What was the exact moment Steven Universe became good/bad to you?

What was the exact moment Steven Universe became good/bad to you?

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  1. 8 months ago

    Jailbreak and when it became clear the writers weren't gonna do much with the setting later on.

    • 8 months ago

      I want a better writer to just completely rip off the series because the amount of environments and concepts that go absolutely nowhere in this show is insane. There’s potential there that’s just never built upon.

      • 8 months ago

        >There’s potential there that’s just never built upon.
        It's eternally frustrating that while all the groundwork was laid, the writers would rather focus on gay little coffee-shop AU type garbage.
        Why the frick would someone become a cartoon writer/storyboard artist if they only wanted the make the least creative and most milquetoast shit imaginable?

        • 8 months ago

          >Why the frick would someone become a cartoon writer/storyboard artist if they only wanted the make the least creative and most milquetoast shit imaginable?
          Simple. They aren't creative people and are incapable of imagining anything more interesting than that.

        • 8 months ago

          >the writers would rather focus on gay little coffee-shop AU type garbage.
          The worst part is that they easily could have had both had they just not had Steven be the only focus every episode. Imagine if Peridot or Jasper had focused episodes before they showed up to Earth. Or have some Lapis focused episodes when she left Earth and sees how Homeworld has changed from how she saw it before.

        • 8 months ago

          >Why the frick would someone become a cartoon writer/storyboard artist if they only wanted the make the least creative and most milquetoast shit imaginable?
          You fall in love with the things you make.

      • 8 months ago

        Because the show is about the characters, not the setting. It's insane how many of you are incapable of understanding that. You want something that the show was never, ever going to give you, and you act like it's somehow their fault and not your own for caring about shit that doesn't matter.

        • 8 months ago

          You say all that, completely ignoring how half the criticism this show gets is about how little focus it gave to so many characters the audience wanted to see more of. You're a moron.

          • 8 months ago

            Jasper was straight up ignored and it’s a fricking shame

            • 8 months ago

              >Saiyan character doesn't get much screen time in a show that gradually turns more and more into slice of life
              It was destined to be.

        • 8 months ago

          And you don’t think fleshing out the setting would give the characters more shit to do?

    • 8 months ago

      Ding ding ding we have a winner

    • 8 months ago

      i don't know why jailbreak gets so much shit, it was overhyped but i wouldn't say it was bad, it just dropped the ball so fricking hard pretty much immedietly after
      for me it was gem drill where it really went to shit, that and the entire barn saga were what made me lose interest

      I always liked the show, but I think the one that first enraptured me was Giant Woman. Opal was majestic.

      I was very stubborn, and every "bad" moment always had that silver lining in my eyes, where I believed it could still be turned around. I think the first instance where I found it unforgivable was making Pink diamond's spaceship the legs/hips instead of the usual Hand spaceships. No way for me to defend it there, that was just a dumb fricking joke and I finally realized, far too late, that this show was never going to satisfy me.

      The Future climax with that stupid group hug also just made me feel hollow. Garbage ending, I hope Becky Sucrose never gets a comeback.

      frick future, it should've ended on the movie, the movie was the first time i found myself genuinely enjoying the series in years, even if the ending was a bit shit with spinel just being handed off to the diamonds

      • 8 months ago

        Future would’ve been better had they fricking hinted at all that Steven would’ve been struggling. Mental Health problems like that just don’t magically manifest one day.

    • 8 months ago

      Jailbreak tempered my expectations.

      Giant Woman was the moment I became remotely interested in the series
      Mirror / Ocean Gem was the moment I became interested in the setting
      On the Run was the moment I became really invested in the characters
      But I can easily pinpoint the exact moment I thought the series was great

      Most people seem to remember the Lapis intro or Peridot redemption as the defining highlight of the series, but The Test was always my favorite episode and the one that changed my opinion on Steven as a protagonist.

      For a while I didn't really get why Steven was the show's focus outside of studio mandates. He often felt like a mascot character in his own series, wanting to bumble after the real heroes. But The Test highlighted that his hero worship of the gems was built up like how people often romanticize parental figures in their childhood. That time before you realize that no one really has everything figured out in the way that you always believed or hoped. It's a bittersweet coming of age story of Steven wanting his family to believe they're doing right by him, while also having Steven shoulder the realization that there's never been anyone else like him and that no one truly knows what's best. We're all just winging it as we go. But rather then getting angry or upset, Steven plays along because he still wants to reassure them and return their love. But in the end he's the only one still unsure of himself.

