bittersweet.
    Not too optimistic, but not too dark either.

    But it really depends on the show in the end. there's very optimistic ending I loved. same for downer endings.

  6. 11 months ago

    It depends on the execution dumb tropehomosexual b***hspammer.

    • 11 months ago

      Suck a dick you cowardly b***h!

  7. 11 months ago

    For mecha anime specifically I like it to be more bittersweet. Something where there’s hope and trepidation for the future but where the series ends leaves it on a high enough note to feel like part of the story was conclusive but I also like downer endings that can leave you with a bunch of what ifs for if the protagonists manage to crawl their way back up from hopelessness. Really it all depends on how well the world itself is built out. When it’s well rounded then it’s hard to prefer one ending over the other because if it’s supported by the state of the world then it’s satisfying but if it’s mainly character focused then I’d rather they just get their happy ending and let it be done with since there’s not much fun when you don’t get to imagine what the characters do in the aftermath due to limited pov.

  8. 11 months ago

    I have no preference as long as it isn't dumb.

  9. 11 months ago

    >gets everything they fought for like G-Witch or ZZ?
    Ditching the Earthsphere and realizing everything is still fricked is getting everything Judau fought for to you?

    • 11 months ago

      Leaving war behind is a pretty sweet deal for an UC protagonist. And Hasegawa can kiss my ass.

    • 11 months ago

      If you couldn't tell by the picture OP is being disingenuous

      • 11 months ago

        now, show me in this doll where the dyke touched you anon.

  10. 11 months ago

    I care more about how the ending is executed over the nature of the ending itself.
    If the happy ending feels like it was well earned than I'm happy with it.

  11. 11 months ago

    >What kind of ending do you prefer for your mecha anime?
    kill them all tomino

    • 11 months ago

      His best ending is bittersweet though.

  12. 11 months ago

    This god-tier ending going to trigger you incels for years to come, isn't it? Like not even a week after the last Suletta Sunday and we already have a shitty pasta.

    • 11 months ago

      Trying too hard, buddy

    • 11 months ago

      >no onscreen kiss or wedding
      You lost.

      • 11 months ago

        Kira and Lacus didn't kiss nor get married either.

        • 11 months ago

          And their relationship is a joke even to this day.
          >separate beds

        • 11 months ago

          Yes and people constantly remark about how sterile and stilted their relationship is, especially compared to the relationships other female characters have with Kira.
          I really don't think any ship is in good shape if it has to compare itself to those two.

    • 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      They're asexuals, bro. Look at how they react to physical affection. Sule and Mio will never fug, or even kiss. You were baited and you took it.

      • 11 months ago

        that is ok Anon, they are cute together and that is all that matters.

    • 11 months ago

      >god-tier ending

      I know this is shitty bait, but I can't see how anyone would even call this ending "okay". The wars didn't stop, racism didn't stop, Shaddiq had to purposefully LIE to get punished, all the other villains got off scot free. Worst of all, Eri ended up as a goddamn keychain while all the other Eri's just disappeared (died) off-screen.

      • 11 months ago

        >Shaddiq had to purposefully LIE
        he was going to be punished for everything he did anon, he just lied to add the QZ debacle to his rap sheet.

        >Eri ended up as a goddamn keychain >
        Not much diferent than what she was before, at least as a keychain she can communicate with others outside of Prospera and Suletta.

        >while all the other Eri's just disappeared (died) off-screen.
        thay were all Eri anon, she was just using multithreading.

        >The wars didn't stop, racism didn't stop,
        the story wasn't about those things, it was primarily a Sulemio story. And there could be more derivative works in the setting that repeat 0079/SEED if that is what you want.

        For me, I'm content that this wasn't another "War is Bad mmmkay?" work; maybe now Tomino spirit won't be weighted by gravity knowing that Bandai can move on.

        • 11 months ago

          >’it was primarily a Sulemio story’
          >they only interact a grand total of 3 times in the second season
          >all of their “romantic” scenes are just exposition dumps
          >physical contact is left to a bare minimum/deliberately ambiguous
          >most romantic contact they had is in the opening and endings of the show
          >no kiss
          >off screen wedding
          Glad to see they failed at that too meaning this show genuinely has nothing going for it

          • 11 months ago

            Yeah it’s shit all around, felt rushed.
            I don’t care for yuri but the homosexual in this thread that does seems not to know there are way better yuri storys out there.

          • 11 months ago

            >they only interact a grand total of 3 times in the second season
            Good thing they are meaningfull interactions and season 1 made a good foundation for their relationship.

            >all of their “romantic” scenes are just exposition dumps

            >physical contact is left to a bare minimum/deliberately ambiguous
            more bait

            >most romantic contact they had is in the opening and endings of the show
            even more bait

            >no kiss
            >off screen wedding
            So? at the end they are married of their own free will, so I don't care that I didn't get to see porn in my gundam. Probably done to be China compliant. What is important is that they ended together.

