What was the best change and the worst change of the nu52?

What was the best change and the worst change of the nu52?

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  1. 11 months ago

    Young Superman was pretty interesting. He was getting quite good before the end.
    Just how halfhearted and poorly planned it was.

    • 11 months ago

      >Just how halfhearted and poorly planned it was.
      The problem with a reboot is that certain characters and storylines can't show up or happen until years into the universe, and DC wanted to have their cake and eat it too which led to this weird situation where people like Batman have a majority of thier History condensed into 5 years and 3 Robin's and teams like the Teen Titans existing from the get-go even though the side kicks shouldn't be a thing until a couple years in. Every Earth Green Lantern existing from the get-go instead of Hal and so on.

      A reboot COULD work, but the companies need to be willing to shelve certain characters until its a good time or change the lore enough

      • 11 months ago

        All they had to do to have cake and eat cake was to plan a 10-15 years of timeline and launch multiple series across various points in time.

        • 11 months ago

          That’d go south pretty fast. It’s literally the reason why the main Superman title had as much problems as it did due to having to keep continuity with Morrison’s Action Comics. It’s much easier and more manageable to have everything in the present, with one-shots and miniseries exploring the backstories for certain characters. That or start from scratch.

  2. 11 months ago

    Aquaman did the best, a lot of the good stuff didn't need a reboot to happen, and the worst was the execution. Batman and Green Lantern not getting a wipe fricked things up.

  3. 11 months ago

    I can't remember a single good change that happened, only the bad ones.
    >Making Cyborg a JL founder
    >Splitting the JSA from main continuity
    >Teen Titans
    >Firestorm origin
    >Removing Wally
    >Making Question a god or something

    • 11 months ago

      >Splitting the JSA from main continuity
      They crib on Superman’s importance of being the first hero like he was back on Earths One and Two. JSA should always be an Earth 2 element to not conflict with that.
      The five year timeline would’ve been fine had they whittled the family down to Batman, Robin and Batgirl. Maybe Nightwing with the change of Dick debuting at 16 and the second Robin being brand new come present-time.
      >Teen Titans
      Resetting everything to a Silver Age status quo would’ve been a good opportunity to reboot the Titans to be more like their cartoon counterparts.

      • 11 months ago

        >They crib on Superman’s importance of being the first hero like he was back on Earths One and Two. JSA should always be an Earth 2 element to not conflict with that.
        That's moronic
        >The five year timeline would’ve been fine had they whittled the family down to Batman, Robin and Batgirl. Maybe Nightwing with the change of Dick debuting at 16 and the second Robin being brand new come present-time.
        That's moronic
        >Resetting everything to a Silver Age status quo would’ve been a good opportunity to reboot the Titans to be more like their cartoon counterparts.
        Synergy is moronic

        • 11 months ago

          >t. Loves red hood but doesn’t pay for comics
          >t. Doesn’t actually care about most of the points is just a homosexual zoomer that likes to REE

          • 11 months ago

            I don't care for Red Hood
            I just like the 90s BatFam

      • 11 months ago

        >They crib on Superman’s importance of being the first hero
        Except he'll never be the first one because you have a bunch of immortal people running around from the dawn of time anyway.

        • 11 months ago

          Superman’s the first superhero. The first to go out and save people in tights. He’d inspire others to answer the call and become heroes themselves. His appearance is what would usher in the Heroic Age, or Golden Age of heroism.

          • 11 months ago

            Oh yeah? Explain Black Adam's tights.

            • 11 months ago

              Black Adam’s a villain.

              • 11 months ago

                Not at first.
                Now explain Etrigan's tights.

              • 11 months ago

                Are you autistic?

              • 11 months ago

                I was getting to WW2 when a lot of tight-wearing heroes started appearing.
                Superman might have been the first superhero IRL but it makes no sense trying to replicate that in the comics world when you need him to be around in the present day and you need him to share a world with orher heroes who are very much tied to specific eras of our History one way or another. There are other ways to make him feel special you know?

              • 11 months ago

                Superman was the first hero on both Earth One and Two. E1 Supes became Superboy at 8 years old, predating all other heroes by over a decade in-universe. E2 Supes debuted before Batman and the JSA in-universe. Basically, both the Golden and Silver Age versions of the character were the first heroes of their respective worlds. It was Post-Crisis that made the change to have him debut in a Post-JSA world.

              • 11 months ago

                >predating all other heroes by over a decade in-universe
                Not Aquaman

              • 11 months ago

                Are you autistic?

                The Green Lanterns also have a superhero outfit.
                The Amazon's Wonder Woman also has a superhero style outfit
                The costumed hero/figure thing exists in the history of a lot of DC characters which makes it hard to reconcile that Superman is the first superpowered person to wear a costume.

              • 11 months ago

                Superman is the first superhero on Earth. SuperHERO. On Earth. Not the whole entire DCU. EARTH. Get the picture?

              • 11 months ago

                Egypt and Themyscira are also on earth.
                The rule just seems really arbitrary. It's not like the idea of putting on a costume to do vigilante work is some arcane concept, there's historical precedence and writings before Superman.
                I just don't get why it MUST be done just because it was that way in the 30's, when even then it doesn't seem like the comics themselves pushed the idea that Superman inspired everyone else. It's arbitrary.

    • 11 months ago

      the JSA from main continuity
      going back to the oldschool Earth 1, Earth 2 idea. based. Superman and Batman not being the world's first heroes is moronic.
      Bat-family's been around since the 1950s
      You could probably consolidate Jay Garrick and Barry Allen into one character though. DC has too many legacy characters, so I'd say the bigger issue was hte introduction of Wallace

  4. 11 months ago
  5. 11 months ago

    None, only men in dresses liked anything about the new 52
    All of it, only men in dresses liked anything about the new 52

  6. 11 months ago

    The costumes are awful. The stories are worse.

