What the FRICK went wrong?

What the FRICK went wrong?

Unattended Children Pitbull Club Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Unattended Children Pitbull Club Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    >$5000 to be trapped in a fake cruise for 2 days
    All they has to do was make a moderate-priced resort themed to Star Wars that gave guests special access to Galaxy’s Edge and it would have sold like hotcakes.

    If they wanted to attract the rich Star Wars super fans they could’ve just offered VIP tours or something

  2. 2 years ago

    you need to ask the experts

  3. 2 years ago

    >giving disney money in 2022

  4. 2 years ago

    Frick off Disney were not giving you replies to help your investigation

  5. 2 years ago

    Nobody has money to spend on this kind of niche shit anymore. At least not enough to keep it booked.

  6. 2 years ago

    Here's your breakfast. That'll be $69.99 plus tip

    • 2 years ago

      >large blocks of fruit that are probably approaching room temperature
      >dolloped with slimy looking pale strawberries(?)
      >two prepackaged Jimmy Dean tier looking sausages
      >a long coil of probably rubbery, cold egg
      >a solid, congealed disc of hummus(?) or maybe a flat waffle
      >a fricking frozen “breakfast” pizza
      >this experience may have been a separate charge
      >if it was included it’s still a $5000 booking for a holiday inn breakfast
      bravo disney

      • 2 years ago

        with slimy looking pale strawberries(?)
        I think those are dragonfruit

      • 2 years ago

        You are getting mad at speculation. Your post is pointless.

        • 2 years ago

          >Mouse hands typed this post

      • 2 years ago

        with slimy looking pale strawberries

        with slimy looking pale strawberries(?)
        I think those are dragonfruit

        >I think those are dragonfruit
        indeed. you can't expect a poorgay who can't afford a $6000 vacation, and probably thinks a breakfast outing to Denny's is a treat, to be able to identify a dragonfruit.
        that food does look poor quality, however

    • 2 years ago

      What, no frickin' blue milk?

    • 2 years ago

      theres no way sugar in the raw packets are offered

  7. 2 years ago

    >Paying 6 grand to play bingo
    They really don't understand why it failed?

    • 2 years ago

      $6000 is the amount of money you spend for a week in a place like Vegas or Dubai, not a gay plastic summer camp where you wave a glowing stick in front of lasers.

  8. 2 years ago

    Is "Fricking everything" an acceptable answer?

  9. 2 years ago

    Star Wars-land in Disney was fricked as soon as the smugly prideful, yet out-of-touch executives opted out of setting it in Tatooine and creating OC Batuu (complete with laughably bad canon tie-ins with books and other media).

    They completely precluded any OT or PT characters or references, which would have been a large part of the nostalgia and legacy for a Star Wars land in the first place.

    Then they removed some of the planned attractions due to technical and stylistic issues, leaving dead space and only ONE ride at the opening (I'll admit Rise of the Resistance is well made, if narratively stupid), and a space further devoid of droids and aliens.

    The Blue/Green milk was a pathetic attempt to emulate Universal's success with Harry Potter Butterbeer. And the greater cost AND size of lightsabers compared to wands probably leads to slimmer profits.

    Then COVID happened, and even meet-and-greets with stormtroopers, Rey, Chewy (frick the blue-haired OC chick) had to go.

    The hotel was icing on the failure cake. yes, I reddit-spaced. bite me

    • 2 years ago

      >laughably bad canon tie-ins with books and other media

      cost aside, it failed for the same reason that mando and boba fett are now in batuu even though it doesn't make sense timeline wise. rotr is the best ride they've ever made despite the sequel shit, but their whole starwars parks stuff lately is so gay. I miss starwars weekends, they were campy fun

      this is what I was referring to. even based Thrawn got dragged into a storyline in Batuu in one of the newer canon books.

  10. 2 years ago

    cost aside, it failed for the same reason that mando and boba fett are now in batuu even though it doesn't make sense timeline wise. rotr is the best ride they've ever made despite the sequel shit, but their whole starwars parks stuff lately is so gay. I miss starwars weekends, they were campy fun

  11. 2 years ago

    Disney. The name itself is tainted, much like Netflix's. We've all given them dozens of second chances and now even the stupidest consoomers can see how shitty they are.