            • 11 months ago

              Please tell me about the romantic scenes they have that are not instinctively tied to dumping plot exposition or explaining blatantly obvious things to the audience. Please showcase the scenes of them making physical contact that can’t be taken ambiguously such as taking one another’s hand (the hugging scene in ep 11 is the sole one I can think of).

              • 11 months ago

                If you already know of one (the most important one in my opinion) why are you asking for more? there is the other one in ep 22 too.

              • 11 months ago

                That’s some piss poor bait anon.

              • 11 months ago

                sure bro sure.

        • 11 months ago

          Nay, the other Eri's had different personalities to the main one. They were very clearly their own thing.

          >preferring being a fricking keychain over a Gundam
          Yeah, Eri is stuck in hell but now she can scream and her sisters died. Great resolution.

          • 11 months ago

            >Nay, the other Eri's had different personalities to the main one. They were very clearly their own thing
            Well, I disagree with you. So lets just agree to disagree there.

            >preferring being a fricking keychain over a Gundam
            in both machines she didn't have control (only on the gundam when Suletta reached level 8, but the amount of time Eri spend in that state is infinitesimally small compared to being unable to control it). And it's not a preference thing, it's a neccesity thing, doubtful they could have been able to keep the Gundams after QZ.

        • 11 months ago

          Funnily enough the romance wasn't even that significant In the end. After Episode 22 it doesn't have any significant bearing on the actual plot at all, instead that role is entirely taken up by Suletta's relationship with her mother and sister. Even as a whole the relationship between parent and child is far more recurring and central to WfM than romance is

          • 11 months ago

            It wasn't even Miorine that dragged Suletta out of her last sulk session, it was Martin and that goat

            • 11 months ago

              and everyone was predicting his demise after S1.

          • 11 months ago

            maybe, it's not a romance story only, it's a Sulemio one too, about them together and their growth as individuals. With that in mind it's no surprise that the main conflict of the story got resolved with Suletta stepping out of her mother shadow.

      • 11 months ago

        >Shaddiq had to purposefully LIE
        he was going to be punished for everything he did anon, he just lied to add the QZ debacle to his rap sheet.

        >Eri ended up as a goddamn keychain >
        Not much diferent than what she was before, at least as a keychain she can communicate with others outside of Prospera and Suletta.

        >while all the other Eri's just disappeared (died) off-screen.
        thay were all Eri anon, she was just using multithreading.

        >The wars didn't stop, racism didn't stop,
        the story wasn't about those things, it was primarily a Sulemio story. And there could be more derivative works in the setting that repeat 0079/SEED if that is what you want.

        For me, I'm content that this wasn't another "War is Bad mmmkay?" work; maybe now Tomino spirit won't be weighted by gravity knowing that Bandai can move on.

        Nay, the other Eri's had different personalities to the main one. They were very clearly their own thing.

        >preferring being a fricking keychain over a Gundam
        Yeah, Eri is stuck in hell but now she can scream and her sisters died. Great resolution.

        >Nay, the other Eri's had different personalities to the main one. They were very clearly their own thing
        Well, I disagree with you. So lets just agree to disagree there.

        >preferring being a fricking keychain over a Gundam
        in both machines she didn't have control (only on the gundam when Suletta reached level 8, but the amount of time Eri spend in that state is infinitesimally small compared to being unable to control it). And it's not a preference thing, it's a neccesity thing, doubtful they could have been able to keep the Gundams after QZ.

        >while all the other Eri's just disappeared (died) off-screen.
        All the coven is in the keychain, Eri specifically states "us" when talking about how Suletta moved them there.

        • 11 months ago

          >SuleMio is more of corpo marketing move rather than romance.
          Change my mind

          What with Eri's clone?While i get Prospera need more biological computer for the funnel, but at the same time i can't helped that its only exist for narrative shock value.

          • 11 months ago

            is more of corpo marketing move rather than romance
            Nah, the writer is a massive yurigay. The suits probably forced him to keep the yuri at a minimum because it's a mainline show in a mainstream franchise (just like how IBO's gay shit was kept to a minimum).

            • 11 months ago

              While i agree with what you said, what i meant is literal corpo marketing(i.e selling merch).
              It is as you said, the series keep it painfully minimum, but at the same time they keep using the pair for stuff like merch and tourism marketing as if both had more romance than what the series have. Also Ep.1 declaration is corpo move to secure modern Yurigay money, its also why the pairing is never challenged.

      • 11 months ago

        >racism didn't stop
        Good. Filthy Spiggers (space Black folk) need to be killed.