      As for the bad, I think it's mainly a matter of townie episodes not getting any better while the stakes around them continued to raise. So six months of hiatus would be met by another Ronaldo and Onion episode, rather than giving major conflicts like the Cluster or the diamond confrontations enough time to resolve in a satisfying way.

      All of the examples listed here made me appreciate its potential.

      Over time I lost interest due to the way the show itself was released.

      I thought the end to the Cluster was kinda interesting, but ultimately underwhelming.

      When the movie came out I was ultimately uninterested, but had a begrudging respect for what SU was at that point.
      Spinel was fantastic.

      At this point I'm kinda nostalgic for old episodes because of what SU's become, particularly in the larger context of Western Animation and CN.

      All of this really comes as a result of where my life was as Steven Universe was coming out. I spent a lot less time invested in cartoons, and therefore didn't have time to get obsessed or aggravated with what the show was.

      I don't think the show ever had a real definitive downfall for me like it did with a lot of detractors. It always had its high highs and low lows. I guess if f I were to complain it'd be that the build-up of certain stories was almost always better than the payoff. e.g. Major threats getting dealt with too quickly, or interesting characters like Lapis and Jasper getting sidelined once you think their story is finally going to pick up again.

      But in the end there was still a real sincerity to things that kept me coming back. Also I liked the movie.

      this, this is my opinion, more or less. it was okay, had a lot of really great moments and a lot of terrible ones. big issue was never actually paying off their great ideas, but in comparison to other shows now, they very clearly cared a lot about their work.

  2. 8 months ago

    Giant Woman was the moment I became remotely interested in the series
    Mirror / Ocean Gem was the moment I became interested in the setting
    On the Run was the moment I became really invested in the characters
    But I can easily pinpoint the exact moment I thought the series was great

    • 8 months ago

      She's still my favorite

      • 8 months ago

        Always and forever. I love my problematic neurotic auntie.

    • 8 months ago


      impeccable taste, shit made me tear up for real

      • 8 months ago

        >tfw haven't been able to cry over a piece of media in years
        How do I restart my cold, dead heart, anons?

        • 8 months ago

          The first Rambo movie almost made me cry at the end, maybe you could try it.
          Or do a playthrough of Okami. Actually play the whole game, don't just look it up. Shit makes my eyes watery.

          • 8 months ago

            well, the ending of Gurren Lagann always manages to make me cry, the book scene in Up too

            I don't play video games and I'm not watching a whole anime
            RAMBO IT IS

        • 8 months ago

          well, the ending of Gurren Lagann always manages to make me cry, the book scene in Up too

  3. 8 months ago

    Most people seem to remember the Lapis intro or Peridot redemption as the defining highlight of the series, but The Test was always my favorite episode and the one that changed my opinion on Steven as a protagonist.

    For a while I didn't really get why Steven was the show's focus outside of studio mandates. He often felt like a mascot character in his own series, wanting to bumble after the real heroes. But The Test highlighted that his hero worship of the gems was built up like how people often romanticize parental figures in their childhood. That time before you realize that no one really has everything figured out in the way that you always believed or hoped. It's a bittersweet coming of age story of Steven wanting his family to believe they're doing right by him, while also having Steven shoulder the realization that there's never been anyone else like him and that no one truly knows what's best. We're all just winging it as we go. But rather then getting angry or upset, Steven plays along because he still wants to reassure them and return their love. But in the end he's the only one still unsure of himself.

    As for the bad, I think it's mainly a matter of townie episodes not getting any better while the stakes around them continued to raise. So six months of hiatus would be met by another Ronaldo and Onion episode, rather than giving major conflicts like the Cluster or the diamond confrontations enough time to resolve in a satisfying way.

    • 8 months ago

      Based The Test appreciator. It really solidifies Steven's burgeoning maturity and the potential for such a young character. Just a really Great curtain pull on the Gems. I also love when a high-concept story has a character finding a glitch in the system. The Test is like a somehow more personal Rose's Room.

      • 8 months ago

        You could argue that was a defining theme throughout Steven Universe, the idea that most authority figures really don't know what they're doing half the time and are just winging it. Other good examples are Mr. Universe, Three Gems and a Baby, anything with Rose or the Diamonds. It's a really cool topic to explore in a story. Everyone's just trying their best and doing what they think is best for everyone.