  12. 2 years ago

    Disney won't fix a thing until they get the homosexual narcissists who think they can do no wrong out of the picture, but they won't. So nothing will change. Frick em.

    • 2 years ago

      I also blame the goyslop consoomers who will pay top dollar for garbage products/service.
      Why would Disney be financially motivated to create a meaningful experience when enough people are forking over money for trash?

  13. 2 years ago

    no one likes the sequel trilogy shit they theme everything around

    • 2 years ago

      >no Yoda
      >no Obi Wan
      >no Mace Windu
      >no Qui Gon
      >no Dooku
      >no Maul
      >no Grievous
      >no Palpatine
      >no Jar Jar
      >no Padme
      >no Anakin/Vader
      >no Luke
      >no Lea
      >no Han
      >no Lando
      >just cameos of R2, 3P0, Kylo Ben, Hux, and Akbar;
      >only can meet Rey, Chewy, BB-8, and Nu-Troopers
      They couldn't even have Phasma like before, or Poe, or Finn. What a fricking joke.

      • 2 years ago

        Star Wars-land in Disney was fricked as soon as the smugly prideful, yet out-of-touch executives opted out of setting it in Tatooine and creating OC Batuu (complete with laughably bad canon tie-ins with books and other media).

        They completely precluded any OT or PT characters or references, which would have been a large part of the nostalgia and legacy for a Star Wars land in the first place.

        Then they removed some of the planned attractions due to technical and stylistic issues, leaving dead space and only ONE ride at the opening (I'll admit Rise of the Resistance is well made, if narratively stupid), and a space further devoid of droids and aliens.

        The Blue/Green milk was a pathetic attempt to emulate Universal's success with Harry Potter Butterbeer. And the greater cost AND size of lightsabers compared to wands probably leads to slimmer profits.

        Then COVID happened, and even meet-and-greets with stormtroopers, Rey, Chewy (frick the blue-haired OC chick) had to go.

        The hotel was icing on the failure cake. yes, I reddit-spaced. bite me

        They were so fixated on creating a "story" for the land too, which was dumb (like how in Pandora it takes place after the films as a conservation effort).
        But a story isn't necessary--no one riding Flights of Passage gives a frick about the timeline compared to the movies and the narrative devices of how/why you're there. It's just fun. Likewise, Harry Potter Wizarding Worlds at Universal don't have a story, beyond roughly taking place year 6 and year 7--and nobody cares.
        Nobody walks into Adventureland or Tomorrowland trying to reconcile the rationales for Jungle Cruise/Pirates or Space Mountain/Buzz Lightyear occupying the same space.

        They should have dispensed with the whole notion of a "story" connecting the attractions and set-pieces and had a generic Star Wars Tatooine with elements from all 3 trilogies. Any losers who would be inclined to "WELL ACKSHYUALLY" would probably be so excited to be there to bother asking why Trade Federation droids are on Tatooine with Storm Troopers.
        Frick Disney. I will never not be mad about this.

        • 2 years ago

          Why limit? You could do multiple planet just have different sections for each planet. You could even connect them with rides.

          • 2 years ago

            Presumably they have finite funds to make these things.

          • 2 years ago

            Fair enough, I'm just assuming they'd be lazy and let the rides to the traveling, like Rise of the Resistance and Smuggler's Run already do.
            But yeah, it would have been nice to see more--or in the case of Hollywood Studios in Florida, incorporate the existing Endor section that houses Star Tours and the kid Jedi training.

            • 2 years ago

              See this would’ve been an overall better idea honestly, it’s got all of the worlds and it’s a more traditional style theme park that really doesn’t need to tie in into the continuity bible

          • 2 years ago

            Fair enough, I'm just assuming they'd be lazy and let the rides to the traveling, like Rise of the Resistance and Smuggler's Run already do.
            But yeah, it would have been nice to see more--or in the case of Hollywood Studios in Florida, incorporate the existing Endor section that houses Star Tours and the kid Jedi training.

