What was his fricking problem?

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  1. 8 months ago

    He’s basically the boy adventurer version of Joan Crawford.

  2. 8 months ago


  3. 8 months ago

    Raised in a high gravity chamber till the age of 18, made him a bit warped.

  4. 8 months ago

    Shitty father
    I know the show barely mentions Jonas' father but I've assumed he was a Howard Hughes industrialist who became a nutty recluse

    • 8 months ago

      as early as season 3 it was pretty clear he was not a good guy, i dont know if id call any of what they did with his character "retconning" because most of his characterization didnt happen until later. sure there were little moments early on like him abandoning the flying saucer project after major tom died during it, or the 20 years to midnight thing that might lead you to think he had some kinda moral compass, but those are less jonas as a character, and more as a device to set up an episodes plot. i dont think you can really glean anything important about him character-wise from these little tidbits.

      • 8 months ago

        >i dont think you can really glean anything important about him character-wise from these little tidbits.
        He's a guy that spent his life excelling at everything and never got used to the concept of failure. His first attempts at anything are the only attempts he cares about, and he complete detaches himself from anything that doesn't click right away (see also: his child).

    • 8 months ago

      his father was a super cientist and HIS father was a super sci- no wait, I think he was a milliner

  5. 8 months ago

    He was a super genius sociopath, a hyper athletic master manipulator genuius, the ultimate action man, a real Doc Savage type. He wasn't evil or anything, his actions were done for the betterment of mankind, he just fundamentally lacks the understanding on what that means exactly.

  6. 8 months ago

    It's shitty fathers all the way down.

  7. 8 months ago

    I like the plot where he's discovered to be a scumbag but he was retconned to be that kind of figure

    • 8 months ago

      He left those orphans to die underground. That was fairly early on.

      • 8 months ago

        The whole team venture did shady stuff but Dr. Venture was retconned to be this kind of guy more fricked up than everyone else but what they revealed earlier just shows that everyone was kind of like that with some "good" people.

        • 8 months ago

          Isn't it strongly implied he got Blue Morpho killed? And even if he didn't, he turned him into a slave afterwards.

        • 8 months ago

          Jonas Venture is the most evil character on the show throughout the entire run

          • 8 months ago

            As much of a amoral butthole Jonas was he doesn't deserve that title. It's not like he killed or tortured people for fun unlike some other characters. The thing about him is that he's a "personal" kind of evil, a manipulative piece of shit who is willing to abuse others if it gets what he wants.

  8. 8 months ago

    Just a narcissist that played god. I appreciate the show not making full on lore episodes with him often, made him a cool mystery till we find his machine body.

  9. 8 months ago

    The twist that he wasn't banging Blue Morpho's wife was one of the most surprising things in the show. Feels out of character for Jonas.

    • 8 months ago

      i know jonas is a major scumbag and everything, but when it came to relationships, i don't think there was really anything suggesting that he might do something like this. there was mz quymn and he, but i don't think that was an affair. i think it was more of a swinging kind of thing, especially because im like 99% sure that everyone was aware that colonel gentleman leaned the other way, he never exactly made a habit of hiding it. the other thing is that i believe that was a sex party jonas was throwing, bringing it back to the swinging thing.

      • 8 months ago

        He did pressure Morpho into cheating on his wife and then video taped it but yeah besides that he's clean enough. It doesn't feel too far away for Jonas to have a love ray or something but I guess he wouldn't need it.

  10. 8 months ago

    ADHD. He took up any project that he was interested in, got super into it and then dropped it for something else once the initial excitement wore off.

  11. 8 months ago

    What do you think the OSI did with his body? If the show went on I feel like a full resurrection would be too obvious.

    • 8 months ago

      Personally I like the idea that he's perpetually sitting on a shelf somewhere in an OSI storage room. The scientists keep meaning to do something with him when they have time, but they keep getting distracted by more pressing matters than reviving a head from an era that no longer exists with decades out of date knowledge. Eventually no one even remembers what the disembodied head on the shelf was meant for in the first place. A curiosity that keeps getting moved to increasingly obscure OSI storage locations over the years. I just think it's a fitting end for a guy like him, the world moving on in his absence.

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah him getting kept in some anonymous storage feels like a fitting end. However I would like him to see Rusty raising the boys right and being a much better father but I doubt Jonas has the self reflection for that.

    • 8 months ago

      Nothing. He was talking about morse code and boy brigades and even though he managed a rudimentary hack of the VenTech Tower OS, that's probably based in part on code that was current when he was still alive.

      He's been gone for almost 40 years. He ain't coming back and even if he did he'd be incredibly far behind. JJ came out fully formed because he'd been able to observe the world through Rusty's eyes and learn about it, Jonas Sr spent years in the PROBLEM conscious - and his argument about morse code doesn't even hold water since you know Bud Manstrong knew it, having been a teen recruit himself - and only learned how to crash it because he couldn't be bothered to do the reading before going straight to testing. Same with VenTech tower - he managed to take control but didn't manage to do anything useful with it. Talk of his genius has been severely exaggerated.

  12. 8 months ago

    High IQ + narcicissm = amorality

  13. 8 months ago

    He genuinely did not care. Not in the cold-hearted sense. Like a dad who forgets to pick up their kid from soccer practise. Only instead of one kid, it's hundreds, and instead of soccer practise its an underground death ray lab

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