        • 8 months ago

          It's far from the best episode in the series - let alone in season 1 - but Political Power is pretty much this dichotomy all wrapped up in eleven minutes. I initially thought the episode just existed to be an excuse for the setup in the S1 finale where Steven calls in an evacuation of the town, but I realize going back it's probably an allegory for Steven's relationship with.

          I imagine Steven Universe, and The Test especially, must be very vindicating for any parents who watch it. I've heard mothers and fathers I know having almost the exact same conversations behind closed doors.

      • 8 months ago

        I know some people wished that SU had stayed more high fantasy, but I like how Gem magic was first foreshadowed to be sci-fi tech through Steven basically experiencing bugs in a video game while messing around in the temple.

    • 8 months ago

      The moment Aquamarine gets introduced was when the show went downhill for me. Her design is atrocious, her voice is annoying (and British for some reason), and the quality of the show really starts to dip going forward.

      The Test is a great episode. I really wanted more episodes where Steven realizes he's being treated as a small child and not as a growing boy.

      • 8 months ago

        I actually liked Aquamarine as a Darla Dimple-esque villain. She's unapologetically pompous, ready to kill hostages despite the surface-level cute fairy aesthetic, and she's one of the only baddies that didn't actually get defeated during their first encounter.

        Didn't get much of a follow-up though. Thought her comeback in Future was weak.

      • 8 months ago

        I hated Aquamarine when her design first leaked but it really grew on me and I now think it's great, just like all the other blue gems in the series.

    • 8 months ago

      Same, always thought The Test was underrated as frick. Steven at at start of the show is whiny and immature, and that ep is a turning point for his personal growth

      That unspoken decision to swallow his pride and lie for the sake of his rock parents felt markedly out of place in a show where, up to that point, everyone announced how they were feeling in bombastic, emotional displays

  4. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      it would be extremely painful

  5. 8 months ago

    It peaked at the end of season 1, held it mostly together for another two seasons although the Cluster arc was a wet fart, started to go noticeably downhill from season 4 and was pretty bad in season 5. It also has the problem of a lot of lore-drip shows that when the later seasons showed the lore to be not all that, the early seasons suffered retroactively.

    • 8 months ago

      Season 1 had better stories, but season 2 had better character writing. And it's not just because of the great and lovable Peridot.

  6. 8 months ago

    I always liked the show, but I think the one that first enraptured me was Giant Woman. Opal was majestic.

    I was very stubborn, and every "bad" moment always had that silver lining in my eyes, where I believed it could still be turned around. I think the first instance where I found it unforgivable was making Pink diamond's spaceship the legs/hips instead of the usual Hand spaceships. No way for me to defend it there, that was just a dumb fricking joke and I finally realized, far too late, that this show was never going to satisfy me.

    The Future climax with that stupid group hug also just made me feel hollow. Garbage ending, I hope Becky Sucrose never gets a comeback.

    • 8 months ago

      Future had so many issues. The only episode that I enjoyed was Mr. Universe, i.e. the one where they break into Greg's childhood home. Steven's envy for his father's strict, but safe childhood felt very real and understable. We lean more towards Steven's perspective because we experienced it in the original series and it's what Future should've explored more.

  7. 8 months ago

    The end of the cluster was the first point where I thought to myself "this was really bad".

  8. 8 months ago

    An Indirect Kiss

    While it wasn't the first episode that drew attention to how sad and kind of fricked up Steven's relationship with is mother was, or how he has some impossibly big shoes that the Crystal Gems expect him to eventually fill, it was the first episode where it felt like it all really came together. Immediately after that was Mirror/Ocean Gem and from there it was basically a straight kino run all the way to The Return/Jailbreak.

    Where I felt like it started to waiver was Lion 4. It was a story that didn't need to be told about a conflict that didn't need to be introduced, and one which ultimately went absolutely nowhere. It also leads in to Are You My Dad?/I Am My Mom/The Trial which is kind of a low point in the series for me because it's such a mix of things I like with things I hate. The gem designs are all over the place: Topaz is interesting and feels very much like what I expected out of more Homeworld gems, and even Zircon had a very Pearlesque energy, but Aquamarine was a fricking obnoxious character and all the designs of the Off Colors felt super lazy and/or out of place (apart from Padparadscha, but even then she was only good for a joke, and it was a joke that got old quick). Lars becoming a more interesting character and his friendship with Steven, and Steven's resurrection of Lars all seemed like it had lots of potential, but you kind of had the feeling it wasn't going to end up going anywhere (and it didn't). The reveal of Homeworld was lukewarm, and it probably should have been left until the series finale. Etc.

