What the FRICK is taking so long!?

What the FRICK is taking so long!?

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 10 months ago

    Everything about this is just utterly baffling. Honestly I hope he actually finishes it, just for the storytime of pain.

    • 10 months ago

      >just for the storytime of pain
      We could have the storytime for the first volume already.
      Penders admitted it is a literal reprint of the M25YL story arc.

  2. 10 months ago

    >I'm a colorist that means I can draw.

    • 10 months ago

      >I'm a penciller, I think I can color!
      You don't know Ken was working on Sonic in the 1990s, do you?

      • 10 months ago

        So why can't he draw?

        • 10 months ago

          I think he's just genuinely lazy. That's what a lot of these terrible comic artists come down to. They could draw, if they really wanted to, but he's lost all the passion, and love, and will, and is just hoping that he can somehow 'prove the haters wrong' without having to actually try. If he even had that passion to begin with.

        • 10 months ago

          >So why can't he draw?
          Do you genuinely believe people don't have a limit to their skills?
          Everyone I've ever seen, whether in the arts or athletics or even sciences, reaches a cap where their skills no longer improve and instead denigrate.
          Ken Penders hit his cap back around the Sonic LIVE! issue, which is to say he's been getting steadily worse for over 25 years.

          • 10 months ago

            Pretty much this, there is a cap level to how well one can draw. But hellbent artists who are bad are like "YoU dO iMpRoVe If YoU kEeP tRyInG". Sorry, but I'm not wasting 40 years of my life to get to a level a much more talented artist can do in 1 year.

        • 10 months ago

          The sad thing is, he can. His non sonic/echidna doesn't look too bad. He just pigeon holed himself into the sonic autism life.

          • 10 months ago

            He could literally take all his precious characters, truly strip them from any connection to Sonic, and then redo his stories is his new Sonic-free universe.

            But he doesn't... he is either so vindictive towards the matter that he can't let his tenure in Sonic go, or he is somehow smart enough to know 3/4 of his potential readerbase will go away the moment he removes Sonic stuff from the picture.

  3. 10 months ago

    Could someone redpill about what kind of settlement he reached with Archie?

    As horrible as they look, those still look like Sonic characters. How can he released that without facing Sega?

    • 10 months ago

      Basically because of Archie's frick up all the echidna characters in the Archie Sonic comics became Ken's property, Knuckles got a lot of restrictions put on him which is why it took years to get his OVA hat back and even Shade suffered because Ken accused Bioware of ripping him off. This is why he can make trash like this without Sega being allowed to blast him off the face of the planet. He claimed he'd try to sue Paramount over Knuckles's origin in the second Sonic movie too but most knew he wouldn't have the balls because trying to sue Viacom on allegations based around a court case where the only reason you won was because your employer lost your fricking contract is pretty much asking to lose everything

      • 10 months ago

        I am not even sur Ken actually won this case.

        • 10 months ago

          He didn't, they reached an out of court settlement.

          If Penders' words from his DYKG statement are to be believed... Archie is, indeed, the sole responsible of the mess as they didn't want to involve Sega, because their current contract with them was in hot waters.
          I may be misremembering, but I think Penders even implied that if Sega had step in he would have lost.

          • 10 months ago

            Almost hoping that him finally publishing this will result in Sega pulling out the big guns.

            • 10 months ago

              I wonder how much longer he can stretch this thing without releasing.

              • 10 months ago

                Stalling for time?

              • 10 months ago

                I have no idea about copyright laws and shit. And while I don't think Penders is as savvy as he thinks he is, let's consider his words for a moment...
                The guy clearly knows he is making something dishonest and dirty (not necessarily the same as illegal, just like in politics) and is literally going to long mile to be sure he can dodge a lawsuit from Sega the moment he finally makes his strike.
                It seems his whole case is based on that "estoppel" bullshit, meaning if he lies in public enough about something, and Sega doesn't contest it... then that plays in his favor if the lawsuit happens

              • 10 months ago

                I mean, he's been denying that work for hire contract despite the fact that it's been proven false in court. I wouldn't be surprised if his lawyers and his wife (who's also a lawyer) told him to do this. I do wonder if Sega would care in the end though, he's got the rights from Archie to sell prints of his stories but what separates him from the average ebay reseller? What makes him so sure that his stories will sell nearly enough to make Sega raise an eyebrow over the likeness to Knuckles and Shade?

                He could literally take all his precious characters, truly strip them from any connection to Sonic, and then redo his stories is his new Sonic-free universe.

                But he doesn't... he is either so vindictive towards the matter that he can't let his tenure in Sonic go, or he is somehow smart enough to know 3/4 of his potential readerbase will go away the moment he removes Sonic stuff from the picture.

                >or he is somehow smart enough to know 3/4 of his potential readerbase will go away the moment he removes Sonic stuff from the picture.
                I think we all know he's very aware. This is the guy who's still holding out for Sega to reach out to him for a deal. Why bother with this petty one-sided shit he has with IDW or Ian when every other person has moved on with their lives? He's got his characters/stories after all. But that's the thing, they don't work outside of Archie so he has to pander to the more bitter fans of Archie who bat for him despite his responsibility of getting the series rebooted in the first place. They're the only audience he has.

              • 10 months ago

                >"Stay with the fraction of a fanbase I have by sticking to Sonic risking Sega's fury... Move on with my life and try to get an original story or a new IP to work with?"
                >"Yeah, I'll stick with Sonic"
                The man blacklisted himself and now pretends his app is something he planned from the beginning, when one doesn't need to be a genius to know no well respected company is giving him the time of the day.

  4. 10 months ago

    True art takes time.

    • 10 months ago

      And, we all know, scamming is an art

  5. 10 months ago

    I think the worst offense here (other than the art itself), is Penders blatantly plagiarizing Knuckles himself.

    Let's pretend the settlement really is to his favor as he claims it is. Not even in his craziest delusions he owns any rights to Knuckles, as much as he may have written said stories.
    If the first volume truly is just a reprint of the Mobius 25YL arc, then how the heck does he plan to justify the jump from Knuckles to "K'noo'x" (however the heck he writes that)?

    The man truly has no shame at all.

  6. 10 months ago

    Chidna bros, our boy is tapping THAT?

    • 10 months ago

      Not anymore

    • 10 months ago



    • 10 months ago

      Overrated. Better post Lien-Da

      • 10 months ago
  7. 10 months ago

    I don't remember if Penders did the art for this one or not but it's one of those that gets worse the longer you look at it.

    • 10 months ago

      >naked knuckles kissing a female knuckles who looks like a male knuckles in drag
      >sci fi knuckles
      >Female Knuckles with weird ass eyes
      >Knuckles with a beard
      >Vector looks like he has an erection
      >Seductive duck lady
      >Jacked Mighty with Shrek ears
      >midget Espio that looks like a teletubby
      Damn, you were right.

  8. 10 months ago

    >the random black guy in the back

  9. 10 months ago

    why is lara the only one who looks on-model with the sonic style?

    • 10 months ago

      Because Penders traced Spaz.

      • 10 months ago

        Lmao. Sometimes i can't believe this fricker is a real person.

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