What kinos do you watch on your smart fridge?

What kinos do you watch on your smart fridge?

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  1. 7 months ago

    South Park

  2. 7 months ago

    I can see his norwood in the reflection

    • 7 months ago

      No you can't I purposefully stood to the side to hide the angle

    • 7 months ago

      you’ll be Norwood someday. Difference is you’ll never own a house

      • 7 months ago

        >Harvest Lofts
        Neither you or OP own a house.

    • 7 months ago

      If you think he isn’t coming for you anon you are absolutely mistaken.

    • 7 months ago

      this post reeks of self-consciousness and projection

    • 7 months ago

      I think that's your own reflection on your monitor...

    • 7 months ago

      What's that? Sounds expensive.

    • 7 months ago

      kek I'm glad there are still people on this board like this

      • 7 months ago

        Why? Frickin homosexual

  3. 7 months ago

    IT crowd

  4. 7 months ago

    I wish an EMP would just end the internet

    • 7 months ago

      >I wish an EMP would just end the internet
      I wonder if some satellites that are already in orbit can host and deploy emergency critical infrastructure for the Internet, if they ever detect a longterm global outage on Earth like that
      Not sure how much storage space they put in those things. But "outer space datacenters" are apparently an up and coming concept

      Personally I'm looking forward to interplanetary shitposting, just have to bear with maybe another decade or three of the post 2010s stagnation. Could be closer than we think - speculation is easy, prediction is hard

      • 7 months ago

        There is no good reason to put people on mars. Space missions already have insanely low safety factors, combine that with colonists and you've got a recipe for disaster.

        The only reason to consider it would be "overpopulation", and even then, we could colonise antartica and the ocean floor easier.

        • 7 months ago

          You're right, in the current environment there's not much incentive or benefits for investing in space exploration, and terraforming tech still seems to be something for the far distant future. It's a huge money sink

          I'm crossing my fingers for a surprise technological leap in the next decades that makes all of this more viable. Maybe some smart goys will figure out how to manipulate a [previously unseen or misunderstood] fundamental property or mechanic of the universe which makes travel at those large scale distances more trivial
          Things are changing quicker than ever, so even though I don't expect to see a streamlined form of space travel by the time I'm senile - I would not be surprised if in my lifetime I get to see the early stages of the next cultural age for humanity (that's a lot of optimism considering the degradation of our times, but humanity is very resilient no matter the current apocalypse)

          although, once that isolation between genetic groups happens.. homosexual sapiens will finally split into different sub-species (something that hasn't happened to humans due to the constant exchange with outside genes, even in isolated areas). So that will be a new perspective people will have to live with

          • 7 months ago

            Wouldn't it make more sense to focus on fusion power first? Not that you can't work on both...

            • 7 months ago

              that's valid, advancements in energy production definitely have a far more tangible impact on most people's quality of life than whatever other area of research would hypothetically be competing for that same research budget. So yea you're right, it should be prioritized higher than tech that seems to only have applications in outer space

              The reality is there aren't any more massive leaps to be made. Technological progress has slowed to a crawl after the industrial revolution, the only major progression in the past 40 years has been home computing, which puts us firmly well behind the fermi barrier.

              What is most likely is that we wind up creating AI and become slaves to it, living out our dreams in fantasy worlds surrounded by computer generated actors who are more appealing than real people. Humanity doesn't go out with a bang, we jerk off ourselves to death because exploiting pathways in posturing monkeys isn't that difficult.

              >The reality is there aren't any more massive leaps to be made
              based on what?
              Advancements nowadays tend to be far smaller in scope and too complex for a single mind to grapple with, yes, but small advancements that build towards bigger consequences still happen nonetheless, and we're constantly on the verge of some profound technological developments

              Yes the inevitable AI enslavement through personally-tailored entertainment will have devastating effects, the vast majority will embrace it but I also don't think that everybody will just happily go along with it, in the same way that not everyone participates in social media today (although AI will have far more sinister hooks to get people in, than the simple and innocent dopamine-inducing algos of today).

              Still, your post seems too negatively skewed with the cynicism of today to be a proper assessment of what may realistically happen in the future for humans who keep living on
              Even if some of the worst natural and manmade disasters were to be all stacked together simultaneously, even if all nukes were detonated right now, there will still be some humans around who bear the immense responsibility to survive, at least while the planet (which will outlast humanity, through extinction or speciation) is still around

              • 7 months ago

                If space travel was easy, we'd see it from other civilizations.

                The reality is that the numbers just don't line up. Even if you make dyson spheres, even if you're making everything out of mass produced carbon nanotubes, even self-replicating probes are prone to self-destruction over millennia.

                Eventually you wind up with the few remaining humans who want to live "properly" shut out of society and all they can do is throw rocks at their robot overlords until they get erased for posing a 0.001% threat.