    As a show it still remained above average, I'd argue, at least through the end of the series, but end of S4 was where it definitely felt like it was running out of steam trying to delay and drag out the big important reveals and conflicts that it finally got around to doing in S5.

  9. 8 months ago

    when started to be more about propaganda than for fun. muh atheist pearl was the moment that I stopped watching this shit, Im glad of that, the ending was pure garbage

    • 8 months ago

      >muh atheist pearl
      The frick are you on about now?

      • 8 months ago

        I guess it was that part where pearl says to steven that humans create stories to believe they are important or something like that and amethyst says ''that's sad''. many atheistgays use that clip because they think she is talking about religion, which is weird because there are not religions in gay world aside of islam

        • 8 months ago

          >not religions in gay world aside of islam
          jeez. That totally passed me. Why do leftist writers love islam so much?

          • 8 months ago

            I guess it was that part where pearl says to steven that humans create stories to believe they are important or something like that and amethyst says ''that's sad''. many atheistgays use that clip because they think she is talking about religion, which is weird because there are not religions in gay world aside of islam

            Doesn't Steven say something about angels in Future though? And aren't Connie's parents Hindu?

          • 8 months ago

            they loves everything hated by the american white man even if it goes against their believes like islam being extremely patriarchal and homophobic

            • 8 months ago

              Doesn't Steven say something about angels in Future though? And aren't Connie's parents Hindu?

              >not religions in gay world aside of islam
              jeez. That totally passed me. Why do leftist writers love islam so much?

              I guess it was that part where pearl says to steven that humans create stories to believe they are important or something like that and amethyst says ''that's sad''. many atheistgays use that clip because they think she is talking about religion, which is weird because there are not religions in gay world aside of islam

              Technically speaking, I think Sugar said religion doesn't exist in the world of SU. But then later, during Future, they put in a character wearing a hijab for obvious woke points, completely contradicting what she said before. In short, SU is a fricking mess where the showrunner herself contradicts details about the lore.

              • 8 months ago

                dont care if she is atheist and she creates a world without religions, it's her story after all. , but turning her MC in literally Jesus is extremely hypocritical. she doesnt respect other beliefs but she wants everyones respect hers.

          • 8 months ago

            >Why do leftist writers love islam so much?
            Taqqiyah was made for people like them.

        • 8 months ago

          >alien character who is extremely haughty, patronizing, and superior
          >comes to another planet
          >does not respect their religion
          >according to other anons this is somehow bad writing because muh atheism

          Anons don't need to invent reasons for SU to have poor writing. There's more than enough for everyone.

          • 8 months ago

            I love that little, purple dork.

            • 8 months ago

              Changing her form to Greg’s dead wife that one time was pretty sadistic kek

              • 8 months ago

                Of all the main Gems, Amethyst probably did some of the worst shit. Sure people will bring up Pearl, but that only mattered as much as it did because it was with Garnet. If Pearl was fricking with Greg as hard as she did with Garnet, it would've been a one episode affair.

        • 8 months ago

          I think you're reaching anon

          • 8 months ago

            lets be 100% HONEST... kids didn't watch steven universe which is why it had shit ratings at first. It only became popular after the "stronger than you" song went viral. Thats when all the adult children started watching the show. The world building, music, animation, and so on peaked season 1 and it wasn't all the impressive. The only thing SU did that was even above average was peridot who was pretty good.

            • 8 months ago

              >kids didn't watch Steven universe
              A lot of kids watched Steven universe. Weirdo ass kids that either became Nazi femboys or trooms but still kids

            • 8 months ago

              Steven Universe isn't for kids imho. It's written for people in their late 20s who think they have relationship trauma

              • 8 months ago

                But kids did watch it.
                Nerds on the internet mostly posted about it, but kids did watch it.

