What version of Peter do you like best? >Arrogant asshole Peter that makes enemy out of everyone

What version of Peter do you like best?

>Arrogant butthole Peter that makes enemy out of everyone
>Suffering poorgay Peter that struggles just to make end meet
>Professor Peter that focus on teaching and nurture future generations
>Gorillionare Peter who is totally not Tony Stark that spends the majority of his wealth to invent shit and better the lives of people
>That guy before Mile
>Jaded Peter who dons the black suit full time and will absolutely frick your shit up

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  1. 6 months ago

    The one voiced by Drake Bell

  2. 6 months ago

    Roger Stern.

  3. 6 months ago

    We are slowly getting to the point where Peter is retired and turn into some sort of mentor character now. Might not be today, might not be tomorrow, but it will happen eventually and you know it

    • 6 months ago

      And Spider-Man as an IP will tank down to the bottom as Peter sells and Miles needs all of Peter's supporting cast, Gwen Stacy, and half of the other Spider-Men for people to feign interest.
      He's a dimeless loser who can't carry a solo by himself.

  4. 6 months ago

    The original angry nerd with hidden depths by Ditko is the only I care for.

  5. 6 months ago

    I'm a fan of bad dad Peter.

  6. 6 months ago

    Teacher Peter for me, there is something endearing about watching a former bullied gay leading youngers on the right path

    Most writers lean into Peter's nerdy and lolsorandumb nature and forget about this part of him

    • 6 months ago

      I remember I had an idea for a sort of trickster butthole but still nice teacher Peter who was also insane and possessed the same heroic madness as Shirou Emiya

      • 6 months ago

        Godamnit anon, only one trope at a time, you can't just mix match all of your favorite characters into some kind of unholy chimera like that

        • 6 months ago

          It works perfectly in my head and fits the themes I’m going for.

          My ideal version of Peter Parker is a lot less human physically. His eyes invoke the uncanny valley, his teeth are vampire like fangs, and he regenerates like a horror movie slasher

          • 6 months ago

            That’s just Miguel, dude.

            • 6 months ago

              You know, i always forget that Miguel has those vampire fangs

              • 6 months ago

                Id personally prefer if Peter had em too. I like body horror and monsters to an extent

  7. 6 months ago

    The one that shoots web from his butt

  8. 6 months ago

    Your mistake like so many writers is that you assume it has to be a ONE OR situation. Peter, in fact most well explored characters in general, are a culmination of a great many factors. Ones constantly working in tandem and against each other in various ways. Some days he's an butthole who takes his jokes to far. Some times hes down on his luck financially and emotionally. He likes science and exploring that is good but comes with his own issues.

    The Not Tony Stark shit however just doesn't fly. At all. It's a moron hack over correcting a problem that doesn't need to exist. He can, and has, gotten by just fine as a freelance photographer. So making him a billionaire because "Like why is he poor" is missing the point of the character pretty fantastically.

  9. 6 months ago

    Mexican Peter Parker.

    • 6 months ago

      Go away Miguel, get your own thread

      • 6 months ago

        He literally is just Mexican Peter. Specifically the Ditko version.

  10. 6 months ago

    >The only Spider-Man in the world
    >Bite is a freak accident which has nothing to do with totems or any of that moronic shit
    >Peter Parker has his good AND bad days, so no contrived LE PARKER LUCK
    >He becomes a teacher for poor kids in adulthood
    >No destiny bullshit that means also not making him end up with MJ just because people know that's his girlfriend from the movies
    >Crime is street level
    >He is allowed to have fun as a hero, you can also dissect this quirk in the story
    >The older Spider-Man gets the more serious in tone the story becomes
    >He won't retire unless he is absolutely forced to like losing a leg
    >No multiverse
    >His cape brand is about helping people instead of defeating and locking up the "bad folk"
    >Nothing generally special about his family but the fact that May and Ben are very nice people and caretakers
    >Spider-Man is actually funny, not cringe humor like in the games
    >City is split between liking and hating him which the Daily Bugle reflects
    >Most villains are just petty buttholes in funny suits who didn't even know Spider-Man before he crossed their paths and want something simple like cash. No great motivations about wanting to eat the sun or some other dumb bullshit
    >If Spider-Man has to kill a person to save a city then let him find another solution that helps everyone. This is capeshit, not the real world. Give kids an ideal to strive for
    That's all I'm asking for. You can have him more mild mannered or be a total dick at the start, I don't care as long as you keep these things in mind

    • 6 months ago

      >That's all I'm asking for
      You say that like you didn't just post a paragraph of guidelines, some of which are very specific.