              • 7 months ago

                >If space travel was easy, we'd see it from other civilizations.
                Personally I think that there are too many assumptions made on this matter, with little or no data. We only have our own perspective on Earth. We don't know how intelligent life in other places could develop or even be composed of other than the CHON or carbon based life we know of

                What if we're an early intelligent civilization?
                What if we're looking for the wrong signals/using the wrong tools, and in reality there are bright beacons near us?
                What if other intelligent lifeforms have indeed travelled through Earth using their ships but we didn't detect them or maybe we still lack the capability to detect them?
                What if we just have a poor vantage point from our Local Group side of the universe to see anyone else, and/or we're uninteresting to them? (I mean we're on the end of the spiral arm, so our galaxy location itself might be alright)

                >The reality is that the numbers just don't line up
                that I can accept, it still remains a thought experiment rather than a realistic and practical solution for the scale of problems the next scope of civilization(s) will face

                >the few remaining humans who want to live "properly" shut out of society and all they can do is throw rocks at their robot overlords until they get erased
                unless there's a quick and highly reliable way for robots to track and hunt down most human dissidents globally in all environments, then the reality (in my opinion) is that some humans will keep on fighting to stay alive to survive and reproduce, no matter how terrible the conditions are, which might be more bleak than some alternatives

              • 7 months ago

                >our galaxy location
                I meant our solar system's location*
                (the location of our solar system within the Milky Way Galaxy might be okay, but for example what if the Local Group itself is kindof an untravelled backwater location which is already poor initial condition to be looking out for advanced travellers in the first place?)

          • 7 months ago

            The reality is there aren't any more massive leaps to be made. Technological progress has slowed to a crawl after the industrial revolution, the only major progression in the past 40 years has been home computing, which puts us firmly well behind the fermi barrier.

            What is most likely is that we wind up creating AI and become slaves to it, living out our dreams in fantasy worlds surrounded by computer generated actors who are more appealing than real people. Humanity doesn't go out with a bang, we jerk off ourselves to death because exploiting pathways in posturing monkeys isn't that difficult.

          • 7 months ago

            >I'm crossing my fingers for a surprise technological leap in the next decades

            If this happens, it's not going to be something fun and reddity like space travel. It's going to be man-made horrors beyond your comprehension.

            • 7 months ago
  5. 7 months ago

    A salesman showed me a "smart" fridge.
    It has interior cameras and a screen on the front so you can see your food, pretty stupid but it might save you opening the door as much and maybe useful for restocking purposes..
    so Mr salesman can you just bring the view up on the screen for me?
    >uuh do you have a phone?
    why do you ask?
    >you have to install the app to access the camera feed
    oh no I don't want to see it on my phone I want to see it on the fridge screen
    >can't do that
    but there's cameras inside and a screen attached to the front
    >sorry you need an internet connected phone to view the camera feed for the smartfridge with internal cameras and integrated screen.

    I wanted to shit on the fricking salesBlack folk head.

    • 7 months ago

      Grim. I bet there's some sort of recognition program built into the fridge software that identifies brands you buy and then sells it to advertisers so you get sent ads like "Your PEPSI is getting low! Use code FRIDGE to get 5% off your next PEPSI purchase!"

    • 7 months ago

      >wanted to shit on the fricking salesBlack folk head.
      Why? He didn't develop the system. The programmers probably didn't have a choice either. Some MBA product manager saw the fridge as an opportunity to create a new revenue stream by selling data about customers but that only works if they can find a way to force buyers of the fridge to connect it to the Internet. Sticking the phone app into the process accomplished that requirement.

  6. 7 months ago

    yea this is moronic but so is the guy taking the picture for buying a fridge with a screen and apps

  7. 7 months ago

    sarah silverman comedy specials

  8. 7 months ago

    The Fatties: Fart 2

  9. 7 months ago

    >saturn icon

  10. 7 months ago

    Americans will really buy anything except for vegetables for their fridge

  11. 7 months ago

    The Simpsons: Season 11, Episode 5

  12. 7 months ago

    >put ketchup in the fridge
    >fridge detects malware

  13. 7 months ago

    What does a smartfridge do? It sends you a textmessage you need to pick up some strawberries on the way home from work?

  14. 7 months ago

    My wife wants one of these fridges but I want a boat.
    She says I don't need a boat because I already have 2. But the one I want is a bigger boat.
    What do I do bros?

    • 7 months ago

      Both in the wrong for wanting useless bullshit. You should just give that money to me instead.

    • 7 months ago

      buy two more boats just to flex on her

  15. 7 months ago

    Play Skyrim on it.

  16. 7 months ago
  17. 7 months ago

    You guys know that if you don't like a product you can just... not buy it? You don't have to complain about it on here, just don't buy it. No, the world is not ending because people want their fridge to be more versatile.

    • 7 months ago

      I want you TO GROW A FRICKING SOUL

  18. 7 months ago

    The Stuff, obviously. I found that it is free on youtube when I was googling an image to post.



  19. 7 months ago

    nice reddit post

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