              • 8 months ago

                Kids didn't watch it. Nobody watched it. Loads of gays and troons watched it. All the kids who watched it grew up to be gays and troons and there are way too many of them. It's incredibly overrated, nobody will shut up about it. Except nobody watched it. SU threads were a fast-breeding cancer when this show was airing. But nobody on Cinemaphile liked or watched SU. I never watched this show and I hated every episode I didn't see of it.

              • 8 months ago

                >Nobody watched it
                >5 seasons
                >but nobody on Cinemaphile liked or watched SU
                >forgetting /sug/

              • 8 months ago

                >But nobody on Cinemaphile liked or watched SU.
                That's just a straight up lie lmao, the show had extremely active threads on Cinemaphile and at their peak some /sug/ threads were clocking in at some of the most-posted-in non-sticky threads in the entire history of the site. The season 1 finale even got a sticky here that you can still easily find in the archives, and it was regularly being discussed on other boards at the time. It wasn't until the second season that a lot of Cinemaphile started to turn on it, because of the tumblr crowd jumping on it from Stronger than You. It still remained pretty damn popular on Cinemaphile though even after its quality decline and there were threads about the movie for weeks.

              • 8 months ago

                >at their peak some /sug/ threads were clocking in at some of the most-posted-in non-sticky threads in the entire history of the site
                >you now remember we posting was so bad during the season 1 finale multiple WE's were being posted PER SECOND

              • 8 months ago

                Man, I do miss the WEs. Good times.

              • 8 months ago

                I miss threads hitting one thousand posts in an hour every time a new big event episode dropped

              • 8 months ago

                I miss the speculation being sometimes better than the actual direction of the episode

              • 8 months ago

                I swear the anti-SU gays were more weird and annoying than the SU gays ever were, and this post is just sort of underscoring that belief for me. You're trying to rewrite history if you're saying nobody on Cinemaphile watched it when it was one of the most popular shows on Cinemaphile from its first through third seasons.

        • 8 months ago

          >be me
          >mention God in some way
          >some homosexual always goes REE ACKSHUALLY GOD DOESN'T EXIST REEEE without fail
          the issues come from someone else.

          I think I found it:

          It's a Ronaldo episode. She's talking about his conspiracy theories. You drew the connection to religion in your own brain and then got upset about it, that's hilarious.

          • 8 months ago

            actually, atheistgays are the ones that use that clip

            • 8 months ago

              >actually I wasn't watching the show I was using reddit
              How terrible of the show to create such propaganda. And all that pornography, for a children's show! How can a show that produces so much filth have ever been allowed to air?

          • 8 months ago

            >It's a Ronaldo episode. She's talking about his conspiracy theories. You drew the connection to religion in your own brain and then got upset about it, that's hilarious.

            ironic that he believes a criticism of conspiracy theories is on itself a conspiracy

    • 8 months ago

      I guess it was that part where pearl says to steven that humans create stories to believe they are important or something like that and amethyst says ''that's sad''. many atheistgays use that clip because they think she is talking about religion, which is weird because there are not religions in gay world aside of islam

      i swear christgays are some of the most thin-skinned people on this planet

      • 8 months ago

        >be me
        >mention God in some way
        >some homosexual always goes REE ACKSHUALLY GOD DOESN'T EXIST REEEE without fail
        the issues come from someone else.

        • 8 months ago

          >Christgay can't help but mention faith in every conversation
          >blames other people for getting annoyed at it and considers others having issues with his face upsetting
          Actually fricking listen to Jesus you shithead, don't just cosplay him.

    • 8 months ago

      >atheist pearl
      Look I hate atheists as much as the next guy but when did pearl say she was atheist.

  10. 8 months ago

    It's been so long I barely remember at this point. I think the way the Cluster was dealt with was the final nail in coffin.

  11. 8 months ago

    Full Disclosure was when child me realized cartoons could be somewhat deep.

    • 8 months ago

      I hated full disclosure.

      • 8 months ago

        Were you just pissed at Steven or something? His behavior was rash but made sense considering the shit he had just gone through in the S1 finale. Steven feeling the need to protect Connie from his crazy world was a reasonable response for such a young kid. Full Disclosure was also way better than that 5-part arc where Connie gave him the silent treatment at least.

        Future would’ve been better had they fricking hinted at all that Steven would’ve been struggling. Mental Health problems like that just don’t magically manifest one day.