            What they should have done is just made the Galaxy’s Edge at each Disney park into a different Star Wars planet. Have Disney World be Tatooine, Disneyland be Endor, Disney Paris be Bespin, Disney Tokyo be Hoth, etc. so the turbonerds would have an incentive to spend lots of money traveling to each park. It would give people something to aspire to complete, and give them bragging rights for visiting every planet in the “galaxy.” They seriously had a golden goose with this franchise. The fact that you can read pretty much any Star Wars thread on Cinemaphile and find better ideas of how to handle the franchise just goes to show you how incompetent Disney is.

            • 2 years ago

              that's brilliant. too bad about the thread though, is it auto-saging?

              • 2 years ago

                Yep janny is a homosexual as usual

              • 2 years ago

                janny confirmed poorgay who never got to go to Disney, and now auto-sages or deletes any threads related to the parks.

              • 2 years ago

                Yep janny is a homosexual as usual

                >You won't delete it yourself, but you'll auto-sage it and let it drift to page 10 for eternity. Chris Pool-El was right--you Jannies are all a pack of fools!

  14. 2 years ago

    The cost dumbasses. There's a difference between a Disney luxury villa that only hyper israeli bankers and oil tycoons can afford and a 10k 2 night stay at some drabby star wars themed hotel. For that price you could get a cruise or even just a week long stay in another disney hotel that is way better

  15. 2 years ago

    Primarily, it's too fricking expensive.
    Secondarily, no adult in their right mind wants to sit through lightsaber dinner theater and the "story beats" larping that happens during the stay.
    This iteration of a Star Wars hotel only works if it's a place to put your kids up to be babysat while you stay in a real disney resort so that you can drink and frick and relax on your vacation while your kids play make-believe.

  16. 2 years ago

    We are in a global recession who the frick is gonna pay 6k for a 2 day prison stay in Disney Star Wars hotel

  17. 2 years ago

    I yearn for the day when Disney completely kills the Star Wars franchise.
    I want it deader than Game of Thrones. I want that no one can even invoke it's name or anything about it without being socially ostracized.
    Frick this stale rotten-ass franchise that's damaged the entire genre.

    • 2 years ago

      yes PLEASE let that happen

  18. 2 years ago

    I know people who are obsessed with Star Wars and never would dream about spending $5k in a fricking windowless box. Christ.

  19. 2 years ago

    I like that there's actually adult men in this thread talking about their past experiences at Disney. Imagine having actually spent money to go to Disney World. Holy shit you guys are fricking gays.

    • 2 years ago

      ah yes, finally you've arrived. it's not a theme park thread without bitter poorgays and "rEaL cOaSteR" fans screeching about Six Flags or some other irrelevant regional park.

    • 2 years ago

      Roller coasters are fun, anon

  20. 2 years ago

    Disney overrates the public's interests in SW lol

  21. 2 years ago

    For that price you could probably pay some prostitutes to dress up like Star Wars characters and frick them. Sounds like a better time. Snooting it up.

  22. 2 years ago

    >make shit movies
    >piss off the chunk of the audience that was autistic enough to spend money on that shit

    • 2 years ago

      Autistic manbabbys deserve suffering. Maybe it will cause them to reconsider and grow up.
      Then they can stop clapping for z-grade sci-fantasy "becuz lightsabers".

      • 2 years ago

        I agree with you but it doesn't change the fact that it was a stupid move to piss them off.

  23. 2 years ago

    It's incredible that Disney has so mismanaged the Star Wars brand it's retroactively made even the most diehard of fans hate it now. Bravo!

  24. 2 years ago

    Too expensive, for that shekels you may as well stay in one of the proper expensive Disney hotels smack dab in the park.

    Too much LARPing when you're not even in real space, maybe when Elon has his own space station future Disney can revisit this concept again.

    To be quite honest the Star Wars land is just a bad LARP of Disney's SW, no one cares about the sequel era. Zoomers don't care about Star Wars, 90% of its fanbase are boomers and millennials.

    • 2 years ago

      >Too much LARPing when you're not even in real space
      This is not the problem, the real problem is that you're not allowed to larp only the homosexual employees are allowed to dress up.

  25. 2 years ago

    Gee parents don't want to take their kids to a hotel run by a company specializing in child raping. Who would have thought.

    • 2 years ago

      how do you specialize in child raping? asking for a friend

  26. 2 years ago

    For 6k for two nights I'd better be getting my own personal use twi'lek prostitute and a hot tub full of blue milk.

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