      • 6 months ago

        So? It's not a lot and most of that stuff is just going back to basics again.

        • 6 months ago

          That’s fair enough. Only thing I’d change is adding a slight horror element to the story, making sure Spider-Man is good friends with the Fantastic Four and that I’m fine with there being a couple other spider people.
          But specifically I don’t want there to be a ton of spiders running around like in modern incarnations. In my ideal version, there are only four spiders who each represent something
          >Peter: the ideal
          >Cindy: the potential other path as someone bitten who never became a superhero and instead lived a normal life with powers
          >Anya: Oscorp’s attempts to duplicate Peter’s powers on an unwilling subject
          >Mayday: the future successor

          • 6 months ago

            Frick off.

            • 6 months ago

              And nobody ever listens to the thematic reasons why I wanted her present.

              Specifically I want Cindy there to act as a thematic counterbalance to Peter. I want her to not become a superhero even if she takes on the name. Because then she shows that it’s still possible to be a good person with great power but not too much responsibility. She’s there to show Peter that if he wants to quit, then a happy life could await him… which makes his decision to keep going more noble.
              Anya by contrast in my version would be a direct consequence of Peter continuing to act as Spider-Man as his villains eventually start to try and replicate his powers, and inevitably, someone innocent will end up in the crossfire of those experiments

              • 6 months ago

                Is Cindy the love interest in your story?

              • 6 months ago

                No, but she’s a good friend and a shoulder to lean on. She’s essentially a rare person early on who figures out the identity and acts to support Peter even though she’s not a fighter.
                She’s also the only one who understands what it’s like to have spider powers. No romance, no heroics, just a genuine friendship between two people tied together by the same biochemical accident. At most she might wear the costume once and help Peter lift up something very heavy or hold together something too heavy for one spider to shoulder

              • 6 months ago

                You’re literally making a case of why they SHOULD be together, dude.

              • 6 months ago

                I dunno, I always say her as more of a supporter in his story exempt from any of the relationship drama. I guess I kind of want Silk/Cindy Moon to be a breather character most of the time in my universe. A friendly face and reminder that not every second has be be spent being a hero, villain, or juggling relationships if you have powers. Sometimes you can just sit back and spend time with your friends

              • 6 months ago

                For Spidey, his love interest SHOULD be a breather character. It’s why Chat is so loved by those aware of her. Peter already has tons of drama in his life as it is. A healthy relationship will allow him moments of levity from it. He’s Spider-Man, not Suffering-Man.

              • 6 months ago

                I agree they’re completely, but I dunno, I guess I just liked the idea of a non romantic non hero spider who acts as an ally for Peter Parker. That way Peter and Cindy together represent a different meaning behind that new “anyone can wear the mask idea” that’s being said which I personally like more.
                Specifically Cindy would represent someone who is bitten by the same spider, but didn’t have Peter’s skills developed from dodging bullies. She’s not automatically turned into some badass action girl overnight, so instead of donning a costume and going out to punch bad guys, she helps in a different way. Lifting up rubble, using her spider sense to get people to safety before the danger happens, or just being there to help in general.
                Silk is still capable of fighting to an extent in my version but she’s no better at it than the average person. Therefore she and Peter represent the two different kinds of good natured individuals and how each would react to the spider bite meanwhile scorpion represents a bad person bitten by the spider

                Actually this is kind of how I judge whether I want a spider person to exist or not. I personally think that each spider should represent a different viewpoint and a different type of person who gains the power and responsibility. If the viewpoint is redundant than they shouldn’t be a spider

    • 6 months ago

      >Most villains are just petty buttholes in funny suits who didn't even know Spider-Man before he crossed their paths and want something simple like cash.
      Remember that time Mysterio became a millionare by just ignoring Spider-Man completely and focusing on scamming old ladies in a retirement home? And he makes fun of all the other villains for obsessing over him instead of using their powers to make mad cash? That was fine, you're on to something.