  13. 11 months ago

    I like batshit insane endings that barely make any logical sense and devolve into chaotic new age mumbo jumbo or endings where the entire cast/majority of them die and the villains win

    • 11 months ago


  14. 11 months ago

    I like it like in Turn A or G-Reco where everything goes to progression into relative slice-of-life mundanity, although I prefer it where the main machines aren't abandoned/destroyed but are canned or get found some more mundane and peaceful use

  15. 11 months ago

    As long as it ends with hands to hands combat, I am happy.

    • 11 months ago

      got some recs other than Scryed and the Gurren Laggan movie?

  16. 11 months ago

    Flawless victory, where I can self insert into the protag as he wins forever and becomes the bestest person in the universe to fantasize about having that kind of importance and power in my otherwise dull failure live where I'm a nobody and everyone steps all over me.

    • 11 months ago


  17. 11 months ago

    >What kind of ending do you prefer for your mecha anime?
    The one where best girl wins.

  18. 11 months ago

    Isn't that what every Gundam says should happen instead of pew pew lasers? Though I do agree that just going "lol Shaddiq confessed to every crime" was moronicly convenient just so the lesbos and their mom can be together.

    • 11 months ago

      >"Yeah Quiet Zero was totally me, never mind the fact that it was developed by a completely different company in absolute secret as part of a project that started before I was ever even adopted, or the fact that I never actually saw it in person, or had power over anyone or anything involved with the station's construction, activation, or ultimate destruction at the hands of that autistic homosexual Suletta. Ignore all of that. It was all my plan right from the start! I am the villain of this whole story!
      Fricking moronic

      • 11 months ago

        companies gladly using a scapegoat when offered? say it ain't so

        • 11 months ago

          next he is going to complain that the poor earthian Nika got the book thrown at her while the Peil Hags got off apparently scot free.

      • 11 months ago

        He also hid cocaine in the white house.

    • 11 months ago

      The whole reason why everyone keeps talking about a peaceful solution is because that best-case scenario never happens. Generally everyone has to kill each other first.

  19. 11 months ago

    Okay I just finished G-Witch: Did Shaddiq confess to everything so that Prospera could get a happier variation of the Katejina ending?

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        I don't know how to feel about that

        • 11 months ago

          Meh, his plan saved the day and he signed up to take the fall himself. Good enough ending for a rat.

          • 11 months ago

            Shaddiq taking the fall for everything was comically convenient.

            • 11 months ago

              It wasn't everything. You can see Delling and Sarius going on hearings and Miorine dealing with protesters in Quinharbor. Shaddiq took the fall only for Quiet Zero so Suletta doesn't lose her family.

              • 11 months ago

                >Shaddiq took the fall only for Quiet Zero so Suletta doesn't lose her family.
                If you don't see how this is extremely convenient then I don't know what to tell you. Especially hilarious when you consider Prospera was dying of PERMET aids and Ericht got to live in a keychain for no reason other than the sheer unwillingness of the show to commit to any sort of emotional stakes.
                >Miorine dealing with protesters in Quinharbor
                Miorine self-admitted that selling the group's assets is a band-aid solution and that they'll come to take it back, so essentially she didn't accomplish anything outside of kicking some of the old management.
                >It wasn't everything
                Well it pretty much was, Quiet Zero + what he did is basically the thick of it. The other CEOs got away with a slap on the wrist but I can overlook that since they were extremely powerful figures anyway and the show didn't have enough time to give them any other conclusion than a few stills at the end.

            • 11 months ago

              You are acting like this often isn't the case in real life too.

            • 11 months ago

              Even Miorine wondered why he did it. Based on how she only mentioned that three years later and before his trial started, he may have only recently tried to claim responsibility for that too.

    • 11 months ago

      It was Banrise punishing him for the Michaelis flopping.

  20. 11 months ago

    hobo ending or everyone die ending

  21. 11 months ago

    Something in the middle. Basically, either the protagonist's ultimate goal is achieved, but at a great, often personal or physical.
    A bittersweet ending fits well A Gundam show whose tale is about the cruelty war, social issues, and the things one has to go throught in such chaotic world.

  22. 11 months ago

    >What kind of ending do you prefer for your mecha anime?
    When it's popular enough...and then gets CANCELLED

  23. 11 months ago

    The ones that makes sense and validate the growth and development of the characters and setting.

  24. 11 months ago

    I don't mind most of the time, tbh.
    The type of ending that bothers me, though, is the one that comes out of nowhere with no explanation.
    It was ancient aliens all along: "We'll take this homosexual from you. Good night."
    >Darling in the Fraxx
    It was an ~~*alien race working from the shadows*~~ all along! Let us dump the plot on you in these last two episodes while the big battle happens offscreen, with no real buildup. Don't pay attention to the time we wasted on teens and their drama.
    >Blue Gender
    The Earth is alive lol.