        Nice job admitting you never paid attention to the original series. Future wasn't perfect, but its central conflict definitely didn't come out of nowhere.

        • 8 months ago

          It wasn't a terrible episode from most aspects. But I don't like the overplayed arc of "the up until now extremely kind and open character becomes suddenly hyperreclusive for 11 minutes"

          You know exactly how it's going to go from the start. I appreciate Ronaldo being an edgy shit though.

        • 8 months ago

          >Nice job admitting you never paid attention to the original series. Future wasn't perfect, but its central conflict definitely didn't come out of nowhere.
          Sorry but retroactively retconning the events to be “traumatic” isn’t hinting the show hinting towards the central conflict of Future.

  12. 8 months ago


  13. 8 months ago

    the cluster storyarc was when i realized the writing had gone off the rails

  14. 8 months ago

    >Watch SU in comic shop because it's on.
    >Don't feel like I like it or hate, it's just, there.
    >Some gay guy who hangs around starts going off about how "thirsty" Pearl and others are.
    >Asks me if I ever hate myself. Says he does.
    >Tells me about his suicide attempt before wandering off again.
    It was ok I guess.

    • 8 months ago

      You met a Cinemaphile poster in the wild! I've never seen one with my own eyes.

  15. 8 months ago

    The moment I realized that fusion was sex, dancing is foreplay, and the whole show was made with the openly stated reason of introducing children to sex. This is some groomer shit, you fricking pedo.

    • 8 months ago

      >confusing consensual relationships with sex
      why is always conservatives who mix sexual situations with children? no wonder you guys always end up being the actual groomers

      • 8 months ago

        Nobody gives a frick if you cry "But the child CONSENTED!", they're still going to throw you in the wood chipper.

        • 8 months ago

          Like 4/10 bait. You hit a really sour spot, but you were a little too quick to get aggressive and accusatory. It's like trying to pull the stick out from the cardboard box just after the stupid animal smells the carrot underneath. Too hasty. Patience, patience.

          You can do better, I believe in you!

      • 8 months ago
      • 8 months ago

        >instant projection and obsession
        Groomer, pls

  16. 8 months ago

    I don't think the show ever had a real definitive downfall for me like it did with a lot of detractors. It always had its high highs and low lows. I guess if f I were to complain it'd be that the build-up of certain stories was almost always better than the payoff. e.g. Major threats getting dealt with too quickly, or interesting characters like Lapis and Jasper getting sidelined once you think their story is finally going to pick up again.

    But in the end there was still a real sincerity to things that kept me coming back. Also I liked the movie.

    • 8 months ago

      >it'd be that the build-up of certain stories was almost always better than the payoff.
      The trailers were bordering on straight up lying about what happens in the episodes.

  17. 8 months ago

    Jasper showing up and the fallout from that was great.
    Realizing that the show would have Steven literally talk his way out of everything(It was refreshing when it didn’t work on Spinel). Too much crying and not enough anger. They also kind of half-assed the sci-fi elements too.

  18. 8 months ago

    season 1 had all kinds of surreal stuff and even semi-horror episodes.
    why did they just stop doing stuff like that?

    • 8 months ago

      Season 1 had a ton of shit the show dropped later on, like gem artifacts as a concept entirely and the stronger focus on horror. Really not sure why they dropped it because those were some of the stronger aspects of season 1

      • 8 months ago

        season 1 had all kinds of surreal stuff and even semi-horror episodes.
        why did they just stop doing stuff like that?

        I think in season 1, the Crystal Gems were magical lifeforms that had always been on Earth, like a coven of witches. Because they reference magic a lot, and all the temples and other artifacts don't fit with the lore that we get later on. I agree though, things were better then.

    • 8 months ago

      I'm going to guess that a lot what made Season 1 charming was from the people involved in the early stages, but left some time after season 1. Ian JQ left to make OK KO, Matt Burnett and Ben Levin left to make Craig of the Creek. I'm glad they could advance their careers, but I fear their departure may have left a hole in the writing staff that Rebecca simply floundered to upkeep.

  19. 8 months ago

    I was on the fence for a while, but it became bad when the Diamonds confronted Steven, Lars died and then the next several dozen episodes were all about townies and drama with Connie. Much like the Lapis situation, that's when it became clear that none of the writers actually cared about telling a story.