  7. 11 months ago

    Not sure if it counts as "change" but Jonah Hex' adventures with Amadeus Arkham were comfy. Still, DC couldn't help it but shoehorn their precious owlshit into the title.

  8. 11 months ago

    "Who the hell is Bruce Wayne?" was kinda funny.

    • 11 months ago


  9. 11 months ago

    If you disliked Wonder woman before and really liked God of War I guess New 52 Wonder Woman would be a pro.

    • 11 months ago

      Neither of these and still a pro

  10. 11 months ago

    Objectively speaking the worst part was the New 52 itself, I think we can all agree on that whether it's based on the very concept of it or its execution.
    But for me the best thing to come out if it was Demon Knights, and the very worst was JLD. Which is funny since they're both kind of the same concept. It's been more than ten years and none of the magic characters of DC have recovered from that shitstain of a book.

    • 11 months ago

      >Demon Knights
      God, I miss it

  11. 11 months ago

    You know, you could just make a time travel story where Superman travels back to the past before Sandman or the Crimson Avenger or whoever debuts and he inspires them to become heroes, if you're so desperate for Superman to be the FIRZT HIRO EVAR!!!!!!!!1!!!!
    The JSA being there constantly interacting with other heroe > The JSA shunted off in their own corner of the Multiverse interacting with them once a year and the New 52 didn't even do that

    • 11 months ago

      Who gives a frick about the JSA? It’s the Justice League that people care about. When people think of the Flash, they don’t think about Jay Garrick. They think of Barry or Wally. Same with GL where they think of Hal, John or Guy before they ever think about Alan. The JSA were just the lame proto-versions of the Justice League. The whole point of the JLA was to be a more refined concept of DC’s premier super-team. There’s really no genuine reason to keep these guys around other than to appeal to nerds.

      • 11 months ago

        >I don't like thing, therefore no one likes it


      • 11 months ago

        >appeal to nerds
        The people who actually care about comics?

        • 11 months ago

          Comics aren’t profitable and are still seen as a nerdy thing to this day. They’re niche. Superhero IPs get their bread and butter from the films, games and merch based on them. People are more likely to buy manga than a comic. Makes sense as floppies are a thing of the past with the graphic novel format being the much more reader-friendly option. Until DC and Marvel get the picture and adapt accordingly, comics will NEVER be anywhere close to being as successful as the other media.

          • 11 months ago

            First off no one asked. And second, manga are comics you fricking moron.

            • 11 months ago

              >manga are comics
              No shit. But public perception will continue to think otherwise due to stark difference in format.

          • 11 months ago

            >Makes sense as floppies are a thing of the past with the graphic novel format being the much more reader-friendly option.
            but TPBs are a thing and have been sold in book stores for decades, since I was a kid. Weird criticism, drip feeding media before the collection is something almost all serialized media does.

            • 11 months ago

              The money spent on producing the single issues in the first place is the issue. Might as well have the issues or “chapters” go digital-first and only see physical release in their collected editions. Also, those trade paperbacks are much too thin and bare to be attractive enough to potential readers. There isn’t even content in it to convince them to buy. Especially with the price tag.

              • 11 months ago

                ads mitigate the price of producing floppies which is why they're more profitable than digital sales, and comic pages are larger and often have more panels per page than manga which is why TPBs are narrower.

    • 11 months ago

      >you could just make a time travel story where Superman travels back to the past before Sandman or the Crimson Avenger or whoever debuts and he inspires them to become heroes
      That’s so unnecessarily convoluted. Literally the reason why adaptations streamline the stories to be simpler and easier to follow.

  12. 11 months ago

    The way I'd handle things is that the JSA and heroes before Superman's debut were "mystery men", they didn't do publicity or were known figures and were controversial, like Classic Green Hornet people weren't sure if they were heroes or just villains fighting rival gangs(remember heroes were conceived soon after the era of inter-mafia warfare being very public). Eventually measures makes it harder for them to operate publicly.
    Batman and maybe a few others would operate in the shadows or in the fringes in the modern age before Superman comes on the scene, not trying to be figureheads or paragons. Superman guides the light to start the new era

    • 11 months ago

      >Batman and maybe a few others would operate in the shadows or in the fringes in the modern age before Superman comes on the scene
      This brings up another issue. Why does Batman need to predate Superman? What’s so wrong with him debuting after? Even Year One got this right with Superman existing before Bruce suits up for the first time.

      • 11 months ago

        Just as an example- I don't think he needs to be per se but I personally do like the idea of him debuting first. That said I'm also thinking of other heroes that could nebulously slot between Golden age/the JSA era and the modern era

        • 11 months ago

          It’d only work with a Watchman setup where the JSA are just regular dudes in costumes and Superman’s the first hero with superpowers, ushering in the Age of Supermen. Guys like Batman and the Question would be a holdover from the old days of costumed crime-fighters, but even they’d need to adapt to the changing times of the super-powered world.

  13. 11 months ago

    Post-Crisis had Lee Travis see a vision of Superman in the Himalayas inspiring him to become a costumed Mystery Man

  14. 11 months ago

    New 52 Earth 2 with a modern take on the JSA was an interesting premise with poor execution

    • 11 months ago

      Anybody got the panel of Abnett speaking through the Ultra-Humanite?

    • 11 months ago

      I didn't really care for most of the book but Hawkgirl and Fate were cool together.

  15. 11 months ago

    Superman wasn't the first hero in half of the main Pre-Crisis Earths

    • 11 months ago

      No? He was the first hero in both Earths 1 and 2, the MAIN Earths of Pre-Crisis DC.

  16. 11 months ago

    The marketing
    Making drop mainstream DC at the age of 15.

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