  25. 11 months ago

    G-Witch looked like it got cut short. No, sir, I don't like it.

  26. 11 months ago

    Anything would be better then what we got with this show. Even IBO 2's ending at least had some sort of resolution to it, there was nothing with The Witch's.

  27. 11 months ago

    > What kind of ending do you prefer for your mecha anime?

    The ending where ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE DIES.

  28. 11 months ago

    Was anyone actually important ever killed?

    • 11 months ago

      Do they need to be killed?

  29. 11 months ago

    I feel a bittersweet ending is more interesting. In the end, I'm okay with most endings as long as there's a reasonable explanation for how we got there, and it doesn't rely too heavily on Deus Ex Machina.

  30. 11 months ago

    >Main character jumping with Mt Fuji in the background
    >Main character goes back to his fellow crew/friends after the final battle while floating in space
    >Female character sleeping in a wood cabin
    >Green rainbowish light circling the Earth
    >Male and Female main characters' names etched on the moon
    >Male main character gestures gun with his hand then say "Bang"
    >Female character companion dances the dance from the OP
    >Female character mentioning the name of dead main character on the back of a horse drawn cart
    >Female main character sees male main character sitting on rocks by the bay

    • 11 months ago

      G Reco
      Turn A?
      Eureka Seven
      Cowboy Bebop
      King Gainer

      • 11 months ago

        almost anon, last two would be:
        Code Gayshit

  31. 11 months ago

    I like all kinds of endings, and I want endings that reflect the narrative and composition of the story in which they appear rather than adhering to a broader sensibility of what the ending 'Should' be for a franchise. If every ending was sad or bittersweet it would be just as toothless as if every ending was happy. To feel anxiety that things won't work out you have to at some point believe they could, and to believe that things 'could' work out, sometimes they do have to work out.

  32. 11 months ago

    I've seen so many sad endings in modern entertainment that I'm over it. It's not novel anymore. Give me happy endings.

    • 11 months ago

      This, but with happy endings. They were never "novel" but mostly forceful and trite.

  33. 11 months ago

    Depends. But in some cases if a character suffers a whole lot of bullshit then I root for them so damn hard they get their happy ending...or at least as much as they can get that the setting allows for.
    See Tekkaman: In all honesty D-Boy didn't deserve that much bullshit be dropped on him.
    >Loose sister
    >Loose brothers
    >Loose future sister-in-law
    >Loose friends and mentor
    >Then the damn revelation that all could've been avoided if he and the others knew about the puppeteer Radam larvae in their brains
    And then the whole mental issues that come with his growing power and him ending up in a wheelchair and moronic. Was happy he did recover in 2...if Tekkaman 2 were actually a good sequel that is.

  34. 11 months ago

    >does war crime
    >walk away scot free and get a happy ending

    • 11 months ago

      I expected way more from g witch and he fact they glossed over all the people that b***h killed and the fact that all the student deaths that can also be attributed to her pissed me off.
      “God forbid the main cast doesn’t die who cares about the rest of the nobody’s”
      I expected more from a gundam show, this shit dropped the ball and moral of the story is what?
      Get people and kids killed and get to live happily?
      Also FRICK all the homosexuals who felt bad for that school shooter girl.
      “Omg it’s so sad she was about to turn her life around!”
      Stupid Black person minded homosexuals

      • 11 months ago

        >I expected way more from g witch and he fact they glossed over all the people that b***h killed and the fact that all the student deaths that can also be attributed to her pissed me off.
        >“God forbid the main cast doesn’t die who cares about the rest of the nobody’s”
        >I expected more from a gundam show, this shit dropped the ball and moral of the story is what?
        >Get people and kids killed and get to live happily?
        All of that was Shaddiq

  35. 11 months ago

    All I know is they frickin robbed my girl Chu Chu

    • 11 months ago

      >Barding became a taxi
      At least she got to have something resembling a story arc unlike suletta who waited until the last 5 episodes to have hers

  36. 11 months ago

    Naji goes away with without punishment like the Peil hags or evn the Space Assemble

    • 11 months ago

      >Is described as Nika's father figure once in an offhand comment that never goes anywhere at all

      • 11 months ago

        I don't think it was ever supposed to go anywhere.

  37. 11 months ago

    I don't prefer anything TBQH in regard to endings I just wanted:

    >cool battle scenes
    >emotional effects of war
    >shit actually happening instead of make Gundam just another school fricking anime

    It just felt like shit moves at snail's pace up until the end and the writers somehow forgot how many episodes they were budgeted for. I don't care about the yuri, and it shouldn't get an automatic pass from idiots who only tuned in for that shit.

    I always felt that newer Gundam shows tend to be hot garbage anyways with a few exceptions like Unicorn, Narrative, Hathaway and Thunderbolt.


    I didn't even like that Island one or the Amuro Char gayfest one.

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