  20. 8 months ago

    I always liked it

  21. 8 months ago
  22. 8 months ago

    The resolution of the cluster was the first time I got the feeling that "oh, no matter how big a problem has been built up to be Steven can just resolve it by talking." It was just a worry at first but then it became true with literally every problem from then on, including the diamonds and the invasion of earth

  23. 8 months ago

    Does anyone have scans for the artbooks ?

  24. 8 months ago

    Amethyst turning into Rose in front of Greg, i now realize im a sucker for overly dramatic shit, and this was it

    Steven Universe Future, i feel the original series is for the most part good/decent/tolerable, lots of good stuff but also lots of missed potential, SUF is just miserable, is like Steven emotional torture porn, and i like the little guy, no reason to do that to him, also with stuff such as gems being rebuilt, you lose a lot of the previous stakes the show had

  25. 8 months ago

    When Pearl fell in love with a human dyke. Was too pozzed at that point.

    Now all it's good for is milf porn

    • 8 months ago

      >When Pearl fell in love with a human dyke.
      Pearl should have fell in love with Greg.

  26. 8 months ago

    When Uncle Grandpa showed up and taught Steven how to use his shield

    • 8 months ago

      Unironically one of the funniest episodes in the series
      >That would make him Greg's brother... and... Father?
      >That would explain a lot

    • 8 months ago

      based and bellybag pilled. I too show up to people's homes dressed as their dead mom.

  27. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago
      • 8 months ago

        Junji ito inspired?

  28. 8 months ago

    Needed more Pearls

    • 8 months ago

      Lapis (but happy)

  29. 8 months ago

    The show was ruined when Pearl was revealed to be psychotically horny for Rose Quartz, and then Garnet was revealed to be a fusion of two lesbian gems that are in an overdependent relationship, who are perpetually scissoring with each other.

  30. 8 months ago

    While I liked it from the first episode Catfingers really cemented it. While I don't think there was a single episode, the total separation of Gem/Townie as the show went on really hurt the show. Like, the whole point of monster of the week is that the monster stuff ties into the slice of life.

  31. 8 months ago

    When i realized it got better treatment than better shows (K.O. and Mao Mao) including several seasons, a movie, merch, and multiple games, while those better shows got nothing or almost nothing.
    I still like SU, but i'd sellout every shred of it's existence for K.O. and Mao Mao to have gotten the treatment it did.

  32. 8 months ago

    All the potential was flushed down the shitter after S1

  33. 8 months ago

    It became bad for me from the moment I laid eyes on it. SU is so FUNDAMENTALLY bad. I don't understand why it escapes you people, especially after Spinel's existence pointed everything out.

    • 8 months ago

      >I don't understand why it escapes you people
      Because it's a meme. Nobody was especially disgruntled with SU in season 1, nobody was predisposed to think so.

  34. 8 months ago

    I'm just miserable we never got to see all the possible gem fusion combinations

    • 8 months ago

      I mean we saw like two dozen of them.

      • 8 months ago

        But not nearly enough

  35. 8 months ago

    Good: -1 second of S1E1
    Bad: 1 second of S1E1

  36. 8 months ago

    Jailbreak and when Perdiot lost her enhancers

  37. 8 months ago

    Cluster Arc. also having Lapis return only to make her into a total b***h

  38. 8 months ago

    Anyone have scans or PDF for end of an era ?

  39. 8 months ago

    Honestly in my book it was... watchable? Not awful, not great, but watchable.

    I liked a lot of the concepts and ideas they had, but I was disappointed with how they never DID anything with a lot of them.

    Honestly, the best thing to ever come out of SU was the porn.

  40. 8 months ago

    I fricking love bees

  41. 8 months ago

    >After Jailbreak, Garnet became nothing but a mouthpiece for fusion and (occasionally) future vision
    >They had to keep asspulling reasons for Garnet to unfuse

    • 8 months ago

      >alien virgin nerd sits down next to you
      >first response is "Let's Frick."
      She's still my favorite.

      • 8 months ago

        I love the music in this whole sequence: https://youtu.be/xKipYx685xM

  42. 5 months ago

    For me, the cluster arc was where I lost interest. It was boring and unmemorable. The concept of a bunch of shattered gems being, well, clustered and almost destroying the earth was good, but it was written like the writers got the idea in the shower and just implemented it into the show instead of giving it more intriguing and unique scenes. After that, I just stopped watching the show over time.

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