    • 6 months ago

      You sir, are based. Frick totems and destinies.

    • 6 months ago

      Do you prefer Aunt may to love or hate Spider-man

      • 6 months ago

        Depends on how it's done to be honest. I don't have a lot on opinions about May overall. If I had my way the people of New Yorker and her wouldn't take Spider-Man seriously at first but then get more and more enthusiastic about him the more people he helps seeing through the bullshit of the Daily Bugle.

    • 6 months ago

      > >If Spider-Man has to kill a person to save a city then let him find another solution that helps everyone.
      Frick that “he doesn’t kill shit” sometimes it’s necessary

    • 6 months ago

      I dig all of it aside from not having MH as endgame. I think Pete eventually lucking into a fulltime committed relationship and marriage to a super model whose income can keep their family afloat, allowing for him to be a nearly pro-bono teacher for poor kids and Spider-Manning is a good "Do good, get good" message.

      • 6 months ago

        You can keep MJ as his endgame. My point is that she shouldn't just end up with Peter because it's what is expected like with the new games and comics. They should actually have the chemistry and depth that made people like them in the first place. Have MJ because you want to write her, not because people expect her to be Spider-Man's girlfriend.

        • 6 months ago

          Oh, gotcha. I was thrown off by the "destiny" thing.

      • 6 months ago

        That makes Peter look like a leach. Nah. If you’re keeping MJ, then you need to downscale her a bit. No supermodel/actress bullshit. No bootleg Lois Lane either. Keep her grounded.

        • 6 months ago

          Peter can never be seen as a leech if he's doing a public service as Spider-Man.

        • 6 months ago

          You sound incredibly arrogant. Any idea you'd have for Spider-Man would be shit.

    • 6 months ago

      >most spider-man villains should be 1 dimensional
      I agree but you gotta give him a couple with depth

      • 6 months ago

        You can still create depth through simplicity.

        • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      You sir, are based. Frick totems and destinies.

      >It's another anons misunderstand or didn't read ASM 35/476 thread
      Man totems have been fricked up by Slott's moronation so badly that people automatically assume it means Peter is the chosen one, and have been soured on Morlun and Shathra as villains. They're memorable and the themes/careful balance JMS struck when writing it was really good. Yeah The Other was a little too edgy and suffered from movie synergy but totems fit perfectly considering other books like KLH. Plus JMS left it open while Slott messed it all up. I also don't like Silk because of the messiness it adds to the origin. She can still exist but maybe have her instead be a jorogumo and be japanese instead and tie her into powers coming from totems that way.

      • 6 months ago

        To be fair, Slott literally had characters stating "Peter Parker Is The Chosen One" during that last moronic spiderverse event in the comics, if only to later frick with shit even harder to make his asian waifu Cindy Moon the new true Chosen One of the spider-people as if that shit even means anything. Granted, this kind of stupidity ironically freed Peter Parker from ever needing to be directly involved in more spiderverse bullshit ever again, but we know that wasn't Slott's plan to begin with.

      • 6 months ago

        Totems are just shit, whether Peter is the chosen one or not. It is a fundamentally moronic concept.

        • 6 months ago

          I’m fine with the supernatural shit as long as Madame Web’s involved. Especially if she’s the narrator of Peter’s story.

  11. 6 months ago

    College age Peter

  12. 6 months ago

    Arrogant jaded Professor Peter turned private researcher who dons a mostly black suit full time and will absolutely frick your shit up.

  13. 6 months ago

    The Peter who believes that his Spider-Man persona can make a bad situation better for himself and for others.

  14. 6 months ago

    Considering he's now a mature adult instead of a teenager, I prefer Professor Pete, just cause a lot of the dynamic between teen capes and older capes are either blind worship or straight up hostility, so it's good to see heroes actually looking out for the younger generations. Granted, I figure that it's easy elements of arrogant butthole Peter and Poorgay Peter into it, if only cause it seems so many superheroes that aren't his close personal friends still try desperately to hold onto the image of Spider-Man as the frickup teen superhero he debuted as instead of the intelligent and competent if still somewhat awkward man he's become.

  15. 6 months ago

    Cloned blonde Peter

  16. 6 months ago

    superior spider-man

  17. 6 months ago

    >Professor Peter that focus on teaching and nurture future generations
